— R R
Radio (ELINT/SIGINT) – UK designator. RAAF
Royal Australian Air Force. RAC-MiG Russian Aircraft Corporation-MiG (RSK-MiG in Russian – the Mikoyan Guryevich
design bureau and former state production factories). Radar frequency Operating bands of airborne radars are given according to frequency.
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum appropriate to above-surface
communication and radar (but not OTH) used in aviation is given in the adjacent table with
an approximate
cross-reference to previously used wavelength bands. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Notes: Three overlapping descriptive
systems are used in the West. radius The approximate distance an aircraft can fly from base and return without intermediate
landing. RAF
Royal Air Force RAI
Registro Aeronautico Italiano (Italian civil aviation authority). RAM
Radar absorbent material. ramp weight Maximum weight at start of flight (MTOW plus taxi/run-up fuel). range Too many definitions to list, but essentially the distance an aircraft can fly (or is permitted to fly) with specified load and usually while making allowance for specified additional manoeuvres (diversions, standoff, go-around and so on). RAS
Rectified airspeed, IAS corrected for position error. raster Generation of large-area display, for example TV
screen, by close-spaced horizontal
lines scanned either alternately or in sequence. RAT
Ram air turbine. rating Any of several values of thrust or shaft power which an engine is qualified
(usually also guaranteed) to develop under specified conditions. RCS
Radar cross-section; apparent size of echo. Recce Reconnaissance. redundant Provided with spare capacity or data channels and thus able to survive failures. reversion Ability to switch to manual control following failure of a powered system. RFAS Russian Federation and Associated States (CIS). RFP
Request(s) for proposals. RHAW Radar Homing and Warning. rigid rotor See bearingless rotor. RMAF Royal Malaysian Air Force. RMI
Radio magnetic indicator; combines compass and navaid bearings. R/Nav Calculates position, distance and time from groups of airways beacons. RNS
Russian Naval Ship. RoA
Radius of Action RoCAF Republic of China (Taiwan) Air Force. RON
Research octane number of fuel. roving Multiple strands of fibre, as in a rope (but usually not twisted). rpm
Revolutions per minute. RPV
Remotely piloted vehicle (pilot in other aircraft or on ground); contrast UAV. R-R
Rollys-Royce. RS
Reconnaissance Squadron. RSA
Reseau du Sport de l’Air. ruddervators Flying control surfaces, usually a V tail, that control both yaw and
pitch attitude. RVSM Reduced vertical separation minimum. Halved (1 000 ft) air traffic control
separation between FL290 and FL410. RWR Radar warning receiver. |