1942 USAAF Serial Numbers (42-91974 to 42-110188)

Last revised Augus 7, 2023

42-91974		Air Glider TG-3A
				Schweizer Aircraft Corporation Model SGS 2-12 two seat training glider. Ordered by USAAF 24Mar42. 
				Built under licence by Air Glider Corporation.
42-91975/92023		Air Glider TG-3A-AG
				Schweizer Aircraft Corporation Model SGS 2-12 two seat training glider. Ordered by USAAF 11Sep42. 
				To have been built under licence by Air Glider Corporation. Contract cancelled on 10May43; 
				Air Glider Corp. was a new company that could not find sufficient personnel to complete the contract.
42-92024/92091		Douglas C-47A-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 11779 ranging to 11853, with MSNs ending
					with 8 skipped.  Contract No. AC-29405
				92024 (MSN 11779) delivered Mar 29, 1943.  In USA.  W/o May 8, 1943 in ground accident at Tinker AB, Oklahoma.
				92025 (MSN 11780) delivered Apr 3, 1943.  Original aircraft of 13th AF 403rd TCG 65th TCS and flown 
					to Australia by them 21Jul43 dropped paratroops at Nadzab NG as part of A flight 05Sep43 5th AF 
					403rd TCG 65th TCS on attachment from 13th AF 09Nov43.  Sold Mar 4, 1946.  
					To PI-C42 Commercial Airlines Inc, Philippine Airlines Sep 1948. 
					To Hong Kong registry with Air Carriers Ltd as VR-HES Aug 12, 1949.  
					To N1514V Mallard Air Services, Newark, NJ.  R. M. Hewitt, Newark, NJ.  To Canadian registry as CF-GHX Hollinger 
					Ungava Tpt Ltd Dec 28, 1951 - 
					Gulinar Mines Ltd & Nesbitt Labine Uranium Mines Ltd, Toronto, Ont Jun 28, 1954 - Gunnar-Nesbitt Avn Ltd, Toronto, Ont 
					Apr 21, 1955 - Eastern Prov A/W (1963) Ltd Jul 8, 1965 - Gander Avn Ltd Oct 19, 1971 - Ground use only - canc.
				92026 (MSN 11781) to USAAF Apr43; Flight Test Branch, Materiel Command, Wright Field, OH; Used for performance 
					testing; Consolidated Aircraft, Fort Worth, TX; Accident landing with mechanical failure at Carswell AFB, 
					Fort Worth, TX 29Aug49; 81st Fighter-Bomber Wing, Bentwaters, England (1954); Spanish Air Force / 
					Ejército del Aire 21May56 as serial T3-4, code 461-1, later 461-04; WFU
				92027 (MSN 11782) delivered Apr 9, 1943.  Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 114 04Jul43   Flown to Australia 
					struck obstacle taxiing Nov43 repaired.  struck by truck while parked Jan44 repaired 
					Condemned Aug 29, 1946, salvage
				92028 (MSN 11783) delivered Apr 10, 1943.  5th AF 275th TCG Brisbane Jul 22, 1943.  Midair collision 
					with C47 42-23856 near Dumpu 13Jun44, repaired.  FLC Aug 12, 1947.  Condemned Apr 29, 1948
				92029 (MSN 11784) delivered Apr 17, 1943. Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 101 30Jun43 Brisbane.  
					 Floor damaged loading generator Jan44, repaired. Condemned 1945 accident
				92030 (MSN 11785) delivered Apr 28, 1943. Original 5th AF 375th TCG 58th TCS 04Jul43.  Flown to Australia 06Jul43 
					Struck oil truck taxiing Dec43 repaired.  To 5th AF 375th TCG 57th TCS.  Control lost taking off 
					Milne Bay NG crashed and destroyed by fire 27Jul44.  Condemned Oct 22, 1945, accident.
				92031 (MSN 11786) delivered Apr 28, 1943.  Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 108 30Jun43 flown to Australia 
					04Jul43. Struck truck taxiing Nov43 repaired.  Damaged landing Tadji NG 15May44, repaired. 
					Condemned Nov 21, 1944, accident
				92032 (MSN 11787) delivered Apr 29, 1943.  Original 5th AF 375th TCG 58th TCS 04Jul43 flown to Australia 06Jul43  
					Damaged by shrapnel Oct43 repaired.  Damaged while parked Ward's Drome NG 09Feb44, repaired 
					To 5th AF 317th TCG 39th TCS as 22 29Jun44.   Noemfoor parachute drop 03Jul44   
					Swerved right on take off Biak, went off runway 19Nov44, to 386th Serv Sqn.  
					Condemned Nov 21, 1944, accident
				92033 (MSN 11789) delivered Apr 30, 1943.  No card. Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 104 aircraft 
					flown to Australia 04Jul43.  Bofors gun damaged floor Nov43 repaired.  Damaged while parked Ward's 
					Drome NG 08Feb44, repaired  Stored Davis Monthan Aug 1961.  On civil 
					registry as HK-111G Ministerio de Obras Publicas Jan 1963, To HK-1110G Jan63.  WFU 1971.  Last owner ALVEA?
				92034 (MSN 11790) delivered Apr 30,1943 - original aircraft of 13th AF 403rd TCG 65th TCS 14Jul43 flown 
					to Australia by them 21Jul43.  Dropped paratroops at Nadzab NG as part of A flight 05Sep43 
					5th AF 403rd TCG 65th TCS on attachment from 13th AF 09Nov43.  To USA Jun 18, 1944 - To RFC Jun 19, 1946 -
					To XB-FEP XB-FUA Aerovias Contreras - XA-GIZ.  Reregisted NC67661 Wardell Hatch & Co - PP-CDO Servicos Aereos Cruzeiro 
					do Sol "Anhembi" E May 19, 1951 - B/u Mar75 (cancelled Mar 14, 1972, fuselage only Rio Apr 1974).
				92035 (MSN 11791) delivered May 1, 1943.  Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 102 01Jul43  flown to Australia 04Jul43  
					Struck by ambulance Nov43 repaired.  Tire blew on take off Dec43 to SerSqn for repair  
					To 5th AF 374th TCG 6th TCS as 509 27Jan45.  Condemned Oct 13, 1945, salvage.
				92036 (MSN 11792) delivered May 8, 1943.  Original 5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS as 103 01Jul43  flown to Australia 04Jul43.  
					Struck tree flying low returned to base Nov43, repaired.  Damaged while parked Ward's Drome NG 02Feb44, 
					repaired.  Condemned Jan 8, 1946, salvage
				92037 (MSN 11793) delivered May 7, 1943.  5th AF 375th TCG 56th TCS 27Jun43.  Damaged landing on muddy strip Oct43 repaired 
					Tire blew on take off and ran into ditch Dec43 to SerSqn for repairs.  With 4th TCG lost Aug 26, 1945, 
					South Pacific.
				92038 (MSN 11794) delivered May 8, 1943.  Original aircraft of 13th AF 403rd TCG 65th TCS and flown to 
					Australia by them 21Jul43.  Dropped paratroops at Nadzab NG as part of A flight numbered 202 05Sep43 
					5th AF 403rd TCG 65th TCS on attachment from 13th AF 09Nov43 flying low and hit mast on raft 15Nov43 
					damaged wingtip.  Midair collision with C-47 Dakota 42-92051 from the 67th TCS 10Feb44  42-92051 crashed. 
					left wing and aileron of 42-92038 had to be replaced. no injuries. WFU 31Dec45  
				92039 (MSN 11795) delivered May 11, 1943.  Original aircraft of 13th AF 403rd TCG 66th TCS and flown to 
					Australia by them 16Jul43.  Dropped paratroops at Nadzab NG as part of A flight 05Sep43 
					5th AF 403rd TCG 66th TCS on attachment from 13th AF 09Nov43.  Condemned Oct 25, 1945, salvage
				92040 (MSN 11796) delivered May 12, 1943.  Overseas.  USA Sep 5, 1944.  To RFC Nov 15, 1945
				92041 (MSN 11797) delivered May 20, 1943.  No card.  In USA.  Maryland ANG May 31,1947.  Maine NG.
					w/o Jan 20, 1950 in crash 3 mi NW of Limestone, Maine
				92042 (MSN 11799) delivered May 19, 1943.  W/o Jan 3, 1944 in crash 5 mi NE of Macon, Georgia.  5 killed.  Survey Jan 1944.
				92043 (MSN 11800) delivered May 22, 1943.  In USA.  W/o Nov 16, 1945 in midair collision with C-45F 44-47625 while landing 
					at Hamilton AB, California.  Must have been repaired since to RFC Jul 21, 1946.  To NC66637 R Desmarors, AK.  Rainer Air
					Freight Lines Inc, Seattle, WA.  Pacific Alaska Air Express.  Crashed Nov 4, 1948 Cape Spencer, Alaska
				92044 (MSN 11801) delivered May 22, 1943.  5th AF Brisbane Aug 27, 1943.  Condemned Dec 8, 1944, accident
				92045 (MSN 11802) delivered May 22, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS as 332 and flown to Australia by 
					them 28Aug43.  Condemned Jan 31, 1945, salvage
				92046 (MSN 11803) delivered May 26, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 67th TCS as 312 and flown to Australia 
					by them 23Aug43.   Blew tire landing at Gusap NG and ground looped 01Jan44. To 66th Service Sq for 
					salvage.  Condemned Jan 2, 1944, accident
				92047 (MSN 11804) delivered May 26, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 70th TCS as 384 and flown to Australia by 
					them 02Sep43 flown with Australian radio c/s VHPAN.  Crew chief pulled landing gear up after seeing 
					copilot release spring latch as preperation to pull gear up. 01Dec43 aircraft was not yet airborne 
					and slid down runway on its belly and hit a B-25 and a gas truck. To SerSqn and repaired.  To 
					MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) Apr 29, 1946 as Q-14.  Transferred to AURI (Indonesian AF) as W-14
				92048 (MSN 11805) delivered May 29, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 67th TCS as 306 and flown to 
					Australia by them 25Aug43.  Left tire blew on take off from Nadzab Strip No. 5 then hit two ditches 23Jan44. 
				92049 (MSN 11806) delivered May 28, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 67th TCS as 307 and flown to Australia by 
					them 22Aug43,  To 5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS .  With 433rd TCG lost near Humboldt Bay, New Guinea 
					Jul 23, 1944.  MACR 12271
				92050 (MSN 11807) delivered May 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS as 339 26Aug43 flown to Australia 
					by them 28Aug43 .  Condemned May 27, 1944, accident
				92051 (MSN 11809) delivered May 31, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 67th TCS as 304 The Green Banana 23Aug43 
					flown to Australia by them 25Aug43, to 5th AF 433rd TCG 67th TCS as 304.  Aerial collision with C-47 
					Dakota 42-92038 from the 65th TCS going over and under in 10Feb44 . This Dakota's vertical stabilizer 
					and rudder were bent over to the right. The bottom of rudder was bent to the left and smashed into the 
					elevator. damaged, this C-47 ditched into the sea roughly 1.5 miles off Mambare Bay, roughly 100 miles 
					southeast of Lae. A safe water landing was made, and this aircraft floated for about 12 minutes before 
					sinking. Pilot was killed in the crash and presumably went down with the aircraft. Aircraft condemned 
					Feb 11, 1944, accident
				92052 (MSN 11810) delivered May 31, 1943.  8th AF Nov 15, 1943.  w/o Feb 8, 1944 Salisbury, UK due to structural failure.  
					Must have been repaired, since to VT-CHF Jupiter AfW Ltd Oct 29, 1946.  Deccan Airways Ltd "Sarasvathi" Jun 19, 1949.
					Indian Airlines Corp Aug 1, 1943.  Crashed Dec 12, 1953, Nagpur   
				92053 (MSN 11811) delivered May 31, 1943.  In USA.  To Brazilian AF as FAB 2050.  W/o Nov 13, 1974 Tome-Acu, Brazil
					when crashed at Tome-Acu, PA, Brazil.
				92054 (MSN 11812) delivered Jun 9, 1943.   Ferried overseas via the North Atlantic. Meeks Field, Keflavik, Iceland 
					to Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 3Aug43. Oran, Algeria 8Aug43. 18th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					64th Troop Carrier Group, Twelfth Air Force. Damaged taking off at Ciampino, Rome, Italy 15Aug44.
. 					Returned to USA.  To RFC Oct 11, 1945
				92055 (MSN 11813) deliveres Jun 9, 1943.  Oran, Algeria 3Sep43. 47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 
					3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.  FLC May 25, 1946.  To Czech AF  
				92056 (MSN 11814) delivered Jun 9, 1943. Oran, Algeria. 44th Troop Carrier Squadron [6E*I; Nose #49], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, North Africa, Enfidaville, Tunisia. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone at Sicily on Mission ‘Husky I’ 9/10Jul43. Hit by ground fire 
					setting the left engine on fire, the aircraft successfully force landed [2KIA:1WIA]. Twelfth Air Force 22Aug43. 
					Borizzo, Trapani, Sicily. Ferried to England departing Borizzo 12Feb44. Routed via Oran, Algeria; Gibraltar;
					St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall to Cottesmore, Rutland (Station 489) Feb44. Ninth Air Force. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone 
					near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands 
					on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 325th 
					Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					23Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. Transported British 13th Parachute Battalion 
					paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany 
					on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; battle damaged affecting the flight controls but returned safely to 
					Cottesmore. 324th Troop Carrier Squadron, 516th Troop Carrier Group, United States Air Forces in
					Europe (USAFE), Bovingdon (Station 112). Fatal crash taking off at Bovingdon 18Apr46.					 
					Broken up Jan 11, 1947
				92057 (MSN 11815) delivered Jun 1943 - In USA - To RFC Jun 4, 1946 - To NC65331 Tennessee Gas Transmission Co,
					Houston,TX (1951)- N502T reregistered (1953) - N502V Westernair - N125V reregistered - N502V J C Vaughan, Dallas, TX (1964) -
					Westemair of Albuquerque, Albuqueque, NM - N766X - XC-DOS Sria de Recursos Hidraulicos 1968 - 
					To Mexican Navy as FAnMe MT-202 Sep 1976.  B/u Jun 1981.
				92058 (MSN 11816) delivered Jun 22, 1943.  Ferried overseas via the North Atlantic.
				 	Meeks Field, Keflavik, Iceland to Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 4Aug43. Oran, Algeria Aug43.
					To RFC Jan 8, 1946.  To NC34099.  The Babb Company, Glendale, CA. Registration cancelled Aug49. Mutual Defense 
					Assistance Program as 49-26xx. Rebuilt by Aviation Maintenance Company, Van Nuys, Glendale, CA. Royal 
					Hellenic Air Force as 49-26xx.
				92059 (MSN 11817) delivered Jun 13, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 70th TCS as 387 01Sep43 
					flown to Australia by them 02Sep43.  Struck C-47 42-24395 53 of 317th TCG 41st TCS while taxiing at 
					Gusap 17Nov43 both repaired.  Hydralic fluid leaked out while landing Wakde after gear down 10Oct44. 
					Rolled down runway then right gear collapsed, to 303rd AD Sqn for salvage, salvaged 02Nov44  .  
				92060 (MSN 11819) delivered Jun 15, 1943.  Ferried overseas via the North Atlantic. Meeks Field, 
					Keflavik, Iceland to Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 4Aug43. Oran, Algeria 9Aug43  To FLC 20Jun47. 
					TO France 02Apr48.  To France registered Apr 8, 1949 as F-BFGB for Aigle-Azur Extreme-Orient.  
					To Armee de l'Air (France) in 1959 as #92060. Next F-SCOI, then F-RAJA. Scrapped, last with Armee de 
					l'Air (France). 
				92061 (MSN 11820) delivered Jun 18, 1943.  Ferried overseas via the North Atlantic. 
					Nutts Corner (Station 235), Belfast, Northern Ireland. Assigned to 433rd Troop Carrier Group, 
					Northwest African Troop Carrier Command, Twelfth Air Force, Italy. The aircraft departed 
					Northern Ireland for St. Mawgan, Cornwall en route to Italy but a navigation error took it 
					over occupied France. Shot down by two Bf 109 fighters [but claimed by 
					Fw. Alois Schnöll of the 8./JG 2 flying a Fw 190] and crashed near Pleuven, Finistère, Brittany 11Aug43 [4KIA:1EVD]. 
					MACR 228
				92062 (MSN 11821) delivered Jun 17, 1943.  Original aircraft of 5th AF 433rd TCG 70th TCS as 388 30Aug43  flown to 
					Australia by them 02Sep43. Strafed 17Jan44  took off from Cyclops Drome near Hollandia on a flight 
					bound for Finschafen Airfield 01Oct44. Aboard was a flight crew from the 70th TCS and passengers 
					from the U. S. Army, two USN and six Australian passengers. Last seen on take off, failed to arrive 
					Finschhafen NG. lost Humboldt Bay, New Guinea 01Oct44.  MACR 9016
				92063 (MSN 11822) delivered Jun 17, 1943.  Original aircraft of 13th AF 403rd TCG 66th TCS  16Jul43 flown 
					to Australia by them.  Dropped paratroops at Nadzab NG as part of A flight 05Sep43.  5th AF 433rd TCG 
					70th TCS 14Nov43 .  Accident Dec 27, 1943, salvage
				92064 (MSN 11823) delivered Jun 23, 1943.  Oran, Algeria 13Aug43. 49th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [H2*N], 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484); named ‘Stand By’. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile 
					NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Nijmegen, Netherlands on 
					Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Damaged over Groesbeek after dropping the paratroopers, the 
					aircraft ditched during the return to base in the Westerschelde NE of Breskens, Netherlands [4POW].
					MACR 11024
				92065 (MSN 11824) delivered Jun 25, 1943.  Africa Middle East Jun 28, 1943.  FLC Aug 22, 1946.  TWA Cairo Oct 1, 1946
				92066 (MSN 11825) delivered Jun 24, 1943.  Oran, Algeria 14Aug43. 53rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					61st Troop Carrier Group, Twelfth Air Force, Licata, Sicily. Sciacca, Sicily 6Oct43. 
					Damaged at Sciacca 12Nov43 when German planes came over the airfield and dropped two big (probably 250-pound) 
					bombs. The bigger bombs were apparently packed with smaller bombs about 5-inches long, by 2-inches 
					in diameter. One of these, with no powder in it, went through the top of the aircraft near the rear door and 
					buried itself in a box of clothing in the cabin. Ferried to England departing Sciacca 12Feb44. Routed via 
					Anfa Field, Casablanca, French Morocco; Valley (Station 568), Anglesey, Wales; Barkston Heath (Station 483) 1
					8Feb44. Ninth Air Force. Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					Returned to USA Sep 1, 1945.  To Ecuadorian AF as FAE 90266, sold to 
					civil registry as HC-AVC (Ecuador civil), first HK-3349X, then HK-3349.  Now operated as
					DC-3C with Viarco (Air Villavo Colombia) at Villavicencio, Colombia.
				92067 (MSN 11826) delivered Jun 24, 1943.  Oran, Algeria 12Aug43. 14th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Twelfth Air Force, Licata, Sicily. Operated a resupply mission to 
					transport ammunition for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zonenear Salerno, Italy 18Sep43. 
					Having unloaded, the aircraft was repositioned to Sele to evacuate wounded troops. Taxying to the
					parking area, the left wing tip contacted the propeller spinner of a parked North American A-36 Apache. 
					Sciacca, Sicily 6Oct43. Crashed into the flight line while it attempted a night-time take off in formation 
					with two other aircraft from Sciacca, Sicily 29Dec43 [3KIA:1INJ]. There was a 90° crosswind from the 
					north blowing at about 12-to-15 MPH. The aircraft was on the right wing of the 2nd element in the 
					Squadron formation. The first two aircraft of the 2nd element started their takeoff and this aircraft 
					seemed to linger for perhaps 30 seconds before it started its takeoff run. It apparently made a 
					straight run down the right side of the airfield and started to drift to the right. The aircraft was 
					about 10 feet off the ground when its wing severed the antennae mast in front of the control tower. 
					The tip of the wing passed a few feet in front of the tower. After passing the control tower the 
					aircraft hit C-47 ?  42-23642 of the 53rd TCS. From that point on what happened is mere 
					conjecture. Presumably the aircraft cart-wheeled as one wing was seen to fly high into the air. 
					In the course of the flight from there, a propeller chopped off the tail section of C-47 ?  42-24379 
					of the 53rd TCS. ?  42-92067 then careened into C-47 ?  42-5684 also of the 53rd TCS. 
					The aircraft then came to rest facing the direction from which it had started. At that time 
					there was a flash of flame which burned for approximately 60 seconds before being extinguished 
					by the crash crew. When it had come to rest the entire cabin section had been reduced to a tangled
					mass of rubble. The cabin was utterly destroyed to the forward bulkhead. Other C-47 aircraft damaged included 42-24379.
				92068 (MSN 11827) delivered Jun 28, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC Sep 30, 1945.  To NC41748 General Air Cargo, Inc, Portland, OR.
					To US General Airways Inc, Portland, OR.  Crashed Jan 12, 1952, Mt Crillon, AK
				92069 (MSN 11829) delivered Jun 25, 1943.  Africa Middle east Aug 3, 1943.  To RFC Jul 1, 1945.  To Pan African Air Charter as 
					ZS-AVN registered Sep 23, 1946.  Broken up Jun 1947.
				92070 (MSN 11830) delivered Jun 28, 1943.  USA  
					Salvaged May 6, 1946 Kelly Field, Texas
				92071 (MSN 11831) delivered Jun 28, 1943.  75th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44.
					To civil registry as PJ-ALZ (reserved for KLM West Indisch
					Bedrijf - NTU), PH-TCM, PJ-ALP (registered May 12, 1952 to KLM West
					Indisch Bedrijf, named 'Philipsburgh' - 1954 this registration canceled), next
					as HK-337, as operated by ALIANSA Colombia.  Went missing on flight from 
					Cucuta to El Yopal, Colomba Mar 18, 1999.  Wreckage found 4 days later near
					Huirotico Hill, Colombia.  8 killed.
				92072 (MSN 11832) delivered Jun 28, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC Jun 5, 1945.  To NC60995 Federal Telecommunications Lab Inc, Nutlev, NJ.
					Jack Adams Aircraft Sales Inc, 1963.
				92073 (MSN 11833) delivered Jun 1943.  No card.  To Davis Monthan.  Fuselage for sale Sep 12, 1967
				92074 (MSN 11834) delivered Jun 29, 1943.  5th AF Brisbane 11Sep43.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS 30Jun44. 
					Noemfoor parachute drop 03Jul44.  Condemned Jul 25, 1944 Manila, salvage
				92075 (MSN 11835) delivered Jun 1943.  No card.  N87642 Aero American Corp, Tucson, AZ Aug 20, 1961.  
					Stored Ryan Field Aug 1972 to Jun 1977.
				92076 (MSN 11836) delivered Jun 30, 1943.  In USA.  Broken up Aug 26, 1949 Brookley Field, AL
				92077 (MSN 11837) Delivered Jun 29, 1943.  In USA.  To Brazilian AF as FAB 2038 Dec 10, 1946.  To civil registry with
					Rondonia Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-KYZ.  Presently
					stored Miami-Opa Locka, FL by Rico Taxi Aereo.
				92078 (MSN 11839) delivered Jun 1943. No card.  To Pennsylvania ANG in 1960.  W/o Jan 10, 1962  Location ?
				92079 (MSN 11840) delivered Jun 1943.  No card.  W/o Sep 15, 1943, Marshall, Missouri.  Converted to GC-47D.  
					605th ACS Howard AFB, Canal Zone.  New York ANG 1960. 
				92080 (MSN 11841) delivered Jun 29, 1943.  8th AF Nov 15, 1943.  DBR Mar 15, 1945
				92081 (MSN 11842) delivered Jul 8, 1943.  Alaska Wing ATC Jul 13, 1943.  United Airlines Aug 30, 1943.  USA Oct 16, 1944.
					California ANG Mar 31, 1947.  To RFC Jun 2, 1948.
				92082 (MSN 11843) delivered Jul 8, 1943.  Alaska Wing ATC Jul 29, 1943.  United Airlines Aug 20, 1943.  USA Oct 17, 1944.
					To Brazilian AF as FAB 2028.  W/o Aug 7, 1951 at Jacarapagua, RJ, Brazil
				92083 (MSN 11844) delivered Jul 3, 1943 - Alaska Wg ATC Jul 13, 1943 - United Airlines 30Aug 30, 1943 - To RFC Jun 5, 1946
					NC68920 F E Walts - PP-AJA Tptes Aereos Ltda registered Nov 12, 1948 - Linhas Aereas Brasil leased Sep 1948 - Tptes Aereos
					Catarinense Aug 1950 - Crashed Mar 15, 1953 Santa Amaro do Ipitongo, near Salvador, Bahia
				92084 (MSN 11845) delivered Jul 26, 1943.  Eighth Air Force 29Nov43. 435th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. Towed a glider transporting 
					men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. Condemned Jul 8, 1946, salvage
				92085 (MSN 11846) delivered Jul 12, 1943.  In USA.  Damaged in taxiing accident Mar 23, 1945 at Long Beach AAF, 
					California.  To RFC Mar 25, 1946.  To NC63164 with Flying Tiger Line Jun 1, 1946.  To VT-CXR Indamer Co Ltd t/a
					Kalinga Airwasy E May 28, 1948.  Registered Aug 3, 1948.  Stored Mar 1977 Calcutta with Jamair
				92086 (MSN 11847) delivered Jul 14, 1943.  8th AF Nov 15, 1943.  9th AF.  w/o in crash landing 6 mi NE of Welford, UK May 16, 1944.
					Condemned Nov 30, 1944, salvage.
				92087 (MSN 11849) delivered Jul 13, 1943.  Eighth Air Force 15Nov43. 435th Troop 
					Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. Towed a 
					glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. 88th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Greenham Common (Station 486). Transported supplies 
					for the 101st Airborne Division on Operation ‘Kangaroo’ to a drop zone at Bastogne, Belgium 
					during the Ardennes offensive. Shot down by flak and crashed two miles south of Bastogne, Belgium 23Dec44 [4KIA].
					MACR 11024
				92088 (MSN 11850) delivered Jul 14, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC No 5, 1945.  To NC63255 Charles Babb Inc.  To CF-DIG Fraser
					Airborne Products Ltd May 10, 1946.  Aircraft Industries of Canada Ltd Nov 16, 1946.  Canadian Pacific Airlines Feb 14, 1947.
					Transair Ltd Mar 18, 196.  To CF-TAT reregistred Oct 31, 1961.  C-FTAT Lambair Ltd 1973.  Laurentian Air Service 1974.
					Crashed Aug 1974 near Mt Apica, Bagotville, Quebec.
				92089 (MSN 11851) delivered Jul 20, 1943 - In USA - Overseas Dec 9, 1945 - To RFC Sep 17, 1946 - NX60742 Air Tpt
					Assoc of America, Washington DC - NC60742 Sperry Gyroscope Co (1953) - N520 Ohio Oil Co, Marathon Oil
					Avn Div - Jack Adams Acft Sales Inc - Nat Harrison Assocs Inc, Miami, FL (1966) - Werco Assocs Inc, St Louis, MO -
					M Christier Mar 1973 - A Hulsey (Mar 1977) - Airgo Air Freight delivered Nov 19, 1977 - B R Meredith, Lavonia,
					GA registered Jun 5, 1979.
				92090 (MSN 11852) delivered Jul 1943.  Damaged in ground accident Jan 2, 1946 at Wright Patterson AB, Ohio.  
					To Venezuelan AF Dec 13, 1947
				92091 (MSN 11853) delivered Jul 22, 1943.  Alaska WG ATC Jul 27, 1943.  To Northwest Airlnes Aug 30, 1943.
					In Jul 1946 to Reeve Aleutian Airlines Inc as NC91016.  DBR in takeoff accident at Nikolski,
					Umnar Island, Alaska May 29, 1965.  A sudden crosswind gust caused a premature liftoff on takeoff.  The
					aircraft stalled and crashed.  In Feb 2008 damaged hulk of N91016 was still at Nikolski.
42-92092/92415		Douglas C-47A-1-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 11854 and ending with 12213, with MSNs ending with 8 skipped.  Contract No. AC-28405
				92092 (MSN 11854) delivered Jul 24, 1943.  Eighth Air Force 15Nov43. 75th Troop 
					Carrier Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 
					25Jan44. Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 
					Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44.  Div Jun 1946.  To OK-WDS. 
					W/o Jan 12, 1954 on takeoff at Prague.  13 lost.
				92093 (MSN 11855) delivered July 27, 1943 Eighth Air Force 15Nov43. 75th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. Transported 
					paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting 
					men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. 85th Troop Carrier Squadron, 437th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Coulommiers (A-58), France. Damaged in collision with C-47A ? 43-15252
					taxying at Pilsen (R-89), Czechoslovakia 22May45.  Sold to KLM 03 Jan 3, 1946, registered as PH-TBI, 
					reregistered to PH-DAA May 24, 1955, to De Kroonduif Jan 19, 1956 registered as JZ-PDA, returned to KLM July 31, 1957 
					and registered as PH-DAA.  In 1964 leased to MartinsAir Charter. To KLM Aerocarto NV Nov 28, 1964.  W/o when it crashed 
					after an engine failure Oct 26, 1968 into Mt Tafelburg, Paramaribo, Surinam.
				92094 (MSN 11856) delivered Jul 24, 1943.  Eighth Air Force 15Nov43. 75th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting 
					men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44.   To Turkish AF as THH 6089 24Apr49  
				92095 (MSN 11857) delivered Jul 24, 1943.  Card missing.  w/o Jul 14, 1949 Chicago
				92096 (MSN 11859) delivered Aug 2, 1943 - xx - NC9 with CAA, Memphis, TN bought Aug 16, 1946, registered Dec 29, 1946 - N18 reregistered
					Jun 1951 - FAA Dec 18, 1958 - N17 reregistered by 1973 - N17715 ntu - N221 GBUS Dept of Agriculture registered May 28, 1976 - 
					USDA Forest Service registered Jul 1, 1980 - Sale reported Dec 1983.
				92097 (MSN 11860) delivered Aug 1943.  75th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. 438th Troop Carrier 
					Group, Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the 
					southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					86th FIS, Bitburg Aug 1953
				92098 (MSN 11861) delivered Jul 29, 1943 - Eighth Air Force 15Nov43. 
					75th Troop Carrier Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490). 
					Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
 					Netherlands/Belgium - EL-ACL Aer Lingus "St Decian"
					bought Feb 1, 1946, delivered Apr 9, 1946 - SAL, registered 13Aug 13, 1946 - M A Bakhashab Pasha delivered May 19, 1958 - 
					HZ-AAL Saudi Arabian A/L bought Jun 2, 1958 - 451 R Saudi AF (one
					report states 401) - HZ-AAL Saudi Arabian Airlines - Damaged Dec 4, 1972 Riyadh Apt - wfu Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
				92099 (MSN 11862) delivered Aug 2, 1943.  Eighth Air Force 29Nov43. 75th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [SH*M; CK*M], 435th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Langar (Station 490); 
					named ‘Iron Ass’, later a donkey was added. Welford (Station 474) 25Jan44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and 
					materials of the 320th Glider Field Artillery Battalion to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. 78th Troop Carrier Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier 
					Group. Transported supplies for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone at Bastogne, 
					Belgium on Operation ‘Repulse’ during the Ardennes offensive 26Dec44. Crash landed on 
					approach to land at Châteaudun (A-39), France 19Jan45. The pilot missed the airfield on 
					the first approach and had to home in on the radio beacon. While circling the field at 300 feet 
					both engines failed. Without power he was unable to make a landing on the field. Instead the 
					pilot dropped into an open field nearby. The landing gear had been lowered and there was not 
					enough time to raise it. The right wheel touched first and was sheared off, dropping the plane 
					onto the wing. It then lurched over on the left wing and the left wheel collapsed. The aircraft 
					was considerably damaged, but none of the crew was injured.  Condemned Dec 9, 1945, salvage
				92100 (MSN 11863) delivered Aug 2, 1943 - In USA - To RFC Feb 21, 1946 - NC53460 Quaker City AfW Inc, Philadelphia, PA -
					Southern Cross Equipment Co - PP-SQJ VASP bought Jul 20, 1951 - PP-FOP Projeto Rondon 1975 -
					PT-KTX "Beija Flor" reregistered 1976 - RICO Jan 3, 1980.
				92101 (MSN 11864) delivered Aug 1943.  No card.  XX --To Chilean AF as FAC 957.  WFU Sep 1965
				92102 (MSN 11865) delivered Aug 6, 1943.  In USA.  Damaged in ground accident Oct 12, 1945 at Long Beach AAF, California.  
					To RFC Jun 4, 1946.  NC79032.  C-408 Vias Aereas Colombianas.  Crashed Jul 14, 1947, Popayan.  Rebuilt as N3972C
					R W Duff - YV-C-ANG LAV, to YV-13C
				92103 (MSN 11866) delivered Aug 24, 1943.  to USSR Apr 19, 1944
				92104 (MSN 11867) delivered Aug 1, 1943.  No card.  To Massachusetts ANG in 1954.  To 605 ACS Howard AFB, Canal Zone
				92105 (MSN 11869) delivered Aug 6, 1943. In USA.  Panama Sep 30, 1947 (ARP). To VH-PWM
				92106 (MSN 11870) delivered Jul 31, 1943.  In USA. Damaged in taxiing accident Mar 31, 1944 at Grand View Field, MO.
					To RFC Apr 10, 1946.  To NC57190.  NLR
				92107 (MSN 11871) delivered Aug 6, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC May 17, 1945
				92108 (MSN 11872) delivered Aug 6, 1943.  In USA.  Damaged in landing accident Nov 7, 1946 at Lowry Field, Colorado
					Broken up Jan 1, 1948
				92109 (MSN 11873) delivered Aug 9, 1943.  In USA.  Broken Up May 11, 1948
				92110 (MSN 11874) delivered Aug 9, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC Nov 29, 1945.  To NC55330 C. N. Shelton, to Empesa Guatamelteca de Aviacion
					(Aviateca) as LG-AJA, later registered to Aviateca as TG-AJA.  Crashed into 3 houses during forced landing at Guatemala City, 
					Quatemala Oct 8, 1954. 
				92111 (MSN 11875) delivered Aug 19 1943.  No card.  Damaged in bird strike May 17, 1950 at Rapid City, South Dakota.  To SC-47
					Sep 1952.  1st Air Commando Wing Apr 1965.  Psych warfare in Vietnam in 1967
				92112 (MSN 11876) delivered Aug 11, 1943 - In USA - To RFC Aug 28, 1946 - NC41455 General A/W Inc (Feb 1953) - W
 					(World Assoc (1955) - CF-IQR Montreal Air Svces Dec 12, 1956- Wheeler A/LLtd Aug 18, 1958 - Canadian Acf Renters
					Ltd Jun 21, 1961 - MCA/Nordair L - Wheeley A/L Ltd, Montreal, PQ Jun 3, 1964 - MCAfNordair L Sudair Ltd
					leased Sep 1, 1964 - Nordair Ltd, Dorval, PQ Sep 8, 1967 - Nordair (Arctic) Ltd, Frobisher, NWI Jun 2, 1969 - Nordair Ltd, 
					Dorval, PQ Oct 26, 1970 Bradley Air Svces Feb 1976 - Kenting Avn Ltd, Resolut (1976) - Survair Ltd 1976 - Kenn Borek
					Air Lt (1976) - Crashed Feb 28, 1977 Saglone, N Quebec - Stored Calgan 1977 to 1980 - Parts to C-FBZI at St Albert, Alta,
					and remains there Sep 1983.
				92113 (MSN 11877) delivered Aug 9, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC Nov 4, 1945.  To N59748 with 
					Braniff Airways Nov 13, 1945.  Well Productions Mar 1959.  To CF-LJS Transair Ltd registered Apr 10, 1951.  
					To CF-TAU reredistered Dec 1, 1961.  C-FTAU Lambair Ltd 1973.  Nova Leasing Ltd 1975.  Lambair Ltd 1976.  
					Lapsed Jun 25, 1977.  WFU at Thompson Airport for spares, cancelled Jun 1981.
				92114 (MSN 11879) delivered Aug 11, 1943.  To USSR Aug 17, 1943
				92115 (MSN 11880) delivered Aug 11, 1943.  In USA.  Assigned to 313 TCS/349TCG at Pope Field, Ft Bragg, NC. 
					On 21 July 1944 was one of three aircraft that went missing 25 mi SE of Cape Fear, NC after encountering 
					bad weather while in a mass flight of 54 aircraft flying at 500 feet - 5 fatal.
				92116 (MSN 11881) delivered Aug 11, 1943.  To USSR Aug 17, 1943
				92117 (MSN 11882) delivered Aug 1943.  No card.  To Imperial Iranian AF Nov 29, 1962.  Assigned to 50th Air Transport Composite Group
				92118 (MSN 11883) delivered Aug 14, 1943.  In USA.  Michigan ANG Mar 31, 1947.  Salvage Nov 10, 1949. To N4868V Allied Aircraft Co,
					Hollywood, CA Apr 1953.  To CC-CLH 0184 LAN Chile "209" Nov 1953.  Probably CC-CLDO NTU.  Crashed May 29, 1954 El
					Porvenir, Chile
				92119 (MSN 11884) delivered Aug 16, 1943.  To USSR Aug 17, 1943
				92120 (MSN 11885) delivered Aug 16, 1943.  To USSR Aug 17, 1943
				92121 (MSN 11886) delivered Aug 19, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92122 (MSN 11887) delivered Aug 20, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943.
				92123 (MSN 11889) delivered Aug 19, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92124 (MSN 11890) delivered Aug 19, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92125 (MSN 11891) delivered Aug 24, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92126 (MSN 11892) delivered Aug 21, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92127 (MSN 11893) delivered Aug 25, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943.  Also reported as being on display at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota
				92128 (MSN 11894) delivered Aug 27, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943.  Also reported as having become
					F-OASR and then by 1956 was F-BHKX of Air France.
				92129 (MSN 11895) delivered Aug 27, 1943.  To USSR
				92130 (MSN 11896) delivered Sep 3, 1943.  To USSR
				92131 (MSN 11897) delivered Aug 28, 1943.  To USSR Aug 1943
				92132 (MSN 11899) delivered Sep 11, 1943.  To USSR Sep 1943
				92133 (MSN 11900) delivered Sep 10, 1943.  To USSR Sep 1943
				92134 (MSN 11901) delivered Sep 9, 1943.  To USSR Sep 1943
				92135 (MSN 11902) delivered Sep 18, 1943.  To USSR Sep 1943
				92136 (MSN 11903) to USAAF Sep 10, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL544 Nov 11, 143.  512 Sqdn RAF.  
					Registered as G-AGIP with BOAC Dec 1943.  To BEA Aug 17, 1946, Pionair "Horatio Philipps"
					Cambrian Airways Jan 31, 1960.  Sold to Moroccan AF as 29136 Oct 1963.  Then became CN-ALI then 
					disposed of as N54605.  N9845A allocated but NTU.
					Remained N54605.  Brennan/Hrgreaves.  Stored St Petersburg, FL May 1980.  Visionair International Inc, Miami, FL 
					registered sep 1980.  Reported 2005 at Florida Military Aviation Museum, FL.
				92137 (MSN 11904) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL545 Nov 16, 1943.  Listed as crashed on takeoff 
					Dec 5, 1943 at Portreath, Cornwall, but also listed as being at 
					South Dakota Air and Space Museum, Ellsworth AFB.
				92138 (MSN 11905) to USAAF Sep 10, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL546 Nov 16, 1942.  512 Sqdn RAF.
					511 Sqdn RAF.   Relegated to instructional airframe with serial 5749M Nov 23, 1945.  SOC Apr 17 1947.  
					Presumably subsequently scrapped. 
				92139 (MSN 11906) to USAAF Sep 10, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III in UK FL547 Jan 23, 1944.  511 Sqdn RAF.
					216 Sqdn .  Used as the personal transport for the Chief of the Polish Armed Forces Mar-Apr44, 
					flown by a Polish crew; named ‘Spirit of Ostra Brama’ [Gate of Dawn]. 105 Operational Training 
					Unit Aug 20, 1945.  1381 Transport Conversion Unit Nov 14, 1945.  22 Maintenance Unit Apr 30,1946.  
					Transferred to Canadair Jul 17, 1946 for conversion to civilian airline standard.  
					To CF-TES Trans Canada Airlines Jan 17, 1947, Fleet No "91" Jan 17, 1947, later "391".    
					Transair Ltd Apr 13, 1963.  Lambair Ltd, the Pas (Jun 1967). WFU 1970.  To Western Canada Aviation 
					Museum, Winnipeg.  Stored dismantled by 17 Wing, Canadian Armed Forces, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
					The wings were removed and partially scrapped 2006. Plans are to move the aircraft to Poland for 
					restoration and display.
				92140 (MSN 11907) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III in UK FL548 Nov 15, 1943.  
					To BOAC as G-AGIO Dec 11, 1943.  Leased to BEA Jun 4, 1946.  
					Back to BOAC Jul 28, 1947.  Sold to owner in Hong Kong as VR-HDO Dec 10, 1947.  Northwest Airlines.  
					To Japan Jul 1950 for spares.
				92141 (MSN 11909) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL549 for MAAF Dec 13, 1943.  
					216 Sqdn RAF Middle East Dec 15, 1943.  Crashed on takeoff at
					Aberdeen Airstrip, Indore, Burma May 1, 1944.
				92142 (MSN 11910) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL550 for MAAF Middle East Dec 13, 1943.  
					To 28 Sq South African AF Dec 22, 1943.  India May 31, 1945.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				92143 (MSN 11911) to USAAF Sep 20, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL551 for MAAF Dec 27, 1943.  
					Transfered to 28 Sq South African AF as 6869 Oct 4, 1945.  Sold to Orient Airways, Pakistan 
					as AP-ADH and cancelled in Dec 1950 as b/u.  Reported Jul 20, 2003 in Museum Swartkop, South Africa, 
					but is the plane there really this one?  The SAAF museum website lists no Dakotas.  See 42-24016,
					not sure what info is correct.
				92144 (MSN 11912) to USAAF Sep 9, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL552 for MAAF Dec 15, 1943. 
					216 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  436 Sqdn RAF.  216 Sqdn RAF.  To India Feb 22, 1945.  Sold to 
					Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  HJ908 Indian AF
				92145 (MSN 11913) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL553 for MAAF Nov 26, 1943.  216 Sqdn RAF.
					To 28 Sqdn South African AF Jan 24, 1944.  SEAC Jun 21, 1945.  SOC Sep 13, 1945.
				92146 (MSN 11914) to USAAF Sep 10, 1943.  to RAF in India as Dakota III FL554 Dec 17, 1943.
					31 Sqdn RAF.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Missing from supply dropping mission Nov 11, 1944.
				92147 (MSN 11915) to USAAF Sep 11, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL555 Dec 4, 1943..  
					28 Sqdn SAAF.  42 Sqdn RAFRAF record card lists the
					last user as 3 Repair and Salvage Unit.  To Royal Indian Air Force.  W/o 
					Sep 27, 1945 at Patenga, India when the engine caught fire on
					takeoff.  After a bad landing it went into a ditch and caught fire.
				92148 (MSN 11916) to USAAF Sep 16, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL556 Jan 13, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.
					62 Sqdn RAF.  TSTU RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  48 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  
					To VT-DAZ Himalayan Aviation Ltd t/a Kalinga Airlines Mar 1949.  B. Patnaik.  Cancelled Jan 30, 1953, 
				92149 (MSN 11917) to USAAF Sep 24, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL557 Jan 29, 1944.  32 Sqdn RAF.
					TSTU RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Sold Apr 24, 1947 as VH-BFV Mandated Airlines.  New Guinea Co Mar 1948.
					Reregistered VH-MAE May 27, 1952.  Ansett-MAL Jan 20, 1961.  Ansett Airlines of Papua May 9, 1968.  DBR Jul 17, 1972
					Wapenamunda, New Guinea
				92150 (MSN 11919) to USAAF Sep 178, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL558 Dec 13, 1943.  
					31 Sqdn RAF.  62 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Apr 26, 1945.
				92151 (MSN 11920) to USAAF Sep 17, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL559 Dec 16, 1943.  511 Sqdn Dec 31, 1943. 
					24 Sqdn Sep 13, 1944.  1381 TCU Dec 4, 1945.  22 MU Jul 18, 1946.  Transferred to Canadair Sep 19, 1946.  
					To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as LV-ACP.  To 
					Aerolineas Aeroposta.  To Aerolineas Argentinas "Yapenga" Jul 24, 1950.  Renamed "Iguazu".  
					To Lineas Aereas Del Estado (Argentine AF) as T-12.  WFU.
				92152 (MSN 11921) to USAAF Sep 16, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL560 Dec 16, 1943.  
					Transferred to BOAC Dec 30, 1943 as G-AGIT.  Leased to BEA Mar 38, 1946.  
					Back to BOAC Jun 30, 1947.  Sold to owner in Hong Kong as VR-HDP Dec 1947.  
					To Civil Air Transport, Taiwan Jan 1951
				92153 (MSN 11922) to USAAF Sep 15, 1943.  to RAF in UK as Dakota III FL561 Dec 31, 1943.  511 Sqdn RAF.
					WFU Jul 24, 1947.  Relegated to instructional airframe with serial 6253M Feb 1947.  
					Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92154 (MSN 11923) to USAAF Sep 22, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL562 Dec 31, 1943.  511 Sqdn, 525 Sqdn
					RAF Aug 31, 1944.  1381 TCU Dec 1, 1945.  Sold Apr 14, 1947 to Conner Aircraft, delivered Dec 18, 1947, 
					then HB-ATO, then to Oceanic Trading as NC74136, then to J. Mathieu Mar 1948 as OO-APB.  
					Israel AF Oct 15, 1948, registered 4X-AES Arkia Ltd Apr 2, 1957.  WFU Jun 26, 1966
				92155 (MSN 11924) to USAAF Sep 16, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL563 Dev 31, 1943.  511 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to BOAC Apr 30, 1946 as G-AHCZ.  Became YI-HCZ Iraqi Airways leased Dec 10, 1946, 
					then reverted to G-AHCZ  with BOAC again.  TO BEA Aug 22, 1947, Pionair "Charles Samson" Jul 17, 1951.  
					Cambrian Airways leased Mar 2, 1959, bought May 10, 1961.  Sold to Worldinter Supply Services, Ltd, 
					Nicosia, Cyprus as 5B-CBC May 1969. WFU Beirut (derelict)
				92156 (MSN 11925) to USAAF Sep 25, 1943.  To RAF Dec 24, 1943 as Dakota III FL564.  
					To SAAF Oct 4, 1945 as 6877.  28 Sqdn SAAF.  Current 2011.  
				92157 (MSN 11926) to USAAF Sep 24, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL565 Jan 20, 1944.  Transferred to 
					South African AF as 6873 Oct 4, 1945.  28 Sqdn SAAF.  Sold by SAAF in 1995.  To ZS-NTE May 11, 1995 
					and in 2009 with Springbok Classic Air, Rand
					Airport, Germiston, Johannesburg.  In June 2015 ferried to Zweibrucken, Germany to new ownership.
					Current 2010.  Registered as N249CM on March 30, 2021 to Julie Christie Neal, Crossville, Tennessee
				92158 (MSN 11927) to USAAF Sep 22, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL566 Dec 27, 1943. 512 Sq.  575 Sq Feb 14, 1944. 
					52 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF India Apr 16, 1944.  52 Sqdn RAF.  Sold Nov 28, 1946.  
					To VP-CAT DCA/Air Ceylon "Sunetra Devi"  Nov 28, 1946.  Crashed Dec 21, 1949, Trichinopoli, India
				92159 (MSN 11929) to USAAF Sep 27, 1943, to USSR Sep 27, 1943.
				92160 (MSN 11930) to USAAF Sep 25, 1943, to USSR Sep 25, 1943
				92161 (MSN 11931) to USAAF Sep 25, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL567 Jan 9, 1944.  267 Sqdn RAF
					India 1382 TCU Feb 22, 1945.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				92162 (MSN 11932) to USAAF Sep 24, 1943.  to RAF in UK as Dakota III FL568 Nov 30, 1943.  512 Sqdn RAF.  
					To BOAC Dec 3, 1943 as G-AGIR.  W/o Aug 28, 1944, Telmest, Casablanca
				92163 (MSN 11933) to USAAF Sep 28, 1943.  To RAF in India as FL569 Dec 24, 1942.  512 Sqdn RAF.
					Crashed Mowdock, Burma Apr 15, 1944.
				92164 (MSN 11934) to USAAF Sep 27, 1943, to USSR Sep 27, 1943
				92165 (MSN 11935) to USAAF Sep 26, 1943, to USSR Sep 26, 1943
				92166 (MSN 11936) to USAAF Sep 27, 1943, to USSR Sep 27, 1943
				92167 (MSN 11937) to USAAF Sep 27, 1943, to USSR Sep 27, 1943
				92168 (MSN 11939) to USAAF Sep 27, 1943, to USSR Sep 27, 1943
				92169 (MSN 11940) to USAAF Sep 25, 1943, to USSR Sep 25, 1943.
				92170 (MSN 11941) to USAAF Sep 30, 1943, to USSR Sep 30, 1943
				92171 (MSN 11942) to USAAF Sep 30, 1943, to USSR Oct 2, 1943
				92172 (MSN 11943) to USAAF Sep 30, 1943, to USSR Nov 3, 1943
				92173 (MSN 11944) to USAAF Sep 30, 1943, to USSR Nov 3, 1943.  Registered as HK-339 with ARCA-Aero Vias Columbianas and 
					noted engineless at Bogota, Colombia Jan 1976.
				92174 (MSN 11945) to USAAF Sep 28, 1943, to USSR Nov 9, 1943
				92175 (MSN 11946) to USAAF Oct 6, 1943, to USSR Nov 8, 1943
				92176 (MSN 11947) to USAAF Sep 28, 1943, to USSR Nov 1943.
				92177 (MSN 11949) to USAAF Oct 4, 1943, to USSR Nov 8, 1943
				92178 (MSN 11950) to USAAF Oct 2, 1943, to USSR Nov 7, 1943
				92179 (MSN 11951) to USAAF Oct 7, 1943, to USSR Nov 8, 1943 
				92180 (MSN 11952) to USAAF Oct 9, 1943, to USSR Nov 9, 1943
				92181 (MSN 11953) to USAAF Oct 4, 1943, to USSR Nov 14, 1943
				92182 (MSN 11954) to USAAF Oct 7, 1943, to USSR Nov 11, 1943
				92183 (MSN 11955) to USAAF Oct 4, 1943, to USSR Nov 8, 1943
				92184 (MSN 11956) to USAAF Oct 7, 1943, to USSR Oct 7, 1943
				92185 (MSN 11957) to USAAF Oct 7, 1943, to USSR Oct 7, 1943
				92186 (MSN 11959) to USAAF Oct 7, 1943, to USSR Oct 7, 1943
				92187 (MSN 11960) to USAAF Oct 9, 1943, to USSR Oct 9, 1943
				92188 (MSN 11961) to USAAF Oct 9, 1943, to USSR Oct 9, 1943
				92189 (MSN 11962) to USAAF Oct 11, 1943, to USSR Oct 11, 1943.  Also listed as 12th AF 314th TCG 61st TCS as The Turf and Sport Special R 09   
				92190 (MSN 11963) to USAAF Oct 9, 1943, to USSR Oct 9, 1943
				92191 (MSN 11964) to USAAF Oct 11, 1943, to USSR Nov 12, 1943
				92192 (MSN 11965) to USAAF Oct 9, 1943, to USSR Nov 3, 1943
				92193 (MSN 11966) to USAAF Oct 12, 1943, to USSR Nov 11, 1943
				92194 (MSN 11967) to USAAF Oct 14, 1943.  According to USAAF records, went to USSR.  But RAAF records say went to them as A65-20 (VH-CTU).  
					3 AD 08Dec43, 14 RSU 14Dec43, 35 Sqn RAAF VH-CTU 21Dec43, 4 AD 27Apr44, 35 Sqn RAAF 21May44, 13 ARD RAAF 01May45,
					36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-B 02Jun45, 33 Sqn RAAF, 04Jul45 DAP RAAF Parafield 16Nov45, 1 AD RAAF 07May46.  To TAA 8/1946 as 
					VH-TAF "Warburton".  Bought Aug 23, 1946.  Reregistered VH-SBM "Ivan Campion" Apr 13, 1961.  Australian Aircraft Sales
					Mar 30, 1968.  To PK-RDE Sequawah Air Servive "Windu Kentiana" Apr 24, 1968.  Seulawah /Mandala 1971.
				92195 (MSN 11969) Ot USSAF Oct 11, 1943, to USSR Oct 11, 1943
				92196 (MSN 11970) to USAAF Oct 13, 1943.  To RAAF as A65-21 (VH-CTC) Dec 17, 1943.  14 RSU 20Dec43, 
					34 Sqn RAAF coded FD-G 25Dec43, ANA 31Oct45, 1 AD RAAF 06May46, AD 01Aug46, 36 Sqn RAAF Darwin Det 30Sep46, 
					DAP RAAF 17Apr47, 86 Wing RAAF 26Dec47, 34 Sqn RAAF 18Feb48, 1 AD RAAF Tocumwal 27Aug48, 1 AD RAAF 22Mar51, 
					B/S RAAF Base East Sale 22Aug52.  Wind lifted tail when parked aircraft to tipped and damaged props 08Oct54 
					RAAF Base East Sale 16Dec54.  DAP RAAF Parafield 29Jun55. 1 AD RAAF 16Dec55 RAAF Base East Sale 09Mar56. 
					Starboard engine lost power forcing assymetric landing on take-off from RAAF Base East. 	
					To EWA as VH-EWB East West Airlines "Naomi City"/"Warwick City" bought Oct 17, 1957, registered Aug 25, 1958.  
					EWA quotes 43-92105 in their records.  Queensland Pacific Trading Co leased.  VH-PWM Pacific and Western 
					Nov 24, 1967 (still in EWA MSNs Mar 1972).  Bush Pilots AfW bought Jun 17, 1973.  Connair Ltd delivered 
					Oct 3, 1973.  Rebel-Air Pty Ltd, Sydney delivered Nov 27, 1979. 
					Became ZK-AMR in New Zealand in 1986.  Used for UN support weork in Cambodia, Somalia, and Kenya.
					Still extant 1988 with Fieldair Freight.  Derelict at Harare, Zimbabwe
				92197 (MSN 11971) to USAAF Oct 13, 1943.  departed US 29Nov43 to RAAF as A65-22 (VH-CTV),  Dec43.  
					3 AD RAAF 08Dec43. 14 RSU 13Dec43. 35 Sqn RAAF coded FD-P VH-CTV 19Dec43. 35 Sqn RAAF 08Mar45. 
					34 Sqn RAAF 15Apr45. DAP RAAF Parafield 05Feb46. 3 AD 04Jul46.  38 Sqn RAAF 25Jul46. DAP RAAF Parafield 06Nov46. 
					38 Sqn RAAF 25Nov46. 37 Sqn RAAF 16Jan47. 36 Sqn RAAF 23Jan47. TTS fitted out as Radio Physics Lab 03Feb47. 
					ARDU RAAF 05Mar48.  
					To Qantas Apr 6, 1948 as VH-EAQ .  VH-SBC Trans Australian Airlines bought Sep 1, 1960.  
					X-18 Netherlands AF leased Sep 1962 to Dec 1962 (also quoted as
					MSN 25367).  XW-PFV Continental Air Service Jul 4, 1968. N3702 Continental Air Service, 
					Los Angeles, CA Oct 9, 1968 (MSN 11870 is quoted in error).  Commercial Air Freight Inc Westminster, CA 
					registered Apr 16 1979.  Crashed 11Dec79.  Registration expired Sep 10, 1988,  Cancelled Jul 8, 2013.
				92198 (MSN 11972) to USAAF Oct 11, 1943.  to NEIAF Nov 12, 1943 as DT-938, flown with callsign VH-RDH.  
					To KLM in 1950 as PK-RDH.  To T-438 Indonesian AF  Apr 1950 (also
					quoted as MSN 11871 in error)
				92199 (MSN 11973) to USAAF Oct 13, 1943. Departed US 07Dec43   To RAAF Dec 17, 1943 as A65-23 (VH-CTW).  
					3 AD 15Dec43, 36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-M VH-CTB 26Dec43, ANA Parafield 18May45, 1 AD RAAF Parafield 27Sep45, 
					22 RSU RAAF RP 08Nov45, 1 AD RAAF 01Mar46, 81 Wing 25Feb46, 2 AD RAAF 10Dec46, 86 Wing RAAF 20Jun47, 
					DAP RAAF Parafield 27Oct47, 2 CS RAAF 13Feb48, 1 AD RAAF Tocumwal 01Oct48, RAN FAA VJ-ORB 06Apr50.
					To Royal Australian Navy 4/1950 as N2-23 "NW-901/NW-801").  Department of Administrative Services Sep 1975.  
					Navair Pty Ltd, Bankstown Mar 1977.  Withdrawn from use Jun 1977.  Now on static display at West Wyalong NSW as A65-23.
				92200 (MSN 11974) to USAAF Oct 13, 1943. Departed US 04Dec43. To RAAF as A65-24 (VH-CTW) Dec 13, 1943.   AD VH-CTW 13Dec43. 
					14 RSU 15Dec43, 35 Sqn RAAF 23Dec43, 34 Sqn RAAF  05Nov44, DAP RAAF Parafield 24Jan46, 1 AD RAAF 31May46. 1 AD RAAF.  
					Damaged during storm at Laverton Vic Feb 27, 1946.   Withdrawn 2/1949 and fuselage used for training at School of 
					Land/Air Warfare, Williamstown, NSW.  Moved to Puckapunyal by 1964.
					Scrapped 1974. Cockpit section saved by Dick Winterburn later passing it on to Darryl Gibbs.    
					Cockpit section under restoration at CNAPG workshop at Wagga Wagga.
				92201 (MSN 11975) to USAAF Oct 14, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL569 Dec 28, 1943.  62 Sqdn RAF.
					Crashed into hill during supply dropping mission, Mowdock, Burma Apr 15, 1944
				92202 (MSN 11976) to USAAF Oct 14, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL570.  353 Sqdn RAF.
					SOC Nov 1, 1946.  To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947
				92203 (MSN 11977) to USAAF Oct 19, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL571.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To Pacific Overseas Airlines (Siam) in 1947 as 
					HS-PC101.  Reregistered HS-POB Jan 1951.  To Thai Airways Nov 1,
					1951.  Reregistered HS-TDD Sep 15, 1958.  To Sky of Siam in 1980.  
					Noted in fire training area at Don Muang Ap, Thailand Mar 1983 and
					presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92204 (MSN 11979) to USAAF Oct 14, 1943.  Was to have gone to RAF as Dakota III FL572.  No RAF
					service, directly to South African AF as 6818 Dec 16, 1943.   To Tropic Airways (Pty) Ltd.  ZS-DHO Africair Apr 28, 1953.
					To G-ANLF Field Aircraft Services Ltd registerd Jan 16 1954.  To F-OAOR Air Outremer, Saigon registered Feb 3, 1954. 
					To G-ANLF Air Kruise (Kent) Ltd registered Apr 20, 1955.  Silver City Airways "City of Cambridge" registered Oct 28, 1957.
					OO-SBH Sabena Sep 1, 1961.  Leasted to Linair 1962.  Belgian International Air Servives Jul 1, 1965.
					Crashed Mar 28, 1969, Libya 
				92205 (MSN 11980) to USAAF Oct 16, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL573 Nov 16, 1943.  216 Sqdn RAF.
					353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  33 Sqdn RAF.  31 Sqdn RAF.  W/o Dec 16, 1945 in
					Indonesia.  SOC Jul 11, 1946.
				92206 (MSN 11981) to USAAF Oct 16, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL574 Nov 15, 1943.  31 Sqdn RAF.  
					Crashed 2.5 mi NW of Silchar, India May 26, 1944 after control lost in severe turbulence.
				92207 (MSN 11982) to USAAF Oct 21, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL575 at SEAAC Jan 31, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.
					353 Sqdn RAF.   Returned to USAAF Sep 26, 1946.
					To VT-CGE Orient AfW - VT-CPK reregistered but ntu- AP-AAK reregistered Oct 1, 1947 -  00-CBY Sabena 
					Jun 9, 1953 - Libya 1959 - Linair L 1962 - Belgian Intl Air Svces bought Jul 1, 1965 - 
					Belgium Aug 10, 1972 - N6894 Transvaal Corp registered Jul 5, 1973 - C-GADY Easty Exec Import Ltd, 
					Dorval, PQ registered Mar 12, 1975 - Air Gava, Schefferville, PQ 1975 - 
					Les Services Aeriens Fortair Ltde - Cancelled Feb 1982 - N2668N Centurv A/L., Pontiac, MI, 
					registered May 1982 (Note: MSN usuallv given as 11881, which went to Russia).
				92208 (MSN 11983) to USAAF Oct 18, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL576 Nov 17, 1943.  
					India Jan 9, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  W/o May 23, 1944 when it went missing on a
					Chindits drop over the Irrawadi River in Burma.  RAF record card shows
					date of loss as May 24, 1944.
				92209 (MSN 11984) to USAAF Oct 19, 1943. To RAF in India as Dakota III FL577 Nov 17, 1943.  India 31 Sqdn
					RAF Dec 16, 1943.  353 Sqdn RAF.  W/o Oct 19, 1945 in Thailand.  SOC Feb 28, 1946
				92210 (MSN 11985) to USAAF Oct 20, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL578 Jan 16, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF, 
					353 Sqdn RAF.  436 Sqdn RAF.  Crashed and SOC Mar 31, 1944.
				92211 (MSN 11986) to USAAF Oct 16, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL579 Nov 26, 1943.  Transferred to 
					South African AF as 6811 Dec 16, 1943. 5 Wg 1945.  Multi Eng conv Unit Sep 1972.  
					Data plate quotes MSN 11885
				92212 (MSN 11987) to USAAF Oct 19, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL580 Dec 6, 1943.  Transferred to 
					South African AF Jan 8, 1944 as 6812.  Crashed Jul 11, 1945 into Lake Victoria, off Kisumu, 
					Keyna after takeoff from Kisumu (part of the British East Africa protectorate at that time).  28 killed.
				92213 (MSN 11989) to USAAF Oct 21, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL581 dec 3, 1943.  Transferred to 
					South African AF Dec 14, 1943 as 6813.  To ZS-DJK Aircraft Operating Ltd tla WENELA Apr 12, 1954.  
					To VP-YSY Aircraft Operating Ltd Nov 28, 1960.  ZS-DJK Aircraft Operating Ltd  (Aerial Survey Ltd, 1976).  
					A2-ADB ASB Aerial Surveys Botswana, Lanseria Nov 1989.   To ZZ-WRJ.  W/o Sep 20, 1988 at 
					Harare, Zimbabwe.  
				92214 (MSN 11990) to USAAF Oct 20, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL582 Dec 5, 1943.  Transferred to 
					South African AF Dec 16, 1943 as 6814. (data plate gives MSN 11889).  Converted in 1993 
					to C-47TP turboprop configuration and still on active service in Sep 2012
				92215 (MSN 11991) to USAAF Oct 20, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL583 Dec 18, 1943.  Transferred to 
					South African AF Jan 19, 1944.  6871 SAAF Oct 3, 1945.  28 Sqdn SAAF.
					ZS-DIW Aircraft Operating co registered Nov 19, 1953 Suidwes Luddiens "Windhoek".  
					Aircraft Operating Ltd.  Anglo American Ltd.  Suidwes Luddiens 1976.  Namibair registered Dec 1978.
					as 6871.
				92216 (MSN 11992) to USAAF Oct 20, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL584 Jan 23, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF Jan 23, 1944. 
					107 OTU RAF May 21, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF May 1945.  1381 TCU Oct 31, 1946.
					Following damage, relegated to ground instructional airframe Aug 15, 1947 with serial 6410M.  
					Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92217 (MSN 11993) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL585 Dec 31, 1943.  
					512 Sqdn RAF.  511 Sqdn Dec 31, 1943. 108 OTU RAF.  1381 TCU.  Returned to USAAF Dec 4, 1946.
					Sold Dec 6, 1946
				92218 (MSN 11994) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL586 Dec 1, 1943.  512 Sqdn RAF Dec 1, 1943.  
					511 Sqdn RAF Apr 1, 1944.  105 OTU Jul 6, 1944. 108 OTU Oct 27, 1944.  1382 TCU Nov 7, 1945.  2
					2 MU Oct 8, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Dec 4, 1946.
					In Nov 1946 to PJ-ALH of KLM (West Indies Division). To HK-522 SA Medellin Dec 1951, NTU, HK-339 
					Sanchez Dec 6, 1954.  WH Gutierrez.  Aerovias colombianas Ltda, gotoga.  FU Villavicenco. 
					Wfu Jul 1977, Probably broken up
				92219 (MSN 11995) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL587 Dec 31, 1943.  RAF record card 
					says that it was transferred to BOAC Dec 31, 1943 as G-AGJR, but CAA card shows
					G-AGJR not registered until Feb 14, 1944 and gives previous identity
					as being PH-AZR.  Registration G-AGJR cancelled Feb 5, 1946 when sold
					to owner in Holland as PH-TAY with KLM registered Feb 9, 1946.  To F-VNAV Svce Imperial 
					des Liaisons Aeriennes via Airwork Dec 11, 1953.  F-OASR Soc. Commerciale d'Avn Nord African, 
					Rabat registered Jun 21, 1955.  F-BHKX Air France registered Apr 14, 1956.  Fretair Feb 1970.  
					Vargas Aviation Dec 1971.  WFU Nov 1969 to Sep 1976.  Stored Brieuc, registration cancelled.
					Destroyed by winds of 167 km/hr during a storm at Saint-Brieuc, Brittany Dec 2, 1976 when the
					aircraft was thrown on its back.
				92220 (MSN 11996) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL588 Dec 30, 1943.  511 Sqdn RAF Dec 30, 1943.  
					525 Sqdn RAF Aug 25, 1944.  24 Sqdn Nov 3, 1944.  
					Flew into mountain near Usson, France Dec 5, 1944.
				92221 (MSN 11997) to USAAF Oct 2, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL589 Dec 24, 1943.  216 Sqdn RAF.
					267 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				92222 (MSN 11999) to USAAF Oct 26, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL590 Jan 2, 1944.  28 Sqdn SAAF
					48 Sqdn RAF Jan 2, 1944.  To South African AF 28 Sqdn ACSEA Mar 31, 1945.
					Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				92223 (MSN 12000) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL591 Dec 27, 1943.  
					Transferred to SAAF Oct 1, 1945 as 6860.  Sold to Act Operating
					Co in 1948.  Registered as ZS-BXJ (ntu), registered ZS-BDZ Nov 9, 1948.  To BEA Pionair as G-ALTT
					Jun 16, 1949 named "Harald Burchall", later "Charles Grey".  To Gibraltar Air Ways Jun 15, 1962,
					To Autair Ltd Nov 13, 1962.  Leased to Icelandair Jul 17, 1963.  Registered TF-FIS, returned
					Dec 18, 1963.  Sold to Ethiopian Air Lines Feb 11, 1964 registered as ET-ABI.  Crashed Gore, Ethiopia
					Sep 14, 1965.
				92224 (MSN 12001) to USAAF Oct 23, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL592 Jan 2, 1944. To South 
					African AF 28 Sq.  282 WG May 2, 1945.  Returned to USAAF Oct 31, 1946
				92225 (MSN 12002) to USAAF Oct 26, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL593 Jan 16, 1944.  267 Sqdn RAF.  
					ACSEA Feb 22, 1945.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92226 (MSN 12003) to USAAF Oct 29, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FL594 Jan 14, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  
					Missing from supply dropping mission near Pegu, Burma May 22, 1945.
				92227 (MSN 12004) to USAAF Oct 25, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL595 Dec 22, 1943.  32 OTU Patricia Bay 
					Dec 22, 1943 - To RCAF, SOC Dec 5, 1945 - War Assets Corp (Canada)
					Ltd May 1, 1946 - CF-TDM Trans Canada Airlines "60"/"260" Jan 26, 1946 - N9214R Remmert Werner 1962 - Delta Acft & Eng Co -
					0zark A/L Jul 5, 1962 - - Fairchild-Hiller Aug 4, 1966 - Anderson Avn Sales Co, Phoenix, AZ - B B Taylor -
					United Missionary Avn Inc, Garland, TX Nie Homes Inc (1968) - Jack Richards Acft Sales Nov 1968 -
					Kings Flying Svce Inc, Olathe, KS Jan 1970 - D J Enterprises Inc, Merrian, KS Jun 1972 - Way Mac Enterprises,
					Griffin, CA (Mar 1977) - W E Harrison Jr (Jun 1979) - D M Sherman, W Palm Beach, CA (Sep 1979) - Titusville
					Cocoa Flt Center Inc, Titusville, FL (Jan 1980) - Lucky Seven A/W, Chino delivered Aug 9, 1980. 
					N165J Rr May 15, 1985.  To N123DZ, to N337 AF, to N123DZ again.  Current 2011. 
				92228 (MSN 12005) to USAAF Oct 27, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL596 Dec 31, 1943.  UK 512 Sqdn Dec 31, 1943 - 
					511 Sqdn RAF Jan 24, 1944 - 108 OTU RAF Oct 28, 1944 - 1382 TCU Dec 4, 1945 - 22 MU Aug 13, 1946 - 
					To Canadair Ltd Sep 19, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Dec 2, 1946.  - 
					CF-ETE The T Eaton Co Ltd registered Jul 21, 1947 - Hudson's Bay Co registered Oct 31, 1963 - 
					Ilford Riverton AAV (1975)- cancelled Aug 15, 1979 - MidwayAcftlnc registered Aug 24, 1979 - N62WS Wayne 
					Sturman Acft Sales Inc, Titusvil)e, FL registered Sep 6, 1979 - Impounded for drug smuggling 
					Mooresville, IN (Nov 1980).
				92229 (MSN 12006) to USAAF Oct 27, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL597 Dec 31, 1043.  512 Sqdn RAF Dec 31, 1943 - 
					511 Sqdn RAF Apr 1, 1944 - 1382 TCU RAF - 22 MU RAF Aug 29, 1946 -
  					Returned to USAAF May 9, 1947, which may have been just a paper transaction.  Scottish Avn Ltd May 10, 1947 
					To G-AKAY Sivewright AAV Ltd "Ecciesia"  registered Jul 11, 1947 (used on Berlin Airlift Oct 1948) - 
					VR-SCG Malavan A/W "Gull" bought Apr 10, 1951 - 9N-ANU Borneo AfW Feb 18, 1964 Malavsian A/\X7 Apr 1, 1965 - 
					Malavsia-Singapore Airlines 1966 -  W/o Jan 30, 1967 Lutong, Sarawak.
					Also listed as Dakota FL597 of 512 Squadron crashed at Model Farm, North End, Watlington, 
		 			Four of the crew died, the remaining member died the next day.
				92230 (MSN 12007) to USAAF Oct 26, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL598 Jan 5, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF 32 OTU Jan 5, 1944 - 
					SOC Feb 19, 1946 - War Assets Corp (Canada) Ltd - Trans Canada A/L May 1, 1946 - CFTDN "61"/"361" registered 
					Sep 13, 1946 - N4990E Frontier A/L "Sunliner S Dakota" Aug 14, 1958 - Colorado Natl Bank registered Aug 6, 1968 - 
					Miami Avn Aug 7, 1968 - Flying Sportsman Inc, Guthrie, OK Dec 1968 - Soo Lease Inc, Sargeant's Bluff, IA (1973) - 
					A Hulsey t/a Airgo, Dallas, TX (1977) - H Callins Jr, Ft Lauderdale, FL registered May 2, 1979. Current 2011.
				92231 (MSN 12009) to USAAF Oct 29, 1943.  To RAF with MAAF as Dakota III FL599 Jan 7, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.
					96 Sqdn RAF.  SEAAC Apr 30, 1944.  M East Jul 29, 1944.  SOC ACSEA Jun 28, 1945.
				92232 (MSN 12010) to USAAF Oct 29, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL600 Jan 14, 1944.  India.  353 Sqdn RAF.  
					62 Sqdn RAF.  DBR when crashed on landing, Agartala, Burma Dec 16, 1944.
				92233 (MSN 12011) to USAAF Oct 29, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III FL601 Jan 14, 1944.  India 117 Sqdn RAF.  
					Crashed on landing, Aberdeen Airstrip, Burma May 25, 1944.
				92234 (MSN 12012) to USAAF Oct 29, 1943.  To RAF for MAAFas Dakota III FL602. India 62 SQ Jan 14, 1944.   
					Missing (presumed shot down by enemy fighters) 60 mi SW of Imphal, India Apr 25, 1944.
				92235 (MSN 12013) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL603. 512 Sq Feb 9, 1944.  
					ACSEA 353 Sq Apr 7, 1944.   Broke up in cloud and crashed 25 mi N of Bombay, India Aug 17, 1945.
				92236 (MSN 12014) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  to RAF in UK as Dakota III FL604.  512 Sqdn RAF.  271 Sqdn RAF.
					107 OTU RAF.  Sold to BOAC as G-AGJX Jul 7, 1944.  
					Crashed Jan 11, 1947 into a hill at Barley Hill, Stowting, Kent, in southeast England, killing five people outright, 
					with a further three dying from injuries received. The aircraft had been operating a scheduled international flight 
					to West Africa via France. Poor weather caused the aircraft to attempt to divert. After attempts to land at a number 
					of French airports, the pilot decided to return to the United Kingdom as he was running short of fuel.
				 	The aircraft crashed while attempting to land at Lympne Airport. The rear fuselage and possibly other parts 
					were collected by Claude Jessett at Tinkers Park, Hadlow Down near Uckfield, probably in the 1950’s. 
					It was his intention to convert it into a caravan for family holidays. Since then the rear fuselage has remained 
					unconverted and derelict in the undergrowth as part of his collection of vintage steam and road vehicles.
				 	Now part of the Claude Jessett Trust. Extant Jun19.
				92237 (MSN 12015) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL605.  512 SQ Jan 31, 1944.  575 Sq Feb 14, 1944.  
					ACSEA May 9, 1944.  216 Sqdn M East Jun 29, 1944.  SOC Jul 31, 1944
				92238 (MSN 12016) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL606 Dec 22, 1943.  Transferred to South 
					African AF Jan 3, 1944 as 6815. 5 Wg 1945. ZS-AVJ South African AfW "Paardeberg" May 7, 1946.  
					Crashed Oct 15, 1951 Mt Ingeli, Kokstad, E Griqualand, South Africa
				92239 (MSN 12017) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL607 Dec 20, 1943 - 271 Sq 14Dec44 - G-AGIS
					BOAC Dec 31, 1944 - BEA Aug 17, 1946 - Pionair "Sir Ross Smith" - Aero Svces (London) Ltd Sep 8, 1953 - 
					Transair Ltd Sep 18, 1953 - Airwork Ltd Nov 10, 1953 - F-OAOE Cie Autrex registered Dec 28, 1953 - 
					Aigle Azur Indochine L -  Damaged Mar 4, 1954 and repaired as PH-DAR (PJ-ALD ntu) - KLM Nov 23, 1955 - 
					HK-523 SA Medellin ntu - PH-DAR KLM - PK-RDD Mr Roestam, Indonesia Dec 30, 1964 HL-2001 Korean A/L Jan 1965 - 
					cancelled (possibly U-602 Indonesian Navy).
				92240 (MSN 12019) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL608.  512 Sqdn RAF Jan 13, 1944.  
					271 Sqdn RAF Jan 24, 1944.  107 OTU May 13, 1944.
					To BOAC as G-AGJY Jul 25, 1944.  Registration cancelled Oct 9, 1947 on sale to
					Hong Kong Airways as VR-HDN "Kwang Tung" Jul 22, 1947.  Went to CAT Sep 1950 as XT-807, re-registered 
					as B-807, sold to Korean National A/Ls as HL-05 Feb 1951.
				92241 (MSN 12020) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL609. 512 Sqdn RAF Jan 7, 1944.  
					107 OTU RAF May 18, 1944. 1333 TSCU RAF May 1945.  22 MU May 19, 1946.
					Canadair Ltd Jul 17, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Oct 5, 1946.  To Zonaas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineaqs 
					Argentinas (ZONDA), registered as LV-ACL, to  Aerolineas Argentinas.   Damaged at Buenos Aires/Ezeiza-Ministro
					Pistarini Airport Jun 12, 1950 when overturned on landing.  Register was cancelled and the aircraft was scrapped.
				92242 (MSN 12021) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL610.  512 Sqn RAF Jan 1, 1944.  575 Sqdn
					RAF Feb 14, 1944.  India Apr 16, 1944.  M East Jun 29, 1944.  ACSEA May 31, 1945.  96 Sqdn RAF  
					Ditched in Andaman Sea 60 mi SW of Ye, Burma Sep 16, 1945.
				92243 (MSN 12022) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.   To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL611.  512 SQ Jan 26, 1944.  575 SQ Feb 14, 1944.  ACSEA 31 SQ Jun 9, 1944.
					31 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92244 (MSN 12023) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL612. 512 SQ Feb 1, 1944. 575 Sq Mar 12, 1944.  
					ACSEA Apr 19, 1944.  52 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92245 (MSN 12024) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL613 Feb 11, 1944. 271 Sqdn RAF.  
					107 OTU RAF May 13, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 17 1944. 
					107 OTU Jan 22, 1945.  1333 OTU RAF.  Damaged Oct 1, 1945.  Sold for spares use Dec 6, 1946
				92246 (MSN 12025) to USAAF Oct 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FL614 May 20, 1944 - 1382 TCU Dec 22, 1945 - 
					22 MU Jun 26, 1946.  TACA Jul 17, 1946 - Returned to USAAF Aug 3, 1946.
					NC34985 TWA bought Nov 6, 1946 - C E Mathews Nov 1947 - LV-AFS registered Feb 27, 1948 - 
					Aerolineas Argentinas May 3, 1949 - PP-XEP Cruzeiro Aug 1950 -  PP-YQB S. A. Transportes Aereos REAL 
					registered Nov 13, 1950 - Cancelled Nov 21, 1960 - T-36 Argentine AF - TC-36 reregistered - (May 1975).
				92247 (MSN 12026) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.  to RAF as Dakota III FL615.  To RAF 32 OTU Jan 5, 1944, diverted
					to RCAF.  JK Feb 12, 1944.  To Trans Canada Airlines as 
					CF-TDO May 1, 1946.  Matane Air Services LTD May 11, 1959.  To ZS-DRJ Aug 21, 1963 with
					Commercial Air Services Lesotho AAV L.  Comair 1976.  Magnum Airlines 1979.  Stored at Rand in 1999.
				92248 (MSN 12027) to USAAF Oct 31, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL616 Jan 4, 1044.  32 OTU RAF
					To RCAF.  WFU Dec 5, 1945.  To Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TDP bought May 1, 1946.  To N9184R with 
					Delta Aircraft and Engineering Co Sep 5, 1966.  Ozark Airlines Inc Jul 5, 1962.
					then to N166J registered in 1977.  G. H. G Bailey Inc Aug 18, 1965.  All World Aviation of Rosslyn, Virginia.
					Leased to Air Libya Mar 1977
				92249 (MSN 12029) to USAAF Nov 2, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FL617.  RAF M East Jan 28, 1944.  
					To 28 Sqdn South African AF Jan 28, 1944.  To ACSEA May 1945.  96 Sqdn RAF.
					To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947
				92250 (MSN 12030) to USAAF Nov 2, 1943, to USSR Dec 19, 1943
				92251 (MSN 12031) to USAAF Nov 2, 1943, to USSR Dec 19, 1943
				92252 (MSN 12032) to USAAF Nov 6, 1943, to USSR Dec 19, 1943
				92253 (MSN 12033) to USAAF Nov 4, 1943, to USSR Dec 14, 1943
				92254 (MSN 12034) to USAAF Nov 6, 1943, to USSR Dec 23, 1943
				92255 (MSN 12035) To USAAF Nov 4, 1943. departed US 31Dec43.  To RAAF as A65-25 09Jan44.  3 AD VH-CTX 09Jan44 
					14 RSU 13Jan44.  35 Sqn RAAF 01Feb44.  34 Sqn RAAF 26Oct44.   3 AD 18Apr46.   DAP RAAF Parafield 09Sep46.  
					1 AD RAAF 23Apr47.  1 CU RAAF 02May47.  DAT 01May47.  86 Wing RAAF 23May47.  2 CS RAAF 24Nov47.  1 AD RAAF 29Jan48
					To  QANTAS for £6250 as VH-EAR 20Apr48.  To Qantas Mandated Airlines VH-MAR 01Sep60.  To Ansett-MAL 12Jan61 
					To Ansett Airlines of Papua 19May68.  To Seulawah Air Services 'Dhasma Bakt' PK-RDF 16Jun69.
					Re-registered PK-RDK  Feb 1973
				92256 (MSN 12036) to NEIAF Dec 22, 1943 as DT-937, callsign VH-RDG.  To KLM (KNILM) Apr 1, 1948 as PK-RDG.
					To Indonesian AF (AURI) as T-437
				92257 (MSN 12037) to USAAF Nov 9, 1943.  Departed US 24Jan44 to RAAF as A65-26 24Jan44. 
					3 AD 04Feb44 35 Sqn RAAF coded FD- SVH-CTT 17Feb44.   34 Sqn RAAF 18Apr45.   DAP RAAF Parafield 26Nov45.
					3 AD 05Jun46.   Darwin SHQ Flight 20Sep46.   37 Sqn RAAF 17Oct46.   36 Sqn RAAF 30Jan47.   DAP RAAF Parafield 26Feb47.
					86 Wing RAAF Parafield 02Jun47.   Starboard engine emited smoke 75 miles S of Darwin landed safely 12Aug47.
					2 CS RAAF 27Jan48.   2 AD RAAF 01Mar48.   DAP RAAF Parafield 06Feb51.   TAA 02Oct51.   Australian Airlines VH-TAY 10Oct51
					Back to RAAF 24Jan52 (due to non-compliance with DCA regs).  1 AD RAAF modified to navigational trainer.  
					DAP RAAF Parafield RAAF Base East Sale 07Aug52.
					SoAN VM-JRB 29Jun55.  1 AD RAAF 20Dec55.   RAAF Base East Sale 01Feb56.  DAP RAAF Parafield instrumentation upgraded
					RAAF Base East Sale Parafield 16Aug57.   1 AD RAAF Lavert 19Aug69.   Department of Foreign Affairs as Australian Aid VH-EYB 16Dec72 
					To Philippine AF as 292257 26Feb73.    to Philippine civil registry as RP-C631Jul84  WFU  
				92258 (MSN 12039) to USAAF Nov 1, 1943.  To RAF as FL618 Jan 11, 1944.  OTU RAF.  Diverted to RCAF as Dakota III FL618.  
					To Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TDQ bought May 1, 1946.  Delivered Jul 2, 1946 to 
					Frontier Airlines as N4995E "Sunliner Lincoln".  To Miami Aviation Corp, Opa Locka, FL 1966.  
					Continental Air Services Inc, Los Angeles, CA 1967.  NLR.
				92259 (MSN 12040) to USAAF Nov 11, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FL619 Jan 8, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Feb 12, 1944. 
					215 Sqdn RAF.  ACSEA Apr 7, 1944.  To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947
				92260 (MSN 12041) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF in India as FL620 Jan 8, 1944.  Nassau Jan 11, 1944.  
					India Feb 12, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.  9 FU RAF.  To Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
					To VH-BDU Butler Air Tpt Ply "Warroo" Oct 7, 1947 - Airline of NSW 1959.  Ansett-MAL Apr 13, 1961.  
					B-253 Far Eastern Air Tpt Oct 20, 1967.  WFU 1979.
				92261 (MSN 12042) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FL621.  32 OTU RAF.  To RCAF as Dakota III FL621 
					Jan 8, 1944.  32 OTU Jan 11, 1944.  SOC Dec 5, 1945.  To Trans Canada Airlines 
					as CF-TDR Jun 5, 1946.  Matane Air Services Apr 5, 1961.  Homer O Rich, Miami, FL Apr 19, 1969.  To N3773 Universal
					Air Leasing Co Apr 9196.  World Aviation Services Inc, West Palm Beach, FL May 1970
				92262 (MSN 12043) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FL622 Jan 10, 1944.  RAF Nassau Jan 17, 1944.  
					M East Feb 12,1944.  India Sep 13, 1944.  To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947
				92263 (MSN 12044) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FL623.  RAF Montreal Jan 10, 1944.  UK 512 Sq Feb 9, 1944.  
					575 Sq Feb 14, 1944.  ACSEA May 10, 1944.  PTSI RAF Chaklala.  353 Sqdn RAF. 52 Sqdn RAF.
					To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947
				92264 (MSN 12045) to RAAF as A65-28 18Jan44,  3 AD 30Jan44 14 RSU 07Feb44.  35 Sqn RAAF VH-CUP 19Feb44.
					4 AD 24Jun44.  35 Sqn RAAF 17Jul44, VH-CUP Feb 9, 1944.   4 AD 24Jun44. 35 Sqn RAAF 17Jul44. 
					33 Sqn RAAF 27Apr45.  DAP RAAF Parafield 29Mar46. 1 AD RAAF 03Oct46.
					CFS RAAF 14Oct46.   Australian National Airlines as  "Pathana" VH-IBC 11Aug47. 
					To Ansett ANA 04Jan57.   Airlines of NSW Australia '62.   Scrapped 06Nov69 Essendon, Victoria 
				92265 (MSN 12046) to USAAF Nov 6, 1943, to USSR Dec 17, 1943
				92266 (MSN 12047) to USAAF Dec 9, 1943.  to RAF for MAAF as FL624 RAF Forval Jan 8, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF
					M East May 22,1944.  SOC Nov 28, 1946.
				92267 (MSN 12049) to USAAF Nov 11, 1943.  To RAF as FL625 Jan 5, 1944.  RAF Nassau Jan 5, 1944. West Africa Jan 26, 1944.
					To 28 Sqdn SAAF as 6822 Feb 7, 1944. To ZS-BXG "Piketburg" of South African Airways registered Nov 10, 1948.  
					To 6887 SAAF Feb 8, 1971.  44 Sq SAAF Oct 1972.  To 3711 with Rhodesian/Zimbabwe AF   W/O 18Dec80 at Marandellas 
				92268 (MSN 12050) to USAAF Nov 13, 1943. To RAF  as FL626.  RAF Montreal Jan 9, 1944.  UF 271 Sq Feb 14, 1944.  
					107 OTU May May 15, 1944.  24 Sq Aug 17, 1944.  271 Sq Dec 12, 1944.  109 OTU Dec 22, 1944. 1383 TCU 1946.  
					1333 TSCU Jul 23, 1946.  22 MU Oct 25, 1946. WFU Apr 23, 1947.  Scottish Aviation Ltd Apr 23, 1947.  
					20 FEB 1948 : Became OO-SBF 'Kisangani', not for SABENA but for its daughter (charters) SOBELAIR until Oct 27, 1955.  
					1956 : Sold to Finnair Sep 21, 1955, registered OH-LCJ Apr 21, 1956,
					OC-LCK registered Apr 21, 1956.  Sold by Finnair to the Finnish Air Force (DO-10) May 6, 1970
       				Used in the movie 'A Bridge Too Far'. Crashed near Kuopio, Finland Oct 3, 1978 . 15 people (3 crew and 12 Finnish
					politicians) killed.  This prompted the replacement of the C-47 in the Finnish Air Force.
				92269 (MSN 12051) to USAAF 06Nov43.  Departed US 31Dec43.  To RAAF as A65-27 (VH-CTY) 01Jan44.   3 AD 09Jan44.  
					14 RSU 13Jan44.  35 Sqn RAAF VH-CTY 21Jan44.  4 AD 20Feb44.  35 Sqn RAAF 24Feb44.  4 AD 26May44.  
					35 Sqn RAAF 07Jun44 VH-CTY.  13 ARD RAAF 09Feb45. 35 Sqn RAAF 28Mar45 .  13 ARD RAAF 01May45.  Ground accident 05Apr45 
					Pearce WA Australia.  Crashed Jul 20, 1945 at Port Moresby PNG.  Scrapped on site.
				92270 (MSN 12052) to USAAF Nov 6, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL627.  RAF Montreal Jan 8, 1944.   
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 9, 1944. ACSEA Apr 7, 1944.  SOC Dec 11, 1944.
				92271 (MSN 12053) to USAAF Nov 11, 1943.  To RAF as FL628.  RAF Montreal Jan 12, 1944.  UK Jan 19, 1944.  
					To BOAC Jan 31, 1944 as G-AGIX.  To BEA Sep 3, 1946.  Crashed near Sywell, Northants Jul 31, 1948.
				92272 (MSN 12054) to USAAF Dec 8, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL629.  RAF Montreal Jan 10, 1944.  
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.  107 OTU May 13, 1944.  To BOAC as G-AGJZ Jul 25, 1944.  
					Transferred to BEA and named "John Stringfellow".  Registration cancelled Apr 5, 1960 on sale to owner in Ghana
					as 9G-AAE with Ghana Airways.  To Air Liberia as EL-AAB and w/o on takeoff at Monrovia, Liberia Apr 19, 1975.
				92273 (MSN 12055) to USAAF Nov 26, 1943.  To RAF as FL630 Jan 14, 1944.  Diverted to South African AF Jan 21, 1944 
					with serial 6824.  No RAF service.  SAAF 5Wg 1945 - ZS-DES Kiersiev A/VI registered Nov 8, 1950 - 
					Canadair Ltd via Croydon Mar 22, 1951 - CF-GOR Spruce Falls Tpt Co, Toronto, Ont Jan 8, 1953 - 
					N800KC Kimberiev-Clark Corp Jul 10, 1956 - CF-KZO C W Millard, Toronto, Ont registered Aug 12, 1958 - 
					Hard Metals (Canada) Ltd, Noranda, PQ Sep 29, 1958 - J M Gardner (1958) Ltd, 
					Noranda, PQ May 27, 1959 - CF-PQG Dept of Transportation & Commerce, Quebec, PQ May 6, 1960 - Crashed Mar 16, 1965 
					Blanc Sablon Apt, PQ - Salvage to Northern Wings Ltd.
				92274 (MSN 12056) to USAAF  06Nov43.   departed US 06Jan44.   to RAAF as A65-29 07Jan44.   3 AD 14Jan44.  14 RSU 18Jan44 
					35 Sqn RAAF VH-CTZ 27Jan44.   13 ARD RAAF 07Apr45.   35 Sqn RAAF 16Apr45.  34 Sqn RAAF 20Apr45.
					5 RSU 20Sep45.   34 Sqn RAAF 15Oct45.  1 AD RAAF 04Feb46.  DAP RAAF Parafield 08Mar46.
					1 AD RAAF 09Aug46.  Trans Australian Airlines "Augustus/Gregory" VH-TAE 23Aug46.   
					New Zealand National Airlines leased 03Mar60 to Dec 22, 1960.
					Trans Australian Airlines 'Gregory/Mt Hagan" VH-SBL 08Dec60.   Air Niugini 01Nov73.   
					P2-SBL registered 01Jun74.   reregistered P2-ANR 18Nov75.
					Forrestair VH-SBL 28Oct76.  To storage Essendon Airport VIC Australia 14Nov78.  
					General Cargo Australia VH-SBL 24Feb81
					Setair 18Feb84.   Gold Wing Air Cargo VH-SBL 28Jul83. Travair DC 3 Queensland 09Oct86 09Mar88 
					Dakota National 30Jul92.  Dakota National Air 06Apr94.  Noted still in service Essendon Airport Sep 2011 
					flew from Essendon to Larras Lee airfield 11jan 2013  
				92275 (MSN 12057) to USAAF Nov 12, 1943.  To RAF as FL631 at RAF Dorval Jan 8 1944.  UK Apr 14, 1944.  107 OTU RAF
					May 16, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF -  !380 TACU RAF Apr 11, 1946.  22 MU Jul 3, 1946.  Canadair Ltd Jul 17 1946.  
					Returned to USAAF Oct 26, 1946.  LV-ACW Aeroposta Argentina Apr 16, 1947 - Aerolineas Argentinas "Tchuelche" 
					Nov 22, 1950 - LQ-ACW Prefectura Nacional Maritima Dec 26, 1962 - PM-15 (or -16?) reregistered May 23, 1963 - 
					LQ-ACW Dir Prov de Aeron Formosa "Ciudad Florinda" - LV-ACW reregistered (Feb 1979).
				92276 (MSN 12059) to USAAF Nov 15, 1943.  To RAF as FL632. RAF Montreal Jan 5, 1944.  Damaged Jan 21, 1944.  
					Repaired.  UK 512 Sq Feb 23, 1944.  ACSEA Apr 11, 1944. SOC Mar 28, 1946
				92277 (MSN 12060) to usAAF Nov 11, 1943.  To RAF as FL633.  RAF Montreal Jan 11, 1944.  UK 512 SQ Jan 31, 1944.  
					575 Sq Feb 14 1944.  ACSEA Apr 10, 1944.  M East Jun 29, 1944.  216 Sq May 1945.  1382 TWSCU 1945.  WFU Jul 25, 1946,.
					To Turkish Air Lines (Devlet Hava Yollari) Jul 25, 1946 as TC-YOL.  Aug 1969 to Portugal Soc. Acoriana 
					Transportes Aereos (SATA or Air Acores) as CS-TAI, leased and returned; Atlantico Interplano.  
					In 1975 to Israel AF as 4X-FNT/Serial #029.  To Global Aircraft Industries as N751A.  Now on civil registry 
					as N751A with Oklahoma Airborne Museum, OK.  Has been bought by the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team and 
					operated out of Frederick Army Airfield, OK.
				92278 (MSN 12061) to USAAF Nov 16, 1943.  To RAF as FL634. RAF Forval Jan 8, 1944.  UK 271 Sqdn RAF Feb 1944.  
					107 OTU RAF May 13, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 17, 1944.
					1381 TSCU RAF.  22 MU Jul 2, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Sep 23, 1946 (must have been just a paper transaction).  
					To YS-39 TACA de Salvator bought Jul 17, 1946
				92279 (MSN 12062) to USAAF Nov 15, 1943 to RAF as FL635 at RAF Dorval Jan 8, 1944.  To 271 Sqdn RAF Feb 1, 1944.  
					107 OTU RAF Jun 16, 1944.  RAF Ossington Feb 1, 1945.  1382 TSCU RAF 1946.  Returned to USAAF Sep 11, 1946 
					(must have been a paper transaction).  To YS-34 Taca De Hondura Jul 17, 1946, to C-209.  To YS-34 again May 1947.  
					To TI-160 Taca De Costa Rico
				92280 (MSN 12063) to USAAF Nov 17, 1943.  To RAF as FL636.  Diverted to RCAF Jan 7, 1944, no RAF service.  
					SOC Jun 19, 1946.
				92281 (MSN 12064) to USAAF Nov 25, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FL637 Jan 9, 1944.  Transferred to 28 Sq South 
					African AF in M East Feb 12, 1944.  To 6884 SAAF Sep 1945.
					44 Sq Aug 5, 1967.  Converted to turbo DC-3 No. 6884.  86 AFS Sep 1975
				92282 (MSN 12065) to USAAF Nov 18, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FL638 at RAM Nassau Dec 15, 1943.  
					Middle East Jan 3, 1944.  1 PTS 1944.  Transferred to SAAF Aug 1945,  as
					6875 Sep 28, 1945.  DBR Jul 3, 1964.  W/o.  The SAAF number 6875 was again used 
					on another turbo conversion, 42-68819
				92283 (MSN 12066) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FL639 Jan 8, 1944- UK ATTDU RAFJan 31, 1944 - 
					1PTS RAF Mar 28, 1944 - Dec 12, 1946 to Anglo Vaal Air Transport of South
					Africa as ZS-BVF, to G-ALEZ (Hunting Aviation but NTU), to Wenela Air
					Services as 'Marine Diamond" registered as ZS-DPB but unused, to
					VP-YSJ (a temporary registration) for Suidwes Lugdiens (Air Nambia) then
					back to Wenela Air Services registered as ZS-DBP operated by Air Nambia, 1972 to Forca
					Aerea Portugesa as FAP 1678. In 1975 donated by Southern Cross Fund 
					(South Africa) as 'Pretoria Cruz do Sul'.  Wfu/derelict Luanda Aeroporto, Angola 1975.
				92284 (MSN 12067) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  to RAF as FL640 at RAF Montreal Jan 27, 1944.  352 Sqdn RAF.
					52 Sqdn RAF.  UK Feb 7, 1944. ACSEA 52 SQ Apr 16, 1944.   Missing between 
					Dinjan, China and Kunming, China Sep 18, 1944.
				92285 (MSN 12069) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF as FL641 at RAF Montreal Jan 27, 1944.  UK 271 Sqdn RAF 
					Feb 14, 1944.  Crashed at Blunsdon, UK after losing tail in collision with Dakota FZ592 (42-92356) Mar 25, 1944.
				92286 (MSN 12070) to USAAF Nov 15, 1943.  to RAF for MAAF as FL642 at RAF Nassau Dec 16, 1943. 31 Sqdn RAF 
					India Jan 16, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To Indian Airlines as VT-DDR B. Putnaik registered May 1950.  
					Hilalayain Aviation Ltd.  Kaling Airlines. Ltd.  To Indian Airlines 
					as VT-DDR.  W/o Apr 25, 1966 at Nagpur, India
				92287 (MSN 12071) to USAAF Dec 18, 1943.  To RAF as FL643 at RAF Nassau Jan 26, 1944.  SEAAC RAF Apr 1944.  
					353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF. 194 Sqdn RAF.  W/o Jul 26, 1945 in landing accident 
					at Mingaladon, Burma.  SOC Jul 26, 1945
				92288 (MSN 12072) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as FL644 at RAF Nassau Jan 20, 1944.  ACSEA Apr 27, 1944.  
					62 Sqdn RAF. 194 Sqdn RAF.  Crashed on takeoff, Imphal, India Feb 12, 1945.
				92289 (MSN 12073) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FL645 Jan 5, 1944 at RAF Nassau.  Diverted to
					South African AF as 6823 Jan 31, 1944, no RAF service.
					To ZS-DEO for Kiersley Airways Nov 8, 1950.  To XY-ACN converted
					to turbo DC-3 with parts from SAAF 6803.  To ET-AGV for RRC Air
					services.  To Clareville AG Geneva Oct 21, 1985 and leased to Uganda
					AF as 501 (Oct 25, 1985 to Jan 22, 1986).  Stored at Addis Ababa Jan 25, 1986.
					To US civil registry Aug 29, 1986 as N9700N.  To Clareville AG and
					transferred to Kenya as 5Y-BFO.  In 1989 to ZS-MFY for Wonder Air.
					In 1992 to Avia Air Charters, in 1998 to Speed Air Services.  In 2001
					operated by United Nations Humanitarian Air Services.  Damaged in Sudan
					but repaired and now (2004) registred to Turbine DC-3 Partnerships
					(Rossair Holdings).  Registration 5Y-DAK reserved 2004.  Also listed as crashing Aug 16, 1972
					into Bay of Bengal, Sandoway, Burma, but this was XY-ACM MSN 26979
				92290 (MSN 12074) to USAAF Dec 14, 1943.  To RAF as FL646 at RAF Nassau Jan 29, 1944.  India Mar 4, 1944.  
					62 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Jun 27, 1946, scrap
				92291 (MSN 12075) to USAAF Dec 41, 1943.  To RAF as FL647 at RAF Montreal Jan 28, 1944.   
					To G-AGIZ for BOAC Feb 12, 1944 and then leased to BEA Jun 22, 1949.
					Pionair-Leopard "Sir Oliver Swann" . Damaged Nov 10, 1953.  Sold to Field Aircraft services Ltd Feb 1, 1954
					Rebuilt and to F-OAQJ Cie Cherifienne duj Pont Aerien bought May 11, 1954.  Air Outre Mer.  
					To KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Jun 16, 1955 as PH-DAX.   To civil registry as HK-524 Jun 17, 1955 
					(3 operators: Rutas Acreas SAM, Rutas Aeeas de Colombia (AVISPA), Asrovias Pilotos Asociados Medellin SA).  
					Went missing near Servania del Baudo, Colombia on flight from Bahia Solano Airport 
					to Quibdbo Airport Apr 22, 1962.  4 crew and 36 passengers killed.  The wreckage was found 4 days later, 
					31 miles from the airport on Bonito Peak at an elevation of 2,400ft.
				92292 (MSN 12076) to USAAF 10Dec43.  Was to have gone to RAF as FL648 but NTU.   Departed US 18Jan44.  To RAAF as A65-30 18Jan44 
					3 AD 30Jan44.  14 RSU 10Feb44.   35 Sqn RAAF VH-CUB 20Feb44.  To ANA for autopilot and hydraulic repairs 26Feb44 
					35 Sqn RAAF FD-U U on cockpit glazing 04Mar44.  4 AD 22Jul44.  35 Sqn RAAF 13Aug44.  34 Sqn RAAF 17Apr45 
					DAP RAAF 05Mar46.  1 AD RAAF 12Apr46.   DAP RAAF 30May46.   1 AD RAAF 31Oct46.   36 Sqn RAAF 08Nov46.
					2 CS RAAF 24Nov46.   Toc 12Jul48.  1 AD RAAF Toc 06Oct50.  ARDU RAAF 02Aug51 
					converted to navigational trainer 24Nov51.  ARDU RAAF 07Mar52.   DAP RAAF 07Mar52 . SoAN RAAF 25Sep52 
					DAP RAAF 14Sep55.   1 AD RAAF 08Mar56.  SoN RAAF 09Apr56.  RAAF Base East Sale 25Feb58. 1 AD RAAF 17Jun64 
					Department of Foreign Affairs Australian Aid as VH-AIC 11Jan71.  KAKP 16Nov71 Air America Phnom Penh Station Sep73. 
					Did not escape to Thailand when Cambodia fell to the Khmer Rouge forces of Pol Pot 1975
				92293 (MSN 12077) to USAAF Nov 10, 1943.  To RAF as FL649 at RAF Dorval Dec, 5, 1943.  511 Sqdn RAF Dec, 1943.  
					525 Sqdn RAF.  Transferred to BOAC May 15, 1946 as G-AHDB.  To BEA Sep 3, 1946.   Broken up for spares 
					at Speke in 1946.
				92294 (MSN 12079) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FL650.  Diverted to RCAF Jan 31, 1944, no RAF service.  
					Crashed Nov 6, 1944.
				92295 (MSN 12080) to USAAF Nov 1943.  To RAF as FL651 in UK Jan 17, 1944.  Returned to USAAF Jun 14, 1944.  
					To 7500 Air Base Group 1955 to May 1956.  To Vietnam AF, to Cambodia AF Sep 21, 1971.
				92296 (MSN 12081) to uSAAF Nov 17, 19043.  To RAF as Dakota III FL652 at RAF Montreal Dec 4, 1943.  
					To UK Dec 16, 1943.  109 OTU RAF Aug 29, 1944.  138 CU RAF.  DBR when the aircraft stalled and crash 
					landed shortly after takeoff at Cosby-On-Eden, Cumberland, UK at RAF training base on Dec 31, 1945 
				92297 (MSN 12082) to USAAF Nov 17, 1943.  To RAF as FZ548 at RAF Montreal Dec 15, 1943.  512 Sqdn RAF UK Jan 25, 1944.  
					Air Command, South East Asia 15Apr44; No.62 Squadron, Agartala, India.
					Detailed on 11th June 1944 to carry Army reinforcements to Imphal, India, the aircraft failed to 
					arrive at its destination.  The crashed aircraft was located in the Karimganj (Silchar) area in the 
					province of Assam. It was in a ploughed paddy field and was fully immersed in water at a depth of 10 feet. 
					All the crew were killed together with the 23 Army personnel on board.
				92298 (MSN 12083) to USAAF Nov 17, 1943.  To RAF as FZ549 at RAF Montreal Dec 24, 1943.  271 Sqdn RAF UK Jan 25, 1944.  
					24 Sqdn RAF Aug 14 1944.  1336 TCU RAF Aug 22, 1945.  1381 TCU RAF Mar 11, 1946.  22 MI Oct 24 1946.  
					Returned to USAAF Jan 10, 1947 (must have been a paper transaction).
					To KLM Nov 20, 1946.  To PH-TDV Jun 13, 1947, To PH-UEV Rijksluchtvaartdienst Sep 27, 1950, To PH-TDV
					again Jun 30, 1950.  To PH-TDN KLM Jun 30, 1953, PH-DAV reregistered
					May 5, 1954.  Sold via Flvrederi, Norway as I-TAVE Itavia Jun 13, 1962 Handley Page Ltd (trade-in on Herald).  
					Keegan Avi delivered Feb 28 1964.  CX-BDA PLUNA delivered Jul 18, 1964 as I-TAVE.  Used for spares only.
				92299 (MSN 12084) to USAAF Nov 22, 1943.  To RAF as FZ550 at RAF Montreal Dec 19, 1943.  UK 512 Sqdn RAF Jan 31, 1944.  
					ACSEA Apr 11, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  Crashed on takeoff, Agartala, Burma Aug 24, 1944.
				92300 (MSN 12085) to USAAAF Nov 22, 1943.  To RAF as FZ551 at RAF Montreal Dec 19, 1943.  267 Sqdn RAF.
					Middle East Jan 16, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF.  India Feb 22, 1945.  352 MU RAF.
					Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947, to VT-DAY of Anand Kumar and Co registered Jan 30, 1949, to
					Kalinga Airlines registered Mar 1949.  Sold in 1950 to owner in Burma as XY-ACG. To Burmese AF as UBT-707,
					later 5707.  W/o May 8, 1962 at Mong PA US Liao, Burma.
				92301 (MSN 12086) to USAAF Nov 22, 1943.  To RAF as FZ552 at RAF Montreal Dec 17 1943.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.  
					Crashed at Collingbourne, Wiltshire, UK during glider-towing exercise Apr 17, 1944.
				92302 (MSN 12087) to USAAF Nov 22, 1943.  to RAF for MAAF as FZ553 at RAF Montreal Dec 15, 1943.  
					Middle East Jan 8 1944. 28 Sqdn SAAF.  96 Sqdn RAF.  ACSEA 1945.  SOC Oct 4, 1945.
				92303 (MSN 12089) to USAAF Nov 24, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FZ554 at RAF Montreal Dec 19, 1943.  
					353 Sqdn RAF Dec 19, 1943.  Middle East Jan 18, 1944. ACSEA 1945.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CIJ Orient AAV Feb 13, 1947, reregisted VT-CPH 1947 but NTU.  To AP-AAH Pakistani 
					International Airlnes "City of Jessore" Apr 1, 1955.  Crashed Mar 26 1965, Lowery Pass, NW Pakistan.
				92304 (MSN 12090) to USAAF Nov 18, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FZ555 at RAF Montreal Dec 15, 1943.  
					Middle East Dec 31, 1943.  Transferred to South African AF Oct 4, 1945
					with serial 6866.  ZS-DBL NTU.  ZS-DCA Acf Operating Co of Africa registered Dec 7, 1948.  To G-AANT Field
					Aircraft Services Ltd, NTU but used for one flight.  To F-OAPI Air Outre Mer registered Mar 25, 1954.  
					To ZS-DCA again with Alricair Pty Lt Mar 15, 1945.  VP-YSK WENELA registered Oct 28, 1960.  
					Rhodesian Air Services (Pvt) LTtd.
				92305 (MSN 12091) to RAF as FZ556.  RAF Montreal Dec 19, 1943.  UK Jan 31, 1944.  ACSEA Apr 15, 1944.   SOC Jul 5, 1945.  
				92306 (MSN 12092) to RCAF as FZ557. To RCAF Monteal Dec 27, 1943.  32 OTU Jan 5, 1944.  India Apr 29, 1944.  SOC Feb 19, 1946.
					To Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TDS Jul 25, 1946. To CF-QBF with Quebecair Oct 10, 1956.  Reregistered CF-QBF
					Oct 24, 1956.  W/o in hangar fire Jul 13, 1958 at Rimouski, Quebec.  RAF record card says aircraft SOC Feb 19, 1946
				92307 (MSN 12093) to RCAF as FZ558.  Diverted to RCAF, no RAF
					service. RCAF Patricia Bay Dec 25, 1943.  32 OTU Jan 5, 1944.  SOV Mar 2, 1946 and to War Assets Corp (Canada).
					To Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TDT Sep 28, 1946.  Matane Air Services Dec 1, 1961.  To N7709 H. O. Rich, Miami, FL
					Oct 1966.  Universal Air Leaxing Co, Grand Blanc, MI Apr 9169.  Tucker Enterprises Inc, Wilmington, DE t/a Palme
					Tree AfW Jul 1970.  Derelict Nassau, Bahamas 1971.
				92308 (MSN 12094) to RAF as FZ559. RAF Nassau Jan 12, 1944.  SEAAC Apr 29, 1944.  3 PTS.   Crashed into hill while flying
					low, Pindi Khut, Punjab Apr 30, 1946.
				92309 (MSN 12095) to RAF as FZ560.  RAF Montreal Dec 10, 1943.  UK 512 SQ Dec 31, 1943.  ATTDU Feb 6 1944.
					1 PTS Apr 22, 1944.  22 MU Nov 22, 1946.  PP Air Tpt Jan 21, 1947.  Returned to USAAF
					Mar 3, 1947.   To G-AJNR Air Transport Assoc Ltd Apr 10, 1947, R. K. Dundas Ltd Jun 11, 1947.  To VH-COK Indian
					National Airlines Aug 27, 1947.  DBF Feb 8, 1952 Baghdogra Airport, Silguri, West Bengal, India
				92310 (MSN 12096) to RAF as FZ561.  RAF Monteal Dec 23, 1943.  To BOAC Jan 12, 1944 as G-AGIU, leased to BEA Feb 25, 1946
					bought Sep 3, 1946.  Pionair "Edward Busk" Aug 30, 1951.  Min of Avn Mar 17, 1951.  To owner in Mali as TZ-ABB (registration 
					CT-ABB originally allocated but NTU) Mar 1961.  G-AGIU allocated for delivery Mar 27, 1961.
				92311 (MSN 12097) was to have gone to RAF as FZ562, but went to NEIAF as DT-940, callsign VH-RDJ  To KNILM Apr 1, 1948 as PK-RDJ.
					To Indonesian AF (AURI) as T-440
				92312 (MSN 12099) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ564 at RAF Montreal Dec 22, 1943.  1 PTS UK Jan 11, 1944  
					CRD at RAE Jan 25, 1944.  Defford Mar 15, 1944.  A&AEE Sep 17, 1945.  Field Aircraft Services May 20, 1947.  
					Returned to USAAF May 28, 1947.  To F-BEIQ Air Maroc registered Jun 17, 1948. To CF-FAJ Maritime Central 
					Airways bought Feb 15, 1952.  Eastern Province AfW 1963.  DBR Apr 3, 1965 St Pierre et Miquelon.
				92313 (MSN 12100) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  Was to have gone to RAF as FZ565.  Crashed Dec 16, 1943 in USA before 
					delivery to RAF
				92314 (MSN 12101) to USAAF Nov 24, 1943.  to RAF as FZ566 at RAF Montreal Dec 15, 1943.  UK 1 PTS RAF
					Dec 31, 1943.  22 MU RAF Nov 26, 1946.  AV Air Tpt, Johannesburg Dec 12, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Aug 6, 1947.  
					Scottish Aviation LTd Aug 8, 1947.  To Air Algerie Mar 8, 1948 as F-BCYO.   Crashed Jan 8, 1949 in 
					landing at Lyons, France.  All survived.
				92315 (MSN 12102) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ567 Dec 17, 1943.  To BOAC as G-AGIY Feb 7, 1944.  DBR on landing
					at El Adem, Libya Mar 23, 1946
				92316 (MSN 12103) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FZ568 at RAF Dorval Dec 17, 1943.  UK 512 Sqnd RAF Jan 13, 1944.  
					ACSEA.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  VT-CZC H. H. Vijay Raja Scindia of Gwalior Aug 1, 1950.  
					Jiyaja Rao Cotton Mills Ltd Sep 29, 1961.  Bharat Commerce and Industries Ltd Aug 24, 1962.  
					To Jamair of Jamnagar, India in 1969 as VT-CZC.  Crashed on takeoff from New Delhi's Safdarjang Airport 
					Dec 5, 1970.  No. 2 engine failed on takeoff due to fuel starvation.  A right
					turn was made after lifting off, but the crew lost control and crashed.  5 of 16 onboard killed.
				92317 (MSN 12104) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ569 at RAF Montreal Dec 22, 1943.  512 Sdn RAF Jan 19, 1944.  
					ACSEA Apr 21 1944.   3 PTS RAF.   Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1947, to FLC
				92318 (MSN 12105) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ570 at RAF Montreal Dec 17, 1943.  Middle East Jan 18, 1944.  
					To 28 Sq South African AF Feb 13, 1944.  DBR when struck while parked by USAAF aircraft at Maison Blanche,
					Algeria Nov 10, 1946	
				92319 (MSN 12106) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FZ571 at RAF Patricia Bay Jan 4, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF Jan 7 1944, 
					no RAF service.  RCAF 32 OTU Jan 7, 1944.  SOC Dec 1945.  To Trans Canada Airways as CF-TDU Oct 30, 1946.  
					To CF-TDU Oct 30, 1946.  To Frontier Airlines as N4991E "Sunliner Omaha" Sep 16, 1958.  Colorado National 
					Bank Exec Investment Co, Lousiville KY Aug 6, 1968.  Jack Richards Aircraft Co, Inc Oklahoma City, OK 1971.  
					L Overturf, Mena, AR 1975  W. C. Dause, Granger, Ut Jan 26, 1976.  W. C.Dause, Jr Acampo, CA Sep 22, 1982.
				92320 (MSN 12107) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ572 Dec 24, 1943.  Diverted to South African AF Jan 31, 1944 as
					6821, no RAF service.  5 Wg.  To ZS-BXF South African AAV "Kiapperkop" Aug 16, 1948.  Later "Vasperade".  
					To SAAF as 6888 Feb 8, 1971.  44 Sq Sep 1972.  Preserved at SAAF Museum.
				92321 (MSN 12109) to USAAF Nov 25, 1943.  To RAF for MAAF as FZ574 at RAF Montreal Dec 17, 1943.  MAC Jan 2, 1944.  
					To 28 Sq South African AF.  DBR when bellylanded after
					engine cut on approach to Maison Blanche, Algeria Sep 19, 1944.
				92322 (MSN 12110) to USAAF Nov 26, 1943.  Was to have gone to RAF as FZ575.  Diverted to RCAF Dec 25, 1943, no
					RAF service.  32 OTU Jan 5, 1944.  SOC Dec 5, 1945.  To Trans Canada Airways as CF-TDV Jun 12, 1946.  To N9123R Remmert
					Werner Inc Sep 1, 1961.  Charlotte Aircraft Corp.  To OB-R-810 Trans-Peruana de Avn SA "Liliana" Oct 13, 1965. NLR
				92323 (MSN 12111) to USAAF Nov 26, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ576.  Diverted to RCAF Dec 27, 1943,
					no RAF service.   32 OTU Jan 5, 1944.  Overshot Port Hardy Airport, BC, Canada 4/19/44.
				92324 (MSN 12112) to USAAF Nov 28, 1943.  Was to have gone to RAF as FZ577.  Diverted to South African AF Jan 25, 1944 
					with serial 6816.  No RAF service.  W/o May 6, 1964
				92325 (MSN 12113) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  To RAF as FZ578 at RAF Montreal Jan 7, 1944.  UK Apr 10, 1944.  
					107 OTU May 16, 1944.  1333 TSCU May 1945.  22 MU Jul 6, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Nov 8, 1946.
					By 1954 was CX-AGE of Primeras Lineas Uruguaya de Navigacion Aerea (PLUNA).  Crashed Oct 9, 1962 on takeoff at 
					Montevideo, Uruguay.  10 lost.
				92326 (MSN 12114) to USAAF Dec 13, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ579 Jan 19, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  53 Sqdn RAF.
					141 RSU RAF.  Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1947
				92327 (MSN 12115) to USAAF Dec 1, 1943.  To RAF as FZ580 Jan 6, 1944.  Diverted to SAAF Feb 13, 1944 with serial
					6820, no RAF service.  To N192RD, converted to Turbo DC-3.  Current 2011.
				92328 (MSN 12116) to USAAF Nov 30, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ581 Jan 8, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF,
					no RAF service.  W/o at Patricia Bay, BC, Canada Feb 26, 1944.
				92329 (MSN 12117) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943.  5th AF, 374th TCB, , 6th TCG lost Jun 27, 1944.  MACR 12789l  
					Also reported as going to USSR Jan 4, 1944
				92330 (MSN 12119) to USAAF Nov 30, 1943, to USSR Jan 2, 1944
				92331 (MSN 12120) to USAAF Nov 30, 1943, to USSR Dec 24, 1943
				92332 (MSN 12121) to USAAF Dec 2, 1943, to USSR Dec 30, 1943
				92333 (MSN 12122) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943, to USSR Dec 30, 1943
				92334 (MSN 12123) to USAAF Nov 29, 1943, to USSR Jan 26, 1944
				92335 (MSN 12124) to USAAF Dec 28, 1943, to USSR Jan 26, 1944
				92336 (MSN 12125) to USAAF Dec 3, 1943, to USSR Jan 24, 1944
				92337 (MSN 12126) to USAAF Dec 3, 1943, to USSR Jan 5, 1944
				92338 (MSN 12127) to USAAF Dec 8, 1943, to USSR Jan 5, 1944
				92339 (MSN 12129) to USAAF Dec 7, 1943, to USSR Jan 5, 1944
				92340 (MSN 12130) to USAAF Nov 6, 1943, to USSR Jan 4, 1944
				92341 (MSN 12131) to USAAF Dec 4, 1943, to USSR Jan 4, 1944
				92342 (MSN 12132) to USAAF Dec 4, 1943, to USSR Jan 2, 1944
				92343 (MSN 12133) to USAAF Dec 2, 1943, to USSR Jan 5, 1944
				92344 (MSN 12134) to USAAF Dec 4, 1943, to USSR Jan 5, 1944
				92345 (MSN 12135) to USAAF Dec 4, 1943, to USSR Jan 13, 1944
				92346 (MSN 12136) to USAAF Dec 9, 1943, to USSR Jan 17, 1944
				92347 (MSN 12137) to USAAF Dec 14, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ582 Jan 10, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.
					Destroyed by fire after undercarriage collapsed on landing, Clydesdale Strip, 
					Burma May 12, 1944.
				92348 (MSN 12139) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ584 Feb 6, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  
					Diverted to RCAF.  RCAF record card says that it crashed near Karimganj Jul 5, 1944.  Other
					records say that it went to TCA as CF-TDW 1946.  To Frontier
					Airlines as N4992E
				92349 (MSN 12140) to USAAF Dec 14, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ585 Jan 15, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.
					Crashed near Shongsphel, Burma Jul 31, 1944.  Found on Mar 3, 1945.  There is a reference to the plane being 
					PP-AXF of Empresa de Transportes Aerovias Brasil S.A. in 1954.
				92350 (MSN 12141) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ586 Feb 8, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF, no RAF
					service.  To TCA as CF-TDX 1946.  To Frontier Airlines as N4996E 'Sunliner Kansas City' Sep 16, 1958.
					Current 2011.
				92351 (MSN 12142) to USAAF Dec 12, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ587 Jan 8, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF. 1334 CU RAF.
					Transferred to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  To N9083C.  To VT-DGX Jun 1945.  To VR-AAJ.  to VT-DGX
					again Dec 16, 1960.  W/o at Sela, India Sep 21, 1962.
				92352 (MSN 12143) to USAAF Jan 3, 1944.  To RAF as FZ588 but NTU.  To 8th AF Mar 26, 1944.  9th AF.  Salvaged
				92353 (MSN 12144) to USAAF Dec 9, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ589 Jan 17, 1944. 194 Sqdn RAF.  215 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to Indian Government Jan 30, 1947.  Transferred to Indian AF as
					VP912 Nov 28, 1946
				92354 (MSN 12145) to USAAF Dec 15, 1943.  to RAF in India as FZ590 Jan 12, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.
					Flew into high ground during supply dropping mission over Burma Mar 27, 1944.
				92355 (MSN 12146) to USAAF Dec 19, 1943.  to RAF in UK as FZ591 Jan 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF.  107 OTU RAF.
					1333 CU RAF.  Returned to USAAF May 9, 1947.  To Scottish Aviation Ltd Mar 20, 1947.
				92356 (MSN 12147) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ592 Jan 22, 1944. 271 Sqdn RAF, 48 Sqdn RAF.
					1336 CU RAF.  1381 CU RAF.  Returned to USAAF Oct 19, 1946.
					To PP-ACC, to Aerovias Brazil (REAL Transportes Aereos) as PP-AXF.  To Brazilian AF as FAB 2077. 
					To Rondonia Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-KVT May 13, 1960.  W/o Nov 13, 1979 near Cascavel, Parana,
				92357 (MSN 12149) to USAAF Dec 16, 143.  To RAF in India as FZ594 Jan 29, 1944.  !94 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Aug 31, 1944
				92358 (MSN 12150) to uSAAF Dec 7, 1943.  To RAF in India as Dakota III FZ595 Jan 30, 1944.  52 Sqdn RAF.
					194 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Jul 25, 1946.  To Thai AF postwar.  To Siamese Airways in
					1948 as HF-SAF.  W/o Aug 2, 1951 at Bah Fai Airfield, Hau Hin, Thailand.
				92359 (MSN 12151) to USAAF Dec 6, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ596 Jan 8, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF as 596,
					No RAF service.  Lost at sea Aug 22, 1944
				92360 (MSN 12152) to USAAF Dec 18, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ597 Jan 24, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  
					Crashed after breaking up in cloud 11 miles NE of Mohavia, India Aug 4, 1944.
				92361 (MSN 12153) to USAAF Dec 17, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ598 Jan 19, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  
					Crashed on takeoff, Comilla, Burma Jun 23, 1944.
				92362 (MSN 12154) to UJSAAF Dec 13, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ599 Jan 20, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  
					Flew into hill in cloud near Ampi, Assam, India May 5, 1944
				92363 (MSN 12155) to USAAF Dec 15, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ600 Jan 24, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.
					Flew into hill in cloud near Kohima dropping zone in Burma Jun 19, 1944.
				92364 (MSN 12156) to USAAF Dc 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ601 Jan 30, 1944 at RAF Montral.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.
					No.44 Maintenance Unit , RAF Kinnell 15Apr46; 
					RAF record card states that the plane was relegated to ground instructional airframe
					with serial 6360M Jun 13, 1947.  Other records say that it went to 4th Transport Brigade, BAOR, Germany; 
					Sobelair "Kindu" 29Jan47; Registered OO-SBA, cancelled 7Jan56.  To OE-FDA, cancelled 7Jan56; 
					Airtaco/Dagens Nyheter 6Jan56; Registered SE-CBZ 16Feb56; Linieflyg 14Apr57; Registration cancelled 30Dec57; 
					Crashed 2May59 Alfabia Peak, Majorca, Balearic Islands. The DC-3 was on a return trip to Palma when it 
					took off again for Vienna after 90-minute stopover. The flight reported at 3000 feet and was then 
					instructed to report at FL90 or when leaving the Palma area. Just two minutes later the aircraft 
					struck Alfabia Peak at 3300 feet. 
					(Note: Belgian records give msn 12156, whereas 12210 is given on the RAF card as sold to Sobelair).
				92365 (MSN 12157) to USAAF Dec 7, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ602 Jan 8, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to Indian AF as VP913 Nov 28, 1946
				92366 (MSN 12159) to USAAF Dec 18, 1943.  To RAF as FZ604 Dec 25, 1943.  Diverted to South African AF 
					as 6817, no RAF service.  To Field Aircraft Services, Ltd as G-ALCA Jun 1948.
					To AP-ABW Aug 29, 1948.  To G-ALCA again Sep 20, 1948.  To AP-ABW again Oct 7, 1948. To CF-GXE Jun 8, 1953.
					W/o Apr 12, 1961 at St Johns, Canada.
				92367 (MSN 12160) to USAAF Dec 24, 1943.  To RAF as FZ605 Dec 24, 1943.  Diverted to SAAF with serial
					6825, no RAF service.  Converted in 1993 to C-47TP turboprop configuration and still on active service
					in Feb 2008.
				92368 (MSN 12161) to USAAF Dec 24, 1943.  To RAF as FZ606 Jan 27, 1944.  Diverted to SAAF Feb 27, 1944 with serial
					6826, no RAF service.  To ZS-DFN Sep 7, 1951.  To KA-DFN Oct 1961.  W/o Dec 1961 at Kolwezi, Katanga 
				92369 (MSN 12162) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF as FZ607 Jan 30, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 12, 1944.
					436 Sqdn RAF Oct 7, 1945.  No.22 Maintenance Unit, RAF Silloth, Cumberland 24Oct46; VIP Services 20Dec46.  
					Returned to USAAF Jan 10, 1947. Sold to Payloads Charter Co Feb 24, 1947 registered as G-AJGX Feb 24, 1947. 
					To British Aviation Service Ltd Oct 16, 1947. Sold to Technical and Aeronautical Exploitations (TAE) Nov 5, 1947 
					cancelled 5Nov47 on export to Greece; registered as SX-BAI. christened at a celebration on 31Aug47, attended 
					by King Paul; W/o when it crashed into a mountain 30 km (18.8 mls) NE of Athens, Greece 
					Jun 6, 1949 at Malakasa, Attica, Greece.
 				92370 (MSN 12163) to USAAF Dec 14, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ608 Jan 19, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CNZ Aug 9, 1947.
				92371 (MSN 12164) to USAAF Dec 22, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ609 Jan 24, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  109 OTU RAF.
					1383 CU RAF.  Returned to USAAF Oct 26, 1946.  To Spanish civil registry as EC-EAC, then
					EC-ACL (NTU).  To Spanish AF as T.3-1.  W/o Tenerife North, Canary Islands Mar 17, 1964
				92372 (MSN 12165) to USAAF Dec 20, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ610 Jan 22, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  
					Flew into high ground in cloud near Tealing, Scotland Jul 26, 1944
				92373 (MSN 12166) to USAAF Dec 24, 1943.  to RAF as FZ611 Jan 5, 1944.  Diverted to SAAF as 6819 Feb 7, 1944,
					no RAF service.  To ZS-BXI May 2, 1949 "Elandskop" of South African Airways.  To VP-KNU of East
					African Airways. Jul 16, 1956.  To ZS-BXI again Oct 12, 1956.  To SAAF as 6886 Feb 89, 1971.
					To N8241T.  To N8194Z Jul 14, 1998.  Fuselage stored outside at Wonderboom, N of Pretoria, 
					South Africa, awaiting turboprop conversion.  Current 2011.
				92374 (MSN 12167) to USAAF Dec 17, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ612 Jan 24, 3944. 194 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF>
					31 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  215 Sqdn RAF.  Transferred to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92375 (MSN 12169) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ614 Jan 10, 1944. 2781 Sqdn RAF.
					To BOAC as G-AGJU May 28, 1944..  DBR while landing Jan 3, 1947, Whitchurch, Bristol, UK.
				92376 (MSN 12170) to USAAF Dec 24, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ615 Jan 22, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Jun 24, 1946
				92377 (MSN 12171) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ616 Jan 7, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF. 575 Sqdn RAF.
					194 Sqdn RAF, 353 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.   Transferred to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92378 (MSN 12172) to USAAF Jan 6, 1944.  To RAF as FZ617 Jan 30, 1944. 48 Sqdn RAF.  
					RAF records say transferred to BOAC May 4, 1944 as G-AGJT.  British CAA records show
					identity PH-AZT between FZ617 and G-AGJT, and date of
					registration of G-AGJT as May 15, 1944. Registration G-AGJT
					cancelled when sold to Dutch user as PH-TBA Jan 8, 1946.  Then OO-TBA, then to PH-TBA again Jun 10, 1948.
					To N. V. Frits Diepen Vliegtuigen Apr 1948 as PH-TBF Jul 3, 1948. Sold to
					Mallard Air Service as N94530 Jan 1951.  to N3BA Jun 2, 1979.  Current 2011.
				92379 (MSN 12173) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ618 Jan 8, 1944.  RAF record card
					says that the plane was trensferred to BOAC as G-AGJS
					Jan 28, 1944.  British CAA records show an identity of PH-AZS
					between FZ618 and G-AGJS and date of registration of G-AGJS
					as Mar 2, 1944.  Registered to Royal Dutch Airlines as 
					PH-AZA "Spreeluw".  Reregistered as G-AGJS Mar 2, 1944.
					Registration cancelled Jan 25, 1946 and then to NEIAF as NL-204.
					Then to KLM as PH-TAZ.  To India Nov 14, 1950.  To Indonesian AF as T-482
				92380 (MSN 12174) Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ619; not taken up, retained by USAAF. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 
					304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to 
					Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					Weston Zoyland (Station 447) Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), 
					France Nov44. Crash landed near the Seine river, France 30Dec44.
				92381 (MSN 12175) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ620 Jan 15, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF.  
					Crashed after crew abandoned aircraft after flak hit Sep 21, 1944 Arnheim, Netherlands.
				92382 (MSN 12176) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ621; not taken up, retained by USAAF. 
					Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to 
					Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					9th AF.  Registered 21 Sep 1946 OK-WDC#03 Czechoslovakian State Airlines, w/o Dec 4, 1948 
					Praha LKPR, cancelled Feb 2, 1949.
				92383 (MSN 12177) to USAAF Dec 23, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ622 Jan 25, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  1336 CU RAF.
					To G-AHDA registered to Railway Air Services in May 1945, to spares.  WFU Apr 8, 1947.
				92384 (MSN 12179) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  to RAF in UK as FZ623 Jan 22, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF.  1383 CU RAF
					1381 CU RAF.  WFU Apr 24, 1947.
				92385 (MSN 12180) to USAAF Dec 28, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ624 Jan 24, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF.  10 Sqdn RAF.
					1336 CU RAF.  To British European Airways as G-AGZB Mar 3, 1946, 
					then to Channel Airways.  Crashed in fog May 6, 1962, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK.
				92386 (MSN 12181) to USAAF Dec 20, 1943.  to RAF in UK as FZ625 Jan 24, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  1336 CU RAF.  
					Became PH-TDY Jul 3, 1947.  To LN-PAS "Norse Carrier" of Braathens S. A. F. E Air 
					Transport A/S Jul 11, 1947.  W/o Mar 5, 1964 on takeoff at Oslo (Fornebu), Norway.  All survived.
				92387 (MSN 12182) to USAAF Dec 20, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ626 Jan 19, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF. 107 OTU RAF.  
					271 Sqdn RAF.  Shot down at Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 19, 1944.
				92388 (MSN 12183) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ627 Jan 8, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF. 62 Sqn RAF.
					31 SQDN raf.  353 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian AF as IAF VP914 Sep 25, 1947.  To PH-NCR, to TF-ISA for Icelandair
					Flugfelag Islands (Airline).  W/o Feb 23, 1967 when it was DBR at Danmarkshavn, Greenland
				92389 (MSN 12184) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ628 Jan 30, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  187 Sqdn RAF.
					525 Sqdn RAF.  1383 CU RAF.  WFU Dec 19, 1946.   To PH-NZR in 1946 but NTU.  to TF-ISA Jun Jun 11, 1949.
					S/o at Kanmarkshavn, Greenland Feb 23, 1967.
				92390 (MSN 12185) to USAAF JAN 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ629 at RAF MontrealJan 8, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF
					Feb 14, 1944. 107 (Transport) Operational Training Unit, RAF Leicester East 21May44.
					No.24 Squadron 17Aug44; No.1381 (Transport) Conversion Unit, RAF Bramcote; No.22 Maintenance Unit, 
					RAF Silloth, Cumberland 4May46; WFU.   Foreign Liquidation Commission; Sobelair 28Sep46; 
					Registration OO-SBA assigned, not taken up due bad condition of airframe
				92391 (MSN 12186) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ630 Jan 8, 1944.  WFU.  To G-AGIW Feb 2, 1944.
					 W/o Oct 13, 1950 at Mill Hill, London, UK 
				92392 (MSN 12187) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ631 at RAF Montreal Jan 9, 1944.  intended for 
					Air Chief Marshal Tedder, Supreme Commander Middle East Air Forces; modified for VIP use by Scottish Aviation, 
					Prestwick, Scotland 18Jan44; used by General Wilson, C-in-C, Middle East; named “Freedom”; Algiers, 
					Algeria; Naples, Italy; used to carry King George VI and Winston Churchill to Italy Jul-Aug44; 
					No.24 Squadron, Hendon Dec44; ACSEA Communications Squadron 12Sep46;  CS RAF. 48 Sqdn RAF.  
					Became VH-EAN Apr 18, 1949..  Apr 11, 1956 with Qantas Empire Airways Ltd.  reregistered VH-EBU 20Jan58.
					Trans Australia Airlines 1 Sep66; reregistered VH-SBD 8Dec69; Air Niugini 1Nov73; registered P2-SBD
					To P2-SBD.  Reregistered P2-ANO Dec 11, 1975.  wfu 31Jul77; stored Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Oct79;
					To N5590C Mar 13, 1980.  (Red Cross work in Thailand); cancelled 5Nov81 on export to Australia. 
					Preserved at Cairns, Australia VH-BPA.
 				92393 (MSN 12189) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ632 Jan 9, 1944.  45 Gp RAF.  Crashed off Azores
					Jan 17, 1944.
				92394 (MSN 12190) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ633 Jan 8, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF. 24 Sqdn RAF. 1382 CU RAF.  
					WFU Jul 17, 1946.  To PP-JAC Mar 11, 1947.  To PP-YPV Dec 1950 of S.A. Transportes Aereos REAL.
					To Argentine AF as FAA T-22 1961.  WFU 1968.
				92395 (MSN 12191) to USAAF Dec 24, 1943.  To RAF as FZ634 May 22, 1944, diverted to RCAF as FZ634.  
					To TCA as CF-TDY 1946.  To N4997E with Frontier
					Airlines Nov 6, 1958.  W/o Mar 18, 1965 at Clarenvillem, Canada.
					There is an accident report that has the plane overshooting the
					runway at Medford AAF, OR and nosing into ditch Jan 6, 1944
				92396 (MSN 12192) to USAAF Jan 5, 19044.  To RCAF as FZ635 Jan 9, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF.  
					To TCA as CF-TDZ May 1, 1946 1946, later CF-DTV, 
					later C-FDTV, then XA-RZF, Registered Dec 2005 to California-Pacifico as
					XA-UDY.  Current 2010.
				92397 (MSN 12193) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ636 Jan 22, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  107 OTU RAF.
					24 Sqdn RAF. 575 Sqdn RAF.  WFU.  To VT-CHE Jan 21, 19478.  To Indian AF as BJ621 Mar 24, 1962.  
				92398 (MSN 12194) to USAAF Dec 25, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ637 Jan 12, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF. 107 OTU RAF.
					24 Sqdn RAF.  W/o Nov 30, 1944 at Lagens, Azores.
				92399 (MSN 12195) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  to RAF in UK as Dakota III FZ638 Jan 9, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF. WFU. 
					Then to BOAC as G-AGJV Jun 2, 1944.  Transferred to BEA and named "John Porte".  
					Registration cancelled Mar 3, 1980 on sale to owner in British
					Virgin Islands as VP-LVM Feb 16, 1980.
				92400 (MSN 12196) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  tT RAF in UK as FZ639 Jan 31, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  437 Sqdn RAF.
					WFU Dec 19, 1946.  To CF-GJZ Dec 13, 1948.  To N510Z Sep 3, 1964.  To N755VM Mar 1967.  Current 2011.
				92401 (MSN 12197) to USAAF Dec 21, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ640 Jan 11, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  575 Sqdn RAF.
				92402 (MSN 12199) to USAAF Dec 21, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ641 Jan 8, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  WFU Jun 1, 1944.
					To G-AGJW Jun 1, 1944.  To Ghana as 9G-AAD Jul 9, 1969.  To Biafra AF Jun 15, 1967.  W/o at Part Harcourt, Biafra
					Aug 1967.
				92403 (MSN 12200) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF in India as FZ642 Jan 24, 1904.  FE RAF.  WFU Jul 6, 1944.
				92404 (MSN 12201) to USAAF Jan 12, 1944.  To RAF in India as FZ643 Jan 12, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.
					To Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				92405 (MSN 12202) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ644 Jan 19, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.
					W/o Aug 24, 1944 near Imphal in Burma.  6 killed.
				92406 (MSN 12203) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944.  To RAF in India as FZ645 Jan 25, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.
					SOC Apr 26, 1945
				92407 (MSN 12204) to USAAF Dec 25, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ646 Jan 11, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF.  WFU Apr 26, 1945.
					To YS-38 Jul 17, 1946
				92408 (MSN 12205) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944.  To RAF as FZ647 Jan 27, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  WFU Jul 25, 1946.  
					To TC-ECE of Devlet Hava Yollari Jul 25, 1946.  To ET-ABY Aug 11, 1966, To C9-STF, delivered Apr 1991
					to Scan Transportes Aereos Maputo and WFU in 19967.  Preserved at Ratanga Junction Amusement Park,
					Cape Town, South Africa.
				92409 (MSN 12206) to USAAF Dec 30, 1943.  To RAF in India as FZ648 Jan 9, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.
					W/o in takeoff accident Jul 9, 1945 at Kangla Field, India
				92410 (MSN 12207) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944. To RAF in UK as FZ649 Jan 24, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF
					W/o Wesel, Germany Mar 24, 1945.
				92411 (MSN 12209) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ650 Jan 30, 1944. ATTDU RAF.  TCDU RAF.  WFU.
					To G-AJRX Jun 9, 1947, to VR-SCN Aug 6, 1947, to VR-RCN Sep 24, 1958, to 9M-ALN Jan 8, 1959, 
					to PK-AKR Mar 13, 1959. To PK-OBK.  W/o at Pakanbaru, Indonesia Apr 28, 1981.
				92412 (MSN 12210) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ651 Jan 30, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.
					1383 (Transport) Conversion Unit, RAF Crosby on Eden; No.512 Squadron 14Feb44; No.1383 No.22 
					Maintenance Unit, RAF Silloth, Cumberland 14May46; WFU May 14, 1946.  Foreign Liquidation 
					Commission; Connor Aircraft 10Apr47; Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 2May47; registered YU-ACA in 1947. 
					then to Yemen Jan 1, 1974 as 4W-ABW.  To ET-AHP Ethiopian Airlines May 16, 1981. Crashed on takeoff 
					due to a burst tire at Makale, Ethiopia 22Aug82
				92413 (MSN 12211) to USAAF Jan 3, 1944. Lease to RAF as FZ652; not taken up, retained by USAAF. 
					Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported 
					paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to
					participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, \\
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44
					To RFC Mar 16, 1946.  Douglas Aircraft Corp 22Mar46  rebuilt as DC-3D c/n 43080  NC34917 H Vanderbilt  04Oct46   
					NC1622 TexasCO US 1946   N1822 Seaboard OilCO US of Delaware Nov53 Texaco Seaboard Inc   
					N770CC Monsanto Chemical Co, St Louis, MO Jun63  Mark Aero Inc  N7007  Abney Mills, Greenwood, SC Oct70  
					N915BD  A C Grant t/a Air ExecCO US 03Jul74.   J Webb  N15HC Horizon Properties Feb 1975.  
					Crashed Houston, TX US 01Feb75 
				92414 (MSN 12212) to USAAF Jan 7, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ653; not taken up, retained by USAAF. 
					Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 303rd Troop Carrier Squadron 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to participate 
					in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) Jun44. Damaged landing at Ramsbury (Station 469) 
					20Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. 305th Troop Carrier Squadron. Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44.
					Damaged by friendly fire at Gravesend, Kent 15Mar45.   Missing 1945/46
				92415 (MSN 12213) to USAAF Jan 3, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ654; not taken up, 
					retained by USAAF. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 303rd Troop Carrier Squadron [J7*P], 442nd Troop 
					Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Approaching the drop zone, the aircraft was hit by a 40mm flak shell, 
					damaging both engines. The aircraft began to lose altitude and drop back from the formation. 
					When the second engine failed, the aircraft was crash landed in a field at Montaigeu, northeast of 
					Valognes, knocking off the right wing [1POW:3EVD].  MACR 8879
42-92416/92572		Douglas C-47A-5-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 12214 and going to 12387, with entries ending with '8" skipped.
				92416 (MSN 12214) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as FZ655 Jan 28, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  347 Sqdn RAF.  
					MIA Oct 24, 1944 Antwerp, Belgium to UK
				92417 (MSN 12215) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ656 Jan 24, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  437 Sqdn RAF.
					Shot down Sep 21, 1944 at Arnheim, Netherlands.
				92418 (MSN 12216) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ657; not taken up, retained by USAAF. 
					Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Ferried to 
					Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.  WFU Jan 29, 1947
				92419 (MSN 12217) to USAAF Jan 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota FZ658 Jan 27, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  48 Sqdn RAF.
					435 Sqdn RAF. 4367 Sqdn RAF.   Transferred to RCAF as 992 Jun 2, 1946.   Renumbered 12963 Jun 1970.  
					Preserved at National Air Force Museum of Canada as FZ658.
				92420 (MSN 12219) to USAAF Jan 4, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ659; not taken up, 
					retained by USAAF. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 
					6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					WFU Jan 11, 1947
				92421 (MSN 12220) to USAAF Dec 31, 1943.  To RAF as FZ660 Jan 28, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  48 Sqdn RAF.  
					Relegated to ground instructional airframe with serial 6291M Mar 22, 1947.  Presumably
					subsequently scrapped.
				92422 (MSN 12221) to USAAF Jan 2, 1944. Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ661; not taken up, 
					retained by USAAF. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron. 442nd Troop Carrier 
					Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. 
					Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44. Crashed during a supply mission within the state of 
					Hesse, west-central Germany 6Apr45 [5KIA].
				92423 (MSN 12222) to USAAF Dec 27, 1943.  To RAF in UK as FZ662 Jan 22, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF.  Trasnferred to
					BOAC as G-AGZC Feb 18, 1946.  Was to have become VT-CPN but
					NTU, became AP-AAN Oct 1, 1947 instead.  Later reverted to G-AGZC Sep 20, 1949, then 
					sold to owner in Mali as TZ-ABA Mar 6, 1961 (registration
					CT-AAA originally reserved but NTU).  WFU Apr 1971.
				92424 (MSN 12223) to USAAF Jan 7, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ663; not taken up, 
					retained by USAAF. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier 
					Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. 
					Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44. Damaged landing at Saint-André-de-l'Eure 19Jan45.
					WFU Dec 5, 1945.
				92425 (MSN 12224) to USAAF Jan 4, 1944, to USSR Jan 18, 1944
				92426 (MSN 12225) to USAAF Jan 7, 1944, to USSR Jan 31, 1944
				92427 (MSN 12226) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944, to USSR Jan 30, 1944
				92428 (MSN 12227) to USAAF Jan 8, 1944, to USSR Feb 1, 1944
				92429 (MSN 12229) to USAAF Jan 6, 1944, to USSR Feb 1, 1944
				92430 (MSN 12230) to USAAF Jan 3, 1944, to USSR Jan 18, 1944
				92431 (MSN 12231) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944, to USSR Feb 9, 1944
				92432 (MSN 12232) to USAAF Jan 22, 1944, to USSR Feb 14, 1944
				92433 (MSN 12233) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944, to USSR Feb 9, 1944
				92434 (MSN 12234) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944, to USSR Feb 10, 1944
				92435 (MSN 12235) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944, to USSR Jan 19, 1944
				92436 (MSN 12236) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to USSR Feb 9, 1944, the first delivered via Fairbanks, AK
				92437 (MSN 12237) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to USSR Feb 9, 1944
				92438 (MSN 12239) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to USSR Feb 18, 1944
				92439 (MSN 12240) to USAAF Jan 5, 1944, to USSR Feb 4, 1944
				92440 (MSN 12241) to USAAF Jan 15, 1944, to USSR Feb 5, 1944
				92441 (MSN 12242) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944, to USSR Feb 11, 1944
				92442 (MSN 12243) to USAAF Jan 22, 1944, to USSR Feb 7, 1944
				92443 (MSN 12244) to USAAF Jan 15, 1944, to USSR Feb 4, 1944
				92444 (MSN 12245) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944, to USSR Feb 24, 1944
				92445 (MSN 12246) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ666 Feb 21, 1944.  233 Sqsdn RAF.  1333 CU RAF.
					WFU Jul 17, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Sep 24, 1946.
					To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas
					Argentinas (ZONDA), registered as LV-ACN Nov 28, 1946, to Aerolineas
					Aeroposta, to Aerolineas Argentinas.  Suffered damage when it made
					a forced landing in Gualeguaychu, Entre Rios Mar 18, 1952.  To
					LADE-Lineas Aereas del Estado (Fuerza Aerea Argentina).  WFU   
				92446 (MSN 12247) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ667 Feb 2, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.  
					MIA Jun 7, 1944 (Normandy invasion)
				92447 (MSN 12249) to USAAF 28Jan44.   To RAAF as A65-38 14Feb44. 3 AD 18Feb42.  DAT 33 Sqn RAAF yellow H 
					behind cockpit window VH-CUH 11Mar44.   38 Sqn coded H rear of cockpit framing.   7 AD RAAF 26Aug44.
					 PTU 02Sep44.   33 Sqn RAAF coded BT-K 22Oct44.   takeoff accident Hayfield strip 12Sep45 
					12 RSU RAAF 24Sep45.  Scrapped 12Dec45 fuselage extant into 1970's  
				92448 (MSN 12250) to USAAF 31Jan44.  To RAAF as A65-34 08Feb44.  3 AD 16Feb44.  36 Sqn coded RE-R VH-CUF RAAF 25Feb44.
					 Crashed in western area of Walum and Malin Areas near Nazab, PNG 17Feb44.  6 killed 2 injured   
				92449 (MSN 12251) to USAAF Jan 10, 1944.  Eighth Air Force 25Mar44. 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.  To FLC Jul 16, 1947.
					To French civil registry as F-BEFB for Aigle-Azur Extreme-Orient.   To
					French AF May 1960 as 92449.  Noted in Musee de l'Air, Paris 1988.  In 2004 waas repainted
					in fake colors and serial number.  Now represents 42-100558 "Buzz Buggy"
				92450 (MSN 12252) to USAAF 28Jan44.  To RAAF as A65-35 09Feb44 (VH-CUI).  3 AD 16Feb44.  33 Sqn RAAF VH-CUI grey 36 inch 
					UI rear of both cockpits 31Jul44.  33 Sqn RAAF 12Aug44.  Ran into ditch landing Sentani Strip Hollandia 26May45 
					pilot and crew uninjured.  13 ARD RAAF 29Oct45.   33 Sqn RAAF 06Dec45.  DAP RAAF Parafield 01Mar46.
					1 AD RAAF 27Jun46.   AD 11Jul46.  37 Sqn RAAF 18Oct46.  87Sqn RAAF 06Nov46
					ANA Pty Ltd 11Aug47 for £6250.  To ANA 21Oct47 as VH-INA.  With ANA "Bungana Pengana" VH-INI 15Dec48 
					Ansett ANA May57.   Converted to Viewmaster Airlines of NSW Australia 1959 
					Crashed into the sea off Sydney 11Dec60  on training flight.  3 killed.
				92451 (MSN 12253) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ668 Feb 4, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.   187 Sqdn RAF.
					525 Sqdn RAF.  WFu Jul 17, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Sep 3, 1946.  To CF-TER with Trans-Canada Air Lines Apr 3, 1947
					then in December 1989 to C-FDTD with the Canadian Dept.of Transport. Ownership passed in July 1993 to the Air
					and Space Museum of Quebec (Fondation Aerovision Quebec) but remains engineless in January 2014 
					on the site of the Saint-Hubert airport.  As C-FDTD registered on May 1, 2019 to 
					Michael McBryan, Hay River, Northwest Teritories and 
					restored to airworthy condition with check flight taking place on June 6, 2019. 
				92452 (MSN 12254) to USAAF Jan 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ669 Feb 10, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  233 Sqdn RAF
					Feb 29, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944.  Transferred to Canadian government 
					Jun 16, 1946, To RCAF Aug 26, 1946.  1 ANS "VCDHQ 1952.  To CAF Jul 1970, renumbered 12943.  429 Sqdn
					at Saskatoon Mar 1975.  Civilianised as C-GCXE with Aero Trades Western Ltd, Winnipeg.  
					Became HI-502, then HH-CMG. Preserved in Al Mahatta Museum at Sharjah painted as 'G-AMZZ'
				92453 (MSN 12255) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FZ670 Mar 24, 1944.  1680 FLt RAF Sep 11, 1944.
					22 MU RAF Dec 2, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jul 17, 1947.  To civil registry as F-BAXX Office du Commerce
					Exterieur DE US Tunisie/ ta Tunis Air Jul 6, 1948,
					TS-AXX Nov 1959, F-BJRY Air France May 31, 1961.  Inst Aeron Amaury De US la Granoe (for gr training)
					Merville Apr 21, 1969, N57927 Englert Inds 1974 Air Sales Inc, Miami, FL, C-GAXT Air Brazeau Inc Rouyon, PQW 
					Jun 17, 1975.  St Louis Aviation Inc St Jean, PQ 1977.  Boreas Intl Inc USA Feb 1979, TG-AFA Aviateca 
					Mar 22, 1979.  Damaged Dec 3, 1981 by grenade at La Auror Apt, Guatemala. N326UN Trans World Shipping
					Trading, Miami Springs, FL Aug 24, 1982.  Reregistered  N667H but NTU.  Trans World Shipping Trading Oct 1983
				92454 (MSN 12256) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III FZ671 Feb 13, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.
					437 Sqdn RAF Sep 9, 1945.  435 Sqdn RAF.  436 Sqdn RAF May 17, 1946.  Transferred to RCAF
					Jun 23, 1946, later renumbered 12944 Jun 1970.  WFU Nov 1990.  On display at CFB Comox, British Columbia.
				92455 (MSN 12257) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ672 Feb 29, 1944. 233 Sqdn RAF Mr 13, 1944.
					107 OTU RAF May 17, 1944.  1333 CU RAF.  22 MU RAF May 8, 1946.  WFU Oct 17, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Nov 8, 1946.
					WFU.  To PP-SPX Jan 18, 1950.  W/o at Sao Paulo, Brazil May 7, 1956.
				92456 (MSN 12259) to USAAF 3Jan44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) 
					Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44. 
					Crashed landing at Le Havre (Y-30), France 14Apr45. Salvaged 16Apr45.
				92457 (MSN 12260) to USAAF Jan44. Eighth Air Force Mar44. 303rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) 
					Jun44. Peray (A-44), France Oct44. Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44. Munich/Riem (R-82), 
					Germany Sep45. United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE). Damaged landing at Capodichino, Naples, Italy 26Apr46.
					Transferred. to L'Armée de L'Air (French Air Force) reg. 292457, call sign F-RAZT for service in French Indo China. 
					Nov 28, 1954 destroyed in French Indo China.
				92458 (MSN 12261) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17126 Jan 13, 1944
				92459 (MSN 12262) to USAAF 5Jan44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier Group,
					Ninth Air Force, Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France. Crashed on takeoff from Metz (Y-34), 
					France 24Apr45 [1KIA]. Salvaged 25Apr45.
				92460 (MSN 12263) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17127 Jan 13, 1944
				92461 (MSN 12264) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17128 Jan 14, 1944
				92462 (MSN 12265) to USAAF 10Jan44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy 
					ground fire, crashed Normandy [5KIA].  MACR 7651
				92463 (MSN 12266) to USAAF Jan 26, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ674 Feb 1, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					Flew into ground in fog at airstrip B.14 (Amblie, France) Aug 5, 1944
				92464 (MSN 12267) to USAAF Jan 25, 1944. TO RQF as FZ675 Feb 7, 1944. To RCAF as Dakota IIIU FZ675, later renumbered 960.
					SOC Nov 1, 1951.  A628 Inst A/Fr Feb 14, 1969.  Northwest Inds Ltd Dec 17, 1962.  To CF-OVW Eldorado
					Aviation Ltd Dec 31, 1963.  Air North Charter Training, Whitehorse, Yukon Territories Jan 1980.  Currently
					N983DC with Blue Ridge Piedmont and Chesapeake Airways, Inc of Mt Airy, Maryland
				92465 (MSN 12269) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17129 Jan 17, 1944
				92466 (MSN 12270) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17130 Jan 13, 1944
				92467 (MSN 12271) to USAAF Jan44. Lend-Lease to RAF as FZ676; not taken up, retained by USAAF. 
					Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
				92468 (MSN 12272) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as Dakota III, serial FZ677 
					at Dorval, Montreal 24Feb44. ? 45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Ferried Dorval, Montreal 
					to Gander, Newfoundland. Meeks Field, Reykjavik, Iceland to Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 9Mar44. 
					Crashed 15 mi SW of Reykjavik, Iceland while on ferry flight from Reykjavik to Prestwick  
					Mar 9, 1944.  3 killed.
				92469 (MSN 12273) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  Transferred Feb 20, 1944 to RAF in UK as Dakota III FZ678 under 
					contract AC-28405, requisition 7204. 233 Sqdn RAF Mar 18, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 7, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to RCAF Apr 16, 1946 as FZ678, later reserialed 12273 (its MSN).  Believed to have crashed Mar 28, 1949
					at ex RCAF Station Fort Nelson, BC.  W/o at Stn Fort Nelson Jun 23, 1949.
				92470 (MSN 12274) to USAAF 11Jan44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 
					501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
				92471 (MSN 12275) to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17131 Jan 11, 1944
				92472 (MSN 12276) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ679 Feb 1, 1944.  Engine cut on takeoff, aircraft
					swung off runway and DBR when struck an unidentified B-26
					at Lyon-Bron Feb 15, 1945.  May have been rebuilt and returned to service.
					There is a report that it rebuilt by Douglas at Santa Monica as DC-3C MSN 43154 
					and delivered Apr 9, 1947 to Sabena as OO-AWH.  Crashed at Heathrow Airport, London, 
					England Mar 2, 1948.  20 out of the 22 occupants were killed.  Since
					this incident, the ghost of a businessman looking for his 
					briefcase has been seen on several occasions near the crash site!
				92473 (MSN 12277) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  To RAF in UK as FZ680 Feb 13, 1944.  Gibraltar RAF Feb 26, 1944.
					233 Sqdn RAF Mar 12, 1944.  44 MU RAF RAF Jun 18, 1946.  Relegated to instructional airframe
					with serial 6298M Mar 26, 1947.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92474 (MSN 12279) to USaAF Jan 26, 1944.  To RAF as FZ682, NTU.  To NEIAF as DT-939 Feb 17, 1944, flown
					with Australian radio callsign VH-RDI.  To PK-RDI, to Indonesian AF as T-439 Apr 1950.
				92475 (MSN 12280) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  To RAF as FZ683 Feb 6, 1944.   57 sqdn RAF Apr 18, 1944.
					Crashed at Brize Norton, UK Apr 18, 1944.  W/o Aug 18, 1944 at Alvescot, UK
				92476 (MSN 12281) to USAAF Jan 2, 1944.  to RAF in India as FZ684 Mar 5, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.
					31 Sqdn RAF.  31 Sqdn RAF.  48 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				92477 (MSN 12282) to USAAF Feb 11, 1944.  to RAF as FZ685 Feb 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 15, 1944.  Crashed
					at B2108 Apr 24, 1945.
				92478 (MSN 12283) to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17134 Jan 13, 1944
				92479 (MSN 12284) to USAAF Feb 13, 1944.  To RAF as FZ686 Feb 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 15, 1944.
					76 Sqdn RAF.  1336 TSCU RAF.   Crashed at Welford, UK Oct 28, 1945.  4 lost.
				92480 (MSN 12285) to USAAF 25Jan44.  To RAAF as A65-31 (VH-CUC) 03Feb44.  3 AD 11Feb44.  36 Sqn 19Feb44
					c13 ARD RAAF 09May44.  36 Sqn RAAF 19May44. 13 ARD RAAF 30Aug45.  36 Sqn RAAF 18Oct46.
					Port airscrew ran away after take-off from RAAF Base Garbutt, Townsville, QLD, Australia 
					diverted to Woodstock Strip and made a one engine landing with windmilling port airscrew 27Feb46, 
					crew uninjured.  3 AD RAAF 07Jun46.  111 ASRF RAAF 10Jun46.  DAP RAAF Parafield 24Oct46.  
					1 AD RAAF 12Jun47. 1 APU 20Jun47.  1 AD RAAF Tocumwal 03Mar48.  civil conversion becoming a 
					DC-3C DCA VH-ABC Aug49 maintained by Trans Australian Airlines VH-CAQ 04Sep50.   
					Landing accident Camden 27Mar51 W/O   
				92481 (MSN 12286) to USAAF Feb 13, 1944.  To RAF as FZ687 Feb 24, 1944.  ATTDU RAF May 24, 1944.  TCDU RAAF
					22 MU RAF Nov 23, 1946.  AGT Gatwick Apr 22, 1947 for spares.
				92482 (MSN 12287) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17136 Jan 13, 1944
				92483 (MSN 12289) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as FR691 but NTU.  To RCAF as Dakota IIIR 961 Feb 18, 1944, 
					later 12289.  Later on civilian market as CF-AAB with Austin Airways Ltd, Toronto. Later registered
					as N2290L with Federal Land Corp Jul 197.  Titusville Cocoa Fit Center Inc, FL, Main Line Cont Inn System,
					Los Angeles, CA Jun 1979.  American Aircraft Services, Miami, FL Jul 18, 1979.  Miami Air Lease Inc,
					Miami, FL US Feb 198.  J. J. Diaz, Miami, FL Aug 11, 1980.
				92484 (MSN 12290) to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17132 Jan 21, 1944
				92485 (MSN 12291) to USAAF Feb 14, 1944.  To RAF as FZ688 Feb 21, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 18, 1944.
					266 Sqdn RAF Jun 14, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Jul 4, 1944.  76 Sqdn RAF.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945.
					72 MU RAF Apr 17, 1946.  WFU Jul 17, 1946.  To Aerolineas Argentinas as
					LV-ACY.  W/o Mar 26, 1951 when crashed during landing at
					Ushuaia, Argentina.  11 killed, 4 injured.
				92486 (MSN 12292) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944.  To RAF in India as FZ689 Mar 2, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF. 96 Sqdn RAF.
					WFU Oct 4, 1945.
				92487 (MSN 12293) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944.  to RAF as FZ690 Feb 24, 1944.  RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF.
					512 Sqdn RAF Mar 14, 1944.  Crashed on Normandy beaches, France Jun 6, 1944.
				92488 (MSN 12294) to USAAF Feb 22, 1944.  to RAF as FZ691 at RAF Montreal Mar 5, 1944.  To UK Mar 12, 1944.
					107 OTU RAF Apr 20, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF.  Struck KG513 at Leicester East, UK Oct 2, 1945.
					To KLM Apr 26, 1946 for spares.
				92489 (MSN 12295) to USAAF Feb 19, 1944.  To RAF at RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 15, 1944.
					437 Sqdn RAF 28 Sep 1944.  To Canadian government Jun 16, 1946.  to RCAF as FZ692, later renumbered 12945 in 1970.  
					121 KU RCAF. 424 S&R Sqdn RCAF.  N91GA Gilley Airways Corp, Hartsville SC Jul 1973.  To civil registry as C-GRSB 
					dept of Energy Mines and Resources, Ottawa May 1975 (operated by Canadian Center for Remote Sensors Sep 1975).
					C-GXAU Quikway Aviation, Brooks, Alberta 1976 but NTU.  C-GRSB Innotech Aviation Inc, Dorval, PQ  Jul 1980.
					Currently on display at Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Mount Hope, Ontario.
				92490 (MSN 12296) to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17138 Jan 17, 1944
				92491 (MSN 12297) to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17139 Jan 13, 1944
				92492 (MSN 12299) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF at RAF Montreal as FZ693 Feb 2, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1944.
					107 OTU RAF May 18, 1944.  1333 CU RAF.  WFU Feb 4, 1947. Returned to USAAF Apr 15, 1947.  To G-AKII Sep 18, 1947.
					To VP-BBR Feb 3, 1960.  To HC-AVQ 1971.  To N77KW Oct 1976.  To N101AP May 1981.  WFU Apr 23, 1991.
				92493 (MSN 12300) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as FZ694 Feb 1, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Apr 24, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Ssep 34, 1944.
					To Canadian government Jun 16, 1946.  To RCAF as Dakota III FZ694 Aug 26, 1946, later 12300.  WFU.
					To CF-WTV Jan 9, 1968.  To N90HA Apr 9, 1985.  To C-GVKB current 2011.
				92494 (MSN 12301) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III FZ695 Feb 21, 1944 at RAF Montral.  To UK 
					Mar 13, 1944.  57t Sqdn RAF Apr 18, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Feb Feb 28, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 22, 1946.  
					Transferred to RCAF Apr 15, 1947 as FZ695 Apr 22, 1946, later reserialed 12301.  Central Experimental and
					Proving Establishment ca 1953.  WFU 1968.  To CF-YDH Jan 31, 19679.
				92495 (MSN 12302) to USAAF Feb 20, 1944.  To RAF as FZ696 at RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944.  To UK Mar 12, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apr 24, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Oct 3, 1945.  167 Sqdn RAF Oct 24, 1945.  SOC Jul 10, 1946
				92496 (MSN 12303) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as FZ697 Feb 5, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  To UK Feb 22, 1944.
					107 OTU RAF May 16, 1944.  QQ 45 Gp RAF Dec 28, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF.  Returned to USAAF 
					Jul 10, 1946.  WFU.  Canadair Ltd Jul 17, 1946.  PP-JAB Linhas aereas Natal Dec 13, 1946. PP-YPU of 
					S. A. Transportes Aereos REAL Varig.  Cariaba Metals Ind Comercio SA Mar 21, 1971.
					Coop Colonizacao 3 DE US Marco.  Expired May 30, 1974.  Preserved at Canarana, Matto Grosso.
				92497 (MSN 12304) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as FZ698 Feb 6, 1945 at RAF Montreal.  To UK Feb 10, 1944.
					575 Sqdn RAF Jan 20, 1945.  1383 Transport) Conversion Unit, RAF Crosby on Eden.  22 Maintenance Unit, 
					RAF Silloth, Cumberland 21Dec47.  Sec da Aviação Civil, Portugal Sep46; Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, 
					Scotland 18Oct46; Returned to USAAF Oct 17, 1946.
					Registered G-AJBC with Scottish Aviation, Ltd Oct 18, 1946.  Registration cancelled 
					Feb 13, 1948 on sale to National Greek Airlines as SX-BBC. TAE Greek National Airlines 7Jul51; 
					Olympic Airways 1957; To Royal Hellenic Air Force 5Jan63 as 12304; KEA [State Aircraft Factory] 
					Hellenikon, modified for target towing 26Jan68; KEA [State Aircraft Factory] Hellenikon, 
					modified to photographic configuration 27Mar69; WFU 22Feb77
				92498 (MSN 12305) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as KG310 Mar 1, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  To UK Mar 11, 1944.
					575 Sqdn RAF Apr 13, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 34, 1944.  DBR when wing hit ground on
					approach and aircraft undershot runway, Wien-Schwechat, Austria Nov 17, 1945
				92499 (MSN 12306) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944.  To RAF as KG311 Feb 4, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  57 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					12 MU Tech Training comm, Nenlow Jan w3, 1948.  12 MU RAF Jan 12, 1950.  USAF/MAAG May 27, 1953.  To
					French AF.  Returned to USAF May 27, 1953.  GT 3/61 "FRAQB" May 1954 . GT 1/61 Feb 1955.  GT 2/61 "FRQCC" Jun 1955.
					GT 2/64 Dec 1956.  GT 1/64 "FRAKD" Aug 1958.  GLA 498 "FSCHK: May 1960.  BA 701 "FTEBG" Jan 19y3.  92e EB May 1965.
					GTLA 2/60 Jul 1965.  To Israel Defense Force Jan 25, 1967.
				92500 (MSN 12307) to USAAF Jan 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG312 Feb 6, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  
					To UK Feb 18, 1944.  57t Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  Transferred to Canadian
					government Jun 16, 1946.  Transferred to RCAF as KG312 Aug 26, 1946, later renumbered 12912 in Jun 1970.
					To C-GPOA Oct 1980.  To C-FROD.  WFU Sep 15, 1995.
				92501 (MSN 12309) to USAAF Jan 13, 1944.  To RAF as KG314 Feb 21, 1944 at RAF Montreal. 233 Sqsdn RAF Mar 18, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Mar 1945.  383 TCU RaF Jun 3, 1946.  22 MU RAF Aug 20, 1946.  
					Sold Dec 19, 1946.  To PH-TCV of KLM.  W/o Dec 27, 1947 Leeuwarden, Holland on approach.
				92502 (MSN 12310) to USAAF Jan 13, 1944.   To RAF as KG315 at RAF Montreal Feb 1, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.
					437 Sqdn RAF Sep 1944.  Missing from mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 23, 1944.
				92503 (MSN 12311) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17141 Jan 17, 1944
				92504 (MSN 12312) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17142 Jan 19, 1944
				92505 (MSN 12313) to USAAF Jan 25, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17143 Jan 25, 1944
				92506 (MSN 12314) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG317 at RAF Montreal Feb 18, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF
					Feb 29, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 12, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF Apr 17, 1946.  Transferred to
					Canadian government  Jun 2, 1946.  To RCAF Aug 26, 1946 as KG317, later renumbered 12314.  W/o Summerside, Canada
					Apr 29, 1950.  KG316 seems to have been skipped, as there is no RAF record on it (it was 42-108840 that
					was transferred to RAAF as A65-36).
				92507 (MSN 12315) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944.  To RAF as KG318 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944.  To UK Apr 10, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF May 8, 1944.  Destroyed by fire when force landed near Dunkerque Nov 20, 1944 following flak hit.
				92508 (MSN 12316) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944.  To RAF in Montreal as KG319 Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF in India May 4, 1944.  
					117 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92509 (MSN 12317) to USAAF Jan 12, 1944.  To RAF in UK as KG320 Feb 23, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					435 Sqdn RAF Feb 19, 1946.  Rey Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  To RCAF
					as KG320 Jul 20, 1946.   To C-FBVF Jun 30, 1970. Cancelled Jun 16, 1995.
					Noted as N47TF at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA.
				92510 (MSN 12319) to USAAF Jan 12, 1944.  To RAF as KG322 at RAF Montrea Feb 4, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					Returned to USAAF Jul 25, 1945.  To TC-ETI with Devlet Hava Yollari.  To THY (Turkish
					Airlines) Jan 14, 1958.  Crashed short of runway while on approach to Ankara, Turkey Feb 3, 1964.  3 crew killed.
				92511 (MSN 12320) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944.  To RAF as KG323 at RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944. To UK Mar 13, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jul 25, 1946.  FLC Payne Field
					Nov 28, 1946.  To VT-CHC Jan 1, 1947.  WFU 1951.
				92512 (MSN 12321) to USAAF Jan 12, 1944.  To RAF as KG324 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.  
					Missing from mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 20, 1944
				92513 (MSN 12322) to USAAF Jan 11, 1944.  To RAF as KG325 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944.  To UK Feb 16, 1944.
					575 Sqdn RAF Broadwell Mar 8, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947.
					to FLC at Payne Field May 29, 1947.  To SX-BAF Mar 8, 1949.  W/o Apr 23, 1949.
				92514 (MSN 12323) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944.  To RAF as KG326 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944. 575 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					48 Sqdn RAF Jan 1945.   Flew into hill in cloud 2 mi NE of Dessen, Germany Apr 21, 1945.
				92515 (MSN 12324) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944. To RAF as KG327 at RAF Montreal Feb 5, 1944.  TO UK Feb 18, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  22 MU RAF Apr 27, 1945.  Returned to USAAF Apr 26, 1946.
					To Fred Olsen Line Nov 1946 as LN-NAB.  SAS Oct 3, 1955 to Apr 15, 1956.  SE-CFM Linjeflyug (used by Dagens 
					Nhyeter, a Stockholm-based daily newspaper
					Apr 9, 1957.  UNO Congo Oct 2, 1961 to Dec 4, 1961.  OE-LBC Austrian Airlines "Edelweiss" Jan 3, 1963.
					G-ATZF Shackleton Aviation Ltd Sep 16, 1966.  Cancelled Oct 6, 1966 on sale to Far Eastern Trading.  Destroyed
					in Vientaine, Laos.
				92516 (MSN 12325) to USAAF Jan 13, 1944.  To RAF as KG328 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.
					Med M  East RAF Feb 28, 1946.  Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947.  FLC at Payne Field Mar 29, 1947.
				92517 (MSN 12326) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944.  To RAF as KG329 at RAF Montreal Feb 5, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.
					Shot down by flak near Ranville, France during supply drop mission Jun 7, 1944.
				92518 (MSN 12327) to USAAF Jan 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG330 at RAF Montreal Feb 5, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944. 437 Sqdn RAF Dec 9, 1945.   Transferred to Canadian government
					Apr 22, 1946, To RCAF as KG330 Jun 20, 1946. 429 Sqdn RCAF, Winnipeg, Nanitoba.  Later renumbered 12913 in 1970.
					WFU.  To C-GWZS May 7, 1976.  WFU 1996.
				92519 (MSN 12329) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944.  To RAF at RAF Montreal as Dakota III KG332 Feb 67, 1944.
					575 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.  SOC Jun 24, 1946
				92520 (MSN 12330) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17133 Jan 17, 1944
				92521 (MSN 12331) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17135
				92522 (MSN 12332) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF as KG333 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF
					Fwb 23, 1944.  1383 TCU RAF.  22 MU RAF Jun 19, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Oct 5, 1946.  
					Registered G-AIOF Oct 14, 1946, which must mean that it never
					left the UK.   Briefly loaned to Portugal's Secretaria da Aeronautica Civil 20Sep46, retaining the G-AIOF
					registration.  G-AIOF Scottish Aviation Ltd 05Oct46  
					SX-BBB Hellenic Airways 09Mar48  TAE 07Jul51 CF-HHR  NTU  CF-SAW Saskatchewan Govt Airways  27Nov53  
					Northland Airlines Ltd 10Jul61.  Trans Gaspesian Airlines Ltd 14Nov61   Air Gaspe Inc 18Jul62   
					N3339 Omni Aircraft Sales Inc, Wash, NC US    NI2CA S Burnstein, Tulsa, OK US   
					CF-NAO Nordair Ltd, Montreal, PQ 24Feb72  Pemair Ltd 1974  Austin Airways  1975  N59SC Space Coast Avn, 
					Merritt Island, FL US Aug77.  Bass Avn, Hattiesburg, MS R12Sep77  Southern Flyer L Mar80   current 2011 
				92523 (MSN 12333) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944.  To RAF as KG334 at RAF Montreal Feb 8, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF
					Feb 23, 1944.  2 TAMU RAF Dec 18, 1945.  To civil registry as G-AJZD Jun 18,
					1947 with British Aviation Services Ltd, Silver City Airways Feb 18, 1948.  British
					Nederland Air Services Mar 22, 1948.  To PH-KAG Nov 29, 1950 with Shell Oil, F-BFGU with Alpes
					Provence Dec 8, 1950, Air France Apr 1951, to Air Madagascar
					as 5R-MAG Feb 1963, To Madagascar AF as 5R-MMC Dec 1971.
				92524 (MSN 12334) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17144 Jan 21, 1944
				92525 (MSN 12335) to USAAF Jan 28, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17145 Jan 28, 1944
				92526 (MSN 12336) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17146 Jan 17, 1944
				92527 (MSN 12337) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17147 Jan 24, 1944
				92528 (MSN 12339) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17149 Jan 21, 1944
				92529 (MSN 12340) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17150 Jan 21, 1944
				92530 (MSN 12341) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17151 Jan 21, 1944
				92531 (MSN 12342) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17152 Jan 21, 1944
				92532 (MSN 12343) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF in UK as KG335, diverted to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 17153 Jan 21, 1944.
				92533 (MSN 12344) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG337 Feb 23, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  48 Sqdn
					RAF Mar 13, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 15, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 19467.   Transferred to
					Canadian government Jun 2, 1946, To RCAF as KG337u Aug 26, 1946, later renumbered 12914 in Jun 1970. 
					To CF-NTF with Northwest Territorial Airways, Ltd, Yellowknife, NWT Jan 25, 1972.  Reregistered C-FNTF
					in 1974.  W/o Mar 17, 2000
				92534 (MSN 12345) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944.  To RAF as KG338 Feb 13, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  
					437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  Destroyed in air attack at Antwerp, Belgium Jun 30, 1944.
				92535 (MSN 12346) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944.  To RAF as KG339 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.  To UK Mar 13, 1944.  
					575 Sqdn RAF Apr 24, 1944.  Med M East Feb 28, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jul 31, 1947.  To Jupiter
					Airways Ltd as VT-CHD Jan 21, 1947.  WFU 1951.
				92536 (MSN 12347) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  To RAF as KG340 at RAF Montreal Feb 6, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.
					MIA near Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 21, 1944, believed shot down by Fw 190s
				92537 (MSN 12349) to USAAF 27Jan44.  Originally was to have gone  to RAF as KG342 but NTU.  Departed US 18Jan44.
					To RAAF as A65-37 (VH-CUG) 09Feb44.  3 AD 17Feb44.   DAT 33 Sqn RAAF yellow UG behind cockpit window VH-CUG Feb44 
					Crashed on take-off Nazab, Papua New Guinea 07Jul44, crew uninjured.  11 RSU RAAF 10Jul44.  Scrapped 10Aug44  
				92538 (MSN 12350) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  to RAF as KG343 Feb 23, 1944.  757 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.  
					Destroyed by fire after hitting another (unidentified) Dakota while landing in dust cloud due
					to shellfire, Camilly, France Jun 17, 1944.
				92539 (MSN 12351) to USAAF Jan 22, 1944.  to RAF as KG344 at RAF Montreal Mar 2, 1944.  To UK Mar 13, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apf 22, 1944.  Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947.  To Foreign Liquidation Commission, 
					Payne Field, Egypt 29May47;  Technical and Aeronautical Exploitations 1947;  TAE Greek National Airlines 
					Jul 7, 1951.  Registered SX-BAE.  Olympic Airways 1957; Royal Hellenic Air Force 5Jan63 as 12351; 
					355/1 Flight, Sedes, Thessaloniki c1976; WFU 1990, scrapped [last noted Apr96
				92540 (MSN 12352) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG345 at RAF Montreal Feb 4, 1944.  To UK Mar 31, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Apr 26, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 19, 1944.  525 Sqdn RAF May 16, 1946.  437 Sqen RAF Jun 16, 1946.
					Transferred to Canadian government Jun 16, 1946.  To RCAF
					Aug 26, 1946 as KG345, later renumbered 12352.  To CF-XUS Jan 24, 1969, later C-FXUS.
					To  HK-2663X 1981.  To HK-2663.
					On April 7, 2016, about 1200 coordinated universal time, a Douglas DC3-C, Colombian 
					registration HK2663, was destroyed during a post impact fire, following a forced landing 
					to a field due to a loss of power on the left engine during initial climb from Puerto Gaitan Airport 
					(SKPG), Puerto Gaitan, Colombia. The two pilots and one crewmember incurred minor injuries.
				92541 (MSN 12353) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as KG346 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  
					Missing from mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 21, 1944
				92542 (MSN 12354) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944.  To RAF in UK as KG347 Feb 26, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944. 
					Missing from supply dropping mission to Normandy Jun 6, 1944.
				92543 (MSN 12355) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944.  To RAF as KG348 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.  To UK Mar 13, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Oct 3, 1945.  Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland for 
					overhaul and civilianisation; Transferred to BOAC Apr 19, 1946, registered as as G-AHCY
					Jun 19, 1946.  To BEA Sep 3, 1946.  Crashed into hillside at Wimberry Stones,
					Saddleworth, England Aug 19, 1949.  G-AHCY was being used for a scheduled flight from Nutts 
					Corner, Belfast, Northern Ireland, to Ringway Airport, Manchester. The aircraft left Nutts Corner 
					for what should have been an 80 minutes flight to Ringway, most of this flight was under 
					instrument flight rules due to cloud cover. It was while making a turn towards Ringway that 
					the aircraft flew into high ground near Wimberry Stones. The aircraft was flying with the 
					undercarriage lowered in preparation for landing but was further east than it should have been.
				92544 (MSN 12356) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944.  to RAF as KG349 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.  To UK Mar 12, 1944.  
					512 sqdn RAF Apr 24, 1944.  57 Sqdn RAF Apr 27, 1944.  10 Sqdn RAF.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945.
					1381 TCU RAF Mar 1, 19467.  22 MU RAF Jul 11, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Oct 3, 1946.
					To Empressa do Transporte Aereo Brasiliero as
					PP-ACB Jul 2, 1947, to Aerovias Brazil (REAL Transportes Aereos) as PP-AXE Jan 1949. To Brazilian AF 
					as FAB 2076 May 13, 1960.  To Rondonia Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-KVU Nov 12, 1976.
					W/o Oct 7, 1978, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
				92545 (MSN 12357) to USAAF Jan 18, 1944. to RAF as Dakota III KG350 Feb 21, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Mar 13, 1944
					Kemble RAF Oct 12, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF Jeb 22, 1946.  Transferred to Canadian government
					Jun 23, 1946.  To RCAF as KG350 Aug 26, 1946, later renumbered 12915 in 1970.  1 ANS RCAF.  CNS RCAF.
					Centeral Epeerimental Proving Establishment RCAF< Uplands, Ontario.  To C-GWMX RC Wilkinson, Calgary, Alberta
					registered  Jul 4, 1975.  Northwest Territories Airways, Yellowknife, NWT Jun 1977, Yellowbird Investments, 
					Calgary 1978.  Kenn Borek Air Mar 1979.  Sthn Frontier Air Tpt Aug 1980.  Sky Sports Ltd, Claresholm Jul 1981.
					To N29958 S. J. Cooney Whitefish, MT May 1982. Noctornal Aviation Corp, Denver, CO Dec 20, 1982. 
					Damaged May 30, 1983.
				92546 (MSN 12359) to USAAF 27Jan44.  Was to have gone to RAF as KG352 but NTU.  departed US 18Jan44.   
					To RAAF as A65-33 06Feb44. 3 AD 14Feb44.   36 Sqn coded RE-F VH-CUE RAAF 22Feb44.  Swung to 
					starboard landing and struck bank at Wards Aerodrome May 16, 1944, Port Moresby, PNG.  
					Crew and 22 passengers were uninjured.  15 ARD 20May44.  Scrapped 24Oct44   
				92547 (MSN 12360) to USAAF 25Jan44.  to RAAF as A65-32 03Feb44 WFU  
					3 AD RAAF 11Feb44.  36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-O VH-CUD 20Feb44.   13 ARD RAAF 09May44.  36 Sqn RAAF 19May44.
					33 Sqn RAAF coded BT-Q 14Aug46.  DAP RAAF Parafield 10Apr46.  1 AD RAAF 28Oct46.  38 Sqn RAAF 11Nov46.
					36 Sqn RAAF 15Jan47 to Queensland Airways as VH-BBV Aug 1947.  Aircraft Pty Ltd Brisbane QLD Australia 24Jul47.
  					Crashed into sea Mar 14, 1954 off Mackay Q.
				92548 (MSN 12361) to USAAF 26Jan44.  Was to have gone to RAF as KG352 but NTU.  To RAAF as A65-39 (VH-CIG) 16Feb44.  
					3 AD 23Mar44.  38 Sqn RAAF VH-CIG 03Mar44.  36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-Z 26Jan45.   
					Struck mountainside Housecap near Maprik drop zone in Papua New Guinea 03May45 
				92549 (MSN 12362) to USAAF Jan 17, 1944.  to RAF as KG353 at RAF Monteal Feb 26, 1944.  To UK Jun 4, 1944.  
					105 (T)OTU RAF Sep 18, 1944.  Crashed when took off with
					control locks in place, Caen/Carpiquet, France Oct 27, 1944
				92550 (MSN 12363)to USAAF Jan 19, 1944.  To RAF as KG354 at RAF Montreal Feb 25, 1944.  To UK Mar 12, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Apr 212, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF sep 24, 1944.  Transferred to Canadian government Jun 17, 1946
 					Transferred to RCAF Jun 23, 1946 as KG354 Aug 26, 1946.  Shearwater, Nova Scotia  reserialled as 12916
					Jun 1970.  WFU.  C-GABE.  N59314 Basler Fit Svces, Oshkosh, WI R07May78  Frontier Flying Service 1978   
					J L Dodson Trustee, Fairbanks, AK US R24Aug78 damaged 27Jul79 Bettles, AK US   
					J. Hajdukovich, Fairbanks, AK, B26May82 current 2011  
				92551 (MSN 12364) to USAAF Jan 19, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG355 at RAF Montreal Feb 34, 1944.
					To UK Mar 6, 1944.  57 Sqdn RAF Apr 24, 1944.  Destroyed on ground during enemy
					air raid, Deurne, Belgium Jan 1, 1945.
				92552 (MSN 12365) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG356 at RAF MOntreal Feb 2, 1944.
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 16, 1944.  MIA over Normandy Jun 6, 1944.
				92553 (MSN 12366) to USaaF Jan 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG357 at RAF Montreal Feb 2, 1944.  
					To UK Apr 10, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF May 8, 1944.  1 PTS RAF Dec 1, 1944.  22 Maintenance Unit RAF Dec 2, 1946.
					United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA); Fokker, Netherlands for civil 
					modifications 10Jun46; Returned to USAAF Feb 19, 1947.  Connor Aircraft Feb 19, 1947.  
					To YU-ABA of Juboslovenski Aero-Transport Jun 10, 1947.  WFU 1970
				92554 (MSN 12367) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG358 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  77 Sqdn RAF.  22 MU RAF Apr 17, 1946.  To KLM for spares Jun 24, 1946
				92555 (MSN 12369) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG360 at RAF Montreal Feb 3, 1944.  
					To UK 08Mar44  ATTDU RAF 04May44   107 OTU RAF 02Jul44   1333 TSCU RAF May45   22 MU RAF 26Aug46 
					 Canadair Ltd 06Sep46  CF-ESO Imperial Oil Ltd, Toronto, Ont R06May47  Imperial Oil Air Tpt Ltd
					04Mar49   Imperial Oil Ltd 04Nov55  N583V Artnell Avn. Corp 22May66   Vantress Farms Inc, Duluth, GA 
					US Meteor Aero Inc Jun73  Fayard Enterprises Mar77  Skytrain Inc, Mena, AR R12Jun79  C. Wilkinson, 
					Ft Worth, TX US  B21Oct82.  Current 2011 
				92556 (MSN 12370) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG361 at RAF Montreal Feb 1, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Oct 15, 1945.  167 Sqdn RAF Oct 24, 1945.  SOC Jun 12, 1947
				92557 (MSN 12371) to RAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG362 at RAF Montreal Feb 1, 1944.  
					To UK 11Feb44.   271 Sqn RAF 19Mar44.  22 MU RAF 27Apr46   Canadair Ltd 17Jul46.
					LG-ANA Emp Guatemalteca DE US Aviation Oct47.  TG-ANA Aviateca Reregistered 29Oct 2004
				92558 (MSN 12372) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG363 at RAF Montreal Feb 1, 1944.
					575 Sqn RAF 23Feb44.  187 Sqn RAF 18Feb46.  512 Sqn RAF 14Mar46.  22 MU RAF 18Apr46  
					To Fred Olsen Line Apr 1947 as LN-NAE.  Crashed Apr 4, 1952 3 km N of 
				92559 (MSN 12373) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944. to RAF as Dakota III KG364 at RAF Montreal Feb 5, 1944.  
					48 Sqn RAF 28Feb44.  1336 Transport Support Conversion Unit, Welford, Berkshire RAF 20Aug45.  
					1381 TCU RAF 14Dec45.  22 MU RAF RAF Silloth, Cumberland 10Jul46.   
					Sec da  Aviação Civil, Portugal 20Sep46.  Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 8Oct46; 
					registered G-AIOE 14Oct46. Registration cancelled Mar 1, 1948 on sale to National Greek Airlines as SX-BBA.  
					TAE Greek National Airlines 7Jul51; To Olympic Airways Apr 1957. To  Royal Hellenic Air Force 
					5Jan63 as 12373; WFU 22Feb77
					[there is no evidence in the UK CAA registration file, nor in the 1950 Greek register of this aircraft 
					being LX-LAC; LX-LAC was a dH-89A Dominie]
				92560 (MSN 12374) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG365 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944. 
					271 Sqn RAF 19Feb44.  1 PTS RAF 10Dec45.  22 MU RAF 18Apr46.   Canadair Ltd 17Jul 1946.  
					HC-SBR ShellCO US of Ecuador 29Jan48.   HC-SJB-002 AREA Reregisteed HP-212 Isthmian Aviation Corp 1955.  
					HK-862 Taxi Aereo DE US Santander RI5Dec55.  Crashed at Bogota, Colombia 08Mar64 
				92561 (MSN 12375) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG366 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.  Flew into trees in cloud and crashed near Watlington, UK Mar 21, 1944.
				92562 (MSN 12376) to USAAF Jan 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG367 at RAF Montreal Feb 2, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 214, 1944.  44 MU RAF Jun 17, 1946.  Relegated to ground instructional
					airframe as 6346M Jun 5, 1947.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92563 (MSN 12377) to USAAF Jan 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG368 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 194.  437 Sqdn RAF Mah 12, 1946.  .  To Canadian government Jun 16, 1946
					To RCAF as KG368 09Sep46 WFU 22Sep47  Canadair Ltd 27Oct47  NC1388N   CF-GEI Eldorado Mining & 
					Refining Ltd, Ottawa, Ont R05Dec47 crashed 12Sep52 Goldfields, Sask and rebuilt as CF-ILQ Austin 
					AfW Ltd, Toronto, Ont R12Jan56.  Crashed Rupert River, Canada 09Jan64  
				92564 (MSN 12379) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG370 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  
					48 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  Missing on mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 23, 1944
				92565 (MSN 12380) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG371 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF Jul 24, 1946.  22 MU RAF Dec 16, 1946.  .
					Returned to USAAF Apr 15, 1947.  To Ste Tunis Air as F-BAXV Apr 1948.  TS-AXV Rr Nov59  
					7T-VAV  Air Algerie RI2Nov63  WFU Feb74 St Algiers (Oct78).
				92566 (MSN 12381) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG372 at RAF Montreal Feb 1, 1944
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 19, 1944.  32 Maintenance Unit RAF St Athan, Wales Jun 15, 1944.  1 Parachute
					Training School, RAF Ringway, Manchester Nov 17, 1945.  22 Maintenance Unit RAF Silloth, Cumberland Apr 18, 1946.  
					Conner Aircraft 19Dec46; Returned to USAAF Mar 27, 1947.  Foreign Liquidation Commission 27Mar47; 
					Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 30Aug47; registered YU-ABE; On a flight from Frankfurt to Munich 
					8Jun51, the plane caught fire and force landed at Wittelsbach, West Germany. All three crew members 
					and eight passengers escaped injury
				92567 (MSN 12382) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG373 at RAF Montreal Feb 2, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 23, 1944.  1383 TSCU RAF.  22 MU RAF Jul 3, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jan 21, 1947.
					To PH-TDR with KLM Jul 3, 1946.  To VT-CNC Deccan AFW "Razia Begum" Jul 29, 1947.  To Indian Airlines 
					Corp Aug 1, 1953.  To Indian AF Mar 24, 1962 as BJ619.
				92568 (MSN 12383) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG374 at RAF Montreal Feb 4, 1944.  
					To UK May 17, 1944. Assigned to 271 Squadron Jun 10, 1944.  Shot down by flak 
					over Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 19, 1944.  Flt Lt David Lord was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross while flying
				92569 (MSN 12384) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG375 at RAF Montreal Feb 4, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 18, 1944.  DBR when struck while parked by Whitley
					LA793 at Hampstead Norris Mar 5, 1944.
				92570 (MSN 12385) to USAAF Jan 26, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG376 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 14, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 18, 1944.  Crashed near Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 21, 1944 after
					crew bailed out following flak hit.
				92571 (MSN 12386) to USAAF Jan 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG377 at RAF Montreal Jan 30, 1944.  
					512 Sqdn RAF Jeb 14, 1944.  22 MU RAF Oct 25, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Dec 14, 1946.  Registered
					G-AJAV with Silver City AFW Ltd Jan 9, 1947.  To USA as N19E with General Electric Co,
					Schenectady, NY Sep 5, 1950, later became N70F with Radio Corporation of America, Camden, NJ
					Nov 1953  (Note: FAA card quotes c!n 9075 for last two but also gives 42-92571 see c/n 9075)  
					YV-PEPO Orinoco MiningCO US 15Oct57  YV-T-RTC R G Gruber 3IJul68   (Note: Venezuelan records 
					give GECO US and RCA as owners prior to Orinoco, and it would seem N70F and N40G were regn 
					transfers with c/n 9075). Preserved at Museo Aeronautica Fuerza Aerea Venezolana, Maracay,  
					Palo Negro, Venezuela.
				92572 (MSN 12387) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG378 at RAF Monteal Feb 4, 1944.  
					271 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  1 PTS RAF Nov 19, 1945.  22 MU RAF Apr 17, 1946. 
					to Canadair Ltd Jul 17, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Oct 28, 1946
					To Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ACX.  Damaged Feb 13, 1953 when landed gear-up at
					Trelew, Argentina.  Aircraft was repaired and returned to service.
					Crashed in Sierraqs de Vilgo, Argentina Apr 23, 1954 on regular
					passenger flight between Mendoza and Cordoba.  25 killed.
42-92573/92743		Douglas C-47A-10-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 12389 and ending with 12577,  with entries ending with '8' skipped.
				92573 (MSN 12389) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG380 at RAF Montreal Feb 5, 1944.  
					575 Sqdn RAF Feg 23, 1944.  1382 TCU RAF.  To Scottish Aviation Ltd Nov 26, 1946.  
					Returned to USAAF Jun 19, 1947
				92574 (MSN 12390) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 22, 1944
				92575 (MSN 12391) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 18, 1944
				92576 (MSN 12392) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 27, 1944
				92577 (MSN 12393) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  Converted to C-47C with Edo floats.  To RFC Oct 15, 1945.  
					To NC51182, then N32PB.  Current as YS-53C
					and noted Jan 2018 at Ilopango IAP, San Salvador, El Salvador.  
				92578 (MSN 12394) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To USSR Mar 8, 1944
				92579 (MSN 12395) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To USSR Feb 27, 1944
				92580 (MSN 12396) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 27, 1944
				92581 (MSN 12397) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 24, 1944
				92582 (MSN 12399) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 24, 1944
				92583 (MSN 12400) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 22, 1944
				92584 (MSN 12401) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944.  To USSR Feb 22, 1944
				92585 (MSN 12402) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 24, 1944
				92586 (MSN 12403) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To USSR Mar 3, 1944
				92587 (MSN 12404) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Mar 3, 1944
				92588 (MSN 12405) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 27, 1944
				92589 (MSN 12406) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944.  To USSR Feb 24, 1944
				92590 (MSN 12407) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To USSR Mar 3, 1944
				92591 (MSN 12409) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944.  To USSR Feb 18, 1944
				92592 (MSN 12410) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To USSR Feb 24, 1944.
				92593 (MSN 12411) to USAAF Feb 1, 1944.  To RAF at Patricia Bay as Dakota III KG381 Feb 20, 1944.  
					To RCAF as 964.  435 Sqdn RCAF May 9, 1944.  146 Sqdn RCAF 1948 1 ANS VCDHY 1951.
					Reserialed 12951 Jun 1970.  CF-OOY Atlas Aviation Ltd Mar 13, 1972.  Kenting Atlas Aviation Ldt
					Toronto, Ontario Feb 12, 1973.  Kenn Borek Air Kenting Aviation Ltd, Calgary.
					Crashed Nov 3, 1975 42 mi N of Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories. 
				92594 (MSN 12412) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG382 Feb 18, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF Feb 22, 1944, 
					no RAF service.  To civilian registry with Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TEA 1946.  With TCA until 
					13 Apr 1963, to Transair 1963-69, registered as N32 by 1975, damaged on 6 Oct 1975 at Craig Municipal A/p, 
					Jacksonville, FL-taxi accident-wing struck blding. To HI-LAH ?
				92595 (MSN 12413) to USAAF Jan 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG383 at RAF Nassau Feb 20, 1944.  
					Diverted to South African AF as 6829, no RAF service.  5 Wing SAAF 1946  28 Sqdn SAAF 1946.  27 Sqdn SAAF
					Mar 1968.  WFU 1978.
				92596 (MSN 12414) to USAAF Jan 27, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG384 at RAF Nassau Mar 2, 1944.  
					Diverted to South African AF as 6830 Mar 31, 1944, no RAF service.  To SX-DFB Feb 7, 1951,
					crashed Jul 27, 1952 at Benghazi, Libya.  Also reported on civil registry as N45864, cancelled Dec 7, 2012.
				92597 (MSN 12415) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG385 at RAF Nassau Mar 2, 1944.  Diverted to 
					South African AF as 6828 Mar 12, 1944, no RAF service. Converted to C-47TP turboprop power.  Current 2011.
				92598 (MSN 12416) to USAAF Jan 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG386 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  76 Sqdn RAF 1945.  1336 TCU RAF Aug 16, 1945.  
					To BOAC as G-AGZE Mar 8, 1946, leased to BEA as G-AGZE, to UAT as F-BEFS. Leased to Air Maroc as F-BEFS, 
					leased to Air Normandie as F-BEFS, leased to Autrex as F-BEFS. August 12, 1954 destroyed/missing on 
					Saigon - Hanoi flight, three crew fatal while used by Autrex. The Douglas production list also has it 
					continued registration as CF-GHQ with Maritime Central Airways of Ontario. 
					But this registration never was taken up probably due missing. 
				92599 (MSN 12417) to USAAF Jan 28, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG387 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.  
					272 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 18, 1944.  MIA on mission to Arnhem at Bourg Leopold,
					Belgium Sep 21, 1944.
				92600 (MSN 12419) to USAAF Feb 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG389 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.
					To UK Feb 18, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  427 Sqd RAF Sep 18, 1944.
					To Canadian government Jun 17, 1947.  To RCAF Aug 26, 1946.  WFU Jun 23, 1967. To CF-NWS Apr 10, 1968.
					WFU Jan 31, 1996.
				92601 (MSN 12420) to USAAF Feb 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG390 at RAF Monteal Feb 8, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF
					Oct 15, 1955.  525 Sqdn RAF Feb 8, 1946.  22 MU Dec 2, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Mar 18, 1947 then 
					to SABENA May 1948 as OO-UBL (NTU), OO-CBL. Crashed Aug 31, 1948 near Elizabethville, Congo.
				92602 (MSN 12421) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944;  To RAF as Dakota III KG391 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.  
					UK 22Feb44  48 Sqn RAF 05Mar44  271 Sqn RAF 20Dec45   187 Sqn RAF 09Feb46  525 Sqn RAF 14Mar46  
					1381 (T)CU RAF 02Jun46   22 MU RAF 16Jul46  SAL RAF 10Dec46. Returned to USAAF Mar 21, 1947.
					To GG-AJHZ BEA 18Feb47  Pionair " Bentfield Hucks" L W AAC  Alares Devel Ltd tla Jersey Airlines 
					28Mar61 Tyne Tees Air Charter Ltd R06Feb62.  EC-ASQ TASSA L24May62 to 10Mar64.  G-AJHZ Trans 
					World Leasing Ltd RI5Feb65.   S Coast Air Taxis Ltd L Feb65.  Cancelled 14Sep66. Derelict Lisbon 1968 
				92603 (MSN 12422) to USAAF Jan 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG392 at RAF Montreal Mar 1, 1944. 
					To UK 13Mar44  512 Sqn RAF 10Apr44  1383 TCU RAF 1945   1382 TCU RAF 13Aug46.
					Sold Sep 26, 1946 but not known to
					whom, then to DDL/SAS May 1948 as OY-AAB "Ragnar Viking" , then OY-KLA with SAS reregistered Sep 1950.
					To F-OAID with HaUl Commis DE US France au Cameroun (Regie Air Cameroun) , then 
					Air Cameroun Jul53  Aerotechnique Aug55 Airnautic 01Apr62  F-BIID J C Brouillet 
					(op by Airnautic) 26Mar64  tla Transgabon Jul65.  Cie Europeenne d'Equipement Jun65  
					TR-LML Transgabon Rr Mar66.   L G Bourgeaud, Libreville Aug68.   Cancelled 1969  .
				92604 (MSN 12423) to USAAF Feb 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG393 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.
					To UK Feb 19, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1944.  108 OTC RAF Nov 25, 1944.  1 PGTS RAF Mar 1, 19448.
					Relegated to ground instructional airframe as 4926M Mar 1948.
				92605 (MSN 12424) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG394 at RAF Montreal Feb 10 1944.  
					To UK Feb 20, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Nov 27, 1944.  To RCAF as KG394 Feb 22, 1946.  
					Europe Jul 1960.  Renumbered 12918 in 1970.  429 Sqdn RCAF, Stored Saskatoon Mar 1975.
					To C-GZCR (ntu), to N89BF, to N99FS.  As C-GUBT with Bradley Air Services, carp Oct 15, 1975.
					with Skycraft Air Transport, Oshawa, Ontario Aug 1979.  To Soundair and
					crashed Jun 22, 1983 at Toronto IAP.
				92606 (MSN 12425) to USAAF Jan 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG395 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.  
					Arrived in UK Feb 19, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1944.  427 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  To Canadian
					goverment Jun 16, 1946.  Transferred to RCAF as KG395 Aug 26, 1946.  429 Sqdn RCAF based in Winnipeg by 1952.  In
					1970 was allocated RCAF serial 12919.  In 1977 the registration C-GZCR was reserved but not taken up.  Aircraft 
					went to Basler Flight Services of Oshkosh, Wisconsin as N89BF.  In October 1987, the aircraft was registered
					N99FS operating out of Panama City, Florida.  1/31/89: to Brooks Aviation Inc, Douglas Municipal Airport, Douglas, GA. 
					By 10/6/90: Marked as “Greenland Expedition Society,” used in recovery of P-38s in Greenland. 
					By 8/95 Marked as RAF aircraft in WWII.   By 7/10: Marked as USAAF aircraft.
				92607 (MSN 12426) to USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG396 at RAF Montreal Feb 24, 1944.  
					While of ferry flight from Montreal flew into high ground 12 m SSE of Meeks Field, Iceland Mar 5, 1944 
					while descending in cloud.  3 killed
				92608 (MSN 12427) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17154 Feb 6, 1944
				92609 (MSN 12429) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17156 Feb 5, 1944
				92610 (MSN 12430) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17157 Feb 5, 1944
				92611 (MSN 12431) to USAAF Jan 28, 1944.  To US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17158 Jan 28, 1944
				92612 (MSN 12432) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG397 at RAF Montreal Feb 8, 1944.
					To UK Feb 19 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 26, 1944.  435 Sqdn RCAF.  Flew into high ground 2 mi W of
					Warlingham, UK Feb 13, 1946 while on approach to Croydon
				92613 (MSN 12433) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.   To RAF as Dakota III KG398 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 12, 1944.  78 Sqdn RAF 1945.  1336 TSCU RSAF
					aug 19, 1945.  1381 TCU RAF Jun 17, 1946.  22 MU RAF Oct 11, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Dec 12, 1946.
					Registered G-AJAU with Silver City Airways Jan 9, 1947, so it probably never left the UK.
					Registration cancelled Oct 28, 1947 on sale to Malayan
					Airways Ltd as VR-SCP 'Merbah"  To VR-RCP Nov 1958, to 9M-ALP with Malaysian Airways Jan 13, 1959, 
					to Malaysiaa-Singapore Airlines Jan 1, 1967.  to PK-IDH with Air Indonesia, Mendan sep 30, 1968. 
					PK-VJS Aerial Survey PN, Djakarta Dec 13, 1968.  On dump Kemajoran 1976.
				92614 (MSN 12434) to USAAF Feb 2, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG399 at RAF Montreal Feb 9, 1944.
					To UK Mar 7, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 15, 1944..  MIA on mission to Arnhem, NetherlandsZ Sep 21, 1944.
				92615 (MSN 12435) to USAAF Feb 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG400 at RAF Montreal Feb 8, 1944. 
					To RAF in UK Feb 28, 1i944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 1, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 13, 1945.  233 Sqdn RAF.
					To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  To RCAF Jul 20, 1946 as KG400.  N6680 Priority Air Tpt 
					System, Redwood City, CA US Aug68   World Weather Inc, Midland, TX US Jun70  
					CF-CTB N Canada Air Ltd Mar72  C-FCTB Reregistered 1977   TG-AMA Aviateca R06Nov79  
					First C-47 TG-AMA was c/n 13484  w/o 17 Feb 1975.   TG-AMA (2)  seen in Nov 1980
				92616 (MSN 12436) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG401 at RAF Montreal Feb 8, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  Crashlanded near Kessel Sep 19, 1944 after being
					damaged by flak over Arnhem, Holland
				92617 (MSN 12437) to USAAF 02Feb44.  To RAF as KG402 27Feb44 at RAF Montreal 27Feb44. To UK 22Mar44.  
					575 Sqn RAF 13Apr44.  78 Sqn RAF Jul45. 1336 TSCU RAF 16Aug45.  1381 TCU RAF 11Mar46. 22 MU RAF 17Oct46.   
					to Canadair Ltd  19Dec46.  Delivered 06Feb47 CF-DXO Hollinger Ungava Tpt Ltd Registered 03Apr48.   
					G Theriault, Pte Claire, PQ Registered 11Jun68.   Keir Air Tpt Ltd, Edmonton, Alta 22May69.   
					Air Commonwealth Alberta Ltd, Edmonton, Alta 10Dec69.  Atlas Aviation Ltd 19Apr71.  
					Kenting Atlas Aviation Ltd 12Feb73.   R E Carruthers et al 1973.  Superior Airways Ltd  1974.   
					Kenting Aircraft Ltd 1974. Lambair Ltd  1974.  Ontario Central Airlines  1975.  Alberta Northern 
					Aircraft Leasing 1975  Kenting Aviation Ltd 1976. Cancelled Dec76
				92618 (MSN 12439) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG404 at RAF Montreal Feb 11, 1944.
					to UK Feb 19, 1944.  To 48 Sqdn RAF Mar 5, 1944.  Shot down by Fw 190s Sep 21, 1944, 
					Arnhem, Holland
				92619 (MSN 12440) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG405 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.  
					To UK Apr 21, 1944.  107 OTU RAF May 16, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF Mar 1, 1945.  22 MU RAF Apr 10 1946.
					Returned to USAAF Aug 12, 1946.  To civil registry as CF-THE, then to Frontier Airlines as N4993E Oct 21, 1958.
					N4993E  registration cancelled 18 May 1965, sold to Air Manila as PI-C865 & w/o 16 Dec 1965 on Manila-Legaspi 
					flight-crashed on tight turn & stalled near Legaspi, Philippines.  2 out of 21 onboard killed.
				92620 (MSN 12441) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944..  to RAF as Dakota III KG406 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.
					To UK Jar 16, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Mar 27, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Jan 7, 1945.  Crashed Apr 28, 1945 in English Channel
					10 mi SE of South Foreland, Kent
				92621 (MSN 12442) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG407 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.  
					to UK Mar 7, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Apr 10, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Oct 25, 1944.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 1, 1945.
					1381 TCU RAF Mar 1, 1946.  22 MU RAF Mar 4, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Aug 14, 1946.
					To civil registry as CF-TEI Dec 14, 1946, then to Frontier Airlines
					as N4994E Aug 14, 1958.  W/o Jul 27, 1966, Gallup, NM
				92622 (MSN 12443) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG408 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.
					To UK Feb 19, 1944.  48 Sqn RAF 26Feb44   271 Sqn RAF 07Jan45   1382 TCU RAF 17Nov45   Edzell RAF 16Jan46 
					WFU 29Mar46.  Transferred to BOAC as G-AHCV Mar 29, 1946.
					WFU at Southend Mar 28, 1966 and broken up Jan 1970.
				92623 (MSN 12444) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG409 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.  
					48 Sqn RAF 29Feb44   437 Sqn RAF 24Sep44  48 Sqn RAF 11Oct44   437 Sqn RAF.  Crashed at Four Marks, UK
					near Alton Feb 5, 1945 after crew bailed out after striking trees in cloud.
				92624 (MSN 12445) to USAAF Feb 3, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG410 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.  
					To UK 28Feb44   233 Sqn RAF 08Mar44   76 Sqn RAF 1945  1336 TSCU RAF 16Aug45   1381 TCU RAF 06Jun46 
					22 MU RAF  06Sep46.  To Britavia Sep 24, 1946, registered as G-AIRH Oct 19, 1946. To Silver City Airways, 
					British Aviation Services Oct 1948.  Air Charter and Exploration.  Sold as 
					ZS-DDC Jul 1949 to Wenela Air Services. Registration ZS-DBB originally allocated but NTU. 
					To CTA registered as CR-LDK, to TAAG Angola Airlines registered as D2-FDK, to Aero Caribbean 
					registered as CU-T1058, to Aerotaxi, reregistered as CU-T1558. WFU and scrapped 2008 at Havana
				92625 (MSN 12446) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG411. 45 Gp RAF.   Returned to USAAF.
					To N73853 1962  To Colombian AF as FACo 687 1971  To FACo 1120 Jan77  W/O 20Nov77
					Also listed as being W/o Apr 27, 1945.
				92626 (MSN 12447) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG412 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.
					233 Sqdn RAF Mar 4, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944..  Undercarriage
					collapsed during takeoff at Bardufoss, Norway Oct 7, 1945.  
					Transferred to Norwegian AF as instructional airframe BW-T.  WFU 1973.
				92627 (MSN 12449) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG414 Feb 8, 1944 at RAF Montreal.  
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Sep 15, 1944. 435 Sqdn RAF Sep 15, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.
					To Canadian government Jun 2, 1946.  To RCAF Jun 23, 1946 as KG414.  To Indian AF as BJ764
					Mar 21, 1962.
				92628 (MSN 12450) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG415 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.
					33 Sqn RAF 12Mar44  435 Sqn RAF 13Sep45  436 Sqn RAF.  Transferred to BOAC
					Feb 23, 1946 as G-AGZD. To BEA Aug 19, 1946.  Pion Air "Percy Pilcher" E Anglian Flying Svces 
					R28Jul60 Channel Airways Nov62  BOAC Assoc Coys Ltd R06May63  Registered in Bermuda as VP-BCC May 1963.
					Seagreen 1967.  Sold to Lineas Aereas Nacionales SA (LANSA) as HR-LAG.  Reregistered
					as HR-LAQ.  WFU La Ceiba enginless Aug 1974 to Mar 1978.
				92629 (MSN 12451) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG416 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.
					To UK Mar 29, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 9, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF.
					To Canadian government Jun 23 1946.  To RCAF Aug 26, 1946 as KG416, later 12451.  W/o Apr 18, 1952
					Winnipeg AP, Manitoba, Canada
				92630 (MSN 12452) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG417 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944. 
					To UK Mar 18, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Apr 22, 1944.  MIA on mission to Arnhem, Holland Sep 21, 1944.
				92631 (MSN 12453) to USAAAF Feb 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG418 at RAF Montreal Feb 22, 1944.
					To UK Mar 13, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Apr 2, 1944.  Crashlanded Sep 20, 1944 after
					receiving flak damage over Arnhem.  Salvaged and relegated Aug 1946 to ground instructional 
					airframe with serial 5567M.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				92632 (MSN 12454) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG419 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  48 Sqn RAF Feb 29, 944.  1 PTS RAF Feb 13, 1945.  WFU.  Sold Apr 14, 1946
					To OO-CBO 19Aug46  W/O 07Jan47 at Costermansville, Belgian Congo
				92633 (MSN 12455) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG420 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.
					To UK Feb 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  435/436 Sqdn RAF Sep 5, 1945.
					Transferred to BOAC Feb 11, 1946 as G-AGZA.  Crashed into roof of house while
					taking off from Northolt, South Ruislip, UK Dec 19, 1946
				92634 (MSN 12456) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG421 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Apr 10, 1944.  437 Sqdn RCAF Sep 24, 1944.  Crashed during supply
					mission to Chambois Aug 21, 1944.
				92635 (MSN 12457) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG422 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 23, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF Apr 10, 1944.  437 Sqdn RCAF Sep 24, 1944.  DBR when overshot
					landing and tipped onto nose, Vlamertinghe Ypres, Belgium Sep 30, 1944.
				92636 (MSN 12459) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG424 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.
					To UK Mar 15, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 30, 1944.  MIA on mission to Normandy Jun 6, 1944
				92637 (MSN 12460) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG425 at RAF Montreal Feb 9, 1944.
					To UK Feb 18, 1944.  57 Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944..  Crashlanded near
					Anzio, Italy Mar 1, 1946 following engine failure.
				92638 (MSN 12461) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944l  To RAF as Dakota III KG426 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.
					To UK Feb 22, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  MIA on mission to Normandy Jun 6, 1944.
				92639 (MSN 12462) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG427 at RAF Montreal Feb 16, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944.  DBR at Kastrup, Denmark
					Jan 30, 1946 when struck while parked by B-17 OY-DFE
				92640 (MSN 12463) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG428 at RAF Montreal Sep 27, 194.  
					To UK Mar 7, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 15, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Mar 19, 1944.  Shot down by flak
					over Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 19, 1944.
				92641 (MSN 12464) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG429 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.
					TO UK Feb 25, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  Missing from mission to Normandy Jun 6, 1944
				92642 (MSN 12465) to USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG430 at RAF Montreal Feb 22, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 24, 1944.  233 Sqdn RF 1944.  436 Sqdn RAF Oct 7, 1945.  To RCAF as KG430 Jun 2, 1946.
					Later reserialed 12465.  W/o Summerside, Canada Jun 26, 1951.
				92643 (MSN 12466) to USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG431 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.
					To UK Mar 12, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Mar 14, 1946.  Returned to USAAF
					Dec 31, 1946, to FLC at Payne Field.
				92644 (MSN 12467) to USAAF Feb 6, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG432 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Jun 3, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF.  511 Sqdn RAF Oct 11, 1945.  Returned to USAAF
					Feb 27, 1947, to FLC at Payne Field.
				92645 (MSN 12469) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG434 at RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944.  
					To UK Mar 12, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Apr 25, 1944.  When taking off from
					Broadwell with glider in tow to Normandy Jun 6, 1944, aircraft
					sank back, struck runway, and bellylanded.  DBR.
				92646 (MSN 12470) to USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG435 Feb 22, 1944.
					RAF Nassau Feb 22, 1944.  ACSEA Mar 17, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.  Wrecked Sep 23, 1944
					when swung on landing at Imphal, Burma and hit ditch, and undercarriage
				92647 (MSN 12471) To USAAF Feb 6, 1944;  to RAF as Dakota III KG436 at RAF MOntreal Feb 13, 1944.
					To UK Feb 22, 1944.  48 sqdn Feb 29, 1944  1336TSCU Aug 26, 1945.  1381 TCU Mar 29, 1946.
					22 MU RAF Aug 15, 1946.  .  Returned to USAAF
					Oct 4, 1946.  Became EI-ACT with Aer Lingus "St Colman" 19478 to 1958, "St Conleth" 1958 to 1960.
					Silver City Airways leased Mar 12 1959 to Oct 27, 1960.  then EI-ALT Benedar Air Ltd Jan 2, 1961.
					To French Navy Jan 2, 1961 as 12471/71.  Noted 1985 in Musee 
					de l'Air et de l'Espace, Paris.  Still there 2005.
				92648 (MSN 12472) to USAAF Feb 4, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG437 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.
					to UK Feb 23, 1944.  . To No 233 Sqdn at Gosport Feb 29, 1944.  to 435/436 Sqdn RAF Sep 5, 1945.
					437 Sqdn RAF Dec 1o45..  Transferred to BOAC Jan 15, 1946 as G-AGYX, to British European Airways 
					Aug 1946. Sold to Autair, Luton Airport, operated by Skyways Apr 1961.   Sold as PH-MAG to 
					Martins Air Charter, Netherlands Jul 1965.  Sold to Moormanair, Amsertad for cargo charter work.  
					Sold to Scorpio Films May 14, 1973.  Sold as 5N-ATA with Nigerian Trade Wings Airways Ltd.  
					Sold to Lease Air Inc, Florida as N9050T Jan 29, 1979, markings not taken up.  Later noted derelict 
					at Kartoum by 1980 as 5N-ATA.  Registered with ATC Inc of Santa Rosa, CA May 1983.  Returned to 
					Malta and stored with Malta International Aviation Co in 1984, later CFS Aeroengines.  
					Registration N9050T cancelled. Derelict at Hal Safi, Malta.  Acquired by
					restauranteur John Woodhouse Oct 1991 and shipped to UK and used at a bistro.  Sold to RAF Museum and
					on display at Hendon.  Cockpit noted November 2018 at Michael Beetham Conservation Centre, RAF Museum, Cosford, England.
				92649 (MSN 12473) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG438 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.
					To UK Mayu 5, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF May 1944.  107 OTU RAF Oct 10, 1944.  1333 TSCU May 1945.  Returned to USAAF
					Sep 27, 1946.  To OY-AEB "Rane Viking" of DDL.  Crashed at Oresund, Sweden Feb 17, 1947
				92650 (MSN 12474) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG439 at RAF Montreal Feb 15, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 23, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  435/436 Sqdn RAF Sep 12, 1945.  Wrecked at Sanderstead, UK
					Oct 19, 1945 after hitting tree following loss of power during takeoff from Croydon, UK.
				92651 (MSN 12475) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG440 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 28, 1944.  233 sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  1336 TSCU RAF 26Aug45  1382 TCU RAF 20Dec45   22 MU RAF 26Jun46   
					Returned to USAAF Jul 17, 1946.  Became CF-GHL (later C-FGHL) on Jul 17, 1946 McIntyre-Porcupine Mines Ltd, 
					Toronto, Ont D21Jul48  Algoma Steel Corp, Sault Ste Marie, Ont 31Jan51 Sault Tube & TptCO US Ltd, 
					Sault Ste Marie, Ont 16Aug56   Mannesmann TubeCO US Ltd, Sault Ste Marie, Ont 07Apr61   
					Great Lakes PaperCO US Ltd, Ft William, Ont 30Aug61 Hooker Air Service Ltd, Pickle Lake, 
					Ont 18Jan71   Ontario Central Airlines Ltd, Redditt, Ont 09Mar71   Hooker Air Service Ltd 30Apr71  
					Ontario Central Airlines 1974  Hooker Air Service 1976  C-FGHL Rr Jul79   
					Ontario Central Airlines, Gimli, Man R Dec79 .  Sometime after 1988 it became N54AA.  On Jul 20, 2000, while 
					operated by Allied Air Freight, it crashed shortly after take-off from Nassau International Airport, New 
					Providence Island, Bahamas, killing both pilots.
				92652 (MSN 12476) to USAAF 08Feb44  to RAF UK as Dakota III KG441 14Feb44  RAF Montreal 14Feb44.  To UK 24Feb44   
					233 Sqn RAF 29Feb44  435 Sqn RAF 18Sep45  436 Sqn RAF Canada 02Jun46  RCAF 26Aug46  
					1st Air Div, France Nov55   SOC 28Mar67   Scottish Aviation   G-AVPW Hunting Surveys & 
					Consultants Ltd R29Jun67  R L E Burton 28Sep73 canc 17Jun75  YV-25CP Tecnica Rondina CA. Jun75  
					N2627Z Atorie Air Inc, El Paso, TX US RDec82  N25CE Reregistered Feb83  " Puff' 
				92653 (MSN 12477) to USAAF Feb 5, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG442 at RAF Montreal Feb 10, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 17, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Mar 8, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF.  22 MU RAF Aug 20, 1946.
					Sold Nov 23, 1946.  Registered G-AJBB Jan 22, 1947.  Registration cancelled Jun 28, 1947 on sale to Indian
					Airlines Corp as VT-CJH.  W/o Feb 18, 1964 on takeoff at Jaipur, India
				92654 (MSN 12479) To USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG444 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.
					To UK Mar 17, 1944.  271 Sqdn Apr 22, 1944.  Shot down by Fw 190s Sep 21, 1944 Arnhem, Holland
				92655 (MSN 12480) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG445 in India.  ACSEA Mar 18, 1944.
					194 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92656 (MSN 12481) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG446 at RAF Monteal Feb 24, 1944.  Ditched in sea
					between Iceland and Britain during ferry flight Mar 6, 1944
				92657 (MSN 12482) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG447 at RAF Montreal Feb 23, 1944.
					To UK Mar 3, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 12, 1944.  10 Sqdn RAF 1945.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945
					1382 TCU RAF Mar 7, 1946.  Sold Sep 20, 1946 to Sec DA Aeron Civil, Portugal.   Registered G-AIOG 
					to Scottish Airilnes Oct 14, 1946.  Sold as TF-ISG to Icelandair Flugfelag Islands (Airline) Jan 1947.
					Crashed in poor weather Jan 31, 1951 on approach to Hafnarfjordur,
					Iceland.  20 killed.
				92658 (MSN 12483) to USAAF Feb 8, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG448 at RAF Montreal Feb 14, 1944.  
					To UK Feb 28, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 4, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Mar 19, 944.  435 Sqdn  RAF Sep 9, 1945.
					436 Sqdn RAF.  To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  To RCAF as KG448 Jul 20, 1946.
					Renumbered 12964 in Jul 1970.  429 Sqn RCAF, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  WFU.  To C-GNNA Mar 10, 1975.  
					W/o Jan 18, 1986 NW Ontario, Canada
				92659 (MSN 12484) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG449 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.
					To UK Mar 13, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Apr 18, 1944.  Crashlanded Sep 26, 1944 at
					Paal, Belgium while in service with No. 575 Sqdn.  It was hit
					over Holland by flak during the Market Garden operation.
				92660 (MSN 12485) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG450 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.
					To UK Mar 8, 1944.  ATTDU RAF Mar 31, 1944.  107 FTU Jul 2, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Jul 27, 1944.
					1333 TSCU RAF.  Sold Nov 20, 1946.  Went to KLM as PH-TDU Nov 20, 1946.  Reregisteed PH-DAU Apr 8, 1954.
					To PK-AKT 17Jun58.  To PK-OBC.  W/O at Wamena, Indonesia 15Aug84
				92661 (MSN 12486) To USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG451 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.  
					Sold to Aviation Air Transport Ltd Nov 23, 1946 and registered G-AIYT Dec 20, 1946.
					West Air Transport delivered Mar 12, 1947.  Sold to South Africa
					Aviation Air Transport Ltd. as ZS-BCJ Apr 1947.   To Israel registered
					May 30, 1950 as 4X-ATA, then to Israel Defense Forces as 1404.  Noted
`					2005 in Israel AF Museum, Hatzerim AB, Israel. 
				92662 (MSN 12487) to USAAF Feb 7, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG452 at RAF Montreal Feb 13, 1944.
					To UK Feb 20, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Feb 29, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  78 Sqdn RAF 1945.
					1336 TSCU RAF Aug 20, 1945.  WFU Oct 22, 1946.   Returned to USAAF
					Jun 27, 1946.  To civil registry as CF-TED Dec 24, 1946, to N9144H May 7, 1958.  To 
					Thai Police in 1958 and then to Thai AF in 1970.  To Thai Navy as KTRT 212487 Nov 1972.  
					To storage Sep 1976 and broken up
				92663 (MSN 12489) to USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG454 at RAF Montreal Feb 29, 1944.
					Accident 02Mar44 Reykjavik.  To UK Jul 19, 1944.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945.  1383 TCU RAF
					Mar 7, 1946.  1333 TSCU RAF Jul 23, 1946.  VIP Services RAF Apr 21, 1947.  WFU.
					Registered G-AKJN Oct 9, 1947.  Registration cancelled Feb 3, 1951 on sale to Societe 
					Tunisienne de l'Air (Tunis Air) as F-OAIG.  To F-BEHF of Air France Apr 12, 1956
				92664 (MSN 12490) To USAAF Feb 10,1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG455 at RAF Montreal Feb 24, 1944.
					To UK Mar 7, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Mar 24, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 16, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF.
					To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  To RCAF as KG455 Jul 20 1946.  448 Sqdn RCAF Cold Lake, Alberta.
					Renumbered 12924 in Jul 1970.  Preserved at Canadian Airborne Museum, Petawa, Canada
				92665 (MSN 12491) To USAAF Feb 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG456 at RAF Montreal Mar 1, 1944.
					To Middle East Apr 27, 194l  28 Sqdn SAAF ACSEA May 31, 1945.  48 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian
					government Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CMD Jun 19, 1947 Indian
					Airlines Corp.  W/o Apr 7, 1964 on approach to Along A/p, India.  Operator was Kalinga Airlines.
				92666 (MSN 12492) to USAAF Feb 11, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG457 at RAF Montreal Feb 21, 1944.
					62 Sqdn RAF India Jun 4, 1944.  Missing in Lushai Hills, India during supply dropping mission Aug 2, 1944.
				92667 (MSN 12493) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG458 at RAF Nassau Feb 22, 1944.  
					ACSEA Mar 19, 1944.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CYH Aug 1948 with Indian
					Airlines Corp.  W/o Mar 12, 1959 near Tobu, India when hit high ground.
				92668 (MSN 12494) to USAAF Feb 9,1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG459 at RAF Nassau Mar 5, 1944.
					ACSEA Mar 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF India 1945.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
					To Indian AF as IAF BJ496 Nov 12, 1961.  WFU 1987.
				92669 (MSN 12495) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG460 at RAF Nassau Feb 22, 1944.
					SEAAC Apr 30, 1944.  1334 TSCU RAF Baroda.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				92670 (MSN 12496) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III at RAF Nassau KG461 Feb 23, 1944.
					ACSEA Mar 18, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.  Shot down during supply mission to Mogaung, India Jul 30, 1944.
				92671 (MSN 12497) to USAAF Feb 12, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG462 at RAF Nassau Feb 19, 1944.
					CSEA Mar 18, 1944.  Destroyed on operations Apr 27, 1944.  SOC Jul 27, 1944
				92672 (MSN 12499) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG464 at RAF Nassau Feb 14, 1944.
					ACSEA May 18, 1944.  To Indian AF as VP907, To Pakistan AF Sep 25, 1947.  Ultimate fate uncertain.
				92673 (MSN 12500) to USAAF Feb 10, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG465 at RAF Nassau Feb 16, 1944.
					ACSEA Mar 28, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF
					Oct 31, 1946.  To VT-CGC with Indian Airlines Corp Oct 10, 1946.  To PK-GDQ mar 16, 1952.  
					To PK-CAA 1970.  WFU Oct 1960.
				92674 (MSN 12501) to USAAF Feb 11, 1974.  to RAF as Dakota III KG466 Feb 29, 1944 at RAF Montreal. 
					TOC N Am RAF 14Mar44  MAAF 25Sep44 ACSEA 30May46  267 Sqn RAF.  Sold to Indian
					government Jan 30, 1947.  Became VT-CJT Mar 1947  To VT-CPI NTU.  By 1955 was
					AP-AAI of Pakistan International Airlines.  To AP-AJS May 12, 1957.  W/o Jul 1, 1957 at Chartaki Island,
					East Pakistan
				92675 (MSN 12502) to USAAF 12Feb44 12th AF Algiers 20Mar44  salvaged 11Jun44 Bari, Italy 
					Reported CF-TEA Trans Canada NL "74", then "374" D18Jun46  Transair Ltd 13Apr63   
					N3262 Aircraft Modifications Inc, Miami, FL US 16May69   HRLAH Lineas Aereas Nacionales SdeRL 
					registered 28Aug69.   WFU 1975 
				92676 (MSN 12503) to USAAF 12Feb44  Aigiers 21Mar44. 12th AF Italy   
					W/o Sep 25, 1944 Salon-de-Province, France in takeoff accident.
				92677 (MSN 12504) to USAAF 16Feb44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 
					501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd 
					Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.
					W/o Jul 30, 1945
				92678 (MSN 12505) to USAAF 13Feb44. Algiers, Algeria 4Apr44. 74th Troop Carrier Squadron [ID*S], 
					434th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Aldermaston (Station 467).  RFC 25Sep45   NC64703 Flying Tigers 
					Line A23Jul46.   VT-CRA E17Nov47   IndamerCO US Ltd R07May49   tla Kalinga Airlines Ltd R24Jan55  
					WFU Jan69 Santa Cruz, Bombay, and derelict until 1983 
				92679 (MSN 12506) to USAAF 19Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 36th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Exploded and crashed  near Berwick, UK
					after mid-air collision with C-47A ? 42-108877 during practice paradrop mission Operation 
					Eagle 12May44 [8KIS – included the 36th TCS commanding officer, the 316th TCG commanding 
					officer and chaplain]. The aircraft had dropped their paratroops over the DZ and met another 
					squadron during the turn over March, Cambridgeshire, back towards Cottesmore.
				92680 (MSN 12507) to USAAF 15Feb44. Algiers 09Apr44. 12th AF 62nd TCG.   Crashed in Italy Dec 30, 1944.  MACR 19042
				92681 (MSN 12509) to USAAF 21Feb44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd 
					Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 
					7Jun44. Villeneuve (A-63), Vertus, France 8Sep44. Saint Marceau (A-43), Le Mans, France 2Oct44.
					Dreux (A-41), France 3Nov44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron. Crash landed at Dreux 10May45. 
					Salvaged Jun 27, 1945.
				92682 (MSN 12510) to USAAF 24Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. Ninth Air Force 7Apr44. 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					To RFC Sep 22, 1945.  Rebuilt as DC-3C MSN 43076.   NC34915 McCarthy Oil & Gas Corp 19Aug46. NC24H Inti Harvester
					CO US 1946.  N124H W C Hendrick, Ft Worth, TX US Jun63.  N35SMJ FalconAirways Conv Inc. XB·ZAT   XC·DOE SDP
				92683 (MSN 12511) to USAAF 13Feb44. Algiers, Algeria 10Apr44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy. 
					4th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, Tarquinia, Italy. Destroyed while 
					parked in collision by B-17G ? 44-6756 landing on return from a mission at Lucera, Foggia, 
					Italy 12Apr45 
				92684 (MSN 12512)  to USAAF as 15Feb44  Algiers 27Apr44  Italy 14Dec44.  To RFC Sep 14, 1945.
					Rebuilt as DC-3C c/n 43077.   to Waterman Airlines NC33693 24Aug46.  To TACA DE US Costa Rica  TI-157 1946  
					To TACA DE US Venezula YV-C-AZY 30Sep48. WFU 1973 
				92685 (MSN 12513) to USAAF 15Feb44.  Algiers 27Mar44.  Caribbean TSP WFU 18Feb46.  To NC52819, C-34X 
				92686 (MSN 12514) to USAAF 13Feb44 Algiers 14Apr44.  12th AF 21Apr44. To RFC Oct 1, 1945.  To NEIAF as DT-991, 
					callsign VH-RCI.   to Neth East Indies Governmentas NI480.  To NEIAF as T-491.  To PK-RCI.  
					To PK-DPK Garuda Indonesian Airways NV.  To PK-GDZ.  W/O 29Dec61 at Surabaya, Indonesia  
					preserved at Jakarta, Indonesia as RI-001
				92687 (MSN 12515) to USAAF Feb 26 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17159 Feb 26, 1944
				92688 (MSN 12516) to USAAF Feb 25 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17160 Feb 25, 1944
				92689 (MSN 12517) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17161 Feb 23, 1944
				92690 (MSN 12519) to USAAF Feb 25, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17163 Feb 25, 1944
				92691 (MSN 12520) to USAAF Feb 25, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17164 Feb 25, 1944
				92692 (MSN 12521) to USAAF Feb 19, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17165 Feb 19, 1944
				92693 (MSN 12522) to USAAF Aug 5, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17166 Aug 5, 1944
				92694 (MSN 12523) to USAAF Feb 21 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17167 Feb 21, 1944
				92695 (MSN 12524) to USAAF Feb 26 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17168 Feb 26, 1944
				92696 (MSN 12525) to USAAF 19Feb44.  Algiers 27Mar44. Europe/Neth Belgium 30Apr47.  WFU 31Mar47 
				92697 (MSN 12526) to USAAF 12Feb44.  Algiers 27Mar44.  12th AF  FLC 07Jun46.  F-BCYG Cie Air Algerie R19May47 
					Cie Aerienne DE US Tpts Indochinois tla Air Outremer R24Nov51.  SE-CAZ Air Thorvald Anderson &CO US AIRTACO  
					Dagens Nyheter AB R03May55.   tla Linjeflyg 14Apr57.  SAS B30Oct57  
					No 703 Ethiopian AF D09Dec57 also quoted ETIAF 0-3.  ET -AAO Ethiopian Airlines 1962
				92698 (MSN 12527)  to USAAF 12Feb44.   Algiers 20Mar44.  RFC 22Sep45.   NC36498 Bruning Aviation 1947. 
					Crashed 25Feb48 Columbus, OH 
				92699 (MSN 12529) converted to C-47C floatplane May 27, 1944.  Baer Fld 12Oct44. 1504 BAS 08Nov44 
					Converted to C-47A.  to Brisbane 08Dec44.   Manila.   Far East Air Tpt 09Feb46   
					PI-C40 Commercial Airlines Inc.  Philippine Airlines Inc Sep48.   Orient Air System  RP-C40 Rr 1973 
					Derelict 1981
				92700 (MSN 12530) to USAAF 12Feb44. Algiers, Algeria 20Mar44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy. 
					17th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, Twelfth Air Force, Ciampino, Rome, Italy. 
					The aircraft departed Luxeuil (Y-8), France for return to Istres-le-Tubé (Y-17), France with nine 
					wounded allied troops and five wounded German prisoners 1Nov44. In bad weather, the aircraft 
					crashed between Crêt de la Perdrix and Crêt de Botte, Pilat Massif, 12km SE of St-Chamond [19KIA]. 
					The nurse was 1st Lieutenant Aleda E. Lutz. As an Army Flight Nurse she flew 196 evacuation missions 
					of over 3,500 men. She earned six battle stars and was the first female warrior to die in a combat zone 
					for World War II. Lt. Lutz received the Air Medal four times, Oak Leaves, Red Cross Medal, and Purple 
					Heart. She was the first woman awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in a World War.
				92701 (MSN 12531) to USAAF 13Feb44.  Algiers 11Apr44.  12th AF 21Apr44.  9th AF
					To Polish AF as No. 5.  WFU?
				92702 (MSN 12532) to USAAF 16Feb44.  Algiers 24Mar44.  12th AF.  WFU 31Jul45  
				92703 (MSN 12533) to USAAF 13Feb44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					ET Apr 30, 1946.  Oberpfaff Jan 1, 1948l  WFU Mar 3, 1948
				92704 (MSN 12534) to USAAF 15Feb44. Marrakech, French Morocco to Jurby, 
					Isle of Man 10/11Apr44. Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. Ninth Air Force 16Apr44. 81st Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					436th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Membury (Station 466). Melun/Villaroche (A-55), France 26Feb45. 
					Damaged taxying at Hildesheim (R-16), Germany 21Apr45.  RFC 29Oct45.   NC62374 Mercury Airlines.   
					Empire Airlines 28Dec47.   West Coast Airlines Inc "109" 04Aug52.  Crashed 26Feb56 Pullman, WA US   
					Repaired and still regd to WCA on 1963.   Reg   M H Christler, Thermopolis, WY 1966/67  
					Not on 1971 Reg but retd to 1973.  Reg  Christler Flying Service R02Mar74. 
					Sky Train Air Inc, McAllen, TX US R Mar82 
				92705 (MSN 12535) to USAAF 15Feb44.   8th AF 21Apr44.  9th AF 23Apr44.  Salvaged 08Nov44  
				92706 (MSN 12536) to USAAF Feb44. Pathfinder School, Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command, 
					North Witham (Station 479). Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for 
					use as a pathfinder. Transported Pathfinder paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone at Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of 
					the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 4126th Base Unit, 
					San Bernardino Field, CA. Crash landed after engine failure three miles south of San Bernardino 13Nov45. 
					Reclaimed 23May47.
				92707 (MSN 12537) to USAAF 15Feb44.  8th AF 15Apr44.  9th AF 31Jul44.  8th AF.  9th TCG lost Italy Feb 5, 1945.  MACR 12022
				92708 (MSN 12539) to USAAF  15Feb44.    To RAAF as A65-40 17Mar44.   3 AD 17Mar44.  2 AP 26Mar44
					35 Sqn VH-CUM RAAF 01Apr44.   4 AD 13Sep44.  36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-A 30Apr45.
					undercarriaged accidently raised when parked at Tadji PNG 17Aug45 
					Beaufort A9-689 taxed into stationary A65-40 Tadji Strip PNG 22Aug45.
					12 RSU RAAF 13Sep45.  36 Sqn RAAF 20Sep45.   Darwin RAAF SHQ Flight 15Apr46.
					force landed 26Apr46 two injured.   DAP RAAF Parafield 05Sep46. 1 AD RAAF 04Mar47.
					TT Sqn Richmond 28Mar47.   ARDU RAAF Det Richmond 06Mar48.  Det 1 Tocumwal 17Feb48.	
					Leased Ansett Airways 19Jun50.  Leased to Trans Australian Airways 19May51 as VH-TAW "Broskman".
					To VH-MAH 11Nov60.   Ansett-Mandated Airlines VH-MAV 12Jan61.   Ansett Airlines of PNG 19May68. 
					Sold Trans Australian Airways "Brockman' then 'Mueller' VH-SBE 09Sep58   
					Continental Air Services XW-PFT Air Continental 21May68.   Leased by Air America from Continental Air Services, 
					of Vientiane June 1969 as XW-PFT.  Far East Air Transport B-261 08Dec69 
					South East Asia Air Transport N83AC 05Nov73 WFU. Registration cancelled Oct 1981 
				92709 (MSN 12540) to USAAF 19Feb44.  To RAAF as A65-41 19Mar44.  3 AD RAAF 19Mar44.  34 Sqn RAAF VH-CUK 06Apr44 
					Starboard undercarriage collapsed on Parafield tarmac 13Jun44 crew uninjured.  1 AD RAAF 05Mar46
					86 Wing RAAF 06Mar47.  1 AD RAAF TOC 14Apr48.  To  Mac Robertson Miller Airways as VH-MMF "Durach" 14Feb49 
					Commercial Aviation Pty Ltd 07Apr49.   Ansett Airlines of Papua NG 09Mar70.
					Ansett Ltd 23May73.  Air Tasmania Pty Ltd 06Jul73.  Forestair 'Spirit of Port Arthur' 26Sep77.  WFU Nov 1978.
					Essend 1980 Bankstown for restoration to airworthiness 21Jun02.  At Bankstown painted as USAAF 
					C-47 42-100550 "U5" in D-Day markings. Restored to airworthy condition 2015.  Reregistered as VH-XUX Jul 28 2015.  
					Sold 2016 to the Flying Tigers Museum at Kunming China.
				92710 (MSN 12541) to USAAF 16Feb44.  To RAAF as A65-42 19Mar44.  3 AD RAAF 19Mar44.
					34 Sqn RAAF VH-CUL 04Apr44.   DAP RAAF 10Apr46.   38 Sqn RAAF coded FD-L 06Nov46.
					2 AD RAAF 11Feb48.  To Qantas Empire Airways 01Jun48 leased TAA VH-TAW 19May51 
					Sold to Trans Australian Airways 09Sep58.  To Continental Air Services VH-SBE 08Dec60.
					Air Continental XW-PFT 21May68.  South East Asia Air Transport 05Nov73 WFU Oct81   
				92711 (MSN 12542) to USAAF 15Feb44.   To RAAF as A65-43 19Mar44.  3 AD 19Mar44.  DAT 23Mar44. 
					33 Sqn RAAF VH-CUW yellow UW on nose coded PK-K 02Apr44.   13 ARD RAAF 25Sep45. 33 Sqn RAAF 25Jan45 
					3 AD RAAF 26Apr46.   DAP RAAF 02Sep46.   1 AD RAAF 31Oct46.  1 APU 29Jan47.
					86 Wing RAAF 20Aug47 for DDT spraying 07Oct47.  Starboard wing struck tree during DDT spraying 
					at Finschafen PNG 01Mar48.  CMU Toc 29Nov48.  Royal Australian Navy  01Feb49.   851 Sqn Royal Australian Navy.  
					723 Sqn RAN 724 Sqn Royal Australian Navy.  725 Sqn Royal Australian Navy coded NW-900 then NW-860 
					then NW-800 flying classroom to train Sea Venom and Gannet observers SOC 12Jan70.  To Australian Fleet 
					Air Arm Museum at HMAS Albatross as N2-43 1976  
				92712 (MSN 12543) to USAAF Feb 15, 1944.  To RCAF as Dakota IIIN 963 Mar 3, 1944.   ANS RCAF Winnipeg, Nanitoba.
					Reserialled 12950 Jun 1k970. Converted by Basler to BT-67 as N104BF.
					Sold to Mauritanian AF Jan 2000.  As Basler BT-67 active with Force Aerienne Islamique de Mauritanie as 5T-MAH.
				92713 (MSN 12544) to USAAF Feb 18, 1944.  To RCAF as Dakota III 962, later 12544.  W/o Estevan, Canada Sept 6, 1946.
				92714 (MSN 12545) to USAAF Feb 16, 1944.  To RNZAF as NZ3516 Apr 9, 1944.  BOC Unit 19 Whenuapai.  To No.40 Squadron, Whenuapai.
					SOC Wigram 06 April 1948, Disp. No.146.  Broken up at Woodbourne by Airwork (NZ) Ltd in April 1948. 
				92715 (MSN 12546) to USAAF Feb 16, 1944.  To RNZAF as NZ3517 Apr 9, 1944.  BOC Unit 19 Whenuapai.
					To No.40 Squadron, Whenuapai. SOC Woodbourne 20 May 1948, Disp.No.147.
					Reduced to spares and sold by tender number 4284 (Nov 13, 1950).
					Broken up at Woodbourne by Airwork (NZ) Ltd. and fuselage sold to Metal Smelters Ltd.
				92716 (MSN 12547) to USAAF 16Feb44. Eighth Air Force 18Apr44. 435th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Welford (Station 474). Damaged in accident at Welford 12May44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 90th Troop Carrier Squadron, 438th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France. Damaged landing at Le Bourget (A-54), Paris, France 17May45.
					Salvaged May 18, 1945.
				92717 (MSN 12549) to USAAF Feb 16, 1944. . Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. 98th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [8Y*S], 440th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Exeter (Station 463); named ‘Stoy Hora’. 
					Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder.  
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44; it was the lead aircraft flown by the 440th TCG 
					commanding officer. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
 					To 9th TCS May 1945.  To OK-WDK with
					Czechoslovakian State Airline.  Crashed Velke Canikovice (district Pezinok) Dec 12, 1954 while 
					operating on a cargo flight from Prague to Brno.  All four onboard killed.
				92718 (MSN 12550) to USAAF 18Feb44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 29th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 
					3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44 and a resupply flight for the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. 492nd Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force, Harrington (Station 179). 
					Used for ‘Carpetbagger’ operations.
					To RFC Apr 25, 1946.  NC34113 Sears Roebuck & Co, Chicago, IL 20Dec45  Univ of Tennessee 15Jan69   
					N140T Rr  Zephyr Aviation Inc, Zephyr Hills, FL US Oct69.   J A Devlin, Hillsboro, NH Feb71.  
					P L Rice, Tampa, FL US 1972.  Aero Inti Inc Jul73.  Parachute Center, Zephyr Hills, FL US R10Dec73.  
					Seized by Fed authorities for marijuana smuggling at Chattanooga, TN 25Sep74 
					Fuselage at Sebring, FL US  Apr75.   ZPC Inc B12Nov82.   B.A. Bump, Doraville, GA, B 12Nov82.   
					VQ-TAF Turks & Caicos National 01May83  
				92719 (MSN 12551) to USAAF 15Feb44. Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. Ninth Air Force 16Apr44. 
					99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.  Lost Apr 13, 1945.  MACR 13793
				92720 (MSN 12552) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17169 Feb 26, 1944
				92721 (MSN 12553) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17170 Feb 26, 1944
				92722 (MSN 12554) to USAAF Feb 17, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17171 Feb 17, 1944
				92723 (MSN 12555) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17172 Feb 26, 1944
				92724 (MSN 12556) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17173 Feb 26, 1944
				92725 (MSN 12557) to USAAF Feb44. 37th Troop Carrier Squadron [W7*N; Nose #33], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 3rd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment and the 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 	
					Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 319th Glider Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44.
					To Chile AF as 969, to Paraguayan AF as FAP-2030 in 1981.
				92726 (MSN 12559) to USAAF 18Feb44   8th AF 26Mar44  9th AF 07Oct44  W/O 30Nov44
					By 1954 was N62374 of West Coast Air Lines
				92727 (MSN 12560) to USAAF 18Feb44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 44th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [6E*L; Nose #52], 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies 
					for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, 
					SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and 
					materials for the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. 
					Transported British 13th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of 
					the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					To Caribe Air as NC55985, to Trans Air as N55985,
					to Lineas Aereas Orientales as HK-166.  Crashed on approach to
					Mitu Airport, Vaupes, Columbia Jul 19, 1977.
				92728 (MSN 12561) to USAAF 18Feb44. Anfa Field, Casablanca, French Morocco to St Mawgan, 
					Newquay, Cornwall 12/13Apr44. 302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
					Salvaged Apr 4, 1946
				92729 (MSN 12562) to USAAF 18Feb44.  8th AF 30Mar44. 9th AF 31Mar44.  Neth/Belgium.  Salvaged 29Jan47
				92730 (MSN 12563) to USAAF 18Feb44. Marrakech, French Morocco to St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall 
					19/20Mar44. 302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 303rd Troop 
					Carrier Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France. 
					Damaged when nosed over landing at Grove (Station 519) 26Jul45. Munich, Germany.
					Damaged in taxiing accident at Munich, Germany Apr 9, 1946.  FLC to Turkey Dec 27, 1948.  To Turkish AF Mar 17, 1949.
				92731 (MSN 12564) to USAAF 18Feb44. 99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier 
					Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464).Damaged landing at Merryfield 26Apr44.
 					FLC to Turkey Dec 27, 1948.  To Turkish AF Mar Mar 17, 1949 as 6072, coded 12-072
				92732 (MSN 12565) to USAAF Feb44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
				92733 (MSN 12566) to USAAF 18Feb44. Eighth Air Force 10Apr44. Ninth Air Force 21Apr44. 
					310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Damaged taxying at Maupertuis (A-15), France 18Oct44. Damaged in collision with C-47A ? 43-15622 
					taxying at Aldermaston (Station 467) 27Feb45. 314th Transport Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, 
					Eighth Air Force, Biggin Hill (Station 343). Damaged while parked in collision by C-47A ? 42-23474 
					taxying at RAF Biggin Hill 22Aug45. 325th Troop Carrier Squadron, Air Service Command, Ninth Air Force. 
					Damaged taxying at Ansbach (R-45), Germany 30Jan46. Salvaged 10May46.
				92734 (MSN 12567) to USAAF 20Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. Ninth Air Force 7Apr44. 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers of the 
					82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					Shot down Weeze, Germany Mar 24, 1945.
				92735 (MSN 12569) to USAAF 19Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 92nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. On 16Jul44 the aircraft departed Upottery to take part in 
					Operation 'Dragoon' - the invasion of southern France 15Aug44. Routed via St Mawgan, Newquay, 
					Cornwall to Marrakech, French Morocco 17Jul44; Orbetello, Italy 18Jul44. The aircraft was 
					to transport paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Airborne 
					Task Force to a drop zone at Le Muy, France on Operation ‘Dragoon’ 15Aug44. Dust from
					preceding aircraft ingested by the engines caused a loss of power during takeoff in poor 
					visibility. The aircraft stalled and veered off towards the control tower at Orbetello, 
					stopping short and destroyed by fire. Salvaged 26Aug44.
				92736 (MSN 12570) to USAAF 19Feb44. Eighth Air Force 18Mar44. 315th Troop Carrier Group,
					Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. RFC Augusta 15Sep45   
					To NC19364 Pan American Grace 1945.  CB-34 Lloyd Aereo Boliviano SA R20Aug45.  
					Severely damaged 15Apr53 near Sucre, Bolivia.  Rebuilt as CP-607 LAB Jun54  
					Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivienos "EI Petrolera" 30Nov64.  Cooperativea Aerea DE US Tptes 1976  
					S.O. Suarez, Cochabamba.
				92737 (MSN 12571) to USAAF 20Feb44.  8th AF 11Apr44.  9th AF 12Apr44.   8th AF.  Accident 23Sep44 
				92738 (MSN 12572, 315th TCG) to USAAF 20Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 
					43rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported eighteen British 13th Parachute 
					Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile 
					northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; after the DZ and returning 
					home, the aircraft was hit by enemy ground fire setting fire to the left engine and crashed 
					just west of the River Rhine, breaking in half and exploding on impact; the crew had bailed out safely.
					MACR 13384
				92739 (MSN 12573) to USAAF 20Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 303rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Welford 
					(Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44. Towed a 
					glider transporting men and materials for the 101st Airborne Division to a landing zone at 
					Son near Eindhoven, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 19Sep44. Going into LZ-W, the C-47 
					was hit by flak. Glider was shot off the tow rope and all aboard were killed. The aircraft 
					crashed at Son [2KIA].   MACR 9914
				92740 (MSN 12574) to USAAF 21Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. Fitted with additional 
					SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, 
					three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  To RFC Nov 4, 1945
				92741 (MSN 12575) to USAAF 21Feb44. 59th Ferrying Squadron, 4th Ferrying Group, 
					Air Transport Command, Berry Field, Nashville, TN. Damaged taxying at Homestead Field, 
					Homestead, FL 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Mar44. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. Crashed near Koblenz, Germany 14Apr45; none of the crew survived.
					MACR 13756
				92742 (315th TCG) to USAAF 20Feb44.  8th AF 11Apr44.  9th AF 315th TCG 20May44. 8th AF
					Lost Feb 22, 1945.  MACR 12677
				92743 (MSN 12577) to USAAF 21Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. 442nd Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Europe Apr 30, 1947 Netherlands/Belgium.  FLC 1947
					By 1955 was TC-BEN of Devlet Hava Yollari.  To Turkish AF in 1966 for spares (?)
42-92744/92923		Douglas C-47A-15-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 12579 and ending with 12777, with entries ending with '8' skipped
				92744 (MSN 12579) to USAAF Feb 19, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG467 at RAF Nassau Mar 5, 1944.  Diverted to South
					African AF as 6833, no RAF service.  To civil registry as
					ZS-BYH with President Motors, Ltd.  Then to Union of Burma Airways registered as XY-ACQ.  
					Crashed Sep 2, 1955 enroute from Meiktila to Lanywa, Burma.  Flew into Mount Popa.  3 crew 6 passengers killed.
				92745 (MSN 12580) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944.   To RAF as Dakota III KN468 at RAF Montreal Mar 14, 1944.  
					Middle East 1945.  45 Grp RAF.  To South African AF Oct 4, 1945
					as 6864.  Converted to Turbo DC-3 and returned to SAAF as 6864.  WFU 2008.
				92746 (MSN 12581) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG469 at RAF Montreal Mar 14, 1944.  
					ACSEA Feb 2, 1945.  277 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian AF as VP905 Sep 25, 1947
				92747 (MSN 12582) to USAAF Feb 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG470 at RAF Montreal Mar 1944.  
					MAAF Mar 7, 1944.  To South African AF as 6876 Oct 4, 1945.  To N81949 Jul 17, 1998.  Fuselage 
					stored outside at Wonderboom, N of Pretoria, South Africa, awaiting turboprop conversion.
				92748 (MSN 12583) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG471 via RAF Montreal Mar 1944.  
					West Africa Mar 11, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  28 Sqdn SAAF.  Crashed during attempted
					forced landing at Delabole, UK Sep 4, 1944.
				92749 (MSN 12584) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG472 for MAAF via RAF Montreal Mar 1944.  
					West africa Mar 22, 1944.  267 Sqdn RAF 1944.  Crashed Jul 16, 1944 during
					overshoot at partisan landing ground near Bosnanski Dubica, Yugoslavia.
				92750 (MSN 12585) to USAAF Feb 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG473 for MAAF via Montreal Mar 1944.  
					To UK Apr 28, 1944.  ME Jan 25, 1945.  ACSEA Mar 22, 1945.  267 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF
					Jul 25, 1946.  To Thai AF Jul 25, 1946.  To Siamese Airways in 1947
					as HS-SAC.  Inherited by Thai Airways Nov 1, 1951.  Reregistered as HS-TDC Sep 15, 1958.
					To US civil registry as N84AC Oct 1972, possibly used by Airservices Co, Ltd.  Stored
					at Don Muang AP, Thailand from Mar 1978 to Mar 1983 and presumably scrapped there. 
				92751 (MSN 12586) to USAAF Feb 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG474 for MAAF via RAF Montreal Mar 1944.  
					West Africa Mar 12, 1944.  To South African AF 88 Sqdn Sep 27, 1945 as 6859.  Preserved at SAAF
				92752 (MSN 12587) to USAAF Feb 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG475 for MAA via RAF Montreal Mar 1944.
					RAF west Africa Mar 12, 1944.  MAAF Sep 28, 1944.  267 Sqdn RAF. Returned to USAAF Oct 31, 1946.
					To FLC at Paynes Field Oct 31, 1946.  To Ciro's Aviatin Ltd registered to G-AKVX Mar 16, 1948, 
					then to Pan African Air Charter Mar 8, 1948 as ZS-BYX.  W/o Dec 31, 1948
					when it crashed into Monte Argentario, Italy.  All 12 onboard killed.
				92753 (MSN 12589) to USAAF Feb 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG477 for MAAF via RAF Montreal Mar 1944.
					RAF West Africa Mar 11, 1944.  RAF Middle East Dec 29, 1944.  ACSEA May 25, 1945.  267 Sqdn RAF.  
					Bellylanded in jungle 30 mi SW of Pyinmana, Burma Jun 11, 1945 after engine failure.
				92754 (MSN 12590) to USAAF Feb 22, 19444.  To RAF at RAF Nassau as Dakota III KG478 Mar 5, 144.  Diverted to South
					African AF as 6834 Apr 8, 1944, no RAF service.  28 Sqdn SAAF 21946.  15 AD SAAF 1954.  44 Sqdn
					SAAF Dec 1972 to 1978.  WFU.  Converted to DC-3-65TP
					(Aero Modifications AMI DC-3-65) still as SAAF 6834.  Sold Sep 12, 2000
					as XS-OSO for National Test Pilots Schoo, Cape Town, sold as
					N834TP to National Test Pilots School of Mojave, CA Mar 25, 2003.
					Probably DBR Feb 4, 2009 when aircraft swerved off the runway
					during takeoff at Mojave, CA.  Registration cancelled Apr 13, 2009.  Noted at
					Dodson Intl Parts Inc, Rantoul, KS Apr 2015.
				92755 (MSN 12591) to USAAF Feb 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG479.  Diverted to RCAF as KG479,
					no RAF service. 32 OTU Patricia Bay, British Columbia.  Stored Apr 24, 1944.  To TCA as CF-TEB in 1946.
					To CF-DTH Jan 11, 1961.  Current 2011.
				92756 (MSN 12592) to USAAF Feb 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG480 Mar 13, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF Apr 10, 1944.
					MIA Jun 7, 1944 from supply dropping mission to Ranville, France.  Presumably shot down by
					enemy flak.
				92757 (MSN 12593) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG481 via RAF Nassau Apr 1944.  
					SEAAC Apr 9, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Jun 27, 1946
				92758 (MSN 12594) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG482 vi RAF Nassau Apr 1944.
					ACSEA RAF Sep 7, 1944.  SOC Sep 6, 1945.
				92759 (MSN 12595) to USaAF Feb 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG483 at RAF Nassau Apr 1944.  Diverted to South
					African AF as 6831 Apr 17, 1944, no RAF service.  28 Sqdn SAAF Apr 1945 to 1946.  To ZS-BXZ Nov 20, 1947.
				92760 (MSN 12596) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG484 at RAF Nassau Mar 23, 1944.  Diverted to South
					African AF as 6835 May 15, 1944, no RAF service.  5 Wing SAAF 1945.  28 Sqdn SAAF 1946.  15 AD SAAF
					1954.  To ZS-DJX Nov 21, 1955.  To SAAF as 6885 Mar 1967. Converted to C-47TP turboprop power.   Current 2011.
				92761 (MSN 12597) to USAAF Feb 25, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG485, but NTU.  To RCAF as KG485 Mar 10, 1944.
					WFU.  To TCA as CF-TEC May 10, 1946.  To CF-DTB Mar 19, 1958.  Current 2011.
				92762 (MSN 12599) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944, to USSR Mar 12,1944
				92763 (MSN 12600) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944, to USSR Mar 10, 1944
				92764 (MSN 12601) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944, to USSR Mar 8, 1944
				92765 (MSN 12602) to USAAF Feb 23, 1944, to USSR Mar 13 1944.
				92766 (MSN 12603) to USSAF Feb 24, 1944, to USSR Mar 23, 1944
				92767 (MSN 12604) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944, to USSR Mar 16, 1944
				92768 (MSN 12605) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944, to USSR Mar 18, 1944
				92769 (MSN 12606) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944, to USSR Mar 15, 1944
				92770 (MSN 12607) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944, to USSR Mar 15, 1944
				92771 (MSN 12609) to USAAF Feb 24, 1944.  302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.  
					7290th Air Base Group, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany; salvaged 22Jan49.
				92772 (MSN 12610) to USAAF Feb 25, 1944.  W/o Mar 18, 1944 in crash 7mi SE of St Lucia due to structural failure. 
					Also listed as going to 8th AF Apr 9, 1944.  Puerto Rico.  FLC Aug 14, 1946.  CACAAC Apr 30, 1947.  FLC Oct 28, 1947.
				92773 (MSN 12611) to USAAF 25Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. Ninth Air Force 28Apr44. 
					53rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Aldermaston (Station 467) 
					to participate in a resupply flight for the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Groesbeek, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 19Sep44. A Sergeant, a member of S-4 Quartermaster in the 53rd TCS, 
					was onboard to push loads out of the aircraft to troops below. The aircraft was forced to take extreme 
					evasive moves to avoid enemy fire, and the Sergeant jumped, fearing the aircraft was going to crash 
					but it returned safely to Barkston Heath. His remains were never found. 1107th Base Unit, Waller Field, 
					Trinidad. Damaged while parked in collision by Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul Junkers Ju 52 ? N-6 
					taxying at Belém, Brazil 22Aug45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation 27Sep45
				92774 (MSN 12612) to USAAF 25Feb44. Eighth Air Force 27Mar44. Ninth Air Force 28Apr44. 
					37th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment and the 456th Parachute 
					Field Artillery Battalion to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 319th Glider Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44.
					W/o Mar 24, 1945 over Germany
				92775 (MSN 12613)to USAAF 25Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 439th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 
					506th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. The plane was badly crippled by flak and flying on one engine. 
					The pilot negotiated the trip home sometimes just a few feet above the Channel waters as he 
					struggled to keep his aircraft in the air. Without hydraulics and brakes the pilot landed the 
					C-47 at another field on an emergency landing. Unable to stop, he crashed through a bomb 
					dump before finally coming to rest. Condemned 11Apr45
				92776 (MSN 12614) to USAAF 25Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 15th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483) 31Mar44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported 
					supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported paratroopers of the British 
					1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near Renkum, west of Arnhem, Netherlands on 
					Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 320th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider 
					transporting men and materials from the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. 
					At Somme, France, the aircraft broke the left flap upon landing on a muddy runway 10Nov44; 
					temporary repairs were made and the plane returned to Barkston Heath. Damaged by machine 
					gun fire during an enemy attack on the hangar at Barkston Heath 6Mar45. 78th Service Group 
					for repairs. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). 
					Transported men and materials of the British 6th Airborne Division to a drop zone at Wesel, Germany 
					on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; returned to Abbeville. Damaged landing at Ettinghausen (Y-85), 
					Germany 5Apr45; the plane was in the act of slowing down after landing when the pilot turned onto 
					the runway shoulder to avoid collision with two stopped aircraft. The right wheel ran into a fill, 
					the surface of which gave way, causing the aircraft to ground loop to the right. Both propellers 
					were damaged. Condemned 11Apr45.
				92777 (MSN 12615) to USAAF Feb44. 44th Troop Carrier Squadron [6E*Q; Nose #57], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men 
					and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands 
					on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. 
					Transported British 13th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern 
					edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					To Turkish AF as 6086 Apr 16, 1949
				92778 (MSN 12616) to USAAF 25Feb44. Eighth Air Force 30Mar44. 59th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483) 31Mar44. 
					During glider towing formation flying training 10Apr44, the left wing tip of C-47 ?  42-23339 
					collided with the right elevator and stabilizer. Practising on a ‘Biscuit Bouncer’ re-supply mission, 
					bundles were dropped on the DZ. The aircraft was damaged when the parachute of one of the 
					bundles opened prematurely and tangled in the left stabilizer, causing the aircraft to go into 
					sudden dives and climbs. Crew members were shaken up quite badly and several suffered 
					minor bruises and lacerations. The elevator and stabilizer were damaged. 82nd Service Group, 
					Greenham Common (Station 486) for repairs, completed 1Jun44. Transported paratroopers of the 
					3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Damaged when overshot landing at Barkston 
					Heath 5Jul44. Transported paratroopers of the British 1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near 
					Renkum, west of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. 53rd Troop Carrier Squadron 
					12Oct44. Damaged at Aldermaston (Station 467) 6Nov44; returned to Barston Heath 7Nov44.
					To civil registry as PP-CCO with SA Cruziero do SUI "Bacarau" dlivered Apr 22, 1946, to PP-FBJ
					Fundacao Brasil Central registeed Aug 1, 1960, PP-BUQ reregistered Sep 17 1962, to Brazilian AF as 
					BUQ 1966, no serial assigned, to government of Brazil (Superintendencia do Desenvolvimento do Centro Oeste)
					as PP-FBO registered Feb 14, 1968.  WFU
				92779 (MSN 12617) to USAAF 26Feb44   8th AF 18Apr44  9th AF 31Jul44  SOC 31May46.  To Czech AF 1947 
				92780 (MSN 12619) to USAAF 26Feb44.  8th AF 20Apr44.  9th AF 25Apr44  Returned to USA 02Sep45.  SOC 13Feb46 
				92781 (MSN 12620) to USAAF 27Feb44.  5th AF 05Apr44.  Tacloban SOC 24Oct45
				92782 (MSN 12621) to USAAF 26Feb44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as X84 "The Rebel Queen" 10Apr44  
					To 336th Ser Sqn 18Feb45.    W/O 06Dec45
				92783 (MSN 12622) to USAAF Feb 26, 1944.  5th AF 375th TCG, 58th TCS May 25, 1944.  
					Damaged while parked Tadji New Guinea 22Jun44, repaired.  Crash landed near Faita New Guinea  due to bad weather 09Jul44 
					wreck sighted by 43-15483 X12 5th AF 317th TCG 39th TCS 31Oct44.  Also listed as w/o Mar 22, 1944 Tinker AB, Oklahoma
				92784 (MSN 12623) to USAAF 26Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 6th TCS 21Apr44, flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJE  
					Hit by bulldozer while parked Anguar Palau 26Nov44, repaired.  46th Serv Sqn  accident Quezon Field, Manila
					Philippines 16Mar45, to 46th Serv Sqn, salvaged			
				92785 (MSN 12624) to USAAF Feb 26, 1044.  th AF, 374th tCG, 21st TCS Apr 7, 1944.
					W/o Nov 2, 1944 in takeoff accident at Aitape-Tadji, PNG
				92786 (MSN 12625) to USAAF 26Feb44. Fifth Air Force, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 7Apr44. 
					FEA 18Apr47. Salvaged 18Apr47; reclaim complete 29Apr48.
					47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire.
					[reported by 508th PIR to have been Chalk #19, lead aircraft in Flight #3, Lead Squadron for the 3rd Battalion]
				92787 (MSN 12626) to USAAF 27Feb44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as X95 11Apr44.  Damaged by prop wash of B-25 11Dec44, repaired    
					Struck by C46 44-77788 at Nielson Field 13Aug45 
				92788 (MSN 12627) to USAAF 27Feb44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X42.  Mississippi 10Apr44 FEASC Depot No 2   
					Back to 5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS 08Nov44.  Struck nose of another a/c landing 20Jan44, both repaired  
					W/o Apr 8, 1945 at Angeles City-Clark Field, Philippines
				92789 (MSN 12629) to USAAF Feb 27, 1944.  5th AF Apr 5, 1944.  W/o Apr 15, 1944 at Sorido, Indonesia
				92790 (MSN 12630)  to USAAF 27Feb44.  5th AF 07Apr44.   5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS as W528 Dec44,    
					flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJF.  Right engine caught fire on take off Sorido 21Jan45 
					To 344th Serv Sqn 22Jan45.  WFU 02Feb45 
				92791 (MSN 12631) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 01Apr44, flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJG.  WFU 16Aug47
				92792 (MSN 12632) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 05Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJH.  WFU 24Oct45 
				92793 (MSN 12633) to USAAF 27Feb44.  5th AF 07Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJI.  WFU 21Oct45
				92794 (MSN 12634) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 6th TCS 07Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJJ 
					Taxiied into another a/c Leyte 27Nov44, repaired at Sorido.  WFU 07Feb46 
				92795 (MSN 12635) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as X96 07Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJK  
					FEA 30Apr47 Japan.   WFU 29Apr48 
				92796 (MSN 12636) to USAAF 01Mar44. 5th AF 09Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJL   
					To 19 Sqn RAAF (NEI) as DT963 "VHREQ"  31Dec45  VHREQ to NEIAF as DT-963, callsign VH-REQ.
					T-463 Jul47  to PK-REQ 01Apr48  to Indonesian AF as TNI-AU T-463 Jun50 
				92797 (MSN 12637) to USAAF 27Feb44. 5th AF 374th TCG.  6th TCS as 509 07Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJM  
					Struck by taxiing B-24 while parked Tacloban Leyte PI 23Dec44, to 15th Rep Sqn for salvage 
				92798 (MSN 12639) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 20Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJO.
					 FEA-PAS 30Apr47.  WFU 29Apr48 
				92799 (MSN 12640) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS as X529 08Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJN 
					Right wing tip hit truck while taxiing Sorido 25Jan45, repaired  WFU 19Oct45
				92800 (MSN 12641) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 07Apr44.  WFU 16Oct45
				92801 (MSN 12642) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 33rd TCS 08Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJT.   W/O 28Dec44 
				92802 (MSN 12643) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS 09Apr44.  Severly damaged by turbulence enroute 
					Sorido to Morotai 14Dec44, grounded.  Sorido Biak  later that day C-46 44-477351 damaged nose of 42-92802, 
					to Serv Sqn for complete overhaul.  Strafed 27Dec44.  To 25th AD Sqn 
				92803 (MSN 12644) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 33rd TCS 07Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJU  
					Right wing tip of 43-30744 hit left elevator of 42-92803 flying formation Sep44, both landed okay and 
					were repaired.  WFU 25Oct45, to Philippines for salvage
				92804 (MSN 12645) to USAAF 28Feb44. 5th AF 10Apr44.  damaged on take off Momote 30Apr44, repaired.   
					loaned Apr 22, 1944 to RAAF 36 Sqdn, call sign VH-CKF; Aug 8, 1944 test flight Townsville; Oct 9, 1944 returned 
					to USAAF on termination of loan;  Struck another a/c taking off from Samar PI 28Jan45, repaired by 478th Serv Sqn    
					43-16334 struck by  42-92804 whick landed behind it 14Jan45, both repaired   
					A5AFSC Depot 2; Served with 39TCS 317TCG; then 69TCS 433TCG; 433rd TCG 69th TCS salvaged 14Sep45 
				92805 (MSN 12646) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS 10Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHCGY and VHCJV  
					One engine failed 150 miles out at sea, baggage of 20 passengers and loose weights jettisoned, 
					landed Wards Strip Port Moresby 22Jul44.  Tail swing over embankment Boroke 12Oct44, repaired    WFU 10Dec45,
					to Philippines for dalvage
				92806 (MSN 12647) to USAAF 29Feb44.  To 5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS "Holey Joe" 13Apr44.   
					To RAAF flown with Australian radio c/s VHCJW and VHCKG.  36 Sqn RAAF VH-CKG U Beaut 22Apr44.  
					To 5th AF 374th TCG 6th TCS VH-CJW 26Sep44.  To 5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS 22Jul45 
					To FEASC Depot #3 29Nov46 Field Aircraft Services.  To G-AJTO 20May47 Zinc Corp Broken Hill 
					04Mar48 ANA VH-INF Balyana 15Dec48.  leased to Butler Air Transport 02May50 purchased by 
					Butler Air Transport.  To VH-AKR 13Aug50 New GuineaCO.  To US Rabaul VH-MAN 10Jun57 
					Mandated Airlines VH-INF15Dec58 Mandated Airlines 28Jun59 2 Ansett P&NG Ltd Boroko 06Jun68 
					Ansett PNG Ltd 23May72 Air Niugini.  01Nov73 Air Niugini P2-MAN then P2-ANY 01Jun74.
					Insured Aircraft Title Service N55892 13Mar80 Wells Aircraft Inc  
					18May81 Reo Leasing Inc Brinkley AZ US 19May81.  Current 2011 
				92807 (MSN 12649) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 09Apr44.  81st AD Grp  5th AF 374th TCG 33rd TCS 14Nov44   
					FEA PAS 30Apr47. WFU 29Apr48
				92808 (MSN 12650) to USAAF 29Feb44.  5th AF 10Apr44.  479th Serv Sqn.  5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS as X532 07Oct44  
					Left wing of 42-92808 struck nose of parked 43-16318 while parking 12Dec44, both repaired.   WFU 25Oct45 
				92809 (MSN 12651) to USAAF 02Mar44.  5th AF 07Apr44.  W/o Jun 15, 1944, Port Moresby, PNG
				92810 (MSN 12652)  to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 374th TCG 21st TCS 28Mar42 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCKH
					Loaned Apr 4, 1944 to RAAF 36 Sqn as VHCKH;  returned  Oct 9, 1944.  To 5thAAF USAAF on 
					termination of lease;5AFSC Depot 2;; sold Aug 31, 1948 to Philippine Airlines; Sold Feb 1970 and registered as 
					PK-IBA with Bouraq Balikpapan, Indonesia; Oct 1983 with Bali Air; Jul 1985.  CofA expired; Mar 1994 residing at Surabaya Java.
				92811 (MSN 12653) to USAAF 07Mar44. 5th AF 374th TCG 22nd TCS 07Apr44.  Crashed 10 mi SW of Sailum, PNG Nov 22, 1944
				92812 (MSN 12654) to USAAF 02Mar44.  5th AF 20Apr44.  SOC 19Dec45
				92813 (MSN 12655) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 10Apr44.  SOC 22Sep47 
				92814 (MSN 12656) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 09Apr44.  SOC 14Dec46
				92815 (MSN 12657) to USAAF 02Mar44.  5th AF 10Apr44.  w/o Apr 2, 1944 China (?)
				92816 (MSN 12659) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 09Apr44.  FEAF 30Apr47. SOC 13Jul49 
				92817 (MSN 12660) to USAAF 01Mar44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as 93 05May44.  Landed short then struck by "338" of 433rd TCG 
					68th TCS Gusap NG 16Jun44, repaired. Noemfoor parachute drop 03Jul44 ditched between Tanauan Leyete PI and Peleliu 
					07Jan45, crew rescued after 17 days in life rafts. picked up by PBY Catalina 
				92818 (MSN 12661) to USAAF 02Mar44. 5th AF 374th TCG  33rd TCS as 581 20Apr44  
					Hit by USN LB-30 Tacloban Dec44 demolishing nose section, to 481st Serv Sqn 29Dec44.  SOC 19Oct45 
				92819 (MSN 12662) to USAAF 02Mar44. 5th AF 06Apr44. SOC 25Jun45 
				92820 (MSN 12663) to USAAF 02Mar44. 5th AF 374th TCG 33rd TCS 11Apr44.  Nose section smashed by wing tip of 
					taxiing B-24 while parked Hollandia 01Jan45.  To 4th AD Sqn 02Jan45.  Back to 5th AF 374th TCG 33rd TCS 31Jan45  
					SOC 14Sep46.  To civil registry 1947/48.  In 1947/48, appears to have been used by the Indonesian
					nationalist air force (rebelling against Dutch rule) as RI-1
				92821 (MSN 12664) to USAAF 04Mar44.  5th AF 06Apr44  flown with Australian radio c/s VHPAM  
					To 321 Sqn Netherlands Navy as DT-696, callsign VH-REW, then T-966.  MLD Q-13 23Apr46.  To Oostetyk Verkennings 
					en Tpt Sq as MLD W-13 1946.  To 8 Tpt Sq 01May50.  To TNI-AL 07Oct50.  to PK-NDA  then back to TNI-AL as 
					TNI-AL T-469 06May70 
				92822 (MSN 12665) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X29 10Apr44.  FEASC Depot No 2  
					Back to 5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X29 09Nov44.  flown over Corregidor by Burford.  FEA PAS 30Apr47. WFU 13Jul49
				92823 (MSN 12666)  to USAAF 02Mar44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as  X39  X44 10Apr44   
					Flown over Corregidor by  Berner.  FEA 30Apr47.  WFU 29Apr48  
				92824 (MSN 12667) to USAAF 02Mar44. 5th AF 09Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCGZ.  WFU  
					To VH-AIJ 12Dec45.  To VH-EBJ 30Sep49.  to Thai AF as L2-14/96.  W/o Korat Mar 31, 1956
				92825 (MSN 12669) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 20Apr44.  SOC 31Dec45
				92826 (MSN 12670) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 20Apr44.  Philippine AF 24Jul46.  PI-CI25 Commercial Airlines Inc  
					AP-AAZ Orient Airways Ltd RI6Dec47.  Crashed 22Oct52 at Jamshedpur, Pakistan  
				92827 (MSN 12671) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 374th TCG 22nd TCS 09Apr44 flown with Australian radio c/s VHCHZ  
					Ran over empty gas drum taxiing Lae NG 25Sep44, underside of tail damaged, repaired.  
					WFU 29Apr48.  To PI-C92  W/O in Philippines 16Oct46
				92828 (MSN 12672) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS 10Apr44.  Hit empty drums parking Lae Jan45, repaired by 
					344th Serv Sqn.   Pac TSP.  SOC  29Apr48  
				92829 (MSN 12673) to USAAF 03Mar44.  5th AF 07Apr44.  Accident 27Jun44  
				92830 (MSN 12674) to USAAF 04Mar44.  5th AF 374th TCG 6th TCS 11Apr44.  Wing tip struck pole guy wire while 
					taxiing Tanauan Leyte PI 24Dec44, repaired by 3rd AD Sqn.  Struck large bird in flight Sorido to Nadzab 24Jan45, 
					repaired.  W/o Jul 13, 1945 Tacloban, Philippines.  Condemned 19Oct45  
				92831 (MSN 12675) to USAAF 04Mar44.  Elmendorf AFB 11th AF 18Apr44.  Adak RFC 30Jun46.  To NC79018
				92832 (MSN 12676) to USAAF 04Mar44. 45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 
					505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on 
					Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44.  To Chile AF as 965.  W/o May 12, 1965
				92833 (MSN 12677) delivered to USAAF 4Mar44; 8th Air Force, UK 18Apr44; 9th Air Force, Europe 29Apr44; 
					Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 20Sep45; registered SX-BAA; Technical and Aeronautical 
					Exploitations 1947; TAE Greek National Airlines 7Jul51; Olympic Airways 6Apr57; 
					Royal Hellenic Air Force 5Jan63 as 12677; WFU 22Feb77.
				92834 (MSN 12679) to USAAF Mar 7, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17174 Mar 7, 1944
				92835 (MSN 12680) to USAAF 5Mar44. Eighth Air Force 19Apr44. 61st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Air Transport Command, Miami, FL. Damaged while parked in collision by Eastern Airlines C-46D ? 41-5193 
					taxying at Belém, Brazil 3Aug45.
					To Sears Roebuck and Co, first as NC49952, then
					N49952.  Later registered as N78SR.  Next to Iranian Power and
					Water Department as EP-TWB.  Listed as preserved at the
					Aviation Museum in Tehran, Iran.
				92836 (MSN 12681) to USAAF Mar44. 15th Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Freeport’, 
					7Jun44. Transported paratroopers of the British 1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near 
					Renkum, west of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A 
					glider transporting men and materials for the 320th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials from the 325th Glider Infantry 
					Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					23Sep44. On 20Oct44, the aircraft was recovering gliders from the battle field, flying a straight 
					course from LZ ‘W’ to Melsbroek (B-58), Brussels, Belgium with a glider in tow when the plane 
					was hit by flak in the right wing, fuselage and right engine. This occurred at the town of Best, 
					northwest of Eindhoven. The pilot feathered the right propeller, cut the glider loose, and 
					returned to B-58. Repairs were made at B-58 and then the plane returned to Barkston Heath. 
					Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). Transported 
					men and materials of the British 6th Airborne Division to a drop zone at Wesel, Germany on 
					Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; returned to Abbeville.
					To South Vietnam AF Mar 1971
				92837 (MSN 12682) to USAAF 6Mar44. Eighth Air Force 25Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					Pathfinder School, Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command, North Witham (Station 479). 
					Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 
					Transported Pathfinder paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone at 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 3rd Pathfinder 
					Squadron, Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Pathfinder Group, Chalgrove (Station 465), Oxfordshire. 
					Crashed into Leith Hill, Surrey on the return leg of a resupply mission to Villeneuve (A-63), 
					Vertus, France 26Nov44 [3KIA]. Low clouds forced the formation of four aircraft to descend 
					from 1500 ft to 1200 ft after crossing the English coast. The aircraft then descended another 
					200 feet until three of the aircraft, 42-92837, 42-93754 and 43-47975 impacted Leith Hill. 
					The fourth C-47 escaped the tragedy.  13 killed on the 3 planes, 
					only the navigator and radio operator from 43-47975 survived.
				92838 (MSN 12683) 3/5/44:  To USAAF Mar 5, 1944.  4/18/44: To 8th Air Force, Europe. 
					4/20/44: to 9th Air Force, possibly in preparation for D-Day. 
					6/6/44: Dropped paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 
					Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					12/44-1/45: Flew resupply missions during Battle of the Bulge. 
					8/17/45: Returned to USA.  10/31/45: To RFC. 
					11/45-6/77: Kerr McGee Oil Industry Inc with c/r NC65162, later Kerr McGee Corp, Oklahoma City with c/r N65162. 
					1977: Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, Oklahoma City; displayed on stilts. 
					7/21/77: c/r cancelled. 
					8/06: Metro Tech Aviation Campus, Will Rogers Airport, Oklahoma City. to civil registry as N65162.  
					Displayed at Metro Tech Aviation Career Campus at Oklahoma City, OK
				92839 (MSN 12684) to USAAF 5Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 61st Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). Transported paratroopers of Company E, 
					508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. The aircraft was transporting paratroopers of the 4th Brigade of the British 
					1st Airborne Division, the Red Devils, to a drop zone at Ginkelse Heide northwest of Arnhem, Netherlands 
					on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. It was hit by small arms fire over the Grebbeberg and crashed on the river 
					bank south of Rhenen [3KIA:1POW:1EVD]..  MACR 10265
				92840 (MSN 12685) to USAAF 5Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. 406th Night Leaflet Squadron [J6-W], 
					801st Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force, Harrington (Station 179). Used for ‘Carpetbagger’ operations.
					Carried out first Carpetbagger C-47 mission 6-9Jul44; landed at Izernore, Ain, France. 
					858th Bomb Squadron [G*Q], 492nd Bomb Group, Harrington. Crashed at its destination during a 
					clandestine operation 5Sep44; repaired and back on operations by 20Sep44. 856th Bomb Squadron 
					[R*Q] Oct44. 857th Bomb Squadron [N*A] Mar45. 858th Bomb Squadron [G*A] Mar45
					To France as F-BEFE for Aigle-Azur, next to Svc Imperial de Liaisons 
					Aeriennes as F-VNAE, scrapped Oct 17, 1953 while with Svc Imperial de Liaisons Aeriennes 
					in Vietnam
				92841 (MSN 12686) to USAAF Mar 5, 1944. 61st Troop Carrier Squadron [Q9*R], 314th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538) 21Apr44; named ‘Turf Sport Special’. Transported paratroopers 
					of Company E, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported British paratroopers to a drop zone 
					near Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Poix (B-44), France Feb45. Took 
					commandos to Oslo, Norway to disarm the German army 5Jun45. 43rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany Jan48. 10th Troop Carrier Squadron, Erding AB, West Germany 1Jul48.
					61st Troop Carrier Squadron, Rhein-Main, Frankfurt, West Germany 4Jul48. 60th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron, Wiesbaden, West Germany Aug48. 60th Troop Carrier Wing, Wiesbaden, West Germany 1951. 
					7150th Air Base Group, Wiesbaden, West Germany 1952. 17th Headquarters Squadron, Rabat, 
					French Morocco 1954. 7272nd Air Base Wing, Wheelus AB, Libya 1956. 1001st Air Base Wing, 
					Andrews AFB, MD 1959. 3800th Air Base Wing, Maxwell AFB, AL 1959. Dropped from USAF 
					inventory 1964. US Army 1964. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD with several other C-47s in use as
					target material; noted 1979. Declared surplus by US Army at Muir Field, Harrisburg, PA 1986. 
					It had been used a "heavy lift load" for Army CH-54 helicopters. Flown to Dover AFB, Delaware, 
					under a Pennsylvania Army National Guard helicopter.  Put on display at Air 
					Mobility Command Museum, Dover AFB, Delaware.
				92842 (MSN 12687) to USAAF 5Mar44. Eighth Air Force 17Apr44. Ninth Air Force 20Apr44. 
					Anfa Field, Casablanca, French Morocco to Predannock, Cornwall 16/17Apr44. 53rd Troop 
					Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to 
					Aldermaston (Station 467) to participate in a resupply flight for the 82nd Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 19Sep44. Hit by flak over 
					and after the DZ, crashed at Bavel-Reusel, Netherlands [2KIA;2POW].   Condemned 20Sep44.  
					MACR 10403
				92843 (MSN 12689) to USAAF 7Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported pathfinder paratroopers of the 1st Battalion, 501st 
					Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.  Neth/Belgium 30Apr47.  Turkey 13May47    
					TC-AND Devlet Hava Yollari "43"  1947.  THY 01Mar56.  WFU Yesilkoy, Istanbul 16Nov68  
				92844 (MSN 12690)to USAAF Mar44. 77th Troop Carrier Squadron, 435th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Welford (Station 474). Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 
					501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44; mission was aborted, reflown following day. Damaged taxying at Welford 18Dec44
					To Spanish AF as T.3-56 Mar 1963.  WFU Jul 14, 1975
				92845 (MSN 12691) to USAAF 6Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Pathfinder School, Ninth 
					Air Force Troop Carrier Command, North Witham (Station 479). Fitted with additional SCR-717 
					navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported Pathfinder paratroopers 
					of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone at Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44 but was lost en route due to mechanical failure, the aircraft ditching 
					in the sea. All the crew and paratroopers on-board were believed to have been rescued 
					by the British destroyer HMS Tartar
				92846 (MSN 12692) to USAAF Mar44. 37th Troop Carrier Squadron [W7*U; Nose #40], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported 
					paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed 
					a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 319th Glider Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					18Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. Transported British 9th Parachute 
					Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile 
					northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45 but did not reach the drop zone.
					To N86437 then to Spanish AF as T.3-31 Oct 17, 1961.  W/o Nov 5, 1975.
				92847 (MSN 12693) 6 March 1944 delivered to USAAF; 4/26/44 I Troop Carrier Command, Baer Field, Fort Wayne, IN 8Mar44.
					 Air Transport Command. Departed to England 16Apr44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 87th Troop Carrier Squadron [3X*W], 
					438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Greenham Common (Station 486);   Named "That's All Brother" with 9th TCG, 
					Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder..  Flew as lead aircraft in D-Day 
					invasion;dropping paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division at 0048. Hit by Flak. Returned to England, 
					repaired Flak damage, then made 2nd mission in the evening, delivering a glider load of troops and equipment 
					to the men of the 82nd Airborne Division.  1944: After airfields secured in France, this aircraft flew 
					many missions flying supplies into France and evacuated wounded troops to England. 
					8/15/44: Dropped paratroopers in Operation Dragoon, the invasion of southern France. 
					9/17/44: Dropped paratroopers during Operation Market Garden. 
					12/44-1/45: Flew supply missions during Battle of the Bulge. 
					3/24/45: Dropped paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division in Germany 
					during Operation Varsity.  8/4/45 returned to USA; 10/26/45 to RFC at Walnut Ridge, AR;  
					Ca.late 1945 Air Cargo Transport Corporation with c/r NC88874. 
					1946: United Gas Corporation. 
					1953-1967: Union Producing Company, Shreveport, LA. 
					Ca.1960-1967: May have been used for covert duty with CIA. 
					1967: Jim Hankins Air Services, Jackson, MS. 
					8/68: Southeastern Land Corporation, Mobile, AL. 
					1971: Jim Hankins Air Services. 
					1972: Church of God Union Assembly Inc, Dalton, GA. 
					6/76: Air New England, East Boston, MA. 
					4/28/77: Cryderman Air Services. 
					6/77: National Jet Service, Indianapolis. 
					8/78: Air Indiana (registered 5/11/79). 
					7/9/80: McCollum Aviation Inc, Danville, IL. 
					3/10/81: Astro Airways Inc, Pine Bluff, AR. 
					7/23/91: Skyborne International Company, Geneseo, NY. 
					2/1/97: Summit Aviation Inc. 
					8/6/98: Randsburg Corporation, Portland, OR. 
					By 1999-9/03: Displayed at Aero Heritage Museum, Falcon Field, Mesa, AZ. 
					8/01: Royal Aviation. 
					5/28/02: Randsburg Corp, TX. 
					5/03: Restored and fitted with three Gatling guns to replicate an AC-47. Here a veteran recognized the 
					aircraft’s WWII ID.  
					9/9/03: Randsburg Corp, WI. 
					12/3/08: Basler Turbo Conversions, Oshkosh, WI.  Planned to convert to turboprop, but was withdrawn from 
					use and left in boneyard at Oshkosh. Veteran who found it in AZ followed the plane here and sought to have 
					it restored to WWII condition.
					9/4/15: American Airpower Heritage Flying Museum, Dallas, TX (Commemorative Air Force). Restoration begun, 
					with restoration to WWII D-Day configuration in time for 75th Anniversary of D-Day in 2019. 
					1/31/18: First flight since restoration begun, restoration on-going.
					Arrived at USAF Museum  Apr 2021 for temporary visit.
				92848 (MSN 12694) to USAAF 6Mar44. Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL Apr44. Ferried overseas 
					via the South Atlantic/African route departing Morrison Field Apr44. Routed via Borinquen Field, Aguadilla, 
					Puerto Rico; Atkinson Field, Georgetown, British Guyana; Val de Caes Field, Belém, Brazil; Panamirim Field, 
					Natal, Brazil. Lost at sea in the South Atlantic 300 miles west of Ascension Island 15Apr44. Condemned 15Apr44.
				92849 (MSN 12695) to USAAF 7Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					43rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Damaged in mid-air collision in bad weather with C-47A ? 43-15251 over Lincolnshire 12Aug44. 
					This aircraft was one of 18 aircraft airborne from Spanhoe on a night formation sortie which 
					encountered unexpected bad weather. The leader let down to a lower altitude and turning to the left to 
					avoid a weather front. During the turn, the formation leader was caught by turbulence which threw 
					his aircraft into a steep bank to the right. The rest of the formation made a sharp course correction to 
					follow their leader. During this correction the element leader's aircraft skidded to the right and 
					collided with this aircraft which was on its starboard side. Minor damage was sustained in the 
					collision to the port wingtip, leading edge de-icer boot and propellor mounting bracket. 
					The aircraft landed safely at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire with no injuries to the crew.
					To RFC Sep 25, 1945.  To NC88834.  WFU
				92850 (MSN 12696) to USAAF 6Mar44. Eighth Air Force 29Apr44. Ninth Air Force 30Apr44. 
					Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 
					1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Transported 
					paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on 
					Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Frankfurt/Eschborn (Y-74), Germany. Damaged landing at Bremen (R-40), 
					Germany 25Sep45. Salvaged 4Oct45.
				92851 (MSN 12697) to USAAF Mar 9, 1944.  Oberpfaff May 20, 1949.  to LN-IAL, SE-CFS, LN-RTE
				92852 (MSN 12699) to USAAF Mar 7, 1944.  To USSR Mar 21, 1944
				92853 (MSN 12700) to USAAF Mar 7, 1944.  To USSR Mar 30, 1944
				92854 (MSN 12701) to USAAF Mar 7, 1944.  To USSR Apr 20, 1944
				92855 (MSN 12702) to USAAF Mar 8, 1944.  To USSR Apr 5, 1944.
				92856 (MSN 12703) to USAAF Mar 7, 1944.  To USSR Mar 28, 1944.  Also listed as going to Turkish Af as 6054
				92857 (MSN 12704) delivered Mar 30, 1944, to USSR.  On Jul 19, 1944 to Poland Air Force as No. 4. 
					Sep 15, 1946 to civil registry for LOT (Polish Air Lines) reg. SP-LCH.  On Nov 12, 1959 to Denmark 
					reg. OY-AIC.  To French Air Force as 4292857 rereg. to F-BRGM. 
					In 1972 to Yugoslavia Air Force reg. 71241.  On Aug 2, 1979 to OCZS - Obrazovni Centar Zracnog 
					Saobracaja (civil training centre) at Zagreb Yugoslavia reg. YU-ABU.  On Nov 5, 1979 to Atlas 
					Aircraft Corporation reg. N8071X. Temporary reg. Sept 1981 TN-ADS for 
					delivery to SAAF reg. 92857, converted to C-47TP, (turbine engines) Aug 1, 1995. 
					July 2009 in use by 35th Squadron SAAF.  Current 2011
				92858 (MSN 12705) to USAAF Mar 8, 1944.  To USSR Mar 30, 1944
				92859 (MSN 12706) to USAAF Mar 8, 1944.  To USSR Apr 6, 1944
				92860 (MSN 12707) to USAAF Mar 8, 1944.  To USSR Mar 28, 1944
				92861 (MSN 12709) to USAAF 8Mar44. Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies 
					for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, 
					SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 
					21Mar45. Transported British 9th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the 
					southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Europe Apr 3, 1947.  Oberpfaff Jul 1, 1948.
					Damaged May 26, 1950 in landing at Neuiberg. SOC Jul 25, 1950
				92862 (MSN 12710) to USAAF 9Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					62nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group,  Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a 
					drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.  Salvaged Aug 10, 1944
				92863 (MSN 12711) to USAAF 8Mar44. Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. Ninth Air Force 14Apr44. 
					83rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 437th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Ramsbury (Station 469). 
					Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Detroit’, 6Jun44 and Mission ‘Galveston’, 7Jun44. 
					Damaged taking off at Ramsbury 27Dec44.
					By 1955 was CF-CUB of Canadian Pacific Airlines.  To CR-LCZ and in 1976 with 
					TAAG Angola Airlines as D2-LCZ.  WFU
				92864 (MSN 12712) to USAAF 08Mar44. 8th AF 20Apr44. 9th AF 22Apr44, Returned to US 26Jul45  
					To RFC 24Sep45.  To Canadair 1945-1946 for conversion to DC-3A-456.  Registered LN-IAG with Det Norske 
					Luftfartselskap AS (DNL) "Nordegg" Sep 21, 1946.  DNL became SAS Aug 1, 1948, plane named "Guttorm Viking" 
					After being damaged, registered LN-IKG by SAS Nov 13, 1948.  Registered CF-HGL by Maritime Central Airways
					Aug 21, 1953.  Eastern Provincial Oct 1, 1963.  Air St Pierre L 1965 to 1976.
					Registered N37906 by Southern Flyer Inc of Hattiesburg, MS Apr 21, 1978.  DBR by hurricane in 1979.
  				92865 (MSN 12713) to USAAF 11Mar44.  8th AF 20Apr44.  9th AF 22Apr44.  Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48   
					To Turkey AF 17Feb49  
				92866 (MSN 12714) to USAAF 09Mar44.  8th AF 08Apr44.  9th AF 31Jul44.  Europe 30Apr47. Oberpfaff 04May48  
					Rhein Main 01Jun48.  Whellus AFB 07Dec48.  Westover 1600 TSCP 30Aug49.  Brookby 1601 TSP 20Sep49  
					SOC 13Feb50.  Also listed as w/o Apr 13, 1944 in Natal, Brazil on ferry flight
				92867 (MSN 12715) to USAAF 9Mar44. Eighth Air Force 14Apr44. Ninth Air Force 16Apr44. 
					437th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Ramsbury (Station 469). Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Detroit’, 6Jun44.
				To Mexican AF Sep 19, 1947, probably serialled TTD-6007 or TTD-6008.
				Nov53: sold to Servicio Aeronáutica de México SA as XB-VUT.
				circa 1955: sold to Rómulo Antonio O'Farrill (Mexican television and newspaper entrepreneur) as XB-VUT.
				19Mar56: regd to Beldex Corp. (St. Louis, MO) as N47F.
				25Jun56: converted to civil/executive configuration by Remmert-Werner Inc. (with Viewmaster windows).
				08Jul56: reregd to N75T.
				11Jul56: regd to Dow Chemical Co. (Midland, MI).
				Aug62: to Brown Oil Tools Inc. (Houston, TX).
				Mar70: regd. to Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. (Houston, TX).
				May72: to Kreck Aviation Co Inc. (Windom, TX).
				02Jan74: regd to LKB Resources Inc. (Huntingdon Valley, PA). Aerial survey aircraft.
				01Mar74: Certificate of Airworthiness issued for aerial surveying.
				24Feb81: regd to Manufacturers Trust Co. Inc. (New York, NY).
				Feb81: Sale reported (Miami, FL).
				Apparently this unknown Miami-based company used N75T for drugs trafficking activities in Latin America 
				during the early 1980s. One such flight went wrong, and the aircraft was impounded by the Colombian 
				authorities at Maicao, La Guajira, Colombia. Sometime later they moved it to Bogotá, and subsequently 
				donated it to the Colegio De La Salle, a school in the nortern suburbs of Bogota, Colombia. 
				The aircraft arrived at the school in March 1987. It had been in storage 
				at Base Aérea de Madrid for about three years, and it was towed over the road from there all the way to the
				 school, a journey of about 40 kms.  The aircraft could not be donated to the school, because it was still tied 
				up in legal investigations dating back to when it was confiscated as a drugs-running aircraft circa 1983. 
				Officially it is therefore still owned by the Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, but they entered into an agreement with the 
				school for its safe-keeping. The school will take good care of the aircraft while it is in their hands, which 
				includes a repaint about every four years.  Preserved and in use as a classroom at the Colegio De La Salle, 
				92868 (MSN 12716) to USAAF 9Mar44. Eighth Air Force 25Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					49th Troop Carrier Squadron [H2*T], 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire, crashed into the English 
					Channel off Normandy [5KIA].   MACR 7982
				92869 (MSN 12717) to USAAF 09Mar44. 8th AF 20Apr44.  9th AF 22Apr44. Returned to US 03Jul45.  RFC 22Nov45 
					NC62565.  CU-T-101 Express Aereo Inter Americano  Aerovias Q.  N3975C American Airmotive Corp 
					Piedmont Aviation Inc.  N53V Rr "P/m Hampton Roads Nov53.   Charlotte Aircraft Inc B31Mar62  
					N164J Ozark Airlines Inc B14Feb63.  Fairchild-Hiller Inc B06Oct66.   Avion Inc, Houston, TX US 1967  
					T J Holmes, La Grange, TX US Dec73.  IntI Air Svces, Oakland, CA US 1974.   cancelled 1975  A
				92870 (MSN 12719) to USAAF 9Mar44. Eighth Air Force 25Apr44. Ninth Air Force 
					25Apr44. 47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 
					508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. A resupply flight for the 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44 was aborted in bad weather.
					To NEIAF as DT-985, callsign VH-RCB.  To Indonesian AF as NI-473.  
					To PK-DPE of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV Aug 1, 1947.   to PK-GDT 1957.  
					To Indonesian AF as TNI-AU  T-474.  to PK-GDT again. WFU.  
					Preserved at Indonesian AF Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia as T-462  
				92871 (MSN 12720) to USAAF 10Mar44.  8th AF.  25Apr44.  9th AF 27Apr44.   KLM B19Apr46  
  					PH-TCI R23Apr46.  PH-DAI Rr 09Mar54.   F-OBZI Cie Mines DE US Fer DE US Mauritanie D14Jan 63  
					5T-CAB Air Mauritanie Rr 29Mar63.  5T-MAB Mauritanian AF.  F-BYCU Aero Stock Dec77  
					Bretagne Air Service, Dinard. RJun80   Stellair, Antwerp Apr82.  W/O Nov84 in Morocco.
				92872 (MSN 12721) to USAAF 10Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 
					25Apr44. 302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 
					Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					Neth/Belgium Czechoslovakia 13Jan47.  To Czech State Airline as OK-WCP 1947.  OK-WAP.   
					Rr 92872 with French AF 24May60.   
					ELA 43 "F-SCDG" Mar61.  GTLA 2/60.   ELA 43 "F-SCBF" Apr64.  GTLA 2/60. F-RAJY  F-RBBC  1966  
					CIET 340 Aug68.  B/U Oct69.
					To Czech State Airline as OK-WAP, then to French AF as (2872
				92873 (MSN 12722) to USAAF 10Mar44. 8th AF 14Apr44.  9th AF 16Apr44.  Returned to  US 04Jul45   
					RFC 27Nov45.  N55303 "The Coronado" of
					Pioneer Airlines leased Jul 1946.  Converted to VC-117C Mar 1, 1952.  wFU Sep 12, 1967
				92874 (MSN 12723) to USAAF 10Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. 
					Ninth Air Force 28Apr44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), 
					Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, 
					three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Returned to US 05Aug45.  RFC 30Oct45.  PP-XAX E S Douglass, San Francisco, CA US  
					US PP-LPB Linhas Aereas Paulistas SA 06Dec46.  crashed 07Oct48 at Campina Grande, Brasil  
				92875 (MSN 12724) to USAAF 10Mar44. Eighth Air Force c0Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					15th Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath 
					(Station 483). Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW 
					of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported paratroopers of 
					the British 1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near Renkum, west of Arnhem, Netherlands 
					on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 320th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and 
					materials from the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. 
					Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). Transported men and materials of the British 6th Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone at Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; returned to Abbeville. 
					Damaged landing at Ettinghausen (Y-85), Germany 5Apr45; the right tire blew out upon first 
					contact with the ground during the landing attempt. As the plane swerved to the right, the right wheel 
					sank into a filled crater and caused the plane to ground loop. The right propeller and tire casing were damaged.
					To Reconstruction Finance Corporation 20Sep45
				92876 (MSN 12725) to USAAF 10Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					62nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of the Headquarters, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
 					Sold Aug 22, 1946.  
					To Czechoslovakian State Airlines as OK-WDY Dec 1947.
					W/o Feb 27, 1950 when crashed into mountain "Vysoká Hole", Hrubý Jeseník while on flight 
					OK0503 from Ostrava to Praha, five fatalities from the 31 people on board.
				92877 (MSN 12726) to USAAF Mar44. 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					304th Transport Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Munich AB, Germany. 
					Damaged in a collision on the ground with parked C-47A 42-100741 at Eschborn, Germany 10Mar46.
					With 20th Tactical Fighter Wing at RAF Wethersfield in May 1968 and to MASDC on May 2, 1970.  To N75T
				92878 (MSN 12727) to USAAf 10Mar44.  8th AF 20Apr44.   9th AF 20May44.  Returned to  US 01Jul45  RFC 19Nov45 
					Tp NCS2630 Island Air Ferries. To N13E George M Brewster Inc, Bogota, NJ Oct51   
					F J Boutell DrivewayCO US Inc, Flint, MI US Jul 1966.   S Corey Dec71 Andros Co, Charleston, WV May72  
					To N104RP 1974  Gene Williams Evangelical Assoc, Houston, TX US Mar75.   Way Mac Enterprises Inc, Jackson, MS 1977  
					Western Pacific Lsg, Long Beach, CA US R03Aug78.  Airspeed Hawaii 1980.  DHL Island Ltd. 
					Air Molokai Ltd, Honolulu, HI, BISNov82.  
				92879 (MSN 12729) to USAAF 11Mar44. Eighth Air Force 23Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					303rd Troop Carrier Squadron (J7*T), 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474) to participate in a resupply 
					flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44. Weston Zoyland (Station 447) Jun44. Peray (A-44), 
					France Oct44. Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France Nov44. Munich/Riem (R-82), Germany Sep45. 
					United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE). On a flight from Istres-Le Tubé airport, France, 
					to Munich 2Feb46, the aircraft was cruising at an altitude of 3,000 feet in marginal weather 
					conditions when it hit the slope of Pic des Mouches (1,011 meters high) located in the 
					Sainte-Victoire Mountain Range, near Puyloubier. The wreckage was found about 24 km 
					east of Aix-en-Provence and all five crew members were killed.
				92880 (MSN 12730) to USAAF 11Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 31Apr44. 
					49th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by 
					enemy ground fire. Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44
					To Foreign Liquidation Commission 13Jun47; Ceskoslovenské Státní Aerolinie; Registered OK-WDL; 
					Armée de l'Air / French Air Force 1Mar60 as 42-92880; Groupe Aérien d'Entraînement et de 
					Liaison 2/60, Villacoublay, Paris Nov60, radio call sign F-RAJE; Stored Châteaudun 1971; 
					Brabier, Brevanne; Registration F-BRGK reserved, ntu; Yugoslav Air Force / Jugoslovensko 
					Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) 1971 as 71245; WFU at Vidikovac, Belgrade; noted derelict 
					and dismantled in a yard in the town Aug 2012
				92881 (437th TCG) to USAAF 11Mar44. Eighth Air Force 23Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					86th Troop Carrier Squadron, 437th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Ramsbury (Station 469). 
					Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Detroit’, 6Jun44 and Mission ‘Galveston’, 7Jun44. 
					Towed two gliders transporting men and materials for the 17th Airborne Division to a landing 
					zone at Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; the plane was hit by flak and small arms fire. 
					Both gliders detached and the airplane descended in flames and crashed.   MACR 13896
				92882 (MSN 12732) to USAAF 12Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 31Apr44. 
					53rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45.
					To civilian registry as NC57674, then to Argentine Navy as 0281/CTA-12. W/o Apr 3, 1963 at Punta Indio
				92883 (MSN 12733) to USAAF Mar 17, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17176 Mar 17, 1944
				92884 (MSN 12734) to USAAF 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 23Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					37th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment and the 
					456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France 
					on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Hit by flak which damaged an oil line; the aircraft force landed at 
					Warmwell (Station 454) for repairs. Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands 
					on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 319th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44.  To Royal Neth AF KLu NL210 1316 Comm Fit 14Jul45   
					to civil registry to Netherlands Government as NL-210 1945  
					To NL-210 (Dutch East Indies AF) then to KLM as PH-TCC, 
					then to Sobelair Mar 1948 as OO-SBE,  To 9Q-CUK Jun61 WFU  preserved at Vasteras Flygmuseum, Sweden  
				92885 (MSN 12735) to USAAF Mar 13, 1944. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and 
					radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, 
					Chartres (A-40), France. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile 
					northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Reportedly w/o Oct 10, 1963
				92886 (MSN 12736) to USAAF Mar 13, 1944. 44th Troop Carrier Squadron [6E*S; Nose #59], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported 
					paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported 
					supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 325th Glider Infantry 
					Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on 
					Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. Transported British 
					13th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of the 
					Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					0-92886 USAF 7413th ABRON Mar53.  "0-292886" May55.  WFU.  To N5086V.  to N36F 26Jan55.  To XC-CNI 14Dec66 
				92887 (MSN 12737) to USAAF 11Mar44. Eighth Air Force 9May44. 73rd Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [CN*W], 434th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Aldermaston (Station 467). 
					Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 101st Airborne Division to a landing 
					zone at Hiesville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Chicago’, 6Jun44 and Mission ‘Galveston’, 
					7Jun44. Crashed on takeoff from Aldermaston 13Dec44. The plane was loaded with gasoline
					for the advancing armies. It was airborne in a normal distance and got about 15 or 20 feet 
					in the air. When the landing gear was selected up, the left wing stalled and went down. 
					The pilot recovered but the wing stalled again. The plane stalled into the ground, hitting a 
					mound and bounced across a road, heading about 45 degrees from the direction of take off 
					with the left wing and propeller hitting first. It stopped about 160 degrees from the take off 
					direction. A fire started on left engine and wing. All members of the crew were uninjured 
					except for the crew chief who got a badly cut left leg and internal injuries.
				92888 (MSN 12739) to USAAF 11Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Damaged taking off at Membury (Station 466) 28Jul44.
					Accident Jan 31, 1945.
				92889 (MSN 12740) o USAAF 12Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					59th Troop Carrier Squadron [X5*U], 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston 
					Heath (Station 483). Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the British 1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near Renkum, 
					west of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. 
					Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). Transported men and materials of the British 6th Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone at Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; returned to Abbeville.
					889 12Mar44  8th AF 20Apr44  9th AF 25Jun44.  Returned to US.  RFC 01Oct45.  NC60883 Creek Railway Express   
					YV-P-AEK Mene Grande OilCO R24Apr47. N314A Avion Inc, Houston, TX US  1965.   XB-FAQ Mexicana Impulsora
					SA B11Oct67   XB-GUB Arrendadora Internacional, Guadalajara 1973 Orgullo del Mar, Ensenada Mar75  
				92890 (MSN 12741) to USAAF 12Mar44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44.
					310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Damaged in an accident with parked C-47A ? 42-108906 at Maupertuis (A-15), France 18Oct44.
					Returned to US.  RFC 07Nov45.  NC60777 Sperry GyroscopeCO US Inc, Gt Neck, NY US 1951.   N2614 Mobil Oil of Canada Inc 1963  
					Mobil Oil of Libya Inc, Wilmington, DE US  1966.  CF-MOC Mobil Oil Canada Ltd, Calgary, Alta 14Oct67.   
					Bradley Air Service 1974   C-FMOC Rr 01Mar79  tla First Air  Apr80 
					Now derelict at Bradley Air Services at Carp Airport.  Unlikely to fly again.
				92891 (MSN 12742) Delivered to USAAF 12Mar44. Eighth Air Force 27Apr44. Ninth Air Force 
					27Apr44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division 
					to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany 
					on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 312th Ferrying Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Villacoublay (Station 180), France. Accident taking off from 
					Villacoublay (Station 180), France 29Jul45. Salvaged 20Aug45
				92892 (MSN 12743) to USAAF Mar 23, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17177 Mar 23, 1944
				92893 (MSN 12744) to USAAF 13Mar44.  8th AF 23Apr44.  9th AF 25Apr44.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48. SOC 20May49  
				92894 (MSN 12745) to USAAF 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Greenham Common (Station 486). Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. The aircraft went over the landing zone and released 
					the glider. As the aircraft turned away it went down to about seventy-five to a hundred feet. Enemy ground 
					fire hit both engines, the aircraft crash landed, hitting some trees and knocking off the right wing and 
					tail assembly. The plane went down about two miles north of Reuville, Normandy. Paratroopers destroyed the plane.
				92895 (MSN 12746) Delivered to USAAF 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 
					22Apr44. 47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported 
					paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile 
					NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported Polish paratroopers 
					of the 2nd Polish Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near Arnhem, Netherlands on 
					Operation ‘Market’ 21Sep44. Crashed Sep 21, 1944 behind allied lines in the Netherlands [2WIA].
				92896 (MSN 12747) to USAAF 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 23Apr44. 
					61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported paratroopers of the British 1st Parachute 
					Brigade to a drop zone near Renkum, west of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. 
					Damaged in collision with C-47 ? 42-23304 while taxying at Drucat 9Mar45. Drucat (B-92), 
					Abbeville, France 13Mar45. Salvaged 20Mar45.
				92897 (MSN 12749) to USAAF 14Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. Ninth Air Force 22Apr44. 
					15th Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies 
					for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. The aircraft was hit Jun 7, 1944 by flak and ditched in the English 
					Channel 5.5 km (3.4 miles) west off Grandcamp-Maisy, France.
				92898 (MSN 12750) to USAAF 13Mar44. Eighth Air Force 18Apr44. 59th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [X5*R], 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483) 
					19Apr44. Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment 
					to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Transported paratroopers of the British 1st Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near Renkum, 
					west of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Empennage section damaged 
					during taxying at Evere (B-56), Brussels, Belgium 30Sep44. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 
					13Mar45. Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). Transported men and materials of the 
					British 6th Airborne Division to a drop zone at Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; 
					returned to Abbeville.  Returned to USA.  To RFC Sep 27, 1945.
				92899 (MSN 12751) to USAAF Mar44. Eighth Air Force Apr44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th 
					Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of 
					the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					SOC May 20, 1949
				92900 (MSN 12752) to USAAF Mar 14, 194.  8th AF Apr 18, 1944.  FLC Turkey Jan 22, 1949.  To Turkish AF as 6047 
				92901 (MSN 12753) to USAAF Mar 24, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17178 Mar 24, 1944
				92902 (MSN 12754) to USAAF 14Mar44. Eighth Air Force 2May44. Ninth Air Force May44. 
					310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Damaged taxying at Thionville (Y-33), France 13Mar45.  To RFC 14Sep45. Rebuilt as DC-3C MSN 43078.  
					To NC33694 29Aug46.  To Waterman Airlines.  TACA DE US Costa Rica TI-156 1946  
					To TACA DE US Venezuela.  YV-C-AZF 25Aug48.  to YV-C-TAO.  to P V Fasenda.  YV-T-MTF 12Aug68  
					To Aerotecnica  YV-C-GAK 1971.  To YV-110C 1978 wrecked at Ciudad Bolivar Apr82  WFU
				92903 (MSN 12755) to USAAF 14Mar44.  8th AF 23Apr44.  9th AF 25Apr44.  Europe 30Apr47 
					Oberpfaff  01Jan48.  FLC Denmark 05Feb48   
				92904 (MSN 12756) to USAAF 14Mar44. Eighth Air Force 6May44. Ninth Air Force 7May44. 
					301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Villeneuve (A-63), Vertus, France. 
					302nd Troop Carrier Squadron. Operating from Langar (Station 490), Transported paratroopers 
					to a drop zone near Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Hit by flak on 
					approach to the DZ and after leaving the DZ. The aircraft crash landed at Heilhoek, between 
					Gassel and Beers, Netherlands [4EVD].   MACR 10285.  
				92905 (MSN 12757) to USAAF 14Mar44. Eighth Air Force 5May44. Ninth Air Force 6May44. 
					99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. Villeneuve (A-63), 
					Vertus, France. Operating from Langar (Station 490), Transported fifteen paratroopers of the 
					Headquarters 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Arnhem, 
					Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44.  To Turkish Air Force as 6059, later coded 12-059.
				92906 (MSN 12759) to USAAF 16Mar44.  8th AF 07May44. 9th AF 09May44.  Europe 30Apr47. Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  SOC 25May49 
					To Phillippine civil registry as PI-C40, RP-C40.  WFU at Manila
				92907 (MSN 12760) Delivered to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 20Apr44. 
					Ninth Air Force 23Apr44. 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.  To RFC Sep 20, 1945. 
					In 1946 to Government of Mozambique, operated by DETA (Direccao
					de Exploracao dos Transportes Aereos or Linhas Aereas de Mocambique - LAM)
					as CR-ABQ, named "LUPATA".  In 1971 to Portuguese AF as FAP 6174.  In
					1977 to Zaire, ultimate fate obscure.
				92908 (MSN 12761) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. Europe 30Apr47.  Neth/Belgium  France 15Jul47  
					To French civil registry as F-BEII. SA Air Nolis R02Jul48  Soc DE US Tpts Aeriens Alpes Provence Feb50 
					Air France May52.    To Madagascar as 5R-MAI, 5R-MMD
				92909 (MSN 12762) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 18Apr44. Ninth Air Force 21Apr44. 
					434th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Aldermaston (Station 467). Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Galveston’, 7Jun44.  Returned to US 03]u145   
					To AMC 31Mar47.  FLC ARP 01Oct47.  To Ecuador Oct 20, 1947
				92910 (MSN 12763) to USAAF Mar 16, 1944.  
				92911 (MSN 12764) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and 
					materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.
					Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  To Turkish AF as THH 6087 16Apr49  
				92912 (MSN 12765) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.  Accident Oct 10, 1944
				92913 (MSN 12766) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 31May44. 
					92nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). 
					Châteaudun (A-39), France. Crashed on takeoff from Giessen (Y-84), Germany 18Apr45. 
				92914 (MSN 12767) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 19Apr44. Ninth Air Force 29Apr44. 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). Transported 
					paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474)
					to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44.
					To NEIAF as NL-206.  To KLM as PH-TBY Feb 27, 1946. Seen on Malta Dec 19, 1947.  OO-A WN Sabena B30Nov50  
					Air Congo L Sep60.  Air Katanga Nov60  "Air Sud Kasai".  EC-ASK Aviaco L 30Apr62.
					OO-AWN Sabena 19Dec62.  Nigeria 07Oct69.  NAF-307 Nigerian AF.  Derelict Kaduna Nov76  
				92915 (MSN 12769) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 31May44. 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					Neth/Belgium.  Turkey 18Dec48.  TC-BAZ Devlet Hava Yollari "50".  THY 01Mar56. WFU 16Nov68.
					derelict Istanbul Mar71 scrapped
				92916 (MSN 12770) Delivered to USAAF Mar44; Headquarters Squadron, 27th Air Base Group, Bergstrom, TX; 
					Damaged taxing at Barksdale, LA 20Apr50; 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron (Jungle Jim), Eglin, FL (1961); 
					Bien Hoa, Saigon, South Vietnam.  w/o Sep 6, 1965 at Bien Hoa AB, South Vietnam
				92917 (MSN 12771) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 18Apr44. 439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Upottery (Station 462). Transported paratroopers of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
					Europe 30Apr47. Oberpfaff  01]an48.  FLC Turkey 21Mar49
					To Turkish AF as 6076, coded CBK-76.  Noted in June 2011 displayed at gate of Erkilet AB, Turkey
				92918 (MSN 12772) to USAAF 17Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 23Apr44. 
					100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 306th Troop Carrier
					Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saint-André-de-l'Eure (B-24), France. 
					Damaged in mid-air collision with C-47A ? 43-16048 in bad weather 1Jun45.  FLC Jun 15, 1946
				92919 (MSN 12773) to USAAF 17Mar44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 101st 
					Airborne Division to a landing zone at Hiesville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Chicago’, 6Jun44.
					Missing Sep 19, 1944
				92920 (MSN 12774) to USAAF 16Mar44.  8th AF 26Apr44.  9th AF 31May44. SOC 11Apr46  
					To Polish AF as No. 6.  To Polish Air Lines (LOT) as SP-LCG, to Iran Air
					as EP-AEH, to Air Taxi Co as EP-AEH, to Iran Asseman Air Lines
					as EP-AEH, to Air Service Co as EP-AEH.  Ultimate fate uncertain.  LOT had several C-47 aircraft registered
					as SP-LCC over the years.
				92921 (MSN 12775) to USAAF 16Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 25Apr44. 
					302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.  SOC Nov 4, 1946
					To PH-TBN with KLM Feb 23, 146. Haroon and Son.  To AP-ACE with Pakistan Airways Dec 31 1947.
					W/o Nov 26, 1948 on Karachi-Lahore flight, crash at Vehari (fuel tank caught fire). 21 killed.
				92922 (MSN 12776) to USAAF 17Mar44.  Cheyenne 21Mar44.  US to 05Feb46.   WAA 29Jul46  
				92923 (MSN 12777) to USAAF 17Mar44. 13th AF 15Apr44.  Tacloban  accident  29Sep45
42-92924/93283		Douglas C-47A-20-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 12779 and ending with 13177, with entries ending with '8' skipped.
				92924 (MSN 12779) to USAAF Mar 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5Z BuNo 17175 Mar 21, 1944
				92925 (MSN 12780) to USAAF Mar 14, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17181 Mar 14, 1944.
				92926 (MSN 12781) to USAAF 24Mar44.  13th AF 21Apr44.  Manila WFU 29Apr48 
				92927 (MSN 12782) to USAAF 20Mar44.  13th AF 25Apr44.  Manila  combat damage 22Apr45
				92928 (MSN 12783) to USAAF 23Mar44.  13th AF 23Apr44.  Manila  missing 23Apr45  
				92929 (MSN 12784) to USAAF 24Mar44.  7th AF Oahu 12Apr44.  Guam.  lost Oct 10, 1945, Saipan
				92930 (MSN 12785) to USAAF 29Mar44.  7th AF Oahu 23Apr44,   WAA 07Aug46. FEA PAS 30Apr47.  WAA 04Dec47.  NC88783 20th Century Fox. To XB-FUX 
				92931 (MSN 12786) to USAAF 24Mar44.  7th AF Oahu 24Apr44.   WAA 27Aug47.  WFU 27Aug47 
					To Honduras AF as FAH300 Dec 1947.  Ditched in sea
					off coast of Villa Herradura, El Zapote. El Salvador May 5, 1957, 2 crew members killed.
				92932 (MSN 12787) to USAAF 30Mar44. 7th AF Oahu 19Apr44.  Guam.  Japan 26Mar47.  Manila  salvaged 17Jul47
				92933 (MSN 12789) to USAAF 31Mar44. 7th AF Oahu 22Apr44.  WAA 07Aug46.  NC68371 Hughes Aircraft CO US.  
					N91222 Airlines American Aviation L 17May48.  N142A Allegheny Airlines Inc 1953.  
					Argonaut Airways Corp 20May63.   Southeast Airlines  Southern Pipeliners Inc 1966  
					Bellomy Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami, FL US 01Jan67.   Willard A Scott Co, Hollywood, FL US Aug68.  
					Aero American Corp Dec69  canc Ryan Fld, AZ US Aug72 to Feb77.   converted to bus "California 334 WWS" 
					by Smokey Roland, Cardiff-by-Sea, CA.
				92934 (MSN 12790) to USAAF 2Apr44   7th AF Oahu 20Apr44.   Pac ATC.  FLC 04Apr47.   VH-AOH Butler Air Tpt 04Jul47 
					Airlines of NSW 14Feb61.   Queensland Airlines "Darling Downs" 08Feb61.   Ansett 14Dec64.  Ansett-ANA 05Dec66   
					B-308 Winner Airways Corp, Taipei 19Jul67.   W/O 25Apr70 at Tuy Hoa.
				92935 (MSN 12791) to USAAF 31Mar44. 7th AF Oahu 19Apr44.  Pac ACS.   Class 26 20Nov46.  SOC 01Apr47  
				92936 (MSN 12792) to USAAF 31Mar44. 7th AF Oahu 24Apr44.  WAA 08Nov46.   NC63400 Hughes AircraftCO US 
					N91229 Airlines American Aviation 21Oct48. N149A  Allegheny Airlines Inc 1953.
    					To Fuerze Aerea Argentina in 1956 as FAAr T34.  WFU 1962 and and preserved as TC-34
					at Buenos Aires.
				92937 (MSN 12793) to USAAF 31Mar44  7th AF Oahu 19Apr44   FEAF 30Apr47   FLC 13Aug47   
					TO PI-CI99 Philippine Airlines 1947  to Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airlines as VR-HEN.  
					F-OAHY with Cie Aerienne DE US Tpt Indochinois 16Jan51  ATo Air Outre-Mer
					(French Overseas Departments and Territories) as F-OAHY.
					Destroyed by shell fire while parked at Muong Sai Airport,
					Laos Feb 13, 1954.  Some reports give the date as Feb 13, 1953.
				92938 (MSN 12794) to USAAF 02Apr44.  7th AF Oahu 20Apr44.  Guam Pac TSP 30Apr46.  Manila 08Apr47.   WFU 1947  
				92939 (MSN 12795) to USAAF 02Apr44.  With 4109 Ops Grp 44 AB Sq crashed on landing at Lake Charles AFB, LA Apr 4, 1952.
				92940 (MSN 12796) to USAAF 21Mar44.  To USSR Apr 8, 1944
				92941 (MSN 12797) to USAAF 21Mar44.  To USSR Apr 8, 1944
				92942 (MSN 12799) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 7, 1944  
				92943 (MSN 12800) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 9, 1944
				92944 (MSN 12801) to USAAF 20Mar44.  w/o Mar 27, 1944 at Buckley Field, Colorado while being delivered to USSR
				92945 (MSN 12802) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 18, 1944
				92946 (MSN 12803) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 6, 1944 
				92947 (MSN 12804) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 6 1944  
				92948 (MSN 12805) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 14, 1944
				92949 (MSN 12806) to USAAF 20Mar44.  To USSR Apr 8, 1944
				92950 (MSN 12807) to USAAF Mar 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG487 Mar 28, 1944.  44 Sqdn
					SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Sep 26, 1946
				92951 (MSN 12809) to USAAF Mar 20, 1944.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III KG488 Apr 2, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Apr 26, 1944.  Destroyed in air raid on Evere, Belgium Jan 1, 1945.
				92952 (MSN 12810) to USAAF Mar 20, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG489.  To UK Apr 11, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF May 10, 1944.  13 OTU RAF Jun 6, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 18, 1944.
					Crashlanded at Evere, Belgium Sep 21, 1944 following flak damage over Arnhem, Netherlands
				92953 (MSN 12811) to USAAF Mar 24, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG490 May 14, 1944.  
					357 Sqdn RAF. 435 Sqdn RAF.  Sank back onto belly at Comilla Aug 2, 1945 after undercarriage 
					prematurely raised during takeoff.  SOC Sep 20,1945.
				92954 (MSN 12812) to USAAF Mar 20, 1944.  to RAF in India as Dakota III KG491 apr 2, 1944.
					SEAAC Jun 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  MIA from supply dropping mission over Burma May 4, 1945.
				92955 (MSN 12813) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG492 Apr 12, 1942.
					353 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian government Nov 28, 1946, To Indian AF as VP908
					Nov 28, 1946.  To Pakistan AF as C-400 Sep 1947. WFU.  Registered in Pakistan as
					G-AOCT, to Air Madagascar first as F-OAYR Mar 27, 1957, then 5R-MAJ Jan 1963.
					Crashed on takeoff at Faafangana Airport, Madagascar
					Jul 15, 1963. 3 crew, 2 passengers killed.
				92956 (MSN 12814) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  To RAF at RAF Nassau Apr 17, 1944 as Dakota III KG493
					To India May 18, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  Crashlanded at Sylhet, India Jun 23, 1944 after hitting tree 
					during overshoot in bad visibility
				92957 (MSN 12815) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  to RAF at RAF Nassau as Dakota III KG494 Apr 12, 1944.
					To India May 18, 1944.  1 ADU RAF.  Crashed in desert 2 mi W of Habbaniya, Iraq May 26, 1944 after 
					running out of fuel in dust storm.
				92958 (MSN 12816) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  To RAF West Africa as Dakota III KG495 Apr 6, 1944. 
					West Africa May 18, 4944.  1314 Flt RAF.  SOC Jun 29, 1946
				92959 (MSN 12817) to USAAF Mar 24, 1944.  To RAF for MAAF at RAF Montreal as Dakota III KG496 Mar 1, 1944.
					MAAF Sep 25, 1944.  India Feb 22, 1945.  267 Sqdn RAF.
					Transferred to Indian AF as VP904 Sep 25, 1947.
				92960 (MSN 12819) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  To RAF for MAAF as Dakota III KG497 Apr 1, 1944.
					MAAF Oct 5, 1944.  2 Sqdn SAAF Nov 20, 1944.  96 Sqdn RAF India May 31, 1945.  To Indian government 
					Nov 28, 1946.  Transferred to Indian AF as MA965 Sep 25, 1947.
				92961 (MSN 12820) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  (3rd TCG) lost May 27, 1945.  MACR 14528.  There
					is an RAF record card saying that this plane went to RAF
					as Dakota III KG498 Apr 7, 1944.  To RAF Middle east Dec 21, 1944.  28 Sqdn SAAF.
					Flew into a hill at night 10 mi SW of Torrettoria, Italy Dec 21, 1944.
				92962 (MSN 12821) to USAAF Mar 26, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG499 Apr 1, 1944.  SEAAC Apr 6, 1944.
					RAF Midle East Jun 21, 1945  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Aug 29, 1946.  To VT-CGG of Indian 
					Airlines Corp Sep 24 1946.  W/o Jan 3, 1950 in crash 4 mi NW of Taksing, India.  9 killed.
				92963 (MSN 12822) to USAAF Mar 24, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG500 Apr 2, 1944.  RAF UK Apr 11, 1944.
					271 Sqdn RAF Apr 25, 1944.  Flew into high ground in cloud 6 mi NE of Kell, Germany May 25, 1945.
				92964 (MSN 12823) delivered to USAAF 26Mar44; delivered to Royal Air Force 2Apr44 as Dakota III KG501 
					at Montreal, Canada; No.575 Squadron 25Apr44; No.437 Squadron 24Sep44; No.22 Maintenance Unit 4Nov46; 
					Global Aviation 4Mar47; Returned to USAAF May 12, 1947.  To Yugoslav Air Force / Jugoslovensko 
					Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) 5Dec47 as 7306; Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 1949; registered YU-ABJ; 
					Yemen Airlines; Registered 4W-ABR; Crashed Taiz-Al Janad Airport, Yemen 13Dec 1973.
				92965 (MSN 12824) delivered to USAAF 23Mar44; delivered to Royal Air Force 31Mar44 as Dakota III, serial KG502; 
					No.109 0TU; No.1383 (Transport) Conversion Unit, RAF Crosby on Eden; crashed on Cold Fell near Castle 
					Carrock, Cumberland, 3rd February 1946; The crew of the aircraft were undertaking a night cross 
					country navigation exercise. They had taken off in the evening of the 2nd February. While 
					returning to the air station at around 02:00 on the 3rd the aircraft struck the north western ridge 
					of Cold Fell, Castle Carrock, UK some 7 miles from the airfield. The remains of the aircraft were 
					then destroyed by an intense fire.	
				92966 (MSN 12825) to USAAF Mar 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG503 Mar 31, 1944.  To Middle East
					Sep 28, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Jul 25, 1946. In 1946 to TC-ESI of Devlet Hava Yollari.
					To Turkish AF 1966.
				92967 (MSN 12826) to USAAF Mar 23, 1944.  To RAF at RAF Nassau as Dakota III KG504 Apr 9, 1944.
					To RAF India May 8, 1944.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CJD Feb 22, 1947.
					W/o Apr 5, 1950 at Hatiara, India
				92968 (MSN 12827) to USAAF Mar 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG505 Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF India
					May 19, 1944.  436 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  ACSEA 1945. Sold to Indian
					government Jan 30, 1947
				92969 (MSN 12829) To USAAF Mar 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG506.  To RAF India May 5, 1944.
					To Siamese AF Aug 29, 1946.  To Thai AF postwar.  To Siamese Airways in 
					1947 as HS-SAB.  Inherited by Thai Airways Nov 1, 1951.  Reregistered HS-TDB Sep 15, 1958.
					Registration cancelled Jan 4, 1969 but may have been used by Airservices Co., LTD.
					Stored at Don Muang AP, Thailand Mar 1978 to Mar 1983 and presumably scrapped there.
				92970 (MSN 12830) to USAAF 24Mar44. Eighth Air Force 27Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire. 
					To Ford Motor Company; Registered NC57779, later as N57779; University of Nebraska May67; 
					Registered N5108; Reregistered N51080; Reregistered N622NU; Reregistered N62D Oct71; 
					Yugoslav Air Force / Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) 1971 as 71288; 
					To Nesu Air, Turkey; Registered TC-ALI;  Preserved and on display at Rahmi M Koç Müzesi, 
					Hasköy, Istanbul, Turkey
				92971 (MSN 12831) to USAAF Mar 31, 1944.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC May 2, 1944.
					 W/o Mar 6, 1945 at Shingbwiyang, Burma in takeoff accident
				92972 (MSN 12832) to USAAF 24Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 09Apr44.  FLC 13Jun47. To French AF as AdlA 292972 
					GT21l5 Dec45.  To F-BCYB Haut Comm en Indochine Rl5Jan48.  F-VNAG Ste Air Vietnam R20Nov51  
					XV-NIA reregistred Oct59.  Cancelled 25Oct74. XV-NIA Flown from Saigon to U-Tapao, Thailand on 29 
					Apr 1975-Now preserved at the Hope Intl. Rehabilitation Centre, Bangphra, Thailand
				92973 (MSN 12833) to USAAF 24Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 06May44.  WFU 21Sep45
				92974 (MSN 12834) to USAAF 24Mar44. Tenth Air Force, Karachi, India 9Apr44. 
					27th Troop Carrier Squadron, 443rd Troop Carrier Group, Chungking, China 24May44. 
					Damaged when the engines failed taking off from Chungking 31May44. The plane developed engine 
					trouble in flight to the drop target 5Jun44. The air drop crew aboard jettisoned the load but the 
					effort proved futile; the pilot made a successful crash landing in a rice paddy near Pupeiow, China.
					Surplus May 31, 1945.
				92975 (MSN 12835) to USAAF 24Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 28May44.  W/o Apr 2, 1945, Monglong, Burma
				92976 (MSN 12836) to USAAF 26Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 28Apr44.  Chungking 24May44.  Karachi 04Oct44. 
					Chungking 22Dec44.  W/o Nov 24, 1945 Warazup, Burma in takeoff accident
				92977 (MSN 12837) to USAAF 24Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC Chungking.  WFU 01Aug46 
				92978 (MSN 12839) to USAAF 26Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC.  Salvaged 18Dec44
				92979 (MSN 12840) to USAAF 26Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 27Apr44 Chungking.   
					Damaged on takeoff at Kunming, China Sep 13, 1945.  To China COAA May 8, 1946
				92980 (MSN 12841) to USAAF 26Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 30Apr44.  Chungking 07Sep44  
					Accident 02Dec44. To civil registry.  In open storage at Carp Airport in bad condition as C-FMOC.
				92981 (MSN 12842) to USAAF 26Mar44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 06May44.  Missing 29May45   
					Also listed as going to Phillippine civil registry as PI-C649, RP-C649
				92982 (MSN 12843) Delivered to USAAF 24Mar44; 4th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, Algiers 17Apr44; 
					In mid air collision with C-47 41-18446 and C-47A 42-23527 at Gaudo, Italy 14May44; Repaired
					To Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 5Nov45; registered NC45393; To Babb Co, Inc, Glendale, CA; 
					Mutual Defense Assistance Program as 49-2615; rebuilt by Aviation Maintenance Company, Van Nuys, 
					Glendale, CA; departed Van Nuys c24Sep49; To Royal Hellenic Air Force as 49-2615
				92983 (MSN 12844)  to USAAF 24Mar44.  North Africa Wing ATC 28Apr44.  French Morocco.  Returned to US  
					To RFC 15Mar46  Became N54705 of Pan American World Airways, Inc Mar 15, 1946.  EC-WQB.  EC-AQB Spantax SA 
					Dl9Jun60.  Aerofiete SA 1968.  Derelict Alicante Apr74   
					Then became EC-WQB, then EC-AQB.   EC-AQB  derelict at Alicante, Spain by 1979
				92984 (MSN 12845) to USAAF 26Mar44.  Algiers 15Apr44.  12th AF Italy 25Apr44.  Returned to US.  
					To RFC 26Sep45.  To LV-ROT Sep 19, 1949, LV-AHD Sep 21, 1949.  Registration
					cancelled Jan 2, 1961
				92985 (MSN 12846) to USAAF 26Mar44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy 30Apr44. 
					Caribbean Wing Air Transport Command. The aircraft was damaged flying Green Project 
					troops home to the US 24Jun45. Flying on instruments between Belém, Brazil and Atkinson 
					Field, British Guiana, it flew into two thunderstorms, and in the turbulence fifteen passengers 
					were injured, four enough to require treatment at the Atkinson Field station hospital. Salvaged 9Jul45.
				92986 (MSN 12847) To USAAF Apr 1, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17188 Apr 1, 1944.
				92987 (MSN 12849) to USAAF 26Mar44.  Algiers 16Apr44. 12th AF Italy 29Apr44.   Caribbean TSP Wing ATC.
					Damaged at Atkinson Field, BGA Aug 5, 1945.  Salvaged Aug 16, 1945
				92988 (MSN 12850) to USAAF 26Mar44.  Algiers 09Apr44.  12th AF Italy 19Apr44.  Returned to US.  
					To RFC 26Sep45.  to civil registry as CF-DSW Canadair Ltd Apr 30. 1946, to Zonas Oeste y Norte de
					Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as LV-ABY, delivered Sep 25, 21946, registerd Nov 1, 1946.  To Aerolineas Aeroposta
					registered Jan 3, 1950.  To Aerolineas Argentinas "Quichua" registere Jan 22, 1953.
					To Lineas Aereas del Estado (Argentinian AF) in Jun 1966 as T-08.
					In 1968 to Paraguayan AF as T-63.  WFU.
				92989 (MSN 12851) to USAAF 26Mar44.  India-China ATC Wing.  ATC Chungking 10May44.  Sold Karachi 19Apr46  
					To VT-CCH with Indian Overseas airlines registered Apr 3, 1946.  To XY-ACJ Airways Burma Ltd 1950, 
					To Burma AF as UBT-710, later 5710
				92990 (MSN 12852) to USAAF 26Mar44  to Cambodia AF.  To civil registry as N16602 Mar 30, 1965.  
					On display at Travis AFB, California
				92991 (MSN 12853) to USAAF 26Mar44.  North Africa TSP Wing ATC 04May44.  Returmed to US 19Sep45.  To RFC 04Oct45  
					NC53216 Charles Taylor.  C-805 Cia.  Transandina DE US Aviacion SA  HK-805.  Rr  Lineas Aereas del 
					Caribe N3943C.  Industrial Distributing Co  N42G S W Richardson.  Bankers Life InsuranceCO US of Nebraska 1963  
					N759G Rr  N641B The Dentists Supply Corp of NY US, York, PA US 1965.   N64181 Rr Feb70  
					Flying Eagles Inc, Gratz, PA US May71.  N203FE Rr Sun Coast Devel Corp, St Petersburg, FL US 1972.  
					NI00SD Rr 1973.  Red Carpet Flying Service Inc, St Petersburg, FL US 1974 
					Aero Virgin Islands Inc, St Thomas, VI B Jun79.  R27Sep79.  WFU 17Jul90  
				92992 (MSN 12854) to USAAF 26Mar44. Algiers, Algeria 15Apr44. 
					Twelfth Air Force, Italy 29Apr44. 7th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group. 
					Crashed after mid-air collision with C-47 ? 41-18446 and ? 42-23527 near Gaudo, Italy 14May44 [2KIA].
				92993 (MSN 12855) to USAAF 27Mar44.  North Africa TSP 25Apr44. Returned to US 11Aug45.  To  RFC 23Aug46  
					To NC41392 Charles BabbCO US 1946  to Canadian civil registry as CF-CUF with Canadian Pacific Airlines.  Struck tree on
					Mt Oanagan while making an approach to Penticton, British Columbia when drifted below the minimum
					altitude permissible Dec 22, 1950.  Both pilots killed, 16 survivors.	
				92994 (MSN 12856) to USAAF 27Mar44.  North Africa TSP 28Apr44.  Returned to US 11Aug45.  To RFC 21Mar46  
					T0 NC66131.  To XA-GII.  To  AN-ACT Lanica  
				92995 (MSN 12857) Mar 27, 1944: TOS USAAF. 
					4/24/44: North African Wing, Transport Command. 
					Returned to USA Aug 20, 1945, to RFC Jun 5, 1946.
					To West Coast Airlines as NC44587 Nov 6, 1946.  Leased as CF-ONH
					for Pacific Western Airlines from Apr 17, 1962, then back to West
					Coast Airlines Aug 6, 1963 as N44587.  Pacific Western bought
					CF-ONH Mar 15, 1964.  At some point Air West bought it and
					registered it as N44587.  Aerodyne Corp of Renton, WA bought
					it on Jan 28, 1969, but Aerodyne eventually went out of business.
					Seen derelict Jan 1980, apparently inactive since May 1974.
					Registered as N353SA for Salair Air Cargo, Seattle, WA Jan 1988.  
					Bought Jan 24, 1992 by RF Aircraft Services of Olympia, WA
					as N44587.  Reported at Nanaimo, BC Jan 1997 as N44587.  
					Registered for Alta Leasing of Salt Lake City, Utah Dec 8, 1997 as DC-3C.  Operated by Desert
					Air Transport of Anchorage, Alaska and is still current.
				92996 (MSN 12859) to USAAF 28Mar44.  North Africa TSP 24Apr44.  W/o Sep 19, 1944 Bordj Menaiel, Algeria due 
					to structural failure.
				92997 (MSN 12860) to USAAF 27Mar44. For North Africa TSP 18Apr44.  W/o Apr 26, 1944 Parnamirim Field, Natal, 
					Brazil in takeoff accident.
				92998 (MSN 12861) to USAAF 27Mar44. Algiers, Algeria 17Apr44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy 29Apr44. 
					35th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, Twelfth Air Force, Ciampino, Rome, Italy. 
					The aircraft was destroyed transporting troops from Ciampino to France when it force landed in 
					fog on Mont Py in the municipality of Poleymieux Mont d'Or, about ten kilometres north of Lyon, France 1Nov44.
				92999 (MSN 12862)  to USAAF 28Mar44.  North Africa TSP 24Apr44.  Returned to US 25Aug45.  To RFC 16Mar46  
					Rebuilt as DC-3C MSN 43075 1946.  NC33692 R M Holligstead Camden, NJ 22Aug46.  Tennessee Gas
					Transmission Co, Houston, TX US  Nov53.   N503T Tenneco Inc 1963.  N503L Jack Adams  Aircraft Sales Inc, 
					Walls, miles Sep68.  L Lemak, Houston,TX Oct68.   N491P  Jul70. Commerative AF Harlingen, TX US 18Apr73  
					R A Sanders, Harlingen, TX US 29Jul80.  To Hialeah, FL US   current 2011  
				93000 (MSN 12863) to USAAF 27Mar44.  11th AF Elmendorf 14Apr44. SOC 30Jun44.  Foreign Domestic NC91052 
					W Coast Airlines "115" 01Apr56.  N88967 Rr.  CX BDH Pluna 31Dec64  WFU 
				93001 (MSN 12864) to USAAF 26Mar44. Eighth Air Force 23Apr44. Ninth Air Force 9May44. 
					61st Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of Company E, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone
					one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. The aircraft was 
					transporting paratroopers of the 4th Brigade of the British 1st Airborne Division, the Red Devils, 
					to a drop zone at Ginkelse Heide northwest of Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. 
					It was hit by flak over the Grebbeberg, caught fire and made a forced landing several kilometers 
					further on. It came down in the Binnenveld area between the Maatsteeg and the Grift canal. 
					Just before landing several paratroopers bailed out [3KIA:1POW:2EVD].
					MACR 10283
				93002 (MSN 12865) to USAAF 27Mar44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 2May44. 
					62nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a 
					drop zone -one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Damaged by enemy ground fire and crash landed near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy. 
					On the first pass over the DZ, the jumpmaster complained that the aircraft was too low 
					but was at the same height as all the other paratroop sticks who had jumped. 
					On the second pass, the aircraft was hit by 40mm flak, which detonated two of the hand 
					grenades in the pouch of a paratrooper. The aircraft returned for a third pass but both 
					engines failed and the aircraft crash landed near French village of
					Coquene with both engines on fire into an open field; 
					the aircraft exploded and was destroyed.  MACR 6008
				93003 (MSN 12866) to USAAF 27Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Greenham Common (Station 486). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. named ‘What's Up Doc".
					438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the 
					Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 
					Stayed all the war with the 438th TCG.
					Damaged taxying at Hanau/Langendiebach (Y-91), Germany 30Sep45.  Salvaged Mar 14, 1946
				93004 (MSN 12867) to USAAF Mar44. 439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Upottery (Station 462). Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
					To MASDC Dec 19, 1967.  To excess Mar 31, 1970.
				93005 (MSN 12869) to USAAF Mar44. 29th Troop Carrier Squadron, 313th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 
					508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, 
					France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire. Transported 
					supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44.
					To MASDC Jul 18, 1969.  To excess Mar 31, 197T
				93006 (MSN 12870)  to USAAF 27Mar44.  8th AF 23Apr44.  9th AF 30Apr44.  to Czechoslovakia 11Jun45
				93007 (MSN 12871) to USAAF Mar44. 86th Troop Carrier Squadron, 437th Troop 
					Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Ramsbury (Station 469). Towed a glider transporting 
					men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Elmira’, 6Jun44. Damaged landing at Ramsbury 31Dec44.
					To MASDC Apr 28, 1964.  N72420 Embry Riddle Aero Inst, Miami, FL US 1964.   Lee County Health Dept, Ft Myers, FL US 1973   
					Cancelled 1974
				93008 (MSN 12872) to USAAF 29Mar44.  To RAAF as A65-45 17Apr44. 3 AD 15Apr44. 2 AP 19Apr44.  
					38 Sqn RAAF VH-CIB 06May44. 35 Sqn RAAF 17Mar45. 13 ARD RAAF 01May45. 33 Sqn RAAF 09Jul45.
					3 AD 10Apr46.  Qantas Empire Airways for £6250 as VH-EAK, later VH-BPL.  To Royal Thai AF as L2-13/96 23Oct53.
					Crashed Si Racha 18Jan80   
				93009 (MSN 12873) to USAAF 28Mar44.  To RAAF as A65-44 12Apr44.  3 AD 12Apr44. 2 AP 18Apr44. 38 Sqn RAAF VH-CIA 21Apr44.
					Undercarriage retracted on tarmac Lae, crew uninjured. 13 ARD RAAF 29Oct45. 33 Sqn RAAF 19Nov45.
					DAP RAAF 26Mar46.  37 Sqn RAAF 14Oct46. 38 Sqn RAAF 06Nov46.  Qantas Empire Airways VH-EAP then VH-EBY 20Apr48 for £6250.
					Trans Australian Airways 'Kaviang' VH-SBG 01Sep60.   Air Niugini P2-SBG then P2-ANP 01Nov73.
					Insured Aircraft Title Service Inc N5590A 25Feb80 operated for Red Cross in Thailand.   Bush pilots Airways 28Oct81.
					Air Queensland Cargo VH-BPL 05Oct82.   As VH-BPL donated to Qantas Founders Outback Museum at Longreach 
					QLD Australia Feb 20, 2004 and painted in Qantas Empire Airways scheme as "VH-EAP".  
				93010 (MSN 12874) to USAAF  28Mar44.  To RAAF as A65-46 17Apr44.  3 AD RAAF 15Apr44.  2 AP 19Apr44 
					38 Sqn RAAF VH-CIC 01May44.   36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-V 22Dec44.   ANA Parafield 05Oct45 
					1 AD RAAF 16Apr46.  1APU 18Jun46.   3 AD 09May47.  CFS RAAF 07Aug47 
					Det 1 Tocumwal 27May48.  To  DCA for £6400 20Oct48.   Registered VH-JVF 26Oct48.   VH-CAR 14Jul50 
					Qantas May61.  VH-EDC 12Jul61 leased Fiji Airways 12Apr65.  Qantas 27Jun66.   Bush pilots Airways 17Jun72 
					leased Connair 1973.   BPA PNG Pty Ltd 08Aug73.   Bush pilots Airways 27Jan77.   VH-EDC crashed into
					Botany Bay Apr94 while being overloaded.  Destroyed during filming of "The Pacific" TV mini series 2008  
				93011 (MSN 12875) to USAAF 28Mar44.  to RAAF as A65-47 07Apr44.  3 AD RAAF 15Apr44.  2 AP 20Apr44.
					DAT 33 Sqn RAAF VH-CUO yellow UO rear of cockpit windows 10May44.   13 ARD RAAF 26Sep44.
					33 Sqn RAAF coded BT-Q 12Dec44.   DAP RAAF Parafield 01Mar46.   1 AD RAAF 09Aug46
					Trans Australian Airways VH-TAG "Grant"  later "Giles" 23Aug46.   leased Ansett Airways 19Jun50 
					Registered VH-MAH 11Nov60.  To Ansett-Mandated Airlines VH-MAV 12Jan61.  Ansett Airlines of PNG 19May68.
					Far East Air Transport B-261 08Dec69.   WFU Taipei before Nov 1979. 
				93012 (MSN 12876) to USAAF Mar 28, 1944.  to RCAF as Dakota III 965 apr 13, 1944.  ANS RCAF
					Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Sold to ALPA Aerotaxis of Peru as OB-T-1043 May 15, 1970
				93013 (MSN 12877) to USAAF Mar 28, 1944.  To RCAF as Dakota III 966 Apr 28, 1944. 165 Squadron RCAF
					Crashed Jul 18, 1944.
				93014 (MSN 12879) to USAAF Apr 4, 1944, to US Marine Corps as BuNo 17182 Apr 4, 1944.
				93015 (MSN 12880) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To NEIAF as DT-941, callsign VH-RDK.  W/o Sep 6, 1944
					at Cairns, Australia.  Recovered Jan 1989.
				93016 (MSN 12881) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To USSR Apr 16, 1944
				93017 (MSN 12882) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To USSR Apr 16, 1944
				93018 (MSN 12883) to USAAF Mar 29, 1944.  To USSR Apr 16, 1944
				93019 (MSN 12884) to USAAF Mar 30, 1944.  To USSR Apr 14, 1944
				93020 (MSN 12885) to USAAF Mar 31, 1944.  To USSR Apr 13, 1944
				93021 (MSN 12886) to USAAF Mar 29, 1944.  To USSR Apr 14, 1944
				93022 (MSN 12887) to USAAF Mar 30, 1944.  To USSR Apr 10, 1944
				93023 (MSN 12889) to USAAF Mar 30, 1944.  To USSR Apr 14, 1944
				93024 (MSN 12890) to USAAF Mar 29, 1944.  To USSR Apr 16, 1944 
				93025 (MSN 12891) to USAAF 30Mar44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the 
					Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Returned to USA Aug 4, 1945.  To RFC Nov 14, 1945.  NC50788  
					XA-HUE Aerovias Reforma SA E02Nov49.  Aeronaves DE US Mexico 1954.  
					Trans Mar de Cortes.  Aeronaves DE US Mexico.  WF
				93026 (MSN 12892) to USAAF 02Apr44.  8th AF 23Apr44,  9th AF 08May44  Neth/Belgium. 
					To France Jul 15, 1947 as F-BEFN, SATT, Villacoublay 1947.  Air France Jan 13, 1948.
					To N16399 Englert Investments Inc, Miami, FL.  To Monroe County Mosquito Control Distric, Key West,
					FL.  To Carib West Airways as 8B-AAB.  Back to N16399.  To spares with tropic Air as 8P-AA.  Derlect
					Grantley Adams international Airport in Barbados Oct to Nov 1978. 
				93027 (MSN 12893) to USAAF 30Mar44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. 47th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone one mile NW of Picauville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44; battle damaged by enemy ground fire. 
					Transported supplies for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44.
					EI-ACH Aer Lingus "St Brigid"  D22Jan46, "St Columban" 1954.  "St Mel" 1957.   
					Barry Eng Svces Ltd D04May59.  G-APUC Air Links Ltd R03Jun59 Skyways Coach Air L Jul60  
					Shackleton Aviation Ltd 01Jan63.  Tyne Tees Aviation Engineering Ltd R05Apr63.   
					North East Aviation Engineering Ltd R24Oct63.  9N-AAM R Nepal Airlines 05Apr64  WFU 
				93028 (MSN 12894) to USAAF 29Mar44. Eighth Air Force 6May44. Ninth Air Force 6May44. 
					99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
					To OK-WDN in 1947.  W/o Dec 21, 1948 at Pilos, Greece.
				93029 (MSN 12895) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					309th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Spanhoe (Station 493); named ‘Eileen. Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 
					Transported Polish paratroopers of the 2nd Polish Parachute Brigade to a drop zone near 
					Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 21Sep44. Hit by flak after the paratroopers
					had jumped, the aircraft crashed at Bergerdensestraat, Bemmel, south of Arnhem.. Condemned 22Sep44.
					MACR 10135.  All aboard killed.  Some remains recovered
					by Dutch citizens in 1945.  The remains of five more were recovered in 1994.
				93030 (MSN 12896) to USAAF 31Mar44.  8th AF 15Apr44.  9th AF 28Apr44.  Returned to US 17Aug45.  
					To RFC Nov 5, 1945.   Canadair Ltd  ABA B 10Dec45  D08Oct46. Nov 11, 1946 became SE-BBN "Jarpen" 
					(later renamed "Nore Viking") of ABA.  Burned out at Lulea Jan 22, 1949.
				93031 (MSN 12897) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 15Apr44. 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL Apr44. Ferried overseas via the South Atlantic/African route 
					departing Morrison Field Apr44. Routed via Borinquen Field, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico; Atkinson Field, 
					Georgetown, British Guyana; Val de Caes Field, Belém, Brazil; Panamirim Field, Natal, Brazil; 
					Ascension Island; Roberts Field, Liberia; Eknes Field, Rufisque, Dakar, Senegal; Marrakech, 
					French Morocco to St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported 
					paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					To RFC Sep 22, 1945.  Rebuilt as c/n 43081.  To NC13300 United Aircraft Corp, Hartford, CT US  25Sep46   
					Adley ExpressCO US Oct67.   ConnecticutCO US Corp Oct68.   Jack Adams Aircraft Sales Feb69.   
					Roscoe Pickett, Atlanta, GA US Jul69.  Exec Fit Academy Inc, Atlanta, GA US Nov69.   Air East Inc   
					Saint Simons Co, Saint Simons, GA US.   Ashmore Realty Co, Atlanta, GA US Jun77.  
					Travelers Inti Inc, Atlanta, GA US 1977.  Corporate Jet Avn, Atlanta, GA US  1978.   
					A Castaneda, Brownsville, TX US 09Apr79   .
				93032 (MSN 12899) to USAAF 30Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 28Apr44.
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers of 
					the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 45th Depot Repair Squadron, 45th Air Depot Group, 
					Hanau/Langendiebach (Y-91), Germany. Damaged taxying at Laon/Couvron (A-70), France 11Jul45
					EI-ACM with Air Lingus "St Fintan" Jan 23, 1946.   M A Bakhashab Pasha D19May58  
					To HZ-AAN Saudi Arabian Airlines.  Crashed into Red Sea Jun 3.1964,  60mi S of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia  
				93033 (MSN 12900) to USAAF 30Mar44.  8th AF 26Apr44.  9th AF 07May44.  Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48
					To Turkish AF as 6078 and CBK-78
				93034 (MSN 12901) to USAAF 30Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					87th Troop Carrier Squadron, 438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Greenham 
					Common (Station 486); named ‘Ceiling 0’. Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 
					502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Prosnes (A-79), 
					Reims, France Feb45. The aircraft developed engine problems shortly after take-off from 
					Prosnes and made a successful crash landing 22Feb45
				93035 (MSN 12902) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 27Apr44. 
					34th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Destroyed in collision by C-47A 42-24174 
					landing at Colleville-sur-Mer (A-22), France 22Jul44.
				93036 (MSN 12903) to USAAF 2Apr44. Ninth Air Force 5May44. 301st Troop 
					Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
  					To Turkish AF Apr 16, 1949 as 6088, ultimate fate obscure.
				93037 (MSN 12904) to USAAF 02Apr44.   8th AF 16Apr44.  9th AF 28Apr44. Returned to US   
					To RFC 24Sep45.  To CR-LBL in 1946 and in Oct 1973 with TAAG Angola Airlines as D2-LBL
				93038 (MSN 12905) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 5May44. Ninth Air Force 
					6May44. 301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Merryfield (Station 464). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. Flew into the 
					cliffs at Cairngarroch Bay near Portpatrick, SW Scotland 27Jul44 [22KIA]. The aircraft 
					had taken off, along with a second C-47, from its home station of Merryfield, eight miles 
					SE of Taunton in Somerset, and had flown to Filton on the edge of Bristol where both 
					aircraft took on injured US military service personnel from various units returned from 
					Normandy and accompanying medical staff. In addition, a single RAF airman had boarded; 
					he was returning home to Ayrshire on leave. Once loading was complete the two aircraft 
					took off from Filton bound for Prestwick, Ayr, SW Scotland. The injured soldiers were 
					travelling back to the US, possibly by sea in a convoy leaving from the Clyde. At the time 
					the two C-47s arrived at the northern end of the Irish Sea, a dense fog hung over the area 
					around the Mull of Galloway which obscured all of the coastal features, including the 
					200ft high cliffs which 42-93038 flew into above the beach in Cairngarroch Bay to the south 
					of Portpatrick. The second aircraft had also come very close to crashing into the cliffs 
					but landed safely at RAF West Freugh.
				93039 (MSN 12906) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 16Apr44. Ninth Air Force 29Apr44. 
					442nd Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Fulbeck (Station 488). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Ferried to Welford (Station 474) 
					to participate in a resupply flight for the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Memphis’, 7Jun44. Headquarters Squadron, 
					86th Fighter Group, Schweinfurt (R-25), Germany. Fatal crash in bad weather at Kengersfeld, Germany 24Dec45.
					Salvaged Feb 15, 1946.
				93040 (MSN 12907) to USAAF 31Mar44. Eighth Air Force 25Apr44. Ninth Air Force 9May44. 
					434th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Aldermaston (Station 467). Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 101st Airborne Division to a landing zone at Hiesville, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Keokuk’, 6Jun44 and Mission ‘Galveston’, 7Jun44.
					To RFC Nov 22, 1945.  To NC54366 with Pioneer Airlnes "Stephen F. Austin.  
					Back to USAF as C-117C Mar 1, 1952.  then N6666A City of New Orleans.  To N941AT.  Stored at 
					Gainesville MAP, TX in 2008 with no tail.
				93041 (MSN 12909) to USAAF 2Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 6May44. 
					100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44. 30th Depot Repair
					Squadron, 30th Air Depot Group, Ninth Air Force, Illesheim (R10), Germany. En route from 
					RAF Bovingdon to Schleißheim, Germany, the pilot was climbing through an overcast when 
					the aircraft struck a mountain near Herrenalb, Germany [4 crew + 22 passengers KIS].
				93042 (MSN 12910)  to USAAF 02Apr44.  8th AF 16Apr44.  9th AF 29Apr44. 442nd TCG, 305th TCS
					transported high ranking Nazis on Aug 12, 1945  from A97 ( Sandweiler, Lux.) to 
					R30  (Furth, Germany).  Included H. Goering, V. Ribbentrop,  A. Kesselring, A. Jodl, 
					W. Keitel, H. Franck,  K. Doenitz, and H.Delauge.   Europe 30Apr47.  Munich 01Jan48.  
					FLC Turkey 31Mar49.  To Turkish AF as 6037
				93043 (MSN 12911) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG507 for VIP use May 15, 1944. 
					India Comm Sq RAF Jan 14, 1947.  Stn Fit Mauripur RAF Feb 26, 1948.  22 MU RAF Jun 7, 1949.  WFU
					To G-ALWD Jan 10,1950, to BEA as G-AMDZ Nov 23, 1950, later Channel Airways also 
					as G-AMDZ.  WFU at Southend, England Sep 1967 and scrapped there Jan 1970.
				93044 (MSN 12912) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG508 Apr 9, 1944.  113 Wg RAF.  Spun into sea off
					Assu, Brazil Apr 21, 1944 after control lost in thunderstorm during ferry flight.
				93045 (MSN 12913) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG509 via RAF Montreal Apr 7, 1944.
					RAF Middle East May 13, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946
					as L2-2/90.  W/o Tachikawa AB, Japan Oct 10, 1957.
				93046 (MSN 12914) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG510 via RAF Montreal Apr 13, 1944.
					216 Sqdn RAF.  RAF Middle east May 9, 1944.   SOC Jan 30, 1947
				93047 (MSN 12915) to USAAF Apr 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG511 via RAF Montreal Apr 5, 1944.
					RAF Middle East 44 Sqdn SAAF Apr 27, 1944.  Returned to USAAF Jun 24, 1947.  
					To Jupiter Airways Ltd as VT-CHA Oct 29, 1946.  To XY-ACI wit Airways Burma Ltd 1950, 
					to UBT-709 with Burmese AF, alter 5709. To EI-ACK, 
					to G-APUC Jun 3, 1959, To Air Links Limited.  To Luanda Portuguese West Africa Aug 9, 1962.  To G-APUC 
					Aug 27, 1962, to Royal Nepal Airlines Corp as 9N-AAM Apr 3, 1964 until 1979.  
				93048 (MSN 12916) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG512 via RAF Montreal Apr 14, 1944.
					To RAF in UK Apr 22, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF May 8, 1944.   MIA on mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 25, 1944.
				93049 (MSN 12917) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG513 via RAF Montreal Apr 8, 1944.
					To RAF UK Apr 22, 1944. 107 OTU RAF May 16, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF. DBR Oct 2, 1945 when struck
					while parked at Leicester East, UK by Dakota FZ691 (ex 42-92488) 
				93050 (MSN 12919) to USAAF Apr 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG515 via RAF Montreal apr 13, 1944.
					To RAF in UK Apr 20, 1944. 271 Sqdn RAF May 8, 1944.  22 MU RAF Apr 24, 1946. Returned to USAAF Jun 13, 1946.
					To KLM May 16, 1946.  PH-TCS Nov 23, 1946.  To Iran Air as EP-ACV Jul 14, 1950.  W/o Jun 30, 1953 when crashed
					on training flight at Tehran-Mehrabad Airport, Iran
				93051 (MSN 12920) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG516 via RAF Montral Apr 10, 1944.
					To RAF UK Apr 21, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF May 8, 1944.  MIA from mission to Arnhem, Netherlands
					Sep 21, 1944.
				93052 (MSN 12921) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG517 via RAF Nassau Apr 20, 1944.
					To 62 Sqdn RAF India May 16, 1944.  DBR May 31, 1944 when swung on
					landing at Imphal,India and undercarriage collapsed.
				93053 (MSN 12922) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG518 via RAF Nassau Apr 21, 1944.
					India CU RAF May 2, 1944.  ACSEA CS RAF.  RAF UK Jun 16. 1944.  MAAF Aug 29, 1945.  24 Sqdn RAF 
					Dec 7, 1945.  WFU Dec 31, 1946..
				93054 (MSN 12923) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG519 vi RAF Nassau Apr 14, 1944.
					RAF India May 18, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  Wrecked when swung on landing and
					hit truck, Imphal, India Jun 26, 1944
				93055 (MSN 12924) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG520 via RAF Nassau Apr 13, 1944.
					RAF India Aug 27, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.  31 Sqdn RAF.  DBR when bellylanded 5 mi SE of
					Batavia, Java Nov 23, 1945 following engine failure.
				93056 (MSN 12925) to USAAF Apr 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG521 via RAF Nassau Apr 16, 1944.
					to RAF India May 18, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF. 353 Sqdn RAF.  Wrecked when overshot landing
					and rolled into depression, Simla, Nepal May 7, 1946
				93057 (MSN 12926) to USAAF Apr 5, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG522 via RAF Montreal Apr 8, 1944.
					RAF MiddleEast May 12, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAAF Oct 19, 1945.  575 Sqdn RAF Oct 19, 1945.
					216 Sqdn RAF Middle East Ean 31, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Dec 31, 1946.  To FLC Payne Field Dec 31, 1946.
					By 1954 was ET-T-18 of Ethiopian Air Lines, Inc.  W/o at Bulcha, Ethiopoa Jul 16, 1960.
				93058 (MSN 12927) to USAAF Apr 3, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG523 via RAF Montreal Apr 7, 1944.
					267 Sqdn RAF Middle East Apr 27 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF India Feb 22, 1945.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947
				93059 (MSN 12929) to USAAF Apr 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG525 via RAF Montreal Apr 7, 1944.
					Middle East Oct 7, 1944.  28 Sqdn SAAF.  Stalled and crashed after tire
					burst on takeoff, Maison Blanche, Algeria Mar 15, 1945.
				93060 (MSN 12930) to USAAF Apr 4, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG526.  Diverted to RCAF as KG526, no
					RAF service.  WFU Nov 21, 1945.  To CF-TED with Trans Canada Airlines Dec 1, 1945.   
					To Canadair Ltd as CF-DXU Jun 22, 1946.  Ottawa Air Svces Ltd, Ottawa 27Sep68 Keen Construction 
					Ltd, Ft Nelson, BC 20Oct69 Arctic Air, Edmonton, Alta 26Jan72.  enn Borek Air Ltd Kenting Atlas.   
					C-FDXU Reregistered Kenting Aviation Ltd 1974  Kenn Borek Air Ltd 1976  cancelled Jan83, expired 10Nov81 
				93061 (MSN 12931) to USAAF 4Apr44. Eighth Air Force 19Apr44. Ninth Air Force 30Apr44. 
					309th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Damaged landing at RAF Kemble 12Dec44
				93062 (MSN 12932) to USAAF 05Apr44.  8th AF 25Apr44.   9th AF 16May44.  Returned to  US 17Aug45.  
					To RFC Jun 28, 1946.  To YV-ANA Linea Aeroposta Venezolana.  Registered YV-C-ANA.  Cancelled
				93063 (MSN 12933) to USAAF 4Apr44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 2May44. 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.  Returned to USA.  To RFC Nov 5, 1945.  To NEIAF as DT-980, callsign VH-RCV.  
					To PK-RCW with KNILM Oct 24, 1947.  To Garuda Indonesian
					Airwahs  Dec 28, 194 as PK-GDL.  WFU Merpati Nusantara in 1972.
				93064 (MSN 12934) to USAAF 5Apr44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 2May44. 
					309th Troop Carrier Squadron, 315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493); 
					named ‘Dorice’. Transported Polish paratroopers of the 2nd Polish Parachute Brigade to a drop 
					zone near Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 21Sep44. The aircraft crashed behind 
					enemy lines at Stokt, west of Mol [5EVD].
				93065 (MSN 12935) to USAAF 6Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 8May44. 
					50th Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of the Headquarters, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. The aircraft operated 
					a resupply flight to Normandy on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Hit by enemy ground fire, just before 
					reaching the drop zone the aircraft caught fire underneath the fuselage. The aircraft crash landed, 
					slid into a hedge row and exploded at Turqueville, 3km from Sainte-Mère-Église [5KIA].  MACR 5698
				93066 (MSN 12936) to USAAF 06Apr44.   Converted to VC-47A Sep 1954.  To N2216S with University of 
					Illinois, Urbana, IL as training airframe.  Cancelled 1965.
				93067 (MSN 12937) to USAAF Apr 6, 1944. 436th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Membury (Station 466). Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.
  					To Chile AF as 961.  In Museo Nacional de Aeronautica de Chile, Los Cerrilos.
				93068 (MSN 12939) to USAAF 4Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 5May44. 
					302nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials 
					for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on 
					Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.    Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  FLC France 31Mar48 
					To F-BFGE Ste Transatlantique Aerienne R20Oct49.  Ste Transafricaine d'Avn Dec52.  Lopez·Loreta  Autrex Jun53
					To F-BFGE with Air France Jun 24, 1955.  Registration cancelled on
					Mar 14, 1968.  CF-IHH Lund Aviation Canada Ltd R02Jul55 NTU.  5T·CAA Air Mauritanie Jul68  canc Jan78  
				93069 (MSN 12940) to USAAF 4Apr44. 439th Troop Carrier Group, I Troop Carrier Command, 
					Baer Field, Fort Wayne, IN 1Feb44. Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL Feb44. Ferried 
					overseas via the South Atlantic/African route departing Morrison Field Feb44. Routed via 
					Borinquen Field, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico; Atkinson Field, Georgetown, British Guyana; 
					Val de Caes Field, Belém, Brazil; Panamirim Field, Natal, Brazil; Fernando de Naranha, 
					Brazil; Eknes Field, Rufisque, Dakar, Senegal; Menara Field, Marrakech, French Morocco; 
					St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall. Ninth Air Force. Balderton (Station 482) 6Mar44. 
					Upottery (Station 462) 26Apr44. Towed a glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd 
					Airborne Division to a landing zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.
 					Europe 30Apr47. Oberpfaff. 01Jun48.  Salvaged 20May49
				93070 (MSN 12941) to USAAF 05Apr44. 8th AF 25Apr44.  W/o Nov 1, 1945, Ettringen, West Germany
				93071 (MSN 12942) to USAAF 5Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 6May44. 
					44th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					The aircraft was on TDY at Greenham Common (Station 486) 7Aug44 for Operation ‘Transfigure’ 
					[later cancelled]. On return from a mission to France with blood and penicillin, in bad weather 
					and low visibility, the aircraft crashed near Wantage, Oxfordshire 22Aug44 [5KIA].
				93072 (MSN 12943) to USAAF 05Apr44.   no card   USAF 7100 Sqn  Feb51.  to Spanish AF as T.3-14 Aug 6, 1957.
					WFU Apr 23, 1978
				93073 (MSN 12944) to USAAF 06Apr44.  8th AF 30Apr44.  9th AF 10May44 
					Damaged Jul 19, 1945 at RAF Biggin Hill, UK.  Salvaged May 31, 1946
				93074 (MSN 12945) to USAAF Apr 5, 1944. 32nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, 
					United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), Frankfurt/Eschborn (Y-74), Germany. 
					Damaged while parked in collision by C-47A ? 43-15647 taxying at Eschborn 21Jan46.
					W/o Nov 7, 1959 when crashed near tainan, Taiwan
				93075 (MSN 12946) to USAAF 6Apr44. Eighth Air Force 26Apr44. Ninth Air Force 9May44. 
					45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported paratroopers 
					of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near
					Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. TDY to 
					Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. Transported British 9th Parachute Battalion paratroopers 
					to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany 
					on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 61st Troop Carrier Group, Air Transport Command, Drucat (B-92), 
					Abbeville, France. Returned to USA via the South Atlantic/African route May45. Routed via 
					Menara Field, Marrakech, French Morocco; Mallard Field, Dakar, Senegal. Damaged while 
					parked in collision by C-46A ? 43-47318 taxying at Mallard Field 16May45. 
					To Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1Oct45.
				93076 (MSN 12947) to USAAF 05Apr44.  9th AF 03Jun44.  W/o Apr 9, 1944, Fairfax Field, Kansas City, Missouri
				93077 (MSN 12949) to USAAF 07Apr44.  8th AF 24Apr44.   9th AF 09May44.   Europe 30Apr47.   Rhein Main 01]an48 
					FLC Turkey 09Dec48.  To Turkish AF as 6042 Dec 9, 1948
				93078 (MSN 12950) to USAAF 6Apr44. Eighth Air Force 22Apr44. Ninth Air Force 5May44. 
					100th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. Towed a glider 
					transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Hackensack’, 7Jun44.
					Europe 30Apr47. Oberpfaff  01Jan48. FLC Turkey 22Jan49. ToTurkish AF as THH 6033 22Jan49 
				93079 (MSN 12951) to USAAF 8Apr44. Ninth Air Force 29May44. Pathfinder School, 
					Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command, North Witham (Station 479). Fitted with 
					additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 
					Transported Pathfinder paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone at 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. 59th Troop Carrier 
					Squadron [X5*F], 61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). 
					Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. Ferried to Chipping Ongar (Station 162). 
					Transported men and materials of the British 6th Airborne Division to a drop zone at 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; returned to Abbeville.
					8th AF 30Apr47. Oberpfaff 01Jan48. FLC Finland 12Mar48 and used for spares by Aero O/Y 
				93080 (MSN 12952) to USAAF 06Apr44. 8th AF 28Apr44.  W/o Apr 25, 1944 at Marrakech AB, Morocco
				93081 (MSN 12953) to USAAF 07Apr44.  9th AF 14May44.  FLC 14Jul45   to NEIAF as NL-208 Jul 14, 1945 with
					1316 Comm Sqdn, to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijfas PH-TCA Feb 27, 1946.  PJ-ALG KLM W Indies 29Dec46. 
					C-521 SAM Jul48.  WFU in 1948.  Crashlanded in 1948/49.
					Sold to Avianca of Colombia as HK-521 Apr 20, 1949, broken up for spares
				93082 (MSN 12954) to USAAF 8Apr44. Ninth Air Force 28May44. 302nd Troop 
					Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					Villeneuve (A-63), Vertus, France 8Sep44. Saint Marceau (A-43), Le Mans, France 2Oct44. 
					Dreux (A-41), France 3Nov44. Damaged in collision with C-47A ? 43-13035 taxying at Dreux 6Nov44. 
				93083 (MSN 12955) to USAAF 07Apr44.  8th AF 24Apr44.  9th AF 08May44.  Wiesbaden 01Jan48. Oberpfaff 23Nov48
					To Turkish AF as 6096 Apr 24, 1949. 
				93084 (MSN 12956) to USAAF 6Apr44. Eighth Air Force 25Apr44. Ninth Air Force 5May44. 
					301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 
					97th Troop Carrier Squadron, 440th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Bricy (A-50), Orléans, 
					France. Damaged landing at Rheims (A-62), France 30Jun45.   Europe 30Apr47.  FLC Turkey 04Mar49
				93085 (MSN 12957) to USAAF 06Apr44.  8th AF 21Apr44.  9th AF 02May44.  Returned to US  
					To RFC 22Sep45.  To NC54455 May46.  To YY-C·ARF RANSA.  Crashed 12Oct50  
				93086 (MSN 12959) to USAAF 07Apr44.  no card. 9th AF converted to SC-47A
				93087 (MSN 12960) to USAAF 07Apr44.  no card.  9th AF.  86 FTW Neubiberg 1948.  Used to deliver baby 
					camel and sweets to children of Berlin during the airlift Oct 22, 1948.  Aircraft bore legend
					"Camel Caravan to Berlin" above cabin windows.  MDAP Far East 15Apr52. To French AF as AdlA 293087  
					"FRAZO" GT2/62 Oct52.  Returned to  USAF 08Nov55  converted to C-47D.  WFU Aug 5, 1968.
					Departed MASDC 5 Aug 1968, to MAP
				93088 (MSN 12961) to USAAF 8Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 9May44. 
					62nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of the Headquarters, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44 [1KIA]. On 6Apr45 
					the 314th TCG was flying a load of gasoline to General George Patton’s troops on the front line 
					near Frankfurt. About 12 miles northwest of Malmedy, Belgium six aircraft were involved in 
					collisions in mist/low cloud. Mid-air collision with C-47 ? 42-23393 and crashed at Fagnes 
					de Solwaster, N of Malmedy, Belgium 6Apr45 [4KIA].
				93089 (MSN 12962) to USAAF 07Apr44.  no card.  9th AF.   To Honduras AF as FAH304 Oct 18, 1962. WFU 2010
				93090 (MSN 12963) to USAAF 07Apr44.  no card.  9th AF  
				93091 (MSN 12964) to USAAF 07Apr44.  no card.  9th AF.  Possibly F-RBCJ French AF Nov52.  USAF VC-47A  Sept54  "0-309 1"   
					Returned to US Aug68.  To MASDC on Aug 18, 1968.  Declared excess 31 Mar 1970
				93092 (MSN 12965) to USAAF 7Apr44. Eighth Air Force 27Apr44. Ninth Air Force 9May44. 
					62nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Saltby (Station 538). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop 
					zone one mile NW of Picauville, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44.
					To Turkish AF as 6026
				93093 (MSN 12966) to USAAF 10Apr44.  8th AF 23Apr44.  9th AF 05May44.  Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48  
					To Turkish AF as 6080
				93094 (MSN 12967) to USAAF 08Apr44.  9th AF 13May44.  Served with Chilean AF as 962 and WFU in 1974.
				93095 (MSN 12969) to USAAF 10Apr44. Eighth Air Force 24Apr44. Ninth Air Force 7May44. 
					91st Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Upottery (Station 462). 
					Transported paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a 
					drop zone near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44. 
					Hit by flak before the drop zone, with an engine on fire, the pilot tried to land the plane 
					in a field but a wing clipped a hedgerow and the aircraft crashed and exploded near 
					Beuzeville-au-Plain, killing all aboard [22KIA].  MACR 8408
				93096 (MSN 12970) to USAAF 8Apr44. 806th Base Unit, Baer Field, Fort Wayne, IN. 
					Ninth Air Force 28May44. Pathfinder School, Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command, 
					North Witham (Station 479) 28May44. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and 
					radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported Pathfinder paratroopers of the 
					2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone at Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported Pathfinder paratroopers 
					of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone north of Son, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					17Sep44. Transported supplies for the 101st Airborne Division on Operation 'Kangaroo' to 
					a drop zone at Bastogne, Belgium on Operation 'Repulse' during the Ardennes offensive 23Dec44. 
					Battle damaged. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a 
					pathfinder. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division
					to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, 
					Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
  					FLC 02Dec46.  To civil registry to OH-LCE 13Apr47.  To Finnish AF as SF DO-12 29Oct70.  
					To SE-IOK 01Oct84.  To G-BLXV NTU.  To N58NA 29Apr85.  current 2011   
				93097 (MSN 12971) to USAAF 08Apr44  9th AF 28May44.   8th AF.  Returned to US 02Sep45
					To  RFC 30Oct45.  To NC38942 Nati Air Tpt Svces.  Crashed17Oct46 at Laramie, WY .
				93098 (MSN 12972) to USAAF 10Apr44. Ninth Air Force 28May44. Pathfinder School, 
					Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command, North Witham (Station 479). Fitted with additional 
					SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder.  Transported Pathfinder 
					paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to a drop zone at Sainte-Mère-Église, 
					Normandy, France on Mission ‘Albany’, 5/6Jun44.  Was first C-47 into Normandy
					94th Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, Upottery (Station 462). 
					439th TCG relocated to Juvincourt (A-68), France 9Sep44 then returned to Balderton (Station 482) 
					16Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44 
					and 18Sep44. Damaged by flak over the island of Schouwen, Zeeland, Netherlands which
					hit the left wing outboard of the engine. With severe vibration and unable to maintain altitude, 
					the glider cut loose and the C-47 headed down to force land at Haamstede airfield on the west
					tip of Schouwen [1KIA:4POW].  MACR 9838
				93099 (MSN 12973) to USAAF 10Apr44.  9th AF 03Jun44.  8th AF.   Accident 14Feb45  
				93100 (MSN 12974) to USAAF 10Apr44. Eighth Air Force 21Apr44. Ninth Air Force 7May44. 
					37th Troop Carrier Squadron [W7*J; Nose #29], 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers of the 3rd Battalion, 505th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment and the 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion to a drop zone near 
					Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France on Mission ‘Boston’ 6Jun44. Transported supplies 
					for the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment on Mission ‘Freeport’, 7Jun44. Transported 
					paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop 
					zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 319th Glider Infantry 
					Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44.
					To Czechoslovakia Jan 13, 1947
				93101 (MSN 12975) to USAAF 10Apr44.  No card.  assigned to Westover AFB Base Flight October 1955-April 1957.
					Being restored for Airborne and Special Operation
					Museum (opens May 2000).  It will be displayed as 43-15623 which spent the war assigned to the 9th
					AF 62nd Troop Carrier Squadron.
				93102 (MSN 12976) to USAAF 10Apr44.  Canal Zone 26Apr44.  To Chile AF as 952 Sep 18, 1946..  W/o Jan 28, 1959
				93103 (MSN 12977) to USAAF 11Apr44.  North Africa TSP 09May44.  Returned to US.  To RFC 15Nov45   
					Lease-purchase to Lineas Aereas Nacionales (Lansa) as C-76, to C-306 for
					Lansa, to HK-306 for Lansa.  W/o Dec 7, 1948 when DBR at Bogota, Colombia
				93104 (MSN 12979) to USAAF Apr 12, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17190 Apr 12, 1944
				93105 (MSN 12980) to USAAF Apr 12, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17191 Apr 12, 1944
				93106 (MSN 12981)  to USAAF 10Apr44.  North Africa TSP 10May44.  Cairo.  ZS-AVL Pan African Air Charter R29Apr46   
					XY-ACT Union of Burma Airways 26Apr50  ET-AGW Ethiopian Airlines 1978   DBR 11Jan81 Bahar Dar, Ethiopia 
				93107 (MSN 12982) to USAAF 10Apr44.  North Africa TSP 09May44.  Europe TSP.  Washout at Naples, Italy  28Mar45  
				93108 (MSN 12983) to USAAF 10Apr44.  North Africa TSP 09May44. Returned to US 19Aug45. To RFC 23Aug47 
					To NC41407 Charles Babb Co, Glendale, CA US.  To CF-CUE Canadian Pacific Airlines B17Jan47  
					Dept of Tpt, Ottawa, Ont 13Feb56.  C-FCUE Rr 1975  current 2011  
				93109 (MSN 12984) to USAAF 10Apr44.  India-China ATC 10May44.  W/o Jan 2, 1945 in fatal crash at Sahmaw, Burma
				93110 (MSN 12985) to USAAF 10Apr44.  North Africa TSP 09May44.  Returned to US 18Aug45.  To RFC 27Aug46  
					To NC41441 K Kerkorian tla Los Angeles Air Svces.   PP-XCD Lloyd & Azarian 1949.   PP-YPQ REAL R15Sep49  
					PT-BEK R H Robaina R01Jun59.  PP-ASS Sadia R16Apr62.  Crashed 01Mar67 at Caravelas, Brasil  
				93111 (MSN 12986) to USAAF 10Apr44.  no card. North Africa TSP? 
				93112 (MSN 12987) to USAAF 10Apr44.  North Africa TSP 21May44.  Returned to US 11Aug45. To RFC 22Aug46  
					To NC41447 Byron JacksonCO US Nov53.  N American Aviation Inc, Los Angeles, CA US 1963.   
					R C Stewart, Newbury Pk, CA US Jan67.  Spectrum Leasing Co, Van Nuys, CA US Oct69.   
					Cal Aero Airways  Air San Jose Inc, San Jose, PR JuI70.  Pacific Air Cargo Inc  
					R V Clifford, Santa Clara, CA US 1972  5MB Stage Lines RIIApr74.  Current 2011  
				93113 (MSN 12989) to USAAF 11Apr44. India-China ATC 15Apr44.  North Atlantic TSP.  To FLC 19Apr46  
					To VT-CGN Bharat Airways Ltd "Pawan" R03Oct46.  Indian Airways Corp 01Aug53.  
					Crashed Salomi Apt, Tezpur, India 21Mar56.
				93114 (MSN 12990) to USAAF 11Apr44.  first card missing.  TSP?  To RFC 14Jun46.  To NC15559.  To XA-JEL.   WFU 18Jun63  
				93115 (MSN 12991) to USAAF 11Apr44  To USSR. W/o 16/06/44 after a crash 30 May 1944 at Zaliv Kresta Bay, Chukotka (Russia), 3 fatal.
					Also listed as India-China ATC 19May44.  SOC 16Jun44
				93116 (MSN 12992) to USAAF 11Apr44.  India-China ATC 21May44.  Karachi.  Euro-India ATC 18Apr46.  SOC 04Apr47
				93117 (MSN 12993) to USAAF 12Apr44.  To USSR 21Apr44.  Reported as having gone to Imperial Iranian AF Nov 19, 1962
				93118 (MSN 12994) to USAAF 11Apr44.  To USSR 27Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93119 (MSN 12995) to USAAF 12Apr44.  To USSR 23Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93120 (MSN 12996) to USAAF 11Apr44.  To USSR 22Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93121 (MSN 12997) to USAAF 14Apr44.  To USSR 02May44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93122 (MSN 12999) to USAAF 13Apr44.  To USSR 25Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93123 (MSN 13000) to USAAF 12Apr44.  To USSR 26Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93124 (MSN 13001) to USAAF 12Apr44.  To USSR 28Apr44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93125 (MSN 13002) to USAAF 12Apr44.  To USSR 11May44.  Ultimate Fate Obscure (UFO).
				93126 (MSN 13003) to USAAF Apr 11, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17192 Apr 14, 1944
				93127 (MSN 13004) to USAAF Apr 12, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17193 Apr 14, 1944
				93128 (MSN 13005) to USAAF Apr 18, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17194 Apr 18, 1944
				93129 (MSN 13006) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17195 Apr 14, 1944
				93130 (MSN 13007) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17196 Apr 17, 1944
				93131 (MSN 13009) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17198 Apr 17, 1944
				93132 (MSN 13010) to USAAF Apr 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG527 Apr 19, 1944.  
					107 OTU RAF May 16, 1944.  Bellylanded at Biggin Hill, UK
					Nov 29, 1944 after taking off with elevators locked.  Relegated to
					ground instructional airframe with serial 4989M and presumably
					subsequently scrapped.
				93133 (MSN 13011) to USAAF 13Apr44.  To RAF UK as KG528 21Apr44  RAF Montreal 21Apr44   RAF UK  30Apr44  
					West African Comm Sqn RAF 12Aug44   RAF UK 20Sep45   RAF Vienna 16Nov45  Austrian Comm Fit RAF 26Oct46 
					24 Sqn RAF 06Jan47  WFU 02Jun47 
				93134 (MSN 13012) delivered to USAAF 13Apr44; delivered to Royal Air Force 21Apr44 as Dakota III, serial KG529; 
					Montreal, Canada; No.233 Squadron 3Jun44; No.575 Squadron; No.437 Squadron 11Dec44; 
					Sec da Aviação Civil, Portugal 20Sep46; Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 18Oct46; 
					Registered G-AJBD 15Jan47, cancelled 15Feb48 on export to Greece; 
					Hellenic Airlines, Greece 15Feb48; registered SX-BBD; TAE Greek National Airlines 7Jul51; 
					Olympic Airways 1Jan57; Royal Hellenic Air Force 5Jan63 as 13012; WFU 22Feb77
				93135 (MSN 13013) to USAAF Apr 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG530 via RAF Montreal Apr 18, 1944.  
					RAF Middle East May 12, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
				93136 (MSN 13014) delivered to USAAF 14Apr44; delivered to Royal Air Force 20Apr44 as Dakota III KG531; 
					Montreal, Canada; Middle East Command 8May44; Returned to USAAF Aug 29, 1946; 
					Foreign Liquidation Commission 29Aug46; Suidair International Airways (Nov46); 
					Registered ZS-BCY; Field Aircraft Services (Africa) Ltd; Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT); 
					Registered YU-ACC 26Apr51; Crashed Oct 22, 1951 on a flight from Belgrade to Skopje, crashed near 
					Skopje killing all 12 passengers and crew 
				93137 (MSN 13015) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG532 via RAF Monmtreal Apr 20, 1944.
					RAF Middle East May 8, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  48 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Jul 25, 1946
				93138 (MSN 13016) to USAAF Apr 13, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG533 via RAF Montreal APR 21, 1944.
					RAF Middle East May 9, 1944.  21 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Aug 29, 1946.   EP-AAK Iranian 
					AirwaysCO US "Persepolis"  Iran National Airlines Corp 1961   Air TaxiCO US 1976 WFU  
				93139 (MSN 13017) to USAAF Apr 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG534 via RAF Montreal Apr 22, 1944.
					216 Sqdn RAF.  DBR Mar 21, 1945 due to corrosion in center section caused by leaking accumulator, 
					subsequently SOC.  Somebody must have refurbished it, since it went to Air Service Co. as EP-AAK.
					Broken up at Dubai, UAE
				93140 (MSN 13019) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG536 via RAF Nassau Apr 30, 1944.
					To RAF India Jun 3, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947, then to VT-CYG, then to N47AZ in 1994.  WFU Feb 22, 2006.
				93141 (MSN 13020) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG537 via RAF Nassau Apr 23, 1944.
					To India May 23, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Lost Jul 31, 1944.
				93142 (MSN 13021) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG538 via RAF Nassau Apr 27, 1944.
					India Jun 3, 1944.  TSTU RAF. 62 Sqdn RAF.  86 RSU RAF.  To Royal Indian Air Force.  W/o 
					Sep 19, 1945 at Dum Dum, India when engine caught fire, aircraft overshot
					runway on landing and hit a water tank.
				93143 (MSN 13022) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG539 via RAF Nassau May 7, 1944.
					India Jun 18, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Crashlanded 12 mi NE ow Bhuj Kutch, India
					Jul 21, 1945 following engine failure.
				93144 (MSN 13023) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG540 via RAF Nassau Apr 26, 1944.
					RAF India May 22, 1944.  RAF Middle East Jun 29, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947.
					To VT-CHB Jan 21, 1947.  W/o May 17, 1950 at Balurghat, India
				93145 (MSN 13024) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG541 via RAF Nqssau Apr 22, 1944.
					RAF India Jun 2, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Transferred to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
					To Indian AF as VP909 Apr 26, 1947
				93146 (MSN 13025) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG542 via RAF Nassau Apr 26, 1944.
					India Jun 2, 1944.  32 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.   To VT-CJC of Indian Airlines Corp Feb 22, 1947.  WFU.
				93147 (MSN 13026) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG543 via RAF Montreal Apr 19, 1944.
					RAF UK Apr 25, 1944.  107 OTU RAF May 16, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Jul 28, 1946.
					22 MU RAF Nov 26, 1946.  Returned to USAAF May 26, 1947.
					WFU  PH-TEW KLM D04Feb47.  XY-ACO Union of Burma Airways D20Feb50.  Burma Airways Corp Dec72.  
					ET-AGU Ethiopian Airlines 1977.  W/O 21Sep79 at Bare
				93148 (MSN 13027) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG544 via RAF Montral Apr 26, 1944.
					To RAF UK May 10, 1944,.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 3, 1944. 575 Sqdn RAF Jun 3, 1944.  Tempsfort Stn
					Flt RAF Dec 15, 1945.  22 MU RAF Jun 14, 1946.  WFU.  Returned to USAAF Aug 29, 1946.
					To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA), registered as 
					LV-ACH, to Aerolineas Aeroposta, Aerolineas Argentinas.  W/o Dec 30, 1950
					when crashed after takeoff from Aeroparque Camet, Mar del Plata, AR.
					17 killed, one survived.
				93149 (MSN 13029) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG546 via RAF Montreal Apr 21, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 4, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF.  acsea fEB 25, 1945. Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-CUZ Jul 24, 1948.  W/o Mar 29, 1955 in landing accident at Khowai AP, India.
				93150 (MSN 13030) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG547 via RAF Montreal Apr 29, 1944.
					To RAF UK May 21, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  107 OTU RAF.  DBR when undercarriage collapsed
					during heavy landing, Leicester East, UK Sep 27, 1944
				93151 (MSN 13031) to USAAF Apr 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG548 via RAF Montreal Apr 21, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Apr 26, 1944.  3 ADU RAF..  Destroyed by fire after 
					undercarriage retracted during takeoff, Castel Benito, Libya May 9, 1944.
				93152 (MSN 13032) to USAAF Apr 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG549 via RAF Montreal Apr 22, 1944.
					RAF Middle East May 12, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Sep 26, 1946.
				93153 (MSN 13033) to USAAF 15Apr44.  To RAF as Dakota III KG550 via RAF Montreal Apr 21, 1944.
					To RAF UK 27Apr44  575 Sqn RAF 03Jun44   271 Sqn RAF   525 Sqn RAF   
					22 MU RAF 18May46     SETA 28Sep46  Returned to USAAF Nov 13, 1946.  To OO-SBB Sobelair “Kamembe”  
					(Dec 13, 1946), to CF-ILZ C B Hoyt & B J Scott, Mt Joli, PQ tla Trans Labrador A/Ls   (Nov 16, 1955), 
					Trans Labrador Airlines  26Oct56  Northern Wings Ltd, Seven Islands, PQ 16Jan59  A Fecteau Tpt Aerien Ltee, 
					Senneterre, PQ 06Feb68   Northern Wings Ltd 1975  canc 23Jan78  N45727 sale rep Feb78 to Dec81   current 2011 
				93154 (MSN 13034) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG551 via RAF Nassau Apr 30, 1944.
					To India Jun 3, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				93155 (MSN 13035) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG552 via RAF Nassau Apr 28, 1944.
					To RAF India May 26, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.  WFU May 3, 1945.  SOC May 31, 1945.
				93156 (MSN 13036) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG553 via RAF Nassau May 2, 1944.
					To India Jun 4, 1944.  1942 Sqdn RAF.  Flew into trees 1 mi NE of Imphal, Burma
					Sep 12, 1944 after both engines failed following takeoff.
				93157 (MSN 13037) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG554 via RAF Nassau May 2, 1944. 
					To India Jun 3, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  9FU RAF.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To Indian Airlines as VT-CVB.  Crashed into a
					field shortly after takeoff as a result of slipping into the ground in the course of a steep 
					turn to port carried out at night at low altitude at Sonegaon, India.  4 crew, 6 passengers killed.
				93158 (MSN 13039) to USAAF Apr 16, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG556 via RAF Nassau Apr 29, 1944.  
					To India Jun 18, 1944.  TSTU RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian Government 
					Nov 28, 1946.  Transferred to Indian AF as VP910.
				93159 (MSN 13040) completed as C-47B-5-DK Jun 30 1944.  Nashville 17Oct44.  Europe TSP 23Oct44.  8th AF. 
					 WFU 29May46 
				93160 (MSN 13041) to USAAF 16Apr44.  North Africa TSP 27May44.  Returned to US 21Aug45. To RFC 14Mar46  
					N8820 Southern AirwaysCO, to US Piedmont Aviation Inc Sep47.  N53V.  CF-HGD Hollinger Ungava Tpt Ltd, 
					Montreal, PQ 05Aug53 McNamara ConstructionCO US Ltd, Toronto, Ont 22Feb54  Miron & Freres Ltee, 
					Montreal, PQ 07Feb55  Maritime Central Airways Ltd, Moncton, NB 21Sep61  Canadian Aircraft 
					Renters Ltd (L MCAI Nordair) 11May62.  Wheeler Airlines Ltd, Dorval, PQ. (LMCA/Nordair) 03Jun64 
					Sudair Ltd, Dorval, PQ 19Aug64.  Nordair Ltd 15Sep67   N341W Concare Aircraft Leasing Corp, 
					Tulsa, OK US Feb68.  Airline Training Inc, Ft Lauderdale, FL US Jul68.  W H Conrad, Pompano 
					Beach, FL US Oct69.  Airline Training Inc, Ft Lauderdale, FL US 1970.  
					Arute Inti AirInc, N' Britain, CT US 1973.  A C Allyn Jr, Sarasota, FL US 1974.  
					Florida Airlines Inc L1974.  Pioneer Inti Lsg, Chicago IL Apr77.  Skyfreight D03Aug78  
					Sold 14Sep78.  T Young, Miami, FL US Sep79.  Lee County Mosquito Control Dist, Ft Myers, FL US R28May80  
					Lake Wales Air Svces Inc, L Wales, FL US R12Dec80.  current 2011 
				93161 (MSN 13042) to USAAF 16Apr44.  no card.   converted to EC-47N from RC-47N.  
					To South Vietnam AF under MAP Nov 3, 1972
				93162 (MSN 13043) to USAAF 16Apr44.  US.  2143 BAS 22Nov44. SOC 01Jan45 
				93163 (MSN 13044) to USAAF 17Apr44.  US 21Apr44.  Damaged Jul 17, 1944 in Indiana and damaged Jul 6, 1946, 
					Chicago MAP, Illinois
				93164 (MSN 13045) to USAAF 17Apr44.  US.  W/o Mar 30, 1945 in landing accident at Knolwood, North Carolina
				93165 (MSN 13046) to USAAF 17Apr44.  US.  AMC 31Mar47.  ARP Venezuela D13Nov47  
				93166 (MSN 13047) to USAAF 17Apr44.  no card.   converted to EC-47N from RC-47N.  To South Vietnam AF Nov 3, 1972.  To Cambodia AF Nov 3, 1972
				93167 (MSN 13049) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-370. FAP 370 w/o 9 Jun 1967 ??
				93168 (MSN 13050) to USAAF Apr 18, 1944.  To RFC Aug 22, 1946.  
					Ca.1946: Registered NC41398.  
					Ca.1948: Automotriz Ofarill SA, Brazil, with c/r XB-JIN. 
					6/25/54: Pemex with c/r XC-BIN. 
					Back to USA Apr 13, 1973 and registered as N90830
					with Westernair, Albuquerque, NM . 
					12/73: R.S. Walker, Tampa, FL. 
					4/18/74: Substantial damage in gear up landing at MacDill AFB, FL after loss of both engines. 
					3/75: Landmark Bank, Tampa, FL.
					8/76: Leased to Air Anguilla. 
					6/77: Hank Maierhoffer, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  
					3/22/79: Loaned to A. Vivancos, Miami, FL. 
					11/24/80: A.M. Meinerz, Brookfield, WI. 
					4/84: AMF Enterprises, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 
					10/24/95: E.R. Bozarth, Orlando, FL. 
					3/10/86: Cypress Technical Training Center, Lakeland, FL. 
					3/3/94: put on display at Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Portage, MI.
				93169 (MSN 13051) to USAAF 18Apr44.   no card  
				93170 (MSN 13052) to USAAF 18Apr44. US.  To RFC 26Oct45  19 Sqn RAF  (NEIAF) as DT-990 flown with Australian 
					radio c/s VHRCH.  to NEIAF as T-490 Jul47.  PK-RCH KNILM 14Aug47. to Neth East Indies Government as NI479
					to PK-RCH 14Oct47  to PK-DPJ 28Dec49  Garuda Indonesian Airways 28Dec49  PK-GDY Rr 1956.  Crashed 
					Masalembo Island Surabaya, Indonesia 05Feb61  
				93171 (MSN 13053) to USAAF 17Apr44.  US.  Pennslyvannia ANG. AMC 31Mar45. WFU 16Aug49  
				93172 (MSN 13054) to USAAF 17Apr44. US.  W/o Apr 27, 1945 at Emison Field, Indiana. 2 lost.
				93173 (MSN 13055) to USAAF 17Apr44.  no card.  VC-47A  Sep54.   "0-93173" Kansas ANG  "The Sunflower" 1965  
					Stored Davis Monthan 05Feb71 to 13Aug76.   National Auction   
				93174 (MSN 13056) to USAAF 18Apr44.  US. To RFC 13Nov45.  NC88726 Panagra 19Dec45.  To Argentine AF as FAAr 
				93175 (MSN 13057) to USAAF 19Apr44. US. 211 BAS 09Sep45. To RFC 15Aug46.   NC69258 H Blair Minick & ptnrs   
					TF-RVM Loftleidir Hf "Helgafell" D09Jun48.  For sale Gordon Smith &CO US Nov51.  EC-AGO Iberia "54" 
					D03Mar52.  Crashed 12Sep62 at Tenerife Canary Islands  
				93176 (MSN 13059) to USAAF 19Apr44.  US.  no card.   Arrived at MASDC 27 May 1962, to reclamation 18 Feb 1965
					For sale Davis Monthan Sep67  
				93177 (MSN 13060) to USAAF 19Apr44.   no card.   US xx.   JC-47A "0-93177".  MATS  "0-293177".   N87643 Aero 
					American Corp, Tucson, AZ.  Sold by USAF 20Aug61.  Aero American Parts Corp R10Jan74.  Fuselage at 
					Ryan Fld, Tucson Jun77.  Acme Aircraft Co, Tucson, AZ US R Feb82.  WFU 02Feb84 
				93178 (MSN 13061) to USAAF 19Apr44.  US.  RFC 13Mar46.  NC59699 National Skyways Freight Corp/Flying Tiger 
					Line Nov46.  VT-CTZ Indian Overseas Airlines "Star of Bangalore" E27Apr48.  Metcaero Engineers Ltd 24May51  
					DCA, Govt of India 19Apr52.  Bharat Airways 26Jun52.  Indian Airlines Corp 01Aug53.  canc after 1957. 
				93179 (MSN 13062) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card.  US.  to VC-47A Sep54 "0-293179".  stored Davis Monthan 01Dec69 to Oct71  
				93180 (MSN 13063) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card.  US.  "0-93180".   N561R Beldex Corp, St Louis, MO  1963.
					 Interstate Airmotive, St Louis, MO.  Ruth Richards, Oklahoma City, OK US 1971.  Carolina Aircraft 
					Corp.  YV-C-GAJ Aerotecnica SA E11Mar71. YV-I09C Rr 1978.  YV-216C Rutaca  1979
				93181 (MSN 13064) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card. US.  To SC-47A "0-93181" Aug56.  "0-2931 81" 7531 ABG UK May60.  Stored Davis Monthan Sep67
				93182 (MSN 13065) to USAAF 19Apr44.  US.  SOC 04Aug45 
				93183 (MSN 13066) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card.   Arrived at MASDC 26 Feb 1946, returned to service 15 Jul 1947
				93184 (MSN 13067) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card.  US.  VC47A Sep54.  "0-93184" Arizona ANG.  Stored Davis Monthan 
					20Mar71 to 19Aug76.  Sold 1977 National auction 
				93185 (MSN 13069) to USAAF 19Apr44.  no card.  US  USAF "0-93185". 8th AF. 100 OMS Dec65.  SAC  
					Arrived at MASDC 12 Sep 1968, declared excess 31 Mar 1970.  Stored Davis Monthan 01Dec69 to May72  
				93186 (MSN 13070) to USAAF 20Apr44.  US.  RFC 05Jun46.  NC88740 Gulf Research & Devel Co Dec53.  N88740 Aero 
					Service Corp.   CF-IMA Canadian Aero Svces, Ottawa, Ont 16Aug61,   Survair Ltd, Ottawa, Ont 11Oct61  
					C-FIMA Rr Jun76.  Questor Surveys Ltd  Northway  Gestalt Corp, Toronto, Ont, Apr80.  
					Questor Surveys Ltd.  To N844TH, N582LA, then back on civil registry as N844TH.
				93187 (MSN 13071) to USAAF 20Apr44.  no card.  US    " 0-3187" SAC.  Arrived at MASDC 9 Jan 1969, 
				declared excess 31 Mar 1970.  Stored Davis Monthan 01Dec69 to May72  
				93188 (MSN 13072) to USAAF 20Apr44.  no card. US
				93189 (MSN 13073) Delivered to USAAF 20Apr44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) 14Nov45; 
					TWA Trans World Airlines [Fleet No 327] 26Nov45; registered NC88823; Union Steel & Wrecking Co., 29Dec53; 
					registered N35F; Grumman A/C Engineering 20Oct54; registered N56B; Oxford Paper & Co., NY 1956; 
					registered N86U 1956; Exec Air Inc., Richmond, VA 1Jun63; 
					Hawthorne Aviation, Sandston, VA 1Aug71; Holiday Reality Inc 1971; Andrew Allyn, Sarasota, FL 1Aug75; 
					Florida Airlines – Air South Sarasota 1May76; AAK – International Inc. 11Dec78; 
					E. Stuart, Hollywood, FL 25Mar80; Harold J. de Gregory, Ft Lauderdale, FL 15Aug83; 
					Glade Air Inc 1Aug85; Freefall Enterprises (ferry to Austria) 3Feb88;   Was derelict at 
					Wiener Neustadt Airbase Feb 1988 to 1995.  Registration expired 17Mar09, cancelled 20Nov14; 
					First Austrian DC-3 Dakota Club 1Sep95; preserved and on static display in Austrian Airlines 
					colour scheme as ‘OE-LBC’ at Salzburg Airport, Austria; “Arizona Lady”
				93190 (MSN 13074) to USAAF 20Apr44 no card.  US.  Sold as scrap to US Salvage Corp 30Nov62  
					N4731S Charlotte Aircraft Corp 23Sep63.  OB-R-811 Trans-Peruana, allotted 01Feb66 NTU  
					Sold by auction 11Mar68   N4731S Aviation Investments Inc, Miami, FL US tla Air Inti Dec68 
					Butler Aviation Miami Inc, Miami, FL US 28Jun71 Miami Air Lse Inc, Miami, FL US 19Jan72   
					Island Agencies L 27Dec72  Air Sunshine L  Ret Miami Air Lse Inc 1975  ABR Enterprises Inc R21Mar78 
					sold Jun79 cancelled.  To OB-R-811, N4731S, N902VC and YV-670C
				93191 (MSN 13075) to USAAF 20Apr44.  Crashed Jan 16, 1945 near Brownfield, Georgia.  4 lost
				93192 (MSN 13076) to USAAF 20Apr44.  W/o Jun 15, 1944 in crash due to engine fire 7 mi NW of North Vernon, Indiana.  3 lost.
				93193 (MSN 13077) to USAAF 20Apr44.  no card.  US.  Crashed Jul 6, 1944 at Fulton MAP, New York
				93194 (MSN 13079) to USAAF Apr 28, 1944, to US Marine Corp as R4D-5 BuNo 17199 Apr 28, 1944
				93195 (MSN 13080) to USAAF 20Apr44.  no card. US  
				93196 (MSN 13081) to USAAF 25Apr44.  India-China ATC 22Jul44.   Indian Govt 29Apr46.   VT-CRE Bharat Airways 
					R21Jan48. WFU.  cancelled 1951  
				93197 (MSN 13082) to USAAF 21Apr44.  To RAAF as A65-50 10May44. 3 AD 10May44. 38 Sqn RAAF callsisgn VH-CIF 18May44.
					36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-X 15Jan45.  13 ARD RAAF 25Apr45.   36 Sqn RAAF 02Jun45.  SHQ Darwin RAAF 29Apr46 
					DAP RAAF Parafield 05Sep46.  1 AD RAAF 15Aug46.   86th TW 28May47.  2 CS 31Oct47. 2 AD RAAF 24Feb48 
					GTS Wagga 11Aug48 as instructional airframe.  DAP RAAF 23Apr52. RAAF Base East Sale 06Oct52 
					RAAF Base East Sale 30Nov52. Serviceable AAS 19Mar54.  Starboard engine failed attempted a force landed not able to 
					maintain height collided with trees in a small clearing 14 miles N of Mt Cobberas near Mt Kosciusko 24Aug54.  
					One crew killed, others injured.
				93198 (MSN 13083) to USAAF 21Apr44. To RAAF as A65-48 04Jun44. 3AD 05May44. 2AP 09May44 
					Special VIP Fit for Parlimentary Delegation 7 AD RAAF 11May44.   38 Sqn RAAF VH-CID 12May44.
					7 AD RAAF 16May44.  38 Sqn RAAF 23May44. 36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-W 21Dec44.  33 Sqn RAAF 15Dec45.
					DAP RAAF Parafield 26Mar46.  1 AD RAAF 02Sep46. 37 Sqn RAAF 26Sep46. DAP RAAF 17Mar47. 
					86th TW 25Jul47.   Force landed 21Aug47 CMU Tocumwal 14Apr48.  Trans Australian Airways 07Jul48 
					sold TAA for £6250 and registered VH-TAT "Grimes" 21Jul48. Crashed Cambridge near Barilla Bay Tasmania 08Aug51.  
					2 killed.
				93199 (MSN 13084) to USAAF 21Apr44. To RAAF as A65-49 06May44. 3 AD 05May44. 2 AP 10May44. 38 Sqn RAAF VH-CIE 17May44.
					34 Sqn RAAF 15Jan45.  AD 18Apr46.  To QANTAS for £6250 as VH-BAK then VH-EAL10Dec46.  To VH-EBH 19Aug54.
					To VH-EBW 01Mar58.   BBA Cargo Pty Ltd VH-BAA 21Oct60.   Mildura Aviation Restoration Corp Jul79.
					Warbirds Air Museum Mildura 27Oct79.  On display at Central Australian Aviation Museum, Alice Springs marked as VH-EWE   
				93200 (MSN 13085) to USAAF 21Apr44.  To RAAF as A65-51 25May44. 3 AD 25May44. 38 Sqn VH-CIH RAAF 02Jun44. 
					35 Sqn RAAF 16Mar45. 36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-Z 24Apr45. 3 AD 08May46.  To Trans Australian Airways as VH-TAJ 'McKinley" 23Sep46 
					Australian Aircraft Sales 03Jan69.   Seulawah Air Services/Mandala PK-RDH 24May69.  WFU  
				93201 (MSN 13086) to USAAF 21Apr44.  To RCAF Apr 28, 1944 as 967.  W/o at Gander Sept 27, 1946.
				93202 (MSN 13087) to USAAF 21Apr44.  To RCAF Apr 29, 1944 as Dakota III 968. 435 Sqn RCAF.  165 T Sqn RCAF.  
					CFS RCAF, Gimli, Manitoba.   Renumbered 12952 (as a CT-129) in 1970.  WFU  to C-GXAV.  to N92GA NTU.  
					to C-GCTE Aug80.  to N7164E.  to EC-FIN. to N47FL  03May04  current 2011
				93203 (MSN 13089) to USAAF 23Apr44.  To RCAF Apr 29, 1944 as 968, later reserialled 12952.  CFS RCAF Gimli, 
					Manitoba.  To civil registry as C-GXAV, and was then to have become N92A but NTU.  Became C-GCTE,
					then N7164E, then EC-569, then EC-FIN, then N47FL.  In Feb 2004 was
					based at North Weald, England with Aces High Flying Museum 
				93204 (MSN 13090) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 5, 1944.
				93205 (MSN 13091) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 3, 1944
				93206 (MSN 13092) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 3, 1944
				93207 (MSN 13093) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 6. 1944
				93208 (MSN 13094) to USAAF Apr 24, 1944.  To USSR May 5, 1944
				93209 (MSN 13095) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 5, 1944
				93210 (MSN 13096) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944.  To USSR May 9, 1944
				93211 (MSN 13097) to USAAF Apr 24, 1944.  To USSR May 3, 1944
				93212 (MSN 13099)  to USAAF 23Apr44 to RNZAF as NZ3518 Apr 23, 1944.  BOC Unit 19 Whenuapai.  To No.40 Squadron, Whenuapai.
					To 41 Squadron March 1946.  Instructional airframe 117 at TTS Wigram 06 November 1946.  SOC 11 March 1948.
					Sold by tender number 5267 (11/02/1954) for 200 pounds to NZNAC on 03 March 1954.  Registered as ZK-BEU.
					Converted to DC3-C at Christchurch 17 December 1955.
					Converted to DC3-C Skyliner at Christchurch 24 July 1964.
					To Mount Cook and Southern Lakes Tourist Company 25 June 1970 with 24,903 hours total time.
					Retired from airline service 16 May 1978 as New Zealand's last commercial passenger DC3.
					Sold to Alpine Helicopters 25 January 1979 for transporting live deer, with total of 31,034 hours total time.
					Retired in October 1980 with 33,588 flying hours logged.  To Zephyr Films.
					Engines and all serviceable equipment removed and aircraft was floated across Lake Wakatipu 
					on 11 November 1980 painted as USAAF "I-7689" for filming of "Race to the Yankee Zephyr".
					Following completion of filming the aircraft was beached and the remains broken up.
					Registration cancelled 08 April 1981 as withdrawn from use.
				93213 (MSN 13100) to USAAF Apr 28, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17200 Apr 28, 1944
				93214 (MSN 13101) to USAAF Apr 25, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17201 Apr 25, 1944
				93215 (MSN 13102) to USAAF Apr 26, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17202 Apr 26, 1944
				93216 (MSN 13103) to USAAF Apr 28, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17203 Apr 28, 1944
				93217 (MSN 13104) to USAAF Apr 26, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17204 Apr 26, 1944
				93218 (MSN 13105) to USAAF Apr 26, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17205 Apr 26, 1944
				93219 (MSN 13106) to USAAF Apr 30, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17206 Apr 30, 1944
				93220 (MSN 13107) to USAAF Apr 27, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17207 Apr 27, 1944
				93221 (MSN 13109) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2051.  W/o Oct 17, 1956
				93222 (MSN 13110) to USAAF 23Apr44. no card.  to Salair as N145ZA, to Servicio Aereo de Policia of Colombia
					as PNC-212.  Converted to Basler Turbo DC-3, stil PNC-212.  W/o Apr 30, 2003
					when overran the hilltop airstrip at Ocana-Aguasclaras Airport in Colombia
					and fell down a steep slope and was substantially damaged.
				93223 (MSN 13111) to USAAF Apr 23, 1944  no card US.  N416 Dept of State.   Agency for Inti Devel E17Oct66.   
					60S-AAH  to MASDC. To Somalian AF under MAP Aug 24, 1966
				93224 (MSN 13112) to USAAF 23Apr44.  US. no card.  to Thai AF as L2-36/14 Feb 16, 1971 under MAP.  Converted to
					AC-47D by May 1972.  WFU by Feb 1984 and dumped at Lopburi
					since at least May 1989.
				93225 (MSN 13113) to USAAF 24Apr44.  US.  To  RFC 18Apr46.  To NC47656.  To XA-GIO.  Crashed 14Sep53 at Chablekal, Mexico
				93226 (MSN 13114) to NC47259, VP-JAP (Jamaica) Oct 30, 1947.  Overshot and crashed into sea
					on single-engine landing at Palisadoes Airport Feb 12, 1948, repaired.  To VP-BAP (Bahamas) Feb 18, 1950, 
					VP-TBF for British West Indian Airlines (Trinidad and Tobago), 9Y-TBF also for British West Indian 
					Airlines, VP-LIL (Leeward Islands), 9Y-TCR for British West Indian Airlines, 
					then Jun 16, 1967 purchased by Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij (SLM) of 
					Surinam and registered as PZ-TAX, May 4, 1972 purchased by H. R. Goodman and 
					registered in the US as N88750.  Gt Western Aircraft Radio Co, Long Beach, CA US 28Feb73.  
					Aviation Parts Inc.  C E Wroten, Phnom Penh 1975.  current 2011
				93227 (MSN 13115) to USAAF 24Apr44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS.   25May44 Tailwheel collapsed taxiing 
					Nadzab forcing strut into fuselage, repaired by 479th Serv Sqn. FEAF 30Apr47  Manila SOC 29Apr48  
				93228 (MSN 13116)   to USAAF 25Apr44.  5th AF 18May44.  FEAF 30Apr47.  Manila.  SOC 29Apr48  
				93229 (MSN 13117) to USAAF 26Apr44.  5th AF 25May44.  Manila.   accident  23Aug45  
				93230 (MSN 13119) to USAAF 24Apr44.  5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS 17May44.  Lost Jun 12, 1945.  MACR 14667
				93231 (MSN 13120) to USAAF 25Apr44  5th AF 26May44 
				93232 (MSN 13121) to USAAF 25Apr44  5th AF 26May44 
				93233 (MSN 13122) to USAAF 25Apr44.  5th AF 25May44.  Accident 24Jun45.  To Polish AF as No. 8.
				93234 (MSN 13123) to USAAF 25Apr44.  5th AF 24May44.  flown with Australian radio c/s VHPAB.  
					to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-2 Dec 25, 1945.  Later W-2.  .
					Transferred to AURI (Indonesian AF) as TNI-AU  T-468 07Oct50.  WFU.  To PK-NZA.  To PK-NDC  
					Back to Indonesian AF.  WFU  
				93235 (MSN 13124) to USAAF 25Apr44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as X77 25May44.  WFU 22Sep47  
				93236 (MSN 13125) to USAAF 26Apr44.   5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS 26May44.  to 5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS 
					as X39 Mississippi 24Feb45.  WFU 28Aug45
				93237 (MSN 13126) to USAAF 26Apr44.  5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS 25May44.  To 5th AF 317th TCG 39th TCS as X19 26May45.  W/O 19Sep45  
				93238 (MSN 13127)  to USAAF 26Apr44. 5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as 96 X96 27May44.  Noemfoor parachute drop 03Jul44  
					(317th TCG) lost Dec 2, 1944 making supply drops in support of troops Leyte, SW Pacific.  3 killed.  MACR 14588
				93239 (MSN 13129) to USAAF 25Apr44.  5th AF 27May44.  FEAF 30Apr47.   WFU 29Apr48  
				93240 (MSN 13130) to USAAF 26Apr44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X35 25May44.  Damaged while airborne 
					between Tadji and Hollandia 12Jun44, repaired.  FEASC Depot No 2.  Back to 5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS 
					08Nov44.   WFU 21Sep45 
				93241 (MSN 13131) to USAAF 26Apr44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X93 25May44.  WFU 13Nov45  
				93242 (MSN 13132) to USAAF 26Apr44.  5th AF 317th TCG 39th TCS as X18 25May44.  Struck wing tip of another a/c while 
					parking 25Aug44, repaired.  Control lost on take off because of left brake grabbing Leyte, Philippines
					31Dec44, hit ditch, salvaged 
				94243 (MSN 13133) to USAAF 27Apr44.  5th AF 375th TCG 55th TCS 25May44.  Damaged while parked Nadzab 16Jun44, 
					repaired.  Strafed Mindoro, Philippines 25Dec44, wing replaced.  FEAF 30Apr47.  SOC 29Apr48 
				93244 (MSN 13134) to USAAF 29Apr44.  13th AF 25May44.  Destroyed Dec 14, 1944
				93245 (MSN 13135) to USAAF 26Apr44.  13th AF 25May44.  WFU 08Jan48  
				93246 (MSN 13136) to USAAF 27Apr44.  13th AF 25May44.  To Philippine AF Apr 16, 1946.  W/o Apr 15, 1971 
					at Basa AB, Manila.
				93247 (MSN 13137) to USAAF 27Apr44.  12th AF 11Jun44.  US.  To RFC 22Sep45.  to civil registry as NC12 with CAA
					To NC54412 Sep 9, 1945.  To VT-COI Aug 23, 1947. W/o Nov 25, 1950 at Khita, Buthan.  
				93248 (MSN 13139) to USAAF 26Apr44.  12th AF 08Jun44.  US. To RFC 24Sep45.
					Nov 29, 1946 to F-BAXF for ETAT-Secretariat General
					A L Aviation civile et Commerciale.  Jan 10, 1951 to Compagnie Nationale
					Air France, Feb 13, 1951 to Societe Air Atlas, leased to Royal
					Air Maroc as CN-CCI.  To Royal Moroccan AF as 13139, call
					sign CN-ALK.  To Euroworld California Inc of Long Beach, CA
					May 19, 1978, bought and on civil registry as N9838A.  Certificate
					of registration has been revoked.
				93249 (MSN 13140)  to USAAF 27Apr44. 12th AF 11Jun44.  9th AF. FLC 24May46
					To TAP (Transportes Aereos de Portuguesa) Feb 5, 1947 as CS-TDG.
					In Sep 1958 to Government of Mozambique, operated by DETA (Direccao de
					Exploracao dos Transportes Aereos which became Linhas Aereas de Mocambique (LAM) in 1975)
					as CR-AGC named "MILANGE".  In 1972 to Portugal Forca Aerea Portugesa as
					FAP 6172.  Abandoned in Mozambique in 1974.  Preserved downtown Montepuez, Northern Mozambique (Noted in park
					in Montepuez Apr 2003)
				93250 (MSN 13141) to USAAF 27Apr44.  12th AF.  08Jun44.  US.  To RFC 27Sep45 
				93251 (MSN 13142) to USAAF 27Apr44.  12th AF 13Jun44.  US. To RFC 05Nov45
					 To French registry as F-BAXG SGACC R13Dec46.  Air France L 28Dec47.  Air Atlas L Nov50
					 Air France B27Apr53   F-SEBD Centre Nat, E Tel May64  " 13142" J Salis, La Ferte Alais  
					 Currently preserved at La Ferte-Alais Airport.  From
					 1996 to 2004 was painted as 43-15101, which was lost during Normandy landings Jun 6, 1944.
				93252 (MSN 13143) to USAAF 28Apr44.  12th AF 08Jun44.  US.  To RFC 22Sep45  
					sold on commercial market as  N2636.  MAY 57 YV-P-BPF, AUG 75 YV-32CP Mobil Oil Comp.
					converted as AMI DC-3 Turbo JAN 96 ZS-NKK with Airworld.  Crashed Aug 24, 1998 with Speed Service Couriers
					on takeoff from Pretoria, South Africa.  One killed.
				93253 (MSN 13144)  to USAAF 28Apr44.  12th AF 13Jun44.  9th AF.   FLC 10May46 
				93254 (MSN 13145) to USAAF 28Apr44.  12th AF 13Jun44.  9th AF.  W/o Aug 21, 1945 in takeoff accident 7 mi 
					S of Rome, Italy
				93255 (MSN 13146) to USAAF 28Apr44. 12th AF 13Jun44.   9th AF.   FLC 10May46   To Polish AF as No. 9.
				93256 (MSN 13147) to USAAF 28Apr44. 10th AF 28May44.  SOC Manila 30Sep47
				93257 (MSN 13149) to USAAF Apr 28, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG557 via RAF Montreal May 9, 1944.  
					353 Sqdn RAF May 19, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 9, 1945.
					435 Sqdn RAF Feb 8, 1946.  Transferred to RCAF Apr 1, 1946 as KG557.  429 Sqdn RCAF, Winnipeg,
					Manitoba.  Renumbered 12928 in 1970.  WFU Jan 18, 1975.
				93258 (MSN 13150) to USAAF Feb 28, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG558 via RAF Montreal May 4, 1944.
					To UK May 13, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 3, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Feb 2, 1946.  TCAEU RAF May 20 1946.  
					Connor Aircraft Dec 19, 1946.  Returned to USAF Mar 12, 1947.
					To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as LV-ADJ.  
					To Aerolineas Aeroposta.  To Aerolineas Argentinas.  To Lineas Aereas 
					del Estado (Argentine AF) as T-09.  Destroyed in 1968.
				93259 (MSN 13151) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG559 via RAF Montreal May 7, 1944.
					To UK May 13, 1944.  233 Sqdn Jun 10, 1944.  436 Sqdn RAF Sep 167, 1945.  435 Sqdn RAF May 27, 1946.
					To Canadian government Apr 8, 1946.  .  Transferred to RCAF as KG559
					Jul 20, 1946.  To Indian AF as BJ767 Mar 21, 1962.
				93260 (MSN 13152) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG560 via RAF Montrea May 6, 1944.  To RAF in UK
					May 12, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 3, 1944.  ACSEA May 16, 1945.  31 Sqdn RAF .  SOC Jul 11, 1946
					Listed as being w/o Sep 28, 1945 in Palembang, Netherland East Indies				
				93261 (MSN 13153) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG561 via RAF Montreal May 6, 1944.
					RAF UK May 13, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  10 Sqdn RAF. 1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945.
					1382 CU RAF.  22 MU RAF.  Returned to USAAF May 9, 1947.  Scottish Aviatin Ltd May 10, 1947
					To OO-ATU but NTU.  WFU
				93262 (MSN 13154) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG562 via RAF Montreal May 11, 1944.
					To UK May 18, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Jun 10, 1944.  436 Sqdn RAF Nov 7, 1945.  To
					Canadian givernment Apr 2, 1946. To RCAF Jun 2, 1946.  1 ANS "VCDHT" 1952.  To N6678
					Priority Air Transport system, Redwood City, ND Aug 1968.  Arctic S Pacific Co Fairbanks, AK Dec 1969.
					Priority Air Transport System Jack Richards Aircraft, Oklahoma City, OK 1971.  To CF-NAR Nordair
					May 21, 1971.  C-FNAR Survair Jul 15, 1976.  Crashed at Sagluk, Canada Feb 28, 1977.
				93263 (MSN 13155) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG563 via RAF Montreal May 11, 1944.
					to RAF in UK May 29, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF.  436 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.
					To Canadian government Apr 23, 1946.  To RCAF Oct 1, 1946.  To 115 Air Transport Unit L United
					Nations 1958.  To civil registry as CF-LFR at Felicien Air Services Ltd.  Stored Felicien,
					Quebec Dec 9, 1949, later C-FLFR in 1974.  Survair Ltd 1977.  Bradley Air Services, Carp, Ontario
					1978.  Current 2011.
				93264 (MSN 13156) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG564 via RAF Montreal May 6, 1944.
					271 Sqen RSAF May 14, 1944.  1382 TCU RAF Nov 27, 1945. 22 MU raF May 4, 1946. 
					To Canadair Jun 17. 1946.  Returned to USAAF Sep 23, 1946.  To Zonas
					Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as LV-ACI, to
					Aerloneas Aeropostas, to Aerolineas Argentinas, to private
					operators in Brazil as PP-XEU, to Cruzeiro
					do Sul as PP-CDN.  To Brazilian AF as FAB 2085.  To Rondonia Industria y
					Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-LBK.  To DATA (Dakota Taxo Aereo) as PT-LBK.  Destroyed
					while used by DATA  
				93265 (MSN 13157) to USAAF Apr 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG565 via RAF Montreal May 6, 1944.
					512 sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  1381 TCU RAF Jul 11, 1946.  22 MU RAF
					Oct 24, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jan 22, 1947.   To VH-SMH with Sydney Morning Herald Dec 9, 1946.
					John Fairfax and Sons Apr 16, 1946.  Crashed Oct 12, 1950 Bungulla, NSW, Australia
				93266 (MSN 13159) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG567 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					To UK Jun 5, 1944. 1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF.  22 MU RAF May 1, 1946.  
					To Canadair Sep 19, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Nov 18, 1946.  To Zonas Oeste y
					Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as LV-ACQ.  To
					Aerolineas Argentinas.  W/o May 20, 1955 while trying to take off 
					from Rio Chico (Chaco) Airfield at Santa Cruz on cargo
					flight.  On aborted takeoff the plane fell near the airfield.
					Both pilots OK
				93267 (MSN 13160)to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.   To RAF as Dakota III KG568 vi RAF Montreal May 8, 1944.
					To UK May 30p, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU RAF Sep 18, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Oct 5, 1944.  
					To RCAF Aug 26, 1946 as KG568.  111 Com and Rescue Flight RCAF c 1955.  To Indian AF as BJ763 Mar 21, 1962.
					WFU Sep 1965
				93268 (MSN 13161) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG569 via RAF Montreal May 16, 1944.
					To UK Aug 7, 1944.  147 Sqdn RAF Sep 9, 1944.  525 Sqdn RAF Feb 2, 1946.  22 MU RAF Apr 24, 1946.
					Returned to USAAF Jun 29, 1946.  To KLM Jun 24, 1946.  WFU.
				93269 (MSN 13162) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG570 via RAF Montreal May 5, 1944.
					To UK May 13, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  Missing from mission to Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 18, 1944.
				93270 (MSN 13163) to USAAF Apr 29, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG571 via RAF Nassau May 18, 1944.
					ACSEA Jun 13, 1944. TSTU RAF.  1334 CU RAF.  To Indian government Nov 28, 1946.  Transferred to Indian 
					AF as VP911 Sep 25, 1947.
				93271 (MSN 13164) to USAAF May 1, 1944.  To RAF in India as KG572  RAF Nassau 12May44  ACSEA RAF 18Jun44  
					194 Sqn RAF 12May44.  Sold to Indian Govt 30Jan47. Scottish Aviation Ltd 02Oct47.  G-AKJH Maharajah of Baroda 0lApr48   
					Skyways Ltd RI8May50  BEA  Edward Hillman" D21Nov50   Pionair 08May51 WAAC L Derby Aviation Ltd D17Apr61  
					Nigeria Airways L Derby Aviation Ltd  Monsaldale"  British Midland Airways 01Oct64  
					Gregory Air Svces D12Apr65  E1-ARR Emerald Airways L 15Jun67  G-AKJH Gregory Air Svces 05Dec67  
					VQ-ZJB Swazi Air 12Aug68  3D-AAH R Apr71  A2-ZHR Air Botswana Protea Airways Jul73   
					Botswana Air Service, Jan Smuts SKAT Protea Airways 04May77 via Aviation Equipment Pty Ltd 17May77  
					3700 Rhodesia AF 3 Sq 13May77 Zimbabwe AF 
				93272 (MSN 13165)  to USAAF 30Apr44.  To RAF in India as KG573 12May44  RAF Nassau 12May44  
					ACSEA 27Aug44  117 Sqn RAF    1331 CU RAF Risalpur   52 Sqn RAF   to Indian Government 30Jan47 WFU  
					to VT-DBA.  W/O at Katmandhu, Nepal 15May56  
				93273 (MSN 13166)  to USAAF 01May44.  To RAF in India as KG574 16May44 RAF Nassau 16May44. SEAAC 13Jun44  
					194 Sqn RAF.   MIA from supply dropping mission 12Oct44  
				93274 (MSN 13167) to USAAF May 1, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG575 via RAF Nassau May 7, 1944.
					SEAAC Jun 13, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  436 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  Tail struck by vehicle while parked, Patenga,
					Bangladesh Jul 12, 1945.  SOC Jul 26, 1945.
				93275 (MSN 13169) to USAAF 01May44. 10th AF.  W/o Sep 29, 1944 in landing accident at Shingbweyang, Burma
				93276 (MSN 13170) to USAAF 01May44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 15Jun44.   Chungking 31Jul44.   
					Karachi 10Nov44. "AAB" 30Apr47 Chungking.  FLC 20Aug47
				93277 (MSN 13171) to USAAF 01May44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 12Jun44.  Salvaged 19Aug45   
				93278 (MSN 13172) to USAAF 01May44.  9th AF 03Jun44 Neth/Belgium.  W/o Sep 8, 1944, Exeter, UK
				93279 (MSN 13173) to USAAF 01May44.  9th AF 28May44.  US 27Jul45.  RFC 22Oct45.  
					To Air France leased to Air Atlas as F-BAXJ, to Deutsche. Flugttpt GmbHB as 
					D-CABA, to Skyways as G-APBP, VP-TBW (Trinidad & Tobago), 9Y-TBW for 
					British West Indian Airlines, Sep 22, 1967 purchased by Surinaamse Luchtvaart 
					Maatschappij (SLM) of Surinam and registered as PZ-TAY. Sep 22, 1970 registration 
					cancelled and aircraft broken up
				93280 (MSN 13174) to USAAF 03May44. 11th AF Elmendorf 09Jun44.  To RFC 30Jun46  
					To NC91053 with Morrison-Knudsen and Co. Inc of 
					Boise, ID in 1945, then reregistered as N65MK; bought by CASI (Continental 
					Air Services Inc, an Asian subsidiary of Continental Airlines) as N650K 
					November 1965 and sold to Air Alliance (a rather mysterious 
					outfit, ostensibly a Seletar-based brokerage marketing used piston-engined 
					transport aircraft) October 1973 and leased to Sahakol Air 1974/5 (Sahakol 
					Air/Sahakol Air Cargo, a subsidiary of Bangkok United Mechanical Co, was a 
					legitimate firm formed to carry out contract work on behalf of the US Agency 
					for International Development, the US Embassy and the US Drug 
					Enforcement Agency. It was however, doubtless used as an acceptable 'front' 
					contractor for operations in which Air America or CASI would have been seen 
					to be 'unacceptably American'). Returned to Air Alliance and to Yemen Airways 
					1976 as 4W-ABY.  DBR on landing at Marib, N. Yemen Nov 14, 1978.
				93281 (MSN 13175) to USAAF 03May44.  6th AF Canal Zone 18May44.   Chile 03Sep46
				93282 (MSN 13176) to USAAF 03May44.  no card.  converted to VC-47A. WFU May72.  To N61724 1973.  WFU
				93283 (MSN 13177) to USAAF 03May44.  Alaska TSP 06May44.  US until 22Jul47.  FLC Rockliffe.  
					To RCAF 26Sep47.  To Hollinger Ungava Transport and operated by Wheeler Airlines
					as CF-DME.  After an accident in Canada it was rebuilt as N2719A.
					To N7147, to Faucett Peru as OB-PBJ-544, still Faucett Peru as OB-R-544. 
					Sold to Peruvian Navy as AT-521.  Sold to Hel Peruano as OB-1756 in 2001.
					To Aerolineas de La Paz at Villavicencio as HK-4292.  Still active
42-93284/93823		Douglas C-47A-25-DK Skytrain
				MSNs beginning with 13179 and ending with 13777, with entries ending with '8' skipped.
				93284 (MSN 13179) to USAAF Apr 25, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17208 Apr 25, 1944
				93285 (MSN 13180) to USAAF May 3, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17210 May 3, 1944
				93286 (MSN 13181) to USAAF May 3, 1944.  North Africa TSP 14Jul44.  India-China ATC 16Aug44.  Cairo  
					SOC 30Aug46.  To ET-T-2 of Ethiopian Air Lines Mar46.  To ET-AAP 21Jul62.  W/O at Ogaden Ethiopia Aug77
				93287 (MSN 13182)  to USAAF  03May44.  India-China ATC 06Jul44.  North Africa TSP 14Jul44.  
					India-China ATC 16Aug44.  Cairo. FLC 30Aug46.  To ZS-BCA Avair T’port  (Jul 1, 1946), to G-AJDE ( Sep 27, 1948), to VP-KGL Skyways on
                     		(May 19, 1949), to ZS-DBV (Dec 15, 1949), to G-AJDE BEA (May 10, 1950) , to PH-SSM   Transaero (Feb 3, 1961), 
					to Martins Air Charter (Jan  14, 1966) & broken up 1967 following corrosion due to acid cargo leak.
				93288 (MSN 13183)  to USAAF 03May44.  India-China ATC 31May44.  North Africa TSP.  FLC 23Apr46.  
					TC-ATA Devlet Hava Yollari "36" 22May46.   THY "36" 01Mar56.  WFU Istanbul, Yesilkoy 1964  
					Maden Tek 07Nov74 dismantled by Feb76 .
				93289 (MSN 13184) to USAAF 03May44. India-China ATC 19Aug44. US 04Nov45.  WAA 07Jun46.
					NC79971 Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co, Minneapolis, MN 1951.  Ontario Airways inc Jun63  
					Jack Adams Aircraft Sales  Air Orlando Inc.  Continental Air Svces, Los Angeles, CA US  
					US XW -PDG Rr Aug66 WFU
				93290 (MSN 13185) to USAAF 03May44.  India-China ATC 15Aug44  Karachi.   Indian Govt 10Apr46
				93291 (MSN 13186) to USAAF 03May44.  India-China ATC 18Aug44  Karachi.   China Air TSP 05Jan46  
					To civil registry Central Air Transport Corporation as XT-T10 05Jan46  to N8325C
				93292 (MSN 13187) to USAAF 03May44. India-China ATC 19Aug44.  European TSP. FLC 17Apr46 
				93293 (MSN 13189) to USAAF 03May44.   India-China ATC 17Aug44.  Karachi.  To Indian Government 10Apr46  
				93294 (MSN 13190) to USAAF May 3, 1944.  India-China ATC 17Aug44  Karachi.   To Indian Government 10Apr46 
				93295 (MSN 13191) to USAAF 03May44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS 04Mar44.  to 5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS 15May45  
					Flown over Corregidor by Hamilton.  W/o Aug 5, 1945 Lalmanirhat, India
				93296 (MSN 13192) to USAAF 03May44.  North Africa TSP 16Jul44.  Cairo.  FLC 31Dec45.  
					To LR-AAA with Middle East Airlines Nov 23, 1945.  W/o Jan 30, 1948 at Beirut IAP following ground 
					collision with Ju-52/3m
				93297 (MSN 13193) to USAAF 03May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Manila. WFU 31Dec45.  To PI-C14.  W/O at Jolo  20Apr48 
				93298 (MSN 13194) to USAAF 03May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Manila.   FEAT 04Mar46.  by 1954 was PI-C41 of Philippine Air Lines.
					Operated by All Nippon Airways as JA5024 was DBR at Toyama Airport, Japan Oct 29, 1963.  Later put on
					display at Sakurayama amusement park, Fukagawa-shi and scrapped Nov 2000.
				93299 (MSN 13195) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Manila.  Salvaged 12Dec45  
				93300 (MSN 13196) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Salvaged 23Nov45  
				93301 (MSN 13197) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Reportedly w/o Sep 3, 1945.
				93302 (MSN 13199) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  Tacloban
					Struck 42-93306 on ground at Madzab Strp, PNG Aug 31, 1945.  Both aircraft w/o.
				93303 (MSN 13200) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila. WFU 16Aug47  
				93304 (MSN 13201) to USAAF 05May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila. WFU 25Jul46  
				93305 (MSN 13202) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila. WFU 29Oct45  
				93306 (MSN 13203) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila. WFU 29Oct45  
				93307 (MSN 13204) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44.  W/o Feb 13, 1945 in landing accident Port Moresby, 
					Jackson Field, Papua New Guinea.
				93308 (MSN 13205) to USAAF 04May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila. WFU 08Dec45
				93309 (MSN 13206) to USAAF 05May44.  Pacific TSP 17May44. Manila.  Damaged Apr 17, 1945 in landing accident 
					Hollandia/Sentani Strip, Pauua New Guinea
				93310 (MSN 13207) to USAAF 05May44.  Pacific TSP 22May44. Manila. WFU 31Dec45 
					To NEIAF as DT-952 Jul 1947, callsign VH-REF.  TO KLM as PK-REF in 1950,
					later PK-VDO. To Indonesian AF as TNI-AU T-452 Jun50.  To PK-VDO Apr80. WFU Sep81 
				93311 (MSN 13209) to USAAF 05May44.  Pacific TSP 25May44. Manila. WFU 14May46   
				93312 (MSN 13210) to USAAF 5May44. Pacific TSP 17May44. Tacloban, Philippines.  Flown with Australian radio
					callsign VHPAL.
					To Marine Luchtvaartdienst (MLD) (Netherlands Naval Aviation Service) as Q-12. To Netherlands 
					East Indies Navy as W-12. While on a flight from Sydney, Australia to Jakarta, Netherlands East Indies, 
					the aircraft was struck by lightning and made a forced landing in a gorge near Katherine, 
					320 kilometres southeast of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia 26Mar47. All six people on 
					board survived, and the cargo was undamaged. It took six weeks to get the plane out of the 
					bush and to the main road where it could be towed the rest of the way. Creeks and rivers 
					were the worst obstacles, necessitating levelling banks and laying wire mesh and logs 
					in the beds. On one occasion, while negotiating a steep hill, the tow rope broke, and the 
					plane ran down the slope, crashing into a tree and damaging the fuselage. Original plans 
					were to send the plane to Sydney to be rebuilt. But the plane never made it to the New South Wales 
					capital. Brisbane-based KLM Royal Dutch Airlines caught wind of the crash. It was just the 
					thing they needed, the body of a plane to test out their overhauled engines. A disused aeroplane 
					would be ideal for this purpose, so this aircraft was unloaded in Brisbane. The wingless
					plane spent two years there, before it was purchased by a marine plumber in 1950. He built his 
					motorhome, based on a 1940 Chevrolet International KB-5 truck chassis, and had ten years 
					of joy out of it before an accident left him with injuries to his legs. He could no longer drive, 
					and so the van was put on ice for decades. A service engineer was called out to do some work 
					at the owner's company.That's where he saw the truck and fell in love with it. When the owner 
					died in 1990, the camper van was left in his Will to the service engineer. By 1995 it was ready 
					to hit the road once more. The campervan is a familiar sight in the Samford Valley, just 
					outside of Brisbane. Currently roadworthy with Queensland number plate VHDAK.
					Now drives around Australia as a camper.
				93313 (MSN 13211) to USAAF May 5, 1944.  To USSR May 18, 1944
				93314 (MSN 13212) to USAAF May 6, 1944.  To USSR May 30, 1944
				93315 (MSN 13213) to USAAF May 6, 1944.  To USSR May 24, 1944
				93316 (MSN 13214) to USAAF May 6, 1944.  TO USSR May 15, 1944
				93317 (MSN 13215) to USAAF May 6, 1944.  To USSR May 13, 1944
				93318 (MSN 13216) to USAAF May 6, 1944.  To USSR May 18, 1944
				93319 (MSN 13217) to USAAF May 9, 1944.  To USSR May 21, 1944.  To Polish AF as No 10.
				93320 (MSN 13219) to USAAF May 8, 1944.  To USSR May 30, 1944
				93321 (MSN 13220) to USAAF May 8, 1944.  To USSR May 30, 1944
				93322 (MSN 13221) to USAAF May 9, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17211 May 9, 1944
				93323 (MSN 13222) to USAAF May 9, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17212 May 9, 1944
				93324 (MSN 13223) to USAAF May 9, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17213 May 9, 1944
				93325 (MSN 13224) to USAAF May 10, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17214 May 10, 1944
				93326 (MSN 13225) to USAAF May 11, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17215 May 11, 1944
				93327 (MSN 13226) to USAAF May 11, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17216 May 11, 1944
				93328 (MSN 13227) to USAAF May 12, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17217 May 12, 1944
				93329 (MSN 13229) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					crashed into a hill in Burma Man 18, 1945, possibly shot down by ground fire.
				93330 (MSN 13230)  Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, 
					Karachi, India 1Jun44; 9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					accident landing at Mawlu, Burma 25Nov44; salvaged 30Nov44
				93331 (MSN 13231) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 10Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Mistri Airways 4Jun46; registered VT-AUI; 
					named ‘Star of Nagpur’; renamed Indian Overseas Airlines 1947; Nalanda Airways 29Jan51; 
					RG Satiarli 20Sep51; Air Survey Co of India 25Mar54; Airways India, Ltd 5Nov56; 
					Air Survey Company of India, Calcutta; WFU 1980; derelict at Kolkatta Jan09.
					The Dakota was rescued from the brink of extinction by the state government, 
					prompted by well-intentioned officials of the government and moved to Odisha 1Jan23. 
					Painted in Kalinga Airlines colours but never operated by that airline. 
					Dedicated to Biju Patnaik, former chief minister of Orissa who founded Kalinga Airlines. 
					Chief Minister of Odisha state, Shri Naveen Patnaik unveiled the preserved Dakota for 
					public viewing at Biju Patnaik airport, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 5Mar23
				93332 (MSN 13232) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Mistri Airways 29Apr46; 
					registered VT-AZU; named ‘Star of Lucknow’; renamed Indian Overseas Airlines 1947; 
					Metcaero Engineering Co 24May51; Indamer Co (Pvt) Ltd; Indamer Corporation; registered N2426C 24Feb55, 
					cancelled 5Mar55;registered VT-AZU; leased to Gulf Aviation, 1958; Kalinga Airways 16Dec60; 
					Si Calcutta Jan69; Indian Air Survey 1978
				93333 (MSN 13233) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					damaged at Sookerating 5Aug44; 11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Moran, Assam, India; 
					damaged taxying at Dinjan 20Dec44; damaged landing at Bhamo, Burma 22Dec44;  destroyed on 
					ground in bombing raid Dec 25, 1944 Bhamo Strip, Burma
				93334 (MSN 13234) Delivered to USAAF 5May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra
					-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 9th Combat 
					Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India.  Hit high ground on supply mission 
					Jun 3, 1944 near Myitkyina, Burma.
				93335 (MSN 13235) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India.  W/o Jul 24, 1944 in 
					landing accident Tingkawk, Sakan, Burma
				93336 (MSN 13236) Delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India;  Transferred to Central 
					Air Transport Corporation Dec 29, 1945.  Crew bailed out at Zhenyuan County, Guizhou, en route 
					Shanghai to Kunming, China Mar 31, 1946.
				93337 (MSN 13237) Delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged in forced 
					landing Irrawaddy River, Burma 2Feb45.
				93338 (MSN 13239) Delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged taking 
					off at Warazup, Burma 31Mar45; Crashed into a mountain 13 km NW of Mabein, Burma 19May45
				93339 (MSN 13240) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 1304th Base Unit, Air Transport Command, Barrackpore, India; 
					Crashed Jan 29, 1946 in a forced landing at Barrackpore AB, India shortly after takeoff en-route to Delhi.
				93340 (MSN 13241) Delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Salalah; Crashed 3Jun1944 at Salalah, Sultanate of Muscat and Oman, due to engine 
					failure taking off during the ferry flight from USA to India.
				93341 (MSN 13242) lost Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; crashed on a mountain 
					near Warazup, Burma Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7176 and 7292
				93342 (MSN 13243) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; China 10Sep45
				93343 (MSN 13244) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 11Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; crash landed at 
					Momauk, Burma after an enemy fighter attack.
				93344 (MSN 13245) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 2Jun44; 9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Damaged landing at Bhamo, Burma 25May45; Tata Airlines 13Dec45; registered VT-AUA; 
					Air India 19Nov46; Indian Airlines Corporation 1Aug53; destroyed when HP Hermes 
					G-AKFP landed on it at Dum Dum Airport, Calcutta, India 1Sep57, four crew killed. In bad weather, 
					the Hermes had lined up an approach to the wrong runway; the Indian Airlines DC-3 has just 
					been cleared to line up and hold. On landing, the Hermes struck the DC-3.
				93345 (MSN 13246) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 9th Combat 
					Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged landing at Myitkyina, 
					Burma 25Jul44; 62nd Army Airways Communications System Group, Chabua, Assam, India; 
					W/o in takeoff accident Apr 23, 1945 at Rumkhapalong, India
				93346 (MSN 13247) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 1Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; To Indian Government 10Apr46
				93347 (MSN 13249) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 8Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 16th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					4th Combat Cargo Group, Ledo, Assam, India; damaged taking off at Ledo 17Sep45; 
					To Indian Government 10Apr46.
				93348 (MSN 13250) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano; 
					Damaged by C-46A 42-61035 taking off at Kano, Nigeria 27May44 during the ferry flight 
					from USA to India; Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; 9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 14Aug44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India.  
					Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
				93349 (MSN 13251) Delivered to USAAF 8May44; Bond Project Squadron A-1, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; missing en route between 
					Dinjan and Myitkyina 24Jul44 while on an air supply flight in poor visibility.  MACR 7293
				93350 (MSN 13252) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 8Jun44; 
					12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; w/o Jun 22, 1944 
					in crash 181 mi NE of Fenny AB, India.  Crashed in poor weather, at least one occupant was killed.
				93351 (MSN 13253) delivered to USAAF 7May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Indian Overseas Airlines "Star of Cawnpore" 4Mar46; 
					Registered VT-AZV; Air Friends Ltd, Calcutta 6Feb51; Jamair Co Ltd 27Apr51; Kalinga Airways Jun58; 
					to Jamair as VT-AZV.  W/o Dec 7, 1961 at Amritsar, India shortly after takeoff.  Both engines failed 
					as a result of fuel starvation caused by the improper selection of the fuel tanks.
				93352 (MSN 13254) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; United Nations 
					Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) 20Feb46; Yugoslav Air Force / Jugoslovensko 
					Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) serial 7303; Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 12Aug47; 
					registered YU-ABC; crashed Yugoslavia 21 September 1950. The aircraft was operating a 
					scheduled flight from Belgrade to Pula with a stopover at Lu?ko. Approaching Zagreb 
					on a westerly heading on the leg from Belgrade, the aircraft is likely to have descended into fog. 
					In the process, it had apparently deviated from its course, bypassed Lu?ko by several 
					kilometers and impacted into the slope of the Medvednica mountain some 650 ft below 
					its 3,395 ft peak of Sljeme. Of the 11 people on board, the only survivor was the radio operator.
				93353 (MSN 13255) delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; condemned Chungking, 
					China 28Feb46; salvaged; derelict at Kiangwan, Shanghai Feb46
				93354 (MSN 13256) to F-BCYA, F-VNAF, South Vietnam AF.  Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project 
					Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; 
					ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; 
					Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Army-Navy Liquidation Commission (ANLC) 7Oct45; 
					registered F-BCYA 2Dec47; Union Francaise / Haut Commissariat de France en Indochine, Saigon 13Jan48; 
					Gouvernement Central du Vietnam 2Oct51; Société Air Vietnam; registered F-VNAF 21Nov51; 
					Vietnam Air Force as 293354 Nov53.
				93355 (MSN 13257) delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 1Jun44; 2nd Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					1st Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India 7Jul44; 11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, 13Jul44; damaged landing 13Jul44; Chungking, China; 
					Tachikawa, Japan 1Jan48; reclaimed 7Jul48.
				93356 (MSN 13259) delivered to USAAF 9May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 4th Combat Cargo Squadron, 1st Combat Cargo Group, 
					Chungking, China Jan45; Army-Navy Liquidation Commission (ANLC) 22Nov45; Maharaja of Jaipur; 
					registered VT-AXF 31Jan46; Air Services of India May46; Indamer Co (Pvt) Ltd Dec57; 
					leased to Gulf Aviation Ltd 1958; Kalinga Airways 16Dec60; Indamer Co (Pvt) Ltd; WFU.
				93357 (MSN 13260) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Destroyed in a ground collision Mu Se, Burma 5Feb45.
				93358 (MSN 13261) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged landing at Myitkyina, 
					Burma 3Aug44; Army-Navy Liquidation Commission (ANLC) 2Nov45
				93359 (MSN 13262) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-2, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano; 
					Damaged by C-46A 42-61035 taking off at Kano, Nigeria 27May44 during the ferry flight from USA to India; 
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 14Aug44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Overshot landing at Mu Se, Burma 6Feb45; destroyed by fire 7Aug45
				93360 (MSN 13263) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron; shot down near Moguang, Burma 30Jun44; landing accident 1Mar45 at Warazup Strip, 
					Burma.  salvaged 2May45
				93361 (MSN 13264) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged taxying 7Jul44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group; damaged landing at Bhamo, Burma 5May45; China 9Dec45
				93362 (MSN 13265) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; damaged taxying 22Jun44; 
					SOC 4Dec45; Deccan Airways, named "Savithri"; registered VT-AUO 21Dec45;  W/o Nov 21, 1951 when 
					crashed on approach to Dum Dum Airport, Calcutta, India in bad weather.  16 killed, one survived.
				93363 (MSN 13266) delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					damaged taxying at Ledo, India 13Apr45; salvaged Chungking, China 15Dec46; reclaimed 24Oct47
				93364 (MSN 13267) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Commission on Aeronautical Affairs (COAA), 
					Chinese National Revolutionary Army 31Jan46
				93365 (MSN 13269) Delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-
					Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 2Jun44; 11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; mid air collision 29Jul44; 9th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group; damaged Jul 29, 1944 in midair collision with C-47A 42-93751.   
					Crashed while on a supply dropping mission out of Warazup, Burma 9Dec44.  MACR 10393.  5 crew and 5 
					passengers missing
				93366 (MSN 13270) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; THE GIG; damaged beyond repair at Dinjan, India 11Apr45; 
					salvaged 15Apr45.
				93367 (MSN 13271) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 322nd Troop Carrier Squadron, Kunming, China
					W/o Apr 28, 1945 in takeoff accident at Barrackpore AB, India
				93368 (MSN 13272) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-7, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 8Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; to Indian Government 10Apr46
				93369 (MSN 13273) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; THE VIRGIN STURGEON ;  
					Chungking, China; salvaged 24Oct45
				93370 (MSN 13274) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-7, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Commission on 
					Aeronautical Affairs (COAA), Chinese National Revolutionary Army 15Feb46
				93371 (MSN 13275) Delivered to USAAF 10May44; Bond Project Squadron A-7, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Missing en route between Imphal and Sylhet Jul 15, 1944.  MACR 10722.
				93372 (MSN 13276) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-3, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 443rd Troop Carrier Group, Sookerating, India; crashed at 
					Sookerating 15Jun44.  MACR 6297
				93373 (MSN 13277) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, 
					Karachi, India 6Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; to Indian Government 10Apr46
				93374 (MSN 13279) to USAAF May 15, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17219 May 15, 1944
				93375 (MSN 13280) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, 
					Karachi, India 5Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; salvaged 14Jul44
				93376 (MSN 13281) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 7Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; To Indian Government 10Apr46
				93377 (MSN 13282) Delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-4, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, 
					Karachi, India 5Jun44; 10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India.
					Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945	
				93378 (MSN 13283) delivered to USAAF 11May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Crashed when a supply drop parachute caught on the tail 20 miles N of Namtu, Burma 20Jan45; 
					Condemned 21Jan45
				93379 (MSN 13284) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-4, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; shot down near Bhamo, 
					Burma Dec 14, 1944.  MACR 10398
				93380 (MSN 13285) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-7, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; sold 10Apr46; Indian Overseas Airlines "Star of Delos";  
					Registered VT-AZX 4Mar46; Maharaja of Darbhanga 17Feb50; Kalinga Airlines; crashed Simra, Nepal 30Aug55, 
					A person crossing the runway forced the crew to lift off at too low speed, the aircraft stalled 
					and crashed.  2 lost.  Possibly used to repair VTDGT Oct 30, 1965 at Simra, Nepal
				93381 (MSN 13286) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; w/o Jul 8, 1945 in 
					takeoff accident Luliang, China.  Salvaged at Chungking, China 16Jul45
				93382 (MSN 13287) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 5Jun44; 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Chungking, China; SOC 1May46				
				93383 (MSN 13289) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 
					6Jun44; 12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Damaged by bird strike near Moran 6Oct44; Commission on Aeronautical Affairs (COAA), 
					Chinese National Revolutionary Army 31Jan46
				93384 (MSN 13290) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 4th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					1st Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet; Indian Government 10Apr46; Airways (India) Ltd; 
					registered VT-CSB Feb48; Indian Airlines Corporation 1Aug53; Indian Air Force 24Mar62 
					as serial BJ617; National Remote Sensing Agency 1976; registered VT-EEL; 
					Crashed Edavlli, Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, 120 miles N of Madras 5Apr77. 
					The aircraft was engaged on an aerial survey sortie in the foothills East of Velikonda 
					range in Andhra Pradesh, India. The prevailing weather conditions over the survey 
					region during the period were a cloud base varying from 600 m to 750 m. 
					The pilot who was flying at an altitude of 2000 ft when he arrived at the survey area, 
					most probably took a left-hand turn circumventing the highest peak in the 
					area (Nisam Konda 2181 feet high) and then started to descend with the aim 
					to get below the cloud base for visual flight. During the process, the pilot 
					did not see a jutting out rock face on the adjacent hill, Podille Konda, 
					which probably was obscured by a patch of low cloud. The aircraft collided with the 
					rock face and caught fire.
				93385 (MSN 13291) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-
					Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Crashed while 
					on a supply dropping mission out of Dinjan, India.  Jun 28, 1944.  MACR 6453.  8 crew MIA
				93386 (MSN 13292) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-
					Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, 
					India 13Jun44; 11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					332nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 513th Troop Carrier Group; Chungking, China 30Apr47; 
					Foreign Liquidation Commission 20Aug47
				93387 (MSN 13293) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; destroyed by fire at 
					Dinjan, India 9Aug44; salvaged 11Aug44
				93388 (MSN 13294) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; SOC 7Mar46; Air Services of India Ltd 5Mar46; 
					registered VT-AXD; Crashed at Juhu, Bombay 9May53, the undercarriage was retracted on takeoff, 
					before becoming airborne and the aircraft settled back on its fuselage.
				93389 (MSN 13295) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Indian Government 5Feb46; Airways (India) Ltd; 
					Registered VT-AVT 10Jan46; Indian Airlines Corporation 1Aug53; Indian Air Force 24Mar62 as serial BJ618;
				93390 (MSN 13296) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-5, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-Kano-Khartoum-
					Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 5Jun44; 10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 
					3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; Chungking; SOC 1Aug46; Central Air Transport Corporation; 
					registered XT-T31; registered N8326C; C L Chennault & W Willauer, CATC Inc 19Dec49; 
					Civil Air Transport Inc, Dover, DE Dec53; registered N4660V 29Sep53, cancelled 2Mar54 on export to Panama; 
					Sun Valley Airlines; LAN Chile Feb54; registered CC-CBJ; registered CC-CLDT; registered CC-CBX 1963; 
					Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil Apr72; preserved and on display [as CC-CLDT] at Museo Nacional 
					Aeronáutico y del Espacio, Los Cerrillos, Santiago de Chile
				93391 (MSN 13297) delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Morrison Field, 
					West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-Accra-
					Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India.  Crashed Apr 11, 1945, Makum, India
				93392 (MSN 13299) Delivered to USAAF 12May44; Bond Project Squadron A-6, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, 
					Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, FL; ferried Morrison-San Juan-Georgetown-Belem-Natal-Ascension-
					Accra-Kano-Khartoum-Aden-Al Masirah-Karachi; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India  7Jun44; 
					12th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; 
					Damaged landing at Myitkyina, Burma 26Jul44; condemned 27Jul44, structural failure
				93393 (MSN 13300) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  to RAF in UK as Dakota III KG577 via RAF Montreal May 19, 1944.
					To UK Jun 4, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU RAF Sep 18, 1944. 437 Sqen RAF Sep 28, 1944.  
					To RCAF as KG577 Aug 26, 1946.  1 ANS "VCGSF" 1952.  Reserialled as 12929 Jun 1970.  WFU.
					To CF-OOV Kenting Atlas Aviation Ltd Mar 13, 1972 and W/o Feb 12, 1973 Iqaluit, NWT.
				93394 (MSN 13301) to USAAF 13May44.  To RAF as Dakota III KG578 RAF Montreal 17May44  RAF UK 
					194 Sqn RAF 13Jun44  107 OTU RAF 02Jul44  1333 TSCU RAF.  22 MU RAF 06Sep46   Sold Nov 7, 1947.  
					To KLM as PH-TEV.  To KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf as PJ-ALI in 1946. 
					Sold to United Fruit Company, Honduras, to XH-T-001, AX-ANA of Aerovias Nacionales de Honduras.  
					Reregistered Feb 1961 as HR-ANA.  Crashed Nov 25, 1969 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 
				93395 (MSN 13302) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF in UK as Dakota III KG579 via RAF Montreal May 26, 1944.
					48 Sqdn RAF Jun 12. 1944.  Shot down by Fw 190s near Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 21, 1944.
				93396 (MSN 13303) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG580 via RAF Montreal May 19, 1944.
					To UK Jun 4, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU RAF Sep 18, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 5, 1945.
					436th Sqdn RAF May 17, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  To RCAF as KG580 Jul 20, 1946.  
					14 P Sqdn RCAF c Sep 1946.  Renumbered 12930 in Jun 1970.  Crashed Arctic, Canada Nov 3, 1971.
					On US civil registry as N64767 since 1984.
				93397 (MSN 13304) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG581 via RAF Montreal May 19, 1944.
					RAF UK Aug 20, 1944.  108 OTU RAF Nov 24, 1944. 1382 (TS)CU. To Scottish Aviation Feb 4, 1947.  
					Returned to USAAF Feb 4, 1947. To G-AKIJ with BEA Sep 18, 1947. To VR-NCP
					W. African Airways Corp Jan 3, 1958 "Zaria", Nigerian Airways Jun 1958 at 5N-AAP, to Niger AF Aug 4, 1967.
					WFU Lagos Jan 1972.  Broken up 1977/78
				93398 (MSN 13305) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG582 via RAF Montreal May 18, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 1, 1944.  512Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  525 Sqdn RAF Mar 14, 1946.  22 MU RAF May 16, 1946.
					Transferred to Ethiopian AF Jul 22, 1946.  FLC Oct 22, 1946.
					To ET-T-16 of Ethiopian Air Lines Inc May 28, 1947.  Crashed Sep 5, 1961 Sendafar, Ethiopia, 5 lost
				93399 (MSN 13306) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG583 via RAF Montreal May 17, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 21, 1944.  1381 (T)CU RAQF.  22 MU RAF Jul 10, 1946.  Sold to Primeras Lineas Uruguayas
					de Navigacion Aeres as CX-AGD Sep 28, 1946.  FLC Nov 1, 1946.  To Uruguayan AF as FAU 525 May 1972.
					WFU 1973.
				93400 (MSN 13307) to USAAF May 13, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG584 via RAF MOntreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 4, 1944. 1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU RAF Sep 18, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944. 
					Attached to 271 Sqdn, flew into Leith Hill, Surrey UK in low cloud Dec 10, 1944.
				93401 (MSN 13309) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG586 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  With 233 Sqdn crashed w of DZ Buunderkamp,
					Netherlands Sep 21, 1944
				93402 (MSN 13310) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  to RCAF as Dakota III KG587 via RAF Montreal May 21, 1944.
					RAF UK May 29, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 8, 145.  436 Sqdn RAF Feb 17, 1946.
					Sold to Canadian government Jun 30, 1946.  T0 RCAF as KG587 Aug 26, 1946  440 S&R Sqdn RCAF, Winnipeg,
					Manitoba.  Renumbered 12931 in 1970.  To C-GXAU, C-GRTM May 4, 1979 and N115SA Dec 3, 1985.  Current 2011.
				93403 (MSN 13311) delivered to USAAF 15May44; delivered to Royal Air Force 18May44 as Dakota III, serial KG588 at 
					Dorval, Montreal; No.108 Operational Training Unit 31Oct44; No.1382 (Transport) Conversion Unit, 
					Wymeswold 23Jun46; No.22 Maintenance Unit, RAF Silloth, Cumberland 6May46; Conner Aircraft 19Dec46; 
					Foreign Liquidation Commission (FLC 24Mar47); Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 19Jun47; registered YU-ABD; 
					Yemen Airlines; Registered 4W-ABG Jul69; Ethiopian Airlines; Registered ET-AHR May81; 
					Damaged when the main gear collapsed landing at Dessie-Combolcha Airport, Ethiopia 7Oct81; 
					Destroyed Kombolcha, Ethiopia Oct 7, 1981 when struck by a crashing Mil Mi-24 helicopter
				93404 (MSN 13312) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF as KG589 via RAF MOntreal May 21, 1944.  
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 28 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF 
					Dec 26, 1945.  1382 (T)CU Jun 5, 1946.  WFU.  To SAS Oct. 01, 1946 as OY-AIB, 
					then SE-BSI (Named Ravn Viking) Nov 6, 1951, next to France May 15, 1953 as F-BGXD for  
					Aigle-Azur.  Crashed on takeoff from Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam Jan 31, 1954
					when undercarriage retracted prior to liftoff.  DBR but no fatalities
				93405 (MSN 13313) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF as KG590 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.  RAF UK May 31, 1944.
					512 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  Crashed at Hannover, Germany May 25, 1945. To instructional airframe 5566M.
				93406 (MSN 13314) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF as KG591 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944. Struck by C-53 42-68806 on
					ground at Northolt, UK Nov 13, 1944.
				93407 (MSN 13315) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  Lend-Lease to RAF as Dakota III, serial KG592 at Dorval, 
					Montreal 20May44. ? 45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Ferried Dorval, Montreal to UK, 
					arriving 28May44. ? 48 Squadron, Down Ampney, Cirencester, Gloucestershire 16Jun44. 
					On 10Sep44 the plane flew to Melsbroek (B-58), Brussels, Belgium. The purpose was to collect 
					casualties from a base hospital and bring them back to England. On board were two nurses for this 
					purpose. The plane landed at Melsbroek but upon landing it had a flat tail wheel. After they 
					landed the crew immediately requested a tyre replacement. After waiting two to three days for 
					the replacement wheel without receiving it, the two nurses decided to hitch a ride back to 
					England with whatever was leaving. On 19Sep44 a replacement wheel was flown to Melsbroek, 
					but No.48 Squadron was then heavily involved in Operation Market Garden. Only on 26Sep44 
					did the Commanding Officer realize that he had lost track of KG592 and its four crew. 
					The appropriate flight commander and his deputy were despatched to Belgium but could not find 
					any trace of the Dakota or the crew. A Court of inquiry held 14Nov44 was unable to conclude 
					when the aircraft left Melsbroek or the circumstances of its disappearance. It was presumed 
					to have been lost over the English Channel.
				93408 (MSN 13316) to USAAF May 15, 1944.  To RAF as KG593 via RAF MOntreal May 19, 1944. 
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  Crashed Croydon, UK Nov 1, 1944.
					To instructional airframe 4957M.
				93409 (MSN 13317) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as KG594 via RAF Montreal May 22, 1944.
					RAF UK May 30 1944. 1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1382 TCU RAF Apr 17, 1945.
					One of the propellers would not unfeather, lost height and bellylanded 
					in a field 3 km SE of Wymeswold, UK Apr 17, 1946. Crew OK.
				93410 (MSN 13319) to USAAF May 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17221 May 21, 1944
				93411 (MSN 13320) to USAAF May 17, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17222 May 17, 1944
				93412 (MSN 13321) to USAAF May 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17223 May 21, 1944
				93413 (MSN 13322) to USAAF May 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17224 May 21, 1944
				93414 (MSN 13323) to USAAF May 20, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17225 May 20, 1944
				93415 (MSN 13324) to USAAF May 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17226 May 21, 1944
				93416 (MSN 13325) to USAAF May 21, 1944, to US Marine Corps as R4D-5 BuNo 17227 May 21, 1944
				93417 (MSN 13326) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG595 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944. 1333 (TS)CU RAF.  22 MU RAF Aug 26, 1946.
					C. H. Matthews Sep 16, 1946.  Bought by Epressa do Transpore Aereo Brasileiro and registered
					PP-ACA.  Bought by Real Transportes Aereos (RAS) and registered PP-AXD Jul 2, 1947.  Aerovias Brasil
					L Mar 19, 1947.  REAL :Paraiba: bought Jan 14, 1949.  In midair collision with US Navy
					R6D-1 BuNo 131582 Feb 25, 1960.  Both aircraft fell into Guanabara Bay.  All 22 onboard PP-AXD killed, but
					12 of the 38 occupants of the R6D survived..
				93418 (MSN 13327) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RCAF as KG956 via RAF Montreal May 29, 1944.  1 FU RAF.
					108 OTU RAF Nov 6, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF.  22 MU RAF Jul 26, 1946. To Canadair Jul 17, 1946.
					To Empresa Guatemalteca de Aviacion (Aviateca) as LG-AKA.  Later registered to Aviateca
					as TG-AKA.  W/o Sep 30, 1977 in accident at Flores-Santa Elena 
					Airport in Guatemala when the tire burst on touchdown and
					aircraft went off runway and the left gear dropped into a hole.
					Power on No 2 engine was applied, the tail raised, and the prop
					separated when striking the ground.
				93419 (MSN 13329) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG598 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  512 Sqn RAF Jun 12, 1944.  Control lost and crashed near El Adem, Libya
					Nov 14, 1945 after flaps raised in error during overshoot.
				93420 (MSN 13330) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG599 via RAF Montreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944  1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU RAF SEp 18, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944.  
					DBR at Evere, Belgium Jan 10, 1945 when bomb exploded aboard unidentified B-17.
				93421 (MSN 13331) to USAAF May 17, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG600 via RAM Montreal May 23, 1944.
					1 FU RAF.  105 (T)OTU Sep 18, 1944.  4378 Sqdn RAF Sep 28, 1944.  To RCAF Apr 22, 1946 as 601B Inst a/F.
					To civil registry as N96U with Freeport Nickel CO Mar 1959,
					then CU-P-702 with Moa Bay Mining Co May 237, 1959, then N702S with Freeport Sulphur Co then to
					International Telephone and Telegraph Corp Oct 1962, then to G-ASDX with standard Telephone s and
					Cables Ltd Nov 19, 1962, then reregistered G-AJRY Nov 21, 1962 (erroneously on basis of incorrectly
					reported c/n for original G-AJRY), Returned to UK as G-ASDX registered Nov 19, 1962 but NTU when it was
					realised that it had previously been G-AJRY.  T. D. Keegan tla Transmeridian Air Cargo Jul 3, 1970.  
					T. D. Keegan  Sep 16, 1971.  Then ZS-PTG United Air Services of South Africa Apr 1, 1974.  Aandriver Safaris ta USA
					Mar 1976, then A2-ACG Air Services Botswana Fe 8, 2980, then ZS-PTG UAS 1980.  Current 2009
				93422 (MSN 13332) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG601 via RAF MOntreal May 20, 1944.
					RAF UK 28May44    1 FU RAF  107 OTU RAF 02Jul44  1333 TSCU RAF 01Mar45 WFU .  Sold Sep 28, 1946.  Connor Aircraft Apr 10, 1947.  
					OO-SBA Sobelair "Kindu" Jan 29, 1947.  SE-CBZ Airtacol Dagens Nyheter Feb 16, 1956.  Linjeflyg Apr 14, 1957. 
					OE-FDA Austria Flugdienst Apr 20, 1957.  Crashed May 2, 1959 Alfabia Peak, Majorca, Balearic Is.  
				93423 (MSN 13333) to USAAF May 17, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG602 via RAF Montreal May 25, 1944.  
					RAF UK May 30, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Jul 5, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF Middle East Oct 11, 1945.
					437 Sqdn RAF Apr 4, 1946.  To Canadian government Jun 16, 1946l  To RCAF as KG602 Sep 9, 1946.  
					491 Sqdn RCAF Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Renumbered 12932 in Jun 1970.  WFU. To C-GPNR Apr 1981.
					WFU Dec 1994.
				93424 (MSN 13334) to USAAF May 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG603 via RAF Montral May 19, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 4, 1944.  1 FU RAF. 108 OTU RAF Aug 6, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  22 MU RAF Aug 20, 1946.
					WFU.  To Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) as PH-TCT Nov 7, 1946, to KLM as PH-DAT, to De Kroonduif as 
					JZ-PDF (Netherland East Indies), to Garuda Indonesia Airways as PK-GDP, to Merpati Nusantara as PK-NDF,
					to Dirgantara Air Serivices as PK-VTO, to TNI-AU (Indonesian AF as
					AF-475.  To FASI (Satuan Udara Fasa) as AF-4775.  Still flying (2005)
					as RI-001 with Indonesian Airways.
				93425 (MSN 13335) to USAAF May 17, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG604 via RAF Montreal May 22, 1944.
					RAF UK May 28, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  Wimeswold RAF Jul 2, 1944.
					Marshalls RAF Oct 9, 1945.  WFU.  To BOAC Apr 10, 1946 as G-AHCX, to British European
					Airways (BEA) as G-AHCX, to Yemenia Airways as YE-ABC, to Yemenia Airways
					as 4W-ABC.  WFU
				93426 (MSN 13336) to USAAF May 17, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG605 via RAF Montreal May 21, 1944.
					RAF UK May 29, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1382 (TS)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945. 
					22 MU RAF aP 8, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Jul 17, 1946.  To Canadair Ltd 17, 1946.  To Zonas Oeste y Norte de 
					Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) registered as LV-ACJ.  
					To Aerolineas Aeroposta, to Aerolineas Argentinas, to 
					Lineas Aereas del Esstado (Argentine AF) as T-10.  To 
					Frigorifico Yeres of Bolivia as CP-1622 in 1980,
					later to Trans Aereos Cochabama.  During 1954 was 
					PP-AXD of Empresa de Transportes Aerovias Brasil S.A.  
					Destroyed Apr 20, 1993 while used by Trans Aereos 
					Cochabamba.  2 crew killed.
				93427 (MSN 13337) to USAAF May 17, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG606 via RAF Montreal May 23, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 5, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Mayu 1, 1945.
					Returned to USAAF Jun 22, 1946.  to Canadair Lid Jun 22, 1946.   To CF-TEJ with Trans Canada
					Airlines (TCA), to CF-QBG with Quebecair.  W/o in hangar fire Jul 13, 1958
					at Rimouski Airport, Quebec.
				93428 (MSN 13339) to USAAF 20May44.  To RAAF as A65-54 04Jun44.  3 AD 04Jun44.  33 Sqn RAAF VH-CUP 17Jun44.
					9 CU RAAF 06Sep44.  33 Sqn RAAF 22Sep44.  9 CU RAAF 07Oct44. 13 ARD RAAF 06Nov44.  9 CU RAAF 14Dec44.
					33 Sqn RAAF 05Jan45. Bent tail wheel plate landing Lae 13Apr45 crew uninjured. 15ARD 17Apr45. 33 Sqn RAAF 03May45.
					13 ARD RAAF 20Sep45.  33 Sqn RAAF 01Oct45.  Crashed 150 feet below crest of mountain range near Jacquinat Bay 
					near Rabaul, PNG 15Nov45.  Crew of 3 and 25 passengers onboard all killed.   
				93429 (MSN 13340) to USAAF 17May44.  To RAAF as A65-55 04Jun44. 3 AD 04Jun44. 36 Sqn RAAF coded RE-S VH-CUQ 12Jun44.
					13 ARD RAAF 06Sep44.  36 Sqn RAAF 18Oct44. 3 AD RAAF 20Apr46.  SHQ Richmond 03May46.  3 AD storage 03Sep46.
					DAP RAAF 25Sep46. 1 AD RAAF 02Jun47.   86 TW 19Jun47 . Tocumwal 1 AD RAAF Det 14Apr48.  To
					Trans Australian Airways  for £6250 as VH-TAU. Named "Hewitt" 01Sep48.  To Mandated Airlines 04Jan60.
					Registered VH-MAT 12Nov60.   Ansett-Mandated 12Jan61.   Ansett Ltd 23May73.
					Air Niugini of Papua New Guinea 01Nov73, registered P2-MAT 01Jun74.   WFU 31Jul77 and preserved Lae-Nadzab Mar80   
				93430 (MSN 13341) to USAAF 18May44.  To RAAF as A65-53 21Jun44.  3 AD 02Jun44.  33 Sqn RAAF VH-CTO 17Jun44.
					 9 CU RAAF 06Sep44.  7 AD RAAF 22Sep44.  33 Sqn RAAF 21Jan45.   Brake trouble ran into ditch after colliding with
					 Liberator A72-182 Jackson Strip Port Moresby Papua New Guinea 04Dec45. Crew and twelve passengers uninjured.
					 Scrapped 14Feb46 and converted to components  
				93431 (MSN 13342) to USAAF 18May44.  To RCAF as Dakota 970.  Renumbered 12954 in 1970.  Sold as CF-OOW, later C-FOOW.  
					Registration cancelled Nov 13, 2012 and now N167BT with Basler Turbo Conversions
				93432 (MSN 13343) to USAAF 18May44.  To RCAF as Dakota 969.  Renumbered 12953 in 1970.  Sold as C-GWYX Oct 1975.
					W/o May 21, 1989 when made forced landing at Bronson Creek following an in-flight engine fire.  
					Aircraft destroyed by fire but both crew escaped.
				93433 (MSN 13344) to USAAF 17May44.  To RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-943, callsign VH-RDM. To T-443 Jul47.  To KLM in 1950 
					as PK-RDM. To Indonesian AF as TNI-AU T-443 Jun50. 
				93434 (MSN 13345) to USAAF 18May44.  To RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-944, callsign VH-RDN.  To KLM in 1950 as KK-RDN.
					Later to Indonesian AF as TMI-AI T-444 Jun 1950. 
				93435 (MSN 13346) to USAAF May 18, 1944.  To USSR Jun 14, 1944
				93436 (MSN 13347) to USAAF May 18, 1944.  To USSR Jun 2, 1944
				93437 (MSN 13349) to USAAF 18May44.  To USSR Jul 5, 1944.  To Polish Air Force as No. 2.
				93438 (MSN 13350) to USAAF May 18, 1944.  To USSR Jun 29, 1944
				93439 (MSN 13351) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To USSR Jun 3, 1944
				93440 (MSN 13352) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To USSR Jun 2, 1944
				93441 (MSN 13353) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To USSR Jun 1, 1944
				93442 (MSN 13354) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To USSR May 30, 1944
				93443 (MSN 13355) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To USSR May 30, 1944
				93444 (MSN 13356) to USAAF 20May44.  Pac TSP 30May44.  Missing 27Feb45  
				93445 (MSN 13357) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  Pac TSP May 30, 1944 Manila. Salvaged Jul 25, 1946
				93446 (MSN 13359) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  Pac TSP Jun 1, 1944 Manila.  SOC Apr 29, 1948
				93447 (MSN 13360) to USAAF 20May44.  Pac TSP 02Jun44 Tacloban. 
					W/o Jan 12, 1946 in takeoff accident Nichols AB, Manila, Philippines
				93448 (MSN 13361) to USAAF 20May44.  Pac TSP 26May44.  Ditched in SW Pacific area Jun 6, 1944.
				93449 (MSN 13362) to USAAF 22May44.  Pac TSP 31May44 Manila.   VH-AMK Ansett Airlines "Anstratus" R19Jun46.
					VH-RMK Rr 01Oct48.    VH-BZK Rr 06May49.  Ansett-ANA 04Oct57/  HS-TDG Thai AirwaysCO US Ltd R15Oct58 
					cancelled 26Dec73  stored at Don Muang AP Bangkok Thailand until 1979.  To Thai Airways Oct 1, 1958 as HS-TDG.  
					Registration cancelled Dec 1973.  Aircraft stored at Don Muang AP, Thailand until 1979 and presumably 
					scrapped there.
				93450 (MSN 13363) to USAAF May 22, 1944. Pac TSP Oct 25, 1944 Manila.  DBR Aug 22, 1946
				93451 (MSN 13364)  to USAAF 22May44.  Pac TSP 25Oct44.  To PI-C91 Philippine Airlines Inc.  
					TO N1280N W Coast Airlines Inc "112" 01May53.   Air West Aug67.  Aerodyne  Corp, Renton, WA US B28Jan69  
					R09Apr69.  Derelict at Renton, WA, US wingless Jan83  
				93452 (MSN 13365) delivered to USAAF 22May44; Pac TSP 24Oct44 Tacloban, Manila, Philippines; 
					Philippine Airlines 13Aug47; registered PI-C128; Zamrud Aviation Dec69; registered PK-ZDG 
				93453 (MSN 13366) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG607 via RAF Montreal May 27, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 4, 1944.  108 OTU RAF Nov 6, 1944.  1382 TCU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  22 MU RAF Jul 25, 1946.  
					Sold Feb 4, 1947, to KLM. G-AJRY British Aviation Services Jul 9, 1947.   Registration cancelled Aug 6, 1947 
					on sale as VR-SCO with Malayan Airways "Tekukor" delivered Aug 23, 1947. Re registered VR-RCO Apr 1958, 
					to 9M-ALO Jan 11, 1959, to 9V-BAN with Malaysian Airways Mar 24, 1966, to XU-DAG with Khmer Hansa 
					Feb 11, 1971.  W/o Mar 11, 1975 at Phom Peng, Laos.  Also quoted as being PK-IDB after 9M-ALO
				93454 (MSN 13367) delivered to USAAF 20May44; delivered to RAF as Dakota III, serial KG608 at Dorval, 
					Montreal 27May44; No.107 (Transport) Operational Training Unit 2Jul44; No.575 Squadron 5Jul44; 
					No.512 Squadron 15Oct45; No.1333 (Transport Support) Conversion Unit 13Jul46; 
					No.22MU 6Dec46; Global Aviation 4Mar47; Yugoslav Air Force / Jugoslovensko Ratno 
					Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) 1947 as 7304; Jugoslovenski Aerotransport (JAT) 4Jan50; 
					Registered YU-ACB; crashed during a training flight 20Feb65 into the Sava River, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
				93455 (MSN 13369) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG610 via RAF Montreal May 26, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 2, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Jun 22, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 24, 1944.  Overshot landing at Nivelles 
					Jan 29, 1945 and wrecked when collided with Dakota KG397 (ex 42-92612) and a
					crashed P-51. To instrument aircraft 6292 M at catterick Mar 15, 1947
				93456 (MSN 13370) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG611 via RAF Montreal May 25, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 1, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1382 RCU RAF Aug 10, 1945.
					DBR when overshot landing and tipped up, Castle Donington Aug 14, 1945.  Remains used by Std TelCo
				93457 OMSN 13371) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG612 via RAF Montreal May 27, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 5, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Jul 27, 1944. 1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.  Returned to USAAF Sep 19, 1946.
					to Canadair Sep 19, 1946  PP-JAD Linhas Aereas Natal R27Jun47  PP-YPW REAL B Aug49  CP-680 J Vargas t/a 
					Servicio Aereo Cochabamba 15Jan60.  Crashed 22Aug64 near Huayna, Potosi, Bolivia 
				93458 (MSN 13372) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG613 via RAF Montreal May 24, 1944.
					RAF UK May 30, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1282 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  
					22 MU RAF Jun 26, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Aug 7, 1946.  PP-AXB T A Brasil NTU  YS-35 TACA DE US Salvador B17Jun46.
					TACA DE US Venezuela  YV-C-EVM Aerovias Venezolanas R08Nov55.   cancelled 1969
				93459 (MSN 13373) to USAAF May 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG614 via RAF Montreal May 25, 1944. 
					RAF UK May 30, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF May 1, 1945.
					Canadair Ltd Jul 17, 1946.  Sold Jul 17, 1946.  To Zonas Oeste y Norte de
					Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ACE Dec 13, 1946. Airlines Aeroposta Jan 3, 1950.  
					Aerolineas Argentinas "Pagagonia"  Nov 22, 1950.  Damaged Oct 17, 1953 during landing
					with the tail wheel unlocked.  Ran off runway and hit a small
					elevation of the ground.  To LADE (Lineas Aereas del Estado
					(Fuerza Aerea Argentina).  WFU
				93460 (MSN 13374) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG615 via RAF Montreal May 25, 1944.
					RAF UIK Jun 5, 1944.  57t sqdn RAF Jun 1944.  422 Sqdn RAF.  216 Gp RAF Med ME Feb 16, 1946.  
					Returned to USAAF Dec 31, 1946 and to FLC at Payne Field
				93461 (MSN 13375) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG616 via RAF Montreal May 27, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 1, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  22 MU RAF Nov 22, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1946.
					To Scottish Aviation Ltd Nov 27, 1946.  Registered G-AJAY with Westminster Airways Ltd Jan 13, 1947.  
					Registration cancelled Jun 5, 1950 on sale to Iberia as EC-AET on Spanish civil registry.  
					To Spanish AF as T.3-67 May 1966.  WFU Cuatro Vientos May 10, 1977, sold
				93462 (MSN 13376) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG617 via RAF Montreal May 26, 1944.  
					RAF UK May 31,1 944.  1 FU RAF. 107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.
					1382 TCU RAF Jun 14, 1946.  Sold Sep 19, 1946 to Canadair Ltd.  Became CF-DXR Feb 6, 1947 with
					Hollinger Ungava tpt Ltd, Montreal Apr 17, 1948.  Crashed Sept Isles, Canada Oct 18, 1951.
				93463 (MSN 13377) to USAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG618 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 5, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  1333 (TS)Cu RAF Mar 1, 1945.
					22 MU RAF Dec 6, 1946.  Sold Feb 4,1947.  Became PH-TDZ of KLM,
					reregistered PH-DAZ Apr 8, 1954.  To JZ-PDE DE US Kroondulf Oct 8, 1957.  PK-GDO Garuda Indonesian
					Feb 9, 1963.  PN Merpati Nusantara as PK-NDE 1969.  WFU for spares
				93464 (MSN 13379) to USAAF May 20, 1944. To US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17228 May 20, 1944
				93465 (MSN 13380) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG620 via RAF Montreal May 27, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 1, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Jul 6, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jul 27, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Feb 2, 1946.
					Med ME RAF May 28, 1946.  Returned to USAAF Nov 28, 1946.
					To VT-CHH of Jupiter Airways.  To Air India Jun 1, 1949.  To Indian Airlines Corp Aug 1, 1953.
					To Indian AF as BJ978 Mar 1968.
				93466 (MSN 13381) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG621 via RAF Montreal May 26, 1944.
					RAF UK May 31, 1944.  Hendon RAF 271 Sqdn RAF Oct 7, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF Nov 17, 1945.
					Transferred to BOAC Mar 15, 1946 and registered G-AHCU Mar 29, 1946.  BEA Aug 19, 1946.
					Pionair Lopard "Charles Ulm" E Anglian Flying services MY 18, 1962.  Channel Airways Ltd
					Oct 24, `1961.  WFU at Southend Oct 16, 1966 and broken up
					Jan 1970.
				93467 (MSN 13382) to USAAF May 22, 1944. To RAF as Dakota III KG622 via RAF Monteal May 27, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 5, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Oct 15, 1944.  44 MU RAF Jun 10, 1946.
					Relegated to ground instructional airframe as 6301M Jun 13, 1947.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				93468 (MSN 13383) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG623 via RAF Montreal May 26, 1944.
					RAF UK May 31, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF May 13, 1946.  To Canadian
					government Jun 16 1944.  To RCAF Sep 9, 1946 as KG623. 429 Sqdn RCAF, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
					Renumbered 12933 in Jun 1970.  Became N103BF and converted 
					to Basler BT-67 (Basler conversion no 28); to Mali AF as TZ391 (replacement for 
					TZ389, alias 43-48741).  Became N167BT of Oiland LLL.  Registerd Oct 14, 2008
					to Kenn Borek Air of Calgary, AB as C-GJKB, US registration cancelled on the same day.
				93469 (MSN 13384) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG624 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 2, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 14, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF.  ACSEA Aug 15, 1946.  FECS RAF
					Seletar Aug 19, 1948.  48 Sqdn RAF.  Sold Dec 21, 1948 as VR-SCW "Widgeon" of Malayan Airways Ltd.
					To VR-OAH of Borneo Airways Aug 1962, to 9M-AND May 20, 1964, to 9V-BAL of Malaysian Airwqys
					Apr 1, 1965, Singapore Airlines Jan 1, 1967, to XU-GAJ Khmer Airlines and destroyed by rocket
					attack at Pochetong Airport, Pnom Penh Feb 22, 1975.
				93470 (MSN 13385) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG625 via RAF Montreal May 29, 1944.
					RAF UK Mun 4, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Jun 29, 1944.  Destroyed by fire when swung on
					landing and undercarriage collapsed, Amblie, France Aug 12, 1944.
				93471 (MSN 13386) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG626 Jul 12, 1944.
					MAAF Jul 27, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF.  44 Sqdn SAAF Apr 12, 1945. RAF India May 31, 1945.  
					Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				93472 (MSN 13387) to USAAF May 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG627 via RAF Montreal Jul 18, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Aug 31, 1944.  Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947.  VT-COH Indian National Airlines Aug 22, 1947.
					To XY-ACH Airways Burma 1950.  Union of Burma Airways. to Burmese AF as UBT-708.  .
					To Nevada Airways Inc bought Apr 29, 1978, registered N2270W Jul 21, 1978.  Current 2011.
				93473 (MSN 13389) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG629 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 2, 1944. 107 OTU RAF Jul 2, 1944.  271 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  78 Sqdn RAF.
					1336 TSCU RAF Aug 21, 1945.  Sec da Aeeron Civil, Portugal Sep 12, 1946.  To Flugefelag Islands (Airline)
					as TF-ISI Feb 1947. Crashed May 29, 1947 near Hjeninsfjordur, Iceland in poor weather.  25 killed. 
				93474 (MSN 13390) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG630 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 2, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  Destroyed by fire after flying into
					hills in low cloud near Folkington, UK Feb 6, 1945.
				93475 (MSN 13391) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG631 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 5, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 2, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.
					Bassingbourn RAF Jun 28, 1947.  22 MU RAF May 4, 1948.   SOC Mar 30, 1950, spares.
				93476 (MSN 13392) to USAAF Mayu 28, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG632 via RAF Montreal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 2, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  435 Sqdn RAF Sep 27, 1945. 436sqdn RAF Oct 7, 1945.
					435 Sqdn RAF Mar 7, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 8, 1946.   To RCAF as KG632 Jun 17, 1946.  
					1 ANS "VCGSC" 1952.  Renumbered 12934 in Jun 1970.  WFU.  To C-FQHF NW Territorial Airways 1971.
					Alberta Ntn Aircraft Leasing, Calgary 1974.  Lambair Ltd 1974.  R. E. Carruthers et al 1975.
					Northwest Territorial Airways 21975.  Kenting Aviation Ltd 1976.  Kenn Borek Ltd 1976.
					Crashed Calgary, Alberta May 7, 1982.  Used for spares.
				93477 (MSN 13393) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG633 via RAF Montreal Jun 2, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  1 FU RAF. 109 oTU RAF Aug 29, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  
					22 MU RAF Jun 25, 19467.  Sold to Canadair Jul 17, 1946, became CF-TET with TCA "92", "392"
					delivered Mar 67, 1947.  Central Northern Airways Ltd delivered Ded 22, 1955.  Transair Ltd Sep 25, 1956.
					Crashed Sep 25, 1958 Coal Harbor Airport, Southampton Island, NWT, Canada
				93478 (MSN 13394) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG634 via RAF Montreal May 31, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 10, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944. 437 Sqdn RAF Dec 7, 1944.  Sold to
					Canadian government Apr 22, 1946.   To RCAF as KG634 Jun 20, 1946.  1 AD Feb 19677.  SOC Mar 28, 1967.
					CF-WGM Carl Millard Ltd, Malton, Ontario Nov 9, 1967.  Millardair Ltd Apr 21, 1969.  Golfe Air Quebe Ltee
					1973.  WFU
				93479 (MSN 13395) to USAAF May 23, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG635 via RAF Monteal May 28, 1944.
					RAF UK.  233 Sqdn RAF Oct 5, 1944.  435 Sqdn RF Sep 17, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to
					Canadian government Apr 16, 1946.  TO RCAF as KG635 Jun 20, 1946.  14 P Sqdn RCAF Sep 1946.  WFU.
					Rebuilt sold as N41341 to Pacific Northern Airlines.  WFU used as spares.
				93480 (MSN 13396) to USAAF May 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG636 via RAF Montreal May 29, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 4, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  108 OTU RAF Nov 3, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.
					22 MU RAF sep 18, 1946.  Became PH-TEU "Bath-Alkmaar" of KLM Feb 4, 1947.  Crashed into 
					North Sea near The Hook of Holland Feb 2, 1950.
				93481 (MSN 13397) to USAAF 24May44. 5th AF 24Oct44.  Tacloban FLC 13Aug47
					To Commercial Air Lines, Inc Sep 25, 1946.  To Philippine Air Lines Oct 15, 1948.
					Registered as PI-C142 May 10, 1949.  In non-fatal accident at Piat, Tuguegarao, Cayagan Oct 15, 1953.
					Number changed to PI-C133 Jul 2, 1954.  Crashed on Mt Baco, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines Nov 23, 1960 due to
					navigational error under adverse weather conditions.  All 33 onboard killed.
				93482 (MSN 13399)  to USAAF 24May44.  5th AF 25Oct44.  Tacloban FLC 23Sep46   
					To CAT as XT-823,later to B823, to N6634.  Nov 23, 1955 to CF-MCC
					for Maritime Central Airlines, Aug 1, 1958 to Wheeler Airlines, Jun 1961
					to Canadian Aircraft Renters, Aug 19, 1964 to Sundair, Sep 1967 to Nordail Ltd,
					Nov 11, 1973 to Trans New England, registered as N14636.  Jun 1977 to 
					Nutmeg Commercial, Jun 1979 to S. E. Bird, Jan 2, 1979 to JLR Transport,
					Feb 1981 to Hermina De La Cruz.  Oct 12, 1986 noted at Brownsville, TX.  WFU.
				93483 (MSN 13400) to USAAF 24May44.  5th AF 24Oct44.  Destroyed Jan 21, 1945
				93484 (MSN 13401) to USAAF 24May44.  5th AF 24Oct44.  Manila  salvaged 11Aug47  
				93485 (MSN 13402) to USAAF 25May44.  5th AF 24Oct44  Manila.  Destroyed Sep 17, 1945
				93486 (MSN 13403) to USAAF 24May44.  5th AF 25Oct44.  Tacloban FLC 02Nov46 
					To PI-C144 of Philippine Air Lines. Crashed after takeoff
					Manila Nichols Air base Oct 20, 1960.  37 were onboard, one passenger was killed.
				93487 (MSN 13404)  to USAAF 24May44.   no card.  With E squadron 35th AAFB at Bolling Field damaged in belly
					landing at Offutt Field Oct 3, 1946.  Converted to VC-47A.  To N87696.
					To Cameroon Government as TJ-AAC.  To Armee de l'Air du Cameron as TJ-XAA.
					Parted out and derelict at Touala IAP
				93488 (MSN 13405) to USAAF 24May44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 19Jun44. FLC 24Jan46  
					To Deccan Airways of India as VT-AUN "Parvathi".  Crashed following engine
					failure approaching Delhi-Safdarjung Airport, India Apr 30, 1952
				93489 (MSN 13406) to USAAF 01Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC  12Jul44.   Chungking 15Jul44 
					Damaged in taxi accident Feb 4, 1945 at Kunming, China when
					C-46A 42-60981 of 3rd ATS taxied into it.  FLC to China Sep 16, 1945.
				93490 (MSN 13407) to USAAF 29May44.  10th AF 443rd TCG 2nd RCS Karachi 11Jul44  Chungking 12Sep44    
					W/o Mar 1, 1945 when groundlooped at Muse, Burma
				93491 (MSN 13409)  to USAAF 24May44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 27Jun44.  North Africa 10Apr46  
					European ATC SOC  04Apr47 
				93492 (MSN 13410)  to USAAF 25May44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 27Jun44.  CNAC 29Dec45 
					Transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Dec 29, 1945.  Destroyed near
					Macheng Jan 26, 1946 
				93493 (MSN 13411)  to USAAF 29May44.  5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as Sara Anne 04Jul44.  Supply drops in 
					support of troops Leyte 12Nov44.  WFU and scrapped
				93494 (MSN 13412)  to USAAF 31May44. 5th AF 317th TCG 39th TCS as X17 X23 27Jun44.  Tank hit tail section 18jun44, repaired  
					Flew missions to Labo strip PI Jan45.  WFU 13Jun45  
				93495 (MSN 13413)  to USAAF 25May44.  5th AF 433rd TCG 66th TCS 21Jun44.  Right tire blew landing Finschhafen, 
					New Guinea 29Jul44, repaired by Serv Sqn.  B-24 blew tire taking off Owi 30Jul44, swerved off runway and 
					hit  parked 42-93495. salvage report delayed until October.
				93496 (MSN 13414) to USAAF 25May44.  5th AF 317th TCG 40th TCS as X41 25Jun44.  Left wing tip hit nose of 
					P-38 taxiing 05Jan45, both repaired.  Flown over Corregidor by Schomberg. WFU 01May46
				93497 (MSN 13415) to USAAF 27May44. 5th AF 317th TCG 41st TCS as X55 27Jun44.  Damaged by bomb Clark Field.  WFU 01Nov45  
				93498 (MSN 13416) to USAAF 25May44. 5th AF  21Jun44.  WFU 01Aug44 and scrapped
				93499 (MSN 13417) to USAAF 26May44. 5th AF 317th TCG 46th TCS as 79 05Jul44.   Truck backed into cargo door 17Jul44, repaired  
					right wing tip struck pole taxiing 10Aug44, repaired.  Lost Sep 25, 1944, Cooktown to Nadzab.  MACR 14321.
				93500 (MSN 13419) to USAAF 26May44. 5th AF 317th TCG 41st TCS as X58 05Jul44.   WFU 25Aug46 and scrapped
				93501 (MSN 13420) to USAAF 26May44.  5th AF 29Jun44. 7th AF Oahu 06Jul44.  Probably diverted enroute 5th AF.  Crashed 01Aug44.
				93502 (MSN 13421) to USAAF 26May44.  13th AF "UVIS" 21Jun44.  13th AF Brisbane.  Crashed Oct 2, 1944, Wewak, New Guinea
				93503 (MSN 13422) to USAAF 26May44.  13th AF "UVIS" 18Jun44.  SOC 22Sep47 
				93504 (MSN 13423) to USAAF 30May44.  5th AF 433rd TCG 68th TCS 23Jun44.  868th TCG lost Nov 24, 1944.  MACR 10897
				93505 (MSN 13424) to USAAF 27May44.  13th AF "UVIS" 21Jun44.  With 5th TCG lost Mar 14, 1945, Australia.  MACR 14322
				93506 (MSN 13425) to USAAF 26May44.  13th AF "UVIS" 21Jun44.  W/O in Australia 21Apr47 
				93507 (MSN 13426) to USAAF 29May44. Ninth Air Force 14Jun44. 49th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					313th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Folkingham (Station 484). The aircraft participated in 
					a resupply mission to a drop zone in the Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. Crashed on 
					Boekelsedijk between Uden and Volkel, Netherlands. Salvaged 28Oct44.
				93508 (MSN 13427) to USAAF 27May44. Ninth Air Force 25Jun44. 325th Ferrying Squadron, 
					31st Air Transport Group, Grove (Station 519). On the foggy evening of 22Dec44 the aircraft was 
					returning to England following a supply mission to the continent. Its home station, Grove near 
					Wantage, was closed in and the pilot had been advised to divert to Exeter, Devon. En route he crossed 
					Ramsbury (Station 469) and saw lights on the ground. He radioed Ramsbury control tower for 
					instructions stating that he had insufficient fuel to reach Exeter safely. The tower told him to 
					land on runway 26 and fired flares from the active runway as requested by the pilot. The pilot 
					made several attempts to land but on his final approach the left wing tip hit some trees in Whitehill 
					Copse causing the plane to crash into the woodland. Sadly the pilot, co-pilot and crew chief were 
					killed instantly. The radio operator and assistant crew chief survived but were seriously injured. Salvaged 29Dec44.
					'On the night the co-pilot died his family was visiting his parents. That evening the blackboard he played 
					with as a child fell down the stairs and into the basement. It was an impossible thing to happen. 
					The copilot's mother immediately said, "Something has happened to him." They weren't notified 
					of his death until January 1945, but the night the blackboard fell was the night the plane crashed!'
				93509 (MSN 13429) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 27Jun44 Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  Turkey 13Apr48 
					Converted to VC-47A.  In takeoff accident due to engine
					failure, Ankara, Turkey Jan 6, 1950.  WFU.
				93510 (MSN 13430) to USAAF 27May44.  9th AF 25Jun44.  Neth/Beigium.  to Czechoslovakia 04Dec46  OK-WAR Czecg
					State Airlines.  To French AF  as AdlA 93510 24May60. GTLA 2/60 Mar61.  GSRA 76 "F-SEYE" Apr62.   GLA 45 Feb63  
					GTLA 2/60 Apr64.  ELA 44   GTLA 2/60 Aug65, 293510 "6W-SAE" Senegal 16Mar70  
					Technical Training Centre, Dakar Yoff Airport 1979.  Front fuselage reported privately owned at Kew, England.
					Front fuselage noted with Ridgeway Military & Aviation Research Group at Welford, England December 2019  
					On loan to The Boscombe Down Aviation Collection at Old Sarum Airfield, Salisbury, England
				93511 (MSN 13431) to USAAF 29May44. Ninth Air Force 19Jul44. 45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 
					21Mar45. Transported British 9th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern 
					edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
 					US RFC 21Sep45.   rebuilt as DC-3D c/n 43092.  1946  NC33688 Douglas AircraftCO US  
					OO-CBJ Sabena 30Mar47 (Belgium).   OO-UBJ 19Aug47.  Congo 08Dec48.   90-CUS Air Congo 02Feb61.
					9Q-CUS.  Crashed Kasongo Airport Kasongo, Congo 29Mar63  
				93512 (MSN 13432) to USAAF 29May44. 45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, 
					Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 
					17Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 21Mar45. Transported British 9th Parachute Battalion 
					paratroopers to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  RFC 26Sep46.  NC42022  XA-HEY Tptes bAereos Mexicanos  CMA 1960   
					XB-TEY J Ulises y M Calcaneo 10Jun64,  Cancelled 1973
				93513 (MSN 13433) to USAAF 29May44.  no card.  W/o Mar 26, 1952 near Thule AB, Greenland
				93514 (MSN 13434) to USAAF 29May44.  no card.  9th AF?  Converted to VC-47A Sep 1954
				93515 (MSN 13435) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 26Jun44.  US RFC 27Sep45.  To CF-DYK Canadair Ltd, 
					to Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA), registered as LV-ABX, to Aerolineas Aeroposta, 
					to Aerolineas Argentinas "Libertador" Nov 22, 1950.  WFU Jul 23, 1953.
				93516 (MSN 13436) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 27Jun44. Europe 30Apr47.  Munich 01Jan48  
					FLC Turkey 09Dec48.  To civil registry H 039 09Dec48 
				93517 (MSN 13437)  to USAAF 29May44. 9th AF 27Jun44. Europe 30Apr47.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48. SOC 20May49
				93518 (MSN 13439) to USAAF May 29, 1944, to 9th AF Jun 19, 1944.  To RFC Oct 31, 1945.  Leased to
					Pioneer Airlines as N54729 Aug 1946.   Back to USAF Mar 1, 1952 as C-117C. In 1971 to Indiana Department
					of Civil Defense as N11ND.  Returned to USAF in 1973 as C-117C and placed on display.  To Vincennes
					University as N11VU in 1974.  In 1975 to Avenales Aviation as N36AP, and then five other owners.
					To Basler Turbo Conversions of Oshkosh, Wisconsin Apr 28, 2006 for turbo conversion.
					Aug 22, 2012 to Fugro Aviation Canada Ltd as C-FAZO.
				93519 (MSN 13440) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 19Jun44.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48. To FLC France 02Apr48  
					To F-BFGF Ste Transatlantique Aerienne 11Jul49.  To French AF as AdlA 93519 01Nov52   
					GT2/62 "FRA YD" Jul53.  ELA56  Jan57.  CIESS 343 "FSDKA" Apr65.  To French Navy (Aeronavale) 
					as ANFr 919 56S 1972.  Noumea 15May73.  Fuselage used for paratroop training Noumea.  Wfu 21Mar78  
				93520 (MSN 13441) to USAAF 29May44. Ninth Air Force 27Jun44. 309th Troop Carrier Squadron [M6*Y], 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493).  Salvaged battle damage 03Apr45 
				93521 (MSN 13442) to USAAF 29May44  9th AF 19Jun44  8th AF  salvaged accident 27Nov44  
				93522 (MSN 13443) to USAAF 29May44. Ninth Air Force 27Jun44. 859th Bomb Squadron, 
					492nd Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force, Harrington (Station 179). Used for ‘Carpetbagger’ operations. 
					Rhein Main 01Jan48.  Salvaged Erding 02Nov48 
				93523 (MSN 13444) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 27Jun44.  Rhein Main 01Jan48.  FLC Turkey 26Apr49 
					To Turkish AF as 6095, coded 2-095.
				93524 (MSN 13445) to USAAF 29May44.  9th AF 27Jun44.  Returned to US 03Jul45  To RFC 22Nov45  
					NC62566 L Baker 01Feb46.  D A Fowlie 01Feb46.  Executive Tpt Corp 18Mar46.  US Airlines 24Apr46  
					N Central Line MaterialCO US McGraw Electric 16Nov49.  McGraw Edison Corp 05Aug57.  
					John B Holmes 25Feb58.  N462T Rr 19Sep58.  XB-BIS Financeria Industrial SA Monterrey, Mexico 06Jul65  
					N50CM Curries  Machinery Co, Santa Clara, CA US R10Dec72.   P A B Widener, Sheridan, WY R28Feb74  
					Battelle Memorial Inst, Richland, WA US Jan75.  current 2011 
				93525 (MSN 13446) to USAAF 30May44. Ninth Air Force 27Jun44. 321st Transport Squadron, 
					27th Air Transport Group, Ninth Air Force, Maghaberry (Station 239), County Down, Northern Ireland. 
					The aircraft was transporting tinned meat to France 21Oct44 when it suffered an engine problem. 
					The pilot managed to clear the small market town of Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire but failed 
					to clear the summit of Kop Hill and subsequently crashed killing all those onboard [5KIA]. Salvaged 26Oct44.
				93526 (MSN 13447) to USAAF 01Jun44.  no card.  WFU and stored at MASDC.  To Kenyan AF under MAP Nov 8, 1965.
					Ferry serial was N400, registered 5Y-ADI.  W/o Dec 24, 1968 (Kenya Police Air Wing) in crash
					at Nairobi-Wilson Airport.  3 lost.
				93527 (MSN 13449) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG637 via RAF Montreal Jun 7, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 15, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 14, 1944.  525 Sqdn RAF Feb 20, 1946.  22 MU RAF May 17, 1946.
					Sold Jul 17, 1946, became YS-37 with TACA.  DE US Salavador YV-C-AXV T ACA De Us Venezuela bought
					Jul 17, 1946.  LAV 1957.  Cancelled 1972
				93528 (MSN 13450) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG638 via RAF Montreal Jun 8, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 25, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 28, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  22 MU RAF Jun 4, 1946.
					Returned to USAAF Sep 11, 1946.  To SABENA Aug 19, 1946 as OO-CBN.  W/o Feb 4, 1952 in crash near 
					Kikwit, Congo.  16 lost.
				93529 (MSN 13451) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG639 via RAF Montreal Jun 10, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 20, 1944. 109 OTU RAF Aug 25, 1944.  437 Sqdn RAF Oct 5, 1944.  109 OTU RAF.
					Damaged when flew into high ground at night near Crosby, UK Dec 6, 1944.   Relegated to
					ground instructional airframe with serial 4981M.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				93530 (MSN 13452) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG640 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Aug 15, 1944.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.  22 MU RAF
					Oct 24, 1946.  Registered with Scottish Aviation Ltd as G-AJLY Mar 31, 1947.
					Registration cancelled May 24, 1948 on sale as VP-CBA with Air Ceylon "Stilanka Devi".
					Reregistered CY-ACE May 1, 1951.  Bought Nov 1951 by PP-CDU of Servicos Aereos Cruziero do Sul "Piaty".
					Broken up at Santos Dumont Airport, Rio De Janeiro Jan 1969
				93531 (MSN 13453) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG641 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944. 512 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  Med ME RAF Oct 11, 19k45.  353 Sqdn RAF.
					512 Sqdn RAF Feb 8, 1946.  43 Sqdn RAF Feb 28, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 7, 1946.
					Transferred to RCAF as KG641 Jul 10, 1946.  Renumbered 12935 in Jun 1970.  to CF-BJE with Maritime
					Aircraft Overhaul and Repair Ltd, Moncton, NB Jan 11, 1972.  Ontairio Centeral Airlines Jun 9, 1975.
					To Austin Airways Aug 1979 as C-BFJE.
				93532 (MSN 13454) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG642 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944. 109 OTU RAF Aug 28, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945. 22 MU RAF Jun 6, 1946.
					Sold Jul 28, 1946 to ET-T-14 of Ethiopian Air Lines, Inc .  Vonv SAL Jul 1947.  Re registered ETAAS
					May 1962.  DBF Apr 23, 1976 Massawa				
				93533 (MSN 13455) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG643 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Aug 15, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF Mar 1, 1945.  Returned to USAAF May 10, 1947.
					To Scottish Aviation Ltd May 10, 1947.  
				93534 (MSN 13456) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG644 via RAF Montreal Jun 3, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 29, 1944.  1383 (T)cu raf aUG 10, 1945.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Jul 25, 1946.
					Sold PP Air Tpt Jan 21, 1947. Registered G-AJPF with Southampton Air Services, Ltd Apr 18, 1947.  
					Autowork (Winchester) Ltd Nov 14, 1947.  Trent Valley Aviation Ltd Mar 11, 1948.
					Flew in Berlin Airlift, completing 186 sorties.  Eagle Aviation Ltd Sep 8, 1950.  Britavia Ltd Jan 18, 1951.
					Registration cancelled Feb 5, 1951 on Sale Ros Aeero, Montreal.  Registered as CF-IOC with Imperial
					Oil Tpt Sep 30, 1951.  Imperial Oil Ltd, Toronto Nov 4, 1955.  Brown Comps Leasing, Ltd, Newmarket,
					Ontario Jul 30, 1969. Edbell Aircraft Maintenance Service Ltd Jul 24, 1973.
					Minisearch Surveys, Toronto 1974.  Hudson Bay Air Tpt, Ltd, Toronto 1976.  Later became N47CE and 
					based at Aurora, IL Jul 5, 1985.  Crashed at DeKalb, Illinois west of Aurora, Illinois May 22, 1989, killing 3.
				93535 (MSN 13457) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG645 via RAF Montreal Jun 3, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 1, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  1336 TSCU RAF Aug 26, 1945.  1381 TCU RAF Dec 4, 1945.
					22 MU RAF Sep 6, 1946.  Sold Jan 21, 1947 to Sobelair.  Registered OO-SBC Apr 16, 1947.  Lased to Sabena
					in 1949, bought Feb 1, 1951.  Congo Feb 16, 1951.  Leased by Linair Jul 30, 1959.  Registration 9O-CUI
					NTU.  Sabena Feb 23, 1961.  Congo Jun 24, 1961.  Linair Dec 5, 1961, Sabena Jan 18, 1965.  Linair
					Apr 10, 1965.  Belgian International Air Services Jul 1, 1965.  WFU 1971 Libya
				93536 (MSN 13459) to USAAF May 29, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG647 via RAF Montreal Jun 4, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 12, 1944.  575 Sqdn RAF Oct 2, 1944.  1680 Flt RAF Sep 29, 1945.  G-AIAZ BOAC leased
					Apr 3, 1946.  22 MU Jul 31, 1946. Sold Dec 2, 1946. Became VH-SNI with John Fairfax and Sons t/a
					Herald Flying Services.  To Sydney Morning Herald Dec 9, 1946.  To VH-MIN with Department of National
					Development, operated by Bureau of Mineral Resources Dec 1, 1954.  K. Singh, Tamworth Jun 6y, 1972.  Airfast
					Connair Pty Ltd Jun 30, 1974.  Northern NL (Operations) Pty Ltd, Alice Springs 1970. Stored
					Alice Springs Jun 1980.  Setair Pty Apr 1981.  Rebel Air, Sydney delivered Jun 30, 1983.  Current 2011.
				93537 (MSN 13460) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG648, delivered Montreal May 30, 1944, 
					June 04, 1944 left for the UK, June 13, 1944 delivered to Operational Training Unit 107 (107 OTU) based
					at Leicester East at Desborough, UK, KG648 was one of the first Dakotas to be taken on charge by No 107 OTU.
					Next released for Transport Squadron 1333 (133 (TS) CU on 
					August 15, 1944. On November 07,1946 registered to KLM as PH-TCW, on December 
					18, 1946 registered as F-BCYY as assigned to Aigle-Azur Extreme-Orient. Next 
					transferred to the Armee de l'Air (France) as #93537, next F-RAJB, next 
					F-SCJA, then transferred first to Air Burundi, then the military of Burundi 
					as 9U-BAC. Currently stored by private operator in Burundi.
				93538 (MSN 13461) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG649 via RAF Montreal Jun 3, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 14, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 28, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  TICU RAF Nov 13, 1946.
				 	Relegated to ground instructional airframe with serial 6230M Jan 14, 1947. 1 PGTS Upper Heyford 12Mar48
					Presumably subsequently scrapped
				93539 (MSN 13462) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG650 via RAF Montreal Jun 2, 1944.
					RAF UK.  437 Sqdn RAF Sep 10, 1944. 10 Sqdn RAF. 1336 TSCU RAF Aug 16, 1945. 1382 (T)CU RAF Dec 20, 1945.
					Sold Dec 1, 1946, to Canadair Dec 19, 1946.  then to PH-NCR with Fokker NV, then to 
					N. V. Frits Diepen Vliegtuigen Apr 1, 1948 as PH-TFA.  Aero Holland Feb 16, 1949.  Crashed Nov 20, 1949
					near Oslo, Norway.
				93540 (MSN 13463) to USAAF 31May44.  9th AF 06Jul44.  US  17Aug45.  To RFC 31Oct45 
					to 19 Sqdn RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-986, callsign VH-RCD.  To Indonesian AF as NI-474.  By 1955 was
					PK-DPF of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV.  In midair collision with PK-GDE over Sumatra 01Jan66  
				93541 (MSN 13464) to USAAF 31May44. 9th AF 27Jun44.  W/o Jun 30, 1944 in takeoff accident Burtonwood, UK
				93542 (MSN 13465) to USAAF 30May44. Ninth Air Force 27Jun44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment 
					for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne 
					Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany 
					on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. 314th Troop Carrier Squadron, 516th Troop Carrier Group, United 
					States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), Bovingdon (Station 112). Crash landed in bad weather at Villeneuve Le Comte, 
					France 8Nov45. Salvaged 31Jan47.
				93543 (MSN 13466) to USAAF May44. Ninth Air Force Jun44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile 
					northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  To MASDC Mar 1965
				93544 (MSN 13467) to RAF as Dakota III KG349.  To PP-ACB TABA (1949), to PP-AXE Aerovias Brasil, to Brazilian
					AF as FAB-2076, to PT-KVU and w/o Oct 7, 1978.
					To USAAF 31May44. Ninth Air Force 27Jun44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, 
					Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 
					Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone 
					at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Neth/Belgium. France 08Sep47.  SGACC Dec47.  F-BEFM Air France R29Jun48.  "FSEBE" CNET Nov68.  
				93545 (MSN 13469) to USAAF May 30, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG652 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 12, 1944. 1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.   107 OTU RAF Aug 15, 1946. 22 MU RAF Oct 2, 1946.
					A Hyde Dec 12, 1946.  Became NC95488 Mar 10, 1947.
				93546 (MSN 13470) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG653 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 12, 1944.  1 FU RAF.  Strayed off course 
					during delivery flight to Middle East and shot down by Hptm
					Lulius Meimberg in Bf 109G-14 of JG 53/Stab II at Neuleiningen,
					Germany Sep 24, 1944.  2 crew and 20 passengers killed.
				93547 (MSN 13471) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG654 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					575 Sqdn RAF Sep 30, 1944.  Stalled on takeoff
					from Broadwell Feb 24, 1945 and bellylanded. Relegated to ground
					instructional airframe with serial 5201M.  Presumably
					subsequently scrapped.
				93548 (MSN 13472) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG655 via RAF Montreal Jun 7, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 14, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Sep 26, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  1282 (T)CU RAF Aug 13, 1946.
					Became PH-TCU with KLM bought Nov 7, 1946,  To OO-SBG Sobelair Aug 8, 1950.  Sabena 1953.  Airwork
					Jan 13, 1954.   later became F-OAPA. with Aigle Azur d'Extreme Orient Feb 3, 1954.   Was believed to have been destroyed
					by rebels at Hanoi, actually to F-BEHC of Air France Feb 17, 1956.  To TLKAC with Central African 
					Republic governent May 1966.  Derelict Cairo Sep 1975.
				93549 (MSN 13473) to USAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG656 via RAF Montreal Jun 7, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 15, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Jun 14, 1944.  1381 (T)CU RAF.  Sold to Canadair Ltd Jul 17, 1946.
					To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as 
					LV-ABZ Jan 14, 1947.  To Aerolineas Aeroposta Jan 3, 1950, to Aerolineas Argentinas "Cuyano".  
					Jan 22, 1953.  T-FA Argentina LADEI Jun 1966.  WFU 1968 and scrapped.
				93550 (MSN 13474) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  to RAF as Dakota III KG657 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 16, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Aug 25, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 2, 1945.  1383 (T)CU RAF.
					1381 (T)CU RAF Jul 25, 1946.  Sold Nov 2, 1946. to G. Victor
					Registered G-AIWC Nov 14, 1946 with Air Contractors, then Skyways Ltd "Sky Despatch" Dec 6, 1948.
					BOAC Dec 31, 1951. British International Airlines Lted Apr 3, 1952.  Became VR-AAK with
					Aden Airways Ltd "Attaq" leased May 13, 1955, then reverted
					to G-AIWC with Silver City Airways "City of Lincoln" Apr 3, 1958. Libyan Oil CO "City of Tripoli"
					leased Oct 30, 1959.  Registration finally cancelled Feb 12, 1962 on
					sale to sebana as OO-SBI. To EC-ARZ with Spantax leased Mar 28, 1962.  Leased to Air Mauretania
					1962.  Spantax 1964.  W/o Dec 7, 1965 when crashed into high terrain 
					shortly after takeoff from Tenerife, Canary Islands on flight to Manchester, UK.  32 killed.
				93551 (MSN 13475) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG658 via RAF Montreal Jun 8, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 19, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 27, 1944.  512 sqdn RAF Oct 15, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF.
					1381 (T)CU RAF Jul 26, 1946.  Sold Nov 2, 1946 to BEA and
					registered G-AIWD Nov 14, 1946.  Sold to BKS Air Transport LTD May 
					18, 1960 still registered as G-AIWD.  Lay wingless at Leeds for some
					time after its wings were put on G-AMSH.  Not sure where it
					got its new wings from.  Registration cancelled 
					Mar 4, 1967 on sale to Lebanon, but was registered VR-ABF with Brothers
					Air Service of Aden, Yeman the same month, and no Lebanese identity known.
					To Alymeda Democratic Yemen Airlines as 7O-ABF.  Crashed into sea Mar 1, 1977 when on climb
					out from Aden, Yemen.  19 killed.
				93552 (MSN 13476) to USAAF May 31, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG659 via RAF Montreal Jun 4, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 14, 1944.  512 Sqdn RAF Aug 21, 1944.  48 Sqdn RAF Oct 15, 1944.  435 Sqdn Sep 16, 1945.
					436 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.  To Canadian government Apr 16, 1946, to RCAF
					as 994 Jul 20, 1946.  To Indian AF as BJ762 Mar 21, 1962.
				93553 (MSN 13477) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG660 via RAF Montreal Jun 11, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 17, 1944 109 OTU RAF Aug 25, 1944.  DBR when forcelanded
					at Brampton, England Mar 28, 1946 following engine failure on takeoff.
				93554 (MSN 13479) to USAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG662 via RAF Montreal Jun 13, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 26, 1944.  109 OTU RAQF Aug 26, 1944. 1383 (T)CU RAF 11Aug44   1333 (TS)CU RAF 23Jul46   
					G Victor bought 02Nov46   G-AIWE Air Contractors Ltd registered 13Nov46.  
					Skyways Ltd "Sky Lancer" delivered 06Dec48 Crewsair "Crew Endeavour" leased 02Jul50  bought 27Oct50   
					LEP Air Svces 08Nov51   Skyways Ltd L for Kuwait OilCO US to 18Jan52   
					BKS Aerocharter 24Mar52.  To EC-AGS Iberia "55" delivered 9Apr52.   Broken up Nov73 Madrid  
				93555 (MSN 13480) to USAAF Jun 1,1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG663 via RAF Montreal Jun 5, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 11, 1944.  108 OTU RAF Nov 6, 1944.  1382 (TS)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  
					Sold Nov 7, 1946.  To KLM as PH-TDS.  Sold to Pakair Feb 5, 1948 and registered AP-ACF
					Feb 23, 1948.  Then to Meteor Air Transport as N1549V Nov 1953.  To Capital Airlines Inc.  Caribbean
					Atlantic Airlines Inc.  DBR Sep 22, 1964, San Juan, Puerto Rico.  Wreck to F. A. Conner, Miami, FL.
				93556 (MSN 13481) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG664 via RAF Montreal Jun 5,1 944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 25, 1944.  1383 TCU RaF Aug 10, 1945. .  Transferred to BOAC
					as G-AHDC Jun 6, 1945.  Not converted for civilian use and relegated to spares use at 
					Liverpool/Speke AP Apr 8, 1947.
				93557 (MSN 13482) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG665 via RAF Montreal Jun 12, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 21, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Jul 15, 1944.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.   DBR at Ringway Airport 
					(Manchester, UK) Aug 31, 1946 when stalled back onto runway when taking off
					from overshoot.  SOC May 14, 1947. 
				93558 (MSN 13483) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG666 via RAF Montrweal Jun 5, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 25, 1944.  1382 (T)CU RAF 1945. Sold Jul 22, 1946, then to 
					Ethiopian Airlines as ET-T-15 Jun 20, 1947.  To Swissair as HB-IRH in 1951, probably on lease since
					it was returned to Ethiopian Airlines as ET-T-15 Jan 1953. Reregistered as ET-AAT and w/o Nov 30, 1963
					at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on a test flight.
				93559 (MSN 13484) to USAAF Jun 1, 1944.  To RCAF as Dakota III KG667 via RAF Montreal Jun 5, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  1089 OTU RAF Nov 7, 19044.  1382 (TS)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.
					Sold to Canadair Jul 17, 1946.  To Empresa Guatemalteca de
					Aviacion (Aviateca) as LG-AMA.  Later registered to Aviateca as
					TG-AMA Oct 29, 1948.  W/o Feb 17, 1975 when DBR by fire on the ground
					at Tikal-El Peten Airport, Guatemala.
				93560 (MSN 13485) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG668 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 14, 1944.  436 Sqdn RAF Sep 15, 1945.  435 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.
					Sold to Canadian govenment Apr 8, 1946.  Transferred to RCAF as KG668 Jun 17, 1946
					Central Experimental Proving Establishment, Uplands, Ontario.  Renumbered 12942 in Jun 1970.
					CGRSA Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources Jan 10, 1975.  Canadian Center for Remote Surveys Jul 7, 1975.
					Innotech Aviation Ltd, Dorval, Quebec Jul 1980.  In 2019 was N472AF owned by Vintage Wings Aircraft LLC of
					Terre Haute, Indiana.   This aircraft did a flyover of ceremonies of 75th Anniversary of Operation Neptune, 
					at the National Museum of the Air Force on Jun 6, 2019.  Operation Neptune was the code word for the
					naval operations to convey the assault troops across the English Chanlle and to land them on the D-Day beaches.
				93561 (MSN 13486) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG669 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 28, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  22 MU RAF Jun 67, 1946.
					Sold Aug 19, 1946 to Sabena, delivered Mar 18, 1947.  Became OO-AWF.  Congo 10Dec51   Air Katanga leased Oct   
					Air Congo leased 22Dec60  90-CUF Air Congo registered 13Feb61  Reregistered 9Q-CUF  
					Bought 31Dec65  (9T-PKW OR 9T-PKT).  Congo AF WFU 
				93562 (MSN 13487) to USAAF Jun 2, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG670 via RAF Montreal Jun 6, 1944.  
					RAF UK Jun 13, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Jul 17, 1944.  1333 TSCU RAF May 1945.  Returned to USAAF
					May 9, 1947. To Scottish Aviation Ltd 10May47  G-AKIK  BEA 18Sep47  Cyprus Airways Ltd "Citium" 17Dec47  
					damaged by time bomb Nicosia, Cyprus 27Apr56  Field Aircraft Services 28Aug56  to French AF as 
					AdlA 13487 07Mar5GAM 50 May57.  Disappeared near Andapa Madagascar  30May58 
				93563 (MSN 13489) to USAAF 02Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44 Manila.   SOC 29Apr48  
				93564 (MSN 13490) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44 Manila.   Salvaged 12Dec45
				93565 (MSN 13491) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44 Tacloban.  to Philippine AF Oct 11, 1946. 
					To XY-ACA with Burma Airways, Ltd.  To Burmese AF as UBT-703 then 5703.  To Nevada Airlines Inc
					as N2270Z bought Apr 29l 1978, registered Jul 21, 1978.  Current 2011.
				93566 (MSN 13492) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44 WFU.  to XY-ACA.  To Burmese AF
				93567 (MSN 13493) to USAAF 04Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44  Tacloban.  To MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) 
					as Q-10.  Flown with Australian radio call sign of VH-PAJ.  To Netherlands Navy as MLD W-10.  
					Transferred to Indonesian AF (AURI) Oct 7. 1950.
				93568 (MSN 13494) to USAAF Jun 4, 1944.  Pac TSP Jun 13, 1944 Manila.  Sold Mar 14, 1947
				93569 (MSN 13495) to USAAF 04Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44  Manila.  Salvaged 01Dec45  
				93570 (MSN 13496) to USAAF 07Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44  Manila.  Japan 10Sep46.  Guam.  Salvaged 29Apr48
				93571 (MSN 13497) to USAAF 04Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44  Manila.  FLC 31Dec45.  To 19 Sqdn RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-962, 
					flown with Australian radio callsign VH-REP.  To T-462 Jul47  to PK-REP  to Indonesian AF as TNI-AU  T-462 Jun50  
				93572 (MSN 13499) to USAAF 11Jun44.  Pac TSP 21Jun44.  Salvaged 12Dec45  
				93573 (MSN 13500) to USAAF Jun 6, 1944.  W/o in takeoff accident Oct 13, 1944 Nandi AB, Fiji 
					1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 
					navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute 
					Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile 
					northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
				93574 (MSN 13501) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 03Jul44 Manila. Salvaged 25Jul47  
				93575 (MSN 13502) to USAAF 07Jun44.  Pac TSP 21Jun44.  Manila 21Mar47 
				93576 (MSN 13503) to USAAF 09Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44.  Manila.  FLC 01May46 
					To MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-8, flown with Australian radio callsign VH-PAH.
					To Netherlands Navy as MLD W-8.  Transferred to Indonesian AF (AURI) Oct 7, 1950
				93577 (MSN 13504) to USAAF 04Jun44.  US 04Jul44.  To RFC 12Mar46.  Rebuilt as DC-3C c/n 43082  
					NC34916 The Hearst Corp, NYC, NY US 17Sep46.   Johns Manville Corp Nov53  
					N20JM 1963.  N203M  1965.  CF-WCN Millardair Ltd 10Feb67.  N37490 Lots o'Luck Inc, Miami Beach, 
					FL US 01Apr80.   Palamar Investments Inc, Miami Beach, FL US 30Mar81.  H H Delmo, Mojave, CA US  US 12Aug82 
				93578 (MSN 13505) to USAAF 04Jun44. Pac TSP 21Jun44 Manila.  SOC 27Apr48
				93579 (MSN 13506) to USAAF 09Jun44. Pac TSP 16Jun44  Manila.  FLC 01May46.  VH-ASD Dept of Civil Aviation R20Mar47  
					VH-CAN reregistered 09Aug50.  Paradak Pty Ltd, Melbourne "Can-o-Bus" 27Oct78. In Mar 2007 was at Ashburton 
					Aviation Museum, New Zealand. 
				93580 (MSN 13507) to USAAF 04Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44  Manila.  Salvaged 19Apr46  
				93581 (MSN 13509) to USAAF 12Jun44.  Pac TSP 24Jun44  Manila.  SOC  01May46
				93582 (MSN 13510) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44  Tacloban.  To PI-C55 Philippine Airlines 15May46 
					To JA-5025 C Itoh R26Nov56.  Japan Helicopter Air Tpt L.  All Nippon Airways L  07Jul58  B04Nov60   
					PI-C649 Commercial Air Tpt Nov73.  Paranan Logging Enterprises, PI  RP-649 
					Astro Air Tpt Inc Sep75.  Transair Sep81  
				93583 (MSN 13511) to USAAF 12Jun44.  Pac TSP 28Jun44 Tacloban.  347th TCS 10Sep50.  SOC 06Aug51
				93584 (MSN 13512) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44 Manila.  FLC 01May46.   to XY-ACC.  To 
					Burmese AF as UBT-706 ?.  DBR at Lanya Nov 13, 1949. 
				93585 (MSN 13513) to USAAF 11Jun44.  Pac TSP 24Jun44 Manila.  W/o in landing accident Jan 31, 1946 Lipa AB, 
				93586 (MSN 13514) to USAAF 10Jun44. Pac TSP 21Jun44?  no card.  To PI-C439 Philippine Airlines  
					To PK-IBI PT Bouraq Airlines, Feb70 Bouraq Indonesia Airlines PT 
				93587 (MSN 13515) to USAAF 10Jun44.  Pac TSP 21Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 25Jul46  
				93588 (MSN 13516) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44  Tacloban.  To Philippine Airlines 22Jan46
				93589 (MSN 13517) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 16Jun44 Japan. Salvaged 29Apr48  
				93590 (MSN 13519) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 13Jun44.  Washout 23Feb45
				93591 (MSN 13520) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44  Japan.  Scrapped  02Jan47 
				93592 (MSN 13521) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44  Manila.   To VH-ANU Australian National Airlines "Lemana" R17Dec45   
					Ti ZK-BKD New Zealand National Airlines "Kotare" Rl4Jun55.  Mount Cook & Southern Lakes TouristCO US R16Oct61  
					Mount Cook Airlines Jan67   New Zealand National Airlines 03Jul70.  Fieldair Ltd R13Jul70
				93593 (MSN 13522) to USAAF 06Jun44. Pac TSP 14Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 12Dec45  
				93594 (MSN 13523) to USAAF 09Jun44. Pac TSP 16Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 25Jul46  
				93595 (MSN 13524) to USAAF 07Jun44. Pac TSP 16Jun44 Manila.  SOC  01May46.  To XW-PFW
				93596 (MSN 13525) to USAAF 09Jun44. Pac TSP 14Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 10Nov45
				93597 (MSN 13526) to USAAF 07Jun44. Pac TSP 14Jun44 Japan.  SOC 29Apr48 
				93598 (MSN 13527) to USAAF 06Jun44. Pac TSP 14Jun44 Manila.  Ditched near Dumong, Philippines Feb 9, 1946.
				93599 (MSN 13529) to USAAF Jun 07, 1944, arrived in Manila June 14, 1944. FLC Dec 31, 1945.  Butler Air 
					delivered to Australia April 14, 1948 for the Australian National Airlines, 
					registered as VH-IND, named 'Menana', next to Aviation Sales in Auckland, NZ 
					as ZK-BYE. Imported into Laos with the help of Air America, believed to be 
					one of the two C-47s delivered to General Vang Pao's Xieng Khouang Air 
					Transport as XW-PFX. Next to Lao Air Charter now registered as XW-TDJ. On 
					December 23, 1969 the left wing contacted a mountain and the aircraft crashed 
					near Luang Prabang, Laos. 2 crew fatal of three. Passengers 4 fatal of 16 onboard.
				93600 (MSN 13530) to USAAF 07Jun44.  no card. Pac OR US Alaska TSP 14Jun44 
					Damaged in landing Oct 29, 1947 at Kindley Field, Bermuda 
				93601 (MSN 13531) to USAAF 07Jun44.  Alaska TSP 14Jun44. 575 BAS Mar46.  To RFC 21Mar46  
					To NC62384 Pioneer Airlines "The Pioneer Plainsman" L Jun48. To USAF as C-117C 42-93601 01Mar52  
					N62384 IntI Aviation Devel Corp D29Nov61 stored Davis Monthan 01Dec69 
 				93602 (MSN 13532) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Alaska TSP 25Oct44. To RFC 27May46  
					To NC58731 Morrison Knudson Co Inc, Seattle, WA US Dec53.  Hughes Aircraft Co.
					Blatz Airlines 15Mar60.  Aircraft Finance & Title Co, Georgetown, TX US 1966.
					F A Blatz, Los Angeles, CA US 1970. J R Ricci, Torrance, CA US R21Dec78.  Current 2011
				93603 (MSN 13533) to USAAF 06Jun44.  Pac TSP 14Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 25Jul46
				93604 (MSN 13534) To USAAF 6Jun44. Ninth Air Force 6Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45. Returned to USA Aug 27, 1945.  Scrapped Aug 18, 1947
				93605 (MSN 13535) to USAAF 06Jun44.  9th AF 16Jul44. Returned to US 05Aug45.  To RFC 30Oct45 
					to 19 Sqdn RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-987, callsign VH-RCD.  To Netherlands East Indies government as NI-475.  
					By 1955 was PK-DPG of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV.  To PK-GDV 1956.  W/o Dec 24, 1959 at
					Palembang, Indonesia.
				93606 (MSN 13536) to USAAF Jun44. Ninth Air Force Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  Stored Davis Monthan 01Dec69.  Converted to VC-47A Sep54 
					WFU 01Dec69  
				93607 (MSN 13537) to USAAF 07Jun44.   9th AF?  14Jun44? no card.
					Bailed from the USAF to Air America July 1966 as '607' (not B-607). 
					Numerous accidents, incidents over the years all repaired.  On March 22 1968 veered 
					off the runway and rolled down a steep embankment to the right of the extreme end of 
					the runway at Gia Nghia (V-202), South Vietnam. The wreck was abandoned, but noted 
					still in place in 1972.  Correspondence on the Air-Britain chat site suggests that
					the Air America identity was 603, not 607 - or maybe both were worn at different times?
				93608 (MSN 13539) to USAAF Jun 7, 1944.  To RAF as KG672 at RAF Nassau Jun 17, 1944.
					Then to South African AF as 6837 Jul 13, 1944.  5 Wg SAA 1945.  15 AD SAAF 1954.  85 AFS SAAF Mar 1978.
					Current 2011.
				93609 (MSN 13540) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG673 at RAF Nassau Jun 24, 1944.  To SAAF as 6839 
					Jul 13, 1944.  To civil registry as ZS-MRS. Back to SAAF as 6839. 
					Converted to C-47TP.  Was still active in 2011.
				93610 (MSN 13541) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG674 at RAF Nassau Jun 22, 1944. To SAAF as 6838 
					Jul 23, 1944. 28 Sqdn SAAF "OD-W" 1946.  15 AD SAAF 1954.  To civil registry as ZS-CAI Aug 21, 1958.
					Current 2010.
				93611 (MSN 13542) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG675 at RAF Nassau Jun 22, 1944.  RAF West Africa
					Aug 17, 1944  Dak Flt WA US RAF.  RAF Med ME Apr 25, 1946.  1314 FLT RAF.  To FLC at Payne Field
					Sep 26, 1946.  To VT-CGO oof Bharat Airlines "Supavn" registered Oct 3, 1946.  To Indian Airlines
					Corp from 1953 to 1958.  To M. S. Kasturi and Sons Ltd "The Hindu" Feb 29, 1958. WFU Sep 1981
				93612 (MSN 13543) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG676 at RAF Nassau Jun 17, 1944.  ACSEA Jul 10, 1944.
					STU RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  62 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian Government Jan 30, 1947. To civil registry as VT-CYX
					May 1949, operated by Deccan Airwayas and Indian Airlines.  To the Indian Border Security Force.  
					Later displayed at Border Security Force's Signal Training Center, Yelahanka, India.
					Offered for auction in Bangalore Nov 2010.
				93613 (MSN 13544) to USAAF Jun 9 1944.  To RAF as KG677 at RAF Nassau Jun 17, 1944 . RAF UK Sep 3, 1944.
					1334 TSCU RAF Baroda Mar 1945.  WFU Nov 27, 1947.
				93614 (MSN 13545) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG678 at RAF Nassau Jun 26, 1944.  ACSEA Jul 18, 1944.
					436 Sqdn RCAF.  48 Sqdn RAF. W/o Nov 29, 1945.
				93615 (MSN 13546) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG679 at RAF Nassau Jun 20, 1944.  ACSEA Jul 17, 1944.
					ACSEA Jul 17, 1i944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF. 62 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.  To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946.
				93616 (MSN 13547) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG680 at RAF Nassau Jun 19, 1944.   RAF UK Jul 17, 1944.
					31 Sqdn RAF India.  133r TSCU RAF Baroda Mar 1945.  To Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				93617 (MSN 13549) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG682 via RAF Nassau Jun 17, 1944.  
					ACSEA Sep 11, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  BAFSEA CS RAF.  682 Sqdn RAF France. To Indian government Nov 28, 1946.
					Transferred to Indian AF Nov 28, 1946 as VP915.
				93618 (MSN 13550) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG683 but NTU. To USSR.
				93619 (MSN 13551) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944  to RAF as Dakota III KG684 via RAF NASSAU Jun 20, 1944.
					RAF India Jul 25, 1944.  Transferred to Indian government Nov 28, 1946.  To Indian AF as MA968 Sep 25, 1947.
				93620 (MSN 13552) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  Intended to RAF as KG685, but diverted to USSR Jun 1944. 
					To Polish AF Jul 1944 as No. 1. To civil registry with LOT as SP-LCH. To Iran Air as EP-AEI Feb 1959. 
					W/o near Ahwaz, Iran Feb 20, 1962.  LOT had several C-47s registered as SP-LCH over the years.
				93621 (MSN 13553) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG686 but NTU. To USSR.
				93622 (MSN 13554) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as KG687 but NTU. To USSR.
				93623 (MSN 13555) To USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG688 via RAF Montreal Jun 18, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jul 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF Nov 26, 1944. India Oct 30, 1946.  WFU. 
					Sold to Indian government Oct 31, 1946. To civil registry VT-CHI Oct 29, 1946.  To Indian AF Dec 1947.
				93624 (MSN 13556) to USAAF Jun 9, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG689 via RAF Montreal Jun 17, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 278, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Oct 31, 1946.
					To FLC st Payne Field Oct 31, 1946.  To EP-AAP Jan 9, 1948.  To Saudi Arabia May 1948.
				93625 (MSN 13557) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG690 via RAF Montreal Jun 18, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF. Flew into cliffs in cloud near Salalah, Aden Jul 31, 1944.
				93626 (MSN 13559) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG692 Jul 4, 1944.  Diverted to RCAF,
					no RAF service.  RCAF Patricia Bay Jul 4, 1944.  RCAF WAC Jan 2, 1946.  EC Jan 14, 1946.
					To Trans Canada Airlines as CF-TEE bought Feb 19, 1946 "78" then "378".  To US civil registry
					as N4998E with Frontier Airlines "Sunliner Nebraska" bought Aug 5, 1958.
					Miami Aviation Corp, Opa Locka, FL Jul 1, 1964.  To Air Manila as PI-C854 in 1965.  
					W/o May 23, 1967 at Iligan Airport.
				93627 (MSN 13560) to USAAF Jul 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG693 at RAF Patricial Bay Jun 19, 1944, 
					to RCAF 18 days later.  Stored WAC Nov 7, 1944.  EAC Jan 14, 1946.  To TCA as CF-TEF Aug 17, 1946,
					as "79", then "379".   To Babb Co. 1958 as CF-53F, then to Aero Enterprises Apr 1959 as N5590A.  
					Then to Royal Thai AF as BL.2 s/n 213560 Mar 28, 1959.  Wfu 1985.
				93628 (MSN 13561) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG694 via RAF Nassau Jun 23, 1944.
					RAF India Aug 2, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  194 Sqdn RAF.  Destroyed by fire when
					bellylanded 3 mi S of Myingyan, Burma Jun 14, 1945 after engine caught fire.
				93629 (MSN 13562) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG695 via RAF Nassau Jun 23, 1944.
					ACSEA Jul 19, 1944.  62 Sqdn RAF.  To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946 as L2-3/90.  SOC
					Mar 11, 1965
				93630 (MSN 13563) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG696 Jun 24, 1944.  117 Ssqdn RAF.
					1334 CU RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				93631 (MSN 13564) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF in India as Dakota III KG697 Jun 22, 1944.
					436 Sqdn RAF.  SOC Apr 14, 1947.
				93632 (MSN 13565) to USAAF Jun 10, 1944.  To RAF via RAF Nassau as Dakota III KG698 Jun 29, 1944.
					RAF India Jul 25, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  31 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				93633 (MSN 13566) to USAF Jun 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG699 via RAF Nassau Jun 20, 1944.
					RAF India Jul 17, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  To Indian govdrnment Nov 28, 1946.  Transferred to Indian AF
					Sep 25, 1947 as VP916
				93634 (MSN 13567) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG700 ia RAF Nassau Jun 26, 1944.
					ACSEA Jul 22, 1944.  233 Sqdn RAF.  Transferred to Indian government Nov 28, 1946, to Indian AF
					Sep 25, 1947 as VP917
				93635 (MSN 13569) to USAAF Jun 12, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG702 via RAF Nassau Jun 24, 1944.
					RAF India Aug 3, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF. 194 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government
					Jan 30, 1947.  To VT-COZ Oct 28, 1947.  W/O Jan 21, 1955 at Tarapati, India
				93636 (MSN 13570) to USAAF Jun 12, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG703 via RAF Montreal Jun 12, 1944.
					MAAF Jul 27, 1944. 44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF in Egypt Jun 26, 1947.  Oct 1947 to Jamair as VT-COU.
					To Kalinga Airlines. W/o Apr 2, 1964 when DBR at Calcutta, India.
				93637 (MSN 13571) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG704 via RAF Montreal Jun 21, 1944.  
					RAF Middle ast Jul 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Jul 26, 1946.  In 1946 to TC-BEY of 
					Devlet Hava Yollari.  To N16893 Jan 22, 1972.  WFU. Seen derelict at Istanbul/Yesilkoy Jun 1971.
				93638 (MSN 13572) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG705 via RAF Montreal Jun 18, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jul 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF Feb 5, 1945.  282 Wg RAF May 1, 45.  216 Sqdn RAF.  
					Returned to USAAF Jun 27, 1946.  To Iran Air as EP-AAJ 1946.  W/o Dec 1, 1950
					when crashed into mountain NNW of Chamaran, Iran.  7 crew, 1 passenger killed.
				93639 (MSN 13573) to USAAF Jun 16, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG706 via RAF Montreal Jun 23, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 30, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  78 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF
					Aug 29, 1946.  To VT-CGQ with Indian Airlines Corp Oct 3, 1946.  WFU.  Preserved at Dharmasthala, India.
				93640 (MSN 13574) to USAAF Jun 14, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG707 via RAF Monteal Jun 20, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jul 31, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF Aug 29, 1946.
				93641 (MSN 13575) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG708 via RAF Montreal Jun 20, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 24, 1944.  To USSR Jul 3, 1944.  SOC Aug 29, 1946.
				93642 (MSN 13576) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG709 via RAF Montreal Jujn 18, 1944.
					MAAF Jul 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Sep 29, 1946.  To FLC Payne Field Sep 29, 1946.
					To ET-T-10 in 1947,  To Ethiopian AF as YIAH-I-701F
				93643 (MSN 13577) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG710 via RAF Montreal Jun 22, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jul 27, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Missing in transit
					between Bari, Italy and Hassani Dec 13, 1944.
				93644 (MSN 13579) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG712 via RAF Montreal Jun 17, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 28, 1944.  216 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF
					Aug 29, 1946.  To FLC at Almaza Aug 29, 1946.  To VT-CGR with Indian Airlines Corp Oct 3, 1946.  
					WFU. Preserved at Hyderabad, India
				93645 (MSN 13580) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG713 via rAF Montreal Jul 8, 1944.
					144 Wing RAF Dec 16, 1944.  RAF UK Jun 11, 1945.  436 Sqdn RAF Sep 13, 1945.
					435 Sqdn RAF Mar 17, 1946.  Transferred to 429 Sqdn RCAF Apr 8, 1946.  1 ANS "VCGSL" 1952.
					Renumbered 12946 in Jun 1970.  Stored Saskatoon 1976.  WFU.  To C-GJKM Oct 1980.  WFU Oct 28, 2004.
				93646 (MSN 13581) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG714 via RAF Montreal Jun 21, 1944.
					RAF Middle East Jun 27u, 1944.  44 Sqdn SAAF.  Returned to USAAF Jul 31, 1947.  To VT-CGZ with
					Indian Airlines Corp Jan 1947.
				93647 (MSN 13582) to USAAF Jun 11, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG715 via RAF Nassau Jun 24, 1944.
					SEAAC Jul 31, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  62 Sqdn RAF.  Flew into high ground
					in cloud 48 mi NE of Kyaukpyu, Burma while on supply dropping mission Jun 5, 1945.
				93648 (MSN 13583) to USAAF Jun 19, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG716 via RAF Nassau Jun 26, 1944.
					RAF India Jul 2, 1944.  194 Sqdn RAF.  353 Sqdn RAF.  Returned to USAAF and to FLC Jun 27, 1946.
				93649 (MSN 13584) to USAAF Jun 19, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG717 via RAF Nassau Jun 27, 1944.
					RAF India Jug 4, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  1334 TSCU Broda RAF.  To Indian government Jun 30, 1947.  To Deccan
					Airways Jan 1950 as VT-DDD.  To Indian airlines Corp Aug 1, 1953.  To J K
					Chemicals Ltd Bombay May 6, 1971.  To Safari Airways "Mayur" in 1978.  To Yemen
					Airways as 4W-ABX, but not sure this is correct.
				93650 (MSN 13585) to USAAF Jun 26, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG718 via RAF Nssau Jul 3, 1944.
					ACSEA Jul 21, 1944.  52 Sqdn RAF.  62 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
				93651 (MSN 13586) to USAAF Jun 20, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG719 via RAF Nassau Jun 28, 1944.
					SEAAC Aug 2, 1944.  353 Sqdn RAF.  52 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				93652 (MSN 13587) to USAAF Jun 21, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG720 via RAF Nassau Jul 1, 1944.
					ACSEA Jul 27, 1944.  31 SqdnRAF.  177 Sqdn RAF.  62 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
					Became VH-BFW Mar 24, 1948.  To VH-MAC with Mandated Airlines Ltd. Aug 10, 1951.  To B-251 Jun 24, 1967.
					W/o Apr 24, 1969 at Phanteit, Vietnam.
				93653 (MSN 13589) to USAAF Jun 22, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG722 via RAF Nassau Jul 3, 1944.
					RAF India Junl 30, 1944.  117 Sqdn RAF 52 Sqdn RAF.  117 Sqdn RAF.  Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
				93654 (MSN 13590) to USAAF Jun 24, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG723 via RAF Nassau Lul 3, 1944.
					RAF India Jul 25, 1944.  AHQ India Comm Sqdn Jan 4, 19478.  India CU RAF.  CF Mauripur RAF.
					SOC Nov 12, 1948.  Sold Jan 5, 1950.  Became G-ALWC Jan 10, 1950.
					Was to have become F-GBOL Nov 1982 but NTU.  G-ALWC cancelled
					Apr 3, 1989.  Preserved by La Federation Francaise des Ailes
					Anciennes and displayed at Aeroscopia Museum, Toulouse, France
				93655 (MSN 13591) to USAAF Aug 13, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17229 Aug 13, 1944
				93656 (MSN 13592) to USAAF Jun 14, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17230 Jun 14, 1944
				93657 (MSN 13593) to USAAF Jun 14, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17231 Jun 14, 1944
				93658 (MSN 13594) to USAAF Jun 14, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17232 Jun 14, 1944
				93659 (MSN 13595) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17233 Jun 15, 1944
				93660 (MSN 13596) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944, to US Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17234 Jun 15, 1944
				93661 (MSN 13597) to USAAF 13Jun44.  Pac TSP 24Jun44  Manila.  SOC 31Dec45  
				93662 (MSN 13599) to USAAF 13Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44 Manila.  SOC 29Apr48   
				93663 (MSN 13600) to USAAF 13Jun44.  Pac TSP 27Jun44  Manila.  W/o Dec 20, 1945 at Sendai-Yanomi Field, Japan
				93664 (MSN 13601) to USAAF 13Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44.  W/o May 11, 1945 in crashlanding at Sorido, Biak, New Guinea.
				93665 (MSN 13602) to USAAF 13Jun44.  Pac TSP 03Jul44  Manila.  SOC 13Jul49  
				93666 (MSN 13603) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44 Manila,  To FLC 15Apr46.  To VH-AOH.  W/O 03Jun47 at Schofields, Australia  
				93667 (MSN 13604) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44  Manila.   Salvaged 12Dec45 
				93668 (MSN 13605) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44 SOC 29Mar45 
				93669 (MSN 13606) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44.  Manila 01May46.  VH-AML Ansen Airlines R14Nov46  
					VH-RML Rr 01Oct48.   VH-BZL with Ansett Airways Pty Rr 29Jun49.  VR-NCN W African Airways Corp "Bathurst" 
					B Aug57.  Nigeria Airways Jun58  5N-AAN Rr.  "AAW" Nigerian AF 04Aug67.  Derelict Lagos Jan72 B/U late 1977 
				93670 (MSN 13607) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44  Manila.  FLC 31Dec45.  To NEIAF as DT-967, flown with 
					Australian radio c/s VH-REU.  To T-467 Jul47.  To PK-REU.  To Indonesian AF as TNI-AU T-467 Jun50  
					To PK-VDN Apr80.   WFU Oct83  
				93671 (MSN 13609) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44  Japan.   SOC 29Apr48  
				93672 (MSN 13610) to USAAF 15Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44  Manila.  Salvaged 29Apr48 
				93673 (MSN 13611) to USAAF 14Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44  Manila  Tacloban.  To Philippine AF Jul 23, 1946
				93674 (MSN 13612) to USAAF 15Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44  Manila.  VH-ANY Australian National "Yana" R17Dec45   
					VH-AVK Guinea Airways "Kokoda" BOlJul46 RllMar47.  VH-MMM Commercial Aviation Pty "Murchison" R04Apr55  
					MacRobertson Miller B07 Apr65.  WFU Perth Jan69.  Australian Aircraft Sales R15May69  B02Jul69   
					B-259 Far East Air Tpt Dl6Jul69.   N86AC allocated but NTU.  preserved at Taoyuan Aviation Museum, 
					Taiwan as B-126  of Civil Aviation Administration.
					Moved to previous Taoyuan AFB for storage waiting for the new aviation museum. 
				93675 (MSN 13613) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44 Manila.  Salvaged 25Jul46
				93676 (MSN 13614) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 22Jun44 Manila.   Salvaged 25Jul46  
				93677 (MSN 13615) to USAAF 15Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44 Manila.  SOC 29Apr48 
				93678 (MSN 13616) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44.  FLC Manila  31Dec45.  to Netherlands AF as KLU Q-11  
					flown with Australian radio c/s VH-PAK,  to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-11.
					Transferred to Indonesian AF (AURI) Oct 7, 1950
				93679 (MSN 13617) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 23Jun44  Tacloban.  SOC 28May46 
				93680 (MSN 13619) to USAAF 19Jun44. Ninth Air Force 25Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.    US 29Jul45.  RFC 26Oct45. 19 Sqn RAAF (NEI) as DT-983 callsign VH-RCA  
					PK-RCA KNILM.   NI472 NEIAF.  PK-DPC KNILM R06Oct47.  Garuda Indonesian 28Dec49.   PK-GDS Rr 07Ju156  
					Merpati Nusantara 01Dec69.  PK-NDM "Mulia" Rr 11Feb70.  Spares 1970. Derelict 1978  
				93681 (MSN 13620) to USAAF 15Jun44. Ninth Air Force 24Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel,
					Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.   Went to Taiwan AF as 13612.  Reported
					2008 at Taiwan Taoyuan IAP Aviation Museum painted as B-126.
				93682 (MSN 13621) to USAAF 18Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, 
					Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  To NC62567.  To Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ABH.  To
					private operator in Brazil as PP-XES, PP-YQA, and then Oct 1960 to
					Lineas Aereas del Estado (Argentine AF) as T-27, then TC-27.  Placed
					in storage at Ensayao en Vuelo Apr 1972.
				93683 (MSN 13622) delivered to USAAF 15Jun44; 9th Air Force, Europe 24Jul44; 2nd Troop Carrier 
					Pathfinder Squadron, 9th Troop Carrier Pathfinder Group, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire; 
					Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. 
					Accident 21Jan45, struck trees on a hilltop somewhere in the area between Buxton and Ashbourne; 
					The crew was on a daytime training flight from Chalgrove in Oxfordshire with four other aircraft. 
					Their route took them from Chalgrove to Bury St Edmunds and then to Wrexham where the formation 
					was to break up and the five aircraft return individually. Due to bad weather the flight leader 
					instructed the crews to break company short of Wrexham; at this point the crew of 42-93683 
					decided to fly roughly ESE to avoid having to pass through a weather front that 
					lay between them and Chalgrove. After a short time the weather closed in and the crew 
					lost sight of the ground, the pilot decided to climb up to 3000ft. Shortly after starting 
					the climb and having gained virtually no height the crew saw trees immediately ahead of 
					them and had no time to avoid them. The trees caused minor damage to the aircraft with the 
					starboard tail plane and elevator damaged along with the leading edge of the starboard wing 
					and skinning on the underside. Along with this structural damage the radio aerials on 
					the underside were damaged or entirely missing. 2nd Troop Carrier Pathfinder Squadron, 
					Chartres [A-40], France; Damaged landing 5 miles NW of Nurnberg, Germany 30Apr45; Oberpfaffenhofen, 
					Germany 1Jan48; Diverted to Turkey 22Jan49 as 6031 code ETI-31.  VH-EBI Qantas Rr 23Sep49  
					VH-TAV TAA "Todd" B03Nov50.  VH-SBJ " Leichardt" Rr 08Feb61. XW-PEE Continental Air Svces D10Oct68  
					N13622 Rr Mar69.  Air Alliance Inc, Los Angeles, CA US Dec70
				93684 (MSN 13623) delivered to USAAF 16Jun44; Pac TSP, Manila, Philippines 23Jun44; QANTAS; Registered VH-AII 12Dec45; 
					Trans Australian Airlines, "Mueller" leased 3Sep48 to 24Feb49; QANTAS; Registered VH-EBI 23Sep49; 
					Trans Australian Airlines, "Todd" 3Nov50; Registered VH-TAV; Reregistered VH-SBJ 8Feb61; "Leichardt"; 
					Registration cancelled 9Oct68; Continental Air Services International 10Oct68; 
					Registered XW-PEE; Reregistered N13622 Mar69; Air Alliance Inc, Los Angeles, CA (Dec70); Cancelled
				93685 (MSN 13624) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 24Jun44  Manila.  To Australian National Airways December 23, 1945 
					as VH-ANW; sold May 1954 to Guinea Airways and reregistered August 1958 
					to VH-GAK. Guinea Airways taken over January 1960 by Ansett-ANA, 
					aircraft reverted to VH-ANW. Retired Oct 4, 1971 and placed on display at youth 
					camp in South Australia; to Southern Air Maintenance at Parafield Nov 7, 1985 
					for restoration. Restoration completed 1987 and aircraft painted as VH-MMF 
					of MacRobertson Miller Airlines; was intended for display in a 
					restaurant complex at Perth, Australia.
				93686 (MSN 13625) to USAAF 16Jun44.  Pac TSP 24Jun44  Manila.  Japan.  Salvaged 24May47
				93687 (MSN 13626) to USAAF 16Jun44.  India-China TSP 25Aug44  Karachi.  sold 31Mar46.  To VT-CFB 
					Indian National Airways R17Jun46.  Indian Airlines Corp 01Aug53.   W/o Mar 13, 1957 Kingsway Camp 
					near North Delhi, India in training flight.  3 lost.
				93688 (MSN 13627) to USAAF 16Jun44. India-China TSP 16Aug44.   Europe.   FLC 17Apr46 
				93689 (MSN 13629) to USAAF 17Jun44. India-China TSP 22Aug44.  w/o Sep 22, 1944, CBI.
				93690 (MSN 13630)  to USAAF as C-47A-25-DK 42-93690 17Jun44  no card   USAF stored Davis Monthan Sep67 to Jun68
					damaged Aug 1, 1950 in taxiing accident in Greece.  Scrapped Sep 1967
				93691 (MSN 13631) to USAAF 17Jun44.  India-China TSP 28Jul44   Karachi.  To Indian Government 10Apr46
				93692 (MSN 13632) to USAAF 17Jun44.  US 23Jul44.   RFC 09Mar46   To PP-AVY with Empresa de Transportes
					Aerovias Brasil S.A. Sep 19, 1946.   W/o Aug 27, 1959 Maringa Aiport, operated by REAL
				93693 (MSN 13633) to USAAF 26Jun44.  US 30Jun44. To RFC 12May46.  To NC53668 with Penn Central Airlines in 1946.  
					Cancelled Dec 21, 1948
				93694 (MSN 13634) to USAAF 17Jun44.  US 30Jun44. To RFC 01Jul46.  To NC15557 with J V Lincoln, Dallas, TX.  
					To the Babb Company, Glendale, CA. Registration cancelled Aug49. 
					To Mutual Defense Assistance Program as 49-26xx. Rebuilt by Aviation Maintenance Company, Van Nuys, 
					Glendale, CA. Royal Hellenic Air Force as 49-26xx.
				93695 (MSN 13635) to USAAF 21Jun44.  US 02Jul44.   W/o Jul 26, 1944 Fayetteville-Pope AAF, North Carolina.
				93696 (MSN 13636) to USAAF 17Jun44.  US 01Jul44.  To RFC 25Mar46.  to civil registry as NC54215 with D Catlin, 
					to Maquinas Aerocom as PP-XDU.  To Aerovias Brazil (REAL Transportes Aereos) as PP-AXK.
					To Brazilian AF as FAB 2066.  w/o Mar 13, 1961, Brasilia, DF Internacional,
				93697 (MSN 13637) to USAAF 22Jun44.  9th AF 23Jul44,  US.  To RFC 21Sep45.  Canadair Ltd  
					SE-BBO ABA "Duvan" B10Dec45.  R16Aug46.  To SE-BBO "Orvar Viking" Aug 1, 1948 of Scandinavian Airlines.
					Linjeflyg L30Apr57. B03May65. Transair L 01Feb63    To OY-DMN Faroe Airways delivered Jun 3, 1965.  Broken
					up at Kastrup 1969.
				93698 (MSN 13639) to USAAF 17Jun44.  9th AF 10Jul44.  US.  To RFC 22Sep45.  19 Sqn RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-977  flown with 
					Australian radio c/s VH-RCT.  To T-477 Jul47.   PK-RCT KNILM 09Aug47.   
					Garuda Indonesian Airways 28Dec49 PK-GDH Rr 04Jul56.  Aircraft Polytechnic School 10Jan73  
				93699 (MSN 13640) to USAAF 17Jun44. 9th AF 02Jul44.  US. To RFC 22Sep45.  To NC88873.  W/O at Charleston, SC US 31Dec46 
				93700 (MSN 13641) to USAAF 19Jun44. 9th AF 06Jun44.  8th AF.   Missing 19Sep44.  
				93701 (MSN 13642) delivered to USAAF 17Jun44; 7230th Air Base Group, Erding AB, Germany; HQ Squadron, 
					85th Air Base Group, Erding, West Germany; damaged 50 miles SW of Mecatina, Quebec, Canada 18Apr51; 
					Miami, FL 1963; to Honduras AF as FAH 306 Jun 1963; used 15Jul69 loaded with bombs on a mission 
					during the ‘Soccer War’ to bomb the El Salvador Air Force at Ilopango but failed to locate the target; 
					Preserved and on display at Honduran Aviation Museum / Museo del Aire de Honduras, Toncontín 
					International Airport, Tegucicalpa, Honduras.
				93702 (MSN 13643) to USAAF 19Jun44. Ninth Air Force 6Jul44. 310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Damaged while parked in 
					collision by C-47A ? 42-108960 taxying at Spanhoe 24Feb45.  To RFC 26Sep45.  NC88758 Walter K Jaros Acft, 
					Astoria, IL.  C-403 Vias Aereas Colombianos SA.  NC88758.  NC88788 Rr  
					N2000W Ashland Oil & Refining Co, Ashland, KY 1966.  N100DW Serv-Air of Florida Inc, Jacksonville, FL 
					US 1972.   Two Jacks Inc, Olive Branch, MS 1973   5MB Stage Lines, Des Moines, IA RI0Jan74 
					WFU  sold 1982. WFU 13May02 
				93703 (MSN 13644) to USAAF 19Jun44. Ninth Air Force 6Jul44. 321st Transport Squadron, 
					27th Air Transport Group, 302nd Transport Wing, Le Bourget (A-54), Paris, France Nov44. 
					Detached to 1409th Base Unit, European Division, Air Transport Command, Metfield (Station 366) Dec44; 
					equipped for operations in artic conditions. Ferried to Leuchars, Scotland then on to Bromma, 
					Stockholm, Sweden. Later flown to Kallax Swedish Air Force Base near Luleå Dec44. Used for 
					special missions by Colonel Bernt Balchen to supply forces in German occupied Norway. Salvaged 18Apr46.
				93704 (MSN 13645) to USAAF 19Jun44  no card  9th AF?  Converted to VC-47A Sep 1954.
					converted to EC-47Q from VC-47A.  To Republic of Korea AF Jul 10, 1975.  Now at Korean Aerospace 
					Industry Aerospace Museum, Sacheon AFB.
				93705 (MSN 13646) to USAAF Jun 19, 1944.  9th AF Jul 10, 1944. Rhein Main Jan 1, 1945.  Salvaged Oct 19, 1949
				93706 (MSN 13647) Delivered to USAAF 19Jun44; 9th Air Force, Europe 9Jul44; Reconstruction Finance 
					Corporation (RFC) 25Sep45; to Canadair for conversion to DC-3A-456 1945-1946.  Registered LN-IAH for Det Norske
					Luftfartselskam AS (DNL), named "Nordheim" Sep 21, 1946.  On Aug 1, 1945, DNL became SAS, plane named
					"Hallvard Viking"  Damaged, registered as LN-IKH by SAS Apr 30, 1949.  Sold to Sweden and registered
					SE-CFR by AB Aerotransport (Linjeflyg) Sep 21, 1957.  To Swedish AF as s/n 79007 Jul 28, 1960.
					WFU Oct 9, 1981.  To Swedish AF Museum, Malmslätt, Linköping, Sweden  Dec 19, 1982 
					(Note: This aircraft and msn 12712 [42-92864] were mixed up during conversion, and paperwork shows msns 
					were transposed. Physical inspection of the aircraft however shows msns as shown here).
				93707 (MSN 13649)  to USAAF 19Jun44.  US.  To RFC 21Sep45.  NC38860.  To Spanish AF as FAEs T.3-12 12Jun57.  WFU Jan80 
				93708 (MSN 13650) to USAAF 19Jun44. Ninth Air Force Jul44. 301st Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					441st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Merryfield (Station 464). 442nd Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Weston Zoyland (Station 447). Operating from Langar (Station 490), Transported 
					fifteen paratroopers of the Headquarters 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment to a 
					drop zone near Arnhem, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’ 17Sep44. Damaged taxying at 
					Le Bourget (A-54), Paris, France 1Dec44.  To Spanish AF as T.3-12 Jun 1957
				93709 (MSN 13651) to USAAF Jun44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), 
					Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest 
					of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  US 10Aug45.   To RFC 31Oct45   
					YV-P-AEI Mene Grande Oil.   YV-T-JTA Napoleon Dupory, Caracas R07Nov57.  WFU 1969 
				93710 (MSN 13652) to USAAF 19Jun44.  9th AF 13Aug44.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  FLC France 02Apr48   
					F-BFGI Soc Transatlantique Aerienne 28Jan49.  Ste Transafricaine d' Aviation Dec52  
					Autrex Lopez Loreta  May53.  SE-BWF Transair R22Apr55.   Airtaco D02Mar57.  Linjeflyg 14May57 
					ABA R31Mar58.  EP-ABC Iranian Airways D23Jan58.  LN-LMR Riis &CO US 02Dec61.  Transair L 01Dec61  
					Widerpes L May62.  I-TAVA Itavia D10Sep62.  LN-LMI E Riis  NTU D30Sep63  
					Unregistered Fornebu 1967.  Scrapped 
				93711 (MSN 13653) to USAAF 19Jun44.  9th AF 31Aug44.  Europe TSP 30Aug45.  Munich 01Jan48   
					To FLC 05Feb49.  To Turkish AF as 6053.
				93712 (MSN 13654) to USAAF 20Jun44.  9th AF 23Jul44.  Neth/Belgium.  Czechoslovakia 13Jan47 
					0K-VDZ Ministry of Transportation.   Czech AF.  to French AF as AdlA 13654 01Mar60 
					CIEES 343 "FSKDB" Jan61.  ELA 56 Apr65.  WFU 1971 
				93713 (MSN 13655) to USAAF 20Jun44.  9th AF 10Jul44.  Neth/Belgium.  Salvaged 14Nov77 
				93714 (MSN 13656) to USAAF 29Jun44. Ninth Air Force 24Jul44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 507th 
					Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the 
					Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Returned to US 05Aug45.  To RFC 31Oct45.  To NC54324.  To YC-C-AMO Jan47  WFU
				93715 (MSN 13657) to USAAF 28Jun44.   9th AF 31Jul44 Neth/Belgium.  France 08Sep47  
					To France as F-BEFD for Aigle-Azur, next to the Mauritanian AF as 5T-MAF.  WFU 1962
				93716 (MSN 13659)to USAAF 19Jun44. Ninth Air Force 10Jul44. 438th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 
					507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern 
					edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Salvaged Mar 12, 1948
				93717 (MSN 13660) to USAAF Jun44. 304th Troop Carrier Squadron, 442nd Troop Carrier 
					Group, United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), Munich/Riem (R-82), Germany Sep45.
					Mid-air collision with C-47A ? 43-15676 near Heidelberg, Germany 6May46; the aircraft landed safely.
					Converted to VC-47D Sep54 "0-293717".   N87627 Aero American Corp Aug61.  Fuselage Ryan Fld, 
					Tucson, AZ Aug72.   Aero American Aircraft Parts R10Jan74.  Acme Aircraft Co, Tucson, AZ US R Feb82  
				93718 (MSN 13661) to USAAF 19Jun44.  9th AF 09Jul44.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  Salvaged 03May48
				93719 (MSN 13662, 315th TCG) to USAAF 19Jun44.  9th AF 315th TCG 10Jul44.  Lost Mar 24, 1945.  MACR 13428
				93720 (MSN 13663) to USAAF 19Jun44. 9th AF?  no card.  W/o May 15, 1951 in takeoff accident at Giebelstadt, 
					West Germany
				93721 (MSN 13664) to USAAF 20Jun44. 9th AF 12Jul44.  12th AF Italy.  Salvaged enemy action 20May46
				93722 (MSN 13665) to USAAF 19Jun44. 9th AF? no card.  W/o in landing Feb 4, 1953 at Orly A/P, Paris
				93723 (MSN 13666) to USAAF 22Jun44. 9th AF 23Jul44.  Neth/Belgium.  Crash landed at Munich, Germany Feb 19, 1947.  
					One passenger was killed. 
				93724 (MSN 13667) to USAAF 20Jun44. Ninth Air Force 9Jul44. 27th Air Transport Group. Salvaged Sep 5, 1950
				93725 (MSN 13669) to USAAF 20Jun44. 9th AF 09Jul44.  Neth/Belgium. Salvaged 14Nov47   
				93726 (MSN 13670) to USAAF 20Jun44. 9th AF 10Jul44.  8th AF.  Ditched off Beachey Head, UK Sep 14, 1944
				93727 (MSN 13671) to USAAF 20Jun44.  9th AF? no card.  To VC-47A USAF Sep54.  Athens Aug70 
					Stored Davis Monthan 17Nov70.  scrapped 12Aug76
				93728 (MSN 13672) to USAAF 21Jun44. Ninth Air Force 23Jul44. 857th Bomb Squadron [N*Z], 
					492nd Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force, Harrington (Station 179) Oct44. 856th Bomb Squadron 
					[R*Z] Nov44, Used for ‘Carpetbagger’ operations. Right wing tip damaged when striking a hanger door 8Feb45. 
					Salvaged Nor 14, 1947.
				93729 (MSN 13673) to USAAF 21Jun44. Ninth Air Force 23Jul44. 53rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). Towed a Waco CG-4A 
					glider transporting men and materials for the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne 
					Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. 
					Returning from delivering supplies to Nivelles (B-75), Belgium, the aircraft crashed as it 
					descended in clouds, fog, snow, and icing conditions in near Chipping Ongar, Essex 10Feb45 [4KIA]. 
					Salvaged 11Feb45
				93730 (MSN 13674) to USAAF 21Jun44. 9th AF 09Jul44. Oberpfaff 01Jan48.  FLC Turkey 23Apr49. 
					To Turkish AF as 6093 Apr 24, 1949
				93731 (MSN 13675) to USAAF 21Jun44. 9th AF 31Jul44 Caribbean TSP.  W/o Sep 10, 1945 in crash 6 mi NW off 
					Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
				93732 (MSN 13676) to USAAF 21Jun44.  9th AF?  no card.  WFU.  To N6895D
				93733 (MSN 13677) to USAAF 21Jun44.  9th AF 09Jul44.  Returned to US 01Jul45.  To RFC 27Nov45.  Canadair Ltd  
					F-BAXI Air France R26Dec46.  SFA Jan68.  Rousseau Avn Mar69.  Scrapped Dinard Jun69  
				93734 (MSN 13679) to USAAF Jun44. Ninth Air Force Jul44. 37th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, 
					SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider
					transporting men and materials for the 319th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division 
					to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. 438th Troop Carrier 
					Group, Ninth Air Force, Prosnes (A-79), Reims, France Feb45. Transported paratroopers of the 
					507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge 
					of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Stored Davis Monthan Jan65.  Sold 26Jan75  
				93735 (MSN 13680) to USAAF 21Jun44. 9th AF? no card.  NEV ANG 1953  "0-293735" NEV AG  1961.
					Converted to EC-47N from RC-47N.  To reclamation, cannibalization, salvage, or survey Aug 5, 1975
					from 56th Special Operations Wing, Udorn, Thailand.  
				93736 (MSN 13681)  to USAAF 22Jun44.  9th AF 23Jul44.  Returned to US 01Jul45.  To RFC 25Nov45 
					to NC62568, CU-TI00 Expreso Aero Inter-American SA [Cuba], to Haiti AF as 3681, Compagnie Haitienme 
					de Transports Aeriens, leased from Haiti AF (Corps d'aun de l Arrnee d'Haiti). Now stored 
				93737 (MSN 13682) to USAAF 22Jun44. 9th AF 23Jul44.   8th AF.  9th AF 02Oct44.  accident.  salvaged 04Oct44  
				93738 (MSN 13683) to USAAF 22Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 13Aug44.  Accident 11Mar45  
				93739 (MSN 13684) to USAAF 22Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 01Sep44.  Sold 15Apr46 
					To VT-AZW Indian Overseas Airlines " Star of Lagos" R04Mar46.  Airways (India) Ltd R29Jan51  
					Air SurveyCO US of India R24May73
				93740 (MSN 13685) to USAAF 22Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Accident Lashio, Burma  10Apr45  
				93741 (MSN 13686) to USAAF 22Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 05Aug44.  ANLC 29Nov45  
					To VT-AUR Air India Ltd R18Dec45.   Indian Natl 12Mar49.  Indian Airlines Corp 01Aug53  
					Govt of Maharashtra 17May67  WFU.
				93742 (MSN 13687) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 05Aug44.  ANLC 29Nov45  
					TO VT-AUU Air Svces of India Ltd 12May49.  Air SurveyCO US of India.  Indian
					Airlines Corp 01Aug53.  Airworks India  1978.  WFU Sep81
				93743 (MSN 13689) to USAAF 23Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 04Aug44.  Sold 09Dec45  
					To VT-ATZ Tata Airlines R28Dec45.  Air India Ltd 21Nov46.  Indian Airlines Corp 01Aug53  
					Jamair Pty 1972 to Feb80   
				93744 (MSN 13690) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 05Aug44.  Taxying accident 21Sep45  
				93745 (MSN 13691) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 13Aug44.  Chungking.   FLC 20Aug47  
				93746 (MSN 13692) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 10Aug44  
					W/o in landing accident Jan 17, 1945, Bhamo, Burma
				93747 (MSN 13693) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 19Jul44.  Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
				93748 (MSN 13694) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 24Jul44.  Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945.
				93749 (MSN 13695) to USAAF 23Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
				93750 (MSN 13696) to USAAF 24Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 25Jul44.  Sold 05Feb46  
					VT-AVS Airways (India) Ltd R10Jan46.  Indian Airlines Corp 01Aug53.   BJ920 Indian AF  B26Apr63  
					Crashed 07Sep74.  
				93751 (MSN 13697) to USAAF 23Jun44.  14th AF 3rd CCG 11th CCS or 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 19Jul44.
					with 11CCS/3CCG damaged Jul 29, 1944 in midair collision woth C-47A 42-93365.  Damaged in accident
					at Myrikyina, Burma Mar 8, 1945.  DBR Apr 4, 1945 in landing accident at Lashio, Burma.
				93752 (MSN 13699 to USAAF 22Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group 
					(Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 
					navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 
					507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern 
					edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					Returned to US 03Sep45.  To RFC 30Oct45.  To NC60714, YV-C-AFO  LAV.  WFU 1973  
				93753 (MSN 13700) to USAAF 22Jun44.  Ninth Air Force Jul44. 44th Troop Carrier Squadron[6E*2Z; Nose #044], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported
					paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a 
					drop zone near Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. 
					Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division 
					to a landing zone near Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a 
					Waco CG-4A glider transporting men and materials for the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 
					82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44.
					Military Assistance Program [MAP]. United Nations Operation in the Congo (UNOC) Mar61 as 217. 
					3 Squadron, UN Air Transport Force, N’Dolo Airport, Léopoldville, Republic of Congo.
					 Stored at N’Djili, Léopoldville Feb64. Loaned to Force Aérienne Congolaise May-Jun64.
					 Flown by Cuban pilots hired by the CIA.  To Air Congo 1965
				93754 (MSN 13701) to USAAF 23Jun44. Ninth Air Force 30Jul44. 45th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near Overasselt, 
					SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. 3rd Pathfinder Squadron, Ninth
					Air Force Troop Carrier Pathfinder Group, Chalgrove (Station 465). in Oxfordshire
					Crashed into Leith Hill, Surrey, UK Nov. 26, 1944 (along with 42-92837 and 43-47975) 
					during flight from France to Chalgrove in Oxfordshire.  Low clouds forced the formation of 
					four aircraft to descend from 1500 ft to 1200 ft after crossing the English coast.  13 killed on the 3 planes, 
					only the navigator and radio operator from 43-47975 survived. The fourth C-47 escaped the tragedy.
				93755 (MSN 13702)  to USAAF 23Jun44. Ninth Air Force 30Jul44. 1st Pathfinder Group (Provisional), 
					Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 navigation and radar 
					equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 507th Parachute Infantry 
					Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, 
					three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.  Returned to US 08Aug45  
					To RFC 26Oct45.  XB-FIR Mayo Obregon Tapia.  XA-FIR R06Sep48  Trans Mar DE US Cortes.  WFU 20Jun63
				93756 (MSN 13703) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 27Jul44.  Salvaged 07Jul45  
				93757 (MSN 13704) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 10Jul44.  Chungking.  to China 19Nov45  
				93758 (MSN 13705) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  salvaged 21Dec44
				93759 (MSN 13706) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 24Jul44.  Chungking 28Dec44.  Lost 13Apr45
				93760 (MSN 13707) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Chungking 27Jul44   
					Dbf 13Dec44.  Also reported " 0-3760" 122 TFS/I22 TFW Ohio ANG
				93761 (MSN 13709) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Salvaged Oct 9, 1944, Ledo, India  
				93762 (MSN 13710) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Chungking 18Nov45.  To FLC 20Aug47  
				93763 (MSN 13711) to USAAF 24Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  Chungking 22Jul44. Karachi  
					Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945.
				93764 (MSN 13712) to USAAF 25Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44  to VT-AUF of Tata Airlines
					registered Nov 28, 1945, bougjt Dec 21, 1945.  Air India Ltd Aug 1946.  Reported w/o Jan 10, 1947
				93765 (MSN 13713) Delivered to USAAF 25Jun44; Combat Cargo Task Force, Karachi, India 6Jun44; 
					10th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo Group, Sylhet, Assam, India; United Nations 
					Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) 20Feb46; Avia, Czechoslovakia for civil modifications; Yugoslav 
					Air Force / Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (JRV) 1946 as 7302; Jugoslovenski 
					Aerotransport (JAT) 3Apr47; registered YU-ABB, cancelled 19Dec67; Yugoslav Aeronautical 
					Museum, Surcin, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Museum of Aviation, Belgrade, Serbia; stored [Jun15]
				93766 (MSN 13714) to USAAF 25Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 18Jul44.  to VT-ATY of Tata Airlines 
					Dec 28, 1945, to Air India Nov 1946, to Indian AF Dec 22, 1947.
				93767 (MSN 13715) to USAAF 25Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 20Jul44.  With 3rd CCG, 12th CCS crashed 
					due to bad weather near Ledo, India Sep 8, 1944.  MACR 7183.  4 crew and 2 passengers killed.
				93768 (MSN 13716) to USAAF 25Jun44. 10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 20Jul44.  Chungking 09Aug44.  Karachi 09Dec44.  FLC 12Jan46
					to Tata Airlines as VT-AUD Nov 21, 1946.  To Air India Nov 1946, to Indian Airlines Aug 1953.
					Crashed 20 mi S of Delhi May 9, 1953.
				93769 (MSN 13717) to USAAF Jun 25, 1944.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC Jul 17, 1944.  Taxying accident Sep 21, 1945.
				93770 (MSN 13719) to USAAF Jun 25, 1944.  10th AF of India-China Wing ATC Aug 10, 194.  Sold Apr 15, 1946.
				93771 (MSN 13720) to USAAF 25Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 10Aug44.  Chungking 08Aug44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC  
					ANLC 29Nov45.  To  VT-AUT Air Services of India Dec 18, 1945.  To Indian Airlines Corp Aug 1, 1954.
					Safdarjanf Jun 19679 Border Securit Force, Sardar Patel Bhavan 1978.
				93772 (MSN 13721) to USAAF 26Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 19Jul44.  
					W/o Oct 29, 1944 in crash 195 mi SW of Moran, India
				93773 (MSN 13722) to USAAF 26Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 19Jul44.  
					W/o Oct 20, 1944 in ground fire Dinjan, India
				93774 (MSN 13723) to USAAF 27Jun44. 14th AF 2nd ACG  Karachi 01Aug44 (or 10th AF).
					With 2nd Air Commando Group) destroyed Mar 17, 1945 by enemy shell fire at Meiktila air strip, Burma
				93775 (MSN 13724) to USAAF 26Jun44.  10th AF or India-China Wing ATC 29Jul44.  Chungking 23Nov44.  
					Destroyed 12Jan45
				93776 (MSN 13725) to USAAF Jun 15, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG724 via RAF Nassau Jun 2, 1944.
					RAF INDIA Aug 2, 1944.  52 Sqdn RAF.  43 Sqdn RAF.  DBR when taxiied into
					bomb crater at Mingaladon, Burma May 26, 1945.
				93777 (MSN 13726) to USAAF Jun 25, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG725 via RAF Nassau Jul 2, 1944.
					RAF India ACSEA Aug 7, 1944.  31 Sqdn RAF.  To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946.  To Siamese Airways in 1947 as 
					HS-SAA.  Inherited by Thai Airways Nov 1, 1951.  Reregistered HS-TDA Sep 15, 1958.
					To Sky of Siam Co in 1980.  Noted derelict at Don Muang AP, Thailand Mar 1983 and
					presumably subsequently scrapped.
				93778 (MSN 13727) to USAAF Jun 25, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG726 via RAF Montreal Jul 6, 1944.
					RAQF UK Jul 11, 1944.  109 OTU RAF Aug 28, 1944.  1383 (T)CU RAF Aug 10, 1945.  22 MU RAF May 13, 1946.  
					Sold May 24, 1946.  To OY-DDI "Ruar Viking" with DDL May 31, 1946.  Subsequently sold as N9986F 
					Nov 21, 1951.  To CC-CLDN to CC-CBS 1971.  WFU Mar 1972.
				93779 (MSN 13729) to USAAF Jul 26, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG728 via RAF Montreal Jul 6, 1944.
					RAF UK Jul 11, 1944.  107 OTU RAF Aug 15, 1944.  1333 (TS)CU RAF Mar 1, 1945.  22 MU RAF Oct 24, 1946.
					Returned to USAAF and to Scottish Aviation May 9, 1947.  Registered G-AKPW with British Aviation
					Services Jan 17, 1948.  Registration cancelled Mar 3, 1948 on sale to Malayan
					Airways Ltd as VR-SCQ "QuAirlines" then reregistered Apr 1958 as VR-RCQ.  To 9M-ALQ Malaysian Airways 
					"QUAirlines" Jan 6, 1959. to 9V-BAO Malaysian-Singapore Airlines Jan 1, 1967.  To XW-TDA 
					Laos Air Charter Mar 17, 1967. Cambodian Air Commercial.  Shot down Oct  2, 1972 on approach To Kampot, 
				93780  (MSN 13730) to USAAF Jun44. Ninth Air Force Jul44. 36th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44
					W/o Oct 24, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Cottesmore, UK
				93781 (MSN 13731) to USAAF 25Jun44.  9th AF 27Jul44.   US.  To RFC 28Sep45.  To 19 Sqn RAAF (NEIAF) as DT-981  
					flown with Australian radio c/s VHRCY.  To NEIAF as T-481Jul47.  To PK-RCY 26Aug47  
					To PK-GDM 1956.  W/O 05Apr62 at Jakarta, Indonesia 
				93782 (MSN 13732) to USAAF 26Jun44. 12th AF Italy 06Aug44.  US.  To RFC 13Oct45.  To NC60706  
				93783 (MSN 13733) to USAAF Jun 27, 1944.  To RAF as Dakota III KG729 via RAF Montreal Jul 4, 1944.
					RAF UK Jul 9, 1944.  24 Sqdn RAF Aug 14, 1944.  44 MU RAF Jun 18, 1946.  Relegated to ground
					instructional airframe with serial 6359M Jun 13, 1947.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
				93784 (MSN 13734) to USAAF 26Jun44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy 6Aug44. 
					4th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, Tarquinia, Italy. W/o Apr 12, 1945 when it 
					was struck while parked by a landing B-17 44-6756 that was returning from a mission at Lucera, Foggia, Italy.
				93785 (MSN 13735) to USAAF 26Jun44. Twelfth Air Force, Italy 6Aug44. 
					4th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, Tarquinia, Italy.
					W/o Apr 12, 1945 when it was struck while parked by
					landing B-17 44-6756 that was returning from a mission at Lucera, Foggia, Italy.
				93786 (MSN 13736) to USAAF 26Jun44. 12th AF Italy 06Aug44.  US.  To RFC 05Nov45
					To Aaxico Air Lines as NC57673, next to Transair of New York.
				93787 (MSN 13737) to USAAF 26Jun44. 12th AF Italy 11Aug44.   8th AF.  9th AF 12Sep46.  Oberpfaff 01Jan48  
					FLC Turkey 04Mar49.  To Turkish AF as 6063 under MDAP.
				93788 (MSN 13739) to USAAF 27Jun44. 7th AF 9th TCS Oahu 28Jul44.  Guam . 
					With 9th TCS, 20th AF, while parked at Isley Field,
					Saipan was seriously damaged by taxying C-46 44-78145 Dec 12, 1945.
					DBR and scrapped.
				93789 (MSN 13740)  to USAAF 27Jun44.  7th AF Oahu 28Jul44.  Manila.  FLC 20Apr48
					To Thailand Sep 21, 1970 as L2-34/13, converted to AC-47 JL2-39/13.
					W/o following crashlanding at Bangkok Feb 8, 1988.  Preserved at Don Muang 
					Airport, Thailand.
				93790 (MSN 13741) 6/27/44: TOS USAAF, to 4005th Base Unit, Robins Army Air Field, GA. 
					12/44: 4117th BU, Robins. 
					4/46: 4105th BU, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ, for storage. 
					2/47: 4126th AAF BU, San Bernardino Air Depot, CA, for repairs and maintenance. 
					9/18/47: TOS USAF. 
					1/48: 4119th BU (Air Materiel Command), Brookley Field, AL 
					2/48: 114th Bombardment Squadron (ANG), Mitchel AFB, NY. 
					12/50: 106th Composite Group (ANG), Floyd Bennett NAS, NY. 
					4/51: 39th Air Defense Wing (Alaskan Air Command), Elmendorf AFB, AK 
					By 8/51: 5064th Cold Weather Materiel Testing Squadron, 5001st Research & Development Group (AAC), Ladd AFB, AK. 
					9/54: 5001st Operations Squadron (AAC) Ladd AFB, AK. 
					6/57: 5039th Air Transport Squadron (AAC), Elmendorf AFB, AK. 
					10/57: 5040th Consolidated Logistics Maintenance Squadron (AAC), Elmendorf AFB, AK. 
					5/58: 144th Air Transport Squadron, (ANG) in Anchorage, AK. 
					5/60: 112th Tactical Fighter Squadron (ANG), in Toledo, OH. 
					1/63: 180th Tactical Fighter Group (ANG) Toledo, OH. 
					3/70: SOC. 
					After 3/27/70: The National Infantry Museum, Lawson AAF, Columbus, GA.
					Seen in 2007 on display at Ft Benning, GA, having been displayed there since at least Mar 1970.
				93791 (MSN 13742) to USAAF 27Jun44.  7th or 9th AF. no card.  Assigned to Patterson Field, OH
					Assigned to NACA Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, later as NACA Langley Research Center, 
					Langley Field, VA Aug 16, 1943 to Jan 4, 1951.  Assigned to Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ.
					Parted out at McEntire ANGS Airport, Eastover, SC.
				93792 (MSN 13743) to USAAF 27Jun44.  7th or US 9th AF.  no card.  To Peruvian Air Force in 1964 as FAP-368, 
					re-registered as OB-R-1151.
				93793 (MSN 13744) to USAAF 27Jun44. 9th AF 04Aug44.  US 06Jul45.  stored 22Sep47. To Uruguay AF as FAUr-509 21Nov49 
					to CX-BHO WFU 22Jun77.  Also listed in 1947 to Transport Aero Militar Urugayo (TAMU) registered
					as CX-BJD (also carries serial T-508).  Current 2002.
				93794 (MSN 13745) delivered to USAAF Jun44; designated SC-47A; 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron (Jungle Jim), 
					Eglin, FL (1961); re-designated HC-47A 22Oct62. w/o Jan 23, 1964 at unknown location.
				93795 (MSN 13746) to USAAF 27Jun44. 9th AF 30Jul44.  US  03Jul45.  To RFC 22Nov45  
					to civil registry as NC55462 with Riddle Aviation Co, Inc, Miami, FL.  To Soc Aerea del Tolima SA Jun	
					1947 as C-1204, reregistered as HK-1204.  To Avianca Columbia.  To Chitreana de Aviacion as HB-490.
					Scrapped at Paitilla-Marcos A. Galabert Airport, Panama City, Panama.
				93796 (MSN 13747) to USAAF 27Jun44. Ninth Air Force 30Jul44. Returned to USA 1Jul45. 
					Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Walnut Ridge Field, AR 25Nov45. Canadair Ltd. Damaged while 
					parked in collision by B-24J Liberator ? 44-40675 taxying at Walnut Ridge Field 18Jan46.
				93797 (MSN 13749) to USAAF 27Jun44. 9th AF 01Aug44.  Fiirsten 01Jan48.  Norway MAP,  93797 "T-AO" R Norwegian AF 06Jul50  
					"BW-D" 1951.   335 Sqn "BW-L",  29Jun56 located at Forsvarets Flysamling at Gardermoen
					IAP near Oslo, Norway.  On exhibit with its old registration of BW-L
				93798 (MSN 13750) to USAAF 27Jun44. Ninth Air Force 13Aug44. 14th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					61st Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Barkston Heath (Station 483). An icy steel matting 
					runway, a 90° crosswind, a blow-out of the left tire, all caused the aircraft to dig its propellers into 
					the ground at Nivelles (B-75), Belgium 9Feb45. Drucat (B-92), Abbeville, France 13Mar45. 
					Transported men and materials of the Canadian 1st Paratroop Regiment to a drop zone at 
					Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45; having dropped the paratroopers, as the 
					plane exited the DZ it was to make a left bank to turn and head back to base. As the aircraft 
					went into the bank, it flew into what looked like a stream of tracer fire and was seen to start 
					puffing smoke from around the left wing. Shortly after, there was smoke seen coming from the 
					cockpit. The plane never came out of the bank and quickly lost altitude. The left wing hit a 
					house as it neared the ground tearing it off and the rest of the aircraft hit the ground and 
					exploded. All aboard the plane were killed.  MACR 13507
				93799 (MSN 13751) to USAAF 27Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. 1st Pathfinder 
					Group (Provisional), Ninth Air Force, Chartres (A-40), France. Fitted with additional SCR-717 
					navigation and radar equipment for use as a pathfinder. Transported paratroopers of the 
					507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern 
					edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
  					To RFC Oct 31, 1945.
				93800 (MSN 13752) to USAAF Jun 28, 1944.  9/18/47: TOS USAF. 
					9/54:  Converted to VC-47A. 
					Ca.1955: 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 119th Fighter Interceptor Group, North Dakota ANG, Fargo ANGB, ND. 
					By 1987: State Historical Society Museum, Bismarck, ND. 
					Unknown date: Acquired by the NMUSAF Loan Program. Loaned to Cass County Historical Society, West Fargo, ND. 
					By 1993: Displayed at Bonanzaville USA- Eagles Air Museum, West Fargo, ND.
				93801 (MSN 13753) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 30Jul44.  8th AF.  missing Dec 29, 1944, crashed close to
				93802 (MSN 13754) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 30Jul44.  Neth/Belgium. 
					salvaged and reclamation completed at Ober Roblingen, Germamy Mar 9, 1948
				93803 (MSN 13755) to USAAF 28Jun44. Ninth Air Force 30Jul44. 
			           73rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 434th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Aldermaston (Station 467). 
			  		Transported seventeen paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone 
					near Eerde, south of Veghel, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. After dropping the paratroopers, 
					the formation made a turn and headed back the same route as they had come in. At this point the plane was hit 
					and crashed at Millegem, near Mol, Belgium [1KIA].   MACR 10710
				93804 (MSN 13756) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 30Jul44.  8th AF  Neth/Belgium 31Dec46. 
					While attached to Air Attache office in Europe,
					crashed in Ethiopian wilderness Mar 20, 1947 40 km SSW of
					Dessie, Ethiopia while enroute from Asmara to Addis Abba.
					6 onboard killed, including the head of the CIG in Beirut
					(CIG became the CIA later in 1947)
				93805 (MSN 13757) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 30Jul44.  US 01Jul45.  To RFC 18Nov45  
					To NC88822 TWA "326" B29Nov45.   W D Parker, Bartlesville, CA US B25Mar55.  
					N565 American Management Assoc Inc.  N56S Sylvania Electric Products Inc.  
					N143JB Exec Aircraft Corp, Far Hills, NJ  W French, Somerville, NJ  
					Monmouth Airlines Inc, Training Center, Farmingdale, NJ JuI70.  
					Wall Herald Corp t/a Monmouth  Sep70.  N2VM  t/a Vero Monmouth Airlines, Vero Beach, FL US Rr 20Oct72   
					Ocean AJW L 1979.  Lebanon Valley Airmotive Inc, Reading, PA US R13Aug80.   
					Sun Intl Ld Apr81 Air Pennsylvania 31Dec81.  Registration N2VM cancelled Jan 3, 2011.
				93806 (MSN 13759) 28Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. [Y], 434th Troop Carrier Group, 
					Ninth Air Force, Mourmelon-le-Grand (A-80), France. Transported paratroopers of the 
					17th Airborne Division to a drop zone at the southern edge of the Diersfordt, 
					three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.	
					To RFC Nov 18, 1945.  To NC86599, by 1954 was N53159 of Delta Airlines
				93807 (MSN 13760)to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF?  no card.  USAF 7th Air Combat Gp, W Germany 
					WFU at MASDC, Davis Monthan AFB, AZ US Oct71 and scrapped
				93808 (MSN 13761) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 31Jul44.  Neth/Belgium.  To OY-AOB DDL "Bjarke Viking" D27Nov46  
					Broken up Kastrup, Copenhagen Dec 31, 1949
				93809 (MSN 13762) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF? no card.  w/o Apr 9, 1952 in midair with F-94B 51-5407 Camp Edwards, MA
				93810 (MSN 13763) to USAAF 28Jun44.  9th AF 31Jul44.  Salvaged Dec 31, 1945
				93811 (MSN 13764) to USAAF 28Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. 310th Troop Carrier Squadron, 
					315th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Spanhoe (Station 493). Damaged landing at Spanhoe 27Nov44
					To RFC Sep 21, 1945.  to PP-BRB "Piracicaba" of Linhas 
					Aereas Brasillerias Mar 15, 1946, later PP-CDC of Cruzeiro Oct 27, 1949.
					To PP-SAD "Erechim" of Sercicos Aereos Cruziero do Sol Kam 27. 105-
					w/o Oct 2, 1968 Fejo Acre
				93812 (MSN 13765) to USAAF 28Jun44 9th AF? no card.  onverted to AC-47, assigned to 460th TRW, Tan Son Nhut,
					Vietnam.  To South Vietnam AF Jan 29, 1971.  To Khmer Air Force
					(Cambodia) Mar 1973.  Subsequent fate unknown.
				93813 (MSN 13766) to USAAF 29Jun44.  9th AF 30Jul44.  US 03Jul45. To RFC 18Nov45 
					to 19th Sqdn (NEIAF) as DT-989, callsign VH-RCG.  To Neth East Indies Government as NI478.  PK-DBH KNILM 24Oct47   
					PK-DPI Garuda Indonesian Airways 28Dec49.  PK-GDX Rr Aug56  PN Merpati Nusantara.   PK-NDJ Rr 11Feb70  
					To Indonesian AF as NI-477 Jul 13, 1970. 
				93814 (MSN 13767) to USAAF 30Jun44. 9th AF? no card.   Converted to EC-47N from RC-47N.  To reclamation, 
					cannibalization, salvage or survey Aug 5, 1975 from 56th Special Operations Wing at Udorn, Thailand.
				93815 (MSN 13769) to USAAF 29Jun44. Ninth Air Force 31Jul44. 44th Troop Carrier Squadron [6E*O; Nose #55], 
					316th Troop Carrier Group, Ninth Air Force, Cottesmore (Station 489). Transported paratroopers 
					of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a drop zone near 
					Overasselt, SW of Nijmegen, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 17Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A 
					glider transporting men and materials for the 82nd Airborne Division to a landing zone near 
					Groesbeek, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 18Sep44. Towed a Waco CG-4A glider transporting 
					men and materials for the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division to a landing 
					zone near Grave, Netherlands on Operation ‘Market’, 23Sep44. TDY to Wethersfield (Station 170) 
					21Mar45. Transported British 13th Parachute Battalion paratroopers to a drop zone at the 
					southern edge of the Diersfordt, three mile northwest of Wesel, Germany on Operation ‘Varsity’ 24Mar45.
					To RFC Sep 21, 1945.  To CR-LBK.  Crashed Jul 18, 1950
				93816 (MSN 13770)  to USAAF 29Jun44.  9th AF 31Jul44.  US 05Jul45.  Kelly AFB 24Aug47. To Mexican AF Sep 30, 1947
				93817 (MSN 13771) delivered to USAAF Jun44; 7167th Special Air Missions Squadron, Wiesbaden, West Germany; 
					7030th Combat Support Group, Ramstein, West Germany Feb58.  Converted to VC-47A.  
					W/o Feb 15, 1958 Mount Vesuvius, Italy.  16 lost.
				93818 (MSN 13772) to USAAF 29Jun44.  9th AF?  no card  USAF.  Converted to VC-47A.  To civil registry as N86450.  
					To Spanish AF Aug 20, 1961 as T.3-43.  DBF at Malacan, Spain Jul 6, 1970
				93819 (MSN 13773) to USAAF 29Jun44.  12th AF Italy 06Aug44.  US.  To RFC Nov 8, 1945.  
					W K Jaros V V Fasconcellos registered Oct 26, 1945.  To PP-BRC with Linhas Aereas
					Brasillerias "Pirassunugu" Dec 7, 1945 Registered May 25, 1946 to AH Aghinaga.  To PP-ANK of 
					Transportes Aereos Nacional Ltda Mar 20 1952.  H Machado 193  Nacional Jun 18, 1953.
					Crashed Sep 6, 1956 Pampulha, Belo Horizonte
				93820 (MSN 13774) to USAAF 29Jun44. 9th AF OR US 12th AF?  no card.  To Peruvian Air Force as FAP-372.
				93821 (MSN 13775) to USAAF 29Jun44. 9th AF 31Jul44.  Salvaged due to accident Jul 5, 1945
				93822 (MSN 13776) to USAAF 29Jun44. 9th AF 13Aug44.  8th AF.  US 05Jul45.  To RFC Nov 18, 1945.  
					To NC18618 with Chicagoand Southwestern.  To  PP-YPG of S. A. Transportes Aeros REAL Feb 14, 1947.
					Suppliers Incd Feb 27 1959.  Cancelled Jun 4, 1959.
				93823 (MSN 13777) to USAAF 29Jun44.  12th AF Italy 25Aug44.  US.  To RFC Nov 5, 1945.  To NC53210 P. J.
					Anderson and Charles R Brand, Coastal Cargo Inc, Teterboro, JJ.  Crashed
					Jan 6, 1949 at Brandywine, IN
42-93824/93843		Boeing B-29A-1-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7231/7250.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				93824 Delivered to USAAF 8Feb44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crashed 13Sep44 after loss of control 1 mile S of Clovis AAF, NM
				93825 Delivered to USAAF 16Feb44.  Departed CONUS for CBI 11Apr44; arrived India 4May44.
					Assigned to 769th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, Piardoba, India
					Crashed on landing at Chengtu, China flying the Hump on a transport missiion May 7, 1944.  All crew survived,
					but aircraft badly damaged.  Surveyed at Chength Aug 31, 1944.
				93826 (Delivered to USAAF 29Feb44.  Departed Smoky Hill AAF, KS for CBI on 13Apr44
					Assigned to 468th Bomb Group 3May44
					(468th BG, 793rd BS) crashed into mountain 200 mi from Chengtu, China Jun 15, 1944 while on mission to steel
					works at Yawata Kyoto, Japan.  MACR 6601.  All 12 crew killed.
				93827 (TB-29A) Delivered to USAAF 4Mar44.  Assigned to 768th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group.  Named ‘Cocksure’
					Assigned to 247th Army Air Force Base Unit, Smoky Hill AAF, KS
					Damaged 18May44 due to mechanical failure at Smoky Hill AAF, KS
					Assigned to 2532nd Army Air Force Base Unit, Randolph AAF, TX
					The aircraft took off from Randolph Field 12 June 1945 on a night training mission.  The airplane 
					crashed and burned 10 miles northeast of Randolph Field.  7 killed.
				93828 Delivered to USAAF 21Mar44.  Assigned to 794th Bomb Squadron, 468th Bomb Group, Kharagpur, India 5Jul44
					Named ‘Monsoon Goon’.  Declared war weary. Returned to CONUS 15Dec44.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 30Nov49
				93829 Delivered to USAAF 24Mar44.  Assigned to 395th Bomb Squadron, 40th Bomb Group, Chakulia, India
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived Chakulia, India 7Aug44.  Named ‘Cait Paornat’
					On August 20, 1944 the aircraft, flying from Hsinching, Chengdu, was damaged by anti-aircraft gunfire 
					during a raid on the Yawata Iron Works, Japan.  Due to the damage sustained, the crew elected to 
					divert to the Soviet Union. The aircraft crashed in the foothills of Sikhote Alin Range east of 
					Khabarovsk after the crew had bailed out.  MACR 7523.
					The crew was interned and allowed to escape into American-occupied Iran in January 1945.
					After being restored to airworthy condition by the Soviets and flown to Moscow, this aircraft was 
					dismantled and thoroughly analysed to provide information for their reverse-engineered Tu-4. 
					Later, the complete wing and engines were incorporated into the sole 
					prototype Tu-70 passenger transport.
				93830 Delivered to USAAF 30Mar44.  Departed CONUS for CBI 6Jun44; arrived India 2Jul44.
					Assigned to 768th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, Piardoba, India.  Named ‘Torrid Toby’
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 2Mar49
				93831 Delivered to USAAF 3Apr44.  Assigned to 45th Bomb Squadron, 40th Bomb Group, Chakulia, India
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived Chakulia, India 3Sep44.  Named ‘Queenie’.  The aircraft made two 
					bomb runs on Bangkok without dropping bombs; 9/10 cloud cover prevented visual sighting of 
					the target. As ordered, the aircraft proceeded to the secondary target, rail yards in Rangoon, Burma.
					Crashed at Rangoon, Burma Dec 14, 1944 after damaged by bomb explosion from B-29 42-24726
					in midair while on mission to Bangkok, Thailand.  MACR 10377.  5 crew killed, 6 bailed out and became POW.
				93832 Delivered to USAAF 15Apr44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crashed 10Nov44 25 miles NE of Clovis, NM
				93833 Delivered to USAAF 21Apr44.  Assigned to 242nd Army Air Force Base Unit, Grand Island AAF, NB
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 21Dec49
				93834 Delivered to USAAF 21Apr44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 241st Army Air Force Base Unit, Fairmont AAF, NE
					Accident 8Mar45 due to mechanical failure landing at Memphis Municipal Airport, TN
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 235th Army Air Force Base Unit, Biggs AAF, TX
					Accident 6Sep45 due to mechanical failure taxying at Mountain Home AAF, ID
					Reclaimed at Mountain Home AFB, ID 11Sep50
				93835 Delivered to USAAF 16May44.  Assigned to 502nd Bomb Group, 315th Bomb Wing
					To GIA at Grand Island AAF, NB 7Mar45
				93836 Delivered to USAAF 18May44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Accident 8Dec44 on the ground at Clovis AAF, NM
					Assigned to 231st Army Air Force Base Unit, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 27Jun49 
				93837 Named ‘City of Miami Beach’.  Named ‘Ol’ Smoker’
					(330th BG, 459th BS) ditched in Pacific Ocean Apr 12, 1945 after ran out of fuel while returning from
					mission to Koriyama, Japan.  4 crew killed, 7 survived and were rescued.
				93838 Delivered to USAAF 5Jun44.  Assigned to 244th Army Air Force Base Unit, Harvard AAF, NB
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 236th Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Forced landing 13Feb45 due to engine failure at Pyote AAF, TX
					Surveyed at Pyote AAF, TX 1Apr45
				93839 MSN 7246.  Delivered to USAAF 10Jun44.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to 248th Army Air Force Base Unit, Walker AAF, KS
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crashed landed 21Mar45 due to engine failure 10 miles NE of Clovis, NM
				93840 Delivered to USAAF 20Jun44.  Assigned to 245th Army Air Force Base Unit, McCook AAF, NB
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 27Jun49
				93841 Delivered to USAAF 27Jun44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 236th Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 21Dec49 
				93842 Delivered to USAAF 28Jun44
					Assigned to 242nd (Operational Training Unit, Very Heavy), 17th Bombardment Training Wing, Grand Island AAF, NB
					Flown by a crew of the 411th Bomb Squadron, 502nd Bomb Group
					On 26 January 1945, the crew took off to fly a simulated 3,000 mile mission to home base in Grand Island, NE.
 					The route was to a point 20 miles north of Jamaica then to the bombing range of Cayos Travieso where they 
					made two runs at 9,000 feet.   They then climbed to 20,000 feet by the time the aircraft reached Batista, 
					remaining at this altitude while camera bombing Havana, Key West, Miami, and Morrison.
 					Soon after leaving Morrison the airplane commander foresaw the approach of a weather front, so while 
					enroute to Jacksonville he climbed from 20,000 feet to 26,000 feet.
 					It was here also that he encountered severe head winds. By the time they reoriented themselves at 
					Birmingham there were at 19,000 feet. They then dropped down to 8,000 feet and were about 50 to 60 
					degrees North West of Kansas City when the co-pilot asked to see the readings on the fuel gauge. The fuel 
					appeared alarmingly low. About ten minutes later, number one and four engines stopped so power was 
					increased on number two and three engines. As they were flying over the undercast, the pilot asked the 
					co-pilot to tune in the Ft. Riley range. Homing on Ft. Riley necessitated taking
 					up a heading of 180 degrees. The pilot dropped from 8,000 feet to 2,000 feet; at 3,000 feet they broke 
					through the undercast. They spotted the range station and immediately thereafter number two engine cut out. 
					Full boost was given to number three engine but it would not support the plane. They attempted to put down 
					flaps, when a crash was inevitable, but the flaps did not appear to work. The crew had been notified by 
					the co-pilot twenty minutes prior to the crash to take up crash positions so that they were in their 
					proper places when the crash occurred 1 miles S of Ogden, KS. The airspeed on impact was estimated 
					at 100 miles per hour. The crash cost six lives.
				93843 Delivered to USAAF 8Jul44.  Assigned to 39th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group, Grand Island AAF, NB
					Forced landing 7Oct44 due to mechanical failure at Grand Island AAF, NB
42-93844/93873		Boeing B-29A-5-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7251/7280.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				93844 Delivered to USAAF 17Jul44.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Anna Belle’
					Assigned to 242nd Army Air Force Base Unit, Grand Island AAF, NB
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 27Jun49 
				93845 Delivered to USAAF 22Jul44.  Assigned to 4101st Army Air Force Base Unit, Fairfax AAF, KS
					Bailed to Pratt & Whitney at East Hartford, CT.  Modified as XB-44. First flight May45
					Used as an engine test -bed for the Pratt & Whitney R-4360 engine for the proposed B-29D which 
					eventually became the B-50A.  Reclaimed at Chanute AFB, IL 17May49 
				93846 Delivered to USAAF 20Jul44.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Spirit of FDR’
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Accident 9Nov44 landing at McCook AAF, NB
					Surveyed at McCook AAF, NB 10Nov44 
				93847 Delivered to USAAF 20Jul44.  Assigned to 245th Army Air Force Base Unit, McCook AAF, NB
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 10May49 
				93848 To Continental Airlines Modification Center, Denver, CO. Departed 12Sep44
					Departed CONUS for CBI 23Nov44
					(462nd BG, 770th BS) shot down by fighter over Kyushu, Japan Nov 21, 1944 while on mission to aircraft 
					factory at Omura, Japan.  MACR 9964.  3 crew killed, 8 bailed out.  4 captured and became POW, 4 evaded a
					nd were rescued.
				93849 Delivered to USAAF 1Aug44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A.  Assigned to 58th Bomb Wing
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI, 15Mar45.  Named ‘Under-Exposed’
					Damaged 15Apr45 due to weather.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 25Apr49
				93850 Delivered to USAAF 3Aug44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 879th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group 23Nov44
					Assigned to 3rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Photographic Wingto F-13A.  MACR 13755 dated 
					Apr 12, 1945 may refer to a crew loss due to combat damage, but the aircraft returned to base. 
					Survived the war. Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 10May49
				93851 Delivered to USAAF 7Aug44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Photographic Reconnaissance Wing
					With 311th PRW, 3rd PRS w/o on landing at Depot Field, Guam  Dec 19, 1944.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 10May49
				93852 Delivered to USAAF 11Aug44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group.  Departed CONUS for PTO, arrived Saipan 1Nov44
					Accident 6Jun45 taxying at Harmon Field, Guam
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 11th Photographic Reconnaissance Group
					Named ‘Tokyo Rose’.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 27Jun49 .
				93853 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A.  Named ‘Quan Yin Cha Ara’.
				93854 Delivered to USAAF 15Aug44. Modified to F-13A.  Assigned to 40th Bomb Group, Chakulia, India
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived Chakulia, India 7Oct44
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI.  Named ‘Brooklyn Bessie IV’
					Lost over Port Arthur, Manchuria, Northern China Feb 2, 1945.  All crew bailed out and were rescued.  
					The plane crashed, exploded and burned in a village killing three Chinese farmers.
				93855 Delivered to USAAF 16Aug44.  Modified to F-13A.  Assigned to 444th Bomb Group
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI.  Named ‘Double Exposure’
					Damaged 15Apr45 due to weather
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Photographic Reconnaissance Wing
					(311th PRW, 3rd PRS) crash landed and w/o near Agana, Guam May 23, 1945 on raid on Tokyo, Japan.
				93856 Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 11th Photographic Reconnaissance Group, North Field, Guam
					Named ‘Wee Miss America’
					Accident 25Oct45 when the aircraft ground looped at NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
				93857 Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 444th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 677th Bomb Squadron, 444th Bomb Group, Dudhkindi, India. Transferred to Tinian 5May45
					Named ‘Hellon Wings’.  Ditched April 12, 1945
				93858 Assigned to 870th Bomb Squadron, 497th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Star Duster’
					Survived the war. Reclaimed
				93859 Assigned to 45th Bomb Squadron, 40th Bomb Group, Chakulia, India. Transferred to Tinian May45
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived Chakulia, India 6Dec44.  Named ‘Shag’n Home’
					Returned to CONUS 13Oct45.  Reclaimed
				93860 Not delivered to USAAF
					Ditched 19Aug44 during a Boeing test flight due to electrical failure and fire in Puget Sound, 
					one mile offshore of Redondo Beach, Seattle, WA.  The airframe was barged back to Renton, where it 
					was written off, and then it ended up at the B-29 School at Boeing Field. It was christened "The Seagull" 
					and utilized for training purposes by the students until the end of the war.
				93861 Delivered to USAAF 26Aug44
					Assigned to 4150th Electronics Experimental Squadron (ATSC), Boca Raton AAF, FL
					Crash landed 15Feb45 due to mechanical failure at Boca Raton AAF, FL
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93862 Delivered to USAAF 30Aug44.  Assigned to 356th Bomb Squadron, 331st Bomb Group, McCook AAF, NB
					Modified to TB-29A.  Accident 9Apr45 due to mechanical failure taking off from McCook AAF, NB
					Surveyed at McCook AAF, NB 10Apr47
				93863 Delivered to USAAF 1Sep44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron [sic], 73rd Bomb Wing
					Missing douring a sea search Feb 14, 1945.  MACR 14421
				93864 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived India 10Dec44
					Assigned to 770th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, Piardoba, India.
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI. Transferred to Guam 1May45
					Named ‘Shutter-bug’.  Reclaimed
				93865 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 770th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI. Transferred to Guam 1May45
					Named ‘Snoopin’ Kid’.  Reclaimed
				93866 Delivered to USAAF 13Sep44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 73rd Bomb Wing
					Destroyed on ground at Saipan  7Dec44 by enemy aircraft. 
				93867 Delivered to USAAF 9Sep44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 73rd Bomb Wing
					Ran out of fuel on return from mission and crashed into Pacific
					540 km N of Saipan, Marianas Islands Dec 9, 1944.  MACR 10642.  11 KIA.
				93868 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 73rd Bomb Wing
				93869 Delivered to USAAF 16Sep44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Photographic Reconnaissance Wing
					With 311th PRW, 3rd PRS w/o in takeoff accident at Depot Field, Guam Apr 26, 1945
				93870 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 1505th Army Air Force Base Unit, Mather AAF, CA
					Crashed 21Dec44 due to engine failure during takeoff near Mather AAF, CA
					Assigned to 1st Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Reconnaissance Wing
					Named ‘Valiant Lady’.  Reclaimed 
				93871 Delivered to USAAF 21Sep44.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 678th Bomb Squadron, 444th Bomb Group.  Departed CONUS; arrived India 16Dec44
					Assigned to Flight C, 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron (VH), CBI. 
					With 444th BG, 678th BS crashed on takeoff at Dudhkundi Airfield, West Bengal, India Jan 7, 1945.
					Aircraft was destroyed.  All crew killed.
				93872 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A.  Reclaimed
				93873 Assigned to 769th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, Piardoba, India
					Departed CONUS for CBI; arrived India 12Dec44.  Reclaimed 
42-93874/93923		Boeing B-29A-10-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7281/7330.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				93874 Modified to F-13A.  Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Named ‘South Sea Sinner’.  Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crash landed 18Apr45 due to fire 12 miles NE of Newman, NM
				93875 Delivered to USAAF 27Sep44.  Assigned to 882nd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Georgia Ann’.  Accident 1Jun45 taxying at South Field
					Declared war weary. Returned to CONUS – 38 missions.  Reclaimed at Keesler AFB, MS 22Jul49
				93876 Delivered to USAAF 27Sep44
					(500th BG, 881st BS) ditched from unknown cause in Pacific Ocean Feb 10, 1945 while on mission to
					Nakajima aircraft factory at Ota, Japan  MACR 12058.  All 11 crew killed.
				93877 Assigned to 792nd Bomb Squadron, 468th Bomb Group, Kharagpur, India 13Jan45. Transferred to Tinian May45
					Named ‘Snooky’s Brats’.  Returned to CONUS. Reclaimed
				93878 Delivered to USAAF 30Sep44.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group Jan45.  Named ‘Helles Belles’
					Assigned to 883rd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group Jan45.  Returned to CONUS – 22 missions
					Modified to TB-29A.  Salvaged at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 14Jul54. Reclaimed 15Feb57
				93879 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
				93880 Delivered to USAAF 5Oct44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 499th Bomb Group.  Named ‘The Duchess’.  Assigned to 5th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron
					Assigned to 344th Bomb Squadron, 98th Bomb Group, Spokane AFB, WA
					Assigned to 343rd Bomb Squadron, 98th Bomb Wing, Yokota, Japan
					Accident 20Feb52 taxying at Yokota AB, Japan
					Damaged 14Jun53 in a ground accident during taxying at Haneda AB, Tokyo, Japan
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 27Sep54.  Transferred to US Navy
					Assigned to NAWS China Lake, CA 1956. Used as a ground target for weapons testing.
					Reported 1975 in storage at NAS China Lake, CA
				93881 Delivered to USAAF 23Oct44.  (498th BG, 873rd BS) low on fuel and two engines out Apr 6, 1945.  No
					time to go around and landed on Tinian.  Ground looped over cliff.  Plane completely destroyed, crew OK.
				93882 Delivered to USAAF 9Oct44.  Assigned to 504th Bomb Group.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at Randolph AFB, TX 13May54
				93883 Delivered to USAAF 9Oct44.  Assigned to 869th Bomb Squadron, 497th Bomb Group
					MIA Apr 2, 1945 in attack on Nakajima aircraft plant in Tokyo.  MACR 13764
				93884 Delivered to USAAF 21Oct44.  Departed CONUS for CBI 15Dec44
					Assigned to 676th Bomb Squadron, 444th Bomb Group, Dudhkundi, India. Transferred to Tinian
					Named ‘Urgin’ Virgin II’.  Reclaimed at Keesler AFB, MS 29May49
				93885 Delivered to USAAF 21Oct44.  Named ‘The Shrimper’
					(497th BG, 870th BS) ditched 90 mi N 	of Saipan from unknown cause May 14, 1945 while on mission to 
					North Nagoya, Japan.  MACR 15426.  All 11 crew survived and were rescued.  MACR has incorrect serial 
					number of 42-9385 which was a P-39N
				93886 Delivered to USAAF 27Oct44.  Departed McCook AAF, NB for PTO 20Jan45
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Kristy Ann’
					Returned to CONUS 4Dec45 – 41 combat missions
					Assigned to 4136th Army Air Force Base Unit, Tinker AFB, OK 28Jun50
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 11Sep50
				93887 Delivered to USAAF 30Oct44.  Assigned to 40th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘Lady Annabelle’.  Reclaimed at Keesler AFB, MS 24Aug49
				93888 Delivered to USAAF 29Oct44.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 21Mar45
					Assigned to 5th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.   Assigned to 504th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Tamerlane’.  Named ‘Mark of Zorro’
					Assigned to 554th Army Air Force Base Unit, 4th Ferrying Group, Memphis MAP, TN
					Damaged 24Aug45 in a collision on the ground at Keesler AAF, MS
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 10May49
				93889 Delivered to USAAF 31Oct44.  To the Bechtel-McCone Modification Center, Birmingham, AL Nov44
					To Oklahoma City Air Depot, Tinker AAF, OK Nov44
					Assigned to 274th Army Air Force Base Unit, Herington AAF, KS Nov44
					Assigned to 882nd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group Jan45.  Named ‘Frisco Nannie’
					Returned to CONUS Oct45 – 45 missions
					Assigned to 4196th Army Air Force Base Unit, Victorville AAF, CA for storage Nov45
					Assigned to 4117th Army Air Force Base Unit, Robins AAF, GA for storage Jul46
					Assigned to 4119th Army Air Force Base Unit, Brookley AAF, AL Mar47
					Assigned to 372nd Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Group, MacDill AFB, FL Sep47
					Crash landed 29Oct48 due to engine failure at RAF Burtonwood, UK
					Assigned to 3700th Indoctrination Wing, Air Training Command, Lackland AFB TX May50 as a ground 
					instructional airframe
					Assigned to 3345th Technical Training Wing (ATC), Chanute AFB IL Oct50 as a ground instructional airframe
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ Dec51
				93890 Delivered to USAAF 1Nov44
					(505th BG, 482nd BS) crashed into Pacific Ocean 3 mi W of Tinian on takeoff from North Field, Tinian 
					Aug 7, 1945.  All crew killed.
				93891 Delivered to USAAF 1Nov44.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93892 Delivered to USAAF 3Nov44.  Assigned to 594th Army Air Force Base Unit, Topeka AAF, KS
					Accident 13Jan45 landing at Amarillo AAF, TX.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 4Feb45
					Assigned to 99th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Dragon Lady’
					Returned to CONUS 15Oct45 – 41 combat missions.  Assigned to 98th Bomb Wing, Yokota, Japan
					Assigned to 4136th Army Air Force Base Unit, Tinker AFB, OK 28Jun50.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 11Sep50
				93893 Delivered to USAAF 4Nov44.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 27Jan45
					(9th BG, 1st BS) crashed from unknown cause in sea near Hashirimizu Kanagawa, Japan Apr 15, 1945 while on
					mission to Kawasaki, Japan.  MACR 14278.  10 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				93894 Delivered to USAAF 7Nov44.  Assigned to 484th Bomb Squadron, 505th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Lassy Too’.  Assigned to 444th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Time-a-Wastin’’
					(505th BG, 484th BS) in takeoff accident at North Field, Tinian Jun 23, 1945 due to engine failure.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				93895 Delivered to USAAF 7Nov44
					Assigned to 17th Bomb Squadron, 16th Bomb Group, 315th Bomb Wing, Fairmont AAF, NE
					Accident 26Jan45 taxying at Borinquen Field, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Mid air collision 17Aug45 with B-29 44-86276 during a bombing exercise at night 3 miles west of 
					Weatherford, TX. Two crew bailed out and survived. 
				93896 Delivered to USAAF 7Nov44.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 30Jann45
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘The B.A. Bird’
					Damaged 16Apr45 during a mission to Kawasaki due to thermals from a fire storm causing structural distortion
					Returned to CONUS 6Dec45 – 32 combat missions
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX 1May47.  Assigned to 98th Bomb Group, Spokane AFB, WA
					Assigned to 98th Bomb Wing, Yokota, Japan.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93897 Delivered to USAAF 7Nov44.  Assigned to 877th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group 
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 6Dec50
				93898 Delivered to USAAF 9Nov44.  Assigned to 39th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘Lady Jean’.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 4Jan51
				93899 Delivered to USAAF 9Nov44.  Assigned to 500th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Pyote AAF, TX 11Sep45
				93900 Assigned to 29th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Les’s Best’.  Reclaimed
				93901 Delivered to USAAF 11Nov44.  Assigned to 39th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Bit Fat Mama’.  Named ‘Patricia Lynn’.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 11Sep45
				93902 Delivered to USAAF 13Nov44.  Named ‘Grand Slam’
					(6th BG, 40th BS) in landing accident at North Field, Tinian Mar 12, 1945.  All crew survived, but 
					aircraft was destroyed.
				93903 Delivered to USAAF 14Nov44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Assigned to 31st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th Strategic Reconnaissance Group, Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Sat derelict at Kadena until rebuilt to bring squadron up to strength.  Returning from flight 
					Jun 16, 1950 landing gear would not lower and crew bailed out and aircraft was shot down by USAF F-80
					over East China Sea.
				93904 Delivered to USAAF 8Dec44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 231st Army Air Force Base Unit, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Accident 23Feb45 taxying at Alamogordo AAF, NM.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93905 Delivered to USAAF 7Dec44.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group
					(29th BG, 43rd BS) shot down by AAA and crashed at Shimo-Mistugao Chiba, Japan Mar 10, 1945 in raid on 
					Tokyo.  MACR 12972.  10 crew KIA, 2 bailed out and became POW but burned to death in Tokyo Army Prison fire.
				93906 Delivered to USAAF 21Dec44.  Damaged 4Apr45 due to mechanical failure at North Field, Tinian
					Named ‘Ernie Pyle’s Milk Run’.  Named ‘Uncle Sam’s Milk Run’	Aircraft was originally 
					named "Ernie Pyle's Milk Run" in reference to the reporter's statement that bombing missions in the 
					Pacific were 'milk runs' compared to missions in Europe. After Pyle's death on April 17, 1945 the 
					crew decided to change the name and painted over the original.
					(6th BG, 24th BS) crashlanded at North Field, Iwo Jima May 23, 1945 while returning from mission to Tokyo.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.  The crash wounded the pilot and one gunner. The 
					Co-Pilot had been seriously wounded in Japanese fighter attacks and died in hospital
				93907 Delivered to USAAF 21Dec44
					(505th BG, 484th BS) crashed Sept 7, 1945, 2 miles ENE of North Field.  MACR 14909.  The aircraft had a 
					crew of 11 with 3 passengers; it suffered a mechanical failure flying from Tinian to Fukuoka, Japan to 
					drop supplies for the POW camp. Eight crew survived the crash and one body was recovered. 
					Condemned at Tinian, 10Sep45
				93908 Delivered to USAAF 22Dec44.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Cedar Rapids, IO’.  Named ‘Battlin Bulldozer’ Named in honor of the SeaBees
					(330th BG, 458th BS) in taxiing accident at North Field, Guam Aug 2, 1945.  All crew survived.  Aircraft badly
					damaged.  Named ‘Ida Lou’.  Renamed after VJ Day.  Returned to CONUS 1Nov45
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93909 Delivered to USAAF 24Dec44.  Assigned to 7th Ferrying Group, Boeing Field, Seattle, WA
					Accident 24Nov44 taxying at Lowry AAF, CO.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Mission to Albuquerque II’.  Salvaged at Victorville AFB, CA 17Jun49
				93910 Delivered to USAAF 24Dec44.  Assigned to 444th Bomb Group.  Assigned to 24th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group 
					Assigned to 330th Bomb Group. Reclaimed at Chanute AFB, IL 10May49
				93911 Delivered to USAAF 24Dec44.  Named ‘Trigger Mortis’
					(6th BG, 39th BS) hit by AAA over Shimonoseki Straits, Japan Mar 27, 1945 while on mine sowing mission.  
					Able to return to base.  All crew survived, but aircraft DBR.  Assigned to 358th Air Service Group, 
					505th Bomb Group for the transport of parts and personnel and retired from combat.
					Returned to CONUS 14Aug45.  Reclaimed at Keesler AFB, MS 13Mar50
				93912 Delivered to USAAF 26Nov44.  Modified to F-13A.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 459th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Glendale’.  Named ‘Motley Crew’
					Crashed Aug 23, 1945 at Harmon Field, Guam while on training mission.  4 of 5 killed.
				93913 Delivered to USAAF 28Nov44.  To the Bechtel-McCone Modification Center, Birmingham, AL
					Accident 18Jan45 at the Bechtel-McCone Modification Center, Birmingham, AL
					Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Named ‘City of Denver’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93914 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
				93915 Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 6Feb45.  Assigned to 99th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group
					Returned to CONUS 4Dec45 – 34 combat missions.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA
				93916 Delivered to USAAF 28Nov44.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of New York’.  Named ‘Purple Shaft’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93917 Delivered to USAAF 30Nov44.  Assigned to 19th BG, 93rd BS at North Field, Guam
					Named ‘City of Memphis’. Named ‘Idiots Delight’.  Named ‘Baby Gail’.  Named ‘Nip On Ese Nipper’
					Named ‘Character Carriage’.  Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 22Jun49
				93918 Delivered to USAAF 29Nov44.  ("City of Pipestone") assigned to 29th BG, 43rd BS and completed 35 missions against
					Japan.  Named ‘City of Pipestone’.  Named ‘Jolly Bettie’.  Reclaimed at Keesler AFB, MS 2Feb50
				93919 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed
				93920 Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam, Feb45
					Named ‘City of Saint Lewis’.  Named ‘Easy’s Aces’.  Named ‘City of Michigan City’. Named ‘Oily Boid II’
					On its third mission, the aircraft hit clear air turbulence and damaged both wings. Removed from combat missions.
					Assigned to 4th Ferrying Group, Nashville AAF, TN.  Accident 18Jan45 taxying at Nashville AAF, TN
				93921 Delivered to USAAF 4Dec44.  Assigned to 4000th Army Air Force Base Unit, Wright AAF, OH
					Mid air collision 23Sep47 over Wright AAF, OH
					Used at Wright Field to test feasibility of towing a P-80 to increase the fighter's range.
					Modified to KB-29P at Boeing, Seattle, WA.  Reclaimed at Sheppard AFB, TX 8Jul54
				93922 Delivered to USAAF 2Feb45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					On April 24, 1945 the aircraft was scheduled for a routine cross country navigational training flight 
					from MacDill Field, Florida west to a point over the Gulf of Mexico, 
					then east to Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico. Aboard was the normal crew of eleven plus a Pilot Instructor 
					and a Radio Instructor. The clouds en-route were forecast to be 5/10 cumulus. They departed MacDill heading 
					west. At 10,000’ a slight oil leak was observed in the #3 engine; the propeller on that engine ran away, 
					the oil leak became more noticeable, and smoke was reported from the engine. Attempts to feather the 
					propeller failed and the engine erupted in flames. With 4000 gallons 
					of aviation fuel in the wing tank the fire was very serious. Both fire extinguishers were used without 
					any effect. A minute later the crew was ordered  to bail out. But no one acknowledged from the rear of 
					the plane. The pilot brought the plane down to 7300 feet and the crew began to bail out. Apparently 
					the five men in the rear compartment of the plane never heard the “Bail out” order or could not escape 
					and remained aboard the plane when it crashed into the Gulf. The wreckage of the plane was never located. 
					Two survivors plus one body from the B-29 were taken to Key West Naval Hospital. The other ten B-29 crew 
					members were never found.
				93923 Delivered to USAAF 4Dec44.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Named ‘City of Detroit’.  Named ‘City of Ada’ renamed.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 11Sep50
42-93924/93973		Boeing B-29A-15-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7331/7380.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				93924 Delivered to USAAF 14Dec44.  Transferred to US Navy 26Apr54
				93925 Delivered to USAAF 5Dec44.  Assigned to 43rd Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Arcadia’.  Named ‘No Balls Atoll’
					In taxiing accident at North Field, Guam Jun 26, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly
					damaged.  Repaired and flew further combat missions to Japan
					Assigned to 19th Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Wing, March AFB, CA. TDY to Lakenheath, England Sep51-Dec51
					Crash landed 5Apr53 at Hickam AB, HI.  Reclaimed Hickam AFB, HI 24Jul54
				93926 Delivered to USAAF 6Dec44.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 10Feb45.  Assigned to 99th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group
					Damaged 16Apr45 during a mission to Kawasaki when thermals from a fire storm caused structural damage 
					and ripped off the bomb bay doors. Declared war weary.
					Returned to CONUS 14Jun45 – 5 combat missions
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ 1Jan48
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 22Jun50
				93927 (Delivered to USAAF 6Dec44
					(29th BG, 43rd BS) in landing accident at North Field, Guam Apr 28, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly
					damaged.  SOC 12Jun45
				93928 Delivered to USAAF 5Dec44.  Named ‘City of Hartford’
					(29th BG, 43rd BS) crashed after takeoff 4 mi E of Pati Point, Guam Jun 15, 1945 on mission to Osaka.  
					MACR 14625.  All 11 crew killed.
				93929 Delivered to USAAF 4Dec44.  Assigned to 43rd Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93930 Delivered to USAAF 10Dec44.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54
				93931 Delivered to USAAF 13Dec44.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Amarillo AAF, TX 31May46
				93932 Delivered to USAAF 11Dec44.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 19Aug54
				93933 Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Accident 13Apr45 taxying at Topeka AAF, KS
					Crashed landed 21Mar45 due to engine failure 10 miles NE of Clovis, NM
					Crashed landed 6Sep45 due to engine failure 7 miles NW of Clovis, NM
				93934 Delivered to USAAF 14Dec44.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 9Sep54
				93935 Delivered to USAAF 21Dec44.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Bedford’.  Named ‘Shillelagh Highman’.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54
				93936 Delivered to USAAF 23Dec44.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Damaged 22Aug45 taxying at Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				93937 Delivered to USAAF 21Dec44.  Assigned to 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Miami Beach’
					Ditched 12Apr45
				93938 Delivered to USAAF 21Dec44.  Assigned to 247th Army Air Force Base Unit, Smoky Hill AAF, Salina, KS
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93939 Delivered to USAAF 23Dec44.  Assigned to 40th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Take it Off’
					Named ‘Little Giant’
					Shot down by night fighters near Shimonoseki Straits Jul 9, 1945 while on mining mission.  
					It crashed in the sea off the coast of Moji City, Fukuoka Prefecture; 11 KIA, 1 POW/Executed.
				93940 Delivered to USAAF 23Dec44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Accident 12May45 due to mechanical failure landing at MacDill AAF, FL
					Assigned to 4121st Army Air Force Base Unit, Kelly AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Kelly AFB, TX 29Oct50
				93941 Delivered to USAAF 23Dec44.  Assigned to 878th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group 
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				93942 Delivered to USAAF 23Dec44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 231st Army Air Force Base Unit, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Accident 7Feb45 due to mechanical failure at the gunnery range, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Assigned to 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ.  Reclaimed at Pyote AAF, TX 19Aug54
				93943 Delivered to USAAF 2Jan45.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Portsmouth’.  Named ‘Beats Me’.  Named ‘City of Springfield’.  Named ‘Janie’
					Accident 4Apr45 taxying at North Field, Guam.  Reclaimed at Pyote AAF, TX 19Aug54
				93944 Delivered to USAAF 28Dec44.  Named ‘Mighty Fine’
					(498th BG, 873rd BS) in taxiing accident at Isley Field, Saipan before takeoff Jul 9, 1945.  All crew survived,
					aircraft badly damaged.  Salvaged at Guam Air Depot July 15, 1945.
				93945 Delivered to USAAF 31Dec44.  Assigned to 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group
					Bombs shook loose in storm 5/16/1945.  Repaired
					and returned to US as war-weary.  Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 5Jan50
				93946 Assigned to 307th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Speedwing Blu’.  To Class 26 17Jun54
				93947 Delivered to USAAF 28Dec44.  Assigned to 883rd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘The Janice E’. Returned to CONUS – 41 missions.  Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 14Jul54
				93948 Delivered to USAAF 31Dec44
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Force landed 18Mar45 due to mechanical failure at MacDill AAF, FL
					Assigned to 4121st Army Air Force Base Unit, Kelly AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Kelly AFB, TX 29Oct50
				93949 Delivered to USAAF 29Dec44.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May45
				93950 Departed Mather AAF, CA for Marianas 1Mar45.  Assigned to 500th Bomb Group
					Accident 3Apr45 taxying at Depot Field, Guam.  Assigned to 39th Bomb Group.  Returned to CONUS 2Nov45
					Assigned to 4196th Army Air Force Base Unit, Victorville AAF, CA
					Assigned to 4136th Army Air Force Base Unit, Tinker AFB, OK
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 28Jun50
				93951 Delivered to USAAF 31Dec44.  Assigned to 24th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Lucky ‘Leven’
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 237th Army Air Force Base Unit, Kirtland AAF, NM
					Damaged 27Apr45 in a ground collision at Kirtland AAF, NM.  Modified to WB-29A
					Assigned to 56th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (Medium) Weather
					Redesignated 56th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.  Reclaimed at Yokota AB, Japan 15Sep54
				93952 Delivered to USAAF 1Jan45
					In landing accident 3 mi from Honolulu, Hawaii Feb 17, 1945 while on ferry flight.  All crew survived.
					Aircraft badly damaged, Reclaimed at Hickam AFB, HI 4Nov48
				93953 Delivered to USAAF 1Jan45
					(29th BG, 6th BS) shot down by enemy fighters and crashed in Sea of Japan May 5, 1945 in mission to 
					Tachiarai airfield at Kyushu, Japan.  MACR 14364.  All 11 crew killed.
				93954 Delivered to USAAF 4Jan45.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Portsmouth’.  Named ‘Beats Me Too’.  Reclaimed at Seattle, WA 31Mar50
				93955 Delivered to USAAF 4Jan45.  Named ‘City of Cedar Rapids, MI’.  Named ‘Colleen’
					(330th BG, 458th BS) crashed North Field, Guam, June 22, 1945 during landing attempt due to engine failure
					and bad weather.  The mission was to Tamashima. MACR 14915.  Aircraft stalled and went over cliff edge.  
					10 crew killed, one survived.
				93956 Delivered to USAAF 1Jan45.  Departed CONUS for PTO 8Mar45/  Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Lucky ‘Leven’.  Returned to CONUS 30Oct45 – 37 combat missions
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May45
					93957 Delivered to USAAF 4Jan45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Duluth’		Named after the Captain’s hometown
					Named ‘She Wolf’		Named after a cartoon series in the Walker Army Air Field newspaper when the 
					crew were training in Kansas.
					Named ‘City of Lynchburg’.  Named ‘Don’t Worry About a Thing’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				93958 Delivered to USAAF 3Jan45.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 484th Bomb Squadron, 505th Bomb Group
					Ditched due to engine failure 5 mi E of North Field, Tinian Island Sep 4, 1945.  MACR 14764.  Fate of crew unknown.
				93959 Delivered to USAAF 5Jan45.  Assigned to 875th Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group. 
					Named ‘Tumblin’ Tumbleweeds’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				93960 Delivered to USAAF 6Jan45.  Assigned to 330th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				93961 Delivered to USAAF 7Jan45.  Assigned to 459th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Aberdeen’
					This was known as a "Lucky Plane". A 314th BW record of 30 missions, no aborts, no secondary targets, 
					no casualties and 5 fighters downed.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54\
				93962 Delivered to USAAF 7Jan45. Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 27Mar45
					(9th BG, 99th BS) crashed from unknown cause at Ota-Cho Yokohama, Japan Apr 15, 1945 while on mission
					to Kawasaki, Japan.  MACR 14276.  9 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				93963 Delivered to USAAF 8Jan45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93964 Delivered to USAAF 8May45.  Assigned to 459th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Rock Island’.  Named ‘Babies Buggy’.  Accident 7Jun45 taking off at North Field, Guam
					The aircraft was shot up so badly that the crew had to put it down on Iwo Jima and it got stripped 
					for parts and the rest was dumped in the ocean
				93965 Delivered to USAAF 8Jan45.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 770th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, 58th Bomb Wing
					With HQ of 314th BG crashlanded and w/o at Central Field, Iwo Jima May 10, 1945.
				93966 Delivered to USAAF 12Jan45.  Departed Mather AAF, CA for Guam 29MAr45
					Assigned to 60th Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Pensacola’.  Named ‘Eight Ball’
					Salvaged at Guam 10Sep45
				93967 Delivered to USAAF 11Jan45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Lansford’.  Named ‘Dark Slide’
					Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam.  Named ‘Wet Bulb Willy’
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
					Assigned to USAF Museum Loan Program; on loan to American Legion Post 38, Cordele, GA
					Preserved and on display at the American Legion Post, Cordele, GA 1973-85
					On display at Georgia Veterans State Park, Cordele, Georgia since 1993
				93968 Delivered to USAAF 9Jan45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 274th Army Air Force Base Unit, Herington AAF, KS 
					Damaged by fire 23Mar45 10 miles W of Herington AAF, KS.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 1st Tow Target Squadron, Biggs AFB, TX
					Accident 2Jan54 due to structural failure 25 miles W of Biggs AFB, TX
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 1Sep54
				93969 Delivered to USAAF 13Jan45
					(330th BG,457th BS) shot down by AAA and crashed into Tokyo Bay May 24, 1945 while on mission to Tokyo.  
					MACR 14492.  All 12 crew KIA.
				93970 Delivered to USAAF 13Jan45.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of West Palm Beach’.  Assigned to 307th Bomb Wing, Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Kadena AB, Okinawa.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				93971 Delivered to USAAF 14Jan45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Council Bluffs’.  Named ‘The Germ’.  Returned to CONUS 1Nov45
					Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam. Deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Named ‘South Sea Sinner’.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 15Feb57 
				93972 Delivered to USAAF 12Jan45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Transferred to US Navy 12Mar54
				93973 Delivered to USAAF 16Jan45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 231st Army Air Force Base Unit, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Accident 9Jul45 taxying at Alamogordo AAF, NM.  Reclaimed at Alamogordo AFB, TX 24Oct45 
42-93974/94023		Boeing B-29A-20-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7381/7430.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				93974 Departed Smoky Hill AAF, KS for Guam 29Mar45.  Assigned to 62nd Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of El Paso’.  Named ‘Rainbow’s End’.  Named ‘The Uninvited’.  Returned to CONUS 1Nov45
					Assigned to Sacramento Air Materiel Area (SMAAR), McClellan AFB, CA
					Assigned to 98th Bomb Group, Spokane AFB, WA
					Assigned to 343rd Bomb Squadron, 98th Bomb Wing, Yokota, Japan.  Named ‘Bigham’
					(98th BW, 343rd BS) shot down by AAA near Chongju while on leaflet dropping mission, crew bailed
					out Nov 9, 1951.  All crew survived, but the captain was taken POW, the others were rescued
					by friendly forces.
				93975 Delivered to USAAF 16Jan45.  Departed CONUS for Guam 5Apr45
					Assigned to 61st Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Santa Fe’
					Named ‘Four Aces & Her Majesty’.  Named ‘City of Virginia Beach’.  Named ‘Piece of Meanness’
					Returned to CONUS 3Nov45.  Assigned to 22nd Bomb Group.  Modified to WB-29A
					Assigned to 54th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR) Weather, North Field, Guam
					Redesignated as the 514th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR) Weather, North Field, Guam
					Redesignated as the 54th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (Medium) Weather, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 30Aug54 
				93976 Delivered to USAAF 18Jan45.  To Continental Airlines Modification Center, Denver, CO Jan45
					Assigned to 248th Army Air Force Base Unit, Walker AAF, KS Feb45.  Departed CONUS for PTO 15Apr45
					Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Red Bank’.  Named ‘The Happy Savage’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Assigned to 306th Bomb Wing, MacDill AFB, FL 3Sep48
					To Air Material Command at Robins AFB, GA for refit prior to being loaned to the RAF
					To RAF as Washington B.1 WF440. May 3, 1950.  Assigned to Washington Conversion Unit, RAF Marham; code FB-Q
					To Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland for Maintenance and Storage 5Jul51
					Returned to USAF Mar 22, 1954.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 8Sep54
				93977 Delivered to USAAF 18Jan45.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 235th Army Air Force Base Unit, Biggs AAF, TX
					Accident 18May45 due to mechanical failure taking off at Biggs AAF, TX
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				93978 Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Jacksonville’.  Named ‘Miss Take’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Accident 28Oct51 landing at McClellan AFB, CA
					Used for fire practice at McClellan AFB, CA
				93979 Delivered to USAAF 19Jan45.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for Guam 1Apr45
					Assigned to 62nd Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Slim’		[when assigned to crew 44]
					Damaged during mission 11, night of 25/26May45 during Tokyo raid. The aircraft was returned to 
					operational service.  Named ‘City of Virginia’ [when assigned to crew 60]
					Named ‘Burnin’ Desire’ [when assigned to crew 60].  Returned to CONUS 1Nov45
					Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				93980 Delivered to USAAF 19Jan45  Assigned to 301st Bomb Group, Smoky Hill AAF, KS
					Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of St Petersburg’
					Named ‘My Gal’. Named ‘City of Williamsport’.  Named ‘Miss Annabelle’.  Returned to CONUS 1Nov45
					To Sacramento Air Depot, McClellan AFB, CA.  Modified to WB-29A
					Assigned to 54th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR) Weather, North Field, Guam
					Redesignated as the 514th Reconnaissance Squadron (VLR) Weather, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Redesignated as the 54th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (Medium) Weather, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Damaged 13Sep53 in flight by weather.  Damaged 18Mar54 on the ground at Andersen AFB, Guam
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 30Aug54
				93981 Delivered to USAAF 19Jan45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				93982 Delivered to USAAF 22Jan45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Fort Worth’.  Aircraft utilized to deliver photograph of atom bomb drop to the White House, 
					Washington, DC.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam. 
					Deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa.  Named ‘Island Queen’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93983 Delivered to USAAF 27Jan45.  Assigned to 9th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May45
				93984 Delivered to USAAF 22Jan45
					Assigned to 30th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam. Deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Named ‘Lassie Too!’.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				93985 Assigned to 462nd Bomb Group.  Assigned to 871st Bomb Squadron, 497th Bomb Group
					Transferred to US Navy 8Apr54
				93986 Delivered to USAAF 26Jan45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 231st Army Air Force Base Unit, Alamogordo AAF, NM
					Accident 11Mar45 due to mechanical failure taking off at Kirtland AAF, NM
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54
				93987 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group
					Reclaimed at Yokota AB, Japan 3Nov54
				93988 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Crash landed 24Jun45 due to engine failure at 8 miles NW of Tucson, AZ
				93989 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Assigned to 93rd Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Cincinnati’.  Assigned to 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Asheville’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Assigned to 49th Bomb Squadron, 2nd Bomb Group, Chatham AFB, GA
					Forced landing 13Sep49 due to engine failure at Chatham AFB, GA.  Reclaimed at Kelly AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93990 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54
				93991 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				93992 Modified to F-13A.  Assigned to 504th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Don’t Worry About a Thing’.  Damaged while parked at North Field, Tinian May 20, 1945
					by crashing B-29 42-24913. Assigned to 1st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, Photographic, Topeka AFB, KS
					Accident 23Apr49 taxying at Mitchel AFB, NY
					Assigned to 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group
					Accident 24Jan51 due to mechanical failure during takeoff at Yokota AB, Japan
					Accident 21Jan52 due to engine failure taking off at Yokota AB, Japan.  Named ‘Where Next?’
					Named ‘Flack Shack’
				93993 Delivered to USAAF 29Jan45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group
					Reclaimed at Eglin AFB, FL 17Feb55
				93994 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 331st Army Air Force Base Unit, Barksdale AAF, LA
					Crashed 4Jul45 due to engine failure into a swamp, south of Barksdale AAF and about one mile south 
					of Sligo, Louisiana
				93995 Delivered to USAAF 28Jan45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Departed CONUS 11Apr45; arrived PTO.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Osceola’.  Named ‘Behrens’ Brood’
					Crashed after crew bailed out at Iwo Jima Jun 1, 1945 due to flak damage during mission
					to Osaka, Japan.  One crewman was killed by flak hit, 10 bailed out and survived.  Aircraft had to be shot down
					by US P-61 fighter.
				93996 Delivered to USAAF 29Jan45.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Richmond’.  Named ‘Rebels Roost’.  Assigned to 93rd Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of College Park’.  Named ‘Vivacious Lady’.  Abandoned 50 miles from Guam due to fuel starvation.
				93997 Delivered to USAAF 29Jan45.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				93998 Delivered to USAAF 31Jan45.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				93999 Delivered to USAAF 31Jan45.  Named ‘Filthy Fay II’
					(498th BG, 874th BS) hit by AAA Apr 1, 1945 on mission to Mushashino Aircraft
					Factory in Tokyo and crashed at Atago Mountain Nishitama Tokyo, Japan.  5 crew killed, 6 bailed out and
					became POW. MACR 13762
				94000 Delivered to USAAF 31Jan45.  To Continental Airlines Modification Center, Denver, CO Feb45
					Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Accident 30Oct45 taxying at Nashville Municipal Airport, TN
					Assigned to 247th Army Air Force Base Unit, Smoky Hill AAF, Salina, KS
					To San Antonio Air Materiel Center, Kelly AAF
					Assigned to 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group, Yokota AB, Japan
					Named ‘Tiger Lil’.  Accident 23Mar53 due to structural failure at Yokota AB, Japan
					Accident 11Mar54 due to mechanical failure taking off at Yokota AB, Japan
					Lost Nov 7, 1954.  Cold War shoot down.  (after Korean War truce was signed) the aircraft was shot 
					down over the Sea of Japan by two Russian MiGs while on a routine photographic mapping mission.  
					After the aircraft caught fire, the eleven-man crew bailed out.  All but one survived.  The aircraft 
					crashed on the island of Hokkaido, 10 miles east of the town of Kenebetsu.  It descended into an 
					area at Nemuro, Japan and crashed into an unoccupied house.
				94001 Delivered to USAAF 2Feb45.  Assigned to 883rd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group 
					Returned to CONUS – 30 missions.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				94002 Delivered to USAAF 1Feb45.  Named ‘Hammer of Thor’
					(504th BG, 398th BS) lost from unknown cause in Pacific May 25, 1945 while on mission to Tokyo, Japan.  
					MACR 14501. Crashed 25May45 off the coast of Urayasu Town, Katsushika County, Chiba Prefecture.
 					All 11 crew killed.
				94003 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Named ‘City of Chicago’.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 14Jul54
				94004 Delivered to USAAF 1Feb45.  Assigned to 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				94005 Delivered to USAAF 2Feb45.  Assigned to 877th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group 
					Transferred to 878th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				94006 Delivered to USAAF 1Feb45.  Assigned to 877th Bomb Squadron, 499th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Rusty Dusty’.  Returned to CONUS – 11 missions.  To GIA at Sheppard AFB, TX 17Jun54
				94007 Delivered to USAAF 2Feb45.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 16Mar45
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Big Dick’
					To Clark Field Mar46. Reclaimed at Clark Field, Philippines 22Sep47
				94008 Assigned to 6th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed
				94009 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group.  Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Salvaged at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 14Jul54
				94010 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 22Mar45
					Assigned to 99th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Indiana II’
					Returned to CONUS 29Oct45 – 34 combat missions.  Assigned to 45th Bomb Squadron, 40th Bomb Group
					Named ‘112 Seabees’.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54
				94011 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 237th Army Air Force Base 
					Unit, Kirtland AAF, NM.  Crash landed 27Apr45 due to engine failure 5 miles S of Isleta, NM
					Surveyed at Kirtland AAF, NM 8May45
				94012 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45
					Assigned to 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54
				94013 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Named ‘Boeings Boner’.  Named ‘City of Hollywood’
					(29th BG, 6th BS) lost May 14, 1945 during return from mission to Nagoya.  Crash landed 14May45 
					when the aircraft lost an engine during the takeoff and was returning to land at North Field, Guam
				94014 Delivered to USAAF 8Feb45.  Assigned to 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Little Butch’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 11Sep50
				94015 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				94016 Delivered to USAAF 3Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Jersey City’.  Named ‘McNamara’s Band’.  Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 5Jan50
				94017 Delivered to USAAF 10Feb45.  Assigned to 237th Army Air Force Base Unit, Kirtland AAF, NM
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 5May54
				94018 Delivered to USAAF 7Feb45.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 233rd Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Crash landed 29Apr45 due to engine failure 15 miles SE of Tucson, AZ
				94019 Delivered to USAAF 6Feb45.  Assigned to 505th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				94020 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 9Sep54
				94021 MSN 7428.  Delivered to USAAF 8Feb45.  Assigned to 60th Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group
					Crashed into ocean 9 mi off Guam Island while on ferry flight from Kwajalein Apr 16, 1945.  All crew killed.
				94022 Delivered to USAAF 10Feb45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 6th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Old Double Deuce’
					Assigned to 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group
					Named ‘Skivvy Girl’.  Named ‘Maya’s Dragon’.  Reclaimed at Yokota AB, Japan 26Aug54
					Damaged 15Sep54 due to structural failure at Yokota AB, Japan
				94023 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 43rd Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Lindsey’.  Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
42-94024/94073		Boeing B-29A-25-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7431/7480.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				94024 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Clayton’.  Named ‘Our Baby’,  Returned to CONUS 31Oct45
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 7May54
				94025 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 22Mar45
					Assigned to 99th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘The Judy Ann’
					Named ‘Heavenly Flower’.  Named ‘Little Evil’.  Returned to CONUS 21Mar46 – 35 combat missions
					Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54
				94026 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Named ‘Sound and Fury’.  Named ‘City of University City’ renamed.  Named ‘City of Rock Hill’ renamed	
					(19th BG) ditched after ran out of fuel off Iwo Jima Apr 24, 1945 while returning from mission to 
					North Nagoya, Japan.  MACR 14312.  All 11 crew survived and were rescued.
				94027 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Ruthless’
					Returned to CONUS – 30 missions. Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				94028 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 93rd Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group 
					Combat damage 6Jul45 by flak at Kofu, Japan
				94029 Delivered to USAAF 13Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Kankakee’.  Named ‘Lucky Strike’
					Crash landed 4Nov45 at Johnston Island, Johnston Atoll, Pacific. Reclaimed 24Jan47
				94030 Delivered to USAAF 12Feb45.  Assigned to 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Lucky Strikes’
					Survived the war.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				94031 Delivered to USAAF 17Feb45.  Departed Topeka AAF, KS for Guam 14Apr45
					Assigned to 62nd Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Toledo’.  Named ‘One Weakness’
					Assigned to 307th Bomb Wing, Kadena AB, Okinawa.  Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 27Sep54
				94032 Delivered to USAAF 17Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of San Jose’.  Named ‘City of St Petersburg’.  Named ‘My Gal II’
					Assigned to 372nd Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Group, MacDill AFB, FL
					Accident 24Jul50 due to mechanical failure 30 miles W of Alexander City, AL
					Assigned to 372nd Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Wing, Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Damaged 1Nov54 due to mechanical failure at Honolulu International Airport, HI
					Retired to MASDC Nov 4, 1954, last B-29 bomber to be retired.
					42-94032 was Strategic Air Command's last B-29 bomber retired to the aircraft storage facility at 
					Davis-Monthan AFB.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 15Feb57. 
				94033 Delivered to USAAF 15Feb45.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 7May54
				94034 Delivered to USAAF 14Feb45.  Named ‘City of Springfield’
					(29th BG, 6th BS) crashed off coast of Enoshima Island, Japan Apr 16, 1945 in mission to Kawasaki.  MACR 14271.
					8 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.
				94035 Delivered to USAAF 14Feb45.  Assigned to 29th Bomb Group.  Modified to TB-29A
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 15Feb57
				94036 Not delivered to USAAF.  Written off 16Feb45 in a landing accident at Boeing Field, WA
				94037 Delivered to USAAF 15Feb45.  Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Hershey’.  Named ‘The Wilful Witch’.  Accident 21Jul45 taxying at North Field, Guam
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53
				94038 Delivered to USAAF 15Feb45.  Assigned to 19th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 19th Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Wing, March AFB, CA.  Named ‘Miss Manuki’
					Damaged 19Jun51 due to mechanical failure at March AFB, CA.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 15Feb57 
				94039 Delivered to USAAF 16Feb45.  Departed CONUS for Guam; arrived 27Apr45
					Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam.  Named ‘City of Atlanta’
					(314th BW) hit by flak on mission to Yokohama May 29, 1945 and crashed
					into sea on return flight.  All 11 crew KIA.  MACR 14538.
				94040 Delivered to USAAF 16Feb45.  Named ‘City of Rochester’.  Named ‘Feather Merchants’
					(330th BG, 459th BS) collided with B-29A 42-94044 in midair 100 mi N of Iwo Jima Jul 5, 1945.  Able to land
					and all crew survived.  Assigned to 301st Bomb Group.  Modified to WB-29A
					Assigned to 1604th Army Air Force Base Unit, Kindley Field, Bermuda
					Damaged 25Jul50 due to weather 30 miles SE of Wichita Falls, KS
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 2Sep54 
				94041 MSN 7448.  Delivered to USAAF 17Feb45.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 14Apr45
					Assigned to 5th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Umbriago II’
					Assigned to 680th Bomb Squadron, 504th Bomb Group Jun45
					Hit by AAA over Shimonoseki Straits Jul 27, 1945 and crashed in Inland Sea while on 
					mining mission.  MACR 14797.  5 crew killed, 6 bailed out and were rescued by 
					US Navy aircraft.
				94042 Delivered to USAAF 17Feb45.  Assigned to 39th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group
					Named ‘Maya’s Dragon’.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54 
				94043 Delivered to USAAF 17Feb45.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 27Jan45
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Passion Wagon’
					Returned to CONUS 6Jun46 – 32 missions
					Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam. Deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Reclaimed at Kadena AB, Okinawa 6Apr49
				94044 Delivered to USAAF 19Feb45.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for Guam 20Apr45.  Named ‘City of Athens’
					Named ‘Ole Forty and Eight II’	The nickname, "Ole Forty and Eight II", came from the crew number and the 
					old WWI box cars in France which were suitable for forty men or eight horses. The 'II' was 
					because the original B-29 got so shot up on its first mission that it was moved to Harmon Field, 
					decommissioned, and cannibalized.
					(39th BG, 62nd BS) collided with B-29A 42-94040 in midair 100 mi N of Iwo Jima.  Able to land and all
					crew survived.  The aircraft was repaired and returned to service.
					Returned to CONUS 4Nov45.  To GIA at Sheppard AFB, TX 17Jun54
				94045 Departed Herington AAF, KS for Guam 11Apr45.  Assigned to 61st Bomb Squadron, 39th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of St. Louis Park’.  Named ‘Liberty Belle II’.  Returned to CONUS 4Nov45
					Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Assigned to 371st Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Group, MacDill AFB, FL.  Combat damage 12Apr51
					Shot down by MiG-15 from 523rd IAP of Soviet AF near Namsi airfield Oct 23, 1951.  The aircraft was 
					found on 29Oct51. Of the crew, three were killed, three were taken PoW and seven are MIA.
				94046 Delivered to USAAF 20Feb45.  Assigned to 874th Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 97th Bomb Group, Biggs AFB, TX.  To GIA at Sheppard AFB, TX 17Jun54
				94047 Delivered to USAAF 19Feb45.  Named ‘City of Jamestown’.  Named ‘Throbbing Monster’
					Accident 2Sep45 at North Field, Guam.  Assigned to 301st Bomb Wing.  Modified to WB-29A
					Assigned to 56th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (Medium) Weather
					Redesignated 56th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.  Reclaimed at Yokota AB, Japan 1Sep54
				94048 Delivered to USAAF 20Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Assigned to 340th Bomb Squadron, 97th Bomb Group, Biggs AFB, TX
					Accident 16Sep48 due to friendly fire at Range 52, Eglin AFB, FL
					Accident 23Oct48 due to engine failure during takeoff at Biggs AFB, TX 
					Assigned to 33rd Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Wing, March AFB, CA. TDY to Wyton, England Sep51-Dec51
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 11Feb57 
				94049 Delivered to USAAF 20Feb45.  Assigned to 882nd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘Ramblin’ Roscoe II’.  Returned to CONUS – 37 missions
					Assigned to 33rd Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Wing, March AFB, CA. TDY to Wyton, England Sep51-Dec51
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 11Feb57			
				94050 Delivered to USAAF 21Feb45.  Assigned to 870th Bomb Squadron, 497th Bomb Group.  Named ‘Mammy Yokum’
					Ditched 90 miles from Japanese coast on Tokyo raid 26May45. Five crew KIA, 6 crew rescued.  MACR 14525
				94051 Delivered to USAAF 19Feb45.  Assigned to 499th Bomb Group
					Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group.  Lost 14May45 on mission to Nagoya, Japan
				94052 Delivered to USAAF 21Feb45.  To Continental Airlines Modification Center, Denver, CO Feb45
					Assigned to 271st Army Air Force Base Unit, Kearney AAF, NB 30Mar45
					Assigned to 458th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 1Apr45
					Departed CONUS 7Apr45 arriving PTO 11Apr45.  Named ‘City of Terre Haute’.  Named ‘Star Dust’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45 – 32 missions
					Assigned to 4196th Army Air Force Base Unit, Victorville AAF, CA for storage
					Assigned to 301st Bomb Wing, Smoky Hill AFB, KS 18Oct48
					Assigned to 4121st Air Force Base Unit, Kelly AFB, TX 1Aug49
					To Warner Robins Air Materiel Area, Robins AFB, GA 19Apr50 for refit prior to being loaned to the RAF
					To RAF as Washington B.1 WF444 Jun 28, 1950 and assigned to 115 Squadron.  Returned to USAF Aug 25, 1953.  
					Assigned to Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah
				94053 MSN 7460.  Delivered to USAAF 20Feb45.  Departed Mather AAF, CA for Guam 10Apr45.  Named ‘Queen Cathy’
					(39th BG, 60th BS) took off for raid on Tahcikawa, Japan but developed engine problem and aborted and 
					force landed at North Field, Guam May 19, 1945. Aircraft careened off the runway and was destroyed by fire.  
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.  Tail gunner later died of injuries.
				94054 Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
				94055 Delivered to USAAF 22Feb45.  Assigned to 497th Bomb Group.  Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54 
				94056 Delivered to USAAF 22Feb45
					(504th BG) crashed from unknown cause at Oikawa Chiba, Japan May 29, 1945 while on mission to Yokohama, Japan.  
					MACR 14541.  11 crew bailed out and became POW.
				94057 Delivered to USAAF 23Feb45.  Assigned to 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 19Aug54 
				94058 Delivered to USAAF 21Feb45.  Assigned to 24th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group 19Apr45
					Named ‘Fortune’s Follies II’.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94059 Delivered to USAAF 24Feb45.  Assigned to 459th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group
					Named ‘City of Farmington’.  Named ‘Lonesome Polecat’.  Returned to CONUS – 28 missions
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 11Jul50 
				94060 Delivered to USAAF 24Feb45
					(19th BG, 30th BS) crashed from unknown cause on Mount Topatchau, Saipan May 5, 1945.  All 11 crew killed, 
					aircraft was destroyed.
				94061 Delivered to USAAF 24Feb45.  Assigned to 52nd Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group 
					Assigned to 330th Bomb Group.  Named ‘City of Kansas City’.  Named ‘The Fire Bug’
					Returned to CONUS 1Nov45.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94062 Delivered to USAAF 26Feb45.  Assigned to 457th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Chattanooga’.  Named ‘Pluto’.  Assigned to 307th Bomb Group, MacDill AFB, FL
					Combat damage 12Apr51.  Assigned to 371st Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Wing, Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Accident 4Mar52 taxying at NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
					Crash landed 12Jul52 due to mechanical failure at Kadena AB, Okinawa
					Reclaimed at Kelly AFB, TX 20Apr54
				94063 Delivered to USAAF 26Feb45.  Assigned to 24th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘The Wolf Pack’.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94064 Delivered to USAAF 24Feb45.  To GIA at Sheppard AFB, TX 17Jun54
				94065 Delivered to USAAF 5Mar45.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crashed 14May45 after the crew bailed out due to engine failure 9 miles SW of Clovis, NM
				94066 Delivered to USAAF 28Feb45.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Dennison’.  Named ‘Renton’s Wreck’.  To GIA at Kirtland AFB, NM 22Mar53
				94067 Delivered to USAAF 27Feb45.  Departed Herington AAF, KS for PTO 28Apr45
					Assigned to 5th Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Named ‘The Starduster’
					Returned to CONUS 5Dec46 – 28 combat missions.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 23Jun54 
				94068 Delivered to USAAF 27Feb45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15May53 
				94069 Delivered to USAAF 2Mar45.  Assigned to 4117th Army Air Force Base Unit, Robins AAF, GA
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94070 Delivered to USAAF 28Feb45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94071 Delivered to USAAF 28Feb45.  Assigned to 459th Bomb Squadron, 330th Bomb Group 
					Named ‘City of Evanston’  Named ‘City of Gainsville’ [Renamed by new crew].  Named ‘Feather Merchants’
					Returned to CONUS 31Oct45.  Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 11Feb57
				94072 Delivered to USAAF 27Feb45.  Departed Mather AAF, KS for Marianas 26Apr45
					Assigned to 39th Bomb Group.  Returned to CONUS 30Oct45
					Assigned to 371st Bomb Squadron, 307th Bomb Group, MacDill AFB, FL. Transferred to Kadena AB, Okinawa
					crashed into E. China Sea 5 mi off Okinawa Sep 8, 1950.
				94073 Delivered to USAAF 1Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54 
42-94074/94123		Boeing B-29A-30-BN Superfortress
				MSN 7481/7530.  Dispostions from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive 
					Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann. 
				94074 Delivered to USAAF 1Mar45.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Crashed 20Jul45 after the crew bailed out due to engine failure 14 miles W of Taylor, TX
				94075 Delivered to USAAF 3Mar45.  Assigned to 4117th Army Air Force Base Unit, Robins AAF, GA
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94076 Delivered to USAAF 3Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 328th Army Air Force Base Unit, Gulfport AAF, MS
					Accident 13Jul45 landing at Gulfport AAF, MS
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 9Sep54 
				94077 Delivered to USAAF 8Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Destroyed 11May45 when the aircraft experienced engine failures and crashed during landing. Nine crew KIA.
				94078 Delivered to USAAF 2Mar45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94079 Delivered to USAAF 5Mar45
					(39th BG, 61st BS) crashed from unknown cause at a farm at Makida Village, Chiba, Japan May 26, 1945 while on
					mission to Tokyo.  MACR 14511.  All 10 crew killed.
				94080 Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 328th Army Air Force Base Unit, Gulfport AAF, MS
					Damaged 28Jul45 at Gulfport AAF, MS.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
				94081 Delivered to USAAF 5Mar45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Assigned to 234th Army Air Force Base Unit, Clovis AAF, NM
					Assigned to 72nd Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th Strategic Reconnaissance Group
					Crashed 7Jun50 in the North Sea 20 miles east of Cromer, England.  The aircraft took off from RAF 
					Sculthorpe, England for an air test and routine gunnery exercise over the North Sea. A burst of gunfire 
					from the forward upper gun turret hit No 4 engine which caught fire. The pilot was unable to maintain 
					control and ordered the crew to bail out. Eight crew jumped but three remained when the aircraft 
					ditched; seven crew perished in the accident
				94082 Delivered to USAAF 6Mar45
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94083 Delivered to USAAF 6Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94084 Delivered to USAAF 5Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 331st Army Air Force Base Unit, Barksdale AAF, LA
					Accident 29Jul45 due to mechanical failure landing at Barksdale AAF, LA
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94085 Delivered to USAAF 8Mar45
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94086 Delivered to USAAF 8Mar45
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94087 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94088 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45
					Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94089 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 9Sep54 
				94090 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45.  To the Bechtel-McCone Modification Center, Birmingham, AL
					Accident 16Apr45 taxying at Birmingham Modification Center, AL
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94091 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 
				94092 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54 
				94093 Delivered to USAAF 14Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 12Sep50 
				94094 Delivered to USAAF 9Mar45.  Assigned to 500th Bomb Squadron.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94095 Delivered to USAAF 16Mar45.  Assigned to 498th Bomb Group.  Transferred to US Navy 27Apr54
				94096 Delivered to USAAF 10Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94097 Delivered to USAAF 10Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94098 Delivered to USAAF 12Mar45.  Assigned to 28th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group, North Field, Guam
					Crashed from unknown cause in woods at Yokoyama Village, Fukuoka, Japan Jul 27, 1945 while on mission to
					Omuta, Japan.  MACR 14798.  1 crew killed, 9 bailed out.  1 murdered by villagers when he landed, 8 became POW 
					but were later executed.
				94099 Delivered to USAAF 10Mar45.  Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, 
					MacDill AAF, FL.  Accident 9Jun45 due to engine failure at MacDill AAF, FL
					Accident 31Aug45 taxying at MacDill AAF, FL.  Assigned to 19th Bomb Group, Andersen AFB, Guam
					Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 21Jul54 
				94100 Delivered to USAAF 22Mar45.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94101 Delivered to USAAF 12Mar45.  Assigned to 4105th Army Air Force Base Unit, Davis-Monthan AAF, AZ
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 10May54 	
				94102 Delivered to USAAF 12Mar45.  Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94103 Delivered to USAAF 14Mar45.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94104 Delivered to USAAF 13Mar45.  Assigned to 6th Bomb Squadron
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94105 Delivered to USAAF 13Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 331st Army Air Force Base Unit, Barksdale AAF, LA
					Crash landed 12Oct45 at Barksdale AAF, LA.  Salvaged at Barksdale AAF, LA 29Oct45 
				94106 Delivered to USAAF 14Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 331st Army Air Force Base Unit, Barksdale AAF, LA
					Accident 4Jun45 taxying at Barksdale AAF, LA.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94107 Delivered to USAAF 16Mar45.  Assigned to 301st Bomb Wing
					Modified to TB-29A for radar evaluation.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 24Jun54 
					Assigned to 4713th Radar Evaluation Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY 
					To Arizona Aircraft Storage Branch, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 23Jun59. Reclaimed 16Feb60 
				94108 Delivered to USAAF 16Mar45.  Assigned to 504th Bomb Squadron
					Reclaimed at Hill AFB, UT 19Aug54 
				94109 Delivered to USAAF 16Mar45.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94110 Delivered to USAAF 17Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94111 Delivered to USAAF 16Mar45.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Accident 27Dec45 due to mechanical failure landing at Greater Pittsburg Airport, PA
					Reclaimed at Kelly AFB, TX 29Oct50 
				94112 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94113 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45.  Modified to F-13A; redesignated 1948 as RB-29A
					Reclaimed at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 16Aug54 
				94114 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45.  Modified to F-13A
					Assigned to 3rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Photographic Wing [sic]
					Redesignated  19Sep45 as the 3rd Reconnaissance Squadron, 311th Reconnaissance Wing
					Named ‘Wild Westy’s Wabbits’.  Lost from unknown cause Guam Island Jun 10, 1946.  MACR 15045. Fate of
					crew unknown.
				94115 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94116 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45.  Assigned to 326th Army Air Force Base Unit, MacDill AAF, FL
					Reclaimed at Robins AFB, GA 4Dec53 
				94117 Delivered to USAAF 22Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94118 Delivered to USAAF 19Mar45
					Assigned to Combat Crew Training Squadron, 324th Army Air Force Base Unit, Chatham AAF, GA
					Forced landing 20Jun45 due to engine failure at Smoky Hill AAF, KS
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94119 Delivered to USAAF 22Mar45.  Departed Kearney AAF, NB for PTO 2Jun45
					Assigned to 1st Bomb Squadron, 9th Bomb Group.  Returned to CONUS 30Nov45 – 14 combat missions
					Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX.  Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94120 Delivered to USAAF 21Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54
				94121 Delivered to USAAF 22Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 15Sep53 
				94122 Delivered to USAAF 20Mar45.  Modified to TB-29A
					Assigned to 876th Bomb Squadron, 383rd Bomb Group
					Assigned to 248th Army Air Force Base Unit, Walker AAF, KS
					Force landed 18Jul45 due to engine failure at Walker AAF, KS
					Crash landed 11Aug45 due to engine failure 3 miles NW of Victoria, KS
				94123 Delivered to USAAF 20Mar45.  Assigned to 4141st Army Air Force Base Unit, Pyote AAF, TX
					Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 19Aug54 
42-94124		Beech UC-43D Traveller
				Civilian Model E-17B MSN 149 NC18038 impressed by USAAF. 
					W/o in accident Jan. 24, 1943 Fort Dix, NJ
42-94125		Waco UC-72L
				Civilian Model ZVN8 NC19399 MSN 5100 impressed by USAAF
42-94126		Waco UC-72K
				Civilian Model YKS-7 NC17713 MSN 4625 impressed by USAAF
42-94127		Fairchild UC-61G Forwarder
				Civilian Model 24W-40 (MSN 122) NC296Y impressed by USAAF
42-94128		de Havilland DH.94 Moth Minor
			Acquired in Middle East by USAAF, which
				was former G-AFPJ (MSN 94030) allocated May 12, 1939 and cancelled Nov 1941
				on sale as SU-ACP,c then back to G-AFPJ.  No USAAF designation assigned. 
42-94129		Waco UC-72H
				Civilian Model ZQC6 NC16220 MSN 4431 impressed by USAAF
42-94130		Stinson L-9B
				originally designated AT-19B.  Model 
				10-A MSN 8254 ex NC39454 commandeered by USAAF from civilian users.
42-94131		Waco UC-72H
				Civilian Model ZQC6 NC15709  MSN 4387 impressed by USAAF. Became N46290 and is currently under restoration in France
42-94132		Waco UC-72
				Civilian Model SRE MSN 5088 NC20964 impressed by USAAF
42-94133		Beech UC-43J Traveller
				Civilian Model C-17L MSN 105 NC16446 impressed by USAAF.
42-94134		Stinson UC-81M-ST Reliant
				Model SR.9EM NC3640 MSN 5269 impressed by USAAF
42-94135		Waco UC-72M
				Civilian Model ZKS7 NC20954 MSN 5221 impressed by USAAF
42-94136		Stinson L-9B
				originally designated AT-19B.  Model 
				10-A MSN 7809 ex NC31559 commandeered by USAAF from civilian user.
42-94137 		Beech UC-43H Traveller
				Civilian Model B-17R MSN 54 NC15411 impressed by USAAF.
42-94138		Waco UC-72H
				Civilian Model ZQC6 NC16244 MSN 4448 impressed by USAAF
42-94139		Fairchild UC-61E Forwarder
				Civilian Model 24K (MSN 3306) NC8495 impressed by USAAF
42-94140		Northrop C-100
				Northrop Model 2-D Gamma MSN 9 NC13758 commandeered by Army.
				Redesignated UC-100 in 1943.
42-94141		Waco UC-72K 
				Civilian Model YKS7 NC19353 MSN 4681 impressed by USAAF
42-94142		Fairchild UC-86
				Model 24R-40 (MSN 409) NC25392 purchased from civilian owner
42-94143		Waco UC-72N
				Civilian Model YOC1 NC15248 MSN 4330 impressed by USAAF
42-94144/94145		Waco UC-72B
				Civilian Model ECG8s impressed by USAAF.  
				94144 MSN 5055 was NC19365
				94145 MSN 5058 was NC19382
42-94146		Waco UC-72E 
				Civilian Model ZGC7 MSN 4588 NC17748 impressed by USAAF
42-94147		Fairchild UC-61 Forwarder
				Civilian (MSN 120) NC41844 impressed by USAAF
42-94148		Lockheed UC-101 
				Commercial Vega 5C MSN 210, NC14236 acquired from
				Don Marshall for use by Army Corps of Engineers Los
				Angeles District.  Sold back to Don Marshall as NC48610
				in 1944.  Destroyed in a crash at El Paso, Texas Jun 9, 1945.
42-94149/94548		Vultee A-35B-VN Vengeance 
				Serial numbers assigned for Lend-Lease. Few served with USAAF.
				94149 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD222.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94150 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD223.  SOC Feb 5, 1947
				94151 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD224.  To Royal Navy Oct 3, 1945.  To Royal Naval Aircraft Repair
					Yard, and presumably subsequently scrapped.
				94152 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD225.  SOC Sep 13, 1945
				94153 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD226
				94154 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD227  SOC Oct 19, 1944
				94155 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD228.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94156 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD229.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94157 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD230.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94158 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD231.  SOC Nov 30, 1944
				94159 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD232.  DBR during bellylanding near Blachbhar after engine
					cut on ferry flight May 30, 1944
				94160 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD233.  SOC May 31, 1945
				94161 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD234.  SOC Sep 13, 1945
				94162 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD235.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
				94163 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD236.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94164 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD237.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94165 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD238.  Crashed on takeoff from Bairagarh, India Jul 29, 1944
				94166 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD239.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94167 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD240.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94168 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD241.  SOC Sep 13, 1945
				94169 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD242.  SOC Oct 15, 1946
				94170 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD243.  SOC Jun 26, 1945
				94171 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD244.  To RAAF as A27-564, no RAF service.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94172 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD245.  SOC Mar 27, 1947
				94173 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD246.  To Royal Navy Mar 5, 1945.  To repair yard same day,
					presumably subsequently scrapped.
				94174 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD247.  SOC Jun 7, 1947
				94175 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD248.  SOC Aug 30, 1945
				94176 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD249.  Wrecked when bellylanded at Lahore in bad weather
					during ferry flight Jul 6, 1945
				94177 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD250.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94178 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD251.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94179 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD252.  SOC Apr 12, 1946
				94180 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD253.  To RAAF as A27-566, not delivered to RAF.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94181 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD254.  SOC Nov 30, 1944
				94182 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD255.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94183 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD256.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94184 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD257.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94185 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD258.  SOC Mar 27, 1947
				94186 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD259.  SOC Mar 29, 1945
				94187 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD260.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94188 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD261.  To RAAF as A27-560, not delivered to RAF.  W/o May 2, 1945, Caqrrum
				94189 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD262.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94190 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD263. 
				94191 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD264.  SOC Aug 29, 1946
				94192 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD265.  SOC Jul 19, 1945
				94193 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD266.  SOC Nov 3, 1946
				94194 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD267, not delivered.  To RAAF as A27-565.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94195 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD268.  SOC Aug 9, 1945
				94196 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD269.  SOC Feb 21, 1947.
				94197 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD270.  SOC Oct 12, 1944
				94198 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD271.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94199 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD272, not delivered.  To RAAF as A27-561.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94200 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD273, not delivered.  To RAAF as A27-562.  SOC May 7, 1946
				94201 to RAF as FD274 and then to RAAF as A27-631.  SOC May 16,1946.
				94202 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD275.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94203 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD276.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94204 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD277.  Crashed near Ajaccio, Corsica when abandoned after
					engine failure May 12, 1945.
				94205 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD278.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94206 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD279.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94207 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD280.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94208 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD281.  DBR Jun 16, 1944.
				94209 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD282.  SOC May 31, 1945
				94210 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD283.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94211 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD284.  SOC Sep 13, 1945
				94212 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD285.  SOC Mar 11, 1948
				94213 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD286.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94214 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD287.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jan 31, 1946.
				94215 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD288.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94216 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD289.  SOC Aug 9, 1945
				94217 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD290.  SOC Feb 20, 1946
				94218 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD291.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94219 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD292.  SOC Aug 9, 1945
				94220 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD293.  SOC Jun 16, 1944
				94221 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD294.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94222 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD295, not delivered.  To RAAF as A27-563.  Modified for target towing. 
					To Royal Australian Navy Mar 2, 1949 for ground instruction.
				94223 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD296.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94224 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD297.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94225 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD298.  SOC Sep 13, 1945
				94226 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD299.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94227 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD300.  DBR Jun 16, 1944.
				94228 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD301.  SOC Aug 31, 1944
				94229 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD302.  SOC May 30, 1946
				94230 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD303.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 5, 1945.  Wrecked when ran
					off runway during takeoff at Kai Tak, Hong Kong May 23, 1946
				94231 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD304.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94232 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD305.  SOC Aug 9, 1945.
				94233 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD306.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94234 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD307.  Crashed before delivery to RAF.
				94235 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD308.  SOC Aug 30, 1947
				94236 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD309.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94237 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD310.  SOC May 8, 1946
				94238 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD311.  SOC Jun 1, 1947
				94239 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD312.  SOC Aug 9, 1945
				94240 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD313.  SOC Sep 26, 1946
				94241 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD314.  Crashed when stalled on takeoff from Drigh Road, India
					Jun 6, 1945
				94242 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD315.  SOC Jun 5, 1947
				94243 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD316.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94244 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD317.  Sold for scrap Jan 25, 1948
				94245 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD318.
				94246 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD319.  SOC Aug 28, 1945
				94247 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD320.  Transferred to Royal Navy Aug 3, 1945.
				94248 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD321.  DBR when caught fire on ground at Kirkbride, Scotland Jan 24, 1945.
				94249 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD322.  SOC Jul 17, 1947
				94250 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD323.  SOC Aug 29, 1946
				94251 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD324.  DBR when swung to avoid collision and undercarriage
					collapsed, Risalpur, India Apr 12, 1945
				94252 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD325.  Transferred to Royal Navy Nov 2, 1945
				94253 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD326.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94254 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD327.  Crashed when engine cut on approach to Sydenham, Northern
					Ireland Feb 23, 1945
				94255 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD328.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94256 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD329.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94257 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD330.  SOC Dec 11, 1946
				94258 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD346.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94259 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD347.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94260 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD348.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94261 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD349.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94262 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD350.  SOC Feb 28, 1946
				94263 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD357.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94264 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD358.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jun 26, 1945.
				94265 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD362.  SOC Jul 31, 1944
				94266 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD363.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94267 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD364.  DBR when one undercarriage leg jammed up and
					aircraft landed on one wheel at Melton Mowbray, England Mar 23, 1945
				94268 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD365.  SOC Jul 29, 1945
				94269 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD366.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94270 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD369.  SOC Jul 29, 1945
				94271 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD370.  SOC May 31, 1945.
				94272 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD371.  SOC Feb 4, 1947
				94273 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD375.  SOC Oct 31, 1946
				94274 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD376.  SOC Jul 29, 1945
				94275 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD377.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 22, 1945.  SOC for scrap Aug 29, 1946
				94276 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD378.  Transferred to Royal Navy Dec 11, 1945. No record of subsequent fate
				94277 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD379.  No record of fate
				94278 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD384.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94279 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD385.  SOC Dec 9, 1946
				94280 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD389.  SOC Jun 11, 1945
				94281 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD390.  SOC Feb 28, 1946
				94282 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD391.  SOC Apr 25, 1946
				94283 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD392.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jul 3, 1945 (RAF records).  RN records
					say Jul 2, 1945.  DBR in belly landing Feb 2, 1946. 
				94284 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD393.  Wrecked when undershot landing and undercarriage collapsed
					Melton Mowbray, England Mar 27,1945
				94285 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD399.  Transferred to RN Oct 31, 1945; returned to RAF according to RN
					records, but no record of its being taken back on RAF charge.
				94286 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD400.  SOC May 9, 1946
				94287 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD403.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94288 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD404.  Transferred to RN Sep 27, 1945; returned to RAF at Changi, 
					Singapore Apr 1, 1947 according to RN records, but no record of its being taken back on RAF 
				94289 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD405.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 29, 1945.  No record of
					subsequent fate
				94290 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD409.  SOC Feb 5, 1947
				94291 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD410.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				94292 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD411.  SOC Apr 26, 1945
				94293 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD412.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94294 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD413.  SOC Jun 9, 1947
				94295 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD414.  SOC Nov 7, 1947
				94296 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB303.  SOC Apr 26, 1945.
				94297 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB304.  SOC Jun 9, 1947
				94298 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB305.  Transferred to RN Mar 31, 1945. Damaged beyond repair 
					when undercarriage collapsed on landing at Kai Tak, Hong Kong Apr 8, 1946
				94299 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB306.  SOC Jan 8, 1947
				94300 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB307.  SOC Nov 5, 1946
				94301 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB308.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94302 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB309.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94303 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB310.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94304 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB311.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94305 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB312.  Belly landed at Charmy Down, England Apr 10, 1945.  Not repaired
					and SOC Mar 6, 1946
				94306 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB313.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 1, 1946 (RAF records; RN records say
					Sep 1945).  No record of subsequent fate
				94307 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB314.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 3, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94308 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB315.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 3, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94309 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB316.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 9, 1945 (RAF records; RN records
					say Mar 5, 1945).  No record of subsequent fate
				94310 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB317.  SOC Feb 5, 1947
				94311 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB318.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 27, 1945 (RAF records; RN records say
					Jn 13, 1945)  DBR when caught fire during refuelling Dec 12, 1945
				94312 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB319.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 3, 1945 (RAF records; RN records say
					Jun 30,1945).  No record of subsequent fate
				94313 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB320.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jun 30, 1945 according to RAF records, 
					nothing on RN records
				94314 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB321.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94315 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB322.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94316 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB323.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94317 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB324.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94318 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB325.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 28, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94319 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB326.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jun 26, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94320 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB327.  Transferred to Royal Navy Sep 15, 1946 (RAF records; RN records say
					Jun 13, 1945)  SOC by RN Jan 15, 1947.
				94321 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB328.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94322 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB329.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 1, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94323 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB330.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94324 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB331.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94325 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB332.  Sold for scrap Jun 29, 1948
				94326 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB333.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94327 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB334.  SOC Jan 20, 1947
				94328 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB335.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jul 2, 1945.  No record of subsequent fate
				94329 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB336.  Sold for scrap Jun 29, 1948
				94330 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB337.  Transferred to Royal Navy Apr 18, 1945  No record of subsequent fate
				94331 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB338.  SOC Aug 18, 1947
				94332 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB339.  SOC Feb 5, 1947
				94333 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB340.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94334 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB341.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jan 31, 1946
				94335 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB342.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jul 18, 1945
				94336 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB343.  Transferred to Royal Navy Aug 5, 1945
				94337 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB344.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94338 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB345.  SOC Jan 8, 1947
				94339 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB346.  SOC Jan 25, 1945
				94340 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB347.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94341 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB348.  Transferred to Royal Navy Apr 18, 1945
				94342 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB349.  SOC Feb 4, 1947
				94343 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB350.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94344 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB351.  SOC Feb 22, 1947
				94345 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB352.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94346 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB353.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94347 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB354.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94350 to RAAF as A27-607.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94352 to RAAF as A27-608.  SOC Jul 16, 1946.
				94355 to RAAF as A27-609.  SOC Jul 16, 1946
				94359 to RAAF as A27-610.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94360 to RAAF as A27-611.  W/o Jun 28, 1945, Botany Bay, NSW.
				94361 to RAAF as A27-612.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94362 to RAAF as A27-613.  W/o Nov 7, 1945, Pearce WA
				94364 to RAAF as A27-614.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94368 to RAAF as A27-615.  SOC Jun 16, 1946.
				94370 to RAAF as A27-616.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94371 to RAAF as A27-617.  Brought on charge Apr 16 1944.  Modified for target towing. SOC May 16, 1946.
					Transferred to Royal Australian Navy May 1, 1951 
				94378 to RAAF as A27-618.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94379 to RAAF as A27-619.  To Royal Australian Navy Sep 6, 1945.  Modified for DDT spraying.  Assigned to 721
					Squadron, Kai Tak, Hong Kong 1946.  Force landed after engine fire Nov 29, 1946.
				94384 to RAAF as A27-620.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94386 to RAAF as A27-603.  SOC Jun 4, 1946.
				94390 to RAAF as A27-604.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94391 to RAAF as A27-605.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94393 to RAAF as A27-622.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94394 to RAAF as A27-632.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94395 to RAAF as A27-606.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94397 to RAAF as A27-633.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94398 to RAAF as A27-634.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94399 to RAAF as A27-623.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94400 to RAAF as A27-624.  SOC May 16,1946.
				94401 to RAAF as A27-625.  To Royal Australian Navy Oct 10, 1945.  Returned to RAAF Dec 6, 1945
				94402 to RAAF as A27-626.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94403 to RAAF as A27-635.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94405 to RAAF as A27-627.  Brought on charge Apr 26 1944.  Modified for target towing.  Force landed on
					mud bank Jul 39, 1945, Fairhaven, Western Port Bay, Victoria.  Wreck destroyed by RAN using explosives
					Aug 27, 1945
				94406 to RAAF as A27-636.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94407 to RAAF as A27-621.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94409 to RAAF as A27-628.  SOC May 16, 1946. 
				94410 to RAAF as A27-637.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94412 to RAAF as A27-638.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94413 to RAAF as A27-629.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94415 to RAAF as A27-639.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94417 to RAAF as A27-640.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94419 to RAAF as A27-630.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94438 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB540.  SOC Feb 27, 1947
				94439 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB541.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jul 26, 1945.
				94440 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB542.  Transferred to Royal Navy Sep 15, 1945.
				94441 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB543.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94442 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB544.  SOC Feb 13, 1946
				94443 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB545.  SOC Jun 11, 1947
				94444 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB546.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 6, 1945.
					Written off when rudder control locked on takeoff from Ponam, Admiralty 
					Islands Jun 12, 1945; aircraft swung to port and ended up overturned in 15 feet of 
					water in perimeter lagoon.
				94445 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB547.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94446 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB548.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 1, 1946
				94447 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB549.  Transferred to Royal Navy Sep 5, 1945.  DBR after engine
					failure whilst in circuit at Donibristle, Scotland Nov 19, 1945.
				94448 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB550.  SOC Jun 9, 1947
				94449 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD331
				94450 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD332.  SOC May 31, 1945
				94451 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD333.  SOC Feb 5, 1947
				94452 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD334.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 5, 1945.
				94453 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD335.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94454 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD336.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94455 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD337.  SOC Oct 31, 1946
				94456 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD338.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94457 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD339.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94458 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD340.  Not delivered to RAF.  To RAAF as A27-600.  Brought on
					charge Mar 5, 1944.  Modified for target towing.  SOC May 16, 1946.  Transferred to Royal Australian
					Navy Mar 14, 1951, SOC Mar 15, 1951.
				94459 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD341.  Transferred to Royal Navy Jan 31, 1946.  No record of fate
				94460 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD342.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94461 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD343.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94462 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD344.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94463 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD345.  SOC Dec 31, 1946
				94464 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD351.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 27, 1945.  No record of fate
				94465 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD352.  SOC Apr 24, 1947
				94466 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD353.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 10, 1945.  No record of fate
				94467 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD354.  SOC Aug 29, 1946
				94468 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD355.  Transferred to Royal Navy Sep 3, 1945.  No record of fate
				94469 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD356.  Not delivered.  To RAAF as A27-601.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94470 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD359.  No record of fate
				94471 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD360.  Transferred to Royal Navy Sep 13, 1945.  No record of fate
				94472 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD361.  Transferred to RN September 1945 (RAF records show the
					non-existent transfer date of Sep 31, 1945; RN records show that it was delivered to Royal Naval 
					Aircraft Maintenance Yard Coimbatore, India Sep 27, 45!).  No record of 
					subsequent fate.
				94473 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD367.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94474 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD368.  SOC Feb 5, 1947.
				94475 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD372. Transferred to RN May 10, 1945 (according to RAF; RN records show it 
					delivered to RNAMY Coimbatore May 2, 1945). No record of subsequent fate
				94476 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD373.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 12, 1945.  No record of fate
				94477 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD374.  Transferred to Royal Navy Apr 20, 1945 (according to RAF; RN records
					show it was in their hands by Apr 19, 1945). No record of subsequent fate.
				94478 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD380.  SOC Mar 4, 1947
				94479 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD381.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94480 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD382.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
				94481 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD383.  SOC Feb 20, 1946
				94482 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD386.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
				94483 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD387.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94484 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD388.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94485 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD394.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94486 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD395.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94487 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD396.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94488 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD397.  Not delivered to RAF, to RAAF as A27-602.  SOC May 16, 1946.
				94489 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD398.  SOC Aug 28, 1947
				94490 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD401.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
				94491 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD402.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				94492 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD406.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
				94493 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD407.  SOC Aug 30, 1946
				94494 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD408.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94495 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD415.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94496 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD416.  No record of fate
				94497 to RAF as Vengeance IV FD417.  No record of fate
				94498 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB300.  SOC Sep 27, 1945
				94499 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB301.  Destroyed when hit house on takeoff from Filton, England
					Sep 4, 1945
				94500 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB302.  Transferred to RN Oct 31, 1945 (according to RAF; RN records
					show it at Royal Naval Aircraft Repair Yard Donibristle on Sep 13, 1945). No record of subsequent 
				94501 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB355.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94502 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB356.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94503 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB357.  SOC Jun 9, 1947
				94504 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB358.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94505 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB359.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94506 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB360.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94507 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB361.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94508 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB362.  Crashed before delivery to RAF
				94509 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB363.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 27, 1945.  Control lost
					in cloud and crashed in Sunk Bay, Hong Kong Mar 1, 1946.  Both crew killed.
				94510 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB364.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94511 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB365.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 12, 1945, no record
					of subsequent fate.
				94512 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB366.  Sold for scrap Jun 29, 1948
				94513 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB367.  SOC Sep 1, 1947
				94514 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB368.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94515 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB369.  Bellylanded at Eastchurch, England Sep 17, 1945
					after undercarriage jammed.  Not repaired, subsequently scrapped
				94516 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB370.  Transferred to Royal Navy Feb 1, 1946 (according to
					RAF records, RN records say Jul 1945).  No record of subsequent fate.
				94517 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB371.  DBR when bellylanded on sandbank off Foulness,
					England following engine failure Apr 24, 1945.
				94518 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB372.  SOC May 29, 1946
				94519 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB373.  SOC OCt 22, 1947
				94520 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB374.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 22, 1945 (according
					to RAF, RN records say Feb 28, 1945).  DBR when starboard undercarriage collapsed
					on landing at Ponam, Admiralty Islands Jul 28, 1945.
				94521 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB375.  No record of fate
				94522 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB376.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94523 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB377.  SOC May 9, 1946
				94524 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB378.  SOC Aug 7, 1947
				94525 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB379.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94526 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB380.  Transferred to Royal Navy Oct 19, 1945 (according to
					RAF records, RN records say Oct 1, 1945).  No record of subsequent fate
				94527 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB381.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
				94528 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB382.  SOC May 16, 1946
				94529 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB383.  SOC Aug 1, 1945
				94530 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB384.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94531 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB385.  SOC Jun 14, 1945
				94532 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB386.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94533 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB387.  Transferred to Royal Navy Mar 30, 1945.  No record
					of subsequent fate.
				94534 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB388.  Sold for scrap Jun 25, 1948
				94535 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB389.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94536 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB390.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94537 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB391.  SOC May 9, 1946
				94538 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB392.  Wrecked when crashlanded at El Aouina, Tunisia
					when undercarriage leg jammed up Feb 1, 1946
				94539 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB393.  SOC Apr 9, 1947
				94540 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB394.  DBR when bellylanded at Dunkeswell, England
					after undercarriage jammed Oct 22, 1945
				94541 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB395.  SOC Jan 8, 1947
				94542 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB396.  SOC Oct 14, 1946
				94543 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB397.  SOC Feg 5, 1947
				94544 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB398.  DBR when bellylanded 10 mi W of Wadi Mohdi after
					engine cut Feb 11, 1946
				94545 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB399.  SOC Oct 22, 1947
				94546 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB400.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94547 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB401.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
				94548 to RAF as Vengeance IV HB402.  SOC Jan 30, 1947
42-94549		Lockheed C-69-1-LO Constellation
				MSN 049-1970.  Model 049-46-10.  To TWA Oct 1, 1948 as N90831 "Star of Switzerland".
					Sold to Las Vegas Hacienda Hotel Apr 13, 1961.  Now at Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson, Arizona as N90831
42-94550		Lockheed C-69C-1-LO Constellation
				MSN 049-1971.  Model 049-46-10.  Leased to TWA Jun 10, 1946 as NX54212.  Sold to 
				BOAC Mar 1948 and named "Bedford", registered G-AKCE Aug 12, 1947.  
				To Capital Airlines Jun 27, 1955 as N2741A.  Sold to Modern Air 
				Transport Aug 4, 1961 and subsequently broken up.
42-94551/94554		Lockheed C-69-5-LO Constellation
				MSN 049-1972/1975.  Model 049-46-10
				94551 crashed Sept 18, 1945, Topeka, Kansas
				94552 tested to desruction at Wright Field, OH.
				94553 (MSN 049-1974) leased to TWA May 15, 19476 as NX54214.  
					Returned to Lockheed Jul 27, 1946 and operated by CAA for.  
					ground instructional purposes.  Purchased by
					TWA Aug 23, 1951 as N54214 "Star of Piccadilly".  Sold 
					to Nevada Airmotive Corp. Mar 31, 1962. 
				94554 (MSN 049-1975) became N90902, then registered to BOAC Apr 6, 1946
					as G-AHEJ "Bristol II".  To Capital Airlines May 28, 1955
					as N2740A.  To Falcon Airways Jan 19, 1965 as G-AHEJ.  Sale not
					completed, taken over by Trans European Airways.  WFU
					Jul 1961 and broken up for spares Feb 1963 at Biggin Hill,
42-94555/94728		Lockheed C-69 Constellation
				Model 049-46-10.  Only 94555/94559 were built, remainder were cancelled.
				94555 (MSN 049-1976) did not serve with USAAF.  Became N90603, 
					then registered to BOAC Apr 6, 1946 as G-AHEK "Berwick II". 
					To Capital Airlines Jun as N2737A, then to Miami Aircraft 
					and Engine Sales Apr 14, 1961 and to Imperial Airlines 
					Jul 14, 1961.  Crashed at Richmond, VA Nov 8, 1961.
				94556 (MSN 049-1977) did not serve with USAAF.  Became N90604, 
					then registered to BOAC Apr 6, 1946 as G-AHEL "Bangor II".  
					To Capital Airlines Jan 28, 1955 asn N2736A.  To Falcon 
					Airways Mar 23, 1961 as G-AHEL, but sale not completed.  
					Taken over by Trans European Airways Oct 5,1962. Sold to 
					owner in Keyna as 5Y-ABF Dec 1964.
				94557 (MSN 049-1978 did not serve with USAAF.  Became N90605, 
					then registered to BOAC Apr 6, 1946 as G-AHEM "Balmoral". 
					To Capital Airlines Nov 10,1954 as N2735A.  Crashed at 
					Charleston, VA May 12, 1959
				94558 (MSN 049-1979) did not serve with USAAF.  Delivered to TWA
					Oct 10, 1946 as N86536 "Star of Rome".  To Nevada Airmotive corp Mar 31, 1962.
				94559 (MSN 049-1980) did not serve with USAAF.  Became N90606 then
					registered to BOAC Apr 6, 1946 as G-AHEN "Baltimore".  Crashed
					at Filton, England Jan 8, 1951 and rebuilt using parts of 43-10314.  Sold to
					California Hawaiian Airlines later the same year as N74192.
					To El Al Sep 1953 as 4X-AKD, then to a Swiss owner as HB-IED
					and to Universal Sky Tours Ltd Feb 1962 as G-AHEN.  WFU
					at Luton, England Apr 21, 1965 and scrapped in Nov of 1965.
				94560 completed as MSN 2021 and went to TWA as N86500
					"Star of the Mediterranean"
				94561 completed as MSN 2022 and went to TWA as N86501
					"Star of the Persian Gulf"
42-94729/94794		Ford B-24H-15-FO Liberator
				MSN 1494/1559
				94729 764th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force "The One Eyed Jack"
					Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy.   Crashed Dec 23, 1944 From Unknown Cause 6 Miles South of 
					Cerignola Italy. Unknown Number of Crew Were Killed. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				94730 (824th BS, 484th BG BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					In takeoff accident May 4, 1944 at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy.  All crew survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				94732 767th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force  "Tail Dragon"
					Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy.  Shot Down Jul 25, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 
					and Crashed Near Linz Austria and Exploded in Mid Air While on a Mission on The Herman Goering 
					Tank Works at Linz Austria. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 300. (5) Crew Killed. 
					(5) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 7037
				94733 (484th BG, 824th BS) salvaged Aug 6, 1945.
				94734 (825th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down by AAA May 31, 1944 over Ploesti, Rumania while on mission to oil refineries at
					Ploesti, Rumania.  MACR 5429.  8 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				94735 (448th BG, 714th BS, 8th AF, *Bim-Bam-Bola*, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Damaged by flak Jul 12, 1944 while on mission to Munich, Germany and crashed at Fideris-Kublis, 
					Switzerland.  5 crew bailed out over Germany and became POW.  4 stayed with the aircraft and
					survived and were interned in Switzerland.  MACR 7560.
				94736 to RFC
				94740 (825th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jun 26, 1944 by Bf 109G-6 flown by unknown pilot of JG 300 and crashed at Chorherrn
					near Tullin, Austria while on mission to oil refinery at Korneuburg, Austria.  MACR 6329.
					3 crew killed, 7 bailed out and became POW.
				94741 (826th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, "Vivacious Lady", based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jun 13, 1944 by Bf 109G-6 flown by Friedrich Scheer of JG 53 and crashed in Gulf of Venezia, SSE of Caorle, Italy Jun 13, 1944.  
					while on mission to marshalling yards at Munich, Germany.  MACR 6097.  2 crew killed, 8 bailed out (4 became
					POW, 4 evaded capture)
				94744	 715th Bomb Squadron, 448th Bomb Group, Seething, Norfolk. ‘Peggy Jo’. Shot down by a small number 
					of Me 410s led by Staffelkapitaen Hauptmann Dieter Puttfarken of II/KG51 when attempting to 
					land in the dark returning from a late afternoon mission to the railway marshalling yards at 
					Hamm, Germany. Crashed April 22, 1944 on the Beccles – Lowestoft railway line at Worlingham 
					Marshes [crew survived].
				94745 (493rd BG, 861st BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Assainvillers, 3 km SE of
					Montdidier, France while on mission to Picardy, France Aug 18, 1944, France.   MACR 8421.
					All 12 crew killed.  Was "The Bold Sea Rover" when with 34th BG
				94746 (826th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crash landed from unknown cause near Karencia, Yugoslavia Nov 1, 1944 while on mission to marshalling
					yards in Austria.  MACR 9701.  2 crew bailed out and with the 9 crew that stayed with the aircraft all
					survived and evaded capture.
				94748 (34th BG, "Undecided")
				94750 (830th BS, 485th BG, 15th AF) crashed in Adriatic Sea Jan 20, 1945 due to engine failure and
					low on fuel.  MACR 11811.  All 10 crew killed.
				94751 (827th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Crash landed at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy Jun 27, 1944  All crew survived, aircraft was destoyed. 
				94752 (744th BS, 456th BG, 15th AF, based at Stornara Airfield, Cerignola, Italy)
					Collided May 23, 1944 With B-24H (42-94872) in Mid Air and Crashed at Stornara Airfield, Italy 
					While Returning From a Mission to Marine, Italy. 9 killed, one survived. Aircraft was Destroyed.
				94753 (725th BS, 451st BG, 15th AF, "The Pouting Squaw",  based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed May 10, 1944 Near Zagreb, Yugoslavia After (2) Engines Caught Fire While on a Mission to 
					Weiner Neustadt, Austria. Believed Engines Hit By Gunfire From Another B-24 That Was Test Firing 
					its Guns. All (10) Crew Bailed Out And Evaded Capture.  MACR 4794
				94755 (34th BG, "Weary Willie")
				94756 (406th BS) returned to Bradley Field, USA Jul 11, 1945.  To storage at Albuquerque
					NM Aug 6, 1945 and declared surplus on the same date.
				94757 (34th BG, 18th BS, 8th AF "The Dugan Wagon") shot down by AAA over St Lo, France Jul 24, 1944.  
					MACR 7835.  8 crew killed (2 after bailout), one bailed out and became POW.
				94758 (34th BG, "Feather Merchant")
				94759 845th Bomb Squadron, 489th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. 
					Named after the pilot, LtCol. Leon Vance's, daughter. Col. Vance 
					won the Medal of Honor for the June 5,1944 mission to Wimereaux, France. 
					He stayed with his dieing [sic] bomber to make sure all the crew 
					bailed out safely, even after he knew he wouldn't get out himself. 	
					The medal was presented to his daughter on October 11,1946 when she was just 6 years old
				94760 (844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) crashed on takeoff Jul 25, 1944 at RAF Halesworth (USAAF 365), Suffolk, UK.
					All 10 crew survived, aicraft was salvaged.
				94762 (34th BG, "The Uninvited")
				94764 (392 BG, 578 BS) crashlanded Sept 12, 1944
					at Manston, Kent, UK.
				94765 (446th BG, 705th BS) interned in Sweden Jun 20, 1944 on mission to Politz.  MACR 6162.
					Returned to Burtonwood Jun 6, 1945.  SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by 
					War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				94766 (734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, "Crow's Nest", based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, 
					Norfolk, England)
					Collided Feb 6, 1945 With B-24J (44-10515) in Mid Air Over Crown Farm, Deopham, Norfolk, England While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Magedburg Germany. Able to Land. All (10) Crew 
					Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Repaired. Returned to U.S.A. and Flown to Altus Oklahoma on September 25, 1945.
				94768 (34th BG, "Betty Jayne")
				94769 (829th BS, 485th BG, 15th AF) shot down by AAA Jul 8, 1944 and crashed at Strasshof Deutsch
					Wagram, Austria.  MACR 6816.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.
				94770 (34th BG, 391st BS, 8th AF, "Salutation Rose") shot down by AAA and crashed at
					Altenhof near Eckernforde, Germany May 29, 1944.  MACR 5349.  One crewman killed, and 9 bailed
					out and became POW.
				94771 (MSN 1536) 391BS 34BG 8AF Station 156 RAF Mendlesham Suffolk England, [Coded 3L-N], [Coded 3L-H], 
					Named "Winnie", Lend Lease UK Liberator B Mk.IV TS536, 223Sqn RAF Oulton Norfolk England Sep 1944, 
					1699Flt RAF Oulton Oct 1944, 223Sqn Nov 1944, [Coded 6G-F], 51MU RAF Lichfield Staffs. Jun 1945, 
					Conversion to Liberator C Mk.IV cancelled, [Sold as scrap to International Alloys Ltd 
					12 Mar 1947.
				94772 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Jul 7, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 and Crashed 500 Meters 
					North of Wagenfeld, Germany While on a Mission on The Airfield at Bernburg, Germany. Fw 190A-8 Flown By 
					Unknown Pilot and Unit. (1) Crewman Was Killed. (8) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945.  MACR 7371
				94773 (445th BG, 701st BS, *Our Gal Sal*) suffered mechanical failure during 
					raid on Munich Jul 11, 1944 and was hit by AAA on return trip.  Crashlanded 
					in field near near Tournai, Belgium and 8 of 9 crew members made POW.  
					One escaped.  MACR 6941.
				94774 (34th BG, "Ol' Buddy")
				94775 (406th BS, "War Eagle") crashed at RAF Oulton Nov 18, 1944 when diverted because of weather and struck a tree
					while landing.  6 killed.
				94776 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24H 41-28818 Jul 31, 1944 after being hit by flak
					at Saarbrucken and crashed 1 km N of Mannheim, Germany while of mission to Ludwigshaven, Germany.  MACR 7753.
					All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.
				94777 (456th BG, 747th BS, 15th AF, based at Stornara Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Hit by AAA Sep 20, 1944 Over Czechoslovakia and Ditched Near Vis Island in The Adriatic Sea While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Airfield at Malacky, Czecholsovakia. All (9) Crew Bailed Out 
					and (7) Crew Were Killed. (2) Crew Were Rescued By an RAF Air Sea Rescue Boat.  MACR 8755.
				94778 (498th BG, 845th BS) crashlanded Oct 19, 1944.
				94779 (515th BS, 376th BG, 15th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by unknown pilot and unit Jul 3, 1944
					and crashed at Alexandria, Rumania.  MACR 6372.  4 crew kiled, 6 bailed out and became POW.
				94780 (34th BG, 4th BS, 8th AF "Smitty") took direct hit from flak over
					target during mission to Kiel, Germany Aug 24, 1944.  Caught fire
					and exploded. Crashed at Kraienwisch near Felm, 10 km NW of Kiel, Germany.
					 MACR 8463.  7 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				94782 (34th BG, 18th BS, "Off Limits") following fighter damage over
					France Jun 22, 1944 belly landed on Denge Beach near Dungeness.
					Crew OK but plane was w/o.
				94783 assigned to 854th BBS, 489th BG, 8th AF in Mar 1944.  Transferred Dec 1944 to 733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England.
					Last Mission Flown on April 9, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. on June 20, 1945. Flown to Altus Oklahoma on 
					August 16, 1945 and Scrapped.
				94784 (848th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF) crashed landed making wheels-up belly landing at RAF Deanland
					East Sussex, UK due to flak damage over France Jun 22, 1944.  MACR 6243.  9 crew bailed out over
					France, one was killed 8 evaded capture.  The copilot landed the aircraft in England.  Aircraft
					was destroyed.
				94785 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF, *Struggle Buggy*) landed at Dubendorf airfield near Zurich, Switzerland Aug 11, 1944
					due to flak damaged while on mission to Saarbrucken, Germany.  MACR 7914.  All 9 crew interned in
				94786 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF "Heaven Can Wait") shot down by AAA and crashed near Dusseldorf, Germany Sep 18, 1944 while on
					low-level supply drop mission to troops in Groesbeek, Holland during operation Market Garden.
					Crew 4 KIA, 1 MIA, 5 POW.  MACR 9424.
				94787 (34th BG, "Set 'em Up").  723rd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force 
					Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy, transfered From 34th Bombardment Group on January 7, 1945. 
					Scrapped after the war at unknown location.
				94788 (489th BG, 844th BS) from Halesworth field, Suffolk, UK
					crashed near Sudbury Air Field in Suffolk, UK Jul 13, 1944
					after losing twon engines on Saarbruken raid.  All crew
					bailed out safely.
				94789 (493rd BG, 862nd BS, 8th AF, *Moby Dick*) went down in English Channel Jun 6, 1944 after 
					midair collision with B-24J 44-40471.  MACR 5486.  All 10 crew killed
				94790 (34th BG, "T. N. Toni")
				94792 (851st BS, 490th BG, 8th AF) collided with another aircraft over England Jul 29, 1944.  Able to land.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				94793 (489th BG, 845th BS, "Jeane" based at Halesworth Airfield, Suffolk, UK
					Shot Down Jun 3, 1944 By Gunfire From German Heinkel He 219A-0 Flown By Lt. Ewald-Werner Hittler of NJG 1/3.
					and Crashed at Buchten Limburg Holland While on Autopilot  Without Crew After Aircraft Made it Back to England 
					With Battle Damage From Mission to Creil France. All (10) Crew Bailed Out Over Chipping Ongae Essex England
					Report that it was interned in Sweden is apparently in error.
				94794 (34th BG "Bachelor's Baby"), later "Yankee Maid" with 490th BG
42-94795/95022		Ford B-24H-20-FO Liberator
				MSN 1560/1787
				94796 (34th BG, "Me Worry?") interned in Sweden May 29, 1944.  MACR 5350.
				94797 to RAF from USAAF stocks in UK as Liberator B.IV TT340.  SOC Jun 3, 1947.
				94799 (34th BG, "The Paper Doll")
				94800 to USSR
				94802 originally With 490th BG, 8th AF, transferred to 885th BS, 2641st Special Group (Provisional), 15th AF, 
					based at Rosignano Airfield, Tuscany, Italy. 
					Taxiing Accident Apr 2, 1945 at Rosignano Airfield, Tuscany, Italy. All Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired.  The 490th had this aircraft as "Boobie Trap". 
					However, as mentioned above. it was salvaged in May 1945 and there is a dated photo of "Boobie Trap" 
					sitting in Dakar, West Africa on June 2, 1945 while headed home after the war 
				94804 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Apr 21, 1944 From From Rumanian IAR 81C [ Flown By Unknown Pilot of Grupul 2 Vanatoare
					and crashed near Bucharest, Rumania while on mission to marshalling yards at Bucharest.  
					All 10 crew bailed and became POW.  MACR 4617.  They were liberated and returned Oct 23, 1944.
				94805 Assigned to 735th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF on April 23, 1944. Transfered to 733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF on April 1, 1945,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England. Transfered to 330th BS 93rd BG 
					8th AF on April 10, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.
				94806 (453rd BG, 735th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down May 8, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Crashed at Wolfenbuttel, 
					South of Brunswick, Germany While on a Mission to Brunswick, Germany. (7) Crew Were Killed. 
					(3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 4597
				94807 (786th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) in takeoff accident at RAF Attlebridge, USAAF 120,
					Norfolk Dec 24, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired
				94808 (724th BS, 451st BG, 15th AF, "Jesse James", based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jul 7, 1944  By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 Near Zagreb, Yugoslavia 
					While Returning From a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refineries at Blechhammer, Germany. BF 109G-6 
					Flown By Unknown Pilot and Unit. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and (6) Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945. (4) Evaded Capture.  MACR 6373
				94809 (713rd BS, 48th BG, 8th AF) in laning accident at RAF Seething (USAAF station 146), Norfolk, UK
					Aug 5, 1944 due to engine fire.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  
				94811 (467th BG, 790th BS "Tommy Thumper II") crashed in Church Street,
					Old Catton due to stall following loss of an engine during a
					turn while on practice flight Jan 22, 1945.  9 killed.
				94812 (493rd BG, 862nd BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA at Steimker Berg, Germany Jun 29, 1944
					while om mission to Fallersleben, Germany.  Caught by photographer Cliff Stocking
					at the moment its fuel tanks ignited.  This photo has been
					published in many books and magazines.  MACR 6721.  All 10 crew killed.
				94813 (MSN 1578) 391BS 34BG 8AF Station 156 RAF Mendlesham Suffolk England, named "Skotty", 
					7BS 34BG, named "Skotty", 18BS 34BG, [Coded 8I-E], named "Skotty", 
					Lend Lease UK Liberator B Mk.IV TS535, 223Sqn RAF Oulton Norfolk England Sep 1944, 
					1699Flt RAF Oulton Oct 1944, 223Sqn Dec 1944, 12MU RAF Kirkbride Cumberland England Jul 1945, 
					SOC 03 Jun 1947.
				94815 (34th BG, 4th FS, 8th AF, *Hell's Belle*) crashed near Ehingen, Germany after caught
					in prop wash due to near collision with another aircraft Jul 21, 1944.  MACR 7421.
					All 10 crew killed.
				94816 (492nd BG, 858th BS, 8th AF, "Tiger's Revenge") shot down by AAA over Norway Apr 20/21, 1945 and crashed 
					at Brunlanrs Larvik, Norway.  MACR 14189.  All 10 crew bailed out, one was killed, 4 became POW, 5 evaded capture. 
				94818 (34th BG, 7th BS) aborted mission before reaching French coast Jul 9, 1944 with engine trouble and crashed into
					water SE of England.  MACR 7802.  4 bailed and were recovered, 5 were lost
				94819 (857th BS, 492nd BG, 8th AF) in ground accident while parked at RAF Harrington, Northamptonshire,
					England Feb 4, 1945.  SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				94820 Assigned to 844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF in April 1944. Transfered to 735th BS 453rd BG 8th AF,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England on November 25, 1944. 
					Transferred to 734th BS, 453rd BG Between December 24 and 28, 1944. Transferred to 466th BG, 8th AF 
					on April 9, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.
				94821 (490th BG, 851st BS, *Pete the Pelican*) crashed in Switzerland Jul 21, 1944 due to two engines
					out while on mission to Kepton, Germany.  MACR 7843.  All 10 crew survived and were interned.
				94822 564th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Sep 8, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Oberkirch Germany While on a Mission on The 
					Marshalling Yards at Karlsruhe Germany. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and (1) Crewman Was Killed. 
					(9) Crew Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 8600
				94823 (776th BS, 464th BG, 15th AF, based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Crashed Feb 19, 1945 in Hungary Due to Mechanical Failure While on a Mission on The 
					Marshalling Yards at Grazm Austria. All (10) Crew Survived and Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945. MACR 14229. 
				94824 (34th BG "Umbriago") w/o in landing accident May 27, 1945 at Harrington, UK
				94825 (489th BG, 844th BS) lost Jun 22, 1944.  MACR 7550
				94826 (844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) hit by AAA over France while on mission to St Cyr, France and headed back home
					but crashed near Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK.  MACR 7550.  3 crew killed, 7 bailed out and were rescued. 
				94827 722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Transfered From 835th Bombardment Squadron 486th Bombardment Group on February 1, 1945. Aircraft Fate Unknown.
				94828 (703rd BS, 445th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham.  Take off Accident Jan 31, 1945 at (RAF Tibenham Airfield) 
					Station USAAF-124 Norfolk England. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Repaired and Flown to USA and 
					Salvaged on October 3, 1945.
				94829 to USSR
				94831 returned to USA Jul 9, 1945.  SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				94832 (489th BG, 847th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Freeles, 7 km w of Neufchatel, France 
					while on mission to Bretigny, France Jun 2, 1944.  MACR 8193.  All 10 crew killed.
				94833 (844th BS, "Phoney Express") crashed and exploded at end of runway at Halesworth, Suffolk, UK Jul 13, 1944.  
					Only one survivor.
				94834 (489th BG, 847th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed in English Channel 5.5 mi NE of Dunkirk, France 
					Jun 20, 1944 while returning from mission to Autheux, France.  MACR 6165.  11 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				94835 (490th BG, "Mandy J III") No. 1 engine caught fire during
					training mission May 29, 1944 with full bombload.  Crashed
					and exploded at Great Horkesley.  Crew bailed out safely,
					two suffering injuries.
				94836 (*Stubby Gal*) abandoned on island of Herdla, off Bergen,
					Norway May 23, 1945.
				94837 (490th BG, 848th BS, "The Jinx") broken up in UK May 1945.
				94838 Transfered From 489th Bombardment Group on November 15, 1944 to 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment 
					Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (89) Missions. (17) Missions Flown With 392nd. 
					Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				94839 (489th BG, 847th BS, "Plate's Date") crash-landed with battle damage Jun 2, 1944
					and salvaged.
				94841 (492nd BG, 857th BS) crashed into high ground at Twizle Moss Head, Holmfirth,
					Yorkshire Oct 9, 1944.
				94842 Assigned to 844th BS 489th BG 8th Air Force in April 1944. Transferred to 732nd BS 453rd BG 8th AF,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England, on April 8, 1945. 
					Transferred to 389th BG 8th AF After April 10, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.
				94844 (852st BNS, 490th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jun 19, 1944 in takeoff accident at RAF Eye, Suffolk, UK
				94845 (34th BG, 406th BS, "Miz-Pah") lost night of Oct 12/13, 1944.
				94847 (MSN 1612) 848BS 490BG 8AF Station 134 Eye Suffolk England, [Coded V], named "Miss Me", 
					Lend Lease UK Liberator B Mk.IV TS537], 1699Flt RAF Oulton Norfolk England 25 Aug 1944], 
					223Sqn RAF Oulton 20 Oct 1944, 1699Flt Jan 1945, 223Sqn 11 Apr 1945, 
					Airwork at 12MU RAF Kirkbride Cumberland England Jul 1945, 51MU RAF Lichfield 
					Staffordshire, Sold as scrap to International Alloys Ltd 12 Mar 1947.
				94849 (7th BS, 34th BG, 8th AF, "Maid of Fury") ditched 30 mi from England in English Channel
					due to engine failure and flak damage Jun 25, 1944.  MACR 7372.  5 crew killed, 4 survived
					and were rescued by a British destroyer.
				94850 (735th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Landed Jun 20, 1944 at Bulltofta Airfield, Malmo, Sweden After Damaged By Flak and Low on Fuel 
					While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz, Germany. All (10) Crew and (1) Passenger 
					Survived and Were Interned in Sweden. They were Returned in 1945. Aircraft Returned on June 27, 1945. 
					Aircraft Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.  MACR 5934
				94851 (34th BG, 7th BG "Big Dealer"), transferred to 493rd BG, 860th BS.  406th BS, 8th AF.
					Landing Accident Jan 20, 1945 at (RAF Woodbridge Airfield) Suffolk England. (2) Crew Bailed Out and (1) Crewman 
					Was Killed When His Parachute Partially Opened and (1) Survived. (5) Crew Landed With Aircraft and Survived.
					 Aircraft Was Damaged.  Repaired and returned to USA Jul 8, 1945.
				94852 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF) sho down by AAA and crased near St Lo, France Jul 25, 1944 while on
					mission to St Lo, France.  MACR 8237.  9 crew killed, one crewman bailed out and was badly injured.
					German soldiers took him to saftey and when American soldiers were close, they left him to be
					rescued by the American soldiers.
				94854 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) ditched in North Sea after ran out of fuel while returning from
					mission to Oldenburg, Germany May 30, 1944.  MACR 8192.  One crewman killed, 8 survived and were
					rescued by a fishing boat and were turned over to the Germans and became POW.
				94855 to RFC at Altus, OK Oct 24, 1945.
				94856 (MSN 1621) 850BS 490BG 8AF Station 134 Eye Suffolk England, [Coded 7Q-V], named "Lady Keesler", 
					Lend Lease UK Liberator B Mk.IV TS529, 223Sqn RAF Oulton Norfolk England Oct 1944, [Coded 6G-S], 
					[Coded 6G-C], 51MU RAF Lichfield Staffordshire May 1945, 1TAMU RAF Honington Suffolk England 
					05 Feb 1946], Conversion to Liberator C Mk.IV cancelled, 51MU, Sold as scrap to 
					International Alloys Ltd 12 Mar 1947].
				94858 (489th BG, 847th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 4 km NW OF Crepy-en-Valois, France Jun 2, 1944
					while on mission to Bretigny, France.  MACR 8191.  All 10 crew bailed out, 7 became POW, 3 evaded
				94859 (446th BG, 705th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and by Bf 109G-6 believed flown by Oblt Gunther Seeger
					of JG 53/4 near Chartres-de-Bregagne 5 km S of Rennes, France on mission to Rennes/Ploermel, France
					Jun 12, 1944.  5 KIA, 1 POW, 4 evaded capture.  MACR 5802
				94861 (34th BG, 391st BS, 8th AF, "The Dutchess") shot down by AAA and crashed 400 meters
					S of Hallig Hoodge Island, North Frisian Islands, Germany May 29, 1944.  MACR 5351.
					All 9 crew bailed out and became POW.
				94862 (849th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jun 7, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Boscombe Down, Wiltshire,
					UK.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				94863 (445th BG, 701st BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Sep 27, 1944 By Fw 190A-8/R2 and Crashed 2 km South of 
					Cornberg, Germany While on a Mission to Kassel Germany. Fw 190A-8/R2 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3 or JG 4. 
					(2) Crew Were Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 9395
				94864 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 1 km N of Ancourt, 8 km E of Dieppe,
					France Jun 2, 1944 while on mission to Bretigny, France.  MACR 8190.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and
					became POW.
				94865 was "Baby Bug" with 850th BS, 490th BG in England c 1944/45.
				94867 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Dec 2, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Crashed 1.5 km 
					West of Kellenbach, Germany While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Bingen, Germay. BF 109G-6 
					Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3. (6) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945.  MACR 11142
				94868 (844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24H 41-29546 over RAF Tibenham (USAAF 124)
					Norfolk, England May 29, 1944 and crashed.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				94869 (34th BG, "Male Call")
				94870 (445th BG, 702nd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) shot down Apr 7, 1945 by ME 262 flown by Uffz. Anton Schoppler 
					of JG 7/3 near Bassum, Germany.  3 crew killed, 7 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 13894.
				94871 (724th BS/451st BG, "The Judge") caught fire Feb 24, 1945
				94872 (744th BS, 456th BG, 15th AF, based at Stornara Airfield, Cerignola, Italy)
					Collided May 23, 1944 with B-24H (42-94752) in Mid Air While Circling For Landing and Crashed 
					at Stornara Airfield, Italy While Returning From a Mission to Marine, Italy. All 10 crew killed. 
					Aircraft Was Destroyed. Washed Out.  MACR 15117
				94873 ("Feudin' Wagon" with 486th BG) returned to USA Jul 8, 1944
				94874 (844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) in landing accident Jun 25, 1944, RAF Halesworth (USAAF 365), Suffolk, UK.
					Unknown number of crew killed.  Aircraft was destroyed and washed out.
				94875 (490th BG, 849th BS) salvaged May 29, 1945.
				94877 (724th BS, 451th BG, 15th AF, "The Jane Lee", based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jan 15, 1945 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Austria and Crashed North of Vis Island, Yugoslavia While 
					Returning From a Mission on Vienna, Austria. (4) Crew Bailed Out West of Graz Austria and 
					Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945. (5) Crew Bailed Out and Evaded Capture.  MACR 11397
				94878 (34th BG "Lovely Ann")
				94879 (34th BG "Collapsible Susie").  719th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF,  based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy
					in Taxiing Accident Feb 7, 1945 at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy. Sheared Left Main Landing Gear 
					While Taxiing on Taxiway While on a High Altitude Test Flight. All (9) Crew Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				94880 (34th BG "Misschief")
				94881 (467th BG, 789th BS) abandoned by crew over Suffolk and
					crashed into North Sea Dec 29, 1944.  15 killed.  Three other crashes
					caused mission to Prum, Germany to be scrubbed.
				94883 (34th BG "The Hit Parade")
				94884 (490th BG, 848th BS, "Lizzie Belle") returning from D-Day
					mission Jun 6, 1944 without dropping its bombs because the
					target was overcast.  Returned to land with a full load.  The 
					aircraft slid off the runway.  All crew escaped.  I do not
					know if this plane was a write-off.
				94885 (849th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF) crash landed on beach E of Warmwell, Dorset, UK
					after ran out of fuel while returning from a mission over France Jun 6, 1944.  MACR 6299.
					7 crew bailed out over the water, 2 drowned, 5 were rescued.  3 stayed with the aircraft
					and survived the crash.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				94886 (392 BG, 579 BS, *No Feathered Injun*) shot down by AAA Sept 18, 1944 near
					Middelburg, Walcheren, Netherlands.  2 crew KIA, 6 POW, 2 evaded.  MACR 10120
				94887 (716th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy) 
					Hit by AAA Jul 22, 1944 Over Ploesti, Rumania and Crashed West of Jagodina, Yugoslavia While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Oil Refineries at Ploesti, Rumania. All (10) Crew Bailed Out 
					and Evaded Capture and Were Picked Up By The Underground and Returned to Italy.  MACR 6968
				94888 (844th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24H 42-94932 Sep 27, 1944 6 mi SSE 
					of RAF Halesworth (USAAF 365), Suffolk, UK and crashed in marshes at Walberswick, UK while returning from mission
					to Kassel, Germany.  MACR 15781.  All 10 crew killed.
				94889 (330th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) in landing accident at RAF Warton, Lancashire, england
					due to mechanical failure Jan 11, 1945.  Salvaged Jan 12, 1945 at Warton
				94890 (391st BS, 34th BG "Chesty")
				94892 (44th BG, 68th BS, *Battlin' Baby*) interned in Sweden Jun 20, 1944. MACR 6149.  Returned to 
					Burtonwood Jun 19, 1945.  SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to 
					Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				94893 (*Hell's Belle*, 34th BG, 18th BS, 8th AF) collided with B-24 42-51190 over Friedrichsthal, 
					Saarland, Germany and crashed 1 km NE of bildstock 2 km S of Neunkirchen, Germany
					July 19, 1944.  All 10 crew killed..  MACR 7419
				94894 (490th BG, *Flying Ginny*) while landing at Felthorpe after dark Jun 7, 1944,
					its rear fuselage and tail unit was completely severed by propeller of no 2
					engine of B-24 42-50294 which landed too closely behind it.
				94896 (703rd BS, 445th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Landing Accident Jan 3, 1945 at (RAF Tibenham Airfield) Station 
					USAAF-124 Norfolk England. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Never Used Again. Repaired and 
					Returned to USA on June 16, 1945. Salvaged on October 24, 1945.
				94897 (392 BG, 576 BS) crashlanded Dec 6, 1944 at Wendling, UK.
				94898 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk,  England.  Taxiing Accident Feb 25, 1945 at RAF Wendling Airfield. All (8) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged and Repaired. Flown Back to USA on June 1, 1945 to Willow Run Michigan. 
					Flown to Altus Oklahoma on October 24, 1945 and Scrapped
				94899 (848th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jun 6, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Eye, Suffolk, UK.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				94900 (845th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) crashed at Kessel, Germany Sep 18, 1944 after caught fire in flight
					while returning from low-level supply drop missionto troops in Groesbeek, Holland during
					operation Market Garden.  8 crew and one passenger KIA and one bailed out and became POW.  MACR 9425
				94901 (722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Shot Down May 30, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Krizevaca 62 km East of Agram Yugoslavia 
					While on a Mission on The Ebreichsdorf Parts Factory at Vienna Austria. Aircraft Exploded on Impact. 
					All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 5463
				94902 (786th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Attlebridge, USAAF-120, Norfolk, England)
					In taxiing accident Mar 3, 1945 at RAF Attlebridge.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged,
					unknown if repaired.
				94903 (489th BG, 844th BS, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24H 42-94913 Oct 19, 1944 over Edenkoben, Germany
					while on mission to Mainz, Germany and crashed near Kalserslauter, Germany.  MACR 9635.  7 crew killed,
					2 bailed out and became POW.
				94904 (391st BS, 34th BG "Belle of the Brawl")
				94905 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA near St Lowe, France Jul 24, 1944 while on mission to
					St Lo, France in support of US Army troops.  MACR 7915. 10 crew killed, one bailed out and evaded
					capture until US Army troops arrived.
				94906 Transferred From 489th Bombardment Group on December 9, 1944 to 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment 
					Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, Norfolk, England.  Flew (33) Missions. 
					Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				94907 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Jul 21, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Ammersee, Bavaria Southwest of 
					Munich, Germany While on a Mission to Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. (8) Crew Were Killed. (1) Crewman Bailed 
					Out and Was Captured and Became a POW. Released in 1945.   MACR 7247
				94908 (7th BS, 34th BG "Tiger Rag") 725th BS, 451st BG, 15th AF based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					In landing accident Mar 9, 1945 at Castelluccio airfield, Italy.  All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft 
					Badly Damaged. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				94909 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Verrieres, 22 km SSW of Paris Paris, France 
					Jun 25, 1944 while om mission to Villacoublay, France.  MACR 6241.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and
					became POW.
				94911 (34th BG, 4th BS, 8th AF, "Sweet Sioux") shot down at nightfall by Me 410A over English Channel
					returning from mission over France and went down near
					Wetheringsett, Suffolk Jun 7, 1944.  3 KIA by enemy fire in aircraft,
					7 parachuted to safety.  No MACR.
				94912 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (20) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				94913 (489th BG, 847th BS, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24H 42-94903  Oct 19, 1944 over Edenkoben, Germany
					while on mission to Mainz, Germany.  MACR 9636.  7 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				94914 (489th BG, 847th BS, 8th AF) hit by bomb dropped from above from a BN-24 of the 93th BG Aug 16, 1944 over
					Magdeburg, Germany.  MACR 8586.  8 crew killed one bailed out and became POW.
				94917 (344th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy)
					Collided Jun 9, 1944 With B-24J (109841) in Mid Air and Ditched 10 Miles North of Bari Italy in The 
					Adriatic Sea While Returning From a Mission on The Aircraft Factory at Munich Germany. 
					6 to 8 Feet of The Left Wing Broke off and The Aircraft Hit The Water and Disintegrated. 
					All (10) Crew Were Killed. MACR 6034
				94918 served with 393rd BG, 8th AF Sep 1944.
				94919 (2614th SG (P), later 885th BS, "Smokey") crashed into mountains in Northern Italy Apr 13, 1945.
				94920 (446th BG, "Callipygia") crashed Hinton, UK Jan 20, 1945 while on training mission.
					All crew bailed out successfully
				94921 was assigned to the 701st BS of the 445th BG and flew in the Kassel Mission Sep 27, 1944 but aborted due 
					to an engine being knocked out by flak. Tom Brittan shows it coming to the 701stBS on May 22 1944-Oct 17, 1944, 
					and from Dec 25, 1944 to Feb 27,1945 , then moving to the 700th BS Apr 4-May 9, 1945, Returned to USA with 
					the 466th BG.  The Kassel mission of Sep 27, 1944 was the highest loss in history for a bomb group in a
					single day's battle. 20 planes shot down near target, 5 more crashed in Germany, one in Belgium, and
					two in France.  Two made emergency landings at Manston, one crashlanded while trying to land at home.
					Only 4 of the 35 B-24s made it back to the base at Tibenham.
				94922 720th Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Transfered From 848th Bombardment Squadron 490th Bombardment Group on January 15, 1945. Aircraft Fate Unknown.
				94923 (763rd BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Shot Down Jul 19, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Munich, Germany While on Mission on The Allach Engine Factory 
					at Munich, Germany. Aircraft Went into a Dive and Exploded in Mid Air. (4) Crew Were Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out 
					and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6952
				94927 (493rd BG, 860th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA 2 km W of Erace 30 km SW of Dinan, France Jun 8, 1944
					while om missin to Nantes, France.  MACR 5487.  10 crew bailed out, 1 was killed, 2 became POW,
					and 7 evaded capture.
				94928 (484th BG, 827th BS, 15th AF "Boobie Trap") Assigned to the 490th BG, 850th BS on Apr 30, 1944. 
					Transferred to the 15th Air Force on Jan 9, 1945. 
					Assigned to the 484th BG, 827th BS approximately Jan 20, 1945. It flew its first and only mission for the 484th on 
					Jan 31, 1945 with 2nd Lt J.E. White at the controls. Returning from Moosbierbaum, Austria it was forced to make an 
					emergency landing on the Isle of Vis off the coast of Yugoslavia. It was transferred to the 52nd Advanced Depot 
					for repairs and later assigned to an aircraft pool. Returned to USA on June 8, 1945 and assigned as a ferry aircraft. 
					Sent to RFC Altus, OK and salvaged on Aug 4, 1945.
				94930 (34th BG "Kisco Kid") following bomb run near Brussels was
					hit by flak Jul 27, 1944.  Was able to get back to England
					but bad weather forced crew to bail out and plane crashed
					near Hadlow, Kent.
				94931 (789th BS, 467th BG, 8th AF, *Sacktime*) rammed Apr 7, 1945 near Krummel, Germany by Bf 109G-6 
					flown by Uffz Heinric Henkel of Sonderkommande Elbe.  Able to fly to Belgium and crashed near St Trond,
					Belgium.  All 10 crew bailed out over Allied lines and were rescued.
				94932 (846th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24 42-94888 6 mi SSE of RAF Halesworth (USAAF 
					Station 365), Suffolk, UK over River Blythe 9/27/1944 on return from mission. to Kassel, Germany  Both
					planes crashed in the marshes at Walberswick.  All 10 crew killed. No survivors from either crew.
				94933 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF, *Stubby Gal II*) shot down by flak Jun 2, 1944 and crashed at Villers-Saint Paul
					4km NE of Creil, France while on mission to Bretigny, France.  MACR 8189.  1 crewman killed, 9 bailed out (7 
					became POW, 2 evaded capture)
				94934 565th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Crash Landed Apr 21, 1944 2 Miles North of (RAF Seething Airfield) Station USAAF-146 Norfolk England. 
					Unknown Number of Crew Were Killed. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				94935 758th Bombardment Squadron 459th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy
					Shot Down Jul 24, 1944 By 88mm Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Fos-sur-Mer France 
					While on a Mission on The Airfield at Les Chanoines France. Aircraft Burst into Flames and 
					Crashed. (6) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945.  MACR 7029
				94936 (446th BG, 707th BS, 8th AF, *Lil Snooks*) hit by AAA Feb 3, 1945 on mission to Magdeburg, Germany and
					crashed near Saint-Louis-les-Bitche, France.  All 10 crew bailed out,  One POW, 9 landed in Allied-occupied 
					territory.  MACR 12243
				94938 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Lost from unknown cause Aug 27, 1944 at unknown location in Yugoslavia while on mission to
					synthetic oil refinery at Blechhammer, Germany.  MACR 11703
				94940 (445th BG, 701st BS, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Nov 26, 1944 by BF 109G-6 and Crashed at 
					Sorsum 10 km Southwest of Hildesheim Germany While on a Mission to Misburg Germany. BF 109G-6 Flown By 
					Unknown Pilot of JG 301. (6) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 10754
				94941 (446th BG, 705th BS, 8th AF, *Pin-Up Girl*) shot down by AAA and crashed at Rotterdam, Holland 
					Apr 5, 1945 while on mission to Bayreuth, Germany.  4 KIA, 4 POW (one escaped).  MACR 13853
				94942 (34th BG "Me Worry II") with 415th BS< 98th BG, 15th AF based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy
					in taxiing accident Jan 13, 1945 at Gioia del Colle Airfield, Apulia, Italy. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Damaged. 
					Unknown if Repaired.
				94945 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF, *Cover Girl*) shot down byh AAA Aug 6, 1944 and crashed at Stade, Germany
					while on mission to Schulau, Germany.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7376.
				94946 (458th BG, 752nd BS, 8th AF, *The Cat's Ass*, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, 
					Norfolk, England) landed at Payerne airfield, Switzerland May 27, 1944 After No# (4) Engine Failure 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Neunkirchen, Germany. (1) Crewman Bailed Out Over 
					Germany & Captured & Became a POW. Released in 1945. (9) Crew Survived & Interned in Switzerland. 
					Returned in 1945. Aircraft Returned October 8, 1945.  MACR 5388. 
				94948 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF) engine failed while on mission to Rostok, German and diverted to
					Sweden Aug 25, 1944.  MACR 8478.  All 10 crew interned in Sweden.
				94949 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed May 30, 1944 at Puchberg, Austria after being hit by bomb dropped from above from a B-24 while
					on mission to aircraft factory at Wels, Austria.  7 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 5454.
				94950 720th Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Shot Down Apr 5, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 Southwest of Ploesti Rumania 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Ploesti Rumania. BF 109G-6 Flown By Ofw. Gunther Schnick 
					of JG 77/7. (3) Crew Were Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  
					MACR 3965
				94951 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down May 27, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Went into a Steep Dive and Crashed at Atlenkissel 
					6 km Northwest of Saarbrucken Germany While on a Mission to Saarbrucken Germany. (4) Crew Were Killed. 
					(6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 5261
				94952 (44th BG, 506th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England) 
					Crashlanded and caught fire at Clastres, France Sep 22, 1944 Due to Mechanical Failure While on a 
					Gas Supply Mission to Clastres Airfield A-71 Picardy France. Aircraft Caught Fire. All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Was Destroyed..
				94953 715th Bomb Squadron, 448th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force "Rugged But Right"
				94956 w/o Jul 13, 1945 in crash 12 mi NW of Southport, Florida
				94957 (445th BG, 701st BS, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Crashed May 8, 1944 at Egmond aan Zee, Holland While 
					Returning From a Mission to Brunswick Germany. All (10) Crew Were Killed. Could have been shot down by 
					German Fighter But no record can be found of that. MACR 4786
				94958 (493rd BG, "Edie") hit by AAA on mission to St Avoid, France Jun 24, 1944 and made emergency 
					landing on fighter airfield near Bayeux, France.  Aircraft destroyed, but crew survived.
				94959 destroyed on ground May 12, 1944 by  Luftwaffe bombing raid on Poretta airfield in Corsica. 
				94960 722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Shot Down May 24, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Crashed NRainbodenalm South 
					Southwest St. Polten Austria While on a Mission on The Wollersdorf Airfield at Weiner Neustadt Austria. 
					BF 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 27. (4) Crew Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and 
					Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 5467
				94961 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Dec 2, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Crashed Near 
					Stipshausen, 5 km Southwest of Rhaunen, Germany While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Bingen, Germay. 
					BF 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3. (2) Crew Were Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and 
					Became POWs.  MACR 11141
				94962 (44th BG, 67th BS) left formation during raid on Belfort marshaling yards between
					Paris and Switzerland and went into steep dive with engine
					on fire.  Hit by flak again, three crew members bailed out
					to become POW, remaining crew KIA when plane crashed.  MACR 5158.
				94963 (467th BG, 788th BS) came under attack from enemy aircraft
					Dec 25, 1944 near St Vith, Belgium.  Crashlanded behind
					friendly lines at St. Trond airfield in Belgium.  The plane
					careered off the runway, striking a parked B-24 and caught
					fire.  Both pilots were killed in the fire.
				94964 (567th BS, 389th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Hethel Station, USAAF-114, Norfolk, England)
					Crashed on takeoff May 11, 1944 at RAF Hethel, UK.  All crew survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				94965 (409th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) w/o Oct 12, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Hardwick, Norfolk, UK.  
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				94966 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Oct 7, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Ritbruch, Northwest of 
					Roesebeck Near Harburg, Germany While on a Mission on a Tank Factory at Kassel, Germany. (4) Crew Were 
					Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 9755
				94968 (760th BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Hit Jul 19, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Munich, Germany and Crashed South of Udine, Italy While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Allach Engine Factory at Munich, Germany. (4) Crew Bailed Out Over Munich, 
					Germany and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945. (7) Crew Bailed Out Over Italy. (1) Captured. 
					(6) Evaded Capture.  MACR 6918
				94969 (93rd BG, 330th BS, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24J 42-99949 over Belgium
					and crashed and burned near Ingelmunster, Belgium Sept 21, 1944.  MACR 9661.  All 8 crew killed.
				94970 (330th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Hardwick, Station USAAF-104, Norfolk, England)
					In taxiing accident at RAF Hartfort Bridge, Hampshire, England Nov 16, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft
					badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				94971 (409th BS, 93rd BG, 8th A)F in landing accident at RAF Carnaby,  Bridington, England Jan 31, 1945.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				94972 (448th BG, 715th BS, 8th AF, *Daisy Mae*, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Crashed from unknown cause Jan 7, 1945 in Germany while on mission to railroad and communicatins
					center at Achern, Germany.  All 9 crew killed.  MACR 11584
				94973 (389th BG, 566th BS) interned in Sweden May 29, 1944.  MACR 5216
				94974 (466th BG, 786th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Oct 12, 1944 and crashed at Hoerne,
					near Osnabruck, Germany.  MACR 9488.  All 10 crew killed.
				94977 (718th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy)
					Declared War Weary at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy on March 15, 1945. Washed Out on April 8, 1945. 
					Salvaged on August 7, 1945.
				94981 (MSN 1746) 850BS 490BG 8AF Station 134 Eye Suffolk England, [Coded 7Q-B], 
					833BS 486BG 8AF Station 174 Sudbury Suffolk England, [Coded 4N-O], named "Noble Effort", [
					Lend Lease UK Liberator B Mk.IV TS530, 223Sqn RAF Oulton Norfolk England Oct 1944, [Coded 6G-G], 
					named Gremlin Heaven", 51MU RAF Lichfield Staffordshire May 1945], [
					Converted to Liberator C Mk.IV, Sold as scrap to International Alloys Ltd 12 Mar 1947
				94982 (743rd BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashlanded and caught fire at San Giovanni, Italy Apr 20, 1944 while returning from mission to
					shipyards at Monfalcon, Italy. Crew of 10 survived, some with minor injuries. Aircraft was destroyed.
				94983 (740th VBS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed Jul 15, 1944 north of Oranta, Rumania due to engine failure while returning from mission
					to oil refineries at Ploesti, Rumania.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 6897.
					They were liberated Aug 31, 1944 and Sep 1, 1944
				94984 722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Shot Down Jun 24, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Southeast of Ploesti Rumania While on a Mission 
					on The Romano/Americano Oil Refinery at Ploesti Rumania. (2) Crew Were Killed. (8) Crew Bailed Out and 
					Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6366
				94987 (376th BG, 514th BS, 15th AF, "Yum Yum") crashed at Fiume, Italy after ran out of fuel while
					while returning from mission to St Valentin, Austria Oct 16, 1944.  MACR 9339. 2 crew killed, 9 survived
					and became POW.
				94988 (705th BS, 446th BG, 8th AF) in landing accident at RAF Hardwick (USAAF 104), Norfolk, UK Aug 5, 1944.
					All 10 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				94989 (448th BG, 713rd BS, 8th AF, *Battlin Baby*, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Damaged by flak while om mission to marshalling yards at Saarbrucken, German and crashed at
					Batterkinden, Switzerland Jul 13, 1944. All 10 crew bailed out over Switzerland and were interned.
					MACR 7561
				94990 (453rd BG, 732nd BS, 8th AF, "Ken O Kay III", based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield. Station USAAF-144, 
					Norfolk, England) 
					Crashed Jan 3, 1945 at Pontpierre, South of Avold, France After Number (1) and (2) Engines Failed 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Hamburg, Germany. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and 
					Survived. Aircraft Salvaged on January 22, 1945 By 5th SAD.  MACR 11560
				94991 (93rd BG, 409th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Aug 13, 1944, and crashed NW of Falaise, France.  MACR 7897.
					4 crew killed, 6 bailed out and became POW.
				94993 (742nd BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jul 27, 1944 by Fw 190A-8 believed flown by Uffz Gerhard Weidenbeck of JG 300/4 over Budapest, Hungary 
					while on mission to armament factory at Budapest.  8 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7140
				94994 (446th BG, 707th BS, 8th AF, *Dissapated Duck*) shot down by AAA and crashed at Denklingen, Bavaria,
					Germany during mission to Munich, Germany Jul 11, 1944.  All 10 crew bailed out.  Pilot killed by German ground troops,
					remaining 9 crew members POW.  MACR 6939
				94995 565th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Landing Accident Dec 12, 1944 at (RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England. All Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired.
				94998 (343rd BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy) 
					Crashed Mar 19, 1945 into a Mountain Near Kirshing, Austria and Exploded While on a Mission on The 
					Marshalling Yards at Landshut, Germany. All (11) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 13068
				94999 (506th BS, 44th BG, 8th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-7 flown by Lt Adolf Glunz of JG 26/6 May 11, 1944 over
					Pattay, France.  All 10 crew bailed out, 7 became POW, 3 evaded capture.  MACR 4849
				95004 w/o Aug 23, 1945 in crash landing 2 mi SES of Columbus, Ohio
				95005 (492nd BG, 856th BS, 8th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8/R2 flown by unknown pilot and unit
					near Brenburg, Germany Jul 7, 1944.  MACR 7236.  8 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95006 in forced landing in France Oct 3, 1944.
				95007 (491st BG, 854th BS, 8th AF) shot down by Fw 1089A-8 and crashed N of Deckbergen 6.5 km NW
					of Rinteln, Germany Nov 26, 1944.  MACR 11159.  9 crew killed, 1 bailed out and became POW.
				95008 (458th BG, 755th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Jun 29, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Papenburg, Germany While on a 
					Mission on The Junkers Airframe Factory at Aschersleben, Germany. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were 
					Captured and Became POWs. MACR 7086
				95009 (454th BG, 737th BG) crashed in Yugoslavia Feb 7, 1945.  Crew
					rescued by partisans and excaped to Italy.
				95010 ("Crow's Nest") crashlanded near Lille, France Oct 26, 1944.  Crew was OK and
					made it back to base the next.  Plane was left for junk.
				95011 (492nd BG, 858th BS, 8th AF) landed Bulltofta airfield, Malm, Sweden due to AAA damage Sweden 
					May 29, 1944.  MACR 5220.  All 10 crew survived and were interned in Sweden.
				95012 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Dec 2, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Exploded 
					in Mid Air East of Merrheim, Germany While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Bingen, Germay. 
					BF 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3. (3) Crew Were Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured 
					and Became POWs. Released in 1945. MACR 11143
				95013 (448th BG, 714th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Damaged by flak Jun 20, 1944 while on mission to synthetic oil refinery at Politz, Germany
					and landed at Bulltofta airfield, Malmo, Sweden.  All 9 crew survived and were interned
					in Sweden.  MACR 6267
				95014 (328th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) w/o May 13, 1944 in takeoff accident RAF Hardwick, Norfolk, UK.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95015  700th. B.S., 445th B.G. "Patches"
				95017 (82nd BG) lost Sep 22, 1944.  MACR 8955
				95019 (733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Apr 25, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Between Puiseux Les Louvres, U. Chatenay,
					28 km North of Paris, France While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Mannheim, Germany. 
					Aircraft Caught Fire and Exploded in Mid Air. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and (9) Were Captured and Became POWs. 
				 	(1) Evaded Capture.  MACR 4305
				95020 (701st BS, 445th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Landing Accident Jul 13, 1944 at (RAF Beccles Airfield) Beccles, 
					Suffolk, England. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Never Used Again. Repaired and Returned to USA on 
					June 17, 1945. Salvaged on September 25, 1945.
				95022 (715th BS, 448th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England)
					Shot down Jun 24, 1944 by AAA and crashed 1 mi N of Beuasent, 9 km SE of Samer, France while on mission
					to Haute Cote, France.  All 9 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 6266
42-95023/95288		Ford B-24H-25-FO Liberator
				MSN 1788/2053
				95023 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Crashed at Maxwell Farm, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England Due to Engine Failure While 
					Aborting The Mission on The Airfield at Juvicourt, France Due to Weather. Aircraft Bomb Load Exploded 
					After Crash. All (10) Crew Were Killed. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				95024 came down on farm in UK Nov 5, 1944.  3 killed.
				95025 (392 BG, 579 BS) damaged by enemy fighters over France,
					tail gunner killed and two waist gunners bailed out.
					Remainder of crew brought it back to England where it
					crashlanded Jun 15, 1944 at Eye, Suffolk, UK.
				95026 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force "Yankee Rebel" 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Jul 25, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Caught Fire and Crashed Near Marigny France 
					While on a Mission to St. Lo France. All (9) Crew Bailed Out. (1) Crewman Was Killed. (3) Crew Were 
					Captured and Became POWs. (5) Crew Evaded Capture.  MACR 8668
				95027 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118,
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down June 23, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Chery-les-Pouilly Near 
					Leon, France While on a Mission on Leon-Athies Airfield at Leon, France. (5) Crew Were Killed. 
					(6) Crew Bailed Out and (5) Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945. (1) Crewman Evaded Capture.
					MACR 6215
				95028 565th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Dec 25, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 and Crashed Near Prum Germany 
					While on a Mission to Wahlen Germany. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Unknown Pilot and Unit. (5) Crew Were Killed. 
					(4) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 11114
				95029 566th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Jul 7, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Quedlinburg Germany While on a Mission 
					to Halle Germany. (4) Crew Were Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 7366
				95030 (93rd BG, 328th BS, 8th AF) diverted Sweden after being hit by AA over Bolitz, German Jun 20, 1944.  
					Crashed a Bulltofta Airfield, Malmo, Sweden.  5 crew killed, 5 survived and were interned.  MACR 6151
				95031 (392 BG, 576 BS) port tailplane lost during attack on
					Salzbergen Feb 16, 1945, knocked off by bombs from higher
					aircraft.  Returned to England where all crew except
					pilot bailed out.  Aircraft then caught fire and pilot
					bailed just before it exploded and crashed at
					Pudding Norton, near Fakenham, UK 
				95032 (467th BG) returned to USA and arrived Bradleyt Field Jun 14, 1945.
				95033 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118,
					Norfolk, England.  Crash Landed Jul 11,1944 at Altenrhein Airfield at Altenrhein, Switzerland Due to 
					Flak Damage and One Engine Failure While on a Mission to Munich, Germany. All (10) Crew Were Interned at 
					Adelboden, Switzerland By Switzerland. Returned in 1945. Aircraft Returned on October 20, 1945.(
  					MACR 7497.
				95035 (392 BG, 579 BS) crashlanded Jun 29, 1944 at Wendling, UK.
				95036 (492 BG, 857 BS, "Heaven's Devils") crashed into mountain in Wales near Llangynog
					Mar 19, 1945. 
				95037 579th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Crash Landed Jun 29, 1944 in a Potato Field at Frettenham, England Due to Flak Damage 
					and Low on Fuel While Returning From a Mission on a Factory at Magdeburg, Germany. (1) Crewman Was Killed 
					By Flak. (9) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged But Repaired at SAD in Watton in Norfolk, England. 
					Flown Back to U.S.A. and Scrapped.
				95038 (389th BG, 565th BS, "Lucky Lady Bett") to RFC at Altus OK Nov 22, 1945.  
					Presumably scrapped there.
				95039 (330th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and cashed 16 km NNE of Stettin, 1 Km Ne of Langenberg, Germany
					Jun 20, 1944.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.
				95040 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (77) Missions. Strafed Mar 20, 1945 By Gunfire From German Fighters While Parked 
					at RAF Wendling Airfield. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Repaired Later and Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95041 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Ditched Jul 6, 1944 in The North Sea Due to Flak Damage and Low on Fuel While Returning 
					From a Mission to Kiel, Germany. Two Fuel Tanks Had Been Hit By Flak and Were Shot Out. 
					All (9) Crew Were Killed. MACR 7496
				95042 (703rd BS, 445th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) in Forced Landing 2 Miles East of (RAF East Wretham Airfield) 
					Station USAAF-133 Norfolk England. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Destroyed By Fire. Salvaged on August 15, 1944.
				95043 (328th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) crash landed making wheels-up belly landing E of Faversham, Kent,
					England due to flak damage during mission to France Aug 1, 1944, .  MACR 8234.  2 crew killed,
					3 bailed out S of Paris and became POW.  5 crew survived.
				95044 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Jun 21, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 and Crashed at Burg Germany While 
					on a Mission to Berlin Germany. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Oblt. Paul Georg Schaffrath of JG 300/5. 
					(3) Crew Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. (1 of 3) Shot Down By Same 
					Pilot in Same Battle.  MACR 6530
				95045 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down May 28, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed 1.5 km West of Tuesen, 10 km 
					South of Neubukow, Mecklenburg, Germany While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz, Germany. 
					All (10) Crew Were Killed.  MACR 5213
				95047 (453rd BG, 733rd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down by flak Oct 19, 1944 and Crashed at Kelkhelm, Germany While on a Mission on The Marshalling 
					Yards at Mainz, Germany. Aircraft Rolled Over and Caught Fire and Spiralled Down in a Slow Spin. 
					MACR 10177.  9 crew and 2 observers on board. Tail gunner KIA, remainder of
					crew bailed out and became POW.  
				95048 (453rd BG, 735th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Jul 7, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed 1 km West of Zscherben, 6 km West of Halle, 
					Germany While on a Mission to Halle, Germany. (8) Crew Were Killed. (2) Crew Bailed Out and Were 
					Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 7226
				95049 (44th BG, 67th BS, 8th AF) crashed at Vermand, France Mar 1, 1945 after crew bailed out after plane
					ran out of fuel while returning from mission.
				95050 (458th BG, 752nd BS, "Gas House Mouse") in forced landing at Manston, Kent Dec 11, 1944
					and declared damaged beyond repair
				95051 (445th BG, 702nd BS, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down May 8, 1944 by Fw 190A-7 Northwest of Hannover, Germany 
					While on a Mission to Brunswick Germany. Believed Fw 190A-7 Flown By Ofw. Leo Schuhmacher of JG 1/II Stab. 
					All (10) Crew Bailed Out and (7) Were Captured and Became POWs. (3) Crew Evaded Capture.  MACR 4784
				95054 (467th BG) destroyed on ground at Melsroek, Belgium airfield
					during Jan 1, 1945 Bodenplatte raid.
				95055 (715th BS, 448th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England)
					W/o Oct 24, 1944 in ground accident at RAF Seething, UK.  Only ground crew involved and none injured.
					Aircraft destroyed by fire.
				95056 (389th BG, 565th BS) interned in Switzerland Jun 28, 1944.  MACR 6735.  Returned to England Oct 1, 1945.
					Salvaged Oct 22, 1945.
				95058 (446th BG, 705th BS, "White Lit'nin") made wheels-up landing at
					Woolbridge after hydraulic system failed during local flight
					Condemned for salvage Mar 30, 1945.
				95059 (446th BG, 705th BS) crash-landed in Spain Jun 13, 1945 after losing an engine on its way
					back to USA
				95060 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down May 19, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 West of 
					Haldensleben and Crashed at Gevensleben, Near Helmstedt, Germany While on a Mission to Brunswick, Germany. 
					Believed BF 109G-6 Flown By Obstlt. Gustav Rodel of JG 27/Stab. All (10) Crew Were Killed.  MACR 4925
				95061 w/o Apr 25, 1944 in taxi accident at Waller Field, BWI
				95064 crashed in northeastern Brazil Apr 11, 1944.  MACR 3500 and 3631.
					Aircraft and crew remains located Jul 1995.
				95069 w/o Jun 22, 1945 in takeoff accident at Lowry Field, Colorado
				95070 (576th BS) crashed Aug 3, 1944 into North Sea after being abandoned by
					crew on mission to Zuid Beveland, Netherlands after being damaged by enemy action.
				95071 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Sep 28, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Koblenz Germany While on a Mission 
					to Kassel Germany. Number 3 and 4 Engines Caught Fire and Aircraft Went into a Spin and Crashed. 
					(5) Crew Were Killed. (5) Crew bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 9381
				95073 assigned May 29, 1944 to 732nd BS, 453rd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, 
					Norfolk, England.  Transferred to 732nd BS 453rd BG on April 1, 1945. Transfered to 467th BG 8th AF on April 18, 1945. 
					Returned to USA on June 11, 1945. Scrapped.
				95075 (715th BS, 448th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England)
					Shot down by AAA Jun 21, 1944 and crashed at Neu Schulzendorf, near Berlin, Germany while on mission
					to Berlin, Germany.  4 crew killed, 6 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 6231
				95076 (732nd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Crashed Jan 21, 1945 in force landing at Sadoxhurst, Near Kingsnorth, Kent, England After Left Main 
					Landing Gear Gave Out. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed. Washed Out. 
					Salvaged January 22 to 24, 1945.
				95077 (389th BG, 565th BS, *Ginny Gal*) interned in Switzerland Jul 21, 1944
				95078 (445th BG, 700th BS, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Sep 27, 1944 by Fw 190A-8/R2 
					and Crashed 2 km Southwest of Richelsdorf, Germany 
					While on a Mission to Kassel Germany. Fw 190A-8/R2 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3 or JG 4. (6) Crew Were Killed. 
					(3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 9396
				95079 (392nd BG, 577th BS) returned to USA Jun 1945
				95080 (467th BG, 791st BS, 8th AF) hit by AAA near Osnabruck, Germany Feb 16, 1945 and crashed
					at Valthe, 8 km N of Emmen, Holland.  MACR 12425.  All 10 creb bailed out, 9 became POW, one
					killed when his parachute failed.
				95084 (787th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jul 13, 1944 in crash due to weather at
					Halvergate on Marshes, Norfolk, UK.  9 crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95085 (389th BG) salvaged at Hethel Mid Mar 1945 after left main landing gear collapsed.
				95086 (735th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Made a Forced Landing Feb 25, 1945 at Dijon-Longvic Airfield Y-9, Longivc, France After Hit By 
					Flak While on a Mission on The Airfield at Giebelstadt, Germany. Aircraft Had a Shell Hole Through 
					The Left Wing. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Salvaged on February 28, 1945. (NOTE) One Source 
					Has it Arriving at Altus Oklahoma on July 3, 1945.
				95088 (389th BG, 565th BS) lost over Holland Feb 19, 1945 when engine failed and instruments
					were lost.  Crew bailed out near Sevelen, Germany, plane crashed at Krefeld.  8 POW, 1 KIA.
					MACR 12430.
				95089 (448th BG, 714th BS) interned in Sweden Jun 21, 1944.  MACR 6265
				95091 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down May 27, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Went into a Straight Dive and Crashed at Puttlingen 
					Near Saarbrucken Germany While on a Mission to Saarbrucken Germany. (2) Crew Were Killed. 
					(8) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 5260
				95092 (392 BG, 579 BS) in midair collision with 42-28731 of 576th BS while returning from
					practice and crashed near Foxley, Norfolk, UK Jul 5, 1944
				95094 (788th BS, 801st BG (Provisional), 8th AF) in taxiing accident at RAF Harrington, Northamptonshire,
					UK Jun 15, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95095 (44th BG, 66th BS) crashed at Sidhean Mor, near Gairloch, Scotland Jun 13, 1945 while en route
					from Prestwick to Meeks Field, Iceland.  9 crew, 6 passengers killed.  There is a memorial at the crash site.
				95096 (458th BG, 753rd BS, 8th AF, *Bombs Away*, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, 
					Norfolk, England) Landed at Payerne Airfield, Payerne. Switzerland Jul 12, 1944. Due to Low on Fuel and 
					Number (3) Engine Feathered While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Munich, Germany. All (10) 
					Crew Survived and Were Interned in Switzerland. Returned in 1945. Aircraft Returned on October 1, 1945. 
					MACR 6928.
				95098 (445th BG, 701st BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Jun 20, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at 
					Ventee St. Remy 13 km Southwest of Neufchatel, France While on a Mission to Neufchatel, France. 
					Aircraft Exploded in Mid Air. (4) Crew Were Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 5928.
				95099 assigned Apr 1944 to 733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, 
					Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England.   Last Mission Flown on February 28, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. at Bradley 
					Field, Windsor Locks, Connecticut on June 17, 1945. Flown to Altus, Oklahoma and Scrapped on October 17, 1945.
				95102 734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
				 	Named "Spirit of Notre Dame".  Collided Feb 9, 1945 With B-24J (42-50703) in Mid Air Near RAF Old Buckenham Airfield
					While Returning From Mission to Magdeburg, Germany. Landed. Transfered to 715th BS 448th BG 8th AF After 
					April 11, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. at Altus Oklahoma on October 22, 1945 and scrapped
				95103 (392 BG, 579 BS) crashed Jul 13, 1944
					at Wrangle Common, Lincolnshire, UK after midair collision.
				95104 (491st BG, 853rd BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Oct 2, 1944 and crashed near Berge 3 Km S of Hamm, Germany.  
					MACR 9427.  7 crew killed, 2 survived and became POW.
				95105 (446th BG, 704th BS, *She's Mine*) lost Dec 2, 1944 on mission to Bingen, Germany.  
					All crew KIA.  MACR 11053.  May have collided with 42-51100.
				95106 (458 BG, 754 BS) shot down by AAA near Caen, France 6/17/1944.  
					9 KIA, 1 POW.  MACR 5806.
				95111 (453rd BG, 733rd BS, 8th AF, RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Sep 13, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed 1 km Northwest of Osthofen, Germany 
					While on a Mission on The Aviation Fuel Storage at Weisenhorn, Germany. (7) Crew Were Killed. 
					(3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 8853.
				95113 in landing accident with 42-95530 at Batista Field, Cuba May 6, 1944.
				95115 (467th BG, 790th BS) crashed at Wroxham on takeoff from RAF Rackheath, Norfolk, UK in dense fog 
					due to being caught in the propwash of another aircraft and hitting
					trees Dec 29, 1944.  10 crew killed.  Aircraft was destroyed.  Three other crashes caused
					mission to Prum, Germany to be scrubbed.
				95116 (458th BG, 754th BS, 8th AF, "Junior", based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, 
					Norfolk, England) shot down Jul 31, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Ludwigshafen, Germany While 
					on a Mission on The Chemical Plant at Ludwigshafen, Germany. Aircraft Nosed Over and Went into a 
					Spin and Crashed. (6) Crew Were Killed. (4) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.   MACR 7830.
				95117 (450th BG, 752nd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England) 
					Crashed Jul 20, 1944 12 km Northwest of Hasselt Belgium After Number 1 Engine Exploded and Aircraft 
					Became Unflyable While on a Mission on The Aircraft Engine Factory at Eisenach, Germany. All (9) Crew 
					Bailed Out and (1) Was Killed When His Parachute Failed to Open. (3) Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					(5) Evaded Capture.  MACR 7255
				95118 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (25) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95120 (458th BG, 754th BS, 8th AF, "Hookem Cow" previously "Betty", based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield,
					Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England) crashed on takeoff
					Apr 14, 1945 at Horsham St Faith on mission to Pointe de Grave, France.
					Port inner engine flash-flamed and lost power during takeoff,
					crashed into trees, caught fire, and broke up.  5 crew killed, Only 2 crewmembers
					survived, both injured.  Inhabitants of nearby houses escaped
					as bombload did not explode.  MACR 15355
				95121 (706th BS, 446th BG, 8th AF) crashed from unknown cause 1 1/2 mi NE of RAF Gransden Lodge in Cambridgeshire, UK
					Apr 27, 1945.  Unknown number of crew killed, aicraft destroyed and salvaged in 1945.
				95122 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Jun 21, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 and Crashed 3 km Southeast of 
					Gross Beeren Germany While on a Mission to Berlin Germany. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Oblt. Paul Georg Schaffrath 
					of JG 300/5. (3) Crew Killed. (7) Bailed Out & Captured & POWs. (1 of 3) Shot Down By Same Pilot in Same Battle.
					MACR 6529
				95123 (854th BS, 491st BG, 8th AF) crashed on takeoff Aug 27, 1944 at RAF North Pickenham (USAAF Station 143),
					Norfolk, UK.  All crew survive, aircraft was destroyed.
				95124 (66th BS, 44th BG, 8th AF) crashed 1 km SE of Ihringen, 5 km E of Breisach, Germany due to engine
					failure Dec 4, 1944.  MACR 10835.  All 9 crew bailed out, 8 became POW, one was bayoneted and shot by a German soldier.
				95126 (446 BG, 704 BS, ith AF *Hot Shot Charlie*) crashlanded at RAF Manston, Kent, UK Jul 31, 1944 after mission to Ludwigshaven,
					Germany due to engine failure.  All crew survived, aircraft DBR.
				95127 (93rd BG, 409th BS, 8th AF, *Slightly Virgin*) shot down by AAA and crashlanded at Sint Denijs-Westrem,
					Belgium Nov 26, 1944.  All 9 crew survived and were rescued.
				95128 (445th BG, 700th BS, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Sep 27, 1944 By Fw 190A-8/R2 and Crashed 1 km West of 
					Richelsdorf, Germany While on a Mission to Kassel, Germany. Fw 190A-8/R2 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3 or JG 4. 
					(7) Crew Were Killed. (2) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 9397
				95130 (445th BG, 700th BS, 8th AF, 'Spirit of Pocahontas' based at RAF Tibenham) Ditched in The North Sea Jun 21, 1944 
					Due to Flak Damage While Returning From a Mission to Germany. (6) Crew Were Killed. (4) Crew Survived and Were Rescued.
					MACR 6766
				95131 "Mag Drop" (859th BS, 2641st Special Group, detached from 492nd BG) shot down 
					by Ju 88 night fighter near Linz, Austria while on Carpetbagger mission Apr 25, 1945.  
					4 KIA, 5 POW.  MACR 14061
				95132 ("Mojalajab") ferried to UK and went to the replacement depot. Ended up with 492nd BG, 858th BS, keeping the same name.
					Shot down Jun 15, 1944 by Fw 190A-8 flown by Col Joseh Priller of JG 26/Stab (100th victory), crew
					limped to the Allied beachhead at Normandy and bailed out.  1 WIA, 9 returned.
				95133 (753rd BS, 458th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England)
					Crashed Nov 24, 1944  into Baker Street Rail Depot, Norwich, England After Struck The Church Steeple 
					Due to Poor Visibiility in Bad Weather While on a Practice Mission. The Inpact Broke off The Outer 
					Part of The Right Wing and Right Tail Assembly and Aircraft Banked to The Right and Crashed. 
					All (9) Crew Were Killed. Aircraft washed out
				95134 (448th BG, 714th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down by AAA Aug 26, 1944 and crased at Ruehheim, 10 km W of Ludwigshafen, Germany 
					while on mission to chemical works at Ludwigshafen, Germany.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.
					MACR 8469
				95135 579th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Landed Jun 20, 1944 at Bulltofta Airfield, Malmo, Sweden After Damaged By Gunfire From 
					German Ju 88C-6 and Me 410 Fighters and Flak While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz, 
					Germany. All (9) Crew Survived and Were Interned in Sweden. Released in 1945.  MACR 6157
				95136 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk England.  Shot Down May 29, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 Near Gueltz, Germany 
					While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz, Germany. BF 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot 
					and Unit. (9) Crew Were Killed. (1) Crewman Bailed Out and Was Captured and Became a POW. Released in 1945.
				  	MACR 5212
				95137 (392 BG, 579 BS) crashed May 29, 1944 near Norwich, UK.
				95138 (448th BG, 713rd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Lost Sep 11, 1944 in midair collision with 361st FG P-51C 42-103749 over Eerde Ommen, 17 mi SE of
					Meppel, Netherlands while om mission to oil refinery at Magdeburg, Germany and crashed at Dalfsen, Holland.
					One crewman killed, 9 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 8927
				95139 (852nd BS, 491st BG, 8th AF, based at RAF North Pickenham Airfield, Station USAAF-143, Norfolk, England
					Crash Landed Sep 18, 1944 at RAF Watton airfield, Station USAAF-376, Norfolk, UK After Left Landing Gear 
					Failed While Returning From a Low Level Supply Drop Mission to Eindhoven Holland. All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Was Destroyed. Washed Out.
				95142 (506th BS, 44th BG, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at lorrach, SW of Munich, Germany Jul 21, 1944.
					MACR 7288.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95144 565th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Collided With B-24J (42-100351) in Mid Air Jun 20, 1944 off Langeland Denmark and Crashed While 
					on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz Germany. (9) Crew Were Killed. (1) Crewman Bailed Out 
					and Was Captured and Became a POW.  MACR 5923
				95145 566th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Jun 21, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R8 and Crashed at Uklei 15 km Northeast of 
					Konigs Wusterhausen Germany While on a Mission to Berlin Germany. Fw 190A-8/R8 Flown By FhjOfw. 
					Richard Lofgen of JG 300/5. (9) Crew Were Killed. (1) Bailed Out and Was Captured and Became a POW  MACR 6258.
				95146 lost during ferry flight May 1, 1944, North Atlantic.  MACR 4184
				95150 (44th BG, 506th BS, 8th AF, *Passion Pit*) shot down by AAA and crashed at Saing Pierre-sur-Dives, France
					Aug 13, 1944.  Crew of 10 parachuted to safety and became POW.  MACR 8322.  One crewman escaped that night
					and met up with Canadian forces four days later.
				95151 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (88) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95153 (93rd BG, 330th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed near Caudan, 6 mi N of Lorient,
					France June 13, 1944.  MACR 5912.  7 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				95155 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Saarburg, Germay 12 km N of
					Haguenau Alsace, France Jul 31, 1944 while om mission to Ludwigshaven, Germany.  MACR 7754.
					All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95157 (466th BG, 786th BS, 8th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 believed flown by Lt Paul
					Weissberg of JG 5/5 Aug 15, 1944 and crashed near Nijetrijne, Holland.  MACR 8427.
					6 crew killed, 4 bailed out (3 became POW, one evaded capture)
				95158 (448th BG, 715th BS) crashlanded at Coldharbour, England Jul 13, 1944
				95159 (458th BG, 755th BS, "Rough Riders II") collided with 42-95183 while assembling over Cromer
					May 27, 1944.  Lost tail section, crashed into North Sea.  MACR 5631.
					All 10 crew killed.  Two bodies washed up on shore
				95160 (856th BS, 492nd BG, 8th AF) crashed June 4, 1944 near Garveston, Norfolk, England during assembly
					for mission.  All 10 killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95161 (784th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jun 21, 1944 in crash 4 mi NW of RAF Attelbridge 
					(USAAF 120), Norfolk, UK.  Crash due to fire in the bomb bay while on mission to Germany.
					8 crew killed, 2 survived.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				95162 (467th BG, 790th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Aug 5, 1944 on mission to Bismarck, Germany
					and crashed 2 km S of Wehden, 10 km SE of Wesermunde, Germany.  7 KIA, 2 POW.  MACR 7375
				95163 (754th BS, 458th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Horsham St. Faith Airfield, Station USAAF-123, Norfolk, England)
					w/o Aug 9, 1944 in crash landing at RAF Horsham St Faith, UK While Returning From Aborting a Mission 
					on The Marshalling Yards at Saarbrucken, Germany. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed. Washed Out.
				95164 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk England.  Collided Jan 28, 1945 With B-24J (42-50868) in Mid Air Near Gerbeck, Germany and Crashed 
					While on a Mission to Dortmund, Germany. (8) Crew Were Killed. (2) Crew Bailed Out and Were Injured and 
					Captued and Became POWs. Both Were Liberated By U.S. Army Forces (1) in a Hospital on April 14, 1945 
					and (1) in POW Camp on April 29, 1945.  MACR 11995
				95166 assigned to 735th BS, 453rd BG Apr 1944.  Transferred to 734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England.  Last Mission Flown 
					on April 9, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. on June 15, 1945. Flown to Altus, Oklahoma in October 1945 and Scrapped.
				95167 (453rd BG, 734th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Nov 11, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Buer Nege, Germany While on a Mission 
					on The Oil Refinery at Bottrop, Germany. (6) Crew Were Killed. (4) Crew Bailed Out and Were 
					Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 10342
				95168 (93rd BG, 409th BS) shot down by AAA Oct 9, 1944 on mission to Koblenz.  5 crew KIA, 5 MIA.
					MACR 9348
				95170 (493rd BG "Hell and Back", then to 801st BG, 850th BS "Hell and Back") damaged by night fighter and
					party abandoned over France Jul 5, 1944. Flew back and crashlanded at Ford Field, UK.  5 POW, 1 evaded,
					2 OK.  MACR 6774.  Salvaged Jul 19/20, 1944.
				95171 (734th BS, 453rd BG) collided with 41-29259 Jul 21, 1944 over target
					and crashed neear Darmsheim, Germany.  9 crew KIA, one POW.  MACR 7253
				95172 (36th Bs, 801st BG (Provisional), 8th AF) Ground Accident Jul 7, 1944  Hit While Parked By Taxiing 
					Aircraft B-24D (42-63786) at (RAF Harrington Airfield) Station USAAF-179 Northamptonshire England. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired
				95173 (734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Forced Landing Dec 22, 1944 at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, Cambrai, France After 2 Engines Out 
					Number 2 Engine Turbo Out and Numbers 2 and 3 Engines Leaking Oil While Returning From a Mission 
					to Mayen Germany. (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Not Repaired. Salvaged on March 11, 1945 By 5th SAD in France.
				95175 (706th BS, 446th BG, 8th AF) damaged by AAA on mission to Bolgne/Calais/Tingry, France Jun 25, 1944.
					Returned to Blixton, Greater Manchester, UK and belly landed.  1 crewman killed by the flak, 9 survived.
					Aircraft was destroyed. 
				95177 first served with 458th BG, 652nd BS, May 1944 to
					492nd BG, 857th BS, July 1944 to 492nd BG, 859th BS.
					Shot down Jul 7, 1944 by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit and crashed 4 km E of Kroppenstedt, 
					18 km NE of Halberstadt, Germany on mission to Bernburg, Germany.  MACR 7237.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed
					out and became POW. 
				95178 (704th BS, 446th BG, 8th AF, *Wedding Belle*) crashed in English Channel off Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK
					Dec 12, 1944.  All 5 KIA.  MACR 16135.
				95180 (446th BG, 706th BS, *Satan's Little Sister*) shot down by AAA Nov 21, 1944 over IJsselmeer, 
					Netherlands on mission to Hamburg.  7 KIA, 2 evaded.  MACR 10408.
				95182 (448th BG, 715th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Aug 24, 1944 by AAA and crashed at Dalvers, near Berge, Germany  while om mission to
					Brunswick, Germany.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 8292
				95183 (458th BG, 755th BS) collided with 42-91519 during assembly over Cromer 
					May 27, 1944.  Flight engineer and tail gunner bailed out under
					pilot's orders and presumably drowned over North Sea.  Plane made a
					safe landing with remaining 8 crewmembers back at Horsham St. Faith.
					MACR 5632
				95184 567th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Aug 5, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Braunschweig Germany While on a Mission 
					to Brunswick Germany. Aircraft Caught Fire and Turned Over on its Back and Dove Straight Down 
					and Crashed. (7) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 7706
				95185 (448th BG, 713th BS, 8th AF, *DoBunny*, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down by Me 262A-1a flown by Lt Fritz R. G. Muller of JG 7/III Stab Mar 25, 1945 during mission to
					oil depot at Buchen, Germany and crashlanded in farm field near Soltau, Germany.
					MACR 13549.  All 9 crew survived and became POW.  
				95186 (448th BG, 712nd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down by AAA Jun 21, 1944 and crashed between Hof Meteln and Gross Trebbow Meckel, Germany
					while on mission to Berlin, Germany. All 9 crew bailed out, 7 killed (6 while trying to escape).
					One became POW.  One evaded capture.  MACR 6264
				95188 (446th BG, 706th BS, 8th AF, *Maximum Effort*) shot down by AAA and crashed near Liebersbroon, Germany
					on mission to Munich, Germany Jul 21, 1944.  2 KIA, 8 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7249.  
				95190 (446th BG, 707th BS, 8th AF, *Carolyn Sue*) shot down by AAA and crashed at Wittefeld near Rieste,
					Germany Aug 5, 1944 while returning from mission to Fallersleben, Germany.
					2 KIA, 9 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7888.
				95191 (853rd BS, 491st BG, 8th AF) craash landed on beach at Greatstone-on-Sea New Romney, Kent, UK
					while returning from mission to St Martin Fleury, France Jun 20, 1944.  MACR 8232.  4 crew killed,
					7 survived.
				95192 (445th BG, 703rd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Jul 15, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and 
					Crashed at Marigny France While on a Mission to St. Lo France. Aircraft Burst into Flames and Broke Up 
					in Mid Air. (6) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out (1) Crewman Was Captured and Became a POW. 
					(2) Crew Evaded Capture.  MACR 7841.
				95194 (787th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) w/o Apr 9, 1945 in takeoff accident at RAF Attelbridge
					(USAAF 120), Norfolk, UK.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95195 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Oct 14, 1944 By 88mm Anti-Aircraft Fire Northeast of Sieburg, Germany 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yard at Cologne, Germany. All (9) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured 
					and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 9485
				95196 originally to 492nd BG, 858th BS, Jun 20, 1944 reassigned
					to 856th BS.  Damaged by flak and interned in Switzerland 
					Jul 11, 1944.  MACR 6935
				95197 (446th BG, 704th BS, *Shoo-Shoo Baby*) crashed on return from mission Apr 4, 1945 at 
					Hall Farm, Raveningham, Norfolk, UK.  Crew bailed out safely.
				95198 to 487th BG, 838th BS as replacement.  Jul 1944 transferred
					to 492nd BG, 856th BS.  Aug 1944 transferred to 446th
					BG, 704th BS.  At one ime had the name "Lazy Lou".
					Returned to USA Jun 1945.
				95200 (448th BG, 712nd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Landed Jun 20, 1944 at Bulltofta airfield, Malmo, Sweden after being damaged by flak om mission to synthetic
					oil refinery at Politz, Germany.  All 10 crew survived and were interned in Sweden.  MACR 6240.
				95201 (790th BS, 467th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Rackheath Airfield, Station USAAF-145, Norfolk, England)
					Landing Accident Feb 9, 1944 at RAF Rackheath Airfield, Station USAAF-145, Norfolk, England. 
					All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired. Unit Web Site Claims Aircraft 
					Was Returned to The Zone of Interior on June 20, 1945. Fate Unknown.
				95203 (704th BS, 446th BG, 8th AF, "Red Ass") led the entire 8th AF on D-Day.  Name later changed to "Bungay Buckaroo" 
					because of censorship for press releases.  Flew 82 missions.  Returned to USA, probably salvaged.
				95205 (389th BG, 564th BS, *Lonesome Polecat*) interned in Switzerland Sep 5, 1944.  MACR 8601.
					Returned Sep 22, 1945.
				95206 assigned May 7, 1944 to 453 BG, 732 BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, 
					Norfolk, England.  Last Mission Flown on April 10, 1945. Returned to U.S.A at Cincinnati, Ohio on 
					June 27, 1945 Then to Altus, Oklahoma on June 28, 1945. Scrapped in October 1945 By RFC
				95207 (506th GS, 44th BG, 8th AF) w/o Jul 27, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Shipdam, UK.  All crew
					survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95212 w/o Jun 29, 1944, Hethel, UK
				95213 w/o Jun 3, 1944 in crashlanding Prestwick, UK
				95214 assigned Apr 1944 to 735nd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, transferred to 732nd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, 
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England.  
					Transfered to 392nd BG 8th AF After April 10, 1945. Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.
				95215 (492nd BG, 856th BS, 8th AF, "Moonshine Express") shot down by AAA near Troarn, France
					Jul 18, 1944.  All 10 crew bailed out, 1 KIA when his chute failed to open, 9 landed in Allied-controlled
					beach area.
				95216 in 453rd BG, 732nd BS (E3 H) transferred after Apr 10, 1945 to 458th BG 753rd BS (J4 K)
					and salvaged after crash landing at Horsham St. Faith May 6, 1945.
				95217 (487th BG, 838th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA over target area at Misburg,
					Germany Jun 20, 1944.  MACR 5935  8 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95218 (491st BG, 853rd BS) interned in Switzerland Jul 21, 1944 after crash-landing at Dubendorf
					MACR 7258
				95219 w/o Apr 12, 1945 in landing accident Seething, UK
				95220 was replacement in May 1944 for 492nd BG, 857th BS. Aug 1944 transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS, 8th AF.  
					Shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by Lt Henner Mebesius of JG 3/13 near St Vith, Belgium Dec 25, 1944.  
					MACR 11122.  7 KIA 3 POW.
				95222 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Crashed Aug 5, 1944 After Take Off From Unknown Cause Near Sparrow Green, Gressenhall, 
					Norfolk, England 2 1/2 Miles East of RAF Wendling Airfield While on a Mission to Brunswick, Germany. 
					Aircraft Burst into Flames After it Came to Rest. All (10) Crew Were Killed. Aircraft Was Destroyed.(
				95223 (392 BG, 577 BS) missing Jan 18, 1945 during practice mission, England.  MACR 14350.
				95224 (791st BS, 467th zBG, 8th AF) collided in midair with P-47D 42-22790 Aug 22, 1944 while at Splasher
					#6 assembly point over UK.  Able to land.  One crewman was killed, 8 survived uninjured.  Aircraft
					was washed out.
				95225 (836th BS, 487h BG, 8th AF) hit by AAA over Misburg, Germany but able to fly back home to base at
					RAF Lavenham, Suffolk, UK Jun 20, 1944.  3 crew killed, 8 survived. Aircraft badly damaged,
					unknown if repaired.  MACR 15368
				95226 (44th BG, 68th BS, 8th AF, *Channel Hopper*) damaged by AAA and crashlanded near Dubendorf airfield
					near Zurich, Switzerland July 21, 1944.  Crew of 9 interned in Switzerland.  MACR 7286
				95227 (389th BG, 566th BS) salvaged at RAF Leconfield, Yorkshire Feb 2-4, 1945 as a result of
					an accident Jan 31, 1945 when the nose wheel collapsed.
				95228 (464th BG, 778th BS, *Brown Nose*) shot down by flak Jul 7, 1944 in
					raid on synthetic oil plant, Blechhammer North. MACR 6594.  7 survived, 3 KIA
				95229 579th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Jul 7, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 Over Bernburg, 
					Germany and Crashed Near Rhoden, Germany While on a Mission on The Airfield at Bernburg, Germany. 
					BF 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 3. (4) Crew Were Killed. (5) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured 
					and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 7216
				95230 replacement May 1944 for 492nd BG, 858th BS, Reassigned
					Jun 20, 1944 to 856th BS, 492nd BG, 8th AF.  Shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit Jul 7, 1944
					and crashed at Groningen, 12 km NE of Halberstadt, Germany.  MACR 7238.  4 crew killed, 6 bailed out and became POW.
					6 POW, 4 KIA.
				95232 w/o May 30, 1944 in taxi accident at Grenier Field, Manchester, New Hampshire.
					Also listed as with 727th BS/451st BG "Sweaty Betty" and returned to USA Jun 12, 1945
				95233 (453rd BG, 732nd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Jun 24, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Exploded in Mid Air and Crashed at Oostduinkerke, 
					6 km West of Neiuwpoort, Belgium While on a Mission to Pont-a-Vendin, France. (9) Crew Were Killed. 
					(1) Crewman Bailed Out and Was Captured and Became a POW.  MACR 6233
				95234 492nd BG, 859th BS, Transferred Aug 1944 to 467th BG,
					788th BS.  Returned to USA Jun 11, 1945.
				95235 w/o Mar 24, 1944 in crash 7 mi N of Birmingham, Alabama.  Crew bailed out.
				95236 (727th BS/451st BG) returned to USA Jun 6, 1945
				95237 (791st BS, 467th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Rackheath Airfield, Station USAAF-145, Norfolk, England)
					Made a Forced Landing Jun 12, 1944 on an Allied Fighter Airstrip in France. Al (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired. Reported it Was Returned to The Zone of The Internor 
					on June 10, 1945. Fate Unknown.
				95238 (406th BS, 8th AF)  w/o Aug 18, 1944 in midar Burghill, Hereforshire, UK.  All 10 crew killed.
				95239 (727th BS, 451st BG, 15th AF, "	Ape", based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed and burned Nov 4, 1944 From Unknown Cause North of Chieti, Italy While Returning From 
					a Mission to Kufstein Germany. All (11) Crew Were Killed.  MACR 9677
				95240 564th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Mar 24, 1945 By Small Arms Fire and Crashed Near Wesel Germany Germany While on a Low 
					Level Supply Drop Mission in Support of The U.S. 17th Airborne Division During Operation Varsity 
					The Rhine Crossing in Germany. Aircraft Crashed Nose First into The Ground and Exploded on Impact. 
					All (9) Crew Were Killed..  MACR 13543
				95241 (392 BG, 578 BS) crash-landed after being hit by flak Feb 22, 1945
					at Noekermeer, near Zoeterwoude, Netherlands.  MACR 12658.
					One of the crew members chose to join the Dutch resistance
					when he had a chance to go back to England.  He was killed
					in a battle with German troops in April 1945.
				95242 (409th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Hardwick, station USAAF-104, Norfolk, England)
					In taxiing accident at RAF Hardwick Nov 4, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, 
					unknown if repaired.
				95243 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down May 29, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 and Crashed 8 km 
					North of Kittendorf, Germany While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery at Politz, Germany. 
					BG 109G-6 Flown By Unknown Pilot and Unit. All (10) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Did Bail Out But Were Killed 
					By Locals.  MACR 5211
				95244 (736th BS, 454th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					W/o Oct 23, 1944 in landing accident at San Giovanni airfield, Italy.  All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed. 
					Washed Out.
				95245 (513th BS, 376th BG, 15th AF) crashed at Pimiliglaino airfield, Naples, Italy due to
					structural failure while on local engineering flight Aug 31, 1944.  MACR 16537.  All 5 crew killed,
					aircraft was destroyed.
				95246 (466th BG, 787th BS, *Honey Gal*) crashed Sep 23, 1944 while attempting to land
					at Woodbridge emergency field after being hit by AAA south of Ostend.  Salvaged
					Sep 24, 1944.
				95247 (702nd BS, 445th BG, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Sep 12, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at 
					Hollum Ameland, West Frisian Islands, Holland While on a Mission to Misburg, Germany. (2) Crew Were Killed. 
					(7) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. MACR 8922
				95248 (466th BG, 785th BS, "The Falcon") damaged by flak over target
					during mission to Wittlich Jan 8, 1945, causing fuel leak.
					Attempted to land at Shipdham but aircraft ran out of fuel on
					approach and careered through trees, a haystack, and runway
					approach lights before stopping with nose deep in frozen pond.
					All crew members survived but both pilots severely injuredl
				95249 (489th BG, 845th BS, 8th AF) shot down byh Fw 190A-8 flown bh Fw Hermann Grad of 4/JG 26 Jun 25, 1944
					and crashed at Richeville, E of Rouen, France while on mission to Villacoublay, France.  MACR 6987.
					All 10 crew bailed out, 7 became POW, 3 evaded capture.
				95250 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (42) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95251 (762nd BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Landing Accident Jun 20, 1944 at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy. All (10) Crew Survivled. Aircraft Was Destroyed. 
					Washed Out.
				95252 (453rd BG, 734th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England) 
					Lost Oct 2, 1944 when Hit By Bomb Dropped From Above B-24 From 389th BG and Crashed 5 km Northeast 
					of Pelkum Near Hamm, Germany While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Hamm, Germany. 
					Tail Section Broke off and Aircraft Exploded in Mid Air. (8) Crew Were Killed. (1) Crewman Bailed 
					Out and Was Captured and Became a POW.  MACR 9418.
				95253 (389th BG, 565th BS) ferried back to USA Jun 25, 1945.  Salvaged at Altus, OK Sep 14, 1945
				95256 (763rd BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Shot Down Jul 15, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Aleksandrovac, Yugoslavia While Returning 
					From a Mission on The Standard & Unirea Sperantza Oil Refinery at Ploesti, Rumania. All (10) Crew Bailed Out 
					and (2) Were Killed. (8) Survived and Evaded Capture.  MACR 6748
				95257 767th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy
					Shot Down Jul 25, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 and Crashed at Farrach Austria 
					While on a Mission on The Herman Goering Tank Works at Linz Austria. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Unknown Pilot 
					of JG 300. All (11) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945. MACR 7117
				95258 (93rd BG, 329th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 6 km S of Burg near Schermen,
					Germany Sep 11, 1944.  MACR 8838.  All 9 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95260 (44th BG, 68th BS, 8th AF) crashed 1 mi N of RAF Shipdam, Norfolk, UK after aborted from mission
					to engine failure Dec 27, 1944.  MACR 15998.  All 10 crew killed.
				95265 759th Bombardment Squadron 459th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy
					Crashed Dec 18, 1944 North of Madfredonia Italy in The Adriatic Sea After Ran Out of Fuel 
					While Returning From a Mission on The Oil Refinery at Osweicim Poland. All (10) Crew Were Killed.  MACR 10685
				95266 (446th BG, 704th BS, 8th AF, *Heinie Hunter*) ditched in English Channel off Great Yarmouth, Norfol,
					England after ran out of fuel while returning from mission to Munich, Germany Jul 11, 1944.  
					9 KIA, 1 survived and was rescued.  MACR 8216
				95267 (489th BG, 846th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Schlossborn, Germany Jul 21, 1944
					while returning from mission to Kempton, Germany.  MACR 7842.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95268 (446th BG, 785th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Aug 9, 1944 and crashed 9 km NW of
					Saarbrucken, Germany.  MACR 7382.  9 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				95269 (716th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy) 
					Shot down Aug 29, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Near Ferrara, Italy While on a Mission to Ferrara, Italy. 
					All (11) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 8331
				95271 (449th BG, 719th BS, *Sleepy Time Gal*) shot down by AAA over Moosbierbaum, Austra
					Feb 7, 1945.  MACR 12072.  10 KIA, 1 POW.
				95272 "Pursuit of Happiness" first served with 458th BG, 755th BS, May 1944 transferred to 492nd BG, 856thBS,
					Aug 1944 transferred to 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, Norfolk, England.
					Crash Landed Feb 14, 1945 in a Field 3 Miles South of RAF Wendling Airfield After Ran Out of Fuel 
					While Returning From a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Plant at Magdeburg, Germany. All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Was Destroyed. Salvaged.   
				95273 (790th BS, 467th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Rackheath Airfield, Station USAAF-145, Norfolk, England)
					Taxiing Accident Dec 4, 1944 at RAF Rackheath Airfield, Station USAAF-145, Norfolk, England). 
					Hit Parked B-24J (44-40465) While Taxiing. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Washed Out.
				95274 (738th BS, 454th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					w/o Mar 20, 1945 in landing accident at San Giovanni airfield, Italy.   All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Was Destroyed. Washed Out.
				95275 (824th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed near Prnjavor, Yugoslavia Jan 15, 1945 while returning from mission to marshalling yards
					at Vienna, Austria.  MACR 11287. All 10 crew bailed out.  One was killed when his parachute failed to
					open, 9 survived (7 were rescued by partisans, 2 were captured by Chetniks and became POW.
				95276 (733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)  
					Taxiing accident Sep 26, 1944 at RAF Old Buckenham, UK While on a Mission to Hamm Germany. 
					All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged.  Repaired and Returned to U.S.A. in 1945. 
					Scrapped on September 28, 1945 at Altus, Oklahona.
				95278 force landed at Carradreshy, Ireland May 5, 1944 during
					ferry flight and w/o
				95279 (761st BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Shot Down Jul 22, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed and Exploded on Impact Near Bologna, Italy While 
					on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Castel Maggiore, Italy. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured 
					and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6073.
				95280 (445th BG, 701st BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) Shot Down Jun 27, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Mello 8 km Northwest of 
					Creil, France While on a Mission South of Creil, France. (4) Crew Were Killed. (6) Crew Bailed Out. (2) Crew 
					Were Captured and Became POWs. (4) Crew Evaded Capture.  MACR 6731
				95281 (762nd BS,  460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Shot Down Jul 8, 1944 By Anti-Fire East of Vienna, Austria While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at 
					Vienna, Austria. (6) Crew Were Killed. (4) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  
					MACR 6510
				95282 (484th BG, 827th BS, 15th AF) An original 490th BG, 8th AF aircraft transferred to the 484th BG, 827th BS. 
					Returned to USA on May 30, 1945, declared excess the following day and assigned as a ferry aircraft. 
					Sent to  RFC Albuquerque and salvaged July 2, 1945.  Was not named "Boobie Trap"
				95284 (465th BG, 782nd BS, 15th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by unknown pilot of JG 3 Aug 3, 1944 and crasned
					into Mt Wannig, Austria while regurning from mission to Friedrichshafen, Germany.  MACR 7539.  7 crew
					killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95285 (512th Bs, 376th BG, 15th AF) crashed in Adriatic Sea Jan 8, 1945 while returning from mission to
					Linz, Austria.  MACR 16500.  4 crew killed, 7 bailed out and survived.
				95286 (716th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy) 
					Hit By Anti-Aircraft Fire Dec 28, 1944 Over Brenner Pass While on a Mission to The Brenner Railroad Loop, Italy. 
					(3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured & Became POWs. While Returning to Base Aircraft Crashed 8 Miles 
					West of Fano, Italy. (8) Crew Bailed Out. (1) Killed When Parachute Caught on Nose Wheel Door. 
					(7) Crew Survived.  MACR 10891
				95287 766th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force "Strictly G. I."
					Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy. Shot Down By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed West of Doboj Yugoslavia 
					While on a Mission on The Vosendorf Oil Refinery at Vienna Austria. (1) Crewman Was Killed. 
					(9) Crew Bailed Out and Evaded Capture and Returned to Base on December 27, 1944.  MACR 9937
42-95289/95503		Ford B-24H-30-FO Liberator
				MSN 2054/2268
				95290 (857th BS, 492nd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Harrington Airfield, Station USAAF-179, Northamptonshire, England)
					Landing Accident Nov 24, 1944 at RAF Harrington Airfield. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. 
					Unknown if Repaired.
				95291 (445th BG, 703rd BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Tibenham) collided with B-24H 42-50453 Dec 11, 1944 in Mid Air Over 
					Zinswiller, Alsace and Crashed 15 Miles North of Strasbourg, France While on a Mission to Hanau Germany. 
					All (9) Crew Were Killed.   MACR 11336
				95293 578th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Shot Down Nov 4, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed 2 km North of Misberg, 8 km East 
					of Hannover, Germany While on a Mission on The Oil Refinery at Misburg, Germany. (5) Crew Were Killed. 
					(4) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 10350.
				95296 723rd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Hit and Damaged May 30, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Over Austria and Crashed on Vis Island Yugoslavia While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Ebreichsdorf Parts Factory at Vienna Austria. All (10) Crew Bailed Out 
					and (9) Were Rescued. (1) Crewman Was Killed..  MACR 6315.
				95297 (449th BG, 718th BS, *Bucket of Bolts*) crashed on 
					takeoff Aug 15, 1944 when it failed to climb and struck 
					power lines at the end of the runway.  All 12 onboard killed.
				95298 (713rd BS, 448th BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Rammed Apr 4, 1945 by Me 262A-1a flown by Major Henrich Ehrler of JG 7/Stab and crashed at Krullenkempe, near
					Havelberg, Germany while on mission to airfield at Wesendorf, Germany.  3 crew killed, 6 bailed
					out and became POW.  MACR 13731
				95299 576th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (77) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95300 757th Bombardment Squadron 459th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy
					Shot Down Jun 26, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Wachsberg Austria While on a 
					Mission on The Oil Refinery at Moosbierbaum Austria. (2) Crew Were Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out 
					and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945..  MACR 6967
				95301 (853rd VBS, 491st BG, 8th AF) hit by AAA over Creil, France Jun 11, 1944 and ditched off Beachy
					Head, Eastr Sussex, UK in English Channel.  MACR 7859.  5 crew killed, 5 survived and were rescued.
				95303 assigned May 4, 1944 to 734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, 
					Norfolk, England.  Transferred to 409th BS 93rd BG, 8th AF Apr 1945.  Returned to USA May 29, 1945
					and scrapped.
				95304 766th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy
					Hit Dec 17, 1944 By Gunfire From German Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 Over Olomouc Czechoslovakia and 
					Crashed at 20 Miles Southwest of Agram Hungary While on a Mission on The Synthetic Oil Refinery 
					at Odertal Germany. Fw 190A-8 Flown By Unknown Pilot of JG 300. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were 
					Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 10701
				95306 (446th BG, 706th BS, 8th AF) hit by AAA over Brenburg, Germany Jun 29, 1944. Able to fly back to base and
					crashed at Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire, England.  2 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7089
				95308 (702nd BS, 445th BG, 8th AF based at RAF Tibenham) Collided Sep 9, 1944 With B-24H (42-95291) in Mid Air 
					at (RAF Woodbridge Airfield) Suffolk, England. Crash Landed at (RAF Leiston Airfield) Station USAAF-373 
					Suffolk, England. All Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Salvaged on September 15, 1944
				95309 (44th BG, 506th BS, 8th AF) lost Jul 29, 1944, North Sea following midair collision with B-24J 42-109820.
					MACR 7803.  9 crew killed, one bailed out and was rescued by British rescue boat.
				95310 (491st BG, 852nd BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 3 km E of Beaumont, France Jun 2, 1944.  
					MACR 5391.  All 10 crew bailed out.  2 were killed, 4 were captured and became POW.  4 evaded capture.
				95312 (734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Crashed Oct 17, 1944  Near Malmedy Belgium Due to Flak Damage While on a Mission to Cologne, Germany. 
					All (10) Crew Bailed Out Near Spa, Belgium and Returned.  
				95313 (456th BG, 747th BS, 15th AF, based at Stornara Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Shot down Feb 28, 1945 by Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Innichin, Italy While on a Mission 
					on The Isarco/Albes Railroad Bridge in Italy. All (10) Crew Bailed Out. One was Killed and (9) Crew 
					Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 12480
				95314 (716th BS, 449th BG, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy)
					Crashed Dec 4, 1944 After Take off 3 Miles West of Sava, Italy While on a Training Flight While 
					Joining The Formation. Pilot Put The Aircraft into a Steep Right Turn and Stalled and Crashed. 
					All (6) Crew Were Killed. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				95316 (458th BG, 752nd BS, *Princess Pat*) crashed near 
					Bonn, Germany on mission to Lechfeld Apr 9, 1945 and 
					damaged beyond repair.  Salvaged Apr 20, 1945.
				95317 converted to B-24HSA electronic warfare aircraft. (850th BS, 801st BG (Provisional), 8th AF) shot down 
					by Bf 110G-4 flown b Oblt Johannes Werth of NJG2/Stab and crashe at Autruy-sur-Juine, 25 km
					SSW of Etampes, France Jul 5, 1944.  MACR 6989.  2 crew killed, 6 baile out and evaded capture.
				95319 (464th BG) damaged by flak and fighters Jul 8, 1944.  Landed at
					Foggia.  Converted to CL-26 and salvaged.
				95321 (850th BS, 801st BG) shot down by Ju 88 intruders
					during night navigation and training flight
					near Baton Socon, UK Jun 27, 1944. 4 KIA, 2 bailed out.
				95322 (763rd BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Ditched Nov 16, 1944 6 Miles Off Shore About 15 to 20 Miles South of Ancona, Italy in The Adriatic Sea Due 
					to Engine Failure While Returning From a Mission on The West Marshalling Yards at Munich, Germany. 
					Aircraft Broke into Three Pieces. (1) Crewman Was Killed. (8) Crew Survived and Were Rescued By a Row Boat 
					With (2) Italians and (1) Britisher.  MACR 9954
				95324 (446th BG, 707th BS, *Weiser Witch*) salvaged May 5/6, 1945 after 
					crashlanding at Bungay/Flixton on fire in the nose.
				95325 (742nd BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down by AAA Jul 15, 1944 and crashed near Maykovac, Yugoslavia while returning from
					mission to oil refineris at Ploesti, Rumania.  All 10 crew bailed out, one was killed, 9 evaded
					capture.  MACR 6896
				95326 (448th BG, 712th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down by AAA Jun 29, 1944 and crashed at Middenbeemster, 8 km E of Aklmaar, Netherlands 
					while on mission to Bernburg, Germany.  All 10 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 7091
				95328 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Collided in midair with B-24H 42-50424 Jul 22, 1944 and crashed 30 km S of Tirana, Albania
					while on mission to oil refinery at Ploest, Rumania.  9 crew killed, one bailed out and
					became POW..  MACR 7145
				95331 722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Aircraft Fate Unknown.
				95332 (464th BG, 779th BS, 15th AF, based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy)
					Landing accident Mar 19, 1945 at Pantanella Airfield Cerignola Italy. All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired.
				95336 (779th BS, 464th BG, 15th AF, based at Gioia del Colle Airfield, Apulia, Italy) 
					Shot down May 29, 1944 by flak and fighters and Crashed at Schattendorf, Austria While 
					on a Mission on The Amme-Luther-Seck Aircraft Components Factory at Atzgersdorf, Austria. 
					Right Wing Broke off and Aircraft Went into a Spin and Crashed and Exploded on Impact. 
					All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 5189
				95337 (776th BS, 464th BG, 15th AF, based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Shot down Dec 11, 1944 by 88mm Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Vienna, Austria While on a Mission 
					on The South Ordnance Depot at Vienna, Austria. Aircraft Exploded in Mid Air. 
					(9) Crew Were Killed. (1) Crewman Bailed Out and Evaded Capture.  MACR 10390
				95338 (515th BS, 376th BG, 15th AF) shot down by AAA May 29, 1944, and crashed 2 km E of Wiener Neustadt, 
					Austria.  MACR 5374.  6 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.
				95340 (464th BG, 777th BS, "Chick") diverted to Switzerland Nov 16, 1944 after raid on
					marshaling yards at Munich.  Crashed on
					landing at Magadino airfield, injuring 3 crewmembers.  MACR 12535
				95341 (491st BG, 853rd BS, *Twang*) returned to USA at end of war.  Scrapped at Altus,
					OK Oct 14, 1945.
				95342 (724th GBS, 451st BG, 15th AF, based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Lost Apr 25, 1945 From Unknown Cause Northeast of Linz, Austria While on a Mission 
					to Linz, Austria. All (9) Crew Survived and Returned.  MACR 13991  I have a reference that has this one
					as ending up in USSR.
				95344 (767th BS, 461st BG) crashed en-route to USA May 30, 1945.  Crew survived.
				95345 721st Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Salvaged on March 8, 1945 at Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy.
				95348 (464th BG, 778th BS, *Sultan II*) crashed on takeoff Aug 27, 1944. on mission
					to Blechhammer.
				95350 758th Bombardment Squadron 459th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy
					Aircraft Fate Unknown. Believed Scrapped
				95352 (344th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy) 
					Crashed Oct 16, 1944 Near Zagrab, Yugoslavia Due to Engine Trouble While on a Mission on The 
					Aero Engine Factory at Steyr, Austria. All (10) Crew Bailed Out (2) Crew Were Captured and Became POWs. 
				 	(8) Crew Evaded Capture and were Picked Up By Partisans.  MACR 9445
				95353 (453rd BG, 735th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Crashlanded May 30, 1944 at RAF Old Buckenham airfield While Returning From a Mission on The Airfield 
					at Oldenburg, Germany. Only Right Landing Gear Was Down and Left Wing Tip Hit The Ground.
					All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. Salvaged on May 31, 1944..
				95356 (344th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy) 
					Hit By Anti-Aircraft Fire Sep 10, 1944 Over Vienna, Austria While on a Mission on The South Arsenal 
					at Vienna, Austria. Able to Fly Until Aircraft Exploded and Crashed Near Papa, Hungary. All (10) Crew 
					Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POW.  MACR 8268
				95357 (738th BS, 454th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed Jun 16, 1944 Near Glomac, Yugoslavia After Damaged By Flak While Returning a Mission 
					on The Oil Refinery at Schwechat, Austria. All (9) Crew Bailed Out and Evaded Capture.  MACR 6023
				95359  arrived as a 451st BG/727th BS "Babe" ship on about Jun 5, 1944, and transferred to the 461st BG on Oct 14, 1944. 
					Later be assigned to the Air Service Command Pool (ASCPL) at Gioia del Colle on Dec 22, 1944 
					and salvaged Jan 21, 1945.
				95361 (466th BG, 787th BS, 8th AF) collided in midair with B-24J 42-51331 Sep 16, 1944
					and crashed near RAF Bodney (USAAF 141), Norfolk, UK.  All 10 crew killed,
					aircraft was destroyed.
				95364 (464th BG, 778th BS) returned to Hunter Field, Savanna, GA May 31, 1945.
				95365 (415th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy)
					Crashed Nov 16, 1944 in Italy After Ran Out of Fuel. All Crew Bailed Out and Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed.
				95366 (760th BS, 460th BG, 15th AF, based at Spinazzola Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Crash Landed Jul 26, 1944 at Vis Island, Yugoslavia Due to Flak damage Over Austria While on a Mission on The 
					Airfield at Zwolfaxing, Austria. (1) Crewman Bailed Out Over Munchendorf Austria and Was Captured and Became a POW. 
					Released in 1945. (10) Crew Survived and Returned. Aircraft Damaged Beyond Repair.  MACR 7144
				95369 (825th BS, 484th BG, 15th AF, based at Torretto airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Crashed from unknown cause in Adriatic Sea Aug 24, 1944 while on mission to marshalling yards
					at Ferrara, Italy.  MACR 7959.  All 10 crew bailed out, one was killed, 9 survived and were rescued.
				95371 (464th BG, 777th BS, 15th AF, "Topper", Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Shot down Jul 8, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 at Essling/Wien, Austria While on a 
					Mission on The Florisdorf Oil Refinery at Vienna, Austria. Believed BF 109G-6 Flown By 
					Hptm. Heinrich Wurzer of JG 302/1. (2) Crew Killed. (8) Crew Bailed Out and Captured and 
					Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6819.
				95372 (777th BS, 464th BG, 15th AF, "The Middle Digit", based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Shot down Jul 16, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 East of Neusiedlersee, Austria 
					and Crashed Near Olsa Hungar During a Mission on The Aircraft Engine Factory at Wiener Neudorf, Austria. 
					Believed BF 109G-6 Flown By Lt. Hubert Gobel of JG 302/3. (3) Crew Killed. (7) Crew Bailed Out & 
					Captured & Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6905
				95373 (717th BS, 449th bg, 15th AF, based at Grottaglie Airfield, Taranto, Italy)
					Crash Landed at Cecina Italy on August 14, 1944. All (10) Crew Survived. Aircraft Badly Damaged. 
					Repared as Camera Ship on March 14, 1945. Sent to Depot on April 13, 1945 to Be Scrapped.
				95378 720th Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Returned to U.S.A. on July 15, 1945 and Scrapped.
				95379 (451st BG, 725th BS, 15th AF, *Extra Joker*, based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down by Fw 190s over Turnitz, Austria Aug 23, 1944 while on a Mission on The Airfield at 
					Markersdorf, Austria. Fw 190A-8s Flow By Unknown Pilots of JG 3. Aircraft Went into a Spin and 
					Exploded in Mid Air. All (10) Crew Were Killed.  MACR 7956
				95380 (737th BS, 454th BG, 15th AF, bqsed at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jul 7, 1944 By Gunfire From German Messerschmitt BF 109G-6 in The Papa, Hungary 
					Area While on a Mission on The Oil Refinary at Odertal, Germany. Believed BF 109G-6 Flown 
					By Uffz. Hans Kemmerling of JG 302/2. All (11) Crew Bailed Out and (9) Were Captured and
					Became POWs. (2) Crew Evaded Capture.  MACR 6571
				95381 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Crashed on takeoff at San Giovanni airfield Jul 2, 1944.  All 10 crew survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				95382 (464th BG, 777th BS, 15th AF, *Repulsive Raider II*, based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Hit Jun 16, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near The Coast of Yugoslavia While on a Mission 
					on The Oil Blending Plant at Lobau, Vienna, Austria. All (10) Crew Bailed Out on Yugoslavian coast 
					and Evaded Capture With Help From Partisans.  MACR 5814
				95383 764th Bombardment Squadron 461st Bombardment Group 15th Air Force "Lazy Lady"
					Torretto Airfield Cerignola Italy.  Shot Down Jul 25, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at 
					Hargelsberg Near Enns Upper Danube Austria While on a Mission on The Herman Goering Tank Works 
					at Linz Austria. (7) Crew Were Killed. (3) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs. 
					Released in 1945.  MACR 7035
				95385 721st Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Shot Down Jun 13, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed at Chiemgau Germany While on a Mission 
					on The Bayerische Allach Motornworks at Munich Germany. All (10) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured 
					and Became POWs. (1) Crewman Died in Captivity of Illness. (9) Released in 1945.  MACR 6311
				95387 722nd Bombardment Squadron 450th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Manduria Airfield Manduria Italy
					Returned to U.S.A. in 1945 and Scrapped.
				95388 (512th BS, 376th BG, 15th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed near Ostrov, Bulgaria Jul 3, 1944
					while returning from mission to Giurgiu, Rumania.  MACR 6363.  All 11 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95390 (446th BG, 707th BS, 8th AF, *Rough Buddy*) shot down by AAA and crashed at Schirmeck, France 
					Sep 10, 1944 on mission to Heilbronn, Germany.  9 KIA, 1 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 8925.
				95397 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95450 (738th BS, 454th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy)
					Crashed Jun 22, 1944 on Take off at San Giovanni Airfield Foggia Italy. (9) Crew Were Killed. 
					Two Crew Survived. Aircraft Was Destroyed.  MACR 15168
				95451 (464th BG, 777th BS, 15th AF, based at Pantanella Airfield, Cerignola, Italy) 
					Shot down Jun 26, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Graz, Southwest of Vienna, Austria 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards and Florisdorf Oil Refinery at Vienna, Austria. 
					Aircraft Went into a Dive and Crashed and Exploded on Impact. All (11) Crew Bailed Out and Were 
					Captured and Became POWs. Released in 1945.  MACR 6456
				95453 (345th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy) 
					Lost Jul 15, 1944 From Unknown Cause Over Rumania While on a Mission on The Oil Refineries at 
					Ploesti, Rumania. Fate of Crew Unknown.
				95458 (450th BG) lost Dec 29, 1944.  MACR 10937
				95460 (830th BS, 485th BG, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Venosa airfield, Foggia, Italy
					Jan 8, 1945.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95462 (741st BS, 455th BG, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Jun 26, 1944 by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot of JG 300 and crashed SE of
					Moosbierbaum, Austria while on mission to oil refinery at Moosbierbaum.
					All 9 crew bailed out and became POW.  MACR 6391
				95463 (345th BS, 98th BG, 15th AF, based at Lecce airfield, Lecce, Italy)
					Shot Down Jul 15, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Ploesti, Rumania While on a Mission on The 
					Oil Refineries at Ploesti, Rumania. Aircraft Exploded in Mid Air Blowing The Nose Section off. 
					(6) Crew Were Killed. (5) Crew Bailed Out and Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 7309
				95464 (392 BG, 576 BS) overran runway Feb 11, 1945
					at Foulsham, Norfolk, UK and was salvaged.
				95467 (420th AAF Base Unit) crashed 15 mi NE of Yuma AAF after
					midair collision with 44-40608 Apr 25, 1944.  No survivors.
				95471 (449th BG) lost Feb 7, 1945, Austria.  MACR 12072
				95478 (440th BS, 319th BG, 12th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed in valley W of Amaseno, Italy Jan 22, 1944.
					MACR 2210.  Four crew killed, two bailed out and became POW.
42-95504/95628		Ford B-24J-1-FO Liberator
				MSN 2269/2393
				95507 577th Bombardment Squadron 392nd Bombardment Group 8th Air Force (RAF Wendling Airfield) Station USAAF-118, 
					Norfolk, England.  Flew (29) Missions. Returned to U.S.A. in June 1945 and Scrapped.
				95509 (726th BS, 451st BG, 15th AF, "Leading Lady", based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Oct 13, 1944 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Sanaki Most, Yugoslavia While 
					Returning From a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Vienna, Austria. All (11) Crew Bailed 
					Out and Evaded Capture.  MACR 9066
				95511 (784th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) in landing accident at RAF Attlebridge (USAAF 120), Norfolk,
					UK Dec 24, 1944.  Hit by a damaged landing B-24J 44-40208 while on runway.
					All crew survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				95519 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95515 (734th BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF, based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England)
					Crash landed Sep 11, 1944 During Wheels Up Belly Landing on One Wheel at RAF Woodbridge Airfield, Suffolk, 
					England While Returning From a Mission on The Oil Refineries at Misburg, Germany. All (10) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Salvaged on September 18 and 19, 1944.
				95521 landed with gear up due to crew error at
					Westover Field, MA Oct 7, 1944.  Plane was repaired.
				95522 (454th BG, 736th BS, 15th AF, based at San Giovanni Airfield, Foggia, Italy) 
					Shot down Feb 14, 1945 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed Near Vienna, Austria While on a Mission 
					on The Floridsdorf Oil Refinery at Vienna, Austria. (7) Crew Were Killed. (5) Crew Bailed Out and 
					Were Captured and Became POWs.  MACR 12108
				95524 lost over Atlandic after takeoff on ferry flight from Goose Bay Jun 30, 1944.  MACR 6375.
				95528 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95529 (830th BS, 485th BG, 15th AF) in landing accident at Venosa airfield, Foggia, Italy Oct 21, 1944.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95530 in landing accident with 42-95113 at Batista Field, Cuba May 6, 1944
				95544 (448th BG, 712th BS. 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, station USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) l
					Shot down by AAA Jan 16, 1945 and crashed at Sebnitx, 35 km SSE of Dresden, Germany
					while returning from mission to oil refinery at Ruhland, Germany.  All 12 crew bailed out, 11 became
					POW, one evaded capture.  MACR 11727
				95551 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95558 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95561 (B-24JSH, 44th BG, 66th BS) shot down by AAA over Hamburg, Germany Aug 6, 1944.  MACR 8081.
					5 crew killed, 7 bailed out and became POW.
				95564 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95566 delivered Apr 25, 1944 and assigned to Fairmont AAF NE.  Dropped
					from inventory due to accident Oct 19, 1944.
				95569 (784th BS, 466th BG, 8th AF) in landing accident at RAF Attlebridge (USAAF 120), Norfolk,
					UK.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95572 758th Bombardment Squadron 459th Bombardment Group 15th Air Force Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy
					Taxiing Accident Dec 23, 1944 at Giulia Airfield Foggia Italy. All (9) Crew Survived. 
					Aircraft Badly Damaged. Unknown if Repaired.
				95582 assigned 1944 to 567th BS, 389th BG, 8th AF.  Transferred Jan 1945 to 733rd BS, 453rd BG, 8th AF,
					based at RAF Old Buckenham Airfield, Station USAAF-144, Norfolk, England.  Last Mission Flown 
					on March 21, 1945. Returned to USA in 1945. Flown to Walnut Ridge Army Airfield, Walnut Ridge, 
					Arkansas on January 3, 1946 and Scrapped.
				95587 (847th BS, 489th BG, 8th AF) in landing accient at RAF Halesworth (USAAF Station 365), Suffolk, UK
					Jul 31, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95588 566th Bombardment Squadron 389th Bombardment Group 8th Air Force 
					(RAF Hethel Airfield) Station USAAF-114 Norfolk England
					Shot Down Mar 23, 1945 By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed 10 Miles West of Munster Germany 
					While on a Mission on The Marshalling Yards at Munster Germany. Aircraft Went into a Spin and 
					Crashed in Flames. (7) Crew Were Killed. (5) Crew Bailed Out and (4) Were Captured and Became POWs. 
				 	(1) Crewman Evaded Capture.  MACR 13613
				95592 (466th BG, 784th BS) shot down by AAA near Regensburg Apr 21, 1945.  10 killed, 2 POW.
					MACR 14182.  Last American bomber shot down over Germany during the war.
				95596 (466th BG, 784th BS) melted down after war at Walnut Ridge, AR.
				95598 (329th BS, 93rd BG, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Westhofen, Germanu Jan 28, 1945.  
					MACR 12010.  5 crew killed, 7 bailed out and became POW.
				95609 delivered for salvage at Walnut Ridge, AK Jan 4, 1946.
				95613 (464th GG, 776th BS) crashed on takeoff from Terceira, Azores May 26, 1945.
					Salvaged Aug 7, 1945.
				95616 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95619 ("Bi U Baby") delivered to 491st BG as PFF aircraft Aug 18, 1944.  Transferred to 855th.  Damaged in
					emergency landing Sep 8, 1944 and returned to group in Oct 1.  Reassigned to 853rd
				95620 (448th BG, 714th BS, 8th AF, based at RAF Seething, Station USAAF-146, Norfolk, England) 
					Shot down Apr 4, 1945 by Me 262A-1a flown by Jajor Heinrich Ehrler of JG 7/Stab and crashed
					at Lauenburg, Germany while on mission to airfield at Wesendorf, Germany.  4 crew killed, 
					7 bailed out and became POW.  MACR 13732.
				95621 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95625 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				95626 (446th BG, 705th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Bergen Op Zoom, Holland while 
					on mission to Ludwigshaven Aug 26, 1944.  MACR 8475.  3 KIA, 7 bailed out (5 POW, 2 evaded capture).
42-95629/95828		Martin B-26B-45-MA Marauder
				95629/95737 converted to AT-23A
					95697 (3021st BU) while flying in thunderstorm crashed into mountain near Craffe, 15 mi NE of
						Buren, AR May 25, 1944.  7 killed.
					95717 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
					95724 used by 8th AF HQ/A Flight
				95739 (37th BS, 17th BG, 12th AF) bellylanded at Alghero airfield, Sardinia Aug 16, 1944.  All crew survived,
					aircraft DBR.
				95741 (442nd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) in landing accident at Alto Airfield, Corsica Oct 2, 1944.  All 5 crew
					survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95742 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff at Decimomannu Airfield, Sardinia Aug 29, 1944.
					All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95745 (17th BG, 34th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed into Tyrrhenian Sea Mar 8, 1944. 
					MACR 3207. 4 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POw.
				95748 (319th BG, 440th BS) shot down by AAA W of Amaseno, Italy Jan 22, 1944.  4 KIA, 2 evaded.  MACR 2210
				95749 (Air Transport Command) crashed on takeoff at Wideawake Field, Ascension Island Dec 15, 1943
					while on ferry flight.  Unknown number of crew killed, aicraft was destroyed.
				95752 (442nd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF, "Wine, Women & Song") shot down by AAA near Futa Pass between Florence
					and Bologna, Italy Aug 21, 1944.  MACR 7686.  All 7 crew bailed, 5 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				95753 (320th BG, 441st BS, 1st Tactical Air Force) shot down by AAA over Beisach, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11591.
					All seven crew killed.
				95756 (17th BG, 432nd BS, 12th Af) shot down by AAA over Viterbo airfield, Italy Feb 29, 1944.  MACR 2831.
					All 7 crew bailed out and evaded capture.
				95757 (95th BS, 17th BG, 1st Tactical Air Force) in landing accident at Dijon-Longvic Airfield Y-9, France
					Dec 19, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95758 (442nd BS, 30th BG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff 1/4 mile from runway at Decimomannu Airfield, Sardinia
					due to loss of power aug 15, 1944.  All 7 crew injured but survived.  Aircraft destroyed by fire.
				95759 (443rd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) in takeoff accient at Decuimomannu Airfield, Sardinia Aug 6, 1944.  All six crew
					survived, but aircraft DBR.
				95761 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) destroyed on ground by collision at Decimomannu airfield, Sardinia Aug 16, 1944.
				95762 (443rd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crash landed at Borgo Airfield, Corsica after left tire blew on takeoff while on
					training flight Nov 2, 1944.  All 4 crew survived, but aircraft DBR.
				95763 (320th BG, 442nd BS, 12th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by Lt Siegfried Pflitsch of JG 51/6 Jan 29, 1944
					and crashed 1 mi SW of Ladispoli, Italy in Tyrrhenian Sea.  MACR 2308.  All 7 crew bailed out 
					but were killed.
				95764 (444th BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) in landing accident at Decimomannu airfield, Sqrdinia Aug 24, 1944.  All crew
					survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95767 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) destroyed on ground by collision at Decimomannu airfield, Sardinia Aug 8, 1944.
				95768 (444th BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) lost engine power and ditched 15 mi off Palavas-les-Flots, France in Gulf of Du Lion
					Aug 24, 1944.  MACR 7998.  All 7 crew bailed out but were killed.
				95770 (Air Transport Command) in takeoff accident at Val de Caes Belern, Brazil Dec 14, 1943 while on
					ferry fligh.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95775 (444th BS, 320th BG, 10th AF) in landing accident at Dijon-Longvic airfield Y-9, Longvic, 
					France Jan 25, 1945.  All 3 crew survived, but aircraft DBR.
				95776 (Air Transport Command) in taxiing accident at Roberts Field, Liberia Dec 25, 1943.  All crew
					survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95777 (4th Ferrying Group, Air Transport Command) in landing accident at Beane Field, St Lucia in Caribbean
					Dec 17, 1943 while on ferry flight.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95778 (437th BS, 319th BG, 12th AF) in ground accident at Roberts Field, Liberia while on ferry flight 
					Dec 21, 1943.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95779 (319th BG, 438th BS) crashed on landing Feb 21, 9144
				95780 (319th BG, 438th BS, 12th AF) in landing accident at Capodichino airfield, Naples, Italy Jun 12, 1944.  
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95782 (17th BG, 37th BS, 12th AF) in midair collision  with another aircraft 7 mi W of Villacidro airfield,
					Sardinia Feb 16, 1944.  All 7 crew killed.
				95785 (319th BG, 440th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA near Frenzuola, Italy Sep 26, 1944.  MACR 8941.
					2 crew killed, 4 bailed out, 3 became POW, one evaded capture.
				95786 (17th BG, 34th BS, 1st Tactical Air Force) shot down by AAA over Germany and crqshed at Hockenheim,
					Germany Mar 23, 1945.  MACR 14038.  All 7 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95788 (37th BS, 17th BG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff at Dijon-Longvic airfield Y-9, France and burned May 9, 1944.
					All crew survived.
				95790 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) shot down by AAA north of Aquino, Italy Mar 16, 1944.  MACR 3219.
					One crewnan killed, 7 bailed out and became POW.
				95791 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crash landed at unknown location Apr 22, 1944.  Fate of crew 
					and aircraft unknown.
				95793 (320th BG, 44th BS) shot down by fighers and abandoned by crew May 11, 1944
				95797 (391th BG, 572nd BS, "T.S. Ticket") collided with B-26B 42-95802 and ditched in English Channel near Guernsey Aug 25, 1944.
					2 crew killed, 4 crew rescued by US Navy destroyer escort USS Borum DE-790.
				95798 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down  by FW 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit
					Dec 23 1944.  MACR 11673.  One crewman killed, 5 bailed out and became POW.
				95799 (391th BG, 572nd BS) damaged Mar 30, 1945
				95800 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) hit by bomb dropped from above (or hit by flak) and collided in 
					midair with B-26B 42-95834 and crashed Cherisy, France Aug 13, 1944.  MACR 7684.  All six crew killed.
				95801 (573rd BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at RAF Friston, Sussex, England Aug 24, 1944.
					All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95802 (391st BG, 573rd BS, "Skeeter") in midair collision with B-26B 42-95797 and crashed between Sark Rock
					and La Moise, France in the English Channel Aug 25, 1944.  MACR 8058.  7 crew killed, one bailed out
					and was rescued by a fishing boat.
				95804 (391st BG, 573rd BS) crashed at Mole Hill Green and exploded May 29, 1944
				95805 (391st BG, 575th BS) damaged when landing gear collapsed May 21, 1944
				95807 (391st BG, 574th BG, 9th AF) crash landed 5 mi N of Laon/Athies Airfield A-69, Picardy, France
					Apr 5, 1945.  All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95809 (572nd BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26C 42-107748 at RAF Matching, Essex, England
					Jun 21, 1944.  Able to land.  All six crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95811 (391st BG, 572nd BS) hit in engine and crashlanded near Euskirchen Mar 30, 1945
				95814 (494th 344th BG, 9th AF) crash landed and exploded 5 mi SSE of RAF Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, England
					Jun 4, 1944.  MACR 15760.  1 crewman killed, 5 survived, aicraft was destroyed.
				95816 (391st BG, 572nd BS) damaged by AAA and crashlanded Mar 23, 1944
				95817 (392st BG, 572nd BS) crashed into roadbuilding equipment Apr 10,1944
				95818 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit 3 mi E of
					Ahrweiler, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11677.  Able to crash land in friendly territory.
					2 crew killed, four survived but some were injured.
				95819 (391st BG, 572nd BS) bellylanded due to AAA damage Feb 24, 1945
				95820 (573rd BS, 391st BG, 9th F) in landing accident at Roye/Amy Airfield A-73, Picardy, France Mar 12, 1945.
					All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95821 (391st BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) hit by AAA and crashed 35 mi S of Rennes, France Jul 8, 1944.  MACR 6649.
					All eight crew bailed out and evaded capture.
				95822 (391st BG, 573rd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Euskirchen, Germany Feb 13, 1945.  MACR 12244.
					One crewman killed, five bailed out and became POW.
				95823 (391st BG, 573rd BS) ran out of fuel over UK and crashed near Blackmore Sep 24, 1944
				95825 (391st BG, 573rd BS, 9th AF, "Easy Dog 99") shot down by AAA near Arhweiler, Germany 
					Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11662.  All seven crew bailed out and became POW.
				95827 (391st BG, 574rd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA  1 km N of Grisy, 19 km W of Pontoise, France
					May 27, 1944.  MACR 5131.  All six crew bailed out and became POW.
42-95829/96028		Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder
				95829 (573rd BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2 km NW of Sybiville, 6 km from Frevent, France May 8, 1944.
					MACR 4482.  All six crew bailed out and became POW.
				95830 (391th BG, 573rd BS) shot down by AA Mar 30, 1945
				95831 (391th BG, 573rd BS) damaged by AAA and bellylanded at base Aug 8, 1944
				95832 (575th BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at RAF Matching, Essex, England due to engine
					failure Jul 4, 1944.  All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95834 (391th BG, 572nd BS) hit by 42-95800 and crashed Aug 13, 1944.  MACR 7649
				95835 with 391st Bomb Group, based at RAF Matching, England
				95837 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed in English Channel 2 mi from Calais,
					France Apr 18, 1944.  MACR 4027.  All six crew killed.
				95838 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit near
					Wittlich, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11485.  One crewmen killed, five bailed out and became POW.
				95840 (391st BG, 574th BS, "Sam Cran") crashlanded May 28, 1944
				95841 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 3 mi E of Ahrweiler, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11671.
					All six crew killed.
				95842 (391st BG, 573rd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Thury Harcourt, France Jul 28, 1944.  MACR 9831.
					Three crew killed, three bailed out and became POW.
				95843 (391st BG, 575th BS) damaged by AAA and crash landed after damage by flak Mar 9, 1945
				95844 (491st BG, 575th BS) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit and crashed near
					Prum, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11670.  5 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95845 (391st BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 9 km S of Dieppe, France and crashed Apr 27, 1944.  MACR 4216.
					Two crew killed, Four crew bailed out.  Two of them became POW, two evaded.
				95847 575th BS, 391st BG, 9th AF, named Scrumptious   108 x combat missions. Severely damaged by fighters, 
					pilot Capt Breesman, Copilot Lt Curtis and two others severely wounded, controls taken over by Major Hershel S Harkins 
					crashlanded back at base, 23-Dec-44. Plane salvaged 26-Dec-44.
				95848 (391st BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA NE of Bretteville, France Jun 7, 1944.  MACR 5689.
					Four crew killed, two of them after bail out.  Two crew became POW.
				95849 (391st BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Grismont, France Mar 19, 1944.  MACR 3574 and 5853  All 
					six crew killed.
				95850 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2 km N of St Antoine, 2km S of Bolbec, France May 28, 1944.  
					MACR 5547.  All six crew bailed out, five of them became POW and one evaded capture.
				95851 (391th BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Caen, France Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7795.
					Five crew killed, one crewman bailed out and became POW.
				95852 (391st BG, 574th BS) bellylanded at base May 28, 1944
				95853 (391st BG, 575th BS) lost near Hatfield Heath and crashed Sep 24, 1944
				95854 (391st BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2 km NW of SDevigny, France Mar 25, 1944.  MACR 3457.
					One crewman killed, five bailed out and became POW.
				95856 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Brussels, Belgium May 10, 1944.  MACR 4511.  
					3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95857 (387th BG, 556th BS) in accident Apr 19, 1945
				95858 (344th BG, 496th BS) shot down by AAA over France May 28, 1944.  MACR 5139
				95859 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) crshed on takeoff at Beauvais/Tille Airfield
					A-61 Picardy, France due to engine failure Jan 6, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95861 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26B 42-95974 at Cormeilles-En-Vixin Airfield A-59 Boissy
					l'Aillerie, France Mar 28, 1945 and crashed.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95862 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Germany and crashed 400 meters N of Kessenich 3 mi N of
					Euskirche, Germany Feb 13, 1945.  MACR 12305.  All six crew killed.
				95863 (323rd BG, 455th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Venraij, Holland Oct 6, 1944.  MACR 9218.  3 crewmen killed,
					3 bailed out and became POW.
				95864 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at Cormeilles-en-Vixin Airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France Jan 29, 1945.  
					All crew survived, aircraft DBR.  Photo in Havener's book
				95865 (391th BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot of JG 2 near
					Bitburg, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11664.  Four crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
					One died of his wounds.
				95867 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) aalvaged Jan 5, 1945 at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield
					A-72 Estress Mons, France after returning from mission with 15 flak holes and excessive damage.
					All crew survived.  Also listed as being with 556th BS, 387th BG, 9th AF and suffering unknown accident at
					unknown location Apr 19, 1945.
				95868 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) in landing accident at Chateaudun Airfield A-39 Chateaudun, France Sep 21, 1944. 
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed. 
				95869 (387th BG, 559th BS) shot down by Bf 109G-14 flown by unknown pilot of JG 11 and crashed near Junkerath,
					Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11482.  All seven crew killed.
				95870 (344th BG, 496th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Audruicq, France Apr 20, 1944 and crashed at Fort Vertes, 4km
					E of Calais, France.  MACR 4103. All 7 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95871 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in ground accident at Cormeilles-en-Vixin Airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France
					Jan 6, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				95873 (391st BG, 574th BS, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff 2 mi NE of Roye/Amy Airfield A-73, Picardy,
					France Oct 5, 1944.  Aircraft hit a combine in a field and crashed into high-tension wires and
					burned. One crewman killed, 5 survived.
				95874 (494th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Cormeilles-en-Vixin Airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France
					Dec 14, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95877 (322nd BG, 451st BS, 9th AF) hit by AAA over Bois-de-la Justice, France and made it to
					England but could not land and crashed in English Channel Apr 22, 1944.  MACR 4106.  2 crew
					were killed, one bailed out over France and became POW, 5 bailed out over England.
				95878 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) shot down near Euskirchen, Germany 
					by Bf 109G-14 flown by unknown polot of JG 11 Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 14626.  6 Crew killed, one bailed
					out and became POW.
				95879 (Air Transport Command) in takeoff accident at Cazes airport, Casablanca, Morocco Feb 3, 1944 while
					on ferry flight.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95880 (319th BG, 438th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA over Viterbo, Italy Feb 29, 1944.  MACR 2830.  All six
					crew bailed out, 4 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				95885 (442nd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crash landed at Dijon-Longvic airfield Y-9, Longvic, France Dec 14, 1944.
					Four crew bailed out and survived, 2 crash landed with aircraft and survived.  Aircraft DBR.
				95886 (Air Transport Command) in takeoff accident at Cazes Airport, Casablanca, Morocco Jan 14, 1944 while
					on ferry flight.  All crew survived, aircraft DBR.
				95888 (319th BG, 438th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 7 mi NW of Fondi, Italy May 12, 1944.  MACR 4276.
					One crewman killed, 7 bailed out and 6 became POW and one evaded capture.
				95893 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Dunkirk and crashed near marshaling yards at Cambrai, France
					Apr 27, 1944.  MACR 4145.  6 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95895 (344th BG, 496th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over France  and crashed 13 km NW of Conches, W of Paris, France
					May 28, 1944.  MACR 5153.  All 6 crew bailed, 4 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				95899 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) crsh lande 3 mi NW of Bievre, Belgium after ran out of fuel Mar 3, 1945.
					All crew survived, aircraft damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95900 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Engers, near Neuweld, Germany Feb 14, 1945.  MACR 12385.
					3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95901 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Predefin, 8 km E of Fruges, France Apr 21, 1944.  
					MACR 4073.  6 crew bailed, one was killed when his parachute caught on the aircraft and was 
					torn away from his harness, 5 became POW.
				95902 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed off coast of Montebourg, France in English Channel 
					Jun 6, 1944.  MACR 5656.  3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and fate unknown.
				95903 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Florennes/Juzaine Airfield A-78 Florennes Belgium.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95904 (444th BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) in midair collision with B-26B 42-95958 over target Aug 26, 1944 and crashed
					into Guld of Du Lion off France.  MACR 7999.  5 crew killed, one bailed out and was rescued by an Allied navy
				95908 (495th BS, 344th BGF, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Cormeilles-en-Vixin Airfield A-59 Boissy 
					l'Aillerie, France due to engine failure Mar 3, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, 
					unknown if repaired.
				95910 (495th BS, 344th Bg, 90th AF, *Wizard of Koz*) shot down by flak and crashed at Rebreuviette, 8 km SE of
					Frevent, France Apr 22, 1944.  MACR 9093.  5 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95913 (344th BG, 495th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Saint Germain, near Paris, France 
					May 28, 1944.  MACR 5144.  4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				95914 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Weissenthurm, Germany, Feb 14, 1945.  MACR 12352.
					Six crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95917 (344th BG, 495th BS, 9th AF, "Shopworn Angel") shot down by AAA and crashed 1.5 km SW of Kruft, Germany on mission
					to Neuweid railroad bridge at Engers, Germany Feb 14, 1945.  MACR 12344.  3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95918 (344th BG, 495th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Arnhem, Holland Oct 6, 1944.  MACR 9219.  3 crew killed, four bailed
					out and believed evaded capture.
				95920 (344th BG, 497th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Meyenvile, 8 km SW of Abbeville, France May 28, 1944.  
					MACR 5140.  4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				95921 (344th BG, 494th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 600 meters NE of Cuchenheim 4 km SE of Euskirchen, Germany 
					Feb 13, 1945. MACR 12221.  5 crew killed one bailed out and became POW.
				95922 (344th BG, 495th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Malo le Baines and crashed 6 km N of Dunkirk, France in
					English Channel May 11, 1944.  MACR 4515.  All six crew bailed out, 2 were killed and four were rescued and became POW.
				95925 (344th BG, 494th BS) in midair collision with B-26B 42-95981 over Teydon Mount Epping, Essex, England Mar 8, 1944.
					All crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95926 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed S of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, France Apr 27, 1944.  MACR 4144
					Four crew killed, 2 crew bailed out and became POW.
				95928 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed 1 km SE of Arques, Near Saint Omer, France Apr 23 1944.  
					MACR 4094.  All six crew bailed out and became POW.
				95929 (455th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Heer 1km E of Maastricht, Holland
					while on mission to Liege, Belgium May 25, 1944.  MACR 5040.  All 6 crew bailed out, 4 became POW and 2 evaded
				95930 (387th BG, 558th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Raon near St Die, France Oct 12, 1944.  MACR 9817.
					One crewman killed, seven bailed out and became POW.
				95931 (574th BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Roye/Amy Airfield A-73, Picardy, France Jan 27, 1945.
					All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95932 (391th BG, 575th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit 3 mi E
					of Ahrweiler, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11551.  Four crew killed, two bailed out and became POW.
				95933 (397th BG, 1st Pathfinder BS, 9th AF) damaged at Dutenhofen near Wetzlar, Germany
					by Fw 190D-9 flown by unknown pilot of JG 2/1 Stab and seven crew abandoned Mar 2, 1945.  MACR 12838.
					4 crew MIA, 3 became POW.
				95934 (387 BG, 559th BS) belly landed Nov 6, 1944.
				95937 (443rd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) shot down by AAA at Novara, Italy Sep 5, 1944.  MACR 8090.
					One crew killed in crash, 6 crew bailed out, of which 5 became POW.  One evaded capture but died of 
					exposure in Alps of northern Italy.  
				95939 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) crash landed at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61 Picardy,
					France Dec 1, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95940 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Cormeilles-en-Vixin airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France
					Mar 5, 1945 due to engine failure.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95941 (322nd BG, 452nd BS) hit by AAA over target and abandoned Nov 28, 1944. 
				95942 (Air Transport Command) lost from unknown cause ner Marrakech, French Morocco Feb 17, 1944 while on
					ferry flight from Marrakech to RAF St Mawgan, Cornwall, England.  MACR 3065.  All four crew killed. 
				95943 (391st BG, 573rd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 12 km  E of Monchy Breton, France May 28, 1944.  MACR 5127.
					All six crew bailed out and became POW.
				95944 (449th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at RAF Bottisham, Cambridgeshire, England
					Aug 2, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damage, unknown if repaired.
				95945 (Air Transport Command) in landing accident at Atkinson Field, British Guiana Jan 4, 1944 while on
					ferry flight.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95946 (320th BG, 444th BS) lost an engine due to flak damage on mission from Sardinia to
					Covigliano, Italy Aug 23, 1944 and fell away from the formation.  Brought
					down at Cecina, Italy minus one crew member who had bailed out in the 
					stress of the situation.  MACR 7996 refers to this mission. 
					IARC shows the aircraft as condemned Aug 23, 1944, but it appears that
					the plane was repaired and returned to service, since the IARC also shows
					the aircraft condemned again Nov 20, 1944 because of a crash.  On Nov 13, 1944
					the plane crashed into a hill near Plottes 8km N of Tournus, France.  All 9
					onboard killed.  MACR 15253 and Accident Report 45-11-13-506 refer to this loss.
				95947 (391st BG, 572nd BS) damaged by AAA 15 mi W of Koblenz, Germany and crash landed at Mersch, Luxembourg 
					Feb 24 1945.  MACR 12695.  Two crew killed, 3 bailed out and evaded capture, pilot stayed with aircraft
					and flew it to Allied lines.
				95948 (Air Transport Command) in ground accident at roberts Field, Liberia Jan 12, 1944 while on ferry
					flight.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95949 (450th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crash landed 5 km S of Billers Boucage,
					Normandy, France Jun 15, 1944.  MACR 6117.  5 crew became POW, 2 evaded capture.  The crew set
					the aircraft on fire.
				95950 (575th BS, 391st BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at RAF Matching, Essex, England May 12, 1944.  All
					six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95951 (Air Transport Command) in landing accident at Roberts Field, Liberia Apr 2, 1944 while on ferry
					flight.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95953 (496th BS 344th BG, 9th AF) crashed at Broken Green Farm, Standon, England due to engine failure Aug 30, 1044.
					Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95954 (17th BG, 34th BS, 12th AF) lost on ferry flight 70 mi E of Sardinia in Tyrrhenian Sea  Jun 14, 1944.  MACR 5824.
					3 crew and 9 passengers killed.
				95959 (34th BS, 17th BG, 1st Tactical Air Force) in taxiing accident at Dijon-Longvic airfield Y-9, France Feb 14, 1945.
					All crew survived, aircraft DBR.
				95964 (494th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA E of Caen, France and crashed near Lisieux, France Jul 24, 1944.  MACR 7478.
					All 6 crew bailed out, four became POW, one was killed when his parachute failed to open, and one evaded capture.
				95967  was Y5-P "Rosie O'Brady" in 495th BS, 344th BG.
				95969 (17th BG, 432nd BG, 12th AF) shot down by AAA over Staz di Campoleone, Italy Feb 20, 1944.  MACR 2399.
					Five crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				95970 (450th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) shot down at night by Bf 110G-4 believed flown by Lt Gerhard Wagner
					from NJG 5/9 Jul 8, 1944.  MACR 6625.  3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				95974 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26B 42-95861 at Cormeilles-en-Vixin 
					airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France and crashed Mar 28, 1945.  Unknown number of crew killed, 
					aircraft was destroyed.
				95975 (Air Transport Command) in taxiing accident at Val de Caes Belem, Brazil Jan 23, 1944 while on ferry
					flight.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95976 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at Cormeilles-en-Vixin airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France due to engine
					failure Dec 29, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95977 (450th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61 Picardy,
					France Jan 16, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				95978 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26G 43-34437 at Cormeilles-en-Vixin 
					airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France Mar 13, 1945. Able to land.  All crew survived,  
					aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95980 (344th BG) damaged by AAA, crew abandoned aircraft Oct 2, 1944.
				95981 (344th BG, 494th BS) in midair collison over Theydon Mount,
					Epping, Essex Mar 8, 1944.  All on board both aircraft killed.
					Wreckage found Feb 22/23, 1975
				95982 (344th BG, 496th BS) shot down by AAA Mar 24, 1945.
				95983 (440th BS, 319th BG, 12th AF) in takeoff accident at Decimomann Airfield, Sardinia Sep 3, 1944.  All crew
					survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				95987 (17th BG, 34th BS, 1st Tactical Air Force) shot down by Me 262A-1a/R-1 flown by Fw Otto Kammerdiener of JV 44
					 5 mi W of Schwabmunchen, Germany Apr 24, 1945.  MACR 14165.  All six crew killed
				95988 (438th BS, 319th BG, 12th AF) collided in midair with another aircraft 3 mi SE of Cagliari, Italy Jun 15, 1944.
					All crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				95991 (320th BG  442nd BS) crash landed due to battle damage on Aug 19, 1944 at Decimo, Corsica.
				95992 (442nd BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff at Alto airfield, Corsica Nov 4, 1944.  2 crew killed,
					3 survived.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				95997 (319th BG, 439th BS) crashed on takeoff Sep 23, 1944
				96003 (17th BG, 37th BS, 1st Tactical Air Force) shot down by AAA 1.5 km S of Cell am Harmersbach, Germany 
					Dec 24, 1944.  MACR 11594.  5 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				96006 loaned to French AF for training, tranferred fo French AF in North Africa Jul 1944.
				96007 to French AF
				96010 (17th BG, 95th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA over Toulon, France Aug 20, 1944.  MACR 7865
					There is a famous photo of this plane going down with the
					starboard wing on fire and an engine falling off.  4 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				96011 (319th BG, 437th BS) lost in crashed May 2, 1944.
				96013 (444th BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff one mile from end of runway at Decimomannu airfield, Sardinia
					Aug 15, 1944 after loss of power.  All 6 crewmen were injured but able to get out and survived.
					Aircraft destroyed by fire.
				96021 (17th BG, 34th BS, 12th AF) shot down by AAA near Bosco, Italy Jul 20, 1944.  MACR 6682.  6 crew killed,
					2 bailed out (one became POW, one evaded capture)
				96022 (441st BS, 320th BG, 12th AF) crashed in Mediterranean Sea from unknown cause 40 mi off south coast of Sardinia
					Jun 17, 1944 while of ferry flight from Algeria to Sardinia .  MACR 6039.  All 5 crew and 8 French soldier
					passengers were killed.
				96025 (319th BG, 438th BS) crashed into sea on return Aug 19, 1944
				96027 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at unknown location Jul 1944.  All 7 crew survivded.
					Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
42-96029/96228		Martin B-26B-55-MA Marauder
				96029 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2.5 km E of Le Parc, 14 KM E of St Pol, 
					France Apr 20, 1944.  MACR 4217.  All 6 crew bailed out and became POW.
				96030 served with 394th BG, 585th BS from Mar 1944 until Aprl 12, 1945.
					Damaged in battle on or about Apr 12, 1945 and condemned May 1945.
				96031 (394th BG, 585th BS) abandoned by crew Dec 13, 1944
				96032 (387th BG) lost Feb 24, 1945.  MACR 12607.  Also listed as force landed at RAF Great Dunmow
					Apr 8, 1944 due to engine failure.  4 crew killed, 2 injured and survived.  MACR 15193
				96033 (387th BG, 558th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 5 mi NNE of Amiens, France Aug 28, 1944. MACR 8613.
					Three crew killed, three bailed out, two of which became POW, and one evaded capture.
				96037 (432nd BS, 17th BG) crashed May 12, 1945 near Fontenelle, France while on test flight.  All 8 aboard killed.
				96038 (551st Service Squadron, 347th Service Group, 8th AF) in landing accident at Atkinson Field,
					British Guiana Apr 21, 1944 while on ferry flight.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96039 (586th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landade at RAF Boreham, Essex, England due to engine
					failure Apr 20, 1944.  All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96040 (394th BG, 586th BS) shot down W of Dulmen, Germany by Fw 190D-9 flown by Ofhr Johann
					Spahn of JG 26/5 Feb 21, 1945.  MACR 12590.  4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				96041 (323rd BG, 455th BS) damaged by AAA and crew bailed out Apr 8, 1945.
				96042 (394th BG, 586th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Neuvilette, 5 km S of Frevent, France
					Apr 20, 1944.  MACR 4218.  6 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				96043 (587th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74 Cambrai,
					France due to mechanical failure Dec 9, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96044 (394th BG, 585th BS) collided with 43-34228.  Both crashed Feb 25, 1945
				96049 (587th BS, 394th BG) shot down AAA Feb 21, 1945 on mission to Vlotho railway
					Bridge near Munster, Germany.  MACR 12560. 5 crew bailed out and became POW.  One died in
					hospital of wounds.
				96050 (394th BG, 587th BS) collided in bad weather with 41-96263 over county of
					Kent, England and both crashed Jun 6, 1944.  Crashed at East Couurt Farm,
					Gillingham, Kent, England.
				96051 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, Cambrai,
					France Jan 11, 1945.  All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96052 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing at RAF Hurn, Dorset, England Aug 9, 1944
					due to engine failure.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96053 (394th BG, 586th BS) crashed into hillside in bad weather Dec 2, 1944
				96056 (586th BS, 3904th BG, 9th AF) in ground accident while parked at Tour-en-Bessin Airfield A-13
					Basse-Normandie france Oct 21, 1944.  Damaged by explosion of B-26F 42-96267 which crashed on
					takeoff and its bombs exploded.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				96057 (394th BG, 585th BS) crashed near Guisse Dec 2, 1944
				96058 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 1/2 km So f Leglautiers, 7 km ESE of 
					Saint Just-en-Chaussee, France May 10, 1944.  MACR 4513.  All 6 crew bailed out and became POW.
				96060 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at unknown location Apr 13, 1944.  All 6 crew 
					survived.  Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96061 (394th BG, 584th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Rommersheim, Germany Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 11402.
					4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				96067 (322nd BG, 451st BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA Apr 16, 1945, 2-5 mi from Wittenburg, Germany. 
					MACR 14453. All 6 crew bailed out and became POW.
				96068 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at unknown location Jul 18, 1944.  All 6 crew survived,
					aircraft damage, unknown if repaired.
				96069 (587th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at RAF Boreham, Essex, England due to engine
					failure May 31, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96071 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed after hitting telephone pole on takeoff at Cambrai/Niergnies
					airfield A-74 Cambrai, France Jan 9, 1945.  All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown
					if repaired.
				96073 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with P-47D 42-75278 at RAF Debach, Suffolk,
					England May 17, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96077 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at Laon/Athies Airfield A-69 Picardy, France
					Dec 3, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96078 (397th BG, 599th BS, "Slightly Dangerous") crashed at Rivenhall Jun 17, 1944.
				96079 (394th BG, 587th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA NW of Abbeville, France Apr 22, 1944.  MACR 4602.
					All 6 crew bailed out.  4 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				96080 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed near Fresnay, 30 mi NW of Le Mans,
					France Aug 9, 1944.  MACR 9206.  3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				96083 (386th BG, 554th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA E of Tours, France Jul 31, 1944.  MACR 7661.
					3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and were captured and became POW.
				96084 (386th BG, 554rd BS, 9th AF) crashlanded at RAF Manston, Kent, Englnd while returning from an aborted
					mission Sep 11, 1944.  All six crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96086 (394th BG, 587th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 4 km W of Lunbres, 15 km W of Saint Omer,
					France Apr 21, 1944.  MACR 4615.  Three crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				96087 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2 mi WSW of Caen, France Jun 22, 1944.  MACR 6383
					All 8 crew killed.
				96091 (HQ Squadron, 397th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at RAF Heston, Middlesex, England Oct 3, 1944.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96092 (387th BG, 559th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed near Andernach, Germany Feb 24, 1945.  MACR 12607.
					All eight crew bailed out, six became POW, one was killed, and one evaded capture.
				96093 (397th BG, 596th BS) blew tire on takeoff, gear collapsed, burned Jul 18, 1944
				96094 (344th BG, 496th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Biebrich, Germany and crshed between Weisbaden and Biebrich,
					Germany Mar 9, 1945.  MACR 12952.  4 crew killed, 3 bailed out (2 became POW, one believed evaded capture)
				96096 (553rd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing at RAF Deanland, Sussex, England
					due to engine failure and fuel exhaustion Jul 12, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96100 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Bessancoutt, 6 km SE of Pontoise, France May 27, 1944.  
					MACR 5123.  One crewman killed, 5 bailed out and were captured and became POW.
				96101 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 12 km SE of Pontoise, France Aug 9, 1944.  MACR 7841.
					All 9 crew bailed out and 4 became POW.  3 evaded capture, 2 were killed.
				96102 (391st BG, 573rd BS) ran out of fuel over Rochford, UK Sep 24, 1944
				96103 (585th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) engines failed and crashed at Louppy-sou-Loisou, France Dec 12, 1944.
					All 6 crew bailed out and survived, aircraft was destroyed.
				96105 (585th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crash landed at airstrip near Cherbourt, France after being hit by
					flak Aug 2, 1944.  Pilot died of injures, 5 bailed out, but one killed.  4 survived but 2 were injured.
				96110 (599th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) crash landed near Rye, East Sussex, England Jun 7, 1944 due to
					engine failure.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96111 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72, Estress Mons,
					France Feb 2, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96113 (585th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Lisieux, France Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7652.  Six
					crew kiled, 2 bailed out and fate unknown.
				96115 (397th BG, 597th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Germany Feb 15, 1945.  No MACR.  Fate of crew unknown.
				96116 (386th BG, 553rd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 1/4 mi W of Jouy-le-Moutier, France Jun 11, 1944.  MACR 5713.
					All 6 crewmen bailed out, four were captured and became POW, one was killed when his parachute failed
					to open.
				96117 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Saint Leu, 7 km SW of Creil, France 
					Jun 12, 1944.  MACR 6050.  5 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				96118 (397th BG, 597th BS) shot down by AAA and crashed at Beaumont-le-Roger, France Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7876.
					All six crew bailed out and became POW.
				96120 (397th BG, 597th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Sartrouville, France Jun 24, 1944.  MACR 6197.
					All six crew bailed out, 5 became POW, one evaded capture.
				96121 (397th BG, 597th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Sartrouville, France Jun 24, 1944.  MACR 6199.
					All 6 crew bailed out, 4 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				96122 (599th BS, 397th BW, 9th AF) crash landed near Rye, East Sussex, England due to mechnical failure.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96123 (397th BG, 597th BS) crashed
				96124 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) crashed after takeoff 3 km SE of Wassigny France Feb 28, 1945.  MACR 15875.
					All six crew killed.
				96127 (397th BG, 597th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Bazemont, France Jun 24, 1944.  MACR 6200.
					All six crew killed.
				96129 (397th BG, 598th BS, 9th AF) hit by AAA over  Bretville, France Jul 7, 1944 and flew until crashed
					2 km W of Pont l'Eveque Calvados.  MACR 6632.  4 crew killed, 4 bailed out and became POW.
				96130 (Air Transport Command) lost over South Atlantic during ferry flight Feb 20, 1944 from Ascension
					Island to Roberts Field, Liberia.  MACR 3006.  All 5 crew killed.
				96132 (598th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) crashed in English Channel 400 yds off Friston, East Sussex Jun 17, 1944.  
					It had been hit by flak and was returning on one engine.
					1 crewman was KIA by flak, 5 crew survived.
				96133 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Paris, France Jun 24, 1944.  No MACR.  Fate of
					crew of six unknown.
				96134 (397th BG, 599th BS) hit by AAA and abandoned by crew Dec 25, 1944
				96135 (397th BG, 599th BS, 9th AF) crashed at Grange Hill, Coggeshall, UK Jun 17, 1944 after ran out of fuel
					while returning from mission to France.  MACR 15301.  Aircraft was damaged by AAA and one engine was out.
					MACR 15301.  Seven crew killed, one survived.
				96137 (397th BG, 597th BS) shot down May 13, 1944
				96138 (397th BG, 598th BS) hit by fighters, crashed and burned Jul 9, 1944
				96142 assigned to 596th BS, 397th BG, 98th BW, 9th Bomber Command, 9th AF in Europe.
					Named "Dee-Feater"
				96143 (397th BG, 596th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Amberville, 15 km ESE of Dieppe, France
					May 8, 1944.  MACR 4429.  All six crew bailed out, 4 became POW, 2 evaded capture.
				96144 (397th BG, 596th BS, 9th AF, "Bank Nite Betty") shot down Dec 23, 1944 over
					St. Vith, Germany.  All 7 crew KIA.  MACR 11483
				96148 (397th BG, "Philly Filly") crashed on return from mission Dec 23, 1944
					but was repaired and returned to service.  With 596th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF in takeoff accident at
					Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72, Estress Mons, France Apr 19, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft
					badly damage, unknown if repaired.
				96151 (596th BS, 297th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons,
					France Apr 4, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96152 (397th BG, 596th BS, 9th AF, "Missouri Mule II") crashed 5 mi SE of Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72
					Estress Mons, France due to engine failure while on routine training flight Apr 5, 1945.  MACR 15919.
					All three crew killed.
				96153 was X2-N "The Joker" in 596th BS, 397th BG.
				96156 (596th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Luneville Airfield Y-2, France Apr 16, 1945.
					All crew survived aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired. 
				96158 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause 25 mi SE of Trier, Germany
					Apr 4, 1945.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96159 (Air Transport Command) crashed on takeoff at Val de Caes Belem, Brazil Mar 2, 1944 while on ferry flight.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96160 (397th BG, 598th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Stadecken, Germany Mar 18, 1945.  Pilot able to
					fly for 4 more minutes, then crashed.  MACR 13140.  Pilot killed in crash, 6 crew bailed out and became
				96161 (397th BG, 598th BS, 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons, France
					Dec 12, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96162 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) crashed 1 mi S of Courtisols, France due to snow storm while on
					weather recon mission Jan 30, 1945.  MACR 15662.  All six crew killed.
				96163 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons, France
					Nov 25, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96164 (558th BS, 387th BG, 9th AF) transferred June 18, 1944.  Shot down by AAA and crashed at Budenheim
					4 km NW of Koblenz, Germany Feb 14, 1945. MACR 12343.  4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
				96165 599th Bomb Squadron, 397th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force "Big Hairy Bird"
				96166 (397th BG, 599th BS, 9th AF) crash landed at RAF Newchurch, Kent, UK May 24, 1944 due to one
					engine out and flak damage while returning from a mission.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96168 (397th BG, 599th BS) in midair collision with B-26B 42-96169 NE of Courtalain, France, spun and 
					crashed Aug 3, 1944.  MACR 7870.  All 9 crew killed.
				96169 (599th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in midiair collision with B-26B 42-96168 at Courtalain, France, 
					landed at Tour-en-Bessin Airfield A-13, France Aug 3, 1944.  Repaired and transferred to 394th BG.
					Crashed during wheels-up belly landing at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, Cambrai, France Mar 1, 1945 
					due to mechanical failure.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyued.  MACR 7870.
				96170 (599th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing in friendly territory in France after one engine
					caught fire and failed and flak damage Aug 10, 1944.  Three crew bailed out 2 mi NW of Conde-sur-Noireau,
					France and returned to duty.  6 crew stayed with aircraft and survived.  Aircraft badly damaged,
					unknown if repaired.
				96171 assigned to 599th BS, 397th BG, RAF Hurn, Bournemouth, England .  In forced landing 18 mi NS of Rheims,
					France Jan 22, 1945 after ran out of fuel.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96172 (599th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Laon/Athies Airfield A-69 Picardy, France
					Jan 13, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96173 (394th BG, 584th BS) damaged by flak and fighters and abandoned Mar 2, 1945
				96174 (397th BG, 599th BS) crashed in UK May 11, 1944
				96177 (397th BG, 599th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Thoiry, 27 km N of Rambouillet, France
					 Jun 24, 1944.  MACR 6218.  All six crew bailed out, 3 became POW, 3 evaded capture.
				96179 (387th BG, 558th BS, 9th AF) in crashed during wheels-up belly landing 1 mi S of Chateaqudun Airfield
					A-39, France Oct 5, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96182 (397th BG, 599th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot of JG 11 Dec 23, 1944 and
					crashed at Udersdorf, Germany.  MACR 11487.  5 crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				96183 (599th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons, 
					France Jan 11, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96184 (554th BS, 386th BG, 9th AF) hit by AAA over Trouville, France and crashed in English Channel 1 mi off the coast
					of Trouville, France Aug 6, 1944.  MACR 7875.  All 6 crew bailed out, 5 were captured and became POW, one
					was killed when his parachute failed to open.
				96188 (397th BG, 596th BS) crashlanded Jul 7, 1944 after bombing near Caen.
				96189 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Cormeilles-en-Vixin airfield A-59 Boissy l'Aillerie, France
					Jan 14, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96190 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) damaged by AAA, abandoned by crew over Isle of Wight May 12, 1944.  
					MACR 11384.  All six crew bailed out, four were rescued, two bailed out over the target in France (one
					was killed, one MIA)
				96191 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF)in landing accident at Venlo Airfield Y-55, Netherlands Apr 25, 1945.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96193 (397th BG, 599th BS) crashed in UK Jun 7, 1944.
				96194 (597th BS, 397th BGk 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons, France
					Apr 16, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96195 (586th BS, 394th BG, "Barbara Ann") flew 147 combat missions. Shot down by AAA over Gey, Germany 
					Nov 18, 1944.  Fate of crew of 6 unknown
				96196 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing near Whitehall Farm, Norfolk, England Jun 8, 1944 due
					to engine failure.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96197 (397th BG, 596th BS, 9th AF) crashed during wheels up belly landing 1 mi S of Roisel, France due
					to engine failure Mar 10, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96199 (387th BG, 557th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Chantres, France May 26, 1944 and crashed near
					Andrevillers, 8 kmSE of Chantres, France.  MACR 5034.  3 crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				96201 (397th BG, 599th BS, "Blind Date") wrecked on return
					to base after mission of Dec 23, 1944.
				96203 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) in landing accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61
					Picardy, France Dec 23, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed
				96204 (58rth BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AA over Neuwid, Germany Nov 21, 1944.  8 crew killed,
					one bailed out and became POW.
				96206 (394th BG, 587th BS, 9th AF) shot down over Schijndel AB, Netherlands Feb 9, 1945.  Fate of crew
				96207 (586th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26G 43-34212 over Cambrai/Epinoy airfield
					A-75, Cambrai, France and crashed Dec 18, 1944.  Unknown number of crew killed.
				96209 (386th BG, 553rd BS) crashlanded in France Jul 31, 1944
				96210 (394th BG, 587th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 3 km W of Bricy Airfield near Orleans, France
					Jun 14, 1944.  MACR 6194.  All six crew killed.
				96213 (394th BG, 586th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Heltern, Germany Mar 22, 1945.  MACR 13040.
					Three crew killed, 3 bailed out and became POW.
				96214 (344th BG, 494th BS) hit by AAA and crashed into hillside at Chanly, Belgium Nov 19, 1944.  
					MACR 13038.  2 crew killed, 4 bailed out and survived and returned to unit.
				96215 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) crashlanded at RAF Andrews Field, Essex, England due to engine failure
					Sep 19, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96216 (452nd BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Le Culot Airfield A-89, Belgium Apr 10, 1945.
					All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96219 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons,
					France Dec 1, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96220 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Moyland Forest, 7km SW of Kleve, Germany Oct 7, 1944.  
					MACR 9272.  3 crewmen killed, 3 bailed out and were captured and became POW.
				96221 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 2 km S of St Martin near Lisieux, France
					Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7853.  2 crew killed, four bailed out and evaded capture.
				96223 (1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional) 9th AF) shot down NNE of Euskirchen, Germany by 
					Fw 190-A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit Dec 23, 1944.  5 crew killed, one bailed out and
					became POW.  MACR 15002
				96224 (394th BG, 585th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Lisieux, France Aug 7, 1944.  MACR 7859.
					Five crew killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				96225 (450th BS, 322nd BG, 8th AF) shot down by AAA at Wittenburg, Germany Apr 16, 1945.  MACR 14463.
					5 crewmen killed, one bailed out and became POW.
				96226 (394th BG, 584th BS, 9th AF) hit by AAA near Grevenbroich, Germany left formation under 
					control with engine on fire Feb 14, 1945.  Crashed 4 km N of Niederkruchten, 14 km W of Muchen-Gladbach,
					Germany.  MACR 12345 .  3 crew kiled, 3 bailed out and became POW.
42-96229/96328		Martin B-26F-1-MA Marauder
				96230 converted to TB-26F.  Damaged in taxiing accident at Frederick AAF, OK Jul 2, 1945.
				96234 (555th BS, 386th BG, 9th AF) shot down by AA over Caen, France Jul 18, 1944.  MACR 7048.
					Four crew killed, two bailed out and evaded capture.
				96237 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
				96243 crashlanded in France Dec 1944.
				96244 (497th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at RAF Zeals, Wiltshire, England Aug 9, 1944.  All crew survived,
					but aircraft was destroyed.
				96246 (387th BG, 559th BS, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause at RAF Chipping Ongar, Essex, England Jul 17, 1944.
					Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96249 (394th BG, 587th BS, 9th AF) collided with 42-107592 and crashed Jun 6, 1944.  MACR 15750.  
					The collision took place over Battle, East Sussex, on the south coast of England, while on mission
					to bomb gun emplacements in Varreville, France on D-Day.  The crew of
					42-96249 all were killed when the plane crashed at Ashburnham Place.  The
					crew of 42-107592 remained on board to jettison bombs before crashing at
					Whatlington Level, only the pilot survived. 
				96251 (Air Transport Command) crashed on takeoff at Marrakech airfield, Morocco Mar 27, 1944 during ferry
					flight.  5 killed, aircraft was destroyed. 
				96252 (586th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crashed during landing near Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France
					due to engine failure Dec 23, 1944.  All six crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96254 (322nd BG, 451st BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and creah-landed on Normandy beachhead, France 
					Aug 6, 1944.  MACR 15285.  5 crew killed, one survived
				96256 (454th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF, "Ugly Duckling") hit by rocket fired by Me 262A-1a/R-1 flown by Uffz Johann Karl Muller of JV 44 
					near Memmingham, Germany and crashlanded in Germany near Allied lines Apr 20, 1945.  MACR 14151.  
					1 crewman killed, 5 survived.
				96257 (452nd BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) on one engine, abandoned by crew over English Channel Jul 30, 1944.
					MACR 12267.  All 6 crew bailed, 5 were rescued, one was killed.
				96259 (645th BS, 410th BG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61 Picardy, France Jan 8, 1945.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96261 (453rd BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) hit by AAA over Limburg, Germany Feb 25, 1945.  MACR 13088.  2 crew bailed out
					and became POW.  Able to return to base with 4 crew.  Unknown if repaired.
				96262 (586th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France due
					to engine failure Dec 23, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96263 (394th BG, 587th BS) collided in bad weather with 42-96050 over Gillingham, county of
					Kent, England, both crashed Jun 6, 1944.  Crashed into an orchard at Corporation Road,
					Gillingham, Kent, England.  MACR 16040.  All six crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96265 (451st BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61, Picardy,
					France Feb 14, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96266 (322nd BG, 451st BS, 9th AF) crashed at Vernando-Villers, France Jan 22, 1945.  All crew 
					killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96267 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at Tour-en-Bessin Airfield A-13 Basse-Normandie,
					France Oct 21, 1944.  Aircraft stalled due to prop wash and crashed  on the runway and bombs
					exploded.  One crewman killed, 5 survived.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				96268 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) in landing accident at Clastres Airfield A-71, Picardy, France Nov 25, 1944.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96270 (322nd BG, 445th BS, 9th AF) hit by flak over Eschwieler, Germany Sep 23, 1944 and crash landed at Airfield
					A-73 that was under construction at Liege, Belgium.  MACR 9097.  All 6 crew survived, but 2 were wounded.
					Aircraft broke in half while being removed from field and was salvaged.
				96271 (584th Bs, 394th BG, 9th AF) collided with 43-34141 on takeoff at Orleans-Bricy airfield A-50, 
					France Oct 8, 1944 and crashed.  All six crew killed.  Aircraft was destroyed.
				96272 (587th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France
					Feb 2, 1945.  All six crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96273 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) in wheels-up belly landing at RAF Great Dunmow, Essex, England
					Aug 9, 1944.  All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96274 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons,
					France Dec 25, 1944.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96275 (386th BG, 553rd BS, 9th AF) exploded in midair over Dorsel, Germany after hit by a bomb dropped from
					above by another B-26 Dec 15, 1944.  MACR 11484.  All 6 crew killed.
				96277 (452nd BS, 322nd Bg, 9th AF) in landing accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61, Picardy,
					France Jan 16, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96278 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) hit by AAA over France and crash landed at British airfield
					B-10 at Plumetot, France Aug 11, 1944.  5 crew bailed out over the airfield, pilot landed the aircraft.
					Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96279 (450th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) collided in midair with B-26G 43-34132 at Beauvais/Tille Airfield
					A-61, Picardy, france Dec 31, 1944.  Able to land.  All crew survived, aicraft damaged, unknown
					if repaired.
				96280 (397th BG, 597th BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot of JG 11 Dec 23,1944 and
					crashed at Kinzenburg, Germany.  MACR 11349.  All 6 crew bailed out and became POW
				96284 (386th BG, 552nd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 3 km N of Cleres, 20 km N of Rouen, France Aug 16, 1944.  
					MACR 7647.  3 crew killed, one due to hia parachute on fire after bailout, four crew bailed out and
					were captured and became POW.
				96286 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) crashlanded at RAF Great Dunmow, Essex, England Aug 9, 1944.  All 6 crew	
					survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96288 (397th BG, 596th BS, 9th AF) collided in midair with another aircraft near Beauraing, Belgium Nov 30, 1944.
					All crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96289 (397th BG, 599th BS, 9th AF) hit by AAA near Dreux, France Aug 9, 1944 and crash landed at
					La Grande Rosiere, France.  MACR 7788.  3 crew killed, 3 crew became POW.
				96291 (380th Service Squadron, 70th Service Group, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Laon/Athies Airfield A-69
					Picardy, France Jan 22, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96292 (322nd BG, 451st BS) left engine on fire, dropped out of formation Nov 18, 1944
				96293 (449th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61, Picardy,
					France jAN 29, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96294 (585th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crashed during landing at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France
					Jan 13, 1945.  All six crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96297 (597th BS, 397th Bg, 9th AF) in landing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons,	
					France Apr 25, 1945.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96300 (586th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Arien, Belgium Jan 23, 1945.  Unknown
					number of crew killed. Aircraft was destroyed.
				96301 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) exploded from unknown cause at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France
					Mar 26, 1945.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96302 (597th BS, 397th BS, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Dreux/Vernouillet Airfield A-41, France
					Sep 15, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96304 (496th BS, 344th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at RF Steeple Morden, Cambridgeshire, England Jul 8, 1944.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96305 (17th BG, 37th BS) damaged and ditched in sea Jul 12, 1944
				96306 (597th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) MIA over Burgbernheim, Germany Mar 28, 1945.  MACR 13519.
					All 6 crew MIA and believed killed.
				96307 (326th Ferry Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at RAF Grove, Oxfordshire,
					England May 14, 1944 while on ferry flight.  Unknown number of crew killed, aircraft was destroyed.
				96308 (598th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Peronne/St Quentin Airfield A-72 Estress Mons, 
					France Oct 8, 1944.  All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96309 (387th BG, 557th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Witry, Belgium Dec 23, 1944.  MACR 10877.
					Three crew killed, four bailed out and evaded capture.
				96313 (391st BG, 572nd BS) crashed on landing Jan 22, 1945
				96314 (391st BG, 574th BS) crashlanded near base Aug 17, 1944
				96315 (598th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF) in forced landing 1/2 mi E of Hamelet, France after ran out
					of fuel Feb 2, 1945.  All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
				96322 assigned to 320th BG
				96324 (386th BG, 555th BS) shot down by AAA over France Jul 18, 1944.  MACR 7048
				96325 (449th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Creil Airfield A-81, France Nov 8, 1944.
					All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
				96326 (584th BS, 394th BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Cambrai/Niergnies Airfield A-74, France
					Mar 24, 1945.  All six crew survived, aircraft badly dmaged, unknown if repaired.
				96327 (387th BG, 558th BS) lost to enemy action Jul 18, 1944
				96328 (17th BG, 37th BS, 1st Tactical Air Force) shot down by Me 262A-1a/R1 flown by Genlt Adolf Galland of JV 44 
					over Neuburg, Germany Apr 26, 1945.  MACR 14164.  All six crew killed.
42-96329/96428		Martin B-26F-2-MA Marauder
				For RAF and SAAF as Marauder III HD402/HD501
				96329 to RAF as Marauder III HD402.  SOC May 30, 1946
				96330 to RAF as Marauder III HD403.  Destroyed by fire after swinging on takeoff from
					Shandur, Egypt Aug 14, 1944
				96331 to RAF as Marauder III HD404.  Dove into ground on approach to El Shatt when
					engine caught fire Sep 27, 1944
				96332 to RAF as Marauder III HD405.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96333 to RAF as Marauder III HD406.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96334 to RAF as Marauder III HD407.  Collided with Marauder HD450 (ex 42-96377) over
					Kufur Nigm, Egypt Sep 19, 1944.  Returned safely to base but not repaired and
					presumably subsequently scrapped.
				96335 to RAF as Marauder III HD408.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96336 to RAF as Marauder III HD409.  Destroyed at Pescara, Italy Sep 9, 1944 when
					bomb exploded while being fused.
				96337 to RAF as Marauder III HD410.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96338 to RAF as Marauder III HD411.  SOC Mar 21, 1946
				96339 to RAF as Marauder III HD412.  SOC May 6, 1946
				96340 to RAF as Marauder III HD413.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96341 to RAF as Marauder III HD414.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96342 to RAF as Marauder III HD415.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96343 to RAF as Marauder III HD416.  DBR Jul 4, 1944.
             		96344 to RAF as Marauder III HD417.  Caught fire in air and crashed on approach to
             			Khartoum, Sudan Jun 3, 1944.
             		96345 to RAF as Marauder III HD418.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96346 to RAF as Marauder III HD419.  Crashed in jungle near Atkinson Field, British
             			Guiana Apr 11, 1944 after engine cut on takeoff.
             		96347 to RAF as Marauder III HD420.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96348 to RAF as Marauder III HD421.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96349 to RAF as Marauder III HD422.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96350 to RAF as Marauder III HD423.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96351 to RAF as Marauder III HD424.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96352 to RAF as Marauder III HD425.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96353 to RAF as Marauder III HD426.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96354 to RAF as Marauder III HD427.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96355 to RAF as Marauder III HD428.  Wrecked when bellylanded at Kasfareet,
             			Egypt Jun 18, 1945 after undercarriage jammed
             		96356 to RAF as Marauder III HD429.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96357 to RAF as Marauder III HD430.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96358 to RAF as Marauder III HD431.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96359 to RAF as Marauder III HD432.  Crashed on takeoff from Accra, Gold coast Apr 23, 1944
             		96360 to RAF as Marauder III HD433.  Lost Jul 6, 1944
             		96361 to RAF as Marauder III HD434.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96362 to RAF as Marauder III HD435.  Crashed on takeoff from Accra, Gold Coast Apr 30, 1944
             		96363 to RAF as Marauder III HD436.  DBR when overshot during forced landing at Iesi, Italy
             			Dec 2, 1944 after engine failed in circuit.
             		96364 to RAF as Marauder III HD437.  Crashed on takeoff and blew up, Kabrit, Egypt Jul 6, 1944
             		96365 to RAF as Marauder III HD438.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96366 to RAF as Marauder III HD439.  SOC Mar 21, 1946
             		96367 to RAF as Marauder III HD440.  SOC Mar 21, 1946
             		96368 to RAF as Marauder III HD441.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96369 to RAF as Marauder III HD442.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96370 to RAF as Marauder III HD443.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96371 to RAF as Marauder III HD444.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96372 to RAF as Marauder III HD445.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96373 to RAF as Marauder III HD446.  Collided with Marauder HD559 (ex 42-96484) and crashed
             			El Shatt  Feb 9, 1945
             		96374 to RAF as Marauder III HD447.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
             		96375 to RAF as Marauder III HD448.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96376 to RAF as Marauder III HD449.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
             		96377 to RAF as Marauder III HD450.  Collided with Marauder HD407 (ex 42-96334) Sep 19, 1944
             			and crashed into Great Bitter Lake, Egypt
             		96378 to RAF as Marauder III HD451.  Wrecked when struck by Mustang FB246 (ex 42-103140) whilst
             			parked at Iesi, Italy Nov 16, 1944
             		96379 to RAF as Marauder III HD452.  Crashed into sea after takeoff from Pescara, Italy Aug 14, 1944
             		96380 to RAF as Marauder III HD453.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96381 to RAF as Marauder III HD454.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96382 to RAF as Marauder III HD455.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96383 to RAF as Marauder III HD456. Relegated to ground instructional airframe Sep 28, 1944
             			and presumably subsequently scrapped
             		96384 to RAF as Marauder III HD457.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96385 to RAF as Marauder III HD458.  SOC Jun 27, 1946
             		96386 to RAF as Marauder III HD459.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
             		96387 to RAF as Marauder III HD460.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96388 to RAF as Marauder III HD461.  Collided with Maraude HD547 (ex 42-96474) and crashed
             			Mar 14, 1945 during raid on Pontebba, Italy
             		96389 to RAF as Marauder III HD462.  Relegated to ground instructional airframe Feb 22, 1945
             			and presumably subsequently scrapped.
             		96390 to RAF as Marauder III HD463.  Swung on takeoff and broke up at Kabrit, Egypt Aug 14, 1944.
             		96391 to RAF as Marauder III HD464.  Dove out of cloud into ground 8 mi SE of Iesi,
             			Italy Feb 20, 1945.
             		96392 to RAF as Marauder III HD465.  Shot down by AAA over Pontelagoscure Aug 14, 1944
             		96393 to RAF as Marauder III HD466.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96394 to RAF as Marauder III HD467.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96395 to RAF as Marauder III HD468.  Wrecked when swung on takeoff and undercarriage
             			collapsed, Ciampino, Italy Sep 19, 1944
             		96396 to RAF as Marauder III HD469.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96397 to RAF as Marauder III HD470.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96398 to RAF as Marauder III HD471.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96399 to RAF as Marauder III HD472.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96400 to RAF as Marauder III HD473.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96401 to RAF as Marauder III HD474.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96402 to RAF as Marauder III HD475.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96403 to RAF as Marauder III HD476.  Soc Mar 14, 1946
             		96404 to RAF as Marauder III HD477.  Shot down by AAA over Arsa Mar 8, 1945
             		96405 to RAF as Marauder III HD478.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96406 to RAF as Marauder III HD479.  Missing from navigational exercise Jan 6, 1945
             		96407 to RAF as Marauder III HD480.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96408 to RAF as Marauder III HD481.  Shot down by AAA 12 mi NE of Ferrara, Italy Apr 21,1945
             		96409 to RAF as Marauder III HD482.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96410 to RAF as Marauder III HD483.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96411 to RAF as Marauder III HD484.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
             		96412 to RAF as Marauder III HD485.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96413 to RAF as Marauder III HD486.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96414 to RAF as Marauder III HD487.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96415 to RAF as Marauder III HD488.  SOC Mar 18, 1946
             		96416 to RAF as Marauder III HD489.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96417 to RAF as Marauder III HD490.  Shot down by AAA ov er Rimini, Italy Sep 4, 1944
             		96418 to RAF as Marauder III HD491.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96419 to RAF as Marauder III HD492.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96420 to RAF as Marauder III HD493.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96421 to RAF as Marauder III HD494.  Crashed in forced landing 3 mi E of Bilbeis, Egypt
             			Feb 13, 1945 after engine failure
             		96422 to RAF as Marauder III HD495.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96423 to RAF as Marauder III HD496.  Exploded when ditching 3 mi S of Senegallia, Italy after
             			engine caught fire Dec 26, 1944
             		96424 to RAF as Marauder III HD497.  SOC Mar 14, 1946.
             		96425 to RAF as Marauder III HD498.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
             		96426 to RAF as Marauder III HD499.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96427 to RAF as Marauder III HD500.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
             		96428 to RAF as Marauder III HD501.  Exploded on bombing run Dec 29, 1944 
42-96429/96528		Martin B-26F-6-MA Marauder
				For RAF and SAAF as Marauder III HD502/HD601
				96429 to RAF as Marauder III HD502.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96430 to RAF as Marauder III HD503.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96431 to RAF as Marauder III HD504.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96432 to RAF as Marauder III HD505.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96433 to RAF as Marauder III HD506.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96434 to RAF as Marauder III HD507.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96435 to RAF as Marauder III HD508.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96436 to RAF as Marauder III HD509.  Crashed 4 mi S of Forli, Italy when
					abandoned after flak damage Dec 11, 1944
				96437 to RAF as Marauder III HD510.  SOC Feb 28, 1945
				96438 to RAF as Marauder III HD511.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96439 to RAF as Marauder III HD512.  W/o when bellylanded 90 mi W of Geneina
					after engine failure May 30, 1944
				96440 to RAF as Marauder III HD513.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96441 to RAF as Marauder III HD514.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96442 to RAF as Marauder III HD515.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96443 to RAF as Marauder III HD516.  SOC Mar 14, 1947
				96444 to RAF as Marauder III HD517.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96445 to RAF as Marauder III HD518.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96446 to RAF as Marauder III HD519.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96447 to RAF as Marauder III HD520.  DBR when struck while parked by USAAF B-24
					at Iesi, Italy Oct 16, 1944
				96448 to RAF as Marauder III HD521.  Wrecked when overshot landing at 
					Rimini, Italy Feb 8, 1945.
				96449 to RAF as Marauder III HD522.  SOC Mar 21, 1946
				96450 to RAF as Marauder III HD523.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96451 to RAF as Marauder III HD524.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96452 to RAF as Marauder III HD525.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96453 to RAF as Marauder III HD526.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96454 to RAF as Marauder III HD527.  SOC Nov 30, 1944
				96455 to RAF as Marauder III HD528.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96456 to RAF as Marauder III HD529.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96457 to RAF as Marauder III HD530.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96458 to RAF as Marauder III HD531.  SOC Jun 27, 1946
				96459 to RAF as Marauder III HD532.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96460 to RAF as Marauder III HD533.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96461 to RAF as Marauder III HD534.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96462 to RAF as Marauder III HD535.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96463 to RAF as Marauder III HD536.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96464 to RAF as Marauder III HD537.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96465 to RAF as Marauder III HD538.  SOC Apr 11, 1946
				96466 to RAF as Marauder III HD539.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96467 to RAF as Marauder III HD540.  SOC Mar 28, 1946.
				96468 to RAF as Marauder III HD541.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96469 to RAF as Marauder III HD542.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96470 to RAF as Marauder III HD543.  Damaged by explosion of Marauder HD501 (ex 42-96428) and
					crashed Dec 29, 1944
				96471 to RAF as Marauder III HD544.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96472 to RAF as Marauder III HD545.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96473 to RAF as Marauder III HD546.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96474 to RAF as Marauder III HD547.  Collided with Marauder HD461 (ex 42-96388) and crashed
					near Pontebba, Italy Mar 14, 1945
				96475 to RAF as Marauder III HD548.  DBR Jun 4, 1944.
				96476 to RAF as Marauder III HD549.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96477 to RAF as Marauder III HD550.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96478 to RAF as Marauder III HD551.  SOC May 1945
				96479 to RAF as Marauder III HD552.  Wrecked when overshot following abandoned takeoff and
					undercarriage collapsed, Biferno, Italy Jun 5, 1945
				96480 to RAF as Marauder III HD553.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96481 to RAF as Marauder III HD554.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96482 to RAF as Marauder III HD555.  Crashed during ferry flight at Maidaguri Dec 6, 1945
				96483 to RAF as Marauder III HD556.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96484 to RAF as Marauder III HD557.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96485 to RAF as Marauder III HD558.  SOC Jun 27, 1946
				96486 to RAF as Marauder III HD559.  Collided with Marauder HD446 (ex 42-96373) during
					formation practice and crashed at El Shatt Feb 9, 1945
				96487 to RAF as Marauder III HD560.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96488 to RAF as Marauder III HD561.  SOC Mar 21, 1946
				96489 to RAF as Marauder III HD562.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96490 to RAF as Marauder III HD563.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96491 to RAF as Marauder III HD564.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96492 to RAF as Marauder III HD565.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96493 to RAF as Marauder III HD566.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96494 to RAF as Marauder III HD567.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96495 to RAF as Marauder III HD568.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96496 to RAF as Marauder III HD569.  Destroyed when swung on takeoff, hit other aircraft
					and bombload exploded at Iesi, Italy Jan 11, 1945
				96497 to RAF as Marauder III HD570.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96498 to RAF as Marauder III HD571.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96499 to RAF as Marauder III HD572.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96500 to RAF as Marauder III HD573.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96501 to RAF as Marauder III HD574.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96502 to RAF as Marauder III HD575.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96503 to RAF as Marauder III HD576.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96504 to RAF as Marauder III HD577.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96505 to RAF as Marauder III HD578.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96506 to RAF as Marauder III HD579.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96507 to RAF as Marauder III HD580.  Lost power and crashed on approach to Pescara, Italy
					Sep 27, 1944
				96508 to RAF as Marauder III HD581.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96509 to RAF as Marauder III HD582.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96510 to RAF as Marauder III HD583.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96511 to RAF as Marauder III HD584.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96512 to RAF as Marauder III HD585.  Crashed after crew abandoned aircraft following flak
					damage near Castelfranco, Italy Jan 27, 1945.
				96513 to RAF as Marauder III HD586.  SOC Mar 14, 1946 
				96514 to RAF as Marauder III HD587.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96515 to RAF as Marauder III HD588.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96516 to RAF as Marauder III HD589.  Blew up on bombing run during raid on Gothic Line, Italy
					Aug 31, 1944
				96517 to RAF as Marauder III HD590.  SOC Sep 28, 1946
				96518 to RAF as Marauder III HD591.  Hit by flak and crashed in sea 5 mi SE of Rimini, Italy
					Sep 13, 1944
				96519 to RAF as Marauder III HD592.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96520 to RAF as Marauder III HD593.  DBR when nosewheel collapsed on landing at Aviano,
					Italy May 18, 1945
				96521 to RAF as Marauder III HD594.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96522 to RAF as Marauder III HD595.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96523 to RAF as Marauder III HD596.  Crashed after crew abandoned aircraft following
					flak damage ove Rimini, Italy Sep 4, 1944
				96524 to RAF as Marauder III HD597.  SOC Apr 14, 1946
				96525 to RAF as Marauder III HD598.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
				96526 to RAF as Marauder III HD599.  SOC Mar 28, 1946
				96527 to RAF as Marauder III HD600.  SOC Feb 22, 1945
				96528 to RAF as Marauder III HD601.  Crashed when drifted off runway during single-engined
					landing at Fano, Italy Jan 18, 1945.
42-96529/96802		Curtiss C-46A-45-CU Commando
				MSN 30191/30464
				96708/96710, 96722, 96728, 96751, 96765, 96780,
					96782/96784, 96786, 96787 delivered and accepted as C-46D-1-CU.
				96605, 96756 converted to TC-46A.
				96529 (MSN 30191/CU727) delivered to USAAF Jun 1944. Attached to 16CCS/4CCG at Bowman Field, 
					Louisville, Ky had a minor take off accident due to an engine failure on Sep 8, 1944. 
					Repaired then another minor accident while landing after a maintenance failure on 
					Sep 24,. 1944. On Apr 13, 1950 attached to 2469AFRTC at Scott AFB, IL a taxi accident. 
					Again now attached to 2465AFRTC at 
					Wold Chamberlian Field, MN another taxi incident at Atebury AFB on Aug 23, 1950. WFU & stored Davis Monthan AFB, AZ 
					Jan 1965. Sold ex Davis Monthan minus engines. 
				96530 (MSN 30192/CU728) DBR Aug 19, 1944 while parked at Casablanca-
					Cazes Aerodrome, Morocco when C-54 42-107452 taxied into it.
				96531 (MSN 30193/CU729) DBR Dec 13, 1944
				96533 (MSN 30195/CU731) WFU and stored MASDC.  Bought by C-46 Parts Inc
					Mar 2, 1965 registered as N91360.  Bought by American Holdings
					Inc May 1969.  Bought by Domaire SA in 1970 registered HI-164.
					Bought by Servicios Aereos Curtiss in 1973 registered as CP-1052.
					Bought by Servicios Aereos Virgen de Copacabana (SAVCO) in 1973.
					Crashed near San Francisco de Moxos, Bolivia Feb 23, 1974 when
					an electrical storm with severe turbulence probably caused the 
					failure of ropes securing the cargo.  Center of gravity
					shifted, causing loss of control  Wreckage found 2 days later.
					All 7 onboard killed.
				96534 (MSN 30196/CU732) Damaged while parked at Bergstrom Field, TX
					by taxying C-46 43-46977.  WFU and stored at Walnut Ridge, AR.
					Bought by Sun Chemical Corporation in 1947 and registered NC50263.
					Bought by China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) Oct 1948
					registered XT-164.  Bought by Civil Air Transport in 1949
					registered N8383C.  Reregistered N1376N May 1955.  Bouht by Lloyd
					Aereo Columbiano Mar 1956 registered as HK-391, named "Santa Maria".
					DBR in forced landing on beach after engine trouble, Puerto
					Colombia, Colombia Jun 26, 1958 and broken up.
				96537 (MSN 30199) w/o 1 Oct 1944 in takeoff accident at Luliang, China.  Condemned Oct 3, 1944
				96538 (MSN 30200/CU736) delivered to USAAF Jul 11, 1944. WFU & stored Jul 1946. to SU-AFP Sep 30, 1950.  To EP-ACW.   
					Modern Air Transport bt. 1953, cvtd to C-46T Nov 1955, 
					reg. N50549. Nordair bought 1961, registered CF-NAD. Eastern Provincial 1962 leased, returned 1963.  Crashed when 
					it landed short Cape Dyer, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada May 15, 1967. Four fatal.
				96539 (MSN 30201) w/o 1 Mar 1953 cr in a snowstorm near Avon, IN.  Crew bailed out
				96540 (MSN 30202) to XB-XYZ-931 for ferry flight out of USA; ; [probably XB-JED for ferry to Israel 1948].   
					Registered Feb48 as XB-JED to Proveedora Mundial, S.A.; cancelled before end of 1954.  
					Ferried Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico to Brownsville, Texas 11Apr48
					Detained in Geneva, Switzerland by Swiss government for suspected delivery to Israel
					Israeli Air Force Aug49 as 1711. For operation by ? 106 Squdron, Ekron AB, but probably NTU.
					Registered 11Oct49 as 4X-ACT. 
					By 1954 was 4X-ALC of ARKIA-Airlines in Israel, Ltd.  To N5141B 27Jan56; AN-AIR 26Mar56; N4198A 12Feb59
					revoked Jan 14, 1977, cancelled Jun 12, 2012
				96541 (MSN 30203/CU739) delivered to USAAF Jul 1, 1944. Damaged 21/8/44 in an accident El Geneina, Sudan. Crashed Feb 23, 1945, 
					116 miles north of Wadi Seidna, Sudan after an engine failure.  MACR No 16025
				96542 (MSN 30204/CU740) delivered to USAAF Jul 6, 1944. Attached to Squadron C/10TU at Rosecrans Field, MO had a ground accident 
					after a landing on Feb 6, 1945. Transferred  to Reconstruction Finance Corp. Nov 6,  1945. WFU & stored Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. 
					Sun Chemical Corp. bought 1949 reg. N50315. Transporte Carga Aera bought 1949 reg. PP-XCP, transferred to Loide Aero 
					Nacional Nov 1949, rereg. PP-LDB Jan 18, 1950. Operated by Transportes Aéreos Bandeirantes w/o when it crashed into 
					Guannabara Bayon after a missed approach to Santos Dumont, Rio Janeiro, Brazil on Sep 9,  1950.
				96543 (MSN 30205/CU741) to N91368, to B-1549.  Registered to China A/Ls 12 Dec 1967
					To Air America as CA-1 in 1966.  To B-1549 again Nov 1970.
				96544 (MSN 30206/CU742) delivered to USAAF Jul 6, 1944.  W/o (DBR) when it fatally crashed at Abadan, Iran Feb 18, 1945.
				96546 (MSN 30208) condemned for salvage Feb 20, 1946 by Army-Navy Liquidation Commission
				96547 (MSN 30209) condemned for salvage Feb 20, 1946 by Army-Navy Liquidation Commission 
				96548 (MSN 30210) lost Sep 2, 1944, China.
				96549 (MSN 30211) burned (no details), condemned Dec 20, 1944.
				96550 (MSN 30212) missing (no details), condemned Apr 5, 1945.
				96551 (MSN 30213) missing (no details), condemned Sep 30, 1944
				96552 (MSN 30214) condemned May 17, 1945
				96553 (MSN 30215/CU751) delivered to USAAF Jun 19, 1944.  W/o when crashed after midair collision with C-46 42-96699 near
					Hsing, China Oct 10, 1944.  Condemned Oct 13, 1944
				96554 (MSN 30216) crashed (no details), condemned Nov 24, 1944
				96555 (MSN 30217) sold to Indian government Apr 10, 1946.  To PP-LDZ 14Nov56; PP-NBO 30Jul58. Scrapped circa Feb71
				96557 (MSN 30219) condemned for salvage Jan 20, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission.
				96558 (MSN 30220) w/o Mar 23, 1945, CBI??
				96559 (MSN 30221, ICATC) crashed enroute from Chengkung to Chabua Jan 7, 1945.  Crew survived
				96560 (MSN 30222/CU758) delivered to USAAF July 4 1944. Attached to 15CCS/4CCG at Bowman Field, Louisville KY had a landing 
					accident on Oct 25, 1944. Transferred. to Reconstruction Finance Corp. Oct 26, 1945. WFU & stored Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. 
					Sun Chemical Corp. bought 1948 reg. N50316. CNAC bought 1949 reg. XT-170. Another one of the many aircraft flown by CNAC to 
					Hong Kong after the Nationalist defeat May 1949 on the mainland, impounded by the British Governor (Sir Alexander Grantham) Hong 
					Kong Government under threat of the new Communist Chinese 'Red' Government (Chinese Peoples Republic) . Reg. as N8386C, a US 
					State Department governmental ploy to achieve (regain) ownership.  Civil Air Transport (CAT Inc.) bought 1949 reg. 
					N8386C, rereg as N2023A, 1953. Hearst Enterprises Ltd. bought Mar 1955 reg. CF-HVJ. World Wide Airways bought 1955. W/o when
					 it crashed in Quebec Providence, Canada Jun 18, 1955. 
				96562 (MSN 30224) to N50790, to PP-XCQ, PP-LDJ, PP-LBF, 08/61 
					registered Dutch Antilles as PJ-AEC, 10/65 registration canceled, 
					w/o as CP-786 on Sept. 15, 1966 at River Yapacani, near Santa Cruz, Bolivia
				96563 (MSN 30225) To PTA Nov 1966 as PP-BUD, registered as CP-940 Mar 1971 operated by TABSA & w/o 22 Apr 1972 
					in crash near El Desenano
				96566 (MSN 30228) to Events Air Fuel Co 2/23/1960.  to N808Z 10Oct60, canx as WFU 8Nov60. Restored as N1419Z Jul63. WFU 1971 at 
					Boeing Field, Seattle, WA; airworthy again Jun81.  as N1419Z.  Crashed into mountain in bad weather Dec 21, 2000 near 
					Cook Inlet, Alaska.  Crew of 2 killed.
				96567 (MSN 30229) involved in ground accident on 25 Dec 1944 at Payne Fd, Cairo, Egypt-repaired?
				96568 (MSN 30230) condemned for salvage Jan 20, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission.  To PP-BUD, canx 19Dec69.   Crashed at El Desengano
				96571 (MSN 30233) condemned Jul 7, 1945.
				96573 (MSN 30235/CU771) delivered Jun 24, 1944.  In landing accident
					in CBI area Apr 11, 1945.  Declared DBR Apr 13, 1945.
				96574 (MSN 30236/CU772) delivered Jun 30, 1944. In landing accident
					Nov 22, 1944 at Paoshan, China.  Declared DBR Feb 8, 1945.
				96575 (MSN 30237/CU773) delivered Jun 22, 1944.  Crashed and destroyed
					by fire Oct 21, 1944 at Gaya Station 20, India
				96578 (MSN 30240/CU776) to Flying Tigers as N4860V.  Leased and returned.
					Jan 1956 to Interior Airways, leased and returned to Reeve
					Aleutioan Airlines, Inc, taken over by Alaska Airlines.
					To Alaska International Air, taken over by MarkAir.
					Damaged Dec 4, 1964 when pilots misjudged a landing on a cleared
					strip on a frozen lake near Oliktok Pt, AK.  To
					Fairbanks Air Service.  While operated by Fairbanks Air Service as N4860V
					w/o while landing at Deadhorse, Alaska Mar 27, 1975.  IFR flight
					plan was cancelled on approach to runway, but VFR approach
					was executed and touched down short of runway, right main
					gear separated and power was applied for a go-around.  No 2
					engine did not respond, prop was feathered, and plane underwent
					a belly landing.  No fatalites among the two on board.  Plane was
					rebuilt and to Great Northern Airlines, 1976 to Everts Air Fuel, unused.
					Derelict at Fairbanks Airport by Apr 1978.
				96579 (MSN 30241) crashed (no details) Sep 19, 1944, China.
					Condemned Sep 30, 1944.
				96580 (MSN 30242) YV-C-JTE, to N7840B Riddle Airlines.  Crashed 
					March 30, 1959, Alma, GA due to onboard fire.  Crew of 2 
				96581 (MSN 30243/CU79) transferred Apr 15, 1946 to Chinese AF.
					WFU and stored.  Bought by Officine Aeronavali Jun 1951 and
					registered as PP-VBY.  Bought by Varig Jan 1952 and converted
					to Super 46C May 1962.  Bought by Carolina Aircraft Corp
					Feb 1972 and registered as N355BY.  Bought by Aviation Sales
					and Services Jul 13, 1972. Bought by Franklin J. Lindsay
					Feb 27, 1975.  Bought by Lease Company General, Inc Sep 8, 1976. Assigned HK-2020 but NTU.
					Bought by Barbara Barnes Feb 3, 1977.  Bought by Bush Aviation
					Inc Feb 8, 1977.  Bought by BWI Leasing Inc Sep 14, 1979.
					Crashed Norman Cay, Bahamas Nov 15, 1980 when runway was blocked by construction equipment.
				96584 (MSN 30246) to 91-1137 Japan Air Self Defence Force (JASDF).  
					Preserved as ground trainer.
				96585 (MSN 30247/CU783) crashed on takeoff at Zacatecas, Mexico Jan 5, 1948
				96586 (MSN 30248/CU784) w/o Jul 7, 1945 in takeoff accident Kunming, China
				96587 (MSN 30249/CU785) WFU and stored Jul 1946.  Bought by Lebanese
					International Airways in 1954 as OD-ABX, reregistered as OD-ACK in
					1956. Crashed into sea shortly after takeoff, Beirut, Lebanon
					Oct 3, 1957.  All 27 onboard killed.
				96588 (MSN 30250/CU786) crashed in India Jun 27, 1945
				96590 (MSN 30252/CU788) salvaged in Cairo Jul 23, 1946.  Sold by Egyptian government to 
					Officine Aeronavili (Venice) Aug 1955.  Bought
					by Sunday and Company Dec 1955 and registered as N9889F.
					Bought by Boreas Corp Sep 1956 and converted to C-46R.  Bought
					by Fred Olsens Flyselskap A/S Nov 18 1957 and registered as
					LN-FOR.  Bought by Continental Air Services Jun 29, 1971 
					registered as XW-PHM, rerergistered as N336CA Jul 9, 1974.
					Bought by Amco Air International Mar 11, 1976.  Bought by Tri-9
					Singapore (Pte) Ltd Dec 14, 1976, which was a CIA front.  Bought again by Amco Air
					International Jul 7, 1977.  Bought by Daniel T. Cooley (Kris
					Air) Sep 13, 1977 and named "Manatee II".   Bought by Max E.
					Moore Nov 6, 1978.  WFU and stored Nov 1978.  Scrapped at 
					Sanday and Company, Seletar, Singapore in 1979.
				96591 (MSN 30253)  To CU-C153, to Cuban AF as '610' Sep 1958, Sold as 
					N3926C date?, sold as YV-C-BNA date?
				96592 (MSN 30254) involved in takeoff accident on 1 Jun 1945 at Casablanca-repaired
				96593 (MSN 30255) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96594 (MSN 30256/CK792) delivered Jul 20, 1944.  Crashed Jun 18, 1945
					mear Chabua, India when ran out of fuel due to weather.
				96595 (MSN 30257/CK793) WFU and stored Jul 1946.  Bought by Egyptian
					Government in 1955.  Bought by Officine Aeronavali late 1955.
					Bought by Sunday and Company Inc Sep 4, 1956 and registered as
					N9888F.  Bought by Boreas Corp Oct 18, 1956 and converted to
					C-46R.  Bought by Fred Olsens Flyselskap A/S  Nov 18, 1957
					registered as XW-PHN, reregistred N337CA Jul 9, 1974.  Bought
					by Amco Air International Feb 16, 1976.  Bought by Tri-9 Singapore
					(Pte) Ltd Jan 25, 1977, which was a CIA front.  Bought again by Amco Air International
					Jul 7, 1977.  Bought by Daniel T. Cooley (Kris Air) Sep 11, 1977.
					Bought by Max E. Moore Nov 6, 1978.  WFU and stored Nov 1978
					Seletar, Singapore.  Scrapped at Sanday and Company, Seletar, Singapore Jan 1981
				96597 lost Jan 15, 1945, India
				96598 (MSN 30260/CK796) delivered to USAAF Jul 12, 1944, damaged in a takeoff accident Tingkawk Sakan AB, Burma on Mar 22, 1945. 
					Bought by Indian Government Apr 10, 1946. WFU & stored.  Bought by Western Hemisphere Import Export Co., 
					Panagarh, India in 1955. Bought by Loide Aero Nacional Jan 11, 1956 reg. PP-LDY Apr 23, 1957, cancelled
					Nov 28, 1957. Bought by Western Hemisphere Import Export Co. Aug 1957.  Bought by Paranese Transportes 
					Aereos Sep 10, 1957, rereg. PP-BTE Mar 10, 1958, named "Brasilia" Mar 10, 1958.  
					W/o after it crashed Jun 27, 1962 after overshooting runway at Pedro Afonso, Guias, Brazil.
					The plane veered to the left after touchdown, pilot elected to takeoff again and ordered copilot to retract
					the gear, but he did so prematurely and the plane sunk back onto the runway.  
				96600 (MSN 30262) to N9904F Riddle Airlines.  Crashed 17 Dec 17, 1955 in cornfield
					near Hollywood, SC due to inflight structural failure.  Crew of 2 killed.
				96602 (MSN 30264) to N9903F Riddle Airlines (Airlift International.  Damaged beyond
					repair August 27, 1964 in Miami hurricane.
				96603 (MSN 30625) Stored at MASDC 10 Jan 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959, Sold as N5098K to Dascomp in 1960, 
					to HP-352 in 1961, operated by Aerovias Internacional Balboa
				96605 (MSN 30627) converted to TC-46A crew trainer.
				96606 (MSN 30268) to N89BL, to HK-3238 Coral Columbia (Super C46).  To N355BX Carolina Aircraft Corp./Florida Aircraft 
					Leasing, to N8863 cancelled Oct 18, 1977, to HH-AHC Ded 28, 1977.  To N84905.  has had temp Reg. Of YV-C-SBS
					To PP-VBX.  PP-VBX w/o Sep 29, 1991,  Villavicencio, Columbia.  The no.2 engine oversped and the pilot couldn't make it 
					back to the airport. A belly landing was made and the C-46 ran through a ditch, broke 
					up and caught fire.  One passenger was killed.
				96607 (MSN 30269) to Colombian civil registry as HK-812 Aeropesca, wing damaged on 11 Jul 1973 at La 
					Vanguardia.  At Bogota Mar 1988 no engine
				96608 (MSN 30270/CK806) with 1333 AAFBU damaged Nov 23, 1944 in takeoff accident
					at Sookerating, India.  Crashed Jun 27, 1945 15 mi E of Pao-Shan, China
					when crew bailed out after engine problems.
				96609 (MSN 30271) to OD-ABZ of Lebanese International Airlines,
					then OD-ACL.  To Boreas Corp in 1951 as N1001A.  In 1962
					to Alitalia as I-SILA, to N10624 with Aaxico Airlines, to 
					North American A/C Trading.  Was registered to Miami Air
					Lease when ditched off Andros, Bahamas Sep 28, 1979.
				96611 (MSN 30273/CK809) DBR in takeoff accident Aug 8, 1945 at Cairo-Payne
					Field, Egypt.
				96612 (MSN 30274/CK810) w/o after engine failure Feb 15, 1945 near Mohanbari, India
				96613 (MSN 30275/CK811) w/o when destroyed by fire at Jinwani Airport, India
					Feb 10, 1945.
				96615 (MSN 30277) to N9906F Riddle Airlines, to Zantop.  To Clarks Aerial Service 28 Jul 1972, 
					to Aerospace International, Miami 9 Jun 1979.  N9906F cancelled 30 May 2013
				96616 (MSN 30278) condemned for salvage Jan 21, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96617 (MSN 30279) to N9891F Riddle Airlines, to Zantop.  Turbomeca Palas booster jets installed in Italy 
					Nov53 by Varig [the first user]
				96621 (MSN 30283) to Services Aeriens Int d'Egypte (SAIDE also as Arabian American
					Airlnes) as SU-AFS, next to Iran National Airlines as EP-ACM, to N50574,
					to Real Transports Aereos (Brazil) as PP-YQE, to Varig as PP-VCF.  Crashed after
					takeoff at Bage, Brazil Apr 7, 1957 as result of fractured fuel line and
					subsequent fire. 35 passengers and 5 crew killed.
				96626 (MSN 30288/CK824) WFU and stored Jul 1946.  Bought by Officine Aeronavali
					in 1954 and registered as PP-LDX.  Bought by Loide Aero Nacional SA in 1955.
					Crashed on approach to Campina Grande, Brazil Sep 5, 1958.  13 of
					18 onboard killed.
				96629 (MSN 30291) To MASDC 28 Aug 1958, to reclamation 20 Jan 1964
				96632 (MSN 30294) condemned for salvage Apr 16, 1946
				96634 (MSN 30296) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96635 (MSN 30297) transferred to Chinese AF May 15, 1946
				96636 (MSN 30298) condemned for salvage Jan 23, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96637 (MSN 30299) lost Feb 12,1945, China.
				96638 (MSN 30300) to SU-AFP, then to Iran National Airlines as EP-ACW, to Varig as PP-VDI,
					to Lineas Interamericana Aerea as HK-607, to Varig again as PP-VCL, to
					N4085A, to Carabische Lucht Transport Maatschappi (Air Caribbean of
					the Dutch Antilles) as PJ-CLD.  To N65306, to Transportes Aereos
					Latinoamericanos (TALA Colombia) as HK-1857.  Crashed Mar 9, 1977 at Puerta
					Inirida, wreck later moved to Bogota and repaired.  Badlly damaged in aborted
					takeoff at El Yopon (Casanare) May 15, 1979
				96639 (MSN 30301/CK837) crashed 176 km W of Kunmong (32 km N of Tsuyung, China) after
					inflight engine fire Oct 29, 1944.
				96640 (MSN 30302) condemned for salvage Jul 4, 1945
				96642 (MSN 30304) condemned for salvage Sep 15, 1945
				96643 (MSN 30305) condemned for salvage Aug 20, 1945
				96644 (MSN 30306/CK842) crashed in China Feb 8, 1945, condemned Feb 10, 1945.
				96645 (MSN 30307/CK843) w/o Sep 30, 1944 in landing accident at Barrackpore, India
				96650 (MSN 30312/CK848) crashed after engine failure on takeoffat Misamari
					AB Station #11 (Deragaon), India Dec 19, 1944.
				96651 (MSN 30313) to N9892F Riddle Airlines, Aaxico Airlines, lsf Riddle Airlines
				96652 (MSN 30314) registered as N36964
				96654 (MSN 30316/CK852) to N9905F Riddle Airlines Sep 1956.  Leased by
					Capitol Airlines from Southern Aircraft Leasing Jun 1960 to 1964.
					Leased by Zantop Air Transport Jul 16, 1964.  Bought by Zantop
					Jun 30, 1966.  Crash landed gear up on a salt flat near Port Elizabeth, NJ after an engine
					failure on an overloaded takeoff from Newark Jul 28, 1966.  Two
					crew OK.
				96656 (MSN 30618/CK854) to YV-306C
				96658 lost Nov 15, 1944, Africa
				96659 (MSN 30321/CK857) to US Navy as 39544
				96660 (MSN 30322/CK858) to US Navy as 39545
				96661 (MSN 30323/CK859) to US Navy as 39546
				96662 (MSN 30324/CK860) to US Navy as 39547
				96663 (MSN 30325/CK861) to US Navy as 39548.
				96664 (MSN 30326/CK862) to US Navy as 39549.
				96665 (MSN 30327/CK863) to US Navy as 39550.
				96666 (MSN 30328/CK864) to US Navy as 39551
				96667 (MSN 30329/CK865) to US Navy as 39552.
				96668 (MSN 30330/CK866) to US Navy as 39553
				96669 (MSN 30331) to N9902F Riddle Airlines, to Zantop.  Shamrock A/Ls 1971-1976, sold to Caribbean Air Services  Oct 1976
				96670 (MSN 30332) Q/o Aug 2, 1945 in landing accident at Chabua, India. Condemned for salvage Aug 7, 1945
				96673 (MSN 30335/CK871) DBR when bellylanded at Siakwan, China
					Jan 8, 1945
				96674 (MSN 30336/CK872) transferred to Chinese AF Apr 15, 1946.
					WFU and stored in 1948
				96675 (MSN 30337/CK873) transferred to Chinese AF Apr 15, 1946.
					WFU and stored in 1948
				96676 (MSN 30338)  To MASDC 20 Dec 1957, to reclamation 13 Nov 1963
				96680 (MSN 30342/CK878) DBR in landing accident at Luliang, China
					1944-45.  Condemned for salvage Jan 19, 1945
				96681 (MSN 30343/CK879) to RFC Jan 13, 1946.  WFU and stored at
					Bush Field, GA.  Bought by Sun Chemical Corp in 1949 and
					registered N51014.  Bought by Loide Aereo Nacional Dec 30, 1949
					and registered PP-XCS.  Reregistered as PP-LDI Jan 10, 1951.  In 
					Feb 1962 managed by VASP registered PP-LDQ May 17, 1954.  Crashed while on
					approach Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Dec 19, 1965 after engine failure.
					No fatalities, but aircraft DBR.
				96682 (MSN 30344/CK880) to MASDC Oct 15, 1957, to reclamation Jan 29, 1958.  Bought by L. B. Smith
					Aircraft Corp and registered N9341R.   Bought by Frigorificos
					Nueve Granada SA Oct 1961 and registered YV-P-GPL.  Bought
					by Tigres Voladores Aug 18, 1962 and registered YV-C-TGA.
					WFU and stored in 1971
				96683 (MSN 30345/CK881) to MASDC Sep 26, 1957, to reclamation Jan 29, 1958.  Bought by Cutler Corp
					in 1959 and registered N5585A.  WFU and stored 1959.
				96684 (MSN 30346/CK882) to RFC Nov 8, 1945.  WFU and stored at
					Walnut Ridge, AR.  Bought by Sun Chemical Corp in 1949
					and registered N51288.  Bought by transporte Carga Aerea Sep 16, 1949
					and registered PP-XCN, new name Loide Aereo Naticional later
					1949 registered PP-LDD.  DBR after belly landing at Campina
					Grande, Brazil Dec 17, 1950.
				96685 (MSN 30347/CK883) bought by Indian government Apr 10, 1946. WFU and
					stored.  Bought by Western Hemisphere Export May 1957.  DBR in
					hangar collapse at Panagarh, India Jun 19, 1957 
				96687 (MSN 30349) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946
				96688 (MSN 30350) to N51360; PP-XCU; PP-LDH 7Oct50; PP-BTG 7Jan59. DBR when ran off 
					runway at Rio de Janeiro, Santos Dumont, 6Jan59
				96689 (MSN 30351/CU887) crashed Yangkai, China Feb 27, 1945 in a downwind
					landing accident after overshooting the runway.
				96690 (MSN 30352) crashed near Reno, NV on routine training flight Jan 6, 1945, killing 5 crew members.
				96691 (MSN 30353) To MASDC 14 Jun 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959
				96693 (MSN 30355) transferred to Chinese AF Apr 15, 1946
				96694 (MSN 30356) sold to Indian government Apr 10, 1946
				96696 (MSN 30358) To MASDC 4 Apr 1958, to reclamation 6 Dec 1963
				96697 (MSN 30359) missing (no details), condemned Apr 6, 1945
				96698 (MSN 30360) To MASDC 13 Aug 1958, to reclamation 16 Mar 1964
				96699 (MSN 30361/CK897) delivered to USAAF Aug 7, 1944.  W/o when crashed after midair collision with C-46 42-96553
					near Hsing, China Oct 10, 1944.  Condemned Oct 11, 1944
				96700 (MSN 30362) to HK-605, Lineas Interamericana Aérea, w/o Jan 29, 1953 in 
					emergency landing nr Bogota.
				96701 (MSN 30363) to N1830M May 1950 Aaxico Airlines, temp Reg. CU-P267, 
					to HK-514 Jun 1950.  W/o Sep 16, 1958, Medellin, Colombia
				96702 (MSN 30364) to civil registry as N79559, registred as HK-165 
					for Avianca Colombia (Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia)
				96703 (MSN 30365) To MASDC 29 Aug 1958, to reclamation 20 Jan 1964
				96704 (MSN 30366) To MASDC 14 Mar 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959
				96706 (MSN 30368) To MASDC 20 Feb 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959
				96710 (MSN 30372) w/o Jul 7, 1945, CBI ?
				96712 (MSN 30374) to TI-1007 1949;  by 1954 was TI-1007C Sep 1959  of Lineas Aereas Costarricenses S.A.
					To TI-LRA 24Aug73; N8064E; YN-BVL. Crashed at Bonanza, Nicaragua 16May80
				96713 (MSN 30375) w/o Dec 16, 1944, China
				96714 (MSN 30376) condemned for salvage Jan 23, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96715 (MSN 30377) to N51385 29Apr48; CNAC as XT-166 28Oct48; CAT as N8384C 19Dec49, canx 26Feb53; CAT as N1377N May55; HK-870
				96716 (MSN 30378) w/o in mid-air collision with C-46A 41-12357
					Oct 26, 1944, Reno AAB, Nevada.  12 killed.
				96717 (MSN 30379) To MASDC 16 Jan 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959
				96720 (MSN 30382) To MASDC 3 May 1958, to reclamation 2 Feb 1959
				96721 (MSN 30783) (ICATC) missing enroute from Kunming to Chabua, India lost Jan 6, 1945. 4 crew, 9 passengers.
					Wreckage found on a snow-covered mountain side in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh in India 
					in the last week of January 2022
				96723 (MSN 30385) condemned for salvage Feb 6, 1946
				96724 (MSN 30386) sold to Indian Government Apr 10, 1946.  Became G-GTXW with Buffalo Airways.  DBR in belly
					landing at Deline Airport, NWT Sep 25, 2015 due to engine failure.  Crew of 4 uninjured.
				96726 (MSN 30388) w/o May 31, 1945 near Kunming, China.  Crew bailed out.
				96728 (MSN 30390) w/o Feb 25, 1945, CBI?
				96729 (MSN 30391) to MASDC Oct 9, 1957, to reclamation Jan 29, 1958.  To N9342R, cancelled Oct 27, 1961.
				96730 (MSN 30392) sold to Indian government Apr 10, 1946, later
					to N75388 with Riddle Airlines, to CP-800.  W/o 12 Dec 1969 in takeoff accident at Talcorani, 
					operator: Transportes Aereos Litoral 
				96731 (MSN 30393) to N1633M Mar 11, 1948.  To PP-YQL Sep 14, 1951, Varig, to N3964 Riddle Airlines, to 
					PP-LDT Jun 15, 1954.  To N10428 Mar 5, 1957.  Sold to CAUSA 15 Nov 1961 as CX-AZS, sold to ARCO in 1964
				96732 (MSN 30394/CU930) Delivered to USAAF 1Sep44. India China Division, Air Transport Command 1Oct44. 
					Karachi/Sindh, India. Sold to Government of India 10Apr46. American Airmotive Corporation Nov56. 
					Registered 29Aug57 as N7772B. Ferried to Miami, FL. Converted to C-46R. Registration cancelled 3Aug62 on
					export to Sweden. Temporary registration as SE-EDR 4Aug62; registered 14Aug62 to Transavia Sweden AB (Transair), 
					Malmö, Sweden. Ferried from Miami departing 7Aug62. WFU 31Oct65; stored Malmö. Paraense Transportes Aereos Jan67. 
					Registered 10Mar67 as PP-BUE. Ferried Malmö 3Jan67 via Paris, France; Malaga, Spain; Las Palmas, Canary Islands: 
					Dakar, Senegal; Recife, Brazil; arrived Belém, Brazil 10Jan67. Fairchild-Hiller Corporation, San Antonio, TX 4Jun69. 
					Traded in as part of the sale of six Fairchild FH-227 to Paraense Transportes Aereos. Registration cancelled 19Dec69. 
					TABSA (Transportes Aereos Benianos SA) 18Apr70. Registered as CP-916. Compania Sudamericana C & S 1973. 
					Transportes Aereos Bolivar 1977. Damaged beyond repair in La Paz, Bolivia 28Oct83. The Commando was 
					operating a cargo flight from El Salvador, Bolivia to La Paz, with 3 crew, 2 passengers and 5000 kg of meat 
					onboard. En route at 17,000 feet, the left engine failed with two loud bangs. Dense smoke entered the cabin. 
					The crew proceeded to shut down the engine. Efforts to feather the propeller failed and the engine continued 
					to burn. The crew expected not to be able to reach La Paz, located at an elevation of about 13,000 feet. 
					The two passengers tried to jettison packages of meat through a partly opened cargo door as the plane 
					kept descending over down-sloping terrain. Finally a forced landing was carried out on rocky terrain near 
					a river in a suburb of La Paz located at an elevation of about 10,700 feet. The engines separated on impact 
					and the airplane was destroyed
				96733 (MSN 30395) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96735 (MSN 30397) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946
				96736 (MSN 30398) w/o Oct 20, 1944, Kwanchan, China.  Condemned Oct 23, 1944
				96738 (MSN 30400) to PP-VBZ, Varig.  Crashed on takeoff 
					Jun 4, 1954, Sao Paulo-Congonhas Brazil due to elevator 
					being locked.  3 killed.  Also reported to have been condemned
					Mar 24, 1945 somewhere in CBI.
				96739 (MSN 30401) collision (no details), condemned Dec 14, 1944
				96740 (MSN 30402) condemned Jun 6, 1945
				96741 (MSN 30403) transferred to Chinese AF Apr 15, 1946
				96742 to Indian AF, then to Venezuela, then to Aeromar of 
					Dominican Republic as HI-171.  Derelict at Miami by 
					1989 and acquired by USAF for restoration; wrecked Jun 
					89 when being removed as underslung load by CH-54A - 
					cable snapped, helo became uncontrollable and 
					had to jettison load from 1500 ft
				96743 Damaged? at Depot Fd, Guam on 18 Mar 1946
				96744 (MSN 30406) To MASDC 12 Apr 1958, to reclamation 12 Jun 1960
				96745 (MSN 30407) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96746 lost Feb 13, 1945, Burma
				96747 (MSN 30409) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96748 (MSN 30410) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96750 (MSN 30412) in ground fire Mar 5, 1945 at Mohanbari AB, India.  Condemned for salvage Mar 10, 1945 
				96752 (MSN 30414) condemned for salvage Jan 23, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96753 (MSN 30415) condemned for salvage Jan 20, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96754 (MSN 30416) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96755 (MSN 30417) condemned for salvage Feb 6, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96756 converted to TC-436A crew trainer.  To MASDC Oct 4, 1957, to reclamation Jan 29, 1958
				96757 (MSN 30419) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96758 (MSN 30420) to MASDC, to reclamation Apr 8, 1964
				96759 (MSN 30421) condemned for salvage Feb 8, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission
				96761 (MSN 30423) w/o Jul 22, 1945 in landing accident at Sookerating, India.  Condemned for salvage Aug 4, 1945.
				96762 (MSN 30424) crashlanded Oct 16, 1944 Mohanbari AB, India.  Condemned Oct 18, 1944
				96763 (MSN 30425) condemned for salvage Feb 7, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission.
				96765 (MSN 30427) w/o Sep 17, 1945, CBI?
				96766 (MSN 30428) to N51392 Apr 29, 1948, to HK-156, to N75335 Sep 12, 1955 Riddle Airlines, ultimate fate obscure 
				96767 (MSN 30429) To MASDC 29 Mar 1958, to reclamation 12 Nov 1963
				96768 (MSN 30430) to N51424 Aaxico Airlines. Crashed into sea Apr 2, 1955 off 
					Pensacola, FL while flying through thunderstorm.  2 killed.
				96769 (MSN 30431/CK967) to US Navy as 39554
				96770 (MSN 30432/CK968) to US Navy as 39555
				96771 (MSN 30433/CK969) to US Navy as 39556
				96772 (MSN 30434/CK970) to US Navy as 39557
				96773 (MSN 30435/CK971) to US Navy as 39558
				96774 (MSN 30436/CK972) to US Navy as 39559
				96775 (MSN 30437/CK973) to US Navy as 39560
				96776 (MSN 30438/CK974) to US Navy as 39561
				96777 (MSN 30439/CK975) to US Navy as 39562
				96778 (MSN 30440/CK976) to US Navy as 39563
				96779 (MSN 30441) lost or damaged by enemy action (no details),
					condemned Dec 13, 1944
				96780 (MSN 30442) w/o Jan 4,1 945, CBI??
				96781 (MSN 30443) to PP-LDC, Loide Aéreo Nacional.  Ran off end of runway 15 April 1951 and
					into Guanabara Bay, Brazil.
				96782 (MSN 30444) w/o Jul 17, 1945, CBI ??
				96784 (MSN 30446) w/o Mar 5, 1945, CBI ??
				96785 (MSN 30447/CK983) to MASDC sep 24, 1957, to reclamation Oct 24, 1957.  Bought in 1960 by Aviation
					Supplies, Inc and registered as N5257V.  Boguht by Aerocarga
					Jul 17, 1961 and registered ZP-CAI, reregistered as ZP-CAQ
					Jun 28, 1962.  DBR in landing 50 km SSE of Curuzi Cuata,
					Argentina Jan 17, 1962.
				96786 (MSN 30448, "Sleepy Time Gal") crashed into sea 10 min from Darwin on flight to
					Biak from Darwin Feb 28, 1945.
				96788 (MSN 30450) To MASDC 23 Oct 1957, to reclamation 29 Jan 1958
				96789 (MSN 30451) crashed 20 mi W of Luliang, China Aug 16, 1945, crew bailed out.  Condemned Aug 17, 1945.
				96790 (MSN 30452/CK988) to US Navy as 39564.  To civilian registry as N13500. Sold to Transportes Aereos Nacionales de 
					Honduras as HR-TND. Sold to APSA of Peru as OB-R-829. Sold to Inair Panama as 
					HP-483. Scrapped at Tocumen.
				96791 (MSN 30453) condemned for salvage Feb 10, 1946 by Army-Navy
					Liquidation Commission.
				96792 (MSN 30454) to SU-AFU 13Aug49; N3940C; PP-YQI; PP-VCG 8Sep52. Cvtd to Super 46C Jul61. Canx 10Sep69. N8874; HH-AHD 3Feb78
				96794 (MSN 30456) to N50790; PP-LEE; PP-ASM 6Sep57; PT-BVG 19Mar63. Crashed 7Apr64 at La Fortune Field, Vieytes, BA with contraband
				96796 (MSN 30458) To MASDC 20 Dec 1957, to reclamation 18 Mar 1964
				96797 (MSN 30459) To MASDC 12 Apr 1958, to reclamation 16 May 1960
				96798 to N91370, to B-1551, to Air America as EM-2 Jun 1972.  W/o Jun 5, 1972 at Pleiku, Vietnam
				96800 (MSN 30462) to civil registry as N51578, registered as HK-157 for
					Avianca Colombia (Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia).  Next N75336.  Cancelled Jul 22, 1963, sold in Costa Rica.
				96801 (MSN 30463) to N3916C; PP-AXN; YV-C-ARO
42-96803/96828		Curtiss C-46A-50-CU Commando
				MSN 30465/30490.  96806, 96808/96812, 96814/96819, 96823/96826 delivered and accepted as C-46D-5-CU
				96803 (MSN 30465) sold to Wien Alaska Airlines Jun 17, 1948 as scrap (spare parts?).  To HC-SIA; N4761C 11Jul50, 
					canx 26Mar58; ZP-CBL leased 13Nov57; N4761C; HK-612 Jan60
				96804 (MSN 30466) leased to XT Reg. China National Aviation Corp, returned Mar 1950 and registered N8394C.
					Sold Mar 30, 1950 LIDCA Colombia as HK-331X, later HK-331.  Damaged Jan 1951 at Madrid, Cundinamarea.
					Sold Nov 15, 1951 to IBA Trading Corp and on same day to New York Car Wheel Co.  Sold Nov 29,195
					to Carmas Supply Corp and registered N3944C Dec 5, 1951.  Leased to Continental Charters Dec 1, 1951
					Sold to Aaxico Feb 29, 1952, sold to Riddle May 2, 1955, renamed Airlift
					International Nov 29, 1963.  Sold Aug 5, 1968 to Lauderdale Leasing Co.  to Flying W Airways of Medford, NJ
					Aug 7, 1968l  To Trans-Arctic Inc of Alaska Jun 30, 1969.  Cancelled Apr 18, 1973.  to CF-HQI of
					Reindeer Air Service of Inuvik, NWT.  In landing accident Jan 25, 1973 at Sach Harbor, NWT.  Cancelled
					Oct 1, 1976.  This may have been 44-78674. 
					However, N3944C is quoted as crashing with Continental Charters Dec 29, 1951 Salamanca, NY.  
					Departed Pittsburgh on a VFR flight plan. The crew flew at a low altitude in 
					order to maintain visual reference. Near Little Valley, NY the aircraft flew 
					into a wooded area on a hill, some 15 mi off the direct route to Buffalo.
					26 out of 40 on board killed. Planecrashinfo has this plane as being MSN 30466, and civil registration of N3944C
 					This may have been 42-96804  
					It might have been that both 42-96804 and 44-78674 had been registered as N3944C.
				96805 (MSN 30467) to N79053 with Slick. Stalled on climb out, force landed and slid into 
					four National Guard aircraft at Chicago Midway Airport Dec 10, 1947.  No fatalities
				96809 (MSN 30471/CK1007) w/o Oct 9, 1945, Kinkwa, China
				96813 (MSN 30475/CK1011) to US Navy as 39583
				96815 (MSN 30477/CK1013) w/o Dec 16, 1944, CBI ??
				96816 (MSN 30478/CK1014) w/o Jul 30, 1945 in crash 13 mi S of Myitkyina, Burma
				96819 (MSN 30481/CK1017) w/o Jan 30, 1945, CBI ??
				96820 (MSN 30482/CK1018) to US Navy as 39565. 
				96821 (MSN 30483/CK1019) Delivered to USAAF 15Sep44. North Africa Division, Air Transport Command 15Sep44. 
					India China Division, Air Transport Command 13Nov44. Karachi/Sindh, India 4Dec44. Sold to Government of 
					India 10Apr46. Registered as N2085A. Ferried to Miami, FL Apr56. L B Smith Aircraft Corporation, Miami, FL. 
					Converted by LB Smith to CW-20T. Registration cancelled 2Apr57 on export to Sweden. Registration SE-CFA 
					reserved 19Feb57; temporary registration 19Mar57. Registered 15Apr57 as SE-CFA to Transair Sweden AB, 
					Stockholm. Ferried Miami-Reykjavik-Bromma, Stockholm 4-7Apr57. Accident, Paris/Le Bourget airport, 
					France 18Feb58. After landing the aircraft used a taxyway to its designated parking position on the apron 
					in front of the terminal building. The brakes failed and the aircraft rolled into and collided with the terminal,
					cutting through the forward lower fuselage and sustaining considerable damage as a result. 
					Repaired on-site by SECA, Le Bourget and back in service 26Apr58. Type designation changed Super 46 
					to CW-20T 21Oct61. Leased to United Nations Operation in the Congo (Opération des Nations Unies au Congo, 
					or ONUC), Democratic Republic of the Congo 24Oct61. Departed Stockholm 24Oct61 arriving Leopoldville, 
					Democratic Republic of the Congo 27Oct61. Severely damaged after the aircraft bounced on landing, veered 
					to the left and ground looped whereby tail-wheel was torn off at Luluabourg, Democratic Republic of the 
					Congo 25Dec62; repaired and returned to service 9Mar63. Departed Leopoldville for Malmö, Sweden 19Apr63. 
					Damaged after landing on roll-out in strong winds, the aircraft yawed to the left whereby the left wing collided 
					with Italian Air Force Douglas C-47 SM-9 that was parked with its nose facing the runway at San Nicolo di Lido 
					Airport, Venice, Italy 4May63. Repaired, overhauled by Officine Aeronavali and converted to a Smith Super 46C. 
					Leased to Democratic Republic of the Congo Government; Transair Congo titles. Departed Malmö to Leopoldville 
					1Feb64. Departed Leopoldville 1Jun64 for Malmö, arriving 18Jun64. Sold to Torair AB, Göteborg 4Jun65. Sold to 
					Fairline Ltd AB, Malmö Nov66. Purchased by Aero Suppliers Establishment, Liechtenstein at auction Dec67. 
					Registration cancelled 18Apr68. Registered 25May68 as 9Q-CWN to Anstalt Wigmo, Kinshasa, Zaire. Anstalt 
					Wigmo was a CIA front, registered in Liechtenstein to manage Agency operations in the Congo. Delivered 
					from Malmö to Kinshasa, Zaire 19Jun68. Democratic Republic of the Congo Air Force / Force Aérienne 
					Congolaise 1969 as 9T-PLK. Wigmo continued to operate the aircraft until late 1969, when the Congolese 
					operation was renamed SODEMAC (Ste d'Entretien et de Maintenance d'Avion au Congo). The Commando 
					was operating a flight between Kinshasa and Kalemie, Zaire 15Jul70. In cruise, the left engine failed and 
					the crew elected to divert to Mbuji Mayi. Upon landing, the left tire burst, the aircraft ran into a ditch and 
					was damaged beyond repair
				96822 (MSN 30484/CK1020) lost May 3, 1945, India.
				96825 (MSN 30487/CK1023) w/o Sep 17, 1945, Nanponmao, Burma
				96828 (MSN 30490/CK1026) to N79974.
42-96829		Briegleb XTG-13-BR 
				Briegleb (Sailplane Corporation of America) BG-8 tandem two seat glider. Ordered 26Jun42. Delivered Nov42
42-96830/96832		Bowlus XTG-12A
				Bowlus-Dupont Sailplane Inc. XBM-5 side-by-side trainer. Ordered 28Apr42; cancelled 5Aug43.
42-96833/97032		Culver PQ-8A-CL Cadet
				Model LCA modified as radio-controlled target.  Survivors in 1948 became Q-8A-CL
				96834	 8th Ferrying Squadron, 4th Ferrying Group, Memphis MAP, TN. Damaged when force landed with 
					fuel exhaustion at Fremont, NB 28Mar43.
				96837	 Engineering Division, Wright Field, Dayton, OH. Damaged when force landed after engine 
					failure near Lebanon, OH 30Dec43.
				96838	 7th Tow Target Squadron, 4th Pilot Transition Training Group, March Field, Riverside, CA. 
					Destroyed landing at Bicycle Lake, CA 17Jan44.
				96866	 16th Ferrying Squadron, 5th Ferrying Group, Love Field, Dallas, TX. Damaged taxying at 
					Topeka AAB, Topeka, KS 12Aug43.
				96910	 4th Tow Target Squadron, Hunter Field, Savannah, GA. Destroyed landing with mechanical 
					failure at Camp Stewart Field, Hinesville, GA 23Jan44.
				96923	 6th Tow Target Squadron, Biggs Field, El Paso, TX. Destroyed taking off at Biggs Field 30Jan44.
				96929	 601st Ferrying Squadron, 5th Ferrying Group, Love Field, Dallas, TX. Damaged when force landed with 
					fuel exhaustion at Washington, MO 10Nov43.
				96931	 7th Tow Target Squadron, 4th Pilot Transition Training Group, March Field, Riverside, CA. 
					Fatal accident after losing control at Bicycle Lake, CA 5Nov43.
				96955	 4th Tow Target Squadron, Hunter Field, Savannah, GA. Destroyed landing at Camp Stewart Field, 
					Hinesville, GA 21Jan44.
				96981	 62nd Ferrying Squadron, 5th Ferrying Group, Love Field, Dallas, TX. Damaged taking off 
					at Blacksburg, SC 31Dec43.
				96990	 601st Ferrying Squadron, 5th Ferrying Group, Love Field, Dallas, TX. Destroyed when force 
					landed with fuel exhaustion at Nelson, MO 15Nov43.
42-97033/97039		Cessna UC-78A Bobcat
				Model T50 impressed by USAAF.
				97033 ex NC34754 MSN 1314
				97034 ex NC34756 MSN 1316
				97035 ex NC34758 MSN 1318
				97036 ex NC34759 MSN 1319
				97037 ex NC34760 MSN 1320
				97038 ex NC34761 MSN 1321
				97039 ex NC34762 MSN 1322
42-97040		Harlow UC-80
				PJC-2 four-seat monoplane NC19997 MSN 11 commandeered by USAAF
42-97041		Waco UC-72P 
				Civilian Model AGC8 NC20909 MSN 5066 impressed by USAAF
42-97042		Stinson UC-81E-ST Reliant
				Model SR.9F NC18448 MSN 5721 impressed by USAAF
42-97043		Waco UC-72A 
				Civilian Model ARE MSN 5057 NC19364 impressed by USAAF
42-97044/97045		Grumman UC-103 
				G-32 and G-32A impressed by USAAF in 1942.
				97044 MSN 446 G-32 ex NC1051 (used by Gulf Oil named "Gulfhawk III", later NC1051).  Lost when 
					force-landed in Everglades, Florida Nov 6, 1942.
				97045 MSN 447 G-32A ex NC1326 (used by Grumman Aircraft named "The Red Ship").  Sold in Jan 1945 as NC46110, 
					later N7F and displayed as F3F until caught fire in air at Oshkosh, Wisconsin and crashed Aug 7, 1971.
					Pilot escaped by parachute.
42-97046/97047		Rearwin C-102 
				Two Model 900 KRs commandeered in Jan 1943.
				97046 (MSN 661) ex NC41557
				97047 (MSN 627) ex NC20733
				Redesignated UC-102 in 1943.
42-97048/97050		Beech UC-43C Traveller 
				Civilian Model F-17Ds impressed by USAAF. 
				97048 MSN 338 NC294Y 
				97049 MSN 261 NC291Y impressed Nov 6, 1942.  To NC49704 in 1945. 
				97050 MSN 392 NC2801
42-97051		Stinson L-9B 
				originally designated AT-19B.  Model 
				10-A MSN 8256 ex NC39456 commandeered by USAAF from civilian user.
42-97052		Waco UC-72H 
				Civilian Model ZQC6 NC16586 MSN 4488 impressed by USAAF
42-97053		Fairchild UC-61 Forwarder
				Civilian (MSN 112) NC28693 impressed by USAAF
42-97054		Harlow UC-80 
				PJC-2 four-seat monoplane NC18978 MSN 1 commandeered
				by USAAF
42-97055		Grumman OA-13A Goose 
				Civilian G-21A MSN 1062 NC3042 taken over by USAAF in 1942.  WFU Jun 14, 1946.  To NC3042.
42-97056		Stinson UC-81K-ST Reliant
				Model SR.10C (MSN 5942) NC1920 impressed by USAAF
42-97057		Stinson UC-81J-ST Reliant
				Model SR.9E NC18454 MSN 5404 impressed by USAAF
42-97058/97172		Boeing B-17G-40-BO Fortress
				MSN 7531/7645  Dispositions from B-17 Fortress Master Log, Dave Osborne (FORTLOG)and ‘Project Bits & Pieces’, a detailed 
					look at the Eighth Air Force operational statistics during World War II by Paul Andrews and William Adams 
				Production changes: External access to life raft release. RC-43B marker beacon
				97058 MSN 7531) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 24Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island 
					Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 27Feb44. 359th Bomb Squadron [BN*V], 303rd Bomb Group, Molesworth
					(Station 107), Huntingdonshire 27Mar44.  Named "Scorchy II".  Damaged while 
					parked in collision by B-17G 42-97272 taxying at Molesworth 11May44. Participated in 
					the ‘Grapefruit’ mission to drop GB-1 glide bombs on a railway marshalling yard at Cologne, 
					Germany 28May44. Failed to return from a mission to Aschaffenburg, Germany 21Jan45 
					(9KIA:1POW), mid-air collision at a designated turning point before reaching the IP. 
					The left wing of B-17G 44-8137 caught the right wing of B-17G 42-97058, lead B-17 of the 
					high formation element. The wing of 44-8137 came off, the B-17 rolled over and crashed. 
					42-97058 also lost a wing and crashed. Both B-17s crashed near Rottweill, Germany
				97059 (MSN 7532) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 6Feb44. 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 12Feb44. 533rd Bomb Squadron [VP*Z], 381st Bomb Group, 
					Ridgewell (Station 167), Essex 15Mar44, named *Marsha Sue*. Damaged on a mission 
					to Cologne, Germany 12Dec44. Collided en route with B-17G 43-38986 which sheared the rudder off 
					and the aircraft force landed at Sint-Denijs-Westrem (B-61), Ghent, Belgium. Destroyed on the ground
					by strafing during Operation Bodenplatte at Sint-Denijs-Westrem 1Jan45. {48 missions}. Salvaged 5Jan45
				97060 (MSN 7533) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Grenier Field, Manchester, NH 23Feb44. 749th Bomb Squadron [Z], 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 4Mar44..  Named *Calamity Jane II*.  Failed to return 
					from a mission to a large oil dump outside Nienburg, Germany 5Aug44 [9RTD]. The plane was 
					hit by flak as it passed over the Netherlands on the way to the target. Two engines were disabled
					by the flak and a fire was started in the oxygen system. A third engine failed and the pilot 
					elected to ditch the aircraft. After a near perfect ditching in the North Sea the crew boarded life rafts, 
					The plane broke in half and sank in less than 30 seconds. They spent about three hours in their 
					dinghy when a Danish fishing boat E-311 ‘Erika’ picked them up and the skipper offered to take 
					them to England. British Air-Sea Rescue picked up the incoming Danish vessel 40 miles off 
					Hartlepool and guided them to port. All the crew survived and returned to Glatton. 
				97061 (MSN 7534) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 24Jan44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), 
					Manchester, NH 23Feb44. 748th Bomb Squadron [J], 457th Bomb Group, Glatton 
					(Station 130), Huntingdonshire 13Mar44. 323rd Bomb Squadron [OR*U], 91st Bomb Group, 
					Bassingbourn (Station 121), Cambridgeshire 16Mar44. {first combat mission 23Mar44}. 
					401st Bomb Squadron [LL*B].    Christened "General Ike" by General Dwight D. Eisenhower
					with a bottle of Mississippi River water at Bassingbourn  on Apr 11. 1944.  Painted by Tony Starcer
					Failed to return from a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical and synthetic oil works at Leuna, 
					Merseburg, Germany 2Nov44 (9RTD). The Group was hit hard after turning on the I.P. 
					The box barrage of flak was heavy around the target. After the target, because of a supposedly 
					malfunctioning compass, the Group Lead aircraft rallied off the target at 330 degrees 
					west rather than 270 degrees west, as briefed. The rest of the Group followed the lead, 
					in the process flying out of the protection of the main bomber stream. German Fighter 
					Command had been conserving its scarce fuel for weeks so as to mount a major effort 
					against the bomber attacks. An estimated 500 Luftwaffe fighters went up to meet the bomber 
					force. The plane was struck by 7.6mm machine gun bullets all over the tail and a direct 20mm 
					cannon shell burst in the horizontal stabiliser. 2nd Strategic Air Depot, Abbots Ripton (Station 547), 
					Huntingdonshire 18Feb45. Flew on the final Eighth Air Force combat mission of the war to the 
					Škoda armament works and airfield at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia 25Apr45. Just after they dropped 
					their bombs, a flak burst hit the bomb bay doors so that they would not come up. As the bomb bay 
					doors were going up, the crew noticed a fire in the bomb bays. Smoke started filling the plane, 
					adding to all the confusion of the flak bursting around the plane. The tail gunner came up to help 
					put out the fires and crank up the bomb bay doors. The fire was soon was put out and the bomber 
					started home alone. Over friendly allied territory a couple of other planes with feathered propellers,
					joined up to continue on back to Bassingbourn. Modified with all guns, armament and ball turret 
					removed with a wooden floor built over the bomb bay. Operation Revival 12/13May45; liberated 
					prisoners of war from Russian controlled Stalag Luft No.I, Barth, Germany. British POWs were flown 
					to Ford, West Sussex, England 12May45; American POWs were flown to Laon-Couvron (A-70), 
					France 13May45. {72 missions + 2 Revival}. Returned to US 25May45. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment 
					Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, CT Field 13Jun45. 4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma 
					City Air Technical Service Command), South Plains Field, Lubbock, TX 21Oct45.
				97062 (MSN 7535) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 20Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 2Mar44. 94th Bomb Group, Rougham (Station 468), Bury St Edmunds, 
					Suffolk 3Mar44. 749th Bomb Squadron [J], 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), 
					Huntingdonshire 15Mar44. Damaged taxying at Glatton 25May44. Failed to return from a mission 
					to bomb airfields around Paris, France 14Jun44 (6KIA:4POW:1EVD). Over the target, flak hit in the cockpit. 
					The plane pulled up through the high squadron, spun down out of control and then exploded, 
					blowing some crew members out of the aircraft at 12,000ft. The aircraft crashed onekm north of 
					Champdueil, tenkm NE of Melun, SE of Paris, France
				97063 (MSN 7536) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					42nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 6Feb44. 351st Bomb Group, 
					Polebrook (Station 110), Northamptonshire 11Feb44. 750th Bomb Squadron [V], 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 1Mar44.  Named "Miss Yu II/Straight Shot".
					Failed to return from a mission to the industrial area at Augsburg, Germany 16Mar44. From Strasburg, 
					Germany to Augsburg, the bombers were attacked by Luftwaffe fighters in a running battle. Flak over 
					the target was moderate and accurate; flak en route was meagre and inaccurate. Returning, the 
					bombers were attacked between Nancy, France and the coast. Damaged from flak during the 
					mission, on the way back to England it was attacked and damaged by German fighters over France. 
					Ditched in English Channel, crew rescued by RAF Air-Sea Rescue.	
				97064 (MSN 7537) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, 
					Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 25Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, 
					Presque Isle Field, ME 2Mar44. Damaged while parked in collision by B-17G 42-97085 taxying  6Mar44. 	
					711th Bomb Squadron [IR*C], 447th Bomb Group, Rattlesden (Station 126), Suffolk 16Mar44. 
					Named "Virginia Lee II"  
					Failed to return from a mission to the Messerschmitt factory at Augsburg, Germany 13Apr44 (10INT). 
					Encountered heavy flak over Augsburg, flak damaged engine No.4 and caused a fuel leak. Diverted to 
					Switzerland, shot at by Swiss flak and force landed at Dübendorf, Zürich, Switzerland. Scrapped in Switzerland
				97065 (MSN 7538) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 2Mar44. North Atlantic Wing, Air 
					Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 22Mar44. 418th Bomb Squadron [LD*F], 100th Bomb Group, 
					Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), Norfolk 7Mar44., named *Return Ticket*.
					Failed to return from a mission to Rouen, France 24Jun44 (2KIA:5POW:3EVD). Flak blew off engine from wing. 
					Crashed Ferme du Bois du Haut de Blainville, west of Longueil, six miles southwest of Dieppe, France.
				97066 (MSN 7539) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 8Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 21Jan44. 508th Bomb Squadron [YB*D], 			
					351st Bomb Group, Polebrook (Station 110), Northamptonshire 26Mar44. Failed to return from a 
					mission to a Luftwaffe airfield and air depot at Le Bourget, Paris, France 14Jun44 (2KIA:2EVD:6POW). 
					Damaged by flak and crashed at Abbeville, France. {22 missions}
				97067 (MSN 7540) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44.
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 3Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 21Feb44. 94th Bomb Group, Rougham (Station 468), 
					Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 22Feb44. 749th Bomb Squadron [Y], 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), 
					Huntingdonshire 4Apr44.  Named "Black Puff Polly" on left side of nose, "Georgia Peach*
					on right side of nose.  The ground crew chief was from Georgia and made 
					sure Georgia Peach was somewhere on the aircraft. Failed to return from a mission to the manufacturing 
					facilities of the Junkers Flugzeug-und Motorenwerke at Dessau, Germany 28May44 (9POW:1KIA). Damaged 
					by flak then shot down by Bf 109 fighters. hit by ME-109's. With two engines out and flames coming from the 
					third, the pilot gave the order to bail out. Crashed Mahndorf, south of Osterholz, near Bremen, Germany
				97068 (MSN 7541) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 9Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 21Feb44. 336th Bomb Squadron [ET*H], 
					95th Bomb Group, Horham (Station 119), Suffolk 26Feb44.  Named "Key Bird". . Failed to return 
					from a mission to the Deurag-Nerag oil refinery, Misburg, Hanover, Germany 18Jun44 (10MIA). 
					En route to the target the aircraft caught fire and crashed in the North Sea, about 25 miles northwest of 
					Texel, West Frisian Islands, Netherlands. (41 missions}.   
				97069 MSN 7542) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 242nd 
					Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air 
					Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 23Feb44. 401st Bomb Squadron [LL*N], 91st Bomb Group, 
					Bassingbourn (Station 121), Cambridgeshire 11Mar44.  Transferred to 731st Bomb Squadron [M],
					452nd Bomb Group, Deopham Green (Station 142), Norfolk 12Mar44.  Failed to return from a mission to the 
					railway marshalling yard at Giessen, Germany 4Dec44 (3KIA:6POW). Flak over Wiesbaden, Frankfurt 
					and Koblenz was intense and accurate. Shot down by flak and crashed onto a railway track and 
					broke in two near Messerich, southwest of Bitburg, Germany. The front part caught fire and burned 
					for the entire night with a steady sound of exploding shells. The rear part of the plane was not 
					damaged and intact. It was laying on the eastern side of the track. The front part, the wings, 
					and the engines were laying on the western side of the railway and were totally destroyed by 
					the crash and ensuing fire. Shot down by the German 3rd Platoon, light flak battalion 977.   MACR 11050.
					The pilot’s body was found in a nearby creek in 1951. Named "Mon Tet Rouge II"
					This plane was named by Master Sgt. Jim Hendricks who was part of the ground crew, and also 
					friends with the original “Mon Tete Rouge” pilot Harold G. “Hal” Fulmer”. Unbeknownst to Fulmer, 
					Hendricks one day painted in blue letters the words “Mon Tete Rouge II” on a new natural metal plane.
				97070 (MSN 7543) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 2Mar44. 750th Bomb Squadron [G], 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 15Mar44. Failed to return from a mission to bomb 
					a Luftwaffe airfield at Nancy-Essey, France 25Apr44 (6POW:5EVD). Army intelligence reported there 
					was to be a meeting of high-ranking Luftwaffe officers and the B-17s were to use their bombs to disrupt 
					the meeting and destroy the airfield. Unable to bomb the primary target which was covered by dense 
					cloud, the bomber headed for a secondary target, the submarine pens at Lorient. As the aircraft was 
					transferring fuel from the wing tip tanks, No.4 engine caught fire. The crew bailed out but the pilot 
					remained in an attempt to ditch in the English Channel. With the fire now spread behind No.3 engine, 
					it burnt through control cables, so the pilot also bailed out. The aircraft then crashed in the 
					Vallee de la Montjoie, near La Goulafriere, NE of St Germaine d’Aunay, France
				97071 (MSN 7544) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 28Feb44. 418th Bomb Squadron [LD*P], 100th Bomb Group, 
					Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), Norfolk 4Mar44. Named "Andy's Dandy's/Candy's Dandy's".
					Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical and synthetic oil works at Leuna, 
					Meresburg, Germany 30Nov44 (1KIA). Damaged by flak over Germersheim, Germany causing a 
					fuel leak to #4 engine; the aircraft force landed in Brussels, Belgium 6Jan45. Failed to return
					from a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield at Parchim, Germany 7Apr45 (9KIA). Attacked by a 
					suicide Bf 109 (Sonderkommando Elbe) which collided with the left wing of the bomber. 
					Both aircraft exploded and crashed close to Steinhuder Meer, Wunstorf, Germany.  MACR 13718
				97072 (MSN 7545) Accepted by USAAF 25Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne
					Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 15Feb44. North 
					Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 28Feb44. 547th Bomb Squadron [SO*H], 
					384th Bomb Group, Grafton Underwood (Station 106), Northamptonshire 24Mar44.  Named "Green Mountain Gal"
					.{first combat mission 27Mar44}. Battle damaged during a tactical mission to a 
					coastal artillery battery at Le Touquet, France 3Jun44. The airplane took minor flak damage 
					to the bomb bay, left wing, tail and ball turret. In addition, the hydraulic system had been 
					shot out; on return to base the airplane overran the runway into trees. 2nd Strategic Air Depot, 
					Abbots Ripton (Station 547), Huntingdonshire 4Jun44. Regained by Group 21Jun44. 
					544th Bomb Squadron [SU*A] 21Jun44. The bomber was detailed as the high group flying 
					spare for a tactical mission to a railway bridge at Chartres, France 1Aug44. Five minutes 
					after takeoff the aircraft was seen on fire. At low level, it was probably trying to return to 
					Grafton or Deenethorpe for an emergency landing but rolled over and dived into the 
					ground at Weldon, near Corby, Northamptonshire (9KIS). It exploded on striking the 
					ground and two more explosions occurred, presumably the bomb load and ammunition.
					{36 missions}. Salvaged.  MACR 7807
				97073 (MSN 7546) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 
					4Mar44. 615th Bomb Squadron [IY*N], 401st Bomb Group, Deenethorpe (Station 128), 
					Northamptonshire 23Mar44. Failed to return from a mission to the manufacturing facilities of the 
					Junkers Flugzeug-und Motorenwerke at Dessau, Germany 28May44 (8KIA:2POW). Enemy aircraft 
					set No.1 engine on fire. Aircraft exploded and crashed in woods near Steinburg, twelve miles north of Dessau, Germany.. 
					Believed BF 109G-6 Flown By Lt. Alexander Ottnad of JG 27/8.  
					MACR 5311
				97074 (MSN 7547) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 24Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 25Feb44. Assigned to SOXO [Eighth Air
					Force, England]. Damaged beyond repair when force landed with fuel exhaustion at L'Ascension,
					QUE, Canada en route to England 26Feb44. SOC 26Feb44.  All crew OK.
				97075 (MSN 7548) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 24Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 9Feb44. 
					750th Bomb Squadron [V], 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 7Mar44.  
					Named "Flak Dodger"    Declared ‘war weary’ 26Mar45. 351st Bomb Group, Polebrook (Station 110), 
					Northamptonshire 21Apr45.   457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 11May45. 
					Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, CT 8Jun45. 
					4124th Base Unit (Air Technical Service Command), Altus Field, OK 13Sep45.
					to  Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Altus Field, OK for storage and disposal 9Oct45. 
				97076 (MSN 7549) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 24Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 6Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 27Feb44. 
					457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 8Mar43. 534th Bomb Squadron [GD*K], 
					381st Bomb Group, Ridgewell (Station 167), Essex 15Mar44.  Named *Dee Marie*. 
					Crash landed at Ridgewell 31Dec44. 448th Sub-Depot, Air Service Command, Ridgewell 31Dec44 
					for repairs. {63 missions}. Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, 
					Windsor Locks, CT 9Jun45. 4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), 
					South Plains Field, Lubbock, TX 13Jun45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41,
					Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 25Nov45. War Assets Administration. 
					Sold to Wunderlich Contracting Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped
				97077 (MSN 7550) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 25Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 20Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 13Mar44. 
					366th Bomb Squadron [KY*D], 305th Bomb Group, Chelveston (Station 105), Northamptonshire 31Mar44. 
					Named "Galloping Ghost".   Failed to return from a mission to railway marshalling yards at 
					Saarbrücken, Germany 11May44 (3EVD:8POW). Flak damaged three engines, the bomber 
					crashed at Belval, five miles west of Charleville, France. MACR 4875
				97078 (MSN 7551) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 25Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Lincoln Field, NB 20Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 21Feb44. 550th Bomb Squadron, 385th Bomb Group, 
					Great Ashfield (Station 155), Suffolk 7Mar44.  Named "Pride Of The Yankees" --a 1942 film starring Gary Cooper.
					Failed to return from a mission to railway facilities around Berlin, Germany 29Apr44 (8POW:2KIA). 
					The combat wing was off course heading to Berlin, attacked by enemy fighters and bombed 
					Magdeburg. Shot down by enemy fighters, crashed HermesKiel, Germany  MACR 4457
				97079 (MSN 7552) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 26Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 18Feb44. 
					548th Bomb Squadron [GX*B], 385th Bomb Group, Great Ashfield (Station 155), Suffolk 3Mar44, 
					named 'Dozy Doats'. . Failed to return from a mission to an ordnance depot at 
					Spandau, Berlin, Germany 6Oct44 (5KIA:4POW). Shot down by enemy fighters, crashed 
					Brandenburg, Germany  .MACR 9521
				97080 (MSN 7553) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 25Jan44.
					 Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 17Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 3Mar44. 333rd Bomb Squadron, 
					94th Bomb Group, Rougham (Station 468), Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 12Mar44.  Transferred to 
					410th Bomb Squadron [GL*H].  Failed to return from a mission to the Heinkel Flugzeugwerke 
					aircraft factory which had been converted to Fw 190 production at Warnemünde, Germany 9Apr44 
					(7KIA:3POW). On return from the target the Group was attacked by enemy fighters before 
					reaching the Danish coast. Damaged by flak, ditched in Baltic Sea, twenty-five miles west of 
					Warnemünde, Germany.   MACR 3800. 
				97081 (MSN 7554) Accepted by USAAF 26Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY 28Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 11Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 23Feb44. 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 2Mar44. 546th Bomb Squadron [BK*K], 
					384th Bomb Group, Grafton Underwood (Station 106), Northamptonshire 12Mar44. 
					{first combat mission 16Mar44}. Failed to return from a Crossbow mission to a V-2 
					rocket service bunker complex at Sottevast, Normandy, France 8May44 (8KIA:2RTD). 
					The aircraft was struck by flak immediately after the bomb run, peeled out of the 
					formation, and headed for England. The crew had to ditch in the English Channel 
					thirteen miles off the French coast. The bombardier and tail gunner were rescued, 
					but the rest of the crew did not survive. The body of one waist gunner was recovered, 
					but the remainder of the crew were not recovered. Shortly after the bomb run, flak 
					struck the No.4 engine and then the No.1 engine; both engines cut out. The No.4 engine 
					caught fire and the crew considered bailing out. The next burst of flak hit the tail 
					wheel, knocking it off; the oxygen system was also disabled. Another burst of flak 
					struck the left wing between the No.1 and 2 engines and almost tore it from the 
					aircraft. It was held on only by about 1½ feet of the leading edge and about 1 foot of 
					the trailing edge. The Engineer called and reported that there was fire between No.1 and 2 
					engines in the main fuel tank. The bombardier jettisoned the bombs to reduce the 
					weight of the aircraft. The pilot peeled out of formation and headed for the English Channel. 
					The fire in the No.4 engine was extinguished and the crew believed they could make it back. 
					Because of the lack of oxygen, they were forced down to 13,000ft. However flames 
					continued to shoot out of the left wing and it became clear they could not make it home.
					The crew bailed out. The aircraft crashed in the English Channel 25km from Cherbourg, France;
					the survivors were rescued by RAF Air-Sea Rescue. {17 missions}..  MACR 4812
				97082 (MSN 7555) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 25Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island
					 Field, NB 20Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 12Mar44. 333rd Bomb Squadron, 94th Bomb Group, Rougham (Station 468), 
					Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 16Mar44. 410th Bomb Squadron.  Named "Mission Mistress".
					Battle damaged on a mission to an oil refinery at Bremen, Germany 24Jun44. Battle damaged on a 
					mission to drop supplies to the Maquis resistance fighters in southern France 25Jun44 (1WIA:9RTD). 
					Beyond Caen, France, en route to the target, the formation was attacked by enemy fighters. 
					A cannon shell exploded on the left wing between the engines, disabling both engines. The propellers 
					were feathered as the plane dropped out of formation. Turning back to England, the crew jettisoned 
					excess weight including the ball turret. Reaching the coast north of Caen, the plane received 
					more flak when the tail gunner received minor wounds. The pilot decided that trying to reach 
					England on two engines was too risky but flew a way over the English Channel so that the crew 
					could jettison the supply canisters without them falling into enemy hands. The pilot then turned back 
					towards France to try and find one of the temporary allied fighter fields. Spotting a suitable field, 
					the pilot set up an approach to land but saw red flares warning him off because the American airfield 
					was under attack. Despite two dead engines on one side, the pilot was able to climb away in 
					search of another landing field. The pilot finally force landed at Bazenville (B-2), France, 
					a Canadian fighter strip. The crew returned to base via an American LST taking wounded and 
					prisoners to England. Temporary repairs carried out by a Mobile Repair Unit from 1st Strategic 
					Air Depot, Troston. Ferried to Honington (Station 375), Suffolk. 1st Strategic Air Depot, Troston 
					(Station 595), Suffolk. Regained by Group. Crashed on takeoff for a mission to railway marshalling 
					yards at Kaiserlauten, Germany 6Jan45 (5KIA:4INJ). No.4 engine failed at the point of liftoff 
					and the plane was unable to gain altitude. To avoid hitting a farm house, the pilot banked the 
					plane which then ploughed into woods at Moreton Hall, near Rougham, Suffolk. Three civilians 
					were injured and exploding bombs damaged several homes. Salvaged.
				97083 (MSN 7556) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 25Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 20Feb44. North Atlantic 
					Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 11Mar44. 
					728th Bomb Squadron [Q], 452nd Bomb Group, Deopham Green (Station 142), Norfolk 16Mar44. 
					Named "Flatbush Floogie"   Failed to return from a mission to a Heinkel Flugzeugwerke 
					aircraft factory at Marienehe, Rostock, Germany 11Apr44 (10POW). The plane lost the left elevator
					 to flak en route to the target. After the bomb run, it was hit again, causing a fire in the No.1 engine 
					and No.2 started to smoke. The pilot headed out over the North Sea before realizing that he couldn't 
					make it back to England. He turned back and ditched in shallow water five miles west of Schillig, at the 
					mouth of River Jadebuesen, 27km northnorthwest of Wilhelmshaven, Germany.  MACR 3932
				97084 (MSN 7557) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 25Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island 
					Field, NB 20Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 28Feb44. 534th Bomb Squadron [GD*H], 381st Bomb Group, Ridgewell 
					(Station 167), Essex 6Apr44.  Named. "Spare Charlie".  . Failed to return from a mission 
					to Tingry-Abbeville, France 22Jun44 (8KIA:1POW). Direct flak hit damaged No.2 & No.3 engines, 
					followed by fire. The plane went into a loop and broke up as it fell to ground. Crashed one mile 
					west of Epagnette, two miles southeast of Abbeville, France  MACR 5918
				97085 (MSN 7558) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 25Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 22Feb44. Damaged in collision 
					with parked B-17G 42-97064 while taxying 6Mar44. Ferried on the North Atlantic route from RCAF 
					Gander, Newfoundland to Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 16/17Apr44. 305th Bomb Group, 
					Chelveston (Station 105), Northamptonshire 6May44. 358th Bomb Squadron [VK*B/S], 
					303rd Bomb Group, Molesworth (Station 107), Huntingdonshire 6May44. Failed to return from a 
					mission to the Luftwaffe airfield at Wiesbaden, Germany 15Aug44 (2KIA:7POW). Shot down by 
					Fw 190 fighters. With four engines on fire, the aircraft crashed at Wittlich, Germany.  MACR 8439
				97086 (MSN 7559) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 25Jan44. 302nd Base Unit (Staging Wing), Hunter Field, Savannah, GA 22Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16),
					Manchester, NH 8Mar44. 332nd Bomb Squadron [XM*K], 94th Bomb Group, 
					Rougham (Station 468), Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. 333rd Bomb Squadron 13Mar44. 
					Named "American Maid".  Failed to return from a mission to a Heinkel Flugzeugwerke 
					aircraft factory at Marienehe, Rostock, Germany 11Apr44 (4KIA:6POW). Hit by flak 
					over the Danish peninsula damaging two engines and crash landed at Osterby, 
					ten miles west of Flensburg, Germany. The bomber caught fire and ammunition
					began to explode before all the crew could escape.  MACR 4008
				97087 (MSN 7560) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 25Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island 
					Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 21Feb44. 379th Bomb Group, Kimbolton (Station 117), Huntingdonshire 1Mar44. 
					Transferred to 748th Bomb Squadron [P:M], 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), 
					Huntingdonshire 2Mar44 and named "Tujunga!"– artwork of a cowboy firing a six-shooter 
					Failed to return from a mission to the Bayerische Motoren Werke aero engine works at 
					Munich, Germany 31Jul44 (3POW:7KIA). The aircraft took a direct hit by flak over the
					target area. No.1 engine caught fire and the left wing broke off. The plane spiraled down, 
					exploded and crashed at Perlach, Germany.  MACR 7829. 
				97088 (MSN 7561) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 26Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 11Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air 
					Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 28Feb44. 748th Bomb Squadron [M], 
					457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 9Mar44. Damaged by flak 
					on a mission to the Focke-Wulf aircraft factory at Sorau, Prussia 11Apr44 (5RTD:4POW:1KIA). 
					Several crew bailed out but the pilots continued back to England, force landing at RAF Ludham, Norfolk 
					when the right tire blew out. Crashed forming up for a mission to Munich, Germany 11Jul44 (3KIA). 
					About one hour after takeoff and still forming up over England, the crew began to smell fuel. 
					Suddenly the left wing was engulfed in flames and exploded, sending the aircraft into a 
					severe spin preventing anyone from moving to an exit. Seconds later the main fuel tanks 
					and possibly the bomb load exploded and the aircraft disintegrated. The pilot was 
					blown from the plane still strapped in his seat. Witnesses on the ground reported seeing
					him plummeting toward the ground still strapped into his seat and at the last possible
					moment, unbuckling his seatbelt and pulling the ripcord. It crashed at Saham Toney, 
					14.5 miles north of Thetford, Norfolk. The debris covered a five mile long path with 
					an engine at the beginning and the largest piece, the tail section, at the other. 
					Some debris fell on a B-24 base, causing a departing B-24 to abort it's takeoff after
					being hit by some of the debris. Salvaged by 2nd Strategic Air Depot, Abbots Ripton 11Jul44  
					MACR 3827.  3 killed, 6 parachuted to safety.
				97089 (MSN 7562) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 26Jan44. 242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island 
					Field, NB 6Feb44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 15Feb44. 
					338th Bomb Squadron, 96th Bomb Group, Snetterton Heath (Station 138), Norfolk 3Mar44.
					Failed to return from a mission to the Heinkel Flugzeugwerke aircraft factory at 
					Marienehe, Rostock, Germany 11Apr44 (10KIA). Enemy aircraft damaged the 
					tailplane, three crew bailed out, crashed Baltic Sea.   MACR 3815.
				97090 (MSN 7563) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 26Jan44.
					Alexandria Field, LA 18Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier 
					Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 10Mar44. 418th Bomb Squadron [LD*D], 100th Bomb Group, 
					Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), Norfolk 12Mar44.   Named "Who Done It?".  On return from a mission to
					the Braunkohle Benzin AG synthetic oil refinery at Böhlen-Rötha, Leipzig, Germany 29Jun44, 
					the bomber landed at Framlingham (Station 153), Suffolk. Taxying to dispersal, hydraulic 
					pressure was too low to operate the brakes and the aircraft hit a radio shack behind the control tower.
					 Salvaged 10Jul44. 
				97091 (MSN 7564) Accepted by USAAF 27Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, 
					Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 26Jan44. Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air 
					Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 4Mar44. 561st Bomb Squadron [F], 388th Bomb Group, 
					Knettishall 6Mar44. Named "Dear Mom/Weary Wolf".   {first combat mission 1Apr44}. Battle damaged 
					on a mission to the Luftwaffe airfield at Achmer, Germany 8Apr44 (1WIA:9RTD). There was 
					accurate flak over the target, wounding the bombardier. Battle damaged on a mission to railway 
					facilities around Berlin, Germany 29Apr44. The combat wing was off course heading to Berlin, 
					attacked by enemy fighters and bombed Magdeburg. Flak over the target was very accurate. 
					Failed to return from a mission to the port at Kiel, Germany 22May44 (1KIA:9POW). Intense flak 
					was encountered over the target and very accurate. Just after bomb release, flak damaged the 
					nose, waist and No.3 engine which started to burn. The pilot dived to try and extinguish the fire 
					but when the fire intensified he gave the order to bail out. The bomber flew over Nettelsee, 
					turned 180 degrees at Kieler Kamp, Preetz, lost one of the four engines there and finally 
					crashed at Nettelsee, near Preetz, southeast of Kiel, Germany. {17 missions}.  MACR 4956
				97092 (MSN 7565) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 26Jan44. Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 10Mar44. 708th Bomb Squadron, 447th Bomb Group, 
					Rattlesden (Station 126), Suffolk 11Mar44 Named *Heel Der Fuhrer*, also *Virginia Lee II*.
					transferred to 710th BS.  Salvaged Nov 2, 1944.  Returned to USA
					Oct 8, 1945, arrived Kingman, AZ Nov 29, 1945.  
					Sold 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, CT 5Jul45. 
					1103rd Base Unit (Caribbean Wing, Air Transport Command), Morrison Field, West Palm 
					Beach, FL 8Oct45. 4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), 
					South Plains Field, Lubbock, TX 21Oct45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, 
					Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 29Nov45. War Assets Administration. Sold to Wunderlich 
					Contracting Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped. 
				97093 (MSN 7566) Accepted by USAAF 27Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, 
					Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 28Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 14Feb44.
					 North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 20Feb44. 568th Bomb 
					Squadron [BI*J:BI*S], 390th Bomb Group, Framlingham (Station 153), Suffolk 3Mar44.  
					Named DOC'S FLYING CIRCUS / I'LL GET BY / GIRL OF MY DREAMS.  . {first combat mission 1Jan44}.
					Battle damaged on a mission to a ball bearing factory at Regensburg, Germany 21Jul44 (1KIA:9RTD). 
					MACR 11255
					The bombing force was forced to break their formation due to thick cloud cover over the target. 
					By the time they were able to bring the formation back together, the target time had passed. 
					Unable to carry out the attack on Regensburg, the Group dropped their payload over Stuttgart. 
					The bombardier was killed. Participated in an Operation Frantic V shuttle mission to the 
					Flugzeugwerk Gotenhafen Kurt Kannenberg AG Focke-Wulf assembly works at Rahmel, Gdynia, 
					Poland 6Aug44. After the target, the bomber continued east and landed at Mirgorod (Station 561), 
					Ukraine. Operated a mission to an oil refinery at Trzebinia, Poland 7Aug44, returning to Ukraine. 
					Operated a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield at Zili?tea, Rumania 8Aug44, returning to Ukraine. 
					Returned to England. Participated in an Operation Frantic VII mission to drop supplies to the 
					resistance forces in Warsaw, Poland 18Sep44. After the target, the bomber continued east and 
					landed at Mirgorod (Station 561), Ukraine. Operated a mission to the railway marshalling 
					yards at Szolnok, Hungary 19Sep44 and continued on to land at a Fifteenth Air Force base in 
					southern Italy. Returned to England 23Sep44. Battle damage on a mission to the I.G. Farben 
					chemical and synthetic oil works at Leuna, Meresburg, Germany 30Nov44 (1WIA:8RTD); the 
					navigator was wounded. Accident during assembly for an aborted mission to Kassel, Germany 20Dec44. 
					Severe icing caused the aircraft to go into a spin, during which two crew bailed out but both KIA. 
					The pilot recovered the plane from the spin and returned to base safely. {final combat mission 19Mar45}. 
					{115 missions}. Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, 
					Windsor Locks, CT 29Jun45. 4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), 
					South Plains Field, Lubbock, TX 12Sep45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41,
					Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 15Dec45. War Assets Administration. Sold to Wunderlich 
					Contracting Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped
				97094 (MSN 7567) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 27Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 12Mar44. 728th Bomb Squadron, 452nd Bomb Group, Deopham Green (Station 142), 
					Norfolk 13Mar44.  Named 'Why Worry'. Failed to return from a mission to the Sudetenländische 
					Treibstoffwerke AG synthetic oil refinery at Záluží, Brüx, Sudetenland 12May44 (10RTD). 
					En route to the target, between Koblenz and Frankfurt, the formation was attacked by a large 
					force of enemy fighters. Severely damaged by enemy aircraft, the pilot ditched in the Thames 
					Estuary off Ramsgate, Kent. Crew rescued by Air-Sea Rescue. 
				97095 ((MSN 7568) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 27Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 15Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 3Mar44. 350th Bomb Squadron [LN*Y], 100th Bomb Group, Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), 
					Norfolk 6Mar44. Failed to return from a mission to Berlin, Germany 24May44 (9POW:1KIA). 
					Attacks by enemy aircraft started fires in the fuselage. Crew bailed out then the aircraft exploded, 
					crashing at Dreetz, fourteen miles northeast of Rathenow, Germany.  MACR 5168
				97096 (MSN 7569) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 27Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 22Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), 
					Manchester, NH 20Mar44. 427th Bomb Squadron [GN*T], 303rd Bomb Group, Molesworth (Station 107), 
					Huntingdonshire 8Apr44. Failed to return from a mission to motor industry targets in Berlin, 
					Germany 21Jun44 (9POW:1KIA). Flak struck the bomber four times, twice in the nose and twice 
					in the bomb bay causing the plane to explode. Crashed into the Schweilowsee, five miles south of 
					Havel, southwest of Potsdam, Berlin, Germany.  MACR 5986
				97097 (MSN 7570) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 27Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle 
					Field, ME 18Mar44. 366th Bomb Squadron, 305th Bomb Group, Chelveston (Station 105), 
					Northamptonshire 31Mar44. Failed to return from a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield at Essey, 
					Nancy, France 27Apr44 (6KIA:4POW). Damaged by flak, it crashed at Sompuis, three miles 
					east of Poivres, six miles east of Mailley le Camp, 19 miles south of Chalons-sur-Marne, France.  
					MACR 4277
				97098/97119 to RAF as Fortress III HB761/HB782
					97098 (MSN 7571) Accepted by USAAF 27Jan44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, 
						serial HB761 at Dorval, Montreal 7Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. 
						Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 13/14Mar44. Returned to USAAF. 
						Eighth Air Force Service Command 31Mar44. 561st Bomb Squadron [K], 388th Bomb Group, 
						Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 1Jul44.  Named "Fortress Nine/Little Donna".
						{first combat mission 11Jul44}. Battle damaged during a mission to a ball bearing factory 
						at Schweinfurt, Germany 19Jul44. Flak was intense over the target causing twenty-three 
						holes in the plane. Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical and synthetic 
						oil works at Leuna, Merseburg, Germany 28Jul44. Meagre flak was encountered at Koblenz 
						and Kassel with accurate heavy flak at the target. Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben 
						chemical and synthetic oil works at Leuna, Merseburg, Germany 29Jul44. Flak encountered 
						at the target was intense and accurate. Battle damaged on a mission to the Rhenania-Ossag 
						Mineralölwerke oil refinery at Harburg, Hamburg, Germany 4Aug44 (1WIA:8RTD). Moderate 
						accurate flak was encountered at the target, wounding the pilot and causing sixteen holes 
						in the plane. Failed to return from a mission to the Daimler-Benz tank assembly works at 
						Marienfelde, Berlin, Germany 6Aug44 (9POW). At the I.P. the plane was being hit by fragments 
						of flak. After the bomb drop and the bomb bay doors were shutting, a big explosion occurred 
						and the front wall of the bomb bay was in flames. The oxygen tanks exploded causing a fire 
						at which time the pilot gave the bail out order. Crashed at Jägerstieg, near Zehlendorf, 
						southwest Berlin, Germany. {14 missions}. .  MACR 7705
					97099 (MSN 7572) 7th Ferrying Service Detachment, 7th Ferrying Group, Bismarck Municipal 
						Airport, ND 26Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB762 at 
						Dorval, Montreal 3Mar44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Scottish 
						Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 9Mar44. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 30Sep44. 
						Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment (A&AEE), Boscombe Down, 
						Wiltshire 29Nov44. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 20Mar45. 
						Non-effective airframe 28Mar46. Sold to International Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47.
					97100 (MSN 7573) 7th Ferrying Service Detachment, 7th Ferrying Group, Bismarck Municipal 
						Airport, ND 2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB763 at 
						Dorval, Montreal 3Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 26Feb44. 
						Ferried from RCAF Goose Bay, Labrador to St Angelo, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland 2Mar44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 3Mar44. No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-T], 
						No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 7Jun44. Used for radio counter measures. 
						Failed to return from a radio counter measures mission to Rüsselsheim am Main,
						Germany 25/26Aug44 (6POW:4KIA). Shot down by German night hunter Uffz Egon Engling of NJG2, 
						crashed at Ober-Ramstadt, SE of Darmstadt, Germany
					97101 (MSN 7574) Accepted by USAAF 28Jan44. Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 6Feb44. Delivered to 
						Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB764 at Dorval, Montreal 9Feb44. No.45 Group, 
						Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Ferried to UK. Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force Service 
						Command (AFSC) 7Apr44; not equipped with ‘Tokyo’ long range fuel tanks. 563rd Bomb Squadron [N],
						388th Bomb Group, Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 1Jul44. Named "Cicero Kid".
						(first combat mission 8Jul44}. Battle damaged on a mission to a synthetic oil refinery at Magdeburg, 
						Germany 12Sep44. Flak was encountered at the target and then the Group was attacked by a 
						large force of enemy fighters. Battle damaged on a mission to railway marshalling yards at 
						Cologne, Germany 17Oct44. Moderate to intense flak was encountered over the target. Failed 
						to return from a tactical mission to front line strong points around Metz and Thionville, 
						France 9Nov44 (2KIA:7RTD). One of the bomber's engines stopped functioning before the plane 
						reached its target. Although they might have dropped out of formation and made for home, the pilot 
						and co-pilot elected to go for the bomb run. However, the heavy bomb load was too much for the 
						remaining three engines, and a cylinder head blew on one setting it on fire. In less than a minute 
						the bomber was blown apart, wings vanishing in debris, the fuselage cracking into three sections. 
						The pilot and co-pilot were killed, but the other seven crew men parachuted to safety landing in 
						French territory. Three, the navigator, top turret gunner and waist gunner, were hit by flying debris. 
						The bombardier landed three miles from the German front lines. He had been blown out of the plane's 
						nose just as he was picking up his parachute. He fell unconscious for 10,000ft, came to, snapped 
						on the parachute hooks, and opened it. The tail gunner went spinning in the detached tail section. 
						While he was still inside his parachute opened, so he caught up the billowing silk in his arms 
						and jumped clear. The radio operator was knocked flat on the floor, crawled to the edge of what 
						remained of his section of the fuselage, and rolled off into space. The ball turret gunner, in his 
						turret when the plane exploded, picked up his parachute less than a foot from the broken ledge, 
						and climbed out while his section of the bomber was falling earthward. The waist gunner was 
						blown through the side of the fuselage and didn't remember opening his parachute. The navigator 
						followed the bombardier out the hole in the nose, and The engineer/top turret gunner got out the 
						escape hatch just in time before the explosion. The aircraft exploded over the front lines on the 
						French-German border and the wreckage crashed at Fouches, Belgium {33 missions}. Salvaged 28Nov44.
					97102 (MSN 7575) Accepted by USAAF 28Jan44. 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 
						During the delivery flight to Dorval, Montreal, the aircraft was damaged by mechanical failure 
						on the ground at Hector Field, ND 1Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, 
						serial HB765 at Dorval, Montreal Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal.
						Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 14Feb44. No.12 Maintenance 
						Unit, RAF Kirkbride, Cumberland Feb44. Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 31Mar44.
						No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-B/R], No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham,
						Norfolk 30Jun44. Damaged category AC 29Dec44. Damaged when overshot the runway at 
						RAF Oulton 10Jul45. No.54 Maintenance Unit, RAF Cambridge 27Jul45 for repair on site. 
						Reclassified category E 10Oct45. SOC 24Oct45
					97103 (MSN 7576) Delivered to Romulus Field, Detroit, MI 3Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB766 at Dorval, Montreal 4Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Ferried Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, 
						Scotland 14Mar44. Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force Service Command 22Mar44. 
						Converted for trooping, stripped of all armament and turrets, capable of carrying thirty 
						passengers on benches installed in the waist and bomb bay. 310th Ferrying Squadron, 
						27th Air Transport Group, Burtonwood (Station 590), Lancashire. Returned to US 30May45. 
						121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, CT 2Jun45. 
						4100th Base Unit (Fairfield Air Technical Service Command), Patterson Field, Dayton, OH 6Jun45. 
						4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), South Plains Field, 
						Lubbock, TX 30Aug45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, 
						Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 20Dec45. Modified as cargo/transport aircraft. 
						Designated CB-17G. US Navy 1946.
					97104 (MSN 7577) Accepted by USAAF Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, 
						serial HB767 at Dorval, Montreal 2Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. 
						Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 12Feb44. Aeroplane and 
						Armament Experimental Establishment (A&AEE), Boscombe Down, Wiltshire. No.214 (Federated 
						Malay States) Squadron [BU-A], No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 16Jun44. The nose
						gun and ball turret were removed and an H2S scanner installed. Used for radio counter measures. 
						Failed to return from a mission to Frankfurt am Main, Germany 13Sep44 (3KIA:6MIA:1EVD),
						crashed in English Channel off Calais, France
					97105 (MSN 7578) Accepted by USAAF 28Jan44. Delivered to Selfridge Field, Mount Clemens, MI 3Feb44. 
						Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB768 at Dorval, Montreal 4Mar44. 
						No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 20Feb44. Ferried from RCAF Gander, 
						Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 21Feb44. SOC 21Jun47 [sic]. Returned to USAAF. 
						Eighth Air Force Service Command Mar44. 562nd Bomb Squadron [G], 388th Bomb Group,
						Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 13Mar44. Named "Paper Doll".  {first combat mission 6Jul44}. 
						Battle damaged on a Crossbow mission to a German V-weapon site at Fleury, France 6Jul44. 
						Just before the target, the plane, which was leading the Group, was struck by flak disabling the 
						No.3 and No.4 engines. The plane peeled out of formation and jettisoned its bombs. 
						The target was not bombed; the Group returned home with their bombs. Battle damaged on a 
						mission to the Braunkohlen Benzin AG synthetic oil refinery northeast of Zeitz, Germany 16Aug44. 
						Intense accurate flak was encountered at the target. Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben 
						synthetic fuel works at Pölitz, Prussia 25Aug44. Intense and accurate flak was encountered 
						at the target. Battle damaged on a mission to the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg?Nürnberg (MAN) 
						AG industrial complex at Nürnberg, Germany 3Oct44 (1WIA:8RTD). Flak over the target was moderate, 
						wounding the navigator. Battle damaged on a mission to railway marshalling yards at Cologne, 
						Germany 17Oct44. Moderate to intense flak was encountered over the target. 
						563rd Bomb Squadron [N] Nov44. Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical 
						and synthetic oil works at Leuna, Merseburg, Germany 25Nov44. Flak over the target was
						intense and accurate. Battle damaged on a mission to the Altmärkische Kettenwerk tank factory at 
						Tegel, Berlin, Germany 5Dec44. Flak over the target was a meagre to moderate barrage 
						with several rockets. Failed to return from a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield at Kaltenkirchen, 
						Germany 7Apr45 (4KIA:5POW). Returning home after the target, the plane was struck by a 
						suicide Bf 109 (Sonderkommando Elbe) which severed the right elevator and also the rudder. 
						The crew bailed out as the bomber crashed and exploded about one mile east of Lüneburg airfield, 
						Germany. {83 missions}. .
					97106 (MSN 7579) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 7Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB769 at Dorval, Montreal 11Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command,
						 Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 20Feb44. Ferried from RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to 
						RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 21Feb44. SOC 21Jun47 [sic]. Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force 
						Service Command Mar44. Modified as cargo/transport aircraft. Designated CB-17G. 312th Ferrying 
						Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, Maghaberry (Station 239), County Down, Northern Ireland. 
						Twelfth Air Force. Ferried to Maison Blanche, Algiers, Algeria 16Aug44 and arrived after the 
						loss of No.2 and No.4 engines. On a post engine change test flight 23Aug44 a wheels up landing 
						was attempted but a wing dug into the ground breaking the fuselage in half and then fire broke out. 
						Salvaged 24Aug44
					97107 (MSN 7580) Accepted by USAAF 28Jan44. 7th Ferrying Service Detachment, 7th Ferrying Group, 
						Bismarck Municipal Airport, ND 2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, 
						serial HB770 at Dorval, Montreal 4Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. 
						Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force Service Command 7Apr44. 563rd Bomb Squadron [K], 
						388th Bomb Group, Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 1Jul44. {first combat mission 8Jul44}. 
						Failed to return from a tactical mission to a supply depot northwest of Beaumont-sur-Oise, 
						France 8Jul44 (8POW:3EVD). The target was completely cloud covered and was not attacked. 
						The group diverted to an alternate target, the railway in the vicinity of Yvetot. Meagre flak was 
						encountered over the targets but flak at Clères caused major damage to the plane. 
						Crashed near Abbeville, France. {1 mission}
					97108 (MSN 7581) McChord Field, Tacoma, WA 1Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, 
						serial HB771 at Dorval, Montreal 14Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. 
						Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 6Mar44. Returned to USAAF. 
						Eighth Air Force Service Command 18Mar44. Base Air Depot No.2, Warton (Station 582), Lancashire. 
						Converted to a transport and liaison aircraft, complete with invasion stripes prior to D-Day. 
						Returned to US 24Jan45. To Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Walnut Ridge Field, AR for storage 
						and disposal 19Dec45. War Assets Administration. Sold to Texas Railway Equipment Company, 
						Houston, TX Sep46; scrapped
					97109 (MSN 7582) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 1Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB772 at Dorval, Montreal 3Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 26Feb44. Ferried Patterson Field, Reykjavik, Iceland to 
						RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 31Mar44. No.12 Maintenance Unit, RAF Kirkbride, Cumberland Apr44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 10May44. No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-Q], 
						No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 18Jul44. Used for radio counter measures, 
						fitted with H2S radome in place of chin turret. Damaged category AC 4Dec44. Scottish Aviation, 
						Prestwick, Scotland 8Dec44 for repair on site. No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-Q], 
						No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 4Apr45. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, 
						Staffordshire 18Aug45 for storage. Non-effective airframe 28Mar46. Sold to International 		
						Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47
					97110 (MSN 7583) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 1Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB773 at Dorval, Montreal 4Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Ferried Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 12Mar44. 
						Returned to USAAF 22Mar44. 87th Ferrying Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, Warton (Station 582), 
						Lancashire. Accident landing at Warton 12Jun44. Returned to US. 1st Base Unit (Headquarters), 
						Bolling Field, Washington, DC 20Aug45. 610th Base Unit (Proving Ground Command), Eglin Field, 
						Valparaiso, FL 13Dec45. Salvaged 29Jan46
					97111 (MSN 7584) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB774 at Dorval, Montreal 20Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 23Feb44, arrived Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores 29Feb44. 
						Ferried from Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 3Mar44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland. Modified by installation of H2S, ‘Mandrel’, ‘Piperjack’ 
						and ‘Jostle’ equipment. No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-G], No.100 Group, 
						RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 7Jun44. Used for radio counter measures. Damaged category AC 11Nov44; 
						landed at Juvincourt (A-68), France with No.1 engine fault. No.151 Repair Unit (Aircraft), 
						2nd Tactical Air Force, Wevelgem, Belgium 27Nov44, repair completed 1Mar45. No.214 
						(Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-G], No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 23Mar45.
						Used by No.1699 Flight for training. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 
						23Aug45 for storage. Sold to International Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47.
					97112 (MSN 7585) Accepted by USAAF 29Jan44. 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 
						Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB775 at Dorval, Montreal 23Feb44. 
						No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 20Feb44. Ferried 
						Patterson Field, Reykjavik, Iceland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 23Feb44. SOC 21Jun47. 
						Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force Service Command. 562nd Bomb Squadron [R], 
						388th Bomb Group, Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 18Mar44.  Named  "Little Joe Jr". 
						{first combat mission 7Jul44}. Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical 
						and synthetic oil works at Leuna, Merseburg, Germany 28Jul44 (1WIA:9RTD). Meagre flak was 
						encountered at Koblenz and Kassel with accurate heavy flak at the target; the ball turret 
						gunner was wounded. Battle damaged on a mission to the Rhenania-Ossag Mineralölwerke 
						oil refinery at Harburg, Hamburg, Germany 4Aug44. Moderate accurate flak was encountered 
						at the target. Battle damaged on a mission to the Braunkohlen Benzin AG synthetic oil refinery 
						northeast of Zeitz, Germany 16Aug44. Intense accurate flak was encountered at the target. 
						Battle damaged on a mission to the I.G. Farben synthetic fuel works at Pölitz, Prussia 25Aug44. 
						Intense and accurate flak was encountered at the target. Battle damaged on a mission to railway 
						marshalling yards at Cologne, Germany 17Oct44. Moderate to intense flak was encountered 
						over the target. 561st Bomb Squadron [A] Nov44. Battle damaged on a mission to railway 
						marshalling yards at Hanau, Germany 5Jan45 (3POW:6EVD). Damaged by flak, force landed near 
						Obergailbach, east of Sarreguemines, France. {54 missions}.  MACR 11562.  Salvaged 21Jan45..
					97113 (MSN 7586) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 1Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB776 at Dorval, Montreal 2Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 15Feb44, arrived Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores 17Feb44. 
						Ferried from Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 17/18Feb44. 
						No.12 Maintenance Unit, RAF Kirkbride, Cumberland Feb44. Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, 
						Scotland 9Mar44. No.1674 Heavy Conversion Unit, RAF Aldergrove, Belfast, Northern 
						Ireland 16Apr44. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 28Sep44. Aeroplane 
						and Armament Experimental Establishment (A&AEE), Boscombe Down, Wiltshire 5Jan45. 
						No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 25Jan45 for storage. Non-effective 
						airframe 28Mar46. Sold to International Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47
					97114 (MSN 7587) Accepted by USAAF 29Jan44. 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 
						2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB777 at Dorval, 
						Montreal 3Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Ferried from 
						RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 21Feb44. Returned to USAAF. 
						Eighth Air Force Service Command 10May44. 560th Bomb Squadron [K], 388th Bomb Group, 
						Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 1Jul44. Named "Borrowed Time"  . The plane was named by 
						the crew which had survived a mid-air collision when flying B-17G 42-31242 
						{first combat mission 6Jul44}. Battle damaged on a mission to the Altmärkische Kettenwerk 
						tank factory at Tegel, Berlin, Germany 5Dec44. Flak over the target was a meagre to moderate 
						barrage with several rockets. Failed to return from a mission to the Braunkohle-Benzin AG 
						synthetic oil refinery at Schwarzheide, Ruhland, Germany 17Mar45 (6KIA:3POW). Struck by flak 
						near Halle, exploded and the wreckage crashed in an area about 500m north of Guteborn, 
						southeast of Ruhland, Germany. {59 missions}. 
					97115 (MSN 7588) Accepted by USAAF 29Jan44. 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 
						8Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB778 at Dorval, Montreal 21Feb44. 
						No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 24Feb44. Ferried to 
						RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 24Feb44. No.12 Maintenance Unit, RAF Kirkbride, Cumberland Feb44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 9Mar44. No.1674 Heavy Conversion Unit, RAF Aldergrove, 
						Belfast, Northern Ireland 10May44. No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 22Oct44. 
						Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough, Hants 28Feb45. Operated by Weapons 
						Engineering Flight and, later, Structures and Mechanical Engineering Flight. Loaned to Ministry of 
						Supply. Controller of Supply (Aircraft) census 31Dec49. Returned to USAAF Sep52. Burtonwood 
						Repair Depot, Warrington, Lancashire 9Sep52 for fire protection tests and presumably burnt on site.
					97116 MSN 7589) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB779 at Dorval, Montreal 8Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 3Apr44. Ferried from RCAF Goose Bay, Labrador to RAF 
						Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 6Apr44. No.12 Maintenance Unit, RAF Kirkbride, Cumberland Apr44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 10May44. Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough, 
						Hants. Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland Oct44. No.214 (Federated Malay States) 
						Squadron [BU-K], No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 14Oct44. No.51 Maintenance Unit, 
						RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 6Jan45. Used for radio counter measures. {33 missions to 21Feb45}. 
						The aircraft was carrying out a bomber support operation the oil refinery at Lutzendorf, a few 
						miles south of Leipzig, Germany on the night of 15/16Mar45. The Fortress had been hit by flak 
						damaging the left inner engine which soon caught fire. Nine members of the crew bailed out 
						of the aircraft over enemy territory. Five were subsequently murdered as POWs by Hitler Youth 
						as they passed through Huchenfeld on their way to Pforzheim, Germany which had recently 
						been destroyed by RAF bombing, causing a firestorm which killed at least 17,000 people. 
						The captain of the Fortress, trapped by an oxygen hose and unable to bail out, and with the 
						engine fire self-extinguished, succeeded in flying the aircraft back to England, landing at 
						Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire with one wheel shot out. Following repairs, it continued in service. 
						{final mission 2May45). No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 23Aug45 for storage. 
						Sold to International Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47
					97117 (MSN 7590) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 2Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB780 at Dorval, Montreal 4Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 4/5Apr44. 
						Scottish Aviation, Prestwick, Scotland 5Apr44 for conversion to Fortress Mark IIIB. No.214 
						(Federated Malay States) Squadron [BU-C], No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 14Jul44. 
						Used for radio counter measures. Damaged category AC 26Dec44. Repaired on site 2Jan45. 
						No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron, No.100 Group, RAF Oulton, Aylsham, Norfolk 23Mar45. 
						No.51 Maintenance Unit, RAF Lichfield, Staffordshire 22Aug45 for storage. Non-effective airframe 
						28Mar46. Sold to International Alloys Ltd 11Mar47. SOC 11Mar47
					97118 (MSN 7591) 7th Ferrying Service Detachment, 7th Ferrying Group, Bismarck Municipal Airport, ND 5Feb44. 
						Delivered to Royal Air Force as Fortress Mark III, serial HB781 at Dorval, Montreal 9Feb44. 
						No.45 Group, Ferry Command, Dorval, Montreal. Ferried RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to 
						RAF Prestwick, Ayr, Scotland 13/14Mar44. Returned to USAAF. Eighth Air Force Service 
						Command 22Mar44. Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, 
						Windsor Locks, CT 1Aug45. 4185th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), 
						Independence Field, KS 30Nov45. 237th Base Unit (Combat Crew Training Station), Kirtland Field, 
						Albuquerque, NM 9Dec45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Oxnard Field, Albuquerque, NM for 
						storage and disposal 7Feb46. War Assets Administration. Sold to Compressed Steel Corporation Jul46; 
					97119 (MSN 7592) 7th Ferrying Group, Gore Field, Great Falls, MT. 6Feb44. Delivered to Royal Air Force 
						as Fortress Mark III, serial HB782 at Dorval, Montreal 10Feb44. No.45 Group, Ferry Command, 
						Dorval, Montreal. Departed Dorval 20Feb44. Ferried from RCAF Gander, Newfoundland to 
						Prestwick (Station 500), Scotland 21Feb44. 87th Transport Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, 
						Grove (Station 519), Berkshire. Major damage in an accident taxying at Grove 31Oct44. 
						Salvaged 2Nov44. SOC 21Jun47.
				97120 (MSN 7593) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					242nd Base Unit (Operational Training Unit), Grand Island Field, NB 15Feb44. Staging Base, 
					21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 29Feb44. 336th Bomb Squadron [ET*E], 95th Bomb Group, 
					Horham (Station 119), Suffolk 3Mar44. Named "Irene's Folly".    Participated in an Operation Frantic II 
					shuttle mission to the Braunkohle-Benzin AG synthetic oil refinery at Schwarzheide, Ruhland, 
					Germany 21Jun44. After the target, the bomber continued east and landed at Mirgorod (Station 561), 
					Ukraine. The Germans had identified the location of the USAAF bomber force so the plane was 
					moved to a fighter airfield at Kharkov, Ukraine later that evening. Operated a mission to the 
					oil refinery and railway marshalling yards at Drohobycz, Poland 26Jun44, continuing on to 
					Foggia #2, Tortorella, a Fifteenth Air Force base in southern Italy. Operated a mission to the 
					railway marshaling yard and repair shops at Arad, Rumania 3Jul44. Operated a mission to 
					railway marshalling yards at Beziers, France and landed back at Horham 5Jul44. Failed to 
					return from a mission to a ball bearing factory at Regensburg, Germany 21Jul44 (6EVD:4POW). 
					One engine out and propeller feathered, crashed Bissen west of Eitelbruck, Luxembourg. {47 missions}. 
				97121 (MSN 7594) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. 1377th Base Unit (North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command), 
					Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 6Apr44. 326th Bomb Squadron [JW*G], 92nd Bomb Group, 
					Podington (Station 109), Bedfordshire 25Apr44. Named "Calamity Jane".  Damaged in collision 
					with B-17G 43-37559 taxying at Podington 13Jul44. Failed to return from a mission to Peenemünde, 
					Prussia 25Aug44 (9INT). Damaged by flak with two engines out. Force landed at Sövde, Sweden. 
					Returned to UK. Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, 
					Windsor Locks, CT 13Jul45. 4185th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), 
					Independence Field, KS 30Nov45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, 
					Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 14Dec45. War Assets Administration. 
					Sold to Wunderlich Contracting Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped
				97122 (MSN 7595) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 4Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 25Feb44. 751st Bomb Squadron [H], 
					457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 17Mar44. On a navigation 
					training exercise to RAF Oakley, Buckinghamshire 10May44, on takeoff from Oakley, 
					fire broke out in the nose compartment. The pilot stopped the plane and ordered the 
					crew out. Salvaged 12May44
				97123 (MSN 7596) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 6Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 25Feb44. 751st Bomb Squadron [L], 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 8Mar44.  Named "Ipana Smile" aka "Old 123 aka Character".   
					Artwork of shark’s teeth around chin gun turret
					(110 missions). Returned to US. 121st Base Unit (Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor 
					Locks, CT 9Jun44. 4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), South Plains Field, 
					Lubbock, TX 14Jun45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, Kingman Field, AZ for 
					storage and disposal 14Dec45. War Assets Administration. Sold to Wunderlich Contracting Company, 
					Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped
				97124 ((MSN 7597) Accepted by USAAF 31Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, 
					Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 20Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 27Feb44. 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 11Mar44. 545th Bomb Squadron [JD*M], 384th Bomb Group, 
					Grafton Underwood (Station 106), Northamptonshire 12Mar44. Named "The Joker".  {first combat mission 18Mar44}. 
					Failed to return from a mission to the ball bearing factories at Schweinfurt, Germany 13Apr44
					 (6EVD:3POW:1KIA). On the way into the target, the bomber was attacked by enemy fighters. Badly 
					damaged by the enemy action, a gunner was killed by a 30mm shell. The remaining crew bailed 
					out between Vielsalm and Bérismenil, Belgium. The aircraft crashed and exploded on the hill at 
					Les Crestelles, west of Bérismenil, southeast of Namur, Belgium. {8 missions}. A monument 
					incorporating two of the original propellers was dedicated at the crash site on May 20, 1984.
				97125 (MSN 7598) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, 
					Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 26Feb44. 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), 
					Huntingdonshire 13Mar44. 401st Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group, Bassingbourn (Station 121), 
					Cambridgeshire 16Mar44.  Named "Buccaneer".  Failed to return from a mission to the Heinkel 
					Flugzeugwerke aircraft factory at Oranienburg, Germany 22Mar44 (10POW). The weather 
					confounded efforts to attack the Heinkel Flugzeugwerke aircraft factory, the bombers diverted to 
					Berlin to destroy the Friedrichstraße railway station. Flak over Berlin was more intense than 
					on previous missions. Damaged by flak, the crew attempted to return home but then had to bail out. 
					The pilot remained at the controls until the plane was down to 500 feet then bailed out. 
					Crashed Behlicke estate, near Genthin, due west of Berlin, Germany.  MACR 3412
				97126  (MSN 7599) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 29Jan44. Alexandria Field, LA 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 4Mar44. 351st Bomb Squadron [EP*D], 100th Bomb Group, 
					Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), Norfolk 6Mar44.  Named"The Latest Rumor/Silver Dollar" . 
					{first combat mission 13Apr44}. Severe battle damage on a mission to industrial areas of Berlin, 
					Germany 19May44 with damage to the fuselage, wing and No.2 fuel tank. On an Operation
					Frantic II shuttle mission to the Braunkohle-Benzin AG synthetic oil refinery at Schwarzheide, 
					Ruhland, Germany 21Jun44, the aircraft force landed with fuel exhaustion near Kiev, Ukraine 
					21Jun44. Poltava (Station 559), Ukraine. Operated a mission to the the oil refinery and marshalling 
					yards at Drohobycz, Poland 26Jun44 and landed at a Fifteenth Air Force base in southern Italy. 
					Operated a mission to the railway marshaling yard and repair shops at Arad, Rumania 3Jul44. 
					Operated a mission to railway marshalling yards at Beziers, France and landed back at Thorpe 
					Abbotts 5Jul44. Participated in an Operation Frantic VII mission to drop supplies to the resistance 
					forces in Warsaw, Poland 18Sep44. After the target, the bomber continued east and landed at 
					Poltava (Station 559), Ukraine. Operated a mission to the railway marshalling yards at Szolnok, 
					Hungary 19Sep44 and continued on to land at a Fifteenth Air Force base in southern Italy. 
					Returned to Thorpe Abbotts 23Sep44. Battle damage on a mission to Ludwigshafen, Germany 5Nov44. 
					Flak over the battle lines and at the target was intense and accurate. Flak hit No.7 ‘Tokyo’ fuel tank. 
					Battle damage on a mission to the I.G. Farben chemical and synthetic oil works at Leuna, Meresburg, 
					Germany 30Nov44, force landed at Brussels, Belgium. Repaired and regained by Group Feb45. 
					Modified with all guns, armament and ball turret removed with a wooden floor built over the 
					bomb bay. Operation Revival; liberated prisoners of war from Russian controlled Stalag Luft No.I, 
					Barth, Germany. British POWs were flown to southern England; American POWs were flown to 
					Laon-Couvron (A-70), France. On a Revival mission, the aircraft was damaged landing at 
					Hörsching (R-87), Austria 16May45. The pilot levelled off too high and landed hard on the left l
					anding gear, causing it to collapse and swinging the aircraft around. The aircraft was bulldozed 
					clear by a tank. {103 missions + 6 Chowhound + 2 Revival}. Salvaged 24May45
				97127 (MSN 7600) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 14Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, 
					Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 25Feb44. 535th Bomb Squadron [MS*P], 381st Bomb Group, 
					Ridgewell (Station 167), Essex 6Mar44. 349th Bomb Squadron [XR*J], 100th Bomb Group, 
					Thorpe Abbotts (Station 139), Norfolk 7Mar44.  Named "Captain Crow"  Failed to return from a mission 
					to the Sudetenländische Treibstoffwerke AG synthetic oil refinery at Záluží, Brüx, Sudetenland 12May44 
					(9POW:1KIA). Flak damaged No.3 engine and the propeller was feathered. Aircraft crashed north of 
					?eský Ji?etín, 20km northwest of Brüx, Sudetenland. The fuselage had separated from the wings and 
					broken in two. The nose section and tail turret were also separated from the fuselage. The wing inner 
					section had been destroyed by fire and the wing tips were lying about 1km apart.   MACR 4867
				97128 (MSN 7601) Accepted by USAAF 31Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. Alexandria Field, LA 15Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport 
					Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 4Mar44. 457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), 
					Huntingdonshire 6Mar44. 384th Bomb Group, Grafton Underwood (Station 106), 
					Northamptonshire 12Mar44. 526th Bomb Squadron [LF*M], 379th Bomb Group, 
					Kimbolton (Station 117), Huntingdonshire Dec44, The aircraft hit a pole just after takeoff for a 
					mission 24Dec44 which damaged the plane and was forced to return to Kimbolton. 
					Transferred to 527th Bomb Squadron [FO*M].  Named 'Screwball Express'.
					Failed to return from a mission to an ordnance depot at Ingolstadt, Germany 5Apr45 (2KIA:6RTD). 
					Crashed Bellheim, Germany. {125 missions
				97129 (MSN 7602) Accepted by USAAF 31Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY 31Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 12Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 25Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 10Mar44. 337th Bomb 
					Squadron [AW*B], 96th Bomb Group, Snetterton Heath (Station 138), Norfolk 13Mar44.  Named "Skipper"
					Failed to return from a mission to the Heinkel Flugzeugwerke aircraft factory at Marienehe, Rostock, 
					Germany 11Apr44 (10POW). Shot down by enemy fighters. Crash landed at Stoltebüll, two miles 
					northwest Kappeln, Germany.  MACR 3816
				97130 (MSN 7603) Accepted by USAAF 31Jan44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY 2Feb44. Alexandria Field, LA 9Feb44. Davis-Monthan Field, Tucson, AZ 20Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 2Mar44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 4Mar44. 731st Bomb Squadron, 
					452nd Bomb Group, Deopham Green (Station 142), Norfolk Mar44. 570th Bomb Squadron [DI*Q], 
					390th Bomb Group, Framlingham (Station 153), Suffolk 3Jul44. Participated in an Operation 
					Frantic V shuttle mission to the Flugzeugwerk Gotenhafen Kurt Kannenberg AG Focke-Wulf 
					assembly works at Rahmel, Gdynia, Poland 6Aug44. After the target, the bomber continued 
					east and landed at Mirgorod (Station 561), Ukraine. Operated a mission to an oil refinery 
					at Trzebinia, Poland 7Aug44, returning to Ukraine. Operated a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield 
					at Zili?tea, Rumania 8Aug44, continuing on to a Fifteenth Air Force base in southern Italy. 
					Returned to England on a mission to a Luftwaffe airfield at Francazal, Toulouse, France 12Aug44. 
					Failed to return from a mission to the Rheinmetall Borsig armaments factory at Düsseldorf, 
					Germany 9Sep44 (9POW). A minute before the bombs were released over the target, anti-aircraft 
					guns unleashed intense flak that completely engulfed the Group. Flak struck No.3 engine and set 
					it on fire. It fell out of formation above the target area and exploded a minute later. All ten 
					members of the crew were able to bail out. Crashed at Lüdenscheid, Germany. 9 crew POWs   
					MACR 8913.  Named "The Avenger II"
				97131 MSN 7604) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 15Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 25Feb44. 751st Bomb Squadron [Z], 
					457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 8Mar44.  Named *Home James*.
					Damaged in collision with B-17G 42-32079 taxying at Glatton 18May44. Failed to return 
					from a mission to the Damiler-Benz engine works at Genshagen just south of Berlin, 
					Germany 31Jul44 (5POW:4KIA). Hit by flak over the target, the No.2 engine was hit and 
					fuel from broken fuel lines ignited. Soon the whole wing was ablaze. The pilot dove out 
					of formation trying to blow out the flames but to no avail. The order was given to bail out. 
					One of the crew, exiting from the nose escape hatch, had his parachute hang up on the
					ball turret and he died when the plane exploded. Wreckage crashed at Genshagen, Germany. 
				97132 Airport, WY 29Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. North 
					Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 1Mar44. 
					562nd Bomb Squadron [H], 388th Bomb Group, Knettishall (Station 136), Suffolk 6Mar44  
					Named "Silver Lady/Double Trouble"   (first combat mission 22Mar44}. 
					Battle damaged on a mission to railway facilities around Berlin, Germany 29Apr44 (1KIA:9RTD). 
					The combat wing was off course heading to Berlin, attacked by enemy fighters and bombed 
					Magdeburg. Flak over the target was very accurate, resulting in the death of the pilot. 
					Accident aborting from a mission to a railway marshalling yard at Tours, France 8Jun44 (11KIA).
					Before reaching the target, the aircraft developed engine trouble and the pilot made the 
					decision to return to base. A fire started within the flight deck and fuselage. This fire caused a
					bomb to explode, disintegrating parts of the aircraft and causing it to crash at Plantation Farm, 
					fourteen miles west of Thetford, Norfolk, one mile from Shippea Hill railway station, 
					Cambridgeshire. All crew members were killed in the crash and subsequent fire. {20 missions}. 
					Salvaged 9Jun44.  MACR 15176
				97133 (MSN 7606) Accepted by USAAF 1Feb44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, 
					Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY Feb44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney 
					Field, NB 12Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 2Mar44. 
					367th Bomb Squadron [GY*W], 306th Bomb Group, Thurleigh (Station 111), 
					Bedfordshire 26Mar44.  Named 'Pretty Baby'.  Battle damaged on a tactical 
					mission in support of Operation Overlord to Rouen, France 8Aug44 (1WIA:9RTD). Battle 
					damaged during a mission to the railway marshalling yards and station at Nürnberg, 
					Germany 20Feb45 (1WIA:8RTD); over the target the waist gunner was struck by flak. 
					Battle damaged by flak over Torgau on a mission to a railway marshalling yard at 
					Falkenberg, Germany 19Apr45. 91st Bomb Group, Bassingbourn (Station 121), 
					Cambridgeshire 30May45. {105 missions}. Returned to US. 121st Base Unit 
					(Redeployment Processing), Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, CT 11Jun45. 
					4168th Base Unit (Oklahoma City Air Technical Service Command), South Plains Field, 
					Lubbock, TX 21Oct45.  To Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, 
					Kingman Field, AZ for storage and disposal 8Dec45. War Assets Administration. 
					Sold to Wunderlich Contracting Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped.
				97134  (MSN 7607) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal Airport, WY 29Jan44. 
					Gore Field, Great Falls, MT 7Feb44. Hunter Field, Savannah, GA 23Feb44. 
					1104th Base Unit (Caribbean Wing, Air Transport Command), Homestead Field, FL 15Mar44. 
					Fifteenth Air Force, Italy. 353rd Bomb Squadron, 301st Bomb Group, Foggia #8 (Longskirt), 
					Lucera, Italy Mar44. Major damage in an accident landing at Foggia Main, Italy 30Mar44. 
					Declared ‘war weary’. Reassigned for utility, training and weather check aircraft 9Oct44. 
					Air Depot 25Mar45. Returned to US. 593rd Base Unit (Air Transport Command), Charleston 
					Field, SC 28Oct45. To  Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Walnut Ridge Field, AR for 
					storage and disposal 8Jan46. War Assets Administration. Sold to Texas Railway Equipment 
					Company, Houston, TX Sep46; scrapped
				97135 (MSN 7608) Accepted by USAAF 1Feb44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY Feb44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. 
					North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 27Feb44. 
					710th Bomb Squadron [IJ*N], 447th Bomb Group, Rattlesden (Station 126), Suffolk 3Mar44. 
					Failed to return from a mission to railway facilities around Berlin, Germany 29Apr44 (10POW). 
					The combat wing was off course heading to Berlin, attacked by enemy fighters and bombed 
					Magdeburg. Enemy aircraft damaged No.1 engine and set the aircraft on fire. Crashed Zermützel, 
					thee miles north of Neuruppin, Germany.   MACR 4252
				97136 ((MSN 7609) Accepted by USAAF 1Feb44. United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne 
					Municipal Airport, WY 30Jan44. 302nd Base Unit (Staging Wing), Hunter Field, Savannah, GA 22Feb44. 
					457th Bomb Group, Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 11Mar44. 544th Bomb Squadron [SU*J], 
					384th Bomb Group, Grafton Underwood (Station 106), Northamptonshire 12Mar44. 
					{first combat mission 16Mar44}. Failed to return from a Crossbow mission to a German V-weapon 
					site in the Pas-de-Calais, France 27Apr44 (10KIA). Struck by a direct burst of flak on the left wing. 
					The aircraft caught fire, dropped out of formation and entered a spin, crashing near Le Pont Durand, 
					2km west of Valognes, France. {17 missions}.
				97137 (MSN 7610) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 30Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 16Feb44. North Atlantic Wing, 
					Air Transport Command, Presque Isle Field, ME 28Feb44. 751st Bomb Squadron [F], 457th Bomb Group, 
					Glatton (Station 130), Huntingdonshire 9Mar44. Named "Silver Queen"  Failed to return from a Crossbow mission to a 
					German V-weapon site at Gorenflos, Pas de Calais, France 20Apr44 (8KIA:2POW). Returning from the 
					mission it took a direct hit from flak in the radio room. The plane exploded, broke in half and was 
					seen spiraling down in two pieces. It crashed 500 meters west of Bailleul, 6km south of Abbeville. 
				97138 (MSN 7611) United Air Lines, Modification Center #10, Cheyenne Municipal 
					Airport, WY 30Jan44. Staging Base, 21st Bomb Wing, Kearney Field, NB 27Feb44. North Atlantic 
					Wing, Air Transport Command, Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 5Mar44. 
					332nd Bomb Squadron [XM*C], 94th Bomb Group, Rougham (Station 468), Bury St Edmunds, 
					Suffolk 12Mar44. Battle damaged on a mission to the Heinkel Flugzeugwerke aircraft 
					factory at Oranienburg, Germany 18Apr44 (1POW). The bombers arrived over Oranienburg
					to find the town covered by a thick undercast. Forced to decide between abandoning the 
					mission or bringing the formation down under the clouds, the air leader had the planes 
					drop down to 17,000ft in order to make their attack run. The bomber encountered intense 
					flak over Oranienburg. Failed to return from a mission to Freidrichshafen, Germany 
					24Apr44 (10INT). Flak damaged No.3 engine. Force landed Dübendorf, Zürich, Switzerland. 
					Returned to US. 1377th Base Unit (North Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command), 
					Grenier Field (Station 16), Manchester, NH 14Sep45. 4185th Base Unit (Oklahoma City 
					Air Technical Service Command), Independence Field, KS 16Sep45. 
					To Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Storage Depot No.41, Kingman Field, AZ for 
					storage and disposal 4Nov45. War Assets Administration. Sold to Wunderlich Contracting 
					Company, Jefferson City, MO Jul46; scrapped